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How to strengthen the phone signal: causes of a bad signal and a do-it-yourself solution to the problem. We make a cellular amplifier with our own hands

The problem of poor or insufficient cellular signal, unfortunately, is still relevant. Even despite the fact that the yard is already the 21st century. Especially, lovers of country rest, residents of villages and cottage settlements suffer from this, where often the quality of mobile communications does not allow talking on the phone. However, this is not worth putting up with. After all, you can independently strengthen the signal of a cellular communication. However, there are several ways to do this.

The simplest (passive) method is using a GSM antenna, which is connected directly to the mobile phone through a special connector. It helps to capture radio waves from the operator's base station, and then transmits them to the smartphone. The most budget option for a summer house or a country house is a GSM antenna with an SMA connector and a gain of 1 to 5 dBi. As a rule, its cost varies from 200 to 1000 rubles.

A GSM antenna is installed on the roof or facade of the house. It is desirable that there is at least a minimum signal in this place. For example, 1-2 division on the phone.

The principle of operation of such an antenna is simple. It organizes the reception and transmission of radio signals from the base station and the telephone (or router), being connected to the latter by means of a coaxial cable that comes with the antenna and has a length of 1.5 to 5 m.

Naturally, this method has a number of disadvantages. First, you are limited by cable length. As a result, your mobile phone, in fact, turns into a landline. Secondly, the RF cable that transmits signals from the GSM antenna has a rare SMA connector. You will need an adapter to connect it and a modern smartphone. Thirdly, the received signal is often partially "lost" on the cable, resulting in little improvement in the quality of communication.

You can buy professional solutions with a cellular booster in the MobileBooster online store, the company sells and installs systems.

Install your own cell phone booster

Continuing to talk about how to amplify the signal on the phone, one cannot fail to note such a device as a repeater. The principle of its operation is to amplify and retransmit waves that come from both the phone itself and the operator's base station. You can buy a repeater in a specialized store, and install it yourself.

To do this, you need to figure out what comes with the device:

  • The repeater itself
  • coax cable
  • Two antennas - for indoor and outdoor placement
  • Power Supply.

First of all, we assemble and install an external antenna. The ideal place for installation is the roof, where it can be mounted on a special mast (1.5-2 m long). True, it is necessary to clarify in advance the location of the nearest operator tower, and deploy an external antenna in its direction. Also, make sure that there are no high obstacles nearby - trees, poles, etc.

Next, using a coaxial cable, we connect an external antenna with a gsm signal amplifier (repeater), which we install in the house. It is important that there is a sufficiently large distance between them, but there is no “line of sight” observed. That is, there were obstacles - windows, walls, furniture, etc. The same applies to the internal antenna. It is best to install it and the repeater closer to the "work areas", that is, where you plan to receive or make calls. For example, a veranda, kitchen or living room.

The video below shows how to install a cellular booster yourself.

Make a repeater with your own hands

Earlier we talked about how to improve the quality of cellular communications far from the city (in the village or in the country) can be a special device - a GSM and 3g repeater (or as it is also called a repeater), whose cost can not be called small. Prices for many models of such equipment range from 10 to 40 thousand rubles. Therefore, some people make their own cell phone amplifier.

This will require some components:

  • Wire 30-40 cm long (for example, from iron, but not from copper);
  • a piece of plastic;
  • Double connecting block for wires;
  • Coaxial cable (about 10 m);
  • A small piece of thin plastic pipe (literally 20-30 cm);
  • Fasteners in the form of bolts and nuts;
  • Insulating tape.

The device creation scheme is as follows:

  • To begin with, we take pliers, with the help of which we make a rhombus from the wire. Only we bend its ends inward so that they are parallel to each other. Their length is 7-8 cm.
  • A block is connected to the ends of the wire so that 2 wires can then be connected to it.
  • Next, a plastic tube is taken, to which the antenna with the block is attached.
  • The outer insulation is removed from one end of the cable. After that, two conductors are connected to the contacts of the connecting block. As a result, the cable becomes a continuation of the previously assembled antenna.
  • The next step is to install the antenna. Which place to choose for this? We recommend - a high pole, the roof of a house, a facade, etc. You can even hang it next to a television antenna. Just pay attention to the fact that it is directed towards the operator's base station.
  • Now bring the other end of the cable into the room. Also remove the outer layer of insulation from it.
  • It remains to take a plastic plate, make a small hole in it and fix the wire. This is where electrical tape comes in handy. It is desirable to cut the plate in shape and size, which will resemble the back cover of the phone.

