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How to speed up the application. Installing custom firmware on Android

Good time to all dear friends, acquaintances, readers and other personalities. Today we'll see how to speed up Android, all sorts of applications for it and games like PUBG Mobile including

For many, it is no secret that we love to twist and tweak something, which sometimes results in all sorts of interesting interesting things or strange oddities. However, often the efforts bring terrible such benefits and your devices start to run much faster.

Now we are witnessing an entertaining story when the development of the iron computer industry has reached some of its logical (and not so) peak and all technologies (including software) have rushed into the field of mobile devices.

Let's talk about the latter today.


Everyone has probably heard about all sorts of developer modes in Android, which allow you to do something tricky there in the settings.

These moods really exist and they really allow us to swindle. The only question is - will it be beneficial and not very good - and to whom, in fact, - you, your battery, performance, or some developer.

Nevertheless, - after all, the attempt is not torture. Firstly, the phone can be made faster, and secondly, in three-dimensional games everything will run faster (with the release PUBG Mobile) everyone is directly obsessed with this idea), and indeed, it is interesting and pleasant.

As for possible side effects, everything is simple. In some cases, of course, everything goes great, fun and in every possible way for the benefit. Productivity is growing, acceleration is present, PUBG flies, the phone launcher is immensely happy, and you, as its owner, write good comments under this article, tell your friends about it and all that other stuff.

In all other cases, it’s worth understanding that a lot depends on the hardware in your Android phone, tablet, or what you plan to run and use it all on - so this is a matter of technology.

And yes, you should understand that performance may decrease, and battery consumption will increase. How to fix it? Return everything back, disable the settings.

How to Speed ​​Up Android and Launch Developer Options

  • Go to settings and find the tab " About phone";
  • There is somewhere hidden the version of the operating system, the kernel or the build number (see screenshots below);
  • We diligently poke on it several times until we get offensive " You became a developer".

Now somewhere in the settings (possibly separately) you have an item called " For developers". That's where we need him.

Oh yes, screenshots on inclusion (if it doesn’t work the first time, then poke several times on various points, such as assembly / version, etc. - it should help):

Actually, all our optimization lives here, here you can understand how to speed up Android and understand the tricks so that your phone / tablet or device works faster, and in all sorts of games, like PUBG Mobile played more comfortably.

How to take off with this: how to speed up Android, games in general and PUBG Mobile in particular

By the way, we already wrote a little on this topic when we talked about limiting the number of processes in the article "":

In total we need " Multiprocessing WebView", - this is one of the extremely important points that will speed up the system as a whole, although it may adversely affect battery life.

How to speed up Android even more? And visually clear? The same goes for the " SD card optimization", unless of course you have it at all (the card) and the item in general).

Further, if you are not a fan of all kinds of animations, then it would be extremely rational to turn off the animation of windows, transitions and remove the duration of the animation. This will save resources by an order of magnitude, and visually (subjectively and by sensations) your phone will directly start flying at all.

Even more acceleration and optimization

As for hardware acceleration and GPU for screen layout - this item is considered relevant only on fast graphics cores and only for 2D-applications.

In fact, this is not always the case, plus everything, in addition to all sorts of PUBG Mobile and others 3rd dimensional games for Android, which you are trying to speed up, in fact, is that you always have a processor as such, which works with the interface and processes in the background, so by shifting some of the functionality to you can get some performance gain.

Well, if you don’t have much memory or capacity, but you want to play on your favorite phone, then it makes sense to cut the number of background processes. This, of course, will affect some notifications (for example, mail), but it will increase the speed of work in general, and in 3D applications in particular.


That's it, now you know how to speed up Android. Traditionally, this is not bad manners and there can be many nuances. For someone this will have an effect, while for someone it will start to eat the battery. Someone does not notice the difference at all and does not understand why it is needed at all.

Much depends on the way you use your Android hardware, its configuration, system version, processor, memory, location, games you play and much more.

So it goes. If you are interested - write in the comments - we will develop the topic and tell you how the same Kernel Auditor"ohm really speed up any device, based on the deep tuning of the core of any phone.

As always, if you have any thoughts, questions, additions, and so on, then welcome to the comments on this material.

Want to speed up Android? Tired of the brakes and the long response of applications? Before you decide to buy a new smartphone, you should first try to speed up your Android a little.

Let's try some ways to speed up our device - including general cleaning, uninstalling apps, and some cool tricks and hacks.

