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How to delete a conversation on a preliminary version of Skype. Deleting a conversation history with an individual

Hello to all! If you use Skype, it happens that you may need to delete the history on Skype (for example, so that no one else can read it). We will talk about how to delete history in skype in this article.

There are several methods you can use to delete a conversation. The history of sent and received messages is stored on the computer in the Skype profile... You can demolish the entire profile, but this action is not recommended, as the normal operation of the program may be disrupted. Personally, I have not come across this, but Internet users have such conclusions.

Delete via Skype

To delete history in Skype, you can use the standard tools of the program. To do this, go to Skype, click "Tools", and in it go to "Settings".

In the left menu, click on "Security".

After that, on the right you will see the "Clear history" button. By pressing this button, we delete all the correspondence that was before.

The program will ask you to confirm the action being performed. In the dialog box, click on the "Delete" button. Now your Skype history has been deleted.

If in the future you do not want to save the history of correspondence with any contact, then you can completely disable this function in the Skype program. To do this, in the same window, next to the "Clear history" button in the drop-down menu, select the "do not save" item.

Remember that when you change any settings in the program, you should confirm your actions with the "Save" button, which is located at the bottom right of the settings window.

Now, when conducting correspondence, all messages will not be recorded in the local user profile.

Removing using the program

This could be the end of the article, because the essence was revealed and I was already ready to do household chores. But if not for one nuance.

What if you need to delete the history of only a few contacts? Or perhaps you are wondering how to delete the history on Skype of one contact?

There are many programs on the Internet with which you can "clean up" history. Two of them are SkHistory and Skype chat helper. Also, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to make a backup copy of your Skype profile. At any time, you can then restore it and do not lose important data. To create a copy, just go to the necessary folders and copy the data:

C: \ Documents and Settings \ Username \ Application Data \ Skype \ Skype_username \ - if you have Windows XP installed

C: \ Users \ Username \ AppData \ Roaming \ Skype \ Skype_username \ - if you have Windows 7

Username is the computer user account name and Skype_username is the Skype username. The profile folder must be copied to any other location so that you can restore it back if necessary. I hope all of your operations will be successful.

Attention! If you do not make a backup, then it will be impossible to restore the history back.

There are also opinions on the Internet that programs do not delete messages, I will not be responsible for software developers. Now I will install and check if I can manage to delete the history of one contact in Skype on my computer. I have never deleted messages for only one contact, so all the risks, as always, I take on J.

If anyone does not know, then you need to pay attention to, right-click on the program icon and select "Exit".

Run the installation file of the program to delete history. Click "Next".

We agree with the license. Select "I Agree", then click "Next".

In the next window, leave everything by default, click "Next".

We confirm our desire to install the program, "Next".

Go to the C: \ Program Files \ Pril \ Skype chat helper folder and run the SKYPECHATREMOVE.exe file. I would like to note a glitch. When I started the program, I did not immediately get the window I needed. After closing and restarting the program, everything went as it should. So keep that in mind.

A window will open where in the "Username" field we enter our Skype login, and in the Contact field we enter the username of the user whose history needs to be deleted.

After clicking on the button, the message below appeared:

To check the actions taken, I start Skype and see if the messages have disappeared. Everything was deleted. I checked another contact, from which I did not delete the history, everything remained as it was. This means that the program has fulfilled its functions.

Remember, if, after completing these actions, Skype stopped starting - just copy the backup copy of the profile back and everything will return to its place. I can't promise, but I want to believe 😉.

I don't think I will talk about another program, since you understand the basic principle of operation of such programs.

Important: deleting a history from your computer does not mean that the history is also deleted from the contact with whom you corresponded.

PS: I wrote the article together. My daughter, who turned 8 months old today, was playing, and her dad was sitting next to her and writing an article, that is, me. So not only I say goodbye, but also my daughter.

Bye everyone!

Round 14 puzzles. This tour is very important for those who did not always post the secret word from other puzzles. Everyone who sends the secret word from this tour will participate in the drawing of a bonus gift, the Adguard program (forever).

And in order to know 100% how to delete correspondence in Skype, you must carefully read the instructions below.

Launