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How to remove the label, it is not removed. How to shrink or enlarge a label

Today I want to tell you how remove arrows from labels in Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. In the Windows operating system, by default, there are settings when shortcuts on the desktop are marked with special arrows, as if indicating that these are shortcuts (as if it’s not clear anyway). But the trouble is that not everyone likes it, well, somehow they do not decorate the program interface, but vice versa. Moreover, Windows does not even provide for disabling them, according to at least I didn't find anywhere how to do it.

The developers themselves do not give an answer. Here is what they write. Quoting R12; " This mapping is standard for shortcuts and if there are problems with making changes to the standard functions of the product, then this issue cannot be considered within this forum". By the way, here is a link to this post support answer about removing arrows.

On the Internet, you can find many ways to remove them from labels. And there are both programs, so you can manually fix the registry. In this article, I will describe both of these methods (or rather, even three), and you already choose which one is most convenient for you. For me, it's better to use a special program.

These methods work in both Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. Personally, I have tested on Windows 8.1 64 bit version.

Attention! Not tested on Windows 8.

And further! Before performing these steps, first create a Windows restore point.

Method one. Remove arrows with special program namely with the help of Aero Tweak. You don't need to install it, it just runs and that's it. Here's what the BEFORE labels look like. Those. the arrows are in place.

Now we find the downloaded program on the computer and run it.

dim program interface. On the left side, select " windows explorer"and on the right we find the item" Do not show arrows on labels” and mark it with a checkmark.

That's basically it! Now it remains only to restart the computer.

Reboot the computer, and voila! The arrows on the desktop icons are gone.

By the way, as you can see, the program has many more additional features to customize the operating system, so if you're interested, you can experiment with it. But be careful, it is designed for Windows 7. On the eight, I only tested working with desktop shortcuts.

Method two. Disable desktop arrows by editing the registry special files with .reg extension

Download the archive with files called ""

We find the folder in which it was loaded and open it.

We see several files. We select the file we need, guided by which operating system you have installed. I have a 64 bit version so I run the "64-bit_Remove_Shortcut_Arrow" file. If you have 32 bit system then, accordingly, select another file with 32-bit. Let's launch it.

We agree with the addition of information to the registry. Click the "Yes" button

We receive a message that the information was successfully entered into the registry. Click the "Ok" button

It remains only to restart the computer and you're done.

If you are not satisfied with the desktop with shortcuts without arrows, then you can return everything to its place. To do this, you need to run the file from the archive under the name "Restore_Shortcut_Arrow.reg", agree with the addition of information and restart the computer. All arrows will fall into place.

Method three. This method is suitable for those who are already well versed in the computer and do not want to use any third party programs. Those. here we will work (as it is now fashionable to say among programmers) with pens, namely, edit. If in the second method we edited the registry with finished files, then we will do it ourselves.

So open the registry editor. To do this, press right click mouse on the "START" button (this only applies to Windows 8), and find the Run command

IN command line Type "regedit" and click "OK"

We get into the registry editor. Here we need to expand the "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" section

In the directory tree that opens, on the left side, finds a folder named R12; lnkfile. And on the right side we find and select the parameter R12; isShortcut, who is responsible for displaying arrows on desktop shortcuts.

Click on this parameter with the right mouse button and select "Rename"

Rename it to R12; IsNotShortcut, save it so that it looks like in the picture below

We restart the computer and rejoice at the absence of arrows.

That's basically it.

The Android operating system in some ways resembles the familiar Windows. Smartphones and tablets also have a desktop that contains shortcuts specific programs. If you do not use any programs, it is logical to remove the desktop shortcut. You can remove an unwanted icon using standard smartphone functions or by installing third-party programs.

Standard Delete Functions

Every phone and tablet running the Android operating system can without third-party software remove desktop shortcut. This action in most cases, it is performed in the same sequence, namely:

Each phone manufacturer creates its own unique interface, so you can drag the program icon to different places on the screen, although usually this procedure performed according to the instructions above.

In order not to delete shortcuts, you can immediately cancel their creation. In settings Google account Play has a special option responsible for this action. You can disable it by the following sequence of actions:

Now, every time you download a new application, the desktop will not be clogged, and you will not have to delete shortcuts.

Using Third Party Applications

In almost 100% of cases, removing the desktop shortcut is obtained through standard Android functions. However, sometimes there are software failures and errors due to which the program icon is not removed from the screen. The way out of this situation is to install special application. IN official store Play market There is a wide range of such programs available. We will talk about Apex Launcher. More than 10 million people have installed it on their Android devices.

