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How to speed up your Android phone and increase battery life. Reducing the number of widgets

Once the device has been purchased, it almost always works quickly and pleases its owner. But once we use the device for several months, we begin to notice a strong drop in performance, and sometimes even serious freezes. This makes it difficult to use the gadget comfortably, so today we will tell you how to speed up your Android phone. Let's get started.

So, below we will discuss all the ways to optimize your device, and for convenience we will sort them into categories.

Clearing application and browser cache

Cache is temporary files that are formed during the operation of both the operating system itself and various programs. It is important to regularly clear such data, as it greatly slows down the performance of the OS.

Let's look at the cleaning process:

  1. We'll use a third-party app since every device has its own cleaning functionality. Therefore, we are opening our Play Market.

  1. In the search bar you need to write “CCleaner”, and when the result appears, tap on it.

  1. Next, simply click the green button that says “Install”.

  1. The application will require access to system functions. Without them, it simply cannot work. Therefore, we resolve everything by tapping the “Accept” button.

  1. The program weighs only 5 MB, so it will download quite quickly.

  1. All we have to do is click “Open” and proceed to the cleaning procedure.

  1. When CCleaner opens, click the big button marked in the screenshot.

  1. The scanning of the smartphone's internal memory will begin. Fortunately, the Android operating system does not have a long-suffering registry.

Attention! If the device has Root rights, the analysis will be much deeper and, accordingly, of higher quality.

  1. When the scanning comes to an end, we will be asked to choose what exactly should be deleted. It is recommended to select all checkboxes. When the setup is complete, click “Cleaning”.

The removal of unnecessary files and cache that has accumulated in the OS will begin.

As a result, your smartphone will be completely cleaned. To complete the operation, you must reboot the device.

Power Mode

This parameter can also play a big role in the operation of the green robot, the load on its hardware components and, naturally, the rate of battery discharge. Let's look at how to set up gentle mode.

  1. Lower the curtain and find the settings icon there.

  1. Go to the section responsible for power supply. We show the process using the example of a smartphone with the MIUI 9 shell; in other models and interfaces what you see may be slightly different.

  1. Tap on the “Nutrition” sign.

  1. Here is the section we need. This is "Energy Saving". Let's press it.

  1. There are 2 switches here. The first is responsible for saving energy, the second can automatically activate it depending on the battery charge level. It is also possible to configure the function to be turned on and off at different times of the day. For example, at night, when we use Android the least, it can be activated.

Setting up GPS

As is known, receiving data from orbital navigation satellites requires significant energy consumption. Very often, users simply forget to turn it off and waste battery power in vain. Sometimes third-party applications activate GPS on their own, without the person even knowing about it.

In order to turn off showing our location, you need to lower the Android notification menu and turn off the corresponding toggle switch.

Freeing up memory

Modern smartphones use both internal memory and a separately connected card. Both can lose all free space, which will lead to inevitable slowdown of the device. At the same time, you won’t even understand what your flash drive is “clogged with.” Below we will demonstrate how to understand the situation and delete unnecessary data.

  1. We will work with a third-party solution called DiskUsage. You can download the application on its home page or through the search. To do this, you just need to click the “Install” button.

  1. Next, accept the access request by clicking on “Accept”.

  1. And we launch the program by pressing the button indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Initially, you need to select the media to scan. We have internal memory and the firmware itself (since we have Root access). In versions with a memory card, this will also be displayed in this menu. We tap on the drive that we are going to analyze.

  1. A short scanning process will follow.

  1. A map of disk files appeared in front of us. On the left side there is the root section. It says "Memory Card". Further (moving to the right) we see directories: accordingly, folders are also displayed in them. The whole point of this approach is to display the size of the tiles depending on the space occupied. The larger the square, the more data it contains. Tap on one of the directories and the tree will increase exactly to its size.

  1. By moving in this way, we will reach the end of the chain and find out which files and folders take up the most space. As a result, when we open the directory, we will gain access to it directly from the standard file manager and will be able to delete any data.

About memory cards

The speed of a device running Android OS also depends on the bandwidth of its storage devices. If the internal memory is factory rated, external cards may be too slow.