Update firmware on Android

The first thing to do is to make sure your device has the latest firmware. From time to time there is a new version of Android, a launcher and patches that fix bugs. Any of the above can help speed up Android.

To find out if your phone needs an update, sign in to "Settings" -> "About phone" -> "System update".

It is worth systematically checking for updates to applications - especially such as emulators. The same goes for Google Play Services as they control almost everything on your phone.

Installing custom firmware on Android

If there are no updates for your smartphone for a long time, you can try solve the problem by installing custom firmware.

Usually, such firmware has community-created mods installed that increase performance or add new features. Also, custom firmware can update your device to the latest version of Android, even if your device is not officially supported.

In doing so, there is an inherent risk. You will need a , which can kill your device. Some applications (for example, banking - Sberbank) will not work. The device may be out of warranty. However, if you are confident in your technical skills or you have an old device, this method will give new life to an old gadget and really speed it up.

Clean up your Android desktop

Everyone cleans up their house from time to time. The same applies to your Android device. If you have widgets on your desktop that show you news, weather, social networks. You may notice a slight stutter when moving between tables. If you have visualizations like Bixdy enabled, consider disabling it.

If you do not go or are afraid to manually clear the cache, you can use a special application, such as CCleaner.

Disable Android auto-sync

If you have a relatively new and modern phone, most likely it works well and quickly. But then one day you noticed a slowdown, especially noticeable when downloading and installing new applications.

The culprit for this is usually app sync. Find in "Settings" your phone item "Accounts" or "Synchronization", go into it and you will see that the function "Automatic Data Sync" enabled. Select the app you want to disable or change settings for.

Answer yourself the question, do you need the application to sync every half an hour, or will one sync per day be enough.

Background processes in Android

Consider disabling and removing unnecessary background processes. Background processes are applications that constantly run in the background. For example, the Messages app running constantly in the background to receive messages. But sometimes there are applications running in the background that you practically do not use, and at that time they load the processor.

If you exited, then again return to the "For Developers" section and find "Background Processes". Here you will see which apps are running in the background. Disable the ones you don't need and the phone will run a little faster. It will also improve battery life.

Avoid optimization apps on Android

Android devices manage their memory very efficiently - it often happens that after closing the application they continue to work. Launching a new app takes longer and puts more strain on the battery than one that has already been launched and simply closed. When you open an app and it runs out of memory, Android automatically closes the less important ones to make room.

An app to automatically close apps actually slows down your device and eats up battery life.

For this reason, using "optimizers" actually slows down your device instead of speeding it up. If you notice that they have helped you in the past, I assume that one or more applications are poorly optimized by the developers. The best way to find the culprits and try replacing them with normal ones or removing them.

The same goes for data caching - clear the cache from time to time, but don't abuse it!

Overclocking Android

If you need to speed up game speeds, overclocking is the way to go.

Overclocking is a proven way for PC gamers to maximize performance. This method works great on smartphones as well, unless of course you have root and a good overclocking app.

But this carries a certain risk. Smartphone manufacturers put restrictions on the clock speed of the processor to prevent overheating, high battery consumption.

Of course, don't forget to check the settings menu of the games themselves! Lowering your graphics settings can often improve the smoothness of games and battery life.

Delete everything clean

If all else fails and you feel that your phone has become very slow, one of the last ways is a simple factory reset. This will remove all the files and settings that are slowing down the speed of your smartphone, and I hope your phone will work like new again.

After the reset, just use all the tricks that I have listed on a clean phone and you will be able to get a smartphone with maximum performance.

Did I miss something?

If I missed one or two ways to speed up an Android phone, be sure to tell us about them in the comments below, and my readers will be very grateful to you! Good luck!

What should I do if my old smartphone is slow and popular apps start to slow down? Of course, the easiest way to buy. But probably not everyone is in a hurry to spend money until they are one hundred percent convinced that the old device is no longer good for anything. Today we’ll talk about how you can speed up Android so that your old phone starts working quickly again and you can comfortably use it.

Is it worth using utilities to speed up Android

Never install applications to speed up: no task killers, boosters, cleaning masters and other nonsense. Install such programs are often offered in advertising. The recommendation method is also common - when right in the installed application you are advised to click on the link and download the recommended utility to clean up and improve the speed of work. The quality of such utilities is often best indicated by a crooked translation in advertising:

Do not rush to install such “magic” utilities that promise to fix all problems with the click of a button. They often do more harm than good. If you want to automatically clean the cache and temporary files of Android, install CCleaner.

