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How to install a pre-reform font on a computer. Easy installation method

A monitor is a device with constant eye contact, and not only the user's health, but also the perception of the information displayed on the screen depends on how the monitor is configured.

Since monitors are different, both in type and format, it may happen that the Windows 7 operating system for some reason incorrectly detects the monitor, which will result in distortion of the displayed information. In this case, you need to configure the operation of the system with the screen yourself.

To open the display settings window, first open the Control Panel.

Rice. 6.1. Launching the Screen mechanism

As mentioned above, using the Display component, you can adjust parameters such as screen resolution and orientation, font size and way of displaying it, etc. Let us consider further how, using these parameters, you can make information display acceptable for perception.


If you do not know what screen resolution is and why you need it at all, then in this section we will conduct theoretical training.

The screen resolution should be understood as the number of horizontal and vertical points, with the help of which the final picture is formed on the monitor. The more such points there are, the higher the quality of the displayed picture and the more useful information can fit on the screen.

Any monitor is capable of displaying only as many dots as its physical limitations allow. For example, the maximum resolution for monitors with a diagonal of 17 and 19 inches is 1280 x 1024 dots, for a monitor with a diagonal of 21 inches - 1600 x 1200 dots, etc. At the same time, work with lower resolutions is supported, but this affects the image quality , which is especially noticeable on LCD monitors.

Thus, if you see that the current screen resolution leads to image distortion, blurring or other artifacts, then the operating system incorrectly determined the type of monitor, setting one of the lower resolutions. In this case, your task is to achieve the maximum picture quality by setting the standard (maximum) screen image for it.

It's very easy to change the resolution. To begin with, on the left side of the Screen window that appears, select the Configure screen resolution link. The content of the window will change and it will look as shown in Fig. 6.2.

The content of this window shows which display parameters are currently being used to work with the operating system. Specifically, the current screen resolution is displayed in the Resolution list in the center of the window. This parameter must be used to change the screen resolution. If you click on this list, you will see a slider (fig. 6.3). By changing its position, you can set the desired value, which is displayed next to the slider, so you can easily choose the one that you think is necessary.


Since monitors also differ in format, be sure to keep this fact in mind when choosing a resolution. For widescreen monitors, resolutions are used that have many more dots horizontally than vertically. An example of such resolutions would be 1280 x 600, 1280 x 720, etc.

Rice. 6.2. Screen control options

The screen resolution is changed after clicking OK or Apply. In this case, a window may appear asking if you need to save the changes made. The answer to it depends on whether you like the result of changing the resolution or not. If you are not satisfied with the picture quality, the adjustment can be made again.


The ability to change the orientation of an image has been around for a long time, ever since the introduction of LCD monitors that could be rotated 90 °. This approach allows you to increase the amount of displayed information and view it in a more convenient form. In addition, an additional monitor or TV is often connected to the computer, the format of which may differ from the format of the monitor, so changing the orientation of the image may be simply necessary. And if earlier it was possible to change the orientation only by adjusting the video card driver, now this can be done using the system options for setting the screen.

Rice. 6.3. Changing the screen resolution

To change the orientation, you need to select the required value from the Orientation list (Fig. 6.4). There are four options for image orientation. By the way, you can see how the monitor will show in the selected orientation "without leaving the checkout": when you move the pointer to the appropriate position, the image of the monitor, which is drawn in the upper part of the window, changes.

Rice. 6.4. Change the orientation of the image

Before changing the orientation, make sure that the device to which the effect will be applied is selected correctly from the list. By default, all changes apply specifically to the computer monitor, so if you need to change the orientation of a TV connected to your computer, do not forget to indicate this by selecting the appropriate position from the Display list.

Image orientation changes after clicking OK or Apply.

6.3. FONT

The information displayed on the monitor screen is displayed using

A specific font size. At the same time, applications that use in their work

System fonts come under the control of the operating system and it itself can

Adjust the font size, which immediately affects all running visuals


Since there is no age limit for computer users and anyone can work with it, there must be mechanisms that can facilitate the perception of information for both young and old users. And there are such mechanisms.