Below you can see a table that shows the average speeds of drives depending on their class.

Drive class Speed ​​MB/s
2 2
4 4
5 4.8
6 6
10 10
15 15
20 20
22 22.5
30 30
40 40
45 45
60 60
90 90

The class of the device is indicated on its body. This way you can immediately determine how fast your flash drive is.

By comparing the reading and writing speed that the device supports with the speed of the memory card itself, we can find out whether it is enough.

Attention! If Micro SD performance is not enough, the smartphone will simply start to become “stupid”.


While the Android operating system is running, a number of services necessary for its functioning are launched. Your programs also run in parallel, taking up RAM and consuming battery power. Naturally, the operation of the device slows down.

Let's look at how to clean up such processes:

  1. Depending on your shell on a standard system, launching the task manager may differ. For example, in products from Xiaomi, you need to press the menu button to do this. Once this is done, we will see a list of all running programs in the form of tiles.

  1. To quit one of the applications, simply pull it to the side. All programs are stopped simultaneously using the button indicated in the screenshot.

As a result, we freed up approximately 253 MB of RAM, which will have the best effect on the speed of the phone.

Attention! Depending on the phone model and its OS version, the appearance of the control elements and the sequence of actions may change. For example, in Google Nexus or Samsung the menu looks different.

Removing system applications

Many smartphones come with a number of pre-installed programs, some useful and some not so useful. This is sometimes annoying, because all the installed software takes up a lot of space, and we cannot remove it. The situation is completely different with devices on which root rights have been obtained. Here you can permanently remove unnecessary software and increase the speed of your system.

Let's look at an example of working with one of these programs.

  1. Launch the Play Store and enter the phrase “App Quarantine” into its search bar. Next, tap on the element indicated in the picture. We have also prepared a direct link for you.

  1. On the application home page, click “Install”.

  1. Let's launch the program and get down to business. Mark the items that we do not need with a tick. Next, click on the lock icon, which we designated in the screenshot with the number “2”.

  1. Then we will have to grant Root rights to the application.

  1. As you understand, not all programs are displayed in the list: various, purely system applications are hidden by default. However, they can also be displayed. To do this, go to the App Quarantine settings by clicking the button marked in the screenshot.

  1. Here we select the “Filter” menu item.

  1. Switch the checkbox and checkmark to the active position.

Ready. Now all system utilities will begin to appear in our list and can be disabled. For example, if you don't use a printing service, you won't need it.

Important! Using this application you can not be afraid of harming your OS. The fact is that all disabled components can be reactivated and put back into operation.

Some system applications can be disabled without root rights. You just need to use the built-in functionality. Let's figure out how this is done.

  1. Let's move on to the settings of our gadget.

  1. Select the section for managing applications.

  1. Click on one of the unnecessary programs.

  1. Already here we find a button responsible for disabling the software. For us, it is inactive: it all depends on the application itself and the phone’s firmware.

Important! Sometimes the button becomes inactive when the program to be removed has an update or is running. Accordingly, it needs to be stopped and the update removed.

Synchronization is the process of automatically pairing with the server and exchanging data with it. For example, this is how you receive messages from social networks, upload data to the cloud, or simply receive other information in the allotted time intervals. Naturally, the more often network requests occur, the greater the load on your phone will become. Let's look at how to minimize it.

  1. Let's move on to the settings of our gadget. To do this, simply pull down the notification shade and select the icon marked in the picture below.

  1. We look for the “Synchronization” item in the menu and go to it. In different models and firmware, things may be a little different.

  1. Next, we can either disable the function completely or activate it only when connected to a Wi-Fi network.

Firmware update

As you know, timely software updates not only improve its performance, but also take care of your safety. The same applies to the firmware and programs installed on the device. The latest versions are much faster and more stable than the old ones. So, let's look at what can be done in this situation.

  1. First, let's try to update our firmware. To do this, go to the settings.

  1. We need the “About phone” item, click on it.

  1. The installed software version is shown here. At the very bottom there is a button to check its new versions. We tap on it.

In other models of Android smartphones and tablets, the check for updates item may have a different name and change position.