How to make an old Android smartphone work faster

So, now actually our advice on how to speed up Android on old hardware. By the way, it is possible that these recommendations will also be useful to owners of modern budget devices with a weak filling.

1. Disable Apps You Don't Use

Most smartphones come pre-installed with a cloud of software - both from the device manufacturer and from Google. Among them are many such applications that you definitely will not use. Therefore, we advise you to remove applications you do not need to free up the memory of your Android device and make your phone work faster.

There is a caveat: many of the pre-installed applications cannot be removed. But you can turn them off. Disabling such an application means removing all updates and restoring the factory version that is included in the phone's firmware.

When removing unnecessary (unused) software, in most cases, a fairly decent amount of space is freed up in the device’s memory – where it matters. This action simultaneously solves another common problem - when. In older and budget devices, there is usually very little internal memory, while most applications can only be installed on internal memory. But the most important thing is that after deleting or disabling the application will not take up RAM and waste processor resources.

Which apps can be uninstalled/disabled

According to my observations, rarely anyone uses such programs:

Disable apps to speed up your phone

2. Replace slow apps with their counterparts

This is another very important point. As the closest example, on many budget devices (old and not so) the Google Chrome browser works disgustingly. And if earlier it was possible to disable updates and use the factory version, then recently, after which it is simply impossible to use it. Therefore, if you have a similar situation with some application, disable it:

Instead, you can install a less resource-demanding application that will work quickly on older and low-powered budget devices:

3. Disable UI Animation

This technique allows you to slightly offload the processor so that it does not waste time drawing effects during animation when applications are minimized and expanded, menus appear. In any case, there is a feeling of faster response, because. latency is reduced and called windows open faster.

Turn on developer mode if you don't have it already. To do this, go to Settings ? Options ? About device and click several times with a short interval on the build field:

After that go to the menu Developer Options :

and turn off the animation where you don't need it. For more effect, choose Animation disabled at all points:

  • Window animation scale;
  • Transition animation scale;
  • Animator Duration Scale:

Disable Animation to Improve Android Responsiveness

Unfortunately, on some devices, after launching certain applications, these settings may go astray. In particular, on our test Samsung Galaxy Ace3, the launch of native cameras knocks down the second parameter to the default value - "1x".

We sincerely hope that our tips helped you improve the speed of your phone and the old Android will serve you for a long time and not only as a dialer!
P.S. Additions to the article are welcome.

Greetings to all readers of my blog! Have you noticed that your device has become slow? Does he not keep up with your commands and does it take a long time to open tabs? I have to disappoint you - over time, the tendency to slow down will only increase. Why? Because the software is growing in terms of quality, and the stuffing of your portable computer is in place. I can help you and tell you how to speed up your android tablet. Try one or more of the methods below and see if they work.

We use our Android devices for weeks and even months without a forced reboot. Thus, a large number of small system errors accumulate. All of them lead to minor misunderstandings in the operation of the system. Simply turning off the device for 1-2 hours a month will allow the device to “rest”. During the restart, the device will automatically clear the tablet's memory of unnecessary pending commands. How to do a reboot? Hold the power button of the device pressed for a few seconds until the screensaver disappears completely from the screen. You can return the device to the active state in the same way, by activating the power button.

Tablet power

Optimizing battery life significantly speeds up the overall system. Go through settings-power-power mode. Set the mode to "High performance". Models from different manufacturers may have different item names, but the logical chain of actions is the same everywhere. Did the first option work?

Try like this:

  • look in the settings menu for power saving,
  • select "Performance" mode.

This method has a small minus - you will need to charge the tablet much more often. You may need to carry a charger with you.

Firmware update

The manufacturer himself installs the basic version of the OS on the device. He collects information about failures in the program, he sends automatic updates to users. Remember, you should have received notifications about the forced reinstallation of the device platform. Never give it up. During installation, the new firmware version automatically diagnoses and cleans the device. The new android will friendly settle on your tablet, treat it, patch up the “holes” in the system.

How do I know if there are current software updates available for my device?

  1. In the "Settings" menu, find the item "About the tablet"
  2. In the "Software Update" submenu, you can find the latest versions
  3. Allow automatic installation of the new version via the Internet on the device.

Cleaning up old apps

I am sure that after buying a tablet you have pumped a lot of games and applications into it. Many of them you used once or twice at most. Now they hang as unnecessary in the memory of the tablet and mercilessly clog it. So, I must disappoint you. The system uses a lot of time and resources to process them even if the software is inactive.

