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How to amplify the signal of the router at home. Weak wifi signal

Wi-fi allows you to access the worldwide network through any device that has a special receiver. Many people install wi-fi routers in their apartments, but in urban areas there may be problems with the radio signal. The router itself has a fairly large range, but this parameter is influenced by many external factors. For example, mirrors, nearby access points, furniture, and household appliances in an apartment can interfere with the free passage of the radio signal, creating problems with Internet speed. In addition, partitions between rooms and load-bearing walls also strongly dampen the signal, and the stronger the material of this obstacle, the more difficult it is for the radio signal to break through. There are several ways to speed up the Internet via wi-fi in your home network. Here are a few factors to pay attention to, because they are the ones that most affect the quality of the signal.

Strengthening the WiFi signal with a router

To slightly increase the speed of the Internet via wi-fi, you first need to choose the right place for the router. If the transmitter is located in the farthest corner, and the devices connected to this network are located in a completely different part of the apartment, then the Internet speed on these devices will be less than when they are close to the source. Choosing a place for a router can be quite difficult. Usually there are several devices in the apartment that need to be connected to the wi-fi network. The router should be approximately the same distance from each device. Because so many factors affect signal strength, the ideal location for a wireless router is rarely exactly in the middle. Therefore, the best way to find the most favorable place is to experiment with the location of the router.

It is worth noting that it makes sense to try to install the router as high as possible, since in this case the signal will not meet with part of the obstacles on the floor.

Homemade WiFi Gain Antennas

Poor reception quality may occur due to problems with the antennas. This can be partially corrected by replacing the antenna or adding several elements to it.
Antenna upgrade is the most popular solution to this problem, but it can only be applied to wireless routers that have antennas located on the outside of the case, not inside. Its essence is to set the signal in a certain direction. This is done quite simply. Each router has omnidirectional antennas that send out a signal in all directions, and in order to “force” the signals to only go where they are needed, people use so-called screens that reflect the signal and direct it in the right direction.

You can build such a screen from almost everything that is made of metal: foil, tin cans, soda cans, and so on. This method is inexpensive, but it will not work to greatly increase the quality of communication.

Signal amplification, homemade antenna. Free Internet.


It is much more efficient to simply replace the antenna with a more powerful one. In principle, this method of solving the problem is not very expensive, a sufficiently powerful antenna now costs about three hundred rubles, but if the router has three antennas, the replacement amount can reach up to a thousand rubles. Typically, a router antenna has a gain of about 2-3dBi; if you replace it with a 5-8dBi antenna, the signal strength will increase significantly.

But replacing an antenna with a gain of more than four dBi does not make much sense, because in this case the Internet speed will not increase much.

Extending WiFi Signal Distance with a Repeater

A repeater, or repeater, increases the range of the network due to the fact that it completely repeats all received electrical signals. Such devices are inexpensive, their cost in Russian stores rarely exceeds a thousand rubles, and if you order a repeater from China, it will be 40% cheaper (including shipping from China). By the way, some routers can independently combine several wi-fi access points into one network.
The repeater is small and plugs into a regular outlet. The repeater is easy to use and quick to set up. To work, the repeater needs only ssid and password from the network.

Video connection and setup of the repeater.

We use a WiFi adapter to improve the signal

Many modern devices have a wi-fi receiver sewn into the case. To connect to wi-fi through a device that does not have this receiver, special wi-fi adapters are used. Most often, they are connected to the device via a USB connector or a PCI slot. The reason for the weak signal may lie precisely in the wi-fi adapter. Even if this is not the case, it can be improved a little. If the adapter has an antenna, then it can be replaced in the same way as the router antenna, if the design does not prohibit this. In general, if you need to purchase a wireless wi-fi adapter, you should take the device that has a larger antenna.

If the adapter's antenna is hidden in the case, you can try connecting it to your computer via a USB extension cable. In this case, it becomes possible to move the adapter in space, as far as the extension cord allows, to find a place with the strongest wi-fi signal.

Setting up a router to improve WiFi connection

It happens that all problems are related to the incorrect operation of the wireless router. Some owners of a wi-fi router do not like to mess around with setting up their wireless network, and a very interesting situation often develops. Most routers are left with the default setting, and it turns out that wireless networks located nearby operate on the same frequency, crossing over and occupying the same channel. Without a doubt, this slows down the system a lot, so first of all you need to set up a radio channel for your wireless network. To do this, you need to download a special program - for example, inSSIDer, the most popular program of this type - and run it. The program will display the frequency channels of all neighboring networks on the monitor. After that, it remains to go to the settings of the router (section "wireless network") and change the channel so that there are no networks operating at the same frequency nearby.

There are other configuration errors as well. If the wi-fi signal in your home network is weak, then you should delve into the settings of the router. In this case, special attention should be paid to the "Advanced settings" section. This section has a "signal strength" parameter, which should be set to 100% or "high" if the power is given in abstract terms like "low", "medium" and so on. If this parameter is not set to the maximum, you need to set the highest value and save the changes.

Which wireless standard to choose to increase WiFi connection

Many wireless routers are configured with the 802.11ac wireless standard as it is the most recent. Despite this, its predecessor, 802.11n, has significant advantages.

The 802.11n standard allows you to use multiple antennas at once, which greatly increases the range of your wireless network.
To switch to the old standard, you need to go to the settings, the "wireless networks" section, and switch the "operation mode" parameter to "802.11n". After that, save the changes and reboot the device.
The second advantage is that this mode of operation allows you to switch to the 5 GHz band. Now this range is not very popular. It is almost completely free from frequency interference caused by neighboring access points, so the wireless network will have the maximum coverage area on this band.

Unfortunately, modern phones, tablets, and laptops do not see a wireless network with this standard, because it is considered obsolete, but many devices can still connect to such networks.

Setting up a receiver on a laptop will help improve the WiFi signal.

Notebook manufacturers, wanting to increase the "life" of the battery, came up with a "power saving mode." When the laptop is in this power mode, almost all the modules of the device do not work at full capacity, and the wi-fi receiver too. This mode of operation is optional, so the laptop can easily be taken out of it through the power plan settings.

The impact of other devices on the signal.

Microwave ovens, telephones, and now refrigerators fill the space of the apartment with electromagnetic radiation, which can conflict with the signals sent by the router's antenna. This problem is not so serious, if the quality of communication over a wireless network suffers precisely because of this, it is enough to change the frequency of the router. Only the new frequency should also not be blocked by home appliances. You may have to experiment with frequency channels for ten to twenty minutes.

Wireless Security

Traffic theft is one of the main causes of signal degradation. There are many programs that allow an attacker to guess the password to the wi-fi access point, so you need to set a complex password for your home network. A good password consists of a random series of numbers and letters of different case. The longer the password, the less likely it is that the neighbors will be able to pick it up.


So, there are a lot of factors that slow down the speed of the Internet when connecting through a home wi-fi network. Trying to eliminate them all is a waste of time and effort. Each router itself has a good range, so it is much more effective to solve a few major problems, and the wireless network signal will improve enough to forget about connection difficulties forever.

WiFi technology is gaining momentum and becoming even more popular. Therefore, modern appliances are already immediately produced with a built-in Wi-Fi module, for example: refrigerators, kettles, TVs. Manufacturers are trying to make a person's life more comfortable and carefree. Going into any cafe, shop, club, you can easily connect your phone or tablet to the World Wide Web, all thanks to Wi Fi wireless technology. Also, you probably have many devices at home that support Wi-Fi. So that you do not have to drag a bunch of wires with you, it is enough to buy a router that will distribute the Internet.

But many are faced with a problem - a weak WiFi signal, as a result, an underestimated Internet speed. Therefore, we decided in this article to help you and tell you in detail how to strengthen the wifi signal using various methods.

Choosing the location of the router

When you decide to install a router in your home, pay special attention to the question, where is the best place to place it?