  1. Next, you will search for updates on the official website of your phone. We just need to wait a little.

  1. In our case, the latest version of the software is installed. But this is not surprising, because we carefully and promptly monitor this.

Now let's make sure that all programs installed on the smartphone are also up to date.

  1. To do this, go to the Play Store by tapping on its icon.

  1. Open the main menu and select “My applications and games”.

  1. As you can see, Google mail needs updating. Click the marked button.

  1. The installation process of the new version will begin. We are waiting for its completion.

After this, you can be sure that all the software installed on our device is up-to-date and does not slow down Android.

Removing unnecessary software

Often, many programs that we have installed cease to be used over time. But such software “hangs” in RAM all the time and “slows down” our gadget. Let's remove programs that we won't use anymore.

  1. Initially, you need to open the already familiar section with settings.

  1. We are looking for an item to manage programs: in Xiaomi Redmi Note 4x it is located here.

  1. We choose software that is irrelevant.

  1. Scroll down the contents of the screen and click the “Delete” button.

You can immediately clear the program cache or stop it.

  1. All that remains is to confirm your plans by pressing the “OK” button.

Mobile connection optimization

Users who have a network connection that is not very fast, for example, GPRS or EDGE (2g), may experience problems with Internet access. We will give one piece of advice that will make the situation easier. Please follow the instructions below carefully.

  1. Let's open our application store: it is this that can cause problems.

  1. Open the menu and scroll its contents almost to the very bottom. We need the “Settings” item.

  1. Next, select the section that we circled in the picture with a red line.

  1. Here you need to set the download mode for programs and their updates only when connected to a Wi-Fi network. In this way, we will make the smartphone’s operation easier and improve its performance.

Results and comments

Let's finish here. We have considered all the methods that can help in the matter of speeding up an Android smartphone. If we forgot something, you can supplement the picture with a relevant comment: additional information will be useful to both us and other users.


Android smartphones, like any other technical device, begin to slow down over time. This is due both to the long period of their use and to the loss of relevance of technical characteristics. After all, over time, applications become more advanced, but the hardware remains the same. However, you shouldn’t immediately buy a new gadget, especially since not everyone can afford it. There are a large number of ways to increase the performance of a smartphone, which will be discussed in this article.

As mentioned earlier, there are a considerable number of methods to speed up your device. You can do them either selectively or all together, but everyone will bring their share to improve the smartphone.

Method 1: Cleaning your smartphone

The most common reason for a slow phone is how dirty it is. The first thing you need to do is get rid of all junk and unnecessary files in your smartphone’s memory. You can do this either manually or using special applications.

For more thorough and high-quality cleaning, it is best to use third-party software, in which case this process will show the best result.

Method 2: Disable geolocation

The GPS service, which allows you to determine your location, is implemented in almost every modern smartphone. But not all users need it, while it is running and takes away valuable resources. If you don't use geolocation, it's best to turn it off.

There are two main ways to disable the location service:

If you have a relatively new smartphone, then most likely you will not feel a significant acceleration from this point. But, again, each of the described methods brings its share in improving performance.

Method 3: Disable Power Saver

The power saving function also has a negative impact on the speed of the smartphone. When activated, the battery lasts a little longer, but performance suffers greatly.

If you do not have an urgent need for extra energy for your phone and your goal is to speed it up, then it is better to refuse this service. But remember that this way your smartphone will discharge much more often and, perhaps, at the most inopportune moment.

If your smartphone is running too slow, we recommend that you do not neglect this method, as it can be a great help.

Method 4: Disable Animation

This method is associated with functions for developers. Any Android phone comes with special features designed for software creators. Some of them can help speed up the gadget. This will disable animation and enable GPU hardware acceleration.

  1. The first step is to activate these privileges, if this has not been done. Try to find a menu item "For developers".

    If there is no such item in your settings, then you need to activate it. To do this, go to the menu "About the phone", which is usually located at the very end of the settings.

  2. In the window that opens, find the item "Build number". Constantly press it until a characteristic inscription appears. In our case, it’s “No need, you’re already a developer,” but you should see another text confirming that developer mode has been activated.
  3. After this procedure the menu "For the developer" should appear in your settings. By going to this section, you need to enable it. To do this, activate the slider at the top of the screen.