It remains only to test the amplifier, made by hand. To do this, take your phone and attach to it the plastic plate to which you attached the cable from the antenna. Now you can see how the signal quality has improved. At a minimum, 1-2 divisions on the phone will be added.

Mobile communication is an integral part of our lives, leaving far behind. Thanks to her, we can always be in touch, and along with this, have access to the Internet. However, there are situations when the network coverage is not good enough, which in turn negatively affects the quality of voice calls and the speed of mobile Internet. This problem has been actualized by the mass introduction of 4G, the signal of which is not good in all places.

If you have poor quality cellular signal coverage at home or in your country house, then it is quite possible to solve this problem, although this will take time and money.

Process feasibility

Before purchasing equipment and installing it, contact the operator.

If the mobile network signal quality is poor, call the operator and report the problem. If your neighbors are also faced with this, then let them contact the operator. The more applications, the more chances that your problem will be solved by the mobile operator's specialists for their corporate funds.

For its part, the operator can solve the coverage problem in two ways: installing a new base station or installing additional modules on an existing one.

In the case when the operator, for some reason, cannot solve the problem with coverage, this must be solved on his own. Before you do this, you need to calculate everything.

If the coverage of your mobile operator is of poor quality, can you give preference to another? Today, fortunately, the choice of mobile operators is sufficient. When this option is not suitable, and you urgently need to organize a high-quality and reliable coverage - let's get down to action!

Equipment and scope of work

You probably know that cellular communication is divided into 3 types (generations): GSM (2G), 3G and 4G. Each of them operates in a certain frequency range. Depending on the required amplification of the type of network, it will be necessary to select equipment.

It is impossible to amplify the signal of several generations of networks at once with one set of equipment. To amplify the signal, each generation of the network needs its own separate set of equipment.

However, in most cases, only one network generation is needed to amplify the signal, but which one? Everything is complicated by the fact that each of them has its own advantages, but, nevertheless, let's try to come to a common denominator.


First, study the coverage of the network around. If you receive a signal from a base station with 3G or 4G, then it is best to focus on these generations, as it is the latest and also provides access to high-speed mobile Internet. The main thing is that all devices support this type of connection.


The generation of the network must also be chosen from the tasks set. If you need reliable coverage for making voice calls, but the Internet is not needed, then focus on the GSM network - it's simple and practical.

Subscriber device support

The only caveat is that everyone must have devices that support the selected network type. If absolutely all mobile phones and smartphones support GSM, then third and fourth generation networks are far from all. In other words, if you want to implement a 4G network, all households will need to purchase devices with appropriate network support, which are by no means cheap.

In a word, it's up to you. It is better to choose a 4G network, as it provides high-quality communication and at the same time high-speed Internet access. When the planets "came together" and your whole family has devices with 3G support, then by the will of fate you should choose this network. If you do not bother with all this - take GSM.

What equipment is needed:

  • External antenna (sent to the base station to receive the signal);

  • Repeater (a device that amplifies the signal and transmits it to an internal antenna);

  • Internal antenna (provides signal propagation in the room);

  • Cable 5D/FB (cable for connecting an external antenna to the repeater);

  • Connector N111/5D (plug for cable connection).

Regardless of the type of network, a set of equipment has the same components. This kit is suitable for an apartment and a small private house, such as a summer house. In such cases, one repeater will be enough to spread the signal throughout the room. If you need to amplify the signal on several floors or on a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, you will need more repeaters.

Be sure to find out at what frequencies your chosen network operates, this is necessary in order to choose the right equipment. Also ask the operator where the nearby base station is located or determine it using special mobile programs. In general, the antenna is mounted where there is the best network signal on the phone.

