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How to set status on VKontakte. Statuses for you!!! Beautiful statuses for VKontakte

Many users wonder what status they can set in VK. In fact, there is no clear answer here. It all depends only on your own desires. Any ideas? In this case, you can turn to some popular techniques. Cool statuses for “VK” now are what many are trying to find, so as not to invent or invent their own sayings. This means that users lack originality. Let's try to figure out what can be written in the status line on a social network. Maybe you'll find something for yourself.


The first option that can be offered is to write the most ordinary text. What you feel. If you don’t know what status you can set in VK, then this is the most appropriate step. In any case, this is what most users do.

You can write what you think, what you feel, what you want. The main thing is to do it with soul, from the heart. You should not hope that it will bring you popularity and praise from others. They usually just fill in the blanks on your profile. But cool statuses for VK can really attract attention. But where can you get them when you have absolutely no ideas in this regard?

Sayings and quotes

For example, you can use this method as writing someone’s phrases or quotes. This is a very popular technique. And, to be honest, it is widespread on all social networks. The main thing is to choose a topic. It's best to do this based on your interests, personality traits, and current experiences.

Statuses about love or feelings are more suitable for girls. For men - about goals and their implementation. What status can I set in VK? The most popular quotes are from philosophers, writers and other thinkers. For example, you can write a saying by Albert Einstein, Haruki Murakami, Blok, Pushkin, and so on.

True, recently more and more users prefer phrases from films, cartoons and quotes from fictional characters. Also a good option. Very often you can find “Smile and wave!” from the penguins from "Madagascar". Or something like "It's all because someone eats too much!" from the rabbit from Winnie the Pooh. The main thing here is to be smart. Pick something really cool, funny and entertaining. After that, save the selected status.

Try to avoid depressive moods and motives. Not the best way to attract attention to yourself. If you feel bad and sad, you can choose a quote that will motivate you to move on, encourage you to some extent.


Statuses in VK using symbols are another very interesting phenomenon. They are not written independently. Usually they are only copied from specialized sites. And they represent some pictures or faces.

Young people love this technique. It adds originality and unusualness to the profile. This is exactly what many users are chasing. Find specialized sites that offer a variety of symbol status categories. And then follow the simple navigation, which will help you quickly and easily set the inscription to your profile.

But this is not all that is possible on the social network. Many users, thinking about what status they can set on VK, do not find an answer and decide on... emoticons! It would seem, what stupidity! But this is a very interesting approach to solving the problem. After all, there are a lot of different “smiles”. And they can be combined with text. Let's take a closer look at this scenario.

A smile will make everyone warmer

Emoticons are, as already mentioned, a very common option for statuses. But it’s not so easy to install it. Yes, you can draw a smiley face with symbols, but in this case it will not be beautiful. But colored “smile” pictures are a completely different matter.

In order to draw them, you need to go to the VKontakte emoticon database and copy a specific symbol into the status line. It is invisible to the user, but the system recognizes it as a picture. You will see the image when you click on the “Save” button in the status bar.

Where can I get all the codes that I can? In special groups on VKontakte. They are called “VK Emoticons”. Add some original picture to the beginning, middle or end of your text - this will add beauty and originality. For example, you can easily draw a heart or a ring, a kitten or a couple in love there. Imagine and be creative! Cool statuses for VK are the individual work of each user!

Almost every VKontakte user wants to put some kind of status on their page. He plays a significant role in the social network, because he helps profile visitors understand the mood of the owner. Status allows you to attract attention and attract new friends or clients if the account is used for commercial purposes.

What status can I set in VK? This question probably worries many users. Interesting ideas do not always come to a person right away. Sometimes you have to spend a lot of time on this.

There are certain techniques that help owners of personal pages cope with this task:

  • reflect the emotions experienced by a person at a given period of time;
  • write about your desires, dreams, thoughts;
  • place bright and memorable text to attract the attention of others;
  • talk about an important event in your life so that your friends know about it;
  • dedicate warm words to your loved one or loved one;
  • report the services provided if the account owner is promoting something;
  • congratulate friends on a significant celebration;
  • prank or make everyone laugh.

There are also people who are not tormented by the question of what status can be set in VK. They just leave the line blank.

Traditional options

Young representatives of the stronger sex traditionally put emoticons, funny poems, short humorous statements, and music in their status. Older people often use clever quotes from great philosophers, thinkers, writers, and write about their goals and their achievement. For example:

Life consists of a set of accidents, but their sequence is determined by the person himself.
There is no point in living with past mistakes; it is better to strive for future victories.
I can always see perfection, all I have to do is go to the mirror!

What status can you give to a girl's "VK"? The beautiful half of humanity prefers to talk about their feelings, love, sadness. If a person knows how to beautifully express his own thoughts, then it’s worth composing a status yourself, so that you certainly don’t come across it on someone else’s page. Let's say:

I can’t imagine life without you, you and I have the same destiny!
When you hold my palm in your strong hand, I understand that I can overcome anything!
Disappointment is a difficult experience, but it makes us move forward to find something better and more beautiful.