A simple cleaning of the device from old, unnecessary programs can significantly speed up the work on it. Old software hanging like a ballast only spoils the overall impression and comfort of using the tablet. In the "Applications" menu, open the list of installations and delete all the "cargo" without regret.

Built-in utilities

Things are much more complicated with basic downloads from the tablet manufacturer. They cannot be completely removed from the device, but they take up a lot of space. Energy is consumed even more. Thus, they reduce productivity to zero.

How to proceed in such a case?

Deactivate the utility and block its access to the shared system:

  • Through the "Settings" menu, enter the applications and activate the "All" tab
  • Scroll down to "Google Apps", click on "Application Details"
  • Activate the item "Uninstall updates" and disable the application
  • Everything! You have made a small contribution to the optimization of your device
  • The list of such unnecessary tasks includes Yandex maps, Play Music, Picasa Uploader, Dropbox, which complete the platform of such tablets as the Samsung Galaxy Tab or Lenovo. As long as you don't use them all the time.

Clearing the cache as a way to speed up the tablet

A place for temporary storage of general information and data about the most requested commands is called a cache. It clogs very quickly and often and affects the overall performance of the tablet. By performing a simple cache cleaning procedure once a month, you can achieve good results and increase productivity.

You need to act according to the instructions:

  1. In the "Settings" menu on the screen of the tablet, find and activate "Applications"
  2. Click on "Manage Applications" and select "Clear Cache".

Thus, you will transfer the system to its original state and facilitate the operation of the device.

Clean Master

You can quickly and easily clear the intermediate buffer using third-party utilities. Well proven Clean Master. It can be found, downloaded and installed for free from the Google Play app store.

The application perfectly clears the cache, frees the system from unnecessary ballast files. Installing such an application is especially relevant for devices with a small amount of built-in and RAM and no micro SD slot.

hard drive

Active advanced users use many "heavy" applications. Each of them significantly clogs the tablet. But, if you can’t do without them, you can help the tablet and unload the main storage of information. A memory card can help out in such a situation.

Attention! Before buying a memory card, make sure that there is a special slot in the device. Do not skimp on purchasing micro sd. It should have good speed and volume parameters. Stop your choice on well-known manufacturers with a solid name.

drastic measures

None of the measures taken were effective enough? Is your Samsung galaxy tab still annoying you with slow and insensitive response? Then tough measures are needed - reboot to factory settings.

Attention! Before applying the hard reset procedure, it is recommended to back up the data from the tablet. You can save all the information in the cloud storage or on a memory card. Before the procedure for completely cleaning the device, the memory card and SIM card of the mobile operator must be removed from the tablet.

Apply the following steps to your device:

  • In the menu, find the same item "Settings"
  • Get to the sub-item "Backup and reset"
  • Go to "Reset data" or "Reset device"
  • Wait for the tablet to reboot completely and turn it on on its own.

The principle of activating Hard Reset is approximately the same on portable devices from all manufacturers. Item names may differ slightly in Asus and Lenovo, then look for logically similar ones.


In order to avoid repeated overload of the tablet in the future, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Install the apps you really need. No need to overload your tablet with games that you access no more than once a month
  2. Disable auto-update of the device in automatic mode. Constant background reloading of platform elements greatly interferes with the daily work of the user. Refer to the system update no more than 2-3 times a year
  3. Install "light" software. Of two identical programs from the virtual market, download the one that takes up less space
  4. Deactivate the GPS navigation function. The application is constantly looking for pairing with mobile towers. This takes a lot of resources. If you are not a motorist, it does not make sense to keep the navigator active
  5. Remove live wallpaper from your screen. Of course, it is very beautiful when any user command is accompanied by an animated action. But, the cost of this feature is very high. A single-color splash screen will increase the speed of any tablet on the Android OS, for example, asus.

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See you soon, friends!

Thank you for your attention! Sincerely, Rostislav Kuzmin.

Android smartphones, like any other technical devices, start to slow down over time. This is due both to a long period of their use, and to the loss of relevance of technical characteristics. Indeed, over time, applications become more advanced, but the hardware remains the same. However, you should not immediately buy a new gadget, especially since not everyone can afford it. There are a large number of ways to increase the speed of a smartphone, which will be discussed in this article.

We speed up an Android smartphone

As mentioned earlier, there are a considerable number of methods to speed up your device. You can perform them both selectively and all together, but each will bring its share to the improvement of the smartphone.

Method 1: Cleaning your smartphone

The most common reason for a phone to slow down is how dirty it is. The first step is to get rid of all junk and unnecessary files in the smartphone's memory. You can do this both manually and with the help of special applications.