If you do not have certain skills and knowledge in this matter, then it is better to entrust the choice and installation to professionals.


First you need to strengthen the antenna, depending on its type, installation will be carried out. Fastening is done with anchors.

As mentioned earlier, you need to find the side in which there will be the best signal. This is the direction in which the antenna will point. You can mount the antenna on the wall or. In addition, if necessary, you can even build a metal tower on which the antenna will be mounted - this is a good solution for summer cottages and cottage villages.

The next stage of installation is cable laying. To do this, make a hole in the wall and connect the cable to an external antenna. We lay the inner part of the cable indoors to the location of the repeater. To attach the tips to the ends of the cable, it is better to use the services of a master in the store.

Then we proceed to the installation of the repeater. It is attached to the wall with dowel-nails, and if it is a simple antenna, then it is placed on a shelf. Next, the internal and external antennas are connected to the repeater. After that, we connect the repeater to the mains, configure it and are satisfied with the high-quality network coverage.

When choosing an installation site, before starting all work, draw up a diagram of the equipment installation. Be sure to have a separate outlet near the repeater, and take this into account when drawing up the diagram. The repeater should be located in the center of the area where the signal needs to be improved.

This video will help you to visually get acquainted with the installation procedure and equipment for signal amplification:

Despite the widespread use of mobile communications, the question is still relevant how to strengthen the signal of the phone, or rather cellular communication, to which it is connected. It doesn't matter if you live in a small village or in a metropolis, the chance that your device will stop receiving a signal is everywhere. Gradually, this problem is solved by operators, new base stations appear, communications are increasing. But what if the problem lies in your phone, and not in the network? Today we decided to figure out what the bad signal level is connected with and whether it can be fixed by hand.

The principle of operation of cellular communication is quite simple: there is an operator’s base station and your phone, a radio frequency channel is organized between them, through which SMS messages are transmitted, calls are made, and Internet data is exchanged. There are several cellular communication standards that differ in signal transmission method and frequency. As a rule, base stations are built on hills in order to provide maximum coverage. However, you can’t get away from the barriers that prevent the passage of the signal. It can be walls, trees, and other obstacles, upon contact with which the signal weakens.

It is clear that in open areas where high-rise buildings do not abound, the coverage area will be higher. For example, for stations operating according to the GSM-900 standard, in this case, the zone is no more than 30,000 kilometers. In urban areas, the figure is reduced to 7 kilometers. Stations with more advanced communication standards in the face of 3G and LTE cover an area half the diameter.

Why do we have a weak phone signal?

Due to the above mentioned barriers, so-called dead zones or holes in the coating can be formed. That is, places where the signal is weak, unstable or completely absent. Where do you most often encounter poor signal strength on your phone:

  • places located at a significant distance from the nearest station (there is simply no coverage);
  • basements, underground parking, lowlands (the signal is simply unable to penetrate here);
  • hills, skyscrapers (often "to rise higher" does not mean the obligatory presence of a signal - above the 12-14th floor there is often no signal at all);
  • buildings made of metal structures that do not transmit a signal.

However, obstacles and distance from the station are not always the reason for the lack of a signal. Often the user's phone becomes the cause. You have probably been in situations where a friend has a cellular signal, but you do not. And at the same time, you use the services of one operator. There are cases when different signal levels are observed on two identical phones. There can be many reasons:

  • a phone in a metal case or in a metal case can catch the network much worse than a plastic device;
  • quite often, no matter how surprising it may sound to you, the reason is the “clumsy” firmware of the phone;
  • damage to any components as a result of falls, immersion in water, and so on;
  • the phone may have a defective antenna from the factory, which is especially sinful for Chinese manufacturers of inexpensive models.

How to strengthen the phone signal with your own hands?

So, let's go over the theory, let's move on to practice. We will analyze several ways to boost a cellular signal, starting with the simplest, ending with quite complex and expensive ones.

Reason for the firmware

It is worth starting with checking the correct operation of the software before trying to get to the insides of the phone. With the deterioration of the communication signal that appears after flashing, hundreds of users are faced, so attention should be focused. We have already written, so we will not repeat ourselves. Firmware is a fairly simple process, but with its own nuances. Most importantly, remember to back up your important files.