    Be careful! Be extremely careful about what parameters you change in this menu, because there is a possibility of harming your smartphone.

  4. Find items in this section "Window Animation", "Transition Animation", "Animation Duration".
  5. Go to each of them and select "Disable animation". Now all transitions in your smartphone will happen much faster.
  6. The next step is to find the “GPU acceleration” item and turn it on.
  7. After completing these steps, you will immediately notice a significant acceleration of all processes in your mobile device.

Method 5: Enable ART Compiler

The next manipulation that will speed up the performance of a smartphone is the choice of execution environment. Currently, two types of compilation are available on Android devices: Dalvik and ART. By default, the first option is installed on all smartphones. In advanced features, a transition to ART is available.

Unlike Dalvik, ART compiles all files when installing the application and does not refer to this process again. The standard compiler does this every time the program is launched. This is the advantage of ART over Dalvik.

Unfortunately, not all mobile devices have this compiler installed. Therefore, it is quite possible that the required menu item will not be on your smartphone.

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Almost all owners of Android smartphones are faced with the fact that over time their device or tablet begins to slow down, its performance decreases, and it does not perform actions as quickly as before. There are ways to help your device and speed it up, because not everyone can afford to buy something brand new. In this article we will look at options for solving the problem both for beginners and for those who only have a high level of phone or tablet use.

Ways to optimize the performance of your Android phone or tablet

IMPORTANT: Please read the following instructions carefully! They will increase the speed of the device without using third-party applications and enabling root rights.

  1. Every Android has running services that need to be disabled. To do this, go to settings, click on “applications”, open the running (or running) tab. Next, we disable those services that we do not need.
  2. Disable GPS and geolocation, if you use them. This affects the rapid drainage of the battery and the functioning of other applications. By disabling these features, Android performance can be accelerated.
  3. Use memory card. Due to insufficient space on the phone or tablet, their operation becomes less fast, and even constant freezes are possible. We speed up the device by resetting all data to a flash card.
  4. Everyone has seen the function flipping through desktops on Android. Yes, this visually makes the phone/tablet prettier, but you can do without it. These actions will not load the processor and performance will increase. To do this, look for settings, select “about phone” there. You need to click on it 7 times, after which a notification will appear stating that you are now a developer. We return to the settings and see a new item “for developers”. Some versions of Android already have this option. Next, find the “animation speed” item and turn it off.
  5. Disable synchronization with various services, this also affects the performance of a smartphone or tablet. We go into the settings that are already familiar to us, then select the “accounts” item and turn off everything that we don’t use.
  6. We try not to use launchers, live wallpapers and other effects. This, of course, makes using the phone/tablet much more enjoyable, but it also greatly affects the speed of operation.
  7. If you don't really care about all the data (which, by the way, can be dumped onto a flash drive) that is on your Android, you can use a solution that is more suitable for advanced users. This flashing smartphone or return to factory settings. The second one is much easier. To do this, go to settings, look for “backup and reset” and select “master reset”. You will have to tinker with flashing the phone/tablet. By going to settings and selecting “about phone”, you can see if there is a software version update for your gadgets. Otherwise, you can download the firmware from the Internet. Do all this strictly according to the instructions, otherwise you may simply end up with a “brick”.

3 ways to speed up Android!

Smartphones and tablets are common all over the world. Approximately 80% of users of these gadgets are on Android OS. But, even despite its enormous popularity, this operating system has a drawback: Android is slow! And this is far from an isolated case.

So, this article is about how to speed up Android? Let me immediately note that you don’t need to buy a new phone in a fit of irritation due to unstable operation. Well, let's look at a number of simple steps to speed up Android that you should also be able to handle.

Method No. 1. Android presets

This method will have a strong impact on the speed of the processor. Now I will show you how to set the power mode. The installation is different on different Androids.

1. Settings -> Power -> Power mode, you need to select the “High performance” mode.

2. Settings - My device - Energy saving - Processor - Uncheck (Limit maximum processor performance). But this will drain the battery faster.

If you want both fast performance and , then even here there are options. For example, you can check the Display checkbox (Use low power for the screen) and leave the Disable haptic feedback checkbox (may extend battery life). These two points will not affect the speed of operation, but the battery will remain charged.

3. In Android 4.0+ you need to speed up the graphics subsystem:

Settings->For Developers->check the box for “Accelerate GPU” (GPU Acceleration)

At the same time, the graphics processor will adapt to many games. But some applications may refuse to work. Some devices listed above may not have menus. Perhaps the manufacturer has already optimized them.

Note! I'm sure there are quite a few new users out there. And by speeding up the processor, you may not achieve anything, since all the memory is completely filled with junk.It is this problem that we will combat in the second method described below.

Method number 2. How to clean Android and speed up its operation?

The system needs to be cleaned regularly or simply monitor all installed applications:

  • Try to install applications as needed, and not for fun, pay attention to the weight of the programs, read reviews before downloading.
  • If you do not use any application for a long time, then delete it; do not think that you may need it. If you really need it, you can download it on Google Play again.
  • Install Anti-Virus. Perhaps the system is glitching due to viruses. Kaspersky is perfect.
  • Disable autostart of unused services:

Settings->Applications->Running Services

Settings->Manage applications->Running

We stop unnecessary ones. To prevent them from starting after a reboot, you need to disable them through a special application - the process manager. There are a lot of them on Google Play. After getting rid of unnecessary services, the system will start to load faster and become faster.

In Android 2.3 you need to remove synchronization from services that you do not use:

Settings->Accounts and synchronization and on the “Account Management” tab, disable synchronization with all unnecessary services.

So, in your Google account, it won’t hurt to disable synchronization of contacts, Gmail, Picasa, calendar and similar services. When you are not using any services, the “Auto-sync” checkbox in the “Accounts and Synchronization” window should be cleared.

Account settings in Android

By disabling auto-update of applications in Google Play, you will not only speed up your smartphone, your device will keep its battery charged longer and you will save traffic if your mobile Internet is not unlimited. If you need to update, you can do it manually.

To disable auto-updates of applications in Google Play Store you need to:

Open Google Play Store -> Settings - Automatic application updates - Never or Only via Wi-Fi, we will save GPRS traffic and take care of the battery.

It is advisable to disable animation: Settings->Display->Animation->item “No animation”

To speed up Android, remove the live wallpaper, put a simple picture on the screensaver, it is advisable not to put photographs. Set to simple home screen mode. To do this, open settings - My device - Home screen mode - Simple mode. The benefit of Easy mode is that it makes your device easier to use with a simplified screen layout and large icons.

Also, do not forget to remove unnecessary widgets on the main page, such as time, calendar, search, and others. I place a flashlight on the main page at most, because there is no other way to turn it on.

You can remove the widget from the monitor screen by pressing it and dragging it to the trash.

Disable geolocation and GPS

Surely you do not use GPS as often as you have it in active mode. That is why turn off such gadgets. This affects both the speed of the smartphone and the battery.

You can lower the shade from the top of the monitor and turn off GPS. Second option: Settings -> Coordinates (“Location” or “Location data”, etc.), then uncheck the boxes.

Clear application and browser cache

If you regularly clear the cache on your smartphone, you will make a big contribution to speeding up your Android.

Settings->Applications->Manage applications

Settings - Options - Application Manager

Now all that remains is to select one or another application, click on it and press the “Clear cache” button. Do not be afraid that some important data will be deleted (this will not happen), however, it is better to remember your passwords. The browser can be cleaned by directly opening it.

Method number 3. How to speed up Android if you use microCD

Now people are massively using microCD cards. A beginner should ask which side of the memory card in an article about the speed of a smartphone. So, when you buy a microSD card, you only pay attention to the capacity in GB, but you should think about more than that.

The main indicator of modern flash drives is the speed class. This moment, as well as the amount of memory, is written on the media itself.

Speed ​​is usually indicated by a number inscribed in the Latin letter C: 2, 4, 6 and 10 (speed classes). They indicate how many megabytes per second can be written to the memory card. if Class 10, then the speed can exceed 10 MB/s. This used to be the case, but today most classes with the letter C are obsolete. It is worth paying attention to the real speed of writing to a flash drive, which is indicated directly on the memory card, so as not to confuse anyone.