  1. Try to keep your router as close to the center of the house as possible. So that radio waves propagate evenly throughout the house.
  2. The router is best placed near doorways or windows. Then the wireless signal will be less attenuated.
  3. Do not place the router in the kitchen near the microwave oven. Wi-Fi operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, and the oven also operates at the same frequency. Therefore, they interfere with each other. When you turn on the microwave oven, the router may even hang.
  4. Do not install the router in iron boxes or boxes. The signal passes through metal barriers the worst.
  5. It is undesirable to place the router in the children's room or bedroom. There is still no consensus on how harmful radiation from a router is for a person. Therefore, away from sin, it is better to put it in the corridor.
  6. Do not place two routers in the same room. If there is no other option, then at least spread them across different channels. For example: put one channel 1, and put the second channel 12.

Using programs, we strengthen the Wi-Fi signal

Usually, after buying any equipment, people do not really like to look into the instructions that come with the device. The router is no exception, few people pay due attention to setting it up. Usually, the entire setup ends after entering the password for the Wi-Fi network and SSID, all other settings are left by default. Therefore, in the process of using wireless Internet, all sorts of problems arise, such as: a weak signal,. Let's figure out why this happens and how you can strengthen the WiFi signal

Choosing a WiFi radio channel

Having put the router in the apartment, many did not think that the neighbors below, above, on the side, also installed a router. Why is that bad, you ask? And the fact that there is a high probability that the channels in which the routers will work can intersect. Many routers default to channel 6. Just imagine, all the neighbors, like you broadcast on channel 6, the result of such work is a decrease in the signal level and a drop in bandwidth.

InSSIDer utility

Therefore, during the setup process, do not be lazy and download a utility that will help you decide on the choice of a channel for broadcasting. For example, take a program that is easy to use and popular - InSSIDer. This utility is able to scan the air well and give out a large amount of useful data, thanks to which you will decide which channel is most suitable for you.

Acrylic WiFi App

Also less popular acrylic wifi. There is a free version and a paid version that adds advanced features. The application can scan channels in all modes in the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands, competently analyzes the distribution of channels.

Low transmitter power

The ability to adjust the power of the Wi-Fi transmitter is not provided on every router. In this case, another firmware can help you. To search for it, you will have to spend a little time, and no one guarantees 100% success after installation. So it's up to you to decide.

Models that have such a function can increase the power to improve the signal, now we'll tell you how to do it. Often the default is low power, so go to the router settings, in the menu you need to find the item " Transmit Power". We select the maximum one hundred percent or the value " High (Nigh)." After that, your Wi-Fi signal will be amplified.

Choose Wi-Fi Standard IEEE 802.11n

There are few standards for Wi-Fi. To date, this is 802.11-a-b-g-n-ac, the last AC is not in every router. It is believed that the fastest standard is 802.11n, it has more than all the other coverage radius that it covers. But we must not forget that not all Wi-Fi devices support this standard. Whether your device supports the 802.11n standard is easy to find out. On the router, you need to configure this standard in the settings. We take a phone or tablet and scan the radio. You will see if you can see your network or not.

To configure, go to the main menu of the router. Find the " Wi-Fi" tab, then select " basic settings”, you will see the line “ Wireless mode» next to it, you can select the operating mode. Don't forget to save your settings and reboot.

Using the more advanced 5 GHz band

Using the 5 GHz band, you will be able to pump the speed much more than with the 2.4 GHz band. This is due to the fact that a large number of devices operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, while, of course, the radio air is heavily clogged and interfere with one another. But the frequencies of 5 GHz are used much less often, there is less noise, the bandwidth is greater. The only plus on 2.4 GHz is that the wifi signal amplification is stronger and breaks through any obstacles better. So you choose which range to use.

Increasing the signal with changes in Windows

This section is more suitable for users who have Wi-Fi on a laptop. Often, manufacturers by default set laptops in the power consumption section to the “ Energy saving". Because of this, the Wi-Fi adapter in the computer reduces performance. To fix this, you need to change the mode to " Balanced or High. With this mode, you can catch a signal from a greater distance.

How to remove power limits in the router

In most countries, routers have introduced power limits up to 100 mW. There are only a few countries in which there are no restrictions, one of them is Bolivia, thanks to this there is a loophole with which you can increase the transmitter power.

  • Install Kali Linux or just Linux.
  • In the terminal, enter the commands:
    ifconfig wlan0 down
    macchanger -r wlan0
    iw reg set BO
    iwconfig wlan0 txpower 400mW
    ifconfig wlan0 up

A value of 400 mW means power, you can start with 200 mW so as not to burn the transmitter.

You can also try the second way to increase power. To do this, you need to write the wl -i wlan0 txpower 100 command, where 100 is the power you set, and wlan0 is your adapter.

Increasing the signal by improving the Wi-Fi antenna

If there is an opportunity and finances, then you can simply replace the antenna on the router with a more powerful one. For example, a standard antenna usually has a gain of 4-5 dBi, in which case it will not be difficult to find an antenna in stores to amplify the signal with a large dBi coefficient.

But when there is little money or just want to save money, a beer can will come to the rescue! It didn't seem to you, you read everything correctly, a beer can. This is the easiest and most proven way to slightly increase the signal at home.

To create a Wi-Fi signal reflector, you need to cut off the entire bottom and do almost the same with the top of the can, unlike the bottom, we don’t cut it a little from the top. Then we cut the jar lengthwise, we get a sail, which we put on the antenna. You're done, you've learned how easy it is to improve your signal.

Boost your WiFi signal with a repeater

The repeater will help to amplify the signal. You can buy both in the online store and in a regular store, it all depends on your desire. Their variety is large, so look at the characteristics and choose the right one. After purchase, you need to connect it to your wireless network in order for the repeater to increase its range.

Replacement laptop WiFi adapter

Changing the Wi-Fi module on a laptop is not difficult, especially there are models that have a cover on the bottom. When you open it you will see this module. You can buy another adapter that will connect via USB. Often, these adapters have an external antenna that amplifies wifi on laptops, which you can replace with a more powerful one in the future.

There are a lot of tips on how to strengthen the signal of a Wi-Fi network, the modern Internet provides a huge amount. But the disadvantage of many articles is that useful information is hidden behind mountains of recommendations that are not related to a given problem or have a value, but only indirectly. As a result, the user is trying to increase the range of the Wi-Fi signal using settings that cannot be used to solve such problems. They are simply useless for the network, and even more so for the radius of its activity.

Updated and large instructions: .

The task of amplifying the signal of a Wi-Fi network involves influencing the change in the radius of its coverage and the distance of Wi-Fi operation. You can often run into a problem when it is impossible to use Wi-Fi in the back rooms of your home, although the router has been restored and no problems with its operation have been identified. Inconvenience may also arise if there is the possibility of wireless data transmission on different floors of the same room.

What determines the range of a Wi-Fi network? There are many answers to this seemingly simple question. An important role in the territory of distribution of the Wi-Fi network is played by the following factors:

  • The number and power of router antennas;
  • The thickness of the walls in the room;
  • Number of wireless data transmission systems located in the neighborhood;
  • The location of the peripheral device that provides access to the Internet;
  • Other hindrances.

Often, when purchasing a router, buyers are asked to choose a device that will provide a stable signal for a home with a different number of rooms or a private house. But it is impossible to advise something specific in such cases, since many conditions must be studied. The area of ​​​​the room may be the only factor that you should pay attention to when buying a router. For an apartment with one room, the option of equipment that is not expensive in price and has one antenna with a power of 3 dBi will be quite suitable. To provide a Wi-Fi signal to rooms with a fairly large area, you need to take into account other characteristics of the router. At the same time, the price factor should not be taken as the basis for acquiring the necessary equipment. For comparison, the device has a number of advantages: several antennas, a function to increase the radius of Wi-Fi activity from Asus. But if you use it along with another model, less expensive, at the same distance, the result of its work is not much different from the router model with a price several times lower. Despite the fact that the latter option is equipped with antennas located inside the device.