If the flashing helped, then we congratulate you, but if the phone still does not catch the network well, then proceed to the next step.

Poor signal reception due to damage to the phone

As already noted, often the phone does not pick up a signal well after it accidentally fell on a tile or plunged into the sea. In this case, the average user has no choice but to go to a service center. Modern phones are quite complex devices, therefore it is not possible for most to identify the source of the problem on their own. It is likely that specialists will detect damage and perform the necessary work so that your phone can again cope with network searches without any problems.

How to boost your phone signal

In most cases, the cause of a weak cellular signal lies in the defect of the antenna, which, in fact, is responsible for this function. Often, owners of inexpensive smartphones from the Middle Kingdom are faced with the fact that the manufacturer cheated a little by loosely connecting the antenna to the device's motherboard. You can fix the mistake yourself, but you need to understand at least a little how the phone works. Otherwise, we contact the service center with a description of the problem.

  1. now smartphones are represented by a very different design, and therefore they are disassembled in different ways; it is easiest to get to the insides of a phone with a removable cover and battery, it is more difficult when the smartphone is not collapsible;

Do not hurry. Before starting disassembly, find a video or text material on the Internet that will show and tell how your particular device is disassembled, what you should pay attention to.

Please also note: after disassembling the smartphone, you lose the warranty.

  1. as a rule, the antenna is hidden in the lower or upper part of the case, represented by small copper strips (again, for the location of the antenna specifically in your model, see the relevant materials);
  2. after you get to the board, you will find several spring contacts, which should fit snugly against the cable located on the back of the structure;
  3. if the spring contacts of the motherboard do not adhere well to the cable, carefully correct them, armed, for example, with tweezers;
  4. assemble the phone and enjoy a good network signal.
We connect a homemade antenna to the phone to amplify the signal

The methods discussed above only work if the problem lies in your phone. But, as we noted at the beginning of the material, the cause of a bad signal can be various kinds of obstacles or a significant distance from the station. In this case, you can try to strengthen the antenna of our device with just a piece of wire.

Just note that the method is not suitable for all phones. The fact is that for its implementation you will need a special diagnostic port, which is difficult to get to in a modern non-separable smartphone (in a number of models you can’t find it at all). It looks like a small round connector of golden color.

    take a small piece of thin insulated wire;

    insert into the connector;

    lay it so that it does not interfere with other components and closing the lid.

Everything, as practice shows, the signal of the phone network is amplified to a large extent. Isn't it surprising?!

Some users inserted a piece of wire into the 3.5 mm port (for headphones). Sometimes that works too.

Sticker sticker or foil to boost phone signal

In the vastness of foreign online stores, it will not be difficult to find a bunch of different devices for signal amplification. Among them, a small sticker-sticker is popular, which is a few metal tracks, which, according to the manufacturer, allow you to get rid of interference.

Similar stripes can be seen in some smartphones by default, so the "magic" properties of the sticker have the right to life.

However, to achieve a slight improvement in the signal, according to a considerable number of users, a piece of ordinary foil will help. It is located under the cover of the phone, closer to the antenna. The method is simple, so you can try.

Strengthening communication with a repeater

In some cases, when the signal cannot be amplified by any of the methods (too thick walls of the room, remoteness from the base station), they resort to the use of special antennas or repeaters. Such devices can greatly amplify the signal, but their cost often scares off a potential buyer.

Where to buy cheap?

You can build something similar with your own hands, but often it does not amplify the signal at all or does it very, very badly.

For example, some use the following method:

  1. we take a metal rod (50 cm is enough), a coaxial cable, a piece of foil (about 10x4 cm) and plywood or plastic;
  2. we bend the metal rod so that we get a diamond-shaped design;
  3. glue the foil to the plywood;
  4. we connect the metal rhombus and the foil using a coaxial cable (solder);
  5. the end, on which the rhombus turned out, is raised higher, the other, with foil, is left below;
  6. We bring the phone to the foil to check the signal quality.

It will probably be necessary to find the most suitable place for the resulting structure to catch the signal.