The main problem faced by the older generation when working on a computer is too small text and interface controls. And if some programs, for example a text or spreadsheet editor, allow you to control the scale of the text, then the main part of the software is deprived of such functionality. In addition, the scale of the text does not affect the size of the rest of the application interface, so changing the scale of the text has only a partial effect.

You can use different methods to control the scale of the image, for example, reduce the screen resolution or buy a monitor with a large single dot size. However, these approaches degrade image quality, resulting in even more eye fatigue.

Another way to solve this problem is to use a system mechanism that allows you to increase or decrease the font size. At the same time, all inscriptions and text are enlarged and the image quality does not deteriorate. True, some labels on controls may display incorrectly (they will not fit on surfaces limited by size), but most often this is insignificant.

The ability to work with fonts appeared a long time ago and was already available in Windows 98. The Windows 7 operating system did not deviate from tradition and uses the same mechanism that has already proved itself well.

There are three standard font modes to choose from: small, medium ^ large. The small font size is used by default, the remaining two can be used at your discretion.

To select a different font size, it is enough to set the font switch to the required position in the Screen window (Fig. 6.5) and click the Apply button. Moreover, if you have chosen a large font size, that is, 150% (100% is the small print size), then the system will honestly warn you that some of the controls may be distorted, as I said above. If that doesn't scare you, ignore the warning. In addition, you can always return to the original settings.

In addition to the standard sizes, you can set some intermediate font sizes, for which the link Other font size (dots per inch) is used

On the left side of the Display window. When you click on it, a window will open. Using the slider in it, you can choose the font size that you think is more acceptable.

Rice. 6.5. Changing the font size


When switching from CRT monitors to liquid crystal monitors, many users are faced with the fact that large text on the screen looks angular, and this, with frequent work with text (text and spreadsheet editors, e-mail, etc.), leads to eye fatigue. For this reason, Microsoft has developed technology ClearType (English clear - "clear, clearly visible"; type - "font"), which allows you to smooth screen fonts, making text more readable.

By the way, many monitor manufacturers supply a utility along with the monitor, with the help of which the desired effect is achieved, or they embed an appropriate algorithm into the monitor hardware that performs similar actions.

Windows 7 can also use ClearType technology. To do this, in the window shown in Fig. 6.5, you need to click on the link ClearType text settings, in the window that appears (Fig. 6.6) select the Enable ClearType checkbox and click Next.

Rice. 6.6. Using ClearType Technology

If this has improved the display of the text, then we have achieved the desired result. Otherwise, you will have to try other methods of influencing the image.

When working at a computer for a long time, our precious eyesight is exposed to the greatest stress. Many users who have to sit at the monitor all day complain of rapid eye fatigue and decreased visual acuity. One way to ease the strain on your eyes is to customize your Windows fonts. Microsoft has developed ClearType technology, which is specifically designed for LCD monitors to smooth screen fonts for improved screen readability. However, for the best effect, it is recommended that you adjust the anti-aliasing according to your personal preference. It is also worth making the optimum setting for the screen font size.

To enter the font settings, right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select the item Personalization... Then in the lower left part of the window, click on the section Screen.

In the next window, go to item Customizing ClearType Text.

Then press the button Further and customize the display of the text according to the four suggested items. At the end, click on the button Ready... Try to open some text document and see if it is easy to read. If you are not satisfied with the result, then go back to the ClearType setting and reconfigure the anti-aliasing.

In the case when it seems to you that the screen font is a little small and you have to strain to make out the letters, you should slightly increase it. To increase the size of the screen font, in the window Screen go to item Different font size.

A new window will open in which you can set your font size, as a percentage of the standard. To change the size, you can use the slider, or set a specific percentage in the scale window.

To apply the settings made, you will need to log out. After the second login, the font will be changed.

Displaying information on a computer should be not only clear, but also comfortable in general. So that you don't have to strain your eyes once again to read what is written on the screen. And so that all the information fits on the display. Therefore, you have to think about how to reduce the font on the computer. The best tips and tricks on this matter will be presented to your attention below. In reality, there are a huge number of solutions.

System settings

Let's take a look at the system settings first. In this case, the entire system font will change. In other words, the size of the icons and labels on the PC.

How do I customize the font on my computer? This can be done after performing the following steps:

  1. Right-click on any free space on the desktop.
  2. Select "Personalization".
  3. Go to "Window Color" and "Additional Appearance Options".
  4. Select the desired item and then set the desired settings. For example, you can also specify its size.
  5. Click on "OK / Save".


How can I reduce the font on my computer? The next solution decreases or increases (depending on the selected parameters) all icons, labels and elements of the operating system.

It's about changing the screen resolution. The larger it is, the smaller the font will be. For example, a resolution of 800x600 pixels will make Windows elements appear large. And 1366x768 is small.

How do I reduce the font size on my computer? Would need:

  1. Turn on the PC and wait until the OS is fully loaded.
  2. Press RMB on any free space on the desktop.
  3. Click on the "Screen Resolution" label.
  4. In the "Resolution" section, by moving the slider, set the desired parameters.
  5. Click on "Save". Then you will need to click on "Apply".

Important: font reduction by screen resolution usually occurs when you move the slider up. If you move it down, all elements of the desktop will increase. And the font as well.

Font only

But that's not all. With the advent of Windows 7, users were provided with quite a lot of options for personalizing the OS. The fact is that, if desired, a person is able to leave the resolution the same, and change the font. This is a rather rare phenomenon, but it is encountered in practice.

How can I reduce the font on my computer? You will need to do the following:

  1. Click on the RMB on the desktop.
  2. Click the cursor on the line "Personalization".
  3. Find the "Screen" menu in the window that appears. It is located at the bottom left.
  4. Select "Other font size".
  5. Set the desired parameters. Moving the slider to the right increases the size of the letters, to the left - decreases it. It is also permissible to use a percentage of the current parameters.
  6. Confirm changes.

Everything is extremely simple and straightforward. In addition to such a solution, it is permissible, when going to the "Screen" section, to set the parameters for displaying the picture on the screen in the right part of the window that appears. They are not always there, this is quite normal.


How do I reduce the font on my computer screen? We have already got acquainted with the basic layouts. Modern operating systems are not limited to them only.

Believe it or not, you can only change the display of individual applications. For example, browsers. In them, the scale is adjusted in just a few minutes.

How to change the font on the computer in the browser? A person will need:

  1. Open a program to access the Internet.
  2. Access the main menu of the application. Usually this button is located in the upper right corner of the software. For example, in Google Chrome, it looks like three dots standing on top of each other.
  3. Click on "Scale".
  4. Set the desired settings (in percent). The larger the number, the larger the scale of the pictures and the font will be.

Usually no further action is required. All changes take effect instantly. The user can change them at any time at his own discretion. The actions suggested will have to be done in all browsers. Otherwise, the page display will be adjusted only for a specific program.


How do I change the font on my computer? Almost all possible scenarios for the development of events are already known to us. The last technique can be called universal. It allows you to adjust the scale of the image in most programs and applications.

How can I reduce the font on my computer? You will need:

  1. Open the desired program.
  2. Press Ctrl on the keyboard.
  3. To zoom out the picture, click on "-". To zoom in - by "+".
  4. Release the keys after achieving the desired result.

This is all the information about changing fonts and scales in the Windows operating system. There is one more nuance that has not yet been mentioned.


It's about changing the font in text editors. For example, in MS Word. This will only change the size of the selected or printed letters. The rest of the OS settings will remain intact.

How to reduce the font on the computer in Word? This is done approximately as follows:

  1. Open
  2. Write text.
  3. Select the part you want to edit.
  4. Press RMB.
  5. In the drop-down list, click on "Font".
  6. Select the type of spelling and the specific scale in the appropriate menu items.
  7. Agree to the changes.

Thus, there is not only a decrease, but also an increase in the font. The corresponding options are also available in the Word Control Panel.

A common question from users: why are all fonts displayed indistinctly, clumsily on the screen of a computer or laptop? In this article, we will talk about the possible causes and remedies for this nuisance.

Reasons for the problem of curvature of fonts and methods of solving them

1. The screen is not set to work with the video card.

This advice is only suitable for stationary computers where the monitor is connected to the video card using the outdated VGA (D-SUB) interface:

In this case, even when choosing correct screen resolution, the image is often shifted to the side (black bars are visible at the edges of the screen), and the text looks indistinct and blurry.