Changing hardware settings to improve wireless Wi-Fi signal strength

If you have and install equipment for accessing the Internet in a residential or office space, you can try to independently influence the signal strength of a wireless data network. The following tips will help you do this. First you need to decide on a way to solve the problem:

  1. Reconfigure the router to boost the signal
  2. Recourse to additional devices or devices

Search and change the channel on the router

Step #1: search and change the channel on the router. Networks that are used by neighbors can have an impact on the active operation of your network. They put a heavy load on the channel on which the operation of your network depends. Is it possible to find out if the device installed in your premises sees nearby available networks for connection.

Experiments are indispensable here. There are several options in this case:

  • Set up any statistical channel
  • Select channel Auto
  • Using an additional program, make a choice of a free channel

What you choose must be fixed in the settings of the device for data transfer (router).

It makes no sense to focus on the instructions for replacing and setting the frequency range in this article. The easiest way is to use a useful article. It contains information about the nature of the channel and the method of finding an unloaded one. For routers of various models, the frequency range changes according to a certain method.

Network transition to 802.11N

Step #2: We transfer our network to 802.11N mode of operation. The b/g/n (11bgn mixed) mode is the standard setting for wireless network operation. For routers with more than one antenna, you can force it to change. The choice in favor of 802.11N is characterized by new advantages of the router: improved Wi-Fi broadcasting, increased speed and expansion of its coverage area.

But if there are devices of the old modification, a problem arises. Due to the inability to maintain this mode of operation, the router will not receive network signals. The best option for a new device will be n mode. No special work is required here. It is enough to reconfigure the router by visiting a specific address. To do this, you can use the special instructions posted here - instructions for all models.

In the tab that opens, find the item Wireless network mode and set the command only in N mode ( N only).

The described technique is clearly displayed below using the example of an Asus router.

The stage ends with saving the settings and a complete reboot of the device. If problems are found while connecting the router, you must return to mixed mode.

Transmission power test

Step #3: We check the transmission power in the router settings. The power of the Wi-Fi network can be set independently. Unfortunately, this possibility is not presented for all devices and serves to a greater extent to reduce power, but it is still worth paying attention to this fact.

For equipment from the manufacturer Asus, you need to use the tab with the item Wireless - Professional. At the bottom of it is the following: Tx power transmission power control. The power indicator is regulated by a scale with a unit of measurement - percentage. Visually it looks like this:

For Tp-Link routers, parameters are changed using WirelessWireless Advanced. To determine the signal strength parameters, an item is provided transmit power. The maximum power is indicated by the word High.

Additional devices to increase the area of ​​active coverage of the wireless network

  1. Installation repeater, or setting up a second router in amplifier mode.

This method differs from all others in its special reliability and efficiency. But, along with this, it requires additional material costs for the purchase of a repeater. This device amplifies the signal and is installed in a place where Wi-Fi can still be picked up, but its signal is already quite weak. It works on the principle of a repeater and transmits the signal to the network further. In the article, you can read in detail about this small device.

To perform the functions of a repeater, you can use additional routers from manufacturers ZyXEL and Asus. It is possible to set the repeater mode in them, guided by the following methods:

  1. Changing the antennas of the router to more powerful ones.

Using this method, the performance of the Wi-Fi network can be increased, but only slightly. The result of changing antennas is not effective. Moreover, as in the first case, it requires additional investments. Yes, the price of detachable antennas for a router is not that high, but is it worth spending money if there is no sense in it?

If you decide to change antennas, then you need to take the most powerful ones.

  1. Buying a new router, switching to 5 GHz.

Since most routers operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, a device with a range of 5 GHz. will operate much more efficiently. This is due to the relative freedom of this range and the absence of numerous interference. As a result of this - an increase in the speed and expansion of the range of the wireless network.

Switching to a different range and acquiring a new router is resorted to when your network signal is affected by various other networks. Problems with low speed, constant "glitches" and loss of access are solved with the purchase of a new expensive router with a 5 GHz operating range.

Tip 1. Choose the correct location for your router. It’s worth taking the advice, because most of the router is installed either in remote rooms or in the hallway. As a result, the effective operation of the wireless network is not to be expected.

The best location for the router is in the center of your home or office, and you should also be aware that walls interfere with the Wi-Fi signal.

Tip 2. Homemade amplifiers for Wi-Fi antennas. The device can be made using improvised materials. For this, foil and tin are suitable. Many articles of folk craftsmen repeat this. In practice, you can put foil or a tin near the router so that the signal seems to beat back and change direction, but this is not very effective. Moreover, from an aesthetic point of view, such a solution does not look very good.


First, try boosting your Wi-Fi signal reception. It's better without technical intervention in . Disable the features that allow you to turn on the power saving mode of the adapter. Open the "Control Panel" menu and go to "System and Security". Now find and open the Power Options menu. Select the plan you are using when connecting to wireless hotspots.

Click the "Power plan settings" button. Now select "Change advanced power settings". Locate the Wireless Network Adapter Settings menu and expand it. Now open the Power Saving Mode menu. Select the "Maximum performance" option when running on battery and plugged in. Save power settings.

Now try to increase the power of the Wi-Fi router. Naturally, the easiest and most logical way is to purchase a more powerful device. Unfortunately, this approach is costly. Therefore, start by purchasing a better antenna. Most routers have their own antennas that are fairly easy to remove.

Learn how the antenna is attached to the equipment. Purchase a device with a similar mount and connect it to your router. If the result does not suit you, then try using improvised means to amplify the signal. Strip the top of the antenna so you can connect the wire to it.

Take a piece of metal cable and solder it to the bare part of the antenna. Connect its other end to the computer system unit. In this case, it is better to connect to the back of the unit so that the signal propagates in the opposite direction from the wall. As an alternative to the system unit, you can use a metal curtain.


  • how to improve wifi reception

The quality of the TV and radio signal does not always suit viewers and listeners. Moreover, there can be interference even when there is a seemingly powerful antenna. In order to improve the quality reception, the antenna must be properly adjusted.

You will need

  • coaxial cable, portable radios or mobile phones.


If the antenna is directional, try repositioning it so that there are no obstructions between it and the signal source. Such obstacles can be high-rise buildings or other structures, power lines, and so on. You can try exactly the direction to the signal source. To do this, you can use the help of an observer who controls the signal at the receiver. To communicate with him, you can use portable radio stations or.

If you have a directional antenna with flat polarization (such as "Wave channel" and the like), check the polarization of the received signal. Adjust it according to the received data. To do this, you need to rotate the antenna about the axis directed to the signal source. In most cases, simply trying to rotate the antenna 90° is sufficient.

Efficiency antennas can be increased with an antenna amplifier. But in this case, the gain limit is set by the noise level. To reduce their level, use a shielded reduction, that is, the antenna is best with a coaxial cable.

Efficiency antennas, especially when receiving on long, medium and short waves, can be improved by installing an additional ground. It should also be borne in mind that the antenna must be matched in impedance to the input circuit of the radio receiver. That is, it must be connected with the type and cable recommended in the instructions for the receiver or.


Antennas of long, medium and short waves can be long lengths of wires. The suspension points of such antennas are also recommended to be set based on the highest reception volume of the desired stations. That is, it is necessary to change the position of the antenna.

Useful advice

If we are talking about an indoor antenna, then the best solution would be to install a stationary external antenna. This will dramatically improve the reception quality. It is also recommended to connect portable mobile receivers and TVs to an external antenna during their operation in stationary conditions.

The coverage area of ​​the Yota provider is much smaller than that of cellular operators. To a subscriber living on the border of the zone of confident reception, you have to take measures to increase the signal level at the modem input.


Do not attempt to connect any amplifiers to the modem. The output power of any wireless equipment, including the 4G (WiMax) standard, is limited by law. In addition, the amplifier can create out-of-band radiation at harmonics, which is also a violation.

Radio waves at frequencies used for data transmission in the Yota network are delayed by those capable of conducting current. In a house whose walls are reinforced concrete, it makes sense to bring the laptop along with the modem to the window. Even if it does not go towards the base station, the signal strength may increase. You can just walk around the room with a laptop - due to the presence of interference maxima and minima, points with a high signal level can be anywhere.

Move laptop to find places sure reception not always convenient, and if the computer is stationary, even more so. An extension cable will solve the problem, allowing you to carry the modem from the USB port to a distance of up to 2.5 meters. It must comply with the USB 2.0 specification, otherwise the data transfer speed will decrease. Move the modem slowly because updating the quality information reception happens with a delay.

Parabolic mirrors, similar to those used in satellite dishes, can be used to focus microwave radio waves. The best results are provided by reflectors from such receiving devices. Place the modem in the focus of the mirror instead of the converter. You can also use surrogate reflectors in the form of ordinary metal cans, including painted ones. Do not place the modem outside the room because it is not sealed. The whole structure will have to be placed right in the room. The antenna must be directed to the nearest base station of the Yota network. If you do not know where it is, find the best direction by experience.

Installing and configuring a Wi-Fi router in your own apartment is not difficult. But sometimes this is not enough, because the standard wireless access point coverage area is not enough.

You will need

  • metal wire, soldering iron.


For amplification signal Wi-Fi, there are several proven methods. Some of them require the purchase of additional equipment, others require technical intervention in individual parts of the device.

Let's look at gains signal Wi-Fi router by changing it. You can simply purchase a similar device in a different format. If you carefully study the structure of the router, you will see: it is attached to the device through a threaded sleeve, i.e. it is not difficult to replace it.

If it is necessary to significantly increase the range signal, then you will have an existing antenna. Release its upper part from the insulating layer. Solder a metal wire to the exposed part of the antenna. Pull the other end out into the open.

If this was not enough, then solder the free end of the wire to the room television, after disconnecting the latter from other devices.

Connect both Wi-Fi routers with a network cable. Connect one end of it to the LAN port of the device that you have already installed, and the other end to the Internet (WAN) port of the second equipment.

Open the settings of the second router and create a wireless access point with the same settings as the first network. In the settings of the network connection to the Internet, select the type of transfer signal wan.

Be sure to enable the DHCP function in the LAN settings of the first Wi-Fi router. If you did everything correctly, then laptops connected to either of the two wireless will be able to access the Internet.

Related article


  • how to boost wifi signal

Tired of slow internet speeds but don't know how to boost your Wi-Fi signal? Use simple tips for setting up and installing equipment to bring the Internet speed closer to what is declared by the provider.

A low signal is not necessarily related to network problems and technical work of the provider. Internet speed can be affected by the settings and location of the router, electronics operating in the house, especially light garlands and microwaves. To strengthen the Wi-Fi signal, just follow the following recommendations.

Update your router. The capabilities of the device could become outdated over time, which means that the indicators of signal reception and transmission will be lower than declared by the provider.

Change the location of the router. The higher the device is installed, the stronger the signal you will receive. You should not place the router on the floor, behind a load-bearing or insulated wall, a metal door, or in the far corner from the computer. Try to move the router away from the power cable. You will not be able to amplify the Wi-Fi signal if there is an aquarium, a large mirror, a cabinet with glass shelves or doors, a mirror on the way to the router, and halogen lamps are used as lighting.

Change the frequency of the router, and you will immediately notice the strengthening of the Wi-Fi signal. To do this, select a frequency of 5 GHz instead of 2.4 GHz. So you reduce the influence of all electronics on the speed of the Internet. This is especially important if your baby monitor is on all the time, is running, has video surveillance, or uses Bluetooth frequently.

Do not forget about software updates on your computer and smartphones. Developers are trying to improve the performance of devices, including when working with a wireless network.

Repeaters can become an effective Wi-Fi signal amplifier. Routers that you have used before may also work for this. It is enough to update the antennas in such a router and use it as a repeater.

If you have a common router with neighbors installed in your house, then you can configure Quality of Service (QoS) by setting a certain priority for traffic. This is true if your neighbors are streamers, gamers or families with several children. Without setting prioritization, they will take most of the speed on themselves.

Change the firewall protocol to WPA/WPA2 instead of WEP, or limit the number of possible gadgets to connect at the same time. If you have a check mark on the Enable SSID Broadcas item in the router's wireless network settings, then it is better to uncheck it. This way you can hide your Wi-Fi. Don't forget to set a password for your network.

Many users also wrap foil around the back of the router and put metal shields behind it. In some cases, it is this method that allows you to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal without any additional settings.

A huge number of users have abandoned wired Internet in favor of Wi-Fi technologies. Even some computer owners prefer to use a Wi-Fi adapter to get rid of network cables.

You will need

  • indoor antenna, USB extension cable.


There are several ways to improve Wi-Fi quality. This applies not only to routers, but also to equipment that receives. The fact is that most Wi-Fi routers and similar devices have a very poor coverage area. Sometimes it is not enough even for a medium-sized house.

If you need to provide a high-quality signal over a large area, then it is most reasonable to use several routers to achieve this goal. They can be combined with each other, thereby achieving the creation of several access points. In this case, you will still use only one cable with the Internet.

If this option does not suit you, try increasing the coverage area of ​​the Wi-Fi adapter. To do this, replace its antenna(s). Find a better analogue or amplify the antenna yourself. Pick up the equipment with which you will increase the antenna. For these purposes, both ordinary wires and a small indoor antenna are suitable.

Ideally, you need to use the antenna "". Remove part of the protective layer of the router's antenna. Solder a metal wire to the bare part. Connect its other end to the indoor antenna array. This method allows you to amplify the signal by 20-30%. At the same time, you have the opportunity to hide the Wi-Fi router without losing signal quality.

If you wish to amplify the Wi-Fi USB adapter, you will need an extension cable. Most often, system units are cleaned under the table or cleaned in hard-to-reach places. Naturally, reception and the signal in such places will not be the best. Purchase a USB extension cable of the correct size. Connect it and plug Wi-Fi into it. Place the adapter in an open space, such as lay it on a table.

Every country has its craftsmen, inventors and just inventors. It would seem that in order to improve reception wi-fi signal equipment, you will need to buy the appropriate equipment or move to places of the best reception signal, but you can enhance the signal quality with improvised means. No need to run to the hardware store for these materials, most likely you have them at home.

The quality of the connection between the device and the router directly depends on a number of factors. If one or more conditions are not met, it will be unstable, negating all the benefits of a wireless connection and a high-speed data plan. The owner of a laptop can strengthen the Wi-Fi signal in several ways, and then we will analyze the most effective options.

If your laptop connected to the router over the air displays poor signal quality, and sometimes even loses connection, you should check the settings of both devices.

Method 1: Windows Settings

The easiest way to make sure that the problem is in the laptop is to use other devices connected to the same network. For example, you can take a smartphone and connect it to the router while being in the same place where there is a portable PC. If at the same distance the mobile phone catches better, then the problems lie not in the router, but in the laptop.

Change the power plan

Quite often, the reason for this is a modified power plan. When you set the "Power Save" mode, the power consumption and the wireless adapter built into the device are reduced. Therefore, if the signal is at least at an average distance, it will become difficult to receive it. You can change the operation of the performance scheme in whole or selectively as follows:

Driver update

This advice is rather an addition to the previous one than independent. Check for new drivers for the Wi-Fi module installed in your laptop. If any are found, install the latest one. Our other article describes in detail how to find and install software for Wi-Fi. Check it out and use the most suitable option.

Method 2: Setting up the router

Most often, the source of poor signal reception is the router itself, and not the laptop. Even if it is not installed as far away as it seems, the signal strength can still be low, and various factors contribute to this.

Let's briefly list what can affect a poor wireless connection:

  • Wrong router location;
  • Negative impact of other electrical appliances;
  • Inefficient router;
  • Incorrectly selected antenna angle;
  • Low mains voltage;
  • Unchanged channel and mode of operation;
  • Non-maximum Wi-Fi distribution power mode.

In our other article, we talked in detail about how to fix all of the above problems and make the connection quality and stable. You can learn more about how to boost your Wi-Fi signal below.

If no tips have been successful, it remains to try replacing the Wi-Fi module installed in the laptop. This method is quite drastic, but then the air connection is guaranteed to get better. We recommend contacting a service center for this, and more confident users can replace it themselves by purchasing a more powerful module on specialized sites.

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