It is clear that such an amplifier is unlikely to provide communication to a large company that was not lucky enough to have an office in an area without network coverage. Here you will have to seek help from specialists. Today, many companies provide such services, and not only will they offer modern equipment, but they will also install it. By the way, you should not save on specialists - for installation, workers use special devices that help determine the most suitable place, select frequencies, and so on. For an ordinary user, of course, it will be difficult to cope with such a task.

The positive thing is that engineers have already come up with several options for getting rid of such inconveniences. The disadvantages include the requirements for additional financial investments and the complexity of setting up communication amplification systems. However, let's not get ahead of ourselves and tell about all this in order.

Mobile phone signal booster

The simplest option to avoid a weak signal is to install the amplifier not on a certain area or building, but on a specific phone. Similar antenna amplifiers look like stickers and are glued inside the body of the device or on its back cover.

Amplification of the signal occurs due to a change in the radiation pattern of the phone's own antenna and an increase in the total induction of the two antennas.

The disadvantage of this method can be considered a change in the circular reception of a mobile phone to a narrowly focused one. Simply put, the signal will improve significantly when you point the phone towards the tower of the mobile operator. In other cases, the signal quality, on the contrary, will fall. How effective is such a mobile signal booster for you personally, of course, you should decide on your own.

The next way to enhance the quality of communication is a point-to-point mobile signal amplifier with a small coverage radius. This option is suitable for cases where the strong signal zone is only a few meters from your workplace.

Despite the widespread use of mobile communications, the question of how to strengthen the signal of the phone, or rather the cellular communication to which it is connected, is still relevant. Whether you live in a small village,...

Cellular network coverage is not continuous. And no one will make it continuous - it is economically unprofitable. A certain contribution is made here by the features of the propagation of radio waves, due to which zones of radio silence may appear at certain points. Poor cellular signal reception - this problem is relevant for many people, especially for those who live outside the city, away from the nearest base stations. Let's try to solve this problem together.

Admission Situation

There are thousands of complaints about mobile operators on the Internet - people complain that they are experiencing communication problems. Unfortunately, no one will make sure that the signal is received everywhere and with the same strength. This is impossible due to economic reasons, it is impossible due to some physical reasons. Russian operators generally perform well, and their coverage area is decent - this is confirmed by evaluative comparisons with European operators. You just got a little unlucky with the location.

If you complain about the poor signal level of MTS in your area, nothing prevents you from interviewing your neighbors and finding out which operator they use. It is quite possible that Beeline or MegaFon will work much better for you, pleasing you with a stable reception. Even Tele2, which does not always have a wide coverage area, has significantly increased the coverage of its networks in recent years - you can try.

Porting a number to another operator

You can object - they say, I do not want to change the operator, even if the signal of another operator is caught many times better. This is called "to spite my neighbor, I will freeze my ears." Do not change if you do not want to - sit in the middle of nowhere and rejoice at the lack of communication. For others, we can offer a reasonable solution - if MTS is not caught in your area, but Beeline is caught, go to the Beeline office and write an application for porting the number.

The advantages of this approach:

  • In 8-9 days you will have a mobile phone working - it will be serviced in the network of another operator, and you will forget what poor network coverage is.
  • You can choose a more favorable tariff plan.
  • You will stay with your number - it is not necessary to change it at all.

This is the best way to deal with poor cell signal reception, but it will require some preliminary research to determine which operator works best in your area.

Buying another phone

This is not to say that this is the most optimal way to solve the problem with poor signal reception. All modern tubes have approximately the same sensitivity. Therefore, buying another smartphone can result in extra costs. And the talk of Apple fans that iPhones are “caught anywhere” is nothing more than a myth.

Finding a phone with high sensitivity for poor reception conditions is problematic. A few years ago they were, but then disappeared somewhere. People living in remote areas are advised to look for old Nokia and Motorola mobile phones - they were very sensitive.

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Their cost does not exceed 3,000 rubles, and the antennas sticking out of the housings will provide increased sensitivity.

The most difficult problem to solve is the reception of 3G and 4G signals, since only modern phones work with them.

