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How to delete a page on VKontakte after updating. Technical support letter

If for some reason you no longer want to visit or use your page in contact, now I will show you how you can delete it without any problems. Let's also talk about some of the nuances of this process.

So, how you can completely remove from a contact using a computer or phone?

Why is it needed

Most often, users prefer to hide their online presence (see) so that other people cannot find out information about them. This is the most common reason for deleting a page.

Spam and downright annoying messages can get bored. In this case, people act radically - either close access to their page (see), or completely delete it.

No matter what your reason is, the method is extremely simple. Here it is.

How to leave VKontakte

We open our page and go to the "My settings" section.

All we need to do is follow it. Next, a form will open in which you will be asked to indicate the reason for the deletion.

How long will it take for all data to be deleted completely?

If you pay attention to the previous figure, then it indicates until what date you can restore your page (see). With the help of simple calculations, you can calculate - we have 7 months in stock. During this time, all your personal data will be stored in the Contact database.

From this it follows that if you do not restore the page, after 7 months you will be permanently removed from the social network.

How to delete a VK page from a phone

The process is completely similar. You just need to log in from your phone - through a browser, or the VKontakte mobile application. Then everything is according to the instructions - "My settings - delete page".


I would like to draw your attention to the following points.


In contact with

For some people, social networks are becoming a real "web" that does not let go to solve real cases, work or communicate live with friends. At some point, life "in full view" of other users may get bored and then you should know how to delete a page on Vkontakte. There are several ways to do this.

How to leave VK

At the moment, the service offers several options to conduct a quickdeleting a VK page... You can conditionally divide them into degrees of "no return", for example, it is allowed that other network members cannot access it, but you can enter your profile if you wish. If you need to get rid of it completely, then you need to know the rules of the service, how to delete a page in VK.

How to delete a VK page from a phone

Many modern users have long been using smartphones (for Android or iPhone) to access the network. The gadget is convenient for surfing the Internet, in addition, the developers create special mobile applications that simplify the work with the site on the Internet. There is a possibilitydelete Vkontakte page from phoneforever at any convenient moment, be it an iPhone or an Android. You will not be able to do this through a mobile utility, removal can only be done through the site. To permanently get rid of your profile permanently, you must do the following:

  1. Go to the address "Vkontakte". You will be automatically redirected to the mobile version of the resource.
  2. Please sign in.
  3. Find the item called "Settings" in the left menu.
  4. At the very bottom of the new window, you should see the inscription "You can delete your page." Click on the active link.
  5. Next, you will see a list of options for why you want to part with the social network. This does not affect the deactivation process, this step is needed only to collect information by the developers. You can write your comment on why you decided to destroy the page. Specify any and click on the "Delete page" button.
  6. After that, your profile will be unavailable, but for another year, data about you will be stored in the site's database. If you want, you can restore it.
  7. Remember that your phone number will still be linked to this account, registration of a new account on the same mobile will not take place until the old one is completely deleted.

How to completely remove from Contact

The above method of how to delete a page in VK is completely the same as the option for desktop PCs and laptops. The path for destroying the profile forever is exactly the same; perform the actions in the same order. It should be borne in mind that all the data you entered earlier in the questionnaire will be stored for many months. If for some reason you re-enter your login, password from your VK, then the date of complete erasure of the data will be postponed to a later time. For this reason, if you want completelyleave VK, then after closing, do not go to your room.

To hide any data from other users, it is recommended to prevent anyone from viewing your personal information in the privacy settings. Instructions for closing access to a profile:

  1. Click again on the "Settings" button.
  2. Select "Privacy".
  3. Set the value "Only me" in front of all items.

How to block your Vkontakte page

The service developers have provided only one functionality, if you want to temporarily close or conduct a completedeleting a page in VK... Above was described a way to block your profile, but the profile is not deleted instantly. A notification will appear at the top of the screen stating that you can restore information if you take the necessary actions before the specified time. As a rule, a person is allocated about six months to make a decision (trial period). Next to the place for the avatar, the word "Restore" will appear, by clicking on which the work of the questionnaire will be resumed.

Remote VK page

All stored information will be stored for 6-7 months,if you delete a page in VK... Other participants in the system will not have public access to them, and you, too, if you do not restore it. At the top of the site there will be a date when the page will be permanently deleted, and instead of a photo - a picture with a dog. Until then, the database contains information. After this period, it is not possible to return the profile, and the phone number will be free again for re-registration.


The social network VKontakte takes up a lot of time from its active users, who can spend tens of hours on it every day. This can reduce their productivity at work, academic performance, or reduce the amount of time they devote to the family. In such cases, some users go for radical solutions to the problem - deleting the VKontakte page that contains their information. Within the framework of this article, we will consider how to do this, and what nuances such a procedure has.

Table of contents:

Why delete a VK page

Each user has the right to independently decide whether he wants to have his own page on the VKontakte social network or not. If it is decided that the page is no longer needed, he has the right to delete it. But at the same time, it is important to note the following nuances, together with the deletion of the page:

  • All the photos stored on it will disappear from it, respectively, before erasing the page, it is advisable to make duplicates of valuable pictures and save them to the computer;
  • All correspondence with other VKontakte users, which may contain important information and files, will be deleted;
  • All information from the page will be removed - these are reposts, audio recordings, videos, a list of hobbies and much more.

It is also worth noting that without a registered page on VKontakte it is practically impossible to use the capabilities of the social network. To watch videos, listen to music, see content in a group and for other actions, you need to have a registered page on the social network.

How to delete a VK page

We recommend reading:

How to delete a VK page from a computer

Important: After completing the steps described above, the page is not immediately completely removed from the VKontakte social network. The user has the opportunity to restore it after deleting it within 7 months.

How to delete a VK page from a phone

You cannot delete your page from the social network through the official VKontakte mobile application for smartphones on Android and iOS. This can be done through some third-party applications, but for the safety and security of data, it is better to complete this procedure simply through the browser, using the method described above.

Please note: In order not to perform all the actions described above, you can use the direct link to delete a page from VKontakte: Follow it from the browser in which the data from your VKontakte account is entered, after which a message will immediately appear prompting you to delete the page.

How to restore a deleted VKontakte page

To restore a VKontakte page, you must do the following:

After that, the page on the social network VKontakte will be restored in the form in which it was deleted - with all photos
oographies, wall posts, messages and more.

Please note: If after restoring the page you decide to delete it again, the time counter until the page is completely deleted from VKontakte will reset to zero, and again within 7 months it will be possible to restore the page.

According to the official statistics of the social network, every fifth registered user of this social network once a year submits an application to delete his profile. As a result, no more than half of the users are deleted, the rest restore their accounts.

Deleting a User Profile

Here's how to delete a page in " In contact with»:

Now the profile VC deleted, but all data will be stored on the servers of the social network for another six months in case a person changes his mind. This is an easy way to temporarily delete a page in VC from a computer for up to 7 months, and then restore it in its original form.

With any method of deletion, all likes and comments will not be automatically deleted, but will be shown as before, with the name and surname that were indicated in the profile during the deletion! Therefore, before deleting, you can change this data to something neutral.

Removing an old or hacked page

This method is suitable when a person has forgotten their password or their account has been hacked and it is impossible to enter it. The question arises of how to delete the old page in VC... This is possible provided that the real data were indicated: surname, name, date of birth. They will have to be confirmed. It will not be possible to restore the page to the name of "Crazy Elf" or "Cute Kitty" without a single real photo!

Complete deletion of information about yourself

For those who are determined and think about how to delete the page « In contact with"Forever, there are the following recommendations:

  1. Change the email address to a specially created mailbox with an arbitrary name and surname.
  2. Change the page address to a random set of characters to hide the id.
  3. Set privacy " only me"At all points.