For more thorough and high-quality cleaning, it is best to use third-party software, in which case this process will show the best result.

More: Cleaning Android from junk files

Method 2: Disable geolocation

The GPS service, which allows you to determine the location, is implemented in almost every modern smartphone. But not all users need it while it is running and taking away valuable resources. If you do not use geolocation, it is best to turn it off.

There are two main ways to disable the location service:

one. " Pull back» the top curtain of the phone and click on the icon GPS (Location):

2. Go to the phone settings and find the menu " Location". As a rule, it is located in the section " Personal data».

Here you can enable or disable the service, as well as perform additional actions available.

If you have a relatively new smartphone, then most likely you will not feel a significant acceleration from this item. But, again, each of the methods described brings its own share in improving performance.

Method 3: Disable power saving

The power saving function also has a negative impact on the speed of the smartphone. When activated, the battery lasts a little longer, but performance suffers greatly.

If you do not have an urgent need for extra energy for the phone and you are pursuing the goal of speeding it up, then it is better to refuse this service. But remember that this way your smartphone will be discharged much more often and, perhaps, at the most inopportune moment.

1. To disable power saving, you need to go to the settings, and then find the menu item " Battery».

2. In the menu that opens, you can see the power statistics of your device: which applications “eat” the most energy, see the charging schedule, and the like. The power saving mode itself is divided into 2 points:

  • Power saving in standby mode. It will only be activated when you are not using your mobile device. So this item should be left enabled.

  • Permanent energy saving. As mentioned earlier, if there is no need for a longer battery life, feel free to disable this item.

If your smartphone is too slow, we recommend that you do not neglect this method, as it can help a lot.

Method 4: Disable Animation

This method is associated with functions for developers. Every Android phone has accessibility features designed for software developers. Some of them can help speed up the gadget. This will disable animation and enable GPU hardware acceleration.

1. The first step is to activate these privileges, if this has not been done. Try to find the menu item " For developers».

If there is no such item in your settings, then you need to activate it. To do this, go to the menu About phone”, which is usually located at the very end of the settings.

2. In the window that opens, find the item " Build number". Constantly press it until a characteristic inscription appears. In our case, this No, you are already a developer”, but you should see another text confirming the activation of the developer mode.

3. After this procedure, the menu " For the developer' should appear in your settings. By going to this section, you need to enable it. To do this, activate the slider at the top of the screen.

Be careful! Pay close attention to what parameters you change in this menu, because there is a possibility of harming your smartphone.

4. Find in this section the items " Window Animation», « Transition Animation», « Animation duration».

5. Go to each of them and select " Disable Animation". Now all the transitions in your smartphone will be much faster.

6. The next step is to find the item " GPU acceleration' and turn it on.

After performing these steps, you will immediately notice a significant acceleration of all processes in your mobile device.

Method 5: Enabling the ART Compiler

Another manipulation that will speed up the speed of the smartphone is the choice of the execution environment. At the moment, two types of compilation are available in Android devices: Dalvik and ART. The first option is set by default on all smartphones. In advanced features, a transition to ART is available.

Unlike Dalvik, ART compiles all files when the application is installed and no longer refers to this process. The standard compiler does this every time programs are run. This is the advantage of ART over Dalvik.

Unfortunately, not all mobile devices have this compiler implemented. Therefore, it is quite possible that the necessary menu item will not appear in your smartphone.

1. So, to switch to the ART compiler, as in the previous method, you need to go to the menu " For developers» in the phone settings.

3. Choose " ART Compiler».

4. Read the displayed information carefully and agree with it.

5. After that, a forced reboot of the smartphone will be performed. It may take up to 20-30 minutes. This is necessary in order for all the necessary changes to take place in your system.

Method 6: Firmware update

Many phone users do not pay attention to the release of new firmware versions for gadgets. However, if you want to maintain the speed of your device, then you should always update it, because such updates often contain fixes for many errors in the system.

1. To check for updates on your gadget, go to its " Settings” and find the item “ About phone". In it, you need to go to the menu " Software Update” (on your device, this inscription may be slightly different).

2. Having opened this section, find the item " checking for updates».

After checking, you will receive a notification that there are available updates for your firmware and, if any, you need to follow all further phone instructions.

Method 7: Hard Reset

If all the previous methods fail, it is worth trying to perform a hard reset of the device to factory settings. First, transfer all the necessary data to another device so as not to lose it. Such data may include images, videos, music, and the like.

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