Original ideas

If the owner of the account wants to attract attention and interest subscribers, then he seriously approaches the question of what status can be set on VK. There are many good ideas:
  1. Find the code of the desired emoticon using specialized groups. They have a huge assortment of all kinds of pictures, which is updated frequently.
  2. There are many resources on the World Wide Web where you can copy original symbols. Their variety is also great.
  3. To please your loved one, you can write a couple of gentle sentences about him. What kind of “VK” status can you put about love? If you can’t write anything suitable, then you can always compose a text based on other people’s creative ideas. Eg: " For me, loving you is not a test, but the greatest gift!" or " As long as you're around, I can do anything!"
  4. Some people prefer to look for statuses in the Bible. Moreover, this method is used not only by believers.
  5. Japanese haiku will help you to say something briefly and succinctly.
  6. A person with a sense of humor can put a funny pun on their page.
  7. Sometimes it’s interesting to deliberately make mistakes in order to achieve an exciting pun and provoke friends to comment on the status.
  8. For people working on VKontakte, bright and memorable slogans are suitable.

Thus, you can think for a very long time about what status you can set in VK, because the variety of options is endless. If you use your imagination, you can decorate, transform or make your profile profitable.

Status– a rather abstract and ambiguous term. It is used in linguistics, chemistry, law, medicine, and now on the Internet. The word "status" is translated from Latin as "position, condition." It was not for nothing that the person who first thought of creating such an option on the site called it status, because from a short, succinct phrase posted in the questionnaire, one can determine the current emotional state of the author.

Not everyone “says” something in statuses, but if you want set status on VKontakte, and don’t know how to do it, then now we’ll figure it out.

On the main page to the right of your photo, immediately below your first and last name it is written in gray letters "change status". When you hover over this button, your index finger will appear, and any user knows that in this case it is the active button. By clicking on it, a field will appear in which you can write the status you have chosen. After that, don’t forget to press the blue button "Save". And that’s it – status on your page!

I would like to draw your attention to the following nuance: the length of the selected status for installation on VKontakte cannot exceed 140 characters.

Well, and finally, a few words about the statuses themselves. There are people who come up with statuses themselves, and there are those who look for them and simply quote them on their pages. Many of us have visited sites that offer a lot of statuses. For convenience and quick search of the desired status, they are divided into categories:

Funny statuses:

○ I love variety in bed - I sleep in different pajamas every night...

○ In our house, dad decides everything!!! And who our dad is - mom decides!

○ Is Nastya at home? No, Nastya is no more... She left our world... Did she die? No! Registered in VKontakte!

○ Now acquaintance begins with the phrase: “Are you in contact?”

Sad statuses:

○ Deep loneliness is when you walk down the street in the evening, and even mosquitoes don’t bite you...

○ Thanks for your accuracy. The spit is clearly in the center of the soul.

○ Reality knows how to knock the rose-colored lenses out of glasses

Statuses for guys:

○ And don’t tell me that you spent the night with your friends! I spent the night with your friends, you weren't there!

○ Why do women say: “The man said it, the man did it!” These are two different men, one said it and the other did it.

○ A woman is like a can of beer: she looks good, smells good and one is never enough.

○ Insomnia is when a girl sleeps next to you in just her panties, but you promised not to pester her.

Statuses for girls:

○ If a blonde’s hair roots darken, it means her brain is still resisting!

○ - You're a fool. -But she’s beautiful. -Who told you? -You! -And you believed it? -Certainly! -What a fool. -But beautiful!

○ You're several billion breaths late, I've been a stranger's girl for a long time.

Statuses about life:

○ No matter what life teaches us, but the heart believes in miracles...

○ I want a dark streak in my life... black sea, black caviar, black Bentley.

○ Toilet paper is the only white line in life, and everyone is trying to trash it!

Statuses about love:

○ It’s hard to be friends when you want to kiss...

○ - I love you. - What?! Oh, sorry. It should have been - hello, how are you, what are you doing. But I made a bad mistake...

○ I can't live in a world without you.

○ The best way to ruin a relationship is to start sorting it out.

○ If a woman says she hates you, it means she loves you, but you’re an asshole!

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Of course, in order to be interesting and attract attention, you need to be able to write funny. VK statuses are mostly funny and interesting. Our site can help you speak in such a way that people understand you and that your statements are not worse than others.
VK is a serious resource where everyone reads each other with great interest. Cool thought forms can make the user popular.

New VK statuses

In the new year, even though it has just begun, many new interesting sayings have appeared. This makes everyone happy because it shows that people continue to think and invent new solutions to old problems. The appearance of new thought forms was influenced by the events that marked the beginning of the new year, and by the fact that people changed a little and received new judgments about some old and ordinary things. They say that “the new is the well forgotten old.” In this case, the old truth is only half right. In fact, many sayings have no analogues, and you can see this if you look through the collection of our resource.

Beautiful statuses for VKontakte

As before, great attention is paid to the beauty of thoughts. On our site, as before, Love reigns supreme. The most beautiful sayings are dedicated to her. She is the queen and legislator of that direction of thought that is dedicated to the sensual side of man.
They express themselves beautifully both about their feelings and about their relatives. This category of thought forms helps people get closer and begin to understand each other, forgive mistakes and strive for positive thinking.

VK statuses with meaning

It is worth saying that the administration of our site has long noticed the desire of our users to search and find in our collection something that is endowed with deep meaning. This makes us happy and directs us towards replenishing the resource because it speaks of a person’s ability to analyze and express themselves in a sophisticated manner.
Statements with meaning are our specialty. Can you understand their meaning and appreciate the hidden desires of those who wrote them?

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