This may happen after:

  1. installing / reinstalling video card drivers;
  2. replacement of the video card;
  3. connecting another monitor to the computer (replacing the monitor).

Advice: Press the AUTO button to perform automatic tuning. Some monitors have a separate AUTO button. On others, you need to press and hold some other function button.

When this function is called, the display should show the message Auto tuning or Calibration.

If a message like Not available, then your monitor is not connected to VGA, but for example using DVI. When connecting via DVI, auto-adjustment is not needed. And, as we wrote above, in laptops it also not required.

2. The screen resolution is not native.

Modern LCD monitors are only designed to work with one resolution. If you specify a non-native resolution in the video adapter settings, the fonts will be crooked and blurry. It can be different for different display models even if they are physically the same size.

Tip: restart your computer with the monitor connected and turned on. Select the correct input in the monitor settings (DVI, VGA, HDMI). Enter the graphics card settings in the operating system and set the correct screen resolution in dots.

Right-click on the desktop

In most cases, to select the correct resolution, you need to select the maximum of all available:

Select the correct resolution and click OK

Disable scaling in the graphics card utility. To do this, run a proprietary utility from AMD, nVidia or Intel:

Find Scaling settings, set it to 0% and press Apply:

3. Problem in the video adapter driver

If a standard or generic driver is used instead of the official one, then the screen resolution that is native to your monitor, may be simply not available in the settings video cards.

Tip: Check if the video adapter driver is installed correctly. Install the driver from the official website of the manufacturer of the laptop, computer, and best of all, from the website of the manufacturer of the video adapter itself.

How to enable font smoothing (ClearType)

If you do not have any of the above problems, adjust anti-aliasing so that the fonts are displayed as smoothly as possible. For this:

Click on Win + R.

Enter the command cttune.

Click on Enter:

Check the box Enable ClearType.

Choose the anti-aliasing options that are most enjoyable to read. At the end press Ready:

The built-in fonts in Windows 10 can sometimes not be enough to work. For example, if a person often works with documents that require a specific design, or edits images. In this case, it becomes necessary to apply custom fonts downloaded from the Internet. But first you need to install them.

Where fonts are stored in Windows 10

Fonts in Windows 10 are located in a special system folder under the path C: \ Windows \ Fonts. You can get there both through “My Computer” and using the control panel: to view the fonts, open “Start - Control Panel - Fonts”.

In the control panel menu there is a "Fonts" tab, which is needed to switch to fonts

Whichever way you open the font list, it will look the same. Here you can see how the font looks like by double-clicking on it, you can configure its parameters, or you can delete the font (for this, right-click on it and select "Delete"). But most often they go to the repository to check if the required font is installed on the system.

In the font menu, you can view the font, its parameters, customize it or delete it

So, if you are not sure about the presence of a font on the system, just look in the system store. It is better not to trust text editors: the font can be hidden from them by settings.

Installing a font in Windows 10

There is no Add Font button in the font store.

This does not mean that adding fonts is disabled programmatically: it just does not need to click individual buttons or even go into the font store.

To install a font, you first need to download it. Most often, good selections are found on sites for artists and people working with graphics. The font downloaded from the web is a .ttf file (there are others), sometimes packed into an archive.

The downloaded font is a file, most often in TTF format, that must be installed on the system

Let's list 2 ways to install a font:

Dealt with the ttf extension. In addition, there are other formats, including the so-called PostScript Type 1 fonts. These are different from the Windows TrueType fonts, and the installation process can be difficult for a user unfamiliar with the specifics. Type 1 is rare, but if you do, you have to learn how to install it.

A PostScript font is not one file, but a combination of several. Usually it is a bunch of two files .pfb and .pfm - but there is also a variant with three: .pfb, .afm and .inf, - as well as with four: .pfb, .pfm, .afm and .inf. If at least one of the required files is missing, the font will not be installed.

A PostScript font is a collection of interconnected files of different formats.

In earlier versions of Windows, installation of such fonts was done through third-party programs. Now they are installed in the same way as everyone else, with one exception: since there are several files, you only need to select .pfm for installation. It differs from the others in that the description says - "Type 1 Font File" or Type 1 Font File.

To install the Type 1 font, you need to right-click on the PFM file and select "Install"

Note that due to the rarity of the format, PostScript fonts are not visible to every editor. This happens quite often, so if suddenly the program does not see the desired font, this is completely normal.

Video: how to install a font on Windows 10

Installing fonts without administrator rights

To install a font on the system, you need administrator rights. Without rights, only at the user level, you won't do anything.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to work in the system without administrator rights, but there are also pitfalls here. Administrator rights are required to allow the user to install fonts using Windows tools.

There is only one way out: use third-party programs. For example, a free utility called Platform. Although it is intended for other purposes, it has managed to prove itself in the matter of installing fonts with user rights. And you don't need administrator rights to install it. You should act according to the plan:

Setting up system fonts

The font can not only be installed or removed, but also customized. And now we are not talking about changing the parameters in graphic or video editors, where you can change the size of the text as you like, but about setting the fonts right in the Windows system. Of course, there will not be such a range of parameters as in Photoshop: these settings are aimed at something else.

  1. In the font menu, which we have already talked about above, there is an item "Font options". He is responsible for setting a particular font. The parameters themselves are few: only two. One of them is responsible for hiding the font where it is not supported. If this item is enabled, it means that programs will not display fonts that they cannot display. The second parameter allows you to install the font through its shortcut. And it's all. No riot of colors like in Photoshop.
    In the font options menu, you can hide a font that is not supported and allow the installation of the font through a shortcut
  2. "Font options" is only the first item, and the customization options are not exhausted yet. Further, we will not talk about setting up the fonts installed in the system, but about the Windows system texts, which display the names of folders, system messages and other texts. The first thing you can do with them is to enable the ClearType setting. This is done through the appropriate menu item for fonts. After that, the settings window should open.

    To configure the system responsible for smoothing text, you need to click "Next"
  3. ClearType is a text anti-aliasing technology that makes letters on the screen more readable. During the setup process, the system utility will ask you several times to choose the most pleasing to the eye from a number of pictures with text. Based on the results of the answers, the technology will change its settings so that your eyes are comfortable working with the text.
    During the configuration, the utility will ask you several times to select the most readable example of the text
  4. The third feature that the font menu stores in itself is to adjust the size of the letters. This is useful for visually impaired people or just those who like to sit away from the monitor. It is located in the same menu, item "Change font size". Here you can choose what type of text you want to change (for example, headings or menu items), the size that will be assigned to this type. In addition, the font can be made bold.
    To change the size of system texts, you need to select the type and size of the font in the corresponding menu
  5. And finally, the last item in the font menu is "Manage additional components". Clicking on this button opens the Windows 10 settings window, where all previously installed components will be indicated: for example, spell check or voice playback of text from the screen. Part of points - n The settings of the AI ​​companion from Microsoft called Cortana, and in the Russian version of Windows, they are not fully implemented. So do not be surprised if you haven’t heard about these opportunities until today: they may not be available to you. The settings window for additional features indicates the components that are installed on the system
  6. You can also add new components here, but for the reasons stated above, this item is almost useless. Well, unless you want Cortana to speak Chinese on your computer. If you are using an English version of Windows, then the voice assistant will work fine.
    If you suddenly need advanced features for other language packs, you can always download them in the "Add a component"

These settings, of course, will not allow you to decorate the system font with beautiful curls, but in a number of situations they can help.

Video: Change System Font Settings in Windows 10

Error "The font is not the correct Windows 10"

Users often complain about the "File is not the correct Windows 10 font" error when they try to install a font. It occurs for various reasons, in particular, related to a bug in the system itself. So, the possible reasons for the error are:

  • Broken font file. In this case, it is recommended to download it again from another source;
  • the font is not supported by Windows (although this option is very rare and unlikely). If this happens, use an online font converter to convert it to the desired format (preferably .ttf or .otf);
  • you do not have administrator rights. To install a font, either log in with permissions, or use the method described above;
  • you have disabled windows firewall or system security. It is still unknown how these two services are related to font installation, but the fact remains that if they are disabled, font installation may stop working.

To enable firewall and system security:

Installing fonts in Windows 10 is easy as long as you have administrator rights, a working font, and an enabled firewall. Don't get carried away, though: a custom font may contain a virus that can easily penetrate deep into Windows by being installed in the system folder. Be careful and download fonts only from trusted sources.

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