Using external antennas

External antennas will help improve the quality of voice communication and increase the speed of mobile Internet. They connect to phones equipped with the appropriate sockets. Unfortunately, they are equipped with an extremely limited number of models. Let's see which tubes we can connect external antennas to improve cellular signal reception:

  • Huawei ETS5623 is a stationary cell phone complete with an external antenna and a 10-meter coil of cable. The cost is about 4 thousand rubles. An excellent solution for poor cell signal reception.
  • Runbo H1 is a very expensive smartphone worth almost 60 thousand rubles, made in a shockproof and waterproof case. It is equipped with a connector for an external antenna.
  • Kit MT3020B is another stationary device equipped with a socket for an external antenna, which is supplied in the kit. The cost of the phone is about 5.5 thousand rubles.

We also recommend paying attention to the tubes of the last decade - they were often equipped with antenna connectors (including those hidden under the back cover) to work in conditions of poor cellular signal reception.

Cellular communication is needed not only for voice transmission, but also for access to mobile Internet. And if we cannot find a smartphone with a connector for an external antenna, then there are plenty of 3G and 4G modems with them. Literally, you can connect an antenna to every second modem, which will significantly improve the reception quality.

Passive repeaters

The use of passive repeaters allows you to improve the reception of a cellular signal without expensive electronics. Most often, these are home-made devices, which are a bunch of two small antennas. Also, beer cans, copper wire, and some other unthinkable household products are involved in the designs. All this is not serious, and even limits the freedom of movement around the house - you have to talk on the phone when you are directly located next to such a repeater.

There is one more interesting technical solution. If your smartphone does not have an antenna jack, you can do the following:

  • Buy one directional GSM antenna and one GSM whip antenna.
  • Install a directional antenna on the roof of the house, on a tree or pole up to 10 meters high (the more the better).
  • Install a whip antenna in your home.
  • Connect both antennas with a cable.

Is it necessary to purchase an expensive gadget when it is possible to get by with a device assembled from improvised means?

Those who have at least an initial level of knowledge in the field of cellular communications will be able to cope on their own. This requires components and tools, as well as a device diagram.

And you can assemble the simplest cellular amplifier on your own. What is required for this will be discussed below.

Antennas to enhance cellular communications

They are one of the simplest devices that allow you to achieve a high-quality signal on any object.

There are two main groups of antennas:

  1. external;
  2. Internal.

The former are usually installed on the roof of a building and are capable of providing coverage over large areas. The signal received from the base station is transmitted by the antenna through the cable to the amplifier. This guarantees good communication quality even in areas where it was previously impossible.

What elements does the signal amplification system consist of

It is possible to provide reliable communication in hard-to-reach places for a radio signal, but this will require special equipment. Various devices assembled in a single system make it possible to achieve high signal quality and forget about its sudden disappearance forever. It is often referred to as a cell phone booster. However, in fact, it is a complex consisting of the following elements:

  • Repeater or two-way amplifier, which is an intermediate link;
  • External and internal antennas that pick up the station signal and distribute it indoors;
  • Power divider or wire splitter;
  • N-connectors;
  • 50 ohm coaxial cable.

All devices included in the system are divided into two groups:

  1. Active;
  2. Passive.

The first includes devices for which operation requires a connection to a power source - this is a repeater, connectors. Antennas, a divider and a cable are called passive. Each system is calculated for a specific object and therefore may have a different number of amplifiers and internal antennas. The best option is one that uses a minimum cable length, since each extra meter of it is a loss in signal quality. This must be taken into account when assembling a cellular signal amplifier with your own hands.

Since all elements are interconnected, it is recommended to install the equipment before finishing, so as not to spoil the interior.

The principle of the repeater

The equipment of this class is in some way a repeater. It processes the received signals and sends them to the base station tower if it is an outgoing call. When a subscriber is dialed, the repeater performs the same function, only the connection is made with the user's gadget.

Watch the video, the simplest way to amplify the signal:

The signal is received and transmitted by antennas. The simplest cell phone signal booster can be assembled by hand. The outdoor antenna receives or sends it to the station, while the indoor antenna is responsible for expanding the coverage area in the room.