Launcher is user interface, theme. The program allows you to change the appearance of the theme. Icons, animation and many other elements are changed. Due to the fact that this is a full-fledged user interface, the application allows you to remove the desktop shortcut. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

Now there will be no unwanted icon on your desktop. If necessary, you can return to standard launcher from the phone manufacturer.

There are dozens of launchers on the web, each of which offers a wide range of functionality. Before you download anything, be sure to read the reviews in the store Google Play and the Internet. This way you will prevent malware from getting into your phone. software, which can be disguised as completely safe, yet useful software.

Desktop shortcuts are used for quick launch installed apps. Usually, the image is set by default, but the user can independently change the appearance of the icons: icon, size, remove the arrow, and more.

Desktop shortcuts: what they are and why they are needed

Labels provide fast access to files. If you remove the shortcut, you will have to search for the location of the file to run the utility, and this will take longer.

It is worth saying that the shortcut is not the program itself, it simply points to the path to it. And if you remove the icon, the utility will remain in the system.

How can I change the shortcut icons

If you are not satisfied standard icons labels, you can change them.

How to shrink or enlarge a label

At different resolution screen the same size icons will look different. There are two ways to change the scale.

The first is through desktop options:

With this method, the icons can automatically align to the grid and have to be sorted again.

The second way is to squeeze Ctrl key and scroll the mouse wheel up or down, the icons will increase or decrease accordingly.

How to remove the arrow from the label

By default, each shortcut is marked with a small arrow to make it clear to the user that it is a shortcut. But not everyone likes this look of the icons. Quick Decisions the developers of the operating system did not provide for the problem, and you can fix it by making changes to the registry or using a special program.

More simple and in a safe way is an software solution. The most popular utility is Aero Tweak. It has a simple interface, it does not require installation and, in addition to changing the type of shortcuts, it has several more useful features.

The Aero Tweak program can adjust other display options besides the arrows on the labels

Open the program and go to the "Windows Explorer" item, check the box next to "Do not show arrows on shortcuts." After restarting the computer, they will disappear.

If there is no possibility to download the utility, then you can solve the problem through the register:

It is important to do everything exactly according to the instructions and rename the “IsShortcut” file. The registry is responsible for the operation of the entire system, and if an error occurs, the computer may not work correctly.

Video: how to remove the arrow from the label using Aero Tweak

How to change the appearance of labels

You can completely change the appearance of the label:

On the Internet you can download individual packages where the choice is much wider. To see the downloaded icons in the window, you need to click "Browse" and specify the path to the package.

How to change system icons

System shortcuts are slightly more difficult to change:

System icons may change along with the desktop theme.

How to remove shields from labels

If all shortcuts are supplied with arrows, then the shields indicate that the program can make changes to the system and works with administrator rights. If you remove the shield, the computer will consider the utility to be launched simple application. For computer security inexperienced users it is recommended not to endanger the computer and leave the shields in place.

If you still want to remove the shields, then for this you need:

The shields will disappear. To return them back, we do the same steps, only we return the slider to the middle.

How to remove and hide shortcuts

If you need to temporarily hide labels, then:

All icons will disappear from the screen. It is worth noting that all files that were on the desktop will be hidden: documents, folders, images. To return everything to its place, you need to check the box "Show desktop shortcuts".

To delete, select an icon (or several) and press Delete. Or just drag and drop files to the trash.

How to recover deleted shortcuts

If you yourself accidentally deleted the shortcut, then it is easy to restore it by going to the trash. Or you can create a new one:

If the shortcuts disappear without your participation, then the reason may be as follows. The system maintenance tool checks your computer every week (unless this feature is disabled) and if there are more than four broken shortcuts, it removes them.

A label that leads nowhere is considered damaged. For example, after uninstalling a program, its icon remains. But the system may consider the label of a removable drive to be damaged if it is not connected or is in an inaccessible place at the time of the check.

What can be done:

  • move all shortcuts to separate folder, the service tool only checks the desktop;
  • disable the service tool.

The second method may affect the operation of the system, so it is preferable to simply move the shortcuts to a separate folder.

If you still want to disable the maintenance tool, you can do so as follows:

If the icons still do not stop disappearing, then it is most likely a virus. Put good protection and scan your computer.

Editing appearance shortcuts is a matter of personal taste and in general does not pose any danger to the operation of the system. But if you download additional software for settings, then download it only from a trusted source and be sure to check for viruses.

To ensure comfortable work on a PC, users create shortcuts to frequently used programs. By the way, even the operating system itself during installation also creates several shortcuts, including the "Recycle Bin", where we dump everything junk files, as well as the same unnecessary labels from desktop.

Removing unnecessary elements you can clear the table.

At some point, you may be dissatisfied with your cluttered desktop. Of course, it's not at all impressive when all the icons overlap background picture desktop. In addition, such an abundance of labels is unlikely to contribute to a quick and comfortable work. Among these icons, it will not be easy to find the one that is directly needed at a particular moment.

For this reason, we recommend that you clean workspace, remove all unnecessary icons. If you do not yet have information on how to remove unused shortcuts we will advise you. A little more difficult is the removal of icons, when the context menu is called, which do not have the coveted word "Delete". However, this situation is also resolvable, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the information on how to remove a non-removable shortcut from the desktop.

Removal process

So, files, documents, software icons can be deleted from the computer. However, the process for deleting unwanted content can vary slightly, so it's a good idea for every user to know how to remove unwanted content.

Action algorithm

The shortcut is the link between you and the program itself. If at some point you uninstalled the program because you no longer needed it, the desktop icon would just take up space, but it certainly wouldn't work anymore. Say goodbye to such a useless icon, you can quickly enough. Click it once right key mice, in the opened context menu find the "Delete" option, click on it.

Of course, the system will ask you to confirm your actions in order to exclude unwanted accidents and not provoke the loss of important sources. Also, using another hint, you can easily figure out how to remove junk icon from desktop. We suggest you click on the icon, hold down the left mouse button and simply drag it to the basket. In this case, the system will again ask you to confirm the correctness of the actions. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to deal with situations where such simple actions can't get by.

Whatever methods you prefer, you still make sure that the shortcut from the desktop is not deleted in any way. In this case, the algorithm of actions will be slightly different. The registry, which should initially be opened, will help in solving the problem. To open it, in the Start menu at the bottom empty line write "regedit". After the registry opens, you will need to carefully review all the branches and find one similar to this one:

HKEY_ LOCAL_ MACHINE → SOFTWARE → Microsoft → Windows → CurrentVersion → Explorer → Desktop → NameSpace.

It remains only to right-click and select the "Delete" option.

Alternative removal option

If you are terribly afraid to go into the registry and edit there, then first try another way to remove an indelible shortcut.

Restart the computer, and at the time the operating system starts, select the option to boot in safe mode. In most cases, this option works and you manage to solve the problem when the shortcut is not removed in any other way.

If you are trying to remove what is automatically installed by the operating system itself, for example, the Recycle Bin, then we offer you a different option.

Go to the "Start" menu, select the "Run" command, enter "gpedit.msc" in the line that appears.

After these actions, the user editor will open, on the left side open window you can easily find the "User Configuration" option. Click on it and follow along, going first to "Administrative Templates" and then to the "Desktop" option.

Now move your eyes to the right side of the window, there you will find a proposal to remove the icon, in particular, the trash. It remains for you to double-click on it, and then check the checkbox next to the “Enable” parameter. Now you can easily remove this shortcut as well.

So, if your shortcuts are not removed from your desktop, read the recommendations experienced users, following the algorithm, perform practical actions, and you will understand that in fact everything is so simple to do.

Follows installation additional software, as well as games, etc. After that, more and more icons appear on the Desktop and personally I am annoyed by the fact that arrows are displayed in the lower left corner of these shortcuts and the word “Shortcut” is automatically added.

In order to make your desktop more beautiful, you can easily disable the display of these arrows and remove the word "Shortcut" by changing the system registry settings.

For those who are not confident in their abilities and are afraid to edit the registry, there are many sites on the Internet that host files with the “.reg” extension. « , producing the actions I have described. Downloading and running specified files, you will only need to agree to make changes to the system registry.

I will describe and show how to make the necessary changes manually. You must see and know what has changed and where.


We go to the menu of the Start button, in the search field we write "regedit" and on the found executable file regedit.exe left click.

In the window that opens the registry editing program, sequentially go to the following path:


and double-click on the "IsShortcut" parameter on the left side of the editor window. Set the number "0" in the "Value" field and click on "OK".

Reboot operating system to apply the changes. If no changes have occurred and the arrows of the labels have remained in place, then go to the second option. We just completely remove the “IsShortcut” parameter (this option helped me).

The arrows disappeared and began to look like this.


Immediately, I note that this change will only apply to newly created icons. For all previously created labels, you need to edit all labels manually. By the same principle, we go to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Software - Microsoft - Windows - CurrentVersion - Explorer

and double click on the "link" parameter.

Change the number "16" to "00" and click "OK".

We restart the computer and the newly created icons will be displayed without the word "Shortcut".

Thank you for your attention blog reader! For those who want to remove exactly the names, the article "" will help. Please share the link to the article with your friends through the buttons social networks and leave your comments.

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