In addition to the above-mentioned designations, you can find others, for example, for microSD with increased recording speed, the UHS (Ultra High Speed) standard is used. Indicated by the speed class number inscribed inside the Latin letter U.

UHS Speed ​​Class 1 - from 10 to 104 MB/s, UHS Speed ​​Class 3 - from 30 to 312 MB/s.

But it is very important not to get confused here. Along with UHS, there is a similar designation for card types: UHS-I and UHS-II.

It is important not to be confused with UHS-II and UHS-I. There are two rows of pins on the back of the UHS-II card. A new product that provides even higher data transfer speeds. So far, the smartphone does not support UHS-II.

In this article we will look at:
1. Optimizing your Android device using “Developer Options”.
2. Programs and daily actions to speed up Android.
3. Optimization and acceleration of Android using custom shells (launchers).

Android optimization – this is not an easy task, but “Your Smartphone” will share with you 3 in effective waysoptimization and acceleration android devices.

Fortunately for ordinary users, basic settings are made almost once for the entire life of the device, and those that require regular actions usually do not take much time! So let's get started..

1. Optimizing your Android device using “Developer Options”.

Let's take a closer look at how to optimize and speed up the operation of an Android device by disabling or reducing graphic effects imposed by the developer (does not require root rights). At some points, you will be faced with the choice of embellishing the external design (for powerful devices) or optimize work speed Your device. Proper optimization of a smartphone or tablet is very important, and then it’s up to you to decide, but our advice will be aimed at precisely this.

First of all, you need to go to the Settings of your phone or tablet in the item "Developer Options". In some devices this item needs to be enabled; to do this, go to the tab "About the device" and click on "Build number" 7 times , and it will appear for you.

Activate the item "Developer Options" and do the following:

  • Turn on “Forcibly. GPU processing" so that your graphics processor works constantly without affecting the resources of the main one;
  • For the most efficient operation of the device, enable the option "Disable hardware overlay";
  • Change the value for 3-points: "Window Animation Scale", "Transition Animation Scale" And "Animator Duration Scale" from 1x to - "Animation disabled" (especially important for “weak” devices);
  • We limit the number of programs running in the background to free up RAM. In point " Background processes" select “The smaller, the faster the device”, we recommend "No more than 3 processes" - for optimal performance, without loss of multitasking (especially important for devices with less than 2 GB of RAM).

For the sequence of actions when setting up developer options, see slider:

2. Programs and daily actions to speed up Android.

In addition to the one-time actions with your smartphone or tablet described above, we recommend regularly do the following:

  • Reboot Android at least once a week – the cache and garbage in RAM are cleared, and the device starts working much faster.
  • Once every six months, reset your phone to factory settings, after saving all your data in the cloud (read which cloud to choose).

Best apps to speed up and optimize Android:

1. Clean Master Download
2. Android Assistant Download
3. Battery Doctor Download

Let's look at how to speed up your Android using the program Clean Master:

  1. Install the free Clean Master application from the Play Market (link above).
  2. In the app, we recommend emptying your trash at least once a week.
  3. After almost every “heavy” task that your smartphone performs, you need to press “Acceleration”. In order not to constantly enter the application, click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner, go to “Settings” - “Widget settings” and turn it on. Now you will constantly see the percentage of full RAM and, by pulling the widget that appears (circle) to the bottom, you can quickly clear the RAM of your Android.

3. Optimization and acceleration of Android using custom shells (launchers).

Custom shells are used to change the appearance and customize the functionality of a smartphone or tablet without flashing or installing Root rights. Exactly for optimizing device speed we recommend installing Nova Launcher.

Its main advantage is that it consumes less system resources, is quite flexible in configuration and is as close as possible to pure Android OS.

It is especially useful to install Nova Launcher for “weak” devices and devices of little-known (Chinese) brands. Custom shells are also used to maximally customize a smartphone for the user, and we will look at the main ones in the following articles (stay tuned for updates).

In this article, we looked at 3 main ways to speed up Android: correct configuration using “Developer Options”, use of special software and regular actions to optimize the Android device, optimization and acceleration of Android using custom shells (launchers)

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