How to make a cellular amplifier with your own hands

The use of such a device allows you to achieve high-quality communication in almost any corner of the object. A repeater is especially needed in areas with a poor signal or where it is absent. The advantages of using the system include such features as:

  1. Strengthening the signal in places where there are frequent interruptions in mobile communications;
  2. Elimination of interference;
  3. Improving the clarity of the message;
  4. Reduced radiation level;
  5. Longer phone battery life.

But since such equipment is not cheap, many decide to make it on their own.

Watch the video, do-it-yourself manufacturing steps:

In order to assemble a cellular amplifier on your own, you will need components that need to be connected into a single system. How to do this will be discussed next.

What is needed for assembly

If you decide to make the simplest device, namely an antenna, then you will need:

  • Wire, but not copper (length 30-40 cm);
  • Connection block;
  • Cable (up to 10 m);
  • Fasteners (for mounting connecting blocks);
  • Polymer pipe (20 cm);
  • Plastic.

Since in the process of work you will have to connect individual elements, it is worth having electrical tape on hand. After all the components are found and prepared, you can start assembling the cellular signal amplifier with your own hands.

A piece of wire must be bent in the middle by 90 °, so that the result is a rhombus. To do this, retreat from the center by 9 cm in both directions. Then, at the mark, the wire is again bent at the same angle. As a result of the manipulations, you get a rhombus. The ends are bent inward and a block is connected to them. Install it so that in the future you can connect through it. For this, a polymer pipe is cut along one side and a hole is made opposite.

We watch the video, we make an amplifier from cans:

After the antenna assembly stage has been completed, they begin to connect the coaxial cable. At one of its ends, the outer insulation is removed and the outer and inner conductors are connected to the contacts of the connecting block. As a result, the cable becomes a continuation of the antenna.

After that, it remains to install the device on the roof of the house or attach it to a pole and direct it towards the base station of the mobile operator. The last step in making the simplest amplifier with your own hands is to connect the other end of the cable to a plastic plate. And you can start testing.

If everything was done correctly, then as soon as you bring the mobile phone to the amplifier, the signal indicator will increase by 2 or 3 divisions.

Choosing a place to install the repeater

But it’s not enough just to assemble a cellular amplifier, you also need to correctly install it. The efficiency of such equipment is directly dependent on its location, as well as the antennas included in the system. Therefore, before proceeding with the installation, you must make sure that the signal level is sufficient. The easiest way to find out is by making a call from the phone where the antenna is planned to be installed. You can also determine the signal level by the indicator on the gadget's display.

Antenna Installation

But besides this, there are other limitations. For example, the place for installing the amplifier should not be closer than a meter to the heaters.

After planning the location of all components, they begin to lay the coaxial cable. But before turning on the repeater, you need to make sure that all connectors are intact and clean. Do not turn on the device if it is not connected to an external antenna, as it may be damaged. If you need to disconnect the RF cables, be sure to turn off the power.

There are also temperature restrictions. If for an external antenna it is from -40 to +50°C, then for the repeater itself it is limited only to positive temperatures. In addition, the repeater can only be installed in a heated room.

Need to remember! An incorrectly assembled system is capable of emitting interference, which affects the operation of nearby stations. Therefore, you should not install it without surveying the object and determining the location for placing all the blocks.

Amplifier setting

In order to obtain a stable and sufficient communication signal at a particular facility, it is necessary to correctly perform all commissioning work. They consist in setting the quality of voice messages and excluding self-excitation of the device.

We watch the video, what to do if the signal is bad, we watch the solutions:

The first thing to start with is to make sure that all connections are intact. The power adapter and antennas are connected to the high-frequency connectors. If power surges occur frequently in the network, then a surge protector must be used.

The next step is to adjust the gain. It must be at least 15 dB. The repeater can be configured manually or automatically. In the first case, the adjustment is carried out using the potentiometer knob and changing the position of the external and internal antennas.

Auto tuning involves setting the gain level so that maximum output power is obtained. In this case, the device will independently adjust to the traffic of the operator's base station.

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