Now you can delete your account in the usual way. The technical possibility of restoration within seven months or 210 days is preserved in this case, but the page will be blank. Therefore, we can say that the profile is deleted irrevocably, and the question is how to delete the page " In contact with»Forever without the possibility of recovery, exhausted. When restoring, you will have to fill it in again.

How to delete a public in VK

Opportunities to remove the community technically not provided. Look in the settings for a function such as "delete group" "In contact with"Is useless - it simply does not exist.

Only the creator, owner or administrator can delete a public or group.

A technically empty group will exist, but no information can be viewed or added. You can restore such a community, but you will have to add information and members again. The deleted community will not be shown in the list of groups. To restore it, you need to know the id or a short link, by clicking on which, apply to the group, and again get access to the management.


This article looked at how to delete a page or public in " In contact with". There are several ways: by contacting the technical support of a social network or by yourself. Even after deletion, it is possible for several days, depending on the method, to restore the deleted page with the loss of data or even in its previous form.

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The social network "Vkontakte" today is perhaps the most popular of all. Over 70 thousand people are registered here every day. But, sooner or later, there comes a time when certain circumstances prompt you to delete your account. There are many reasons, and the most common among them is that evil hackers enter it, change the password, and in the most active way begin to send spam from it to anyone who gets in. After such actions, you will no longer be able to go to your page, but I will not save you from complaints about the mailing list. Therefore, if you need your account, then do the following: first change the password for your mailbox. After that, when you try to enter the site, indicate that you have forgotten the password, after which the one entered by the hackers will be sent to you. Then just change it to a new, more complex one, and calmly enter your page.

However, there are many people who have decided to overcome their addiction to the Internet and virtual communication, so they need to delete the VKontakte page forever. Others, perhaps, are tired of their increased popularity and they are tired of annoying fans and ill-wishers who leave a lot of messages and comments of a different nature on the page, and they would also like to leave this social network. Is it possible to do this? Here are some tips on how to delete your VKontakte page. However, we will immediately clarify that it will not be possible to do this without the possibility of recovery. There are some reasons for this. Let's say you logged into your account not from your home computer, but from an Internet cafe. Before leaving, you forgot to click "Exit", and now anyone who has entered "VKontakte" after you can do anything with your page. Even ask the moderators to remove it. And the next time you go online, you won't find your data there. Since such cases are not rare, the moderators give a month to restore the account. If during this period you do not click on the link that will be sent to your email, then your page will be completely deleted.

So, if you nevertheless decided on such a feat as parting with social networks, then the first way, the "VKontakte" page forever, is this: enter "Privacy" and wherever possible, put the "Only me" icon. After that, return to the page and delete absolutely all information accumulated during the registration period, including music, videos, photos, friends, etc. After a while, the entry "User page deleted" will appear. Just in case, turn off also all notifications that come to your email inbox. This can be done in the settings or in the letter that will come to you from the social network. At the very end of the letter, simply click the "Refuse notifications" link.

The second way to permanently delete the VKontakte page is spam. Start sending it out extremely actively to everyone. You can also go to groups and flood there, leave offensive comments on photos, etc. And to make it work for sure, go to the page (active "in contact" in the know who it is) and start swearing (preferably using foul language) there. Your page will be blocked in the near future.

The next way to permanently delete the page "VKontakte" is as follows: open a new email inbox. Next, in your account settings, replace the e-mail indicated there with the one you just created, and then delete the new mailbox. On your page, also eliminate absolutely all information and friends, and in privacy put the "Only me" icon. Change the password to one that you cannot remember and leave the page by clicking "Exit". After a month, it will be deleted automatically.

Now you know effective methods on how to delete the VKontakte page forever. Of course, you will have to wait long enough, but if you look at it from the other side, then you posted all your ins and outs on the Internet yourself, so there is nothing to blame the moderators for seeing your photos on completely "leftist" sites. Do not make your private life public, then you will not have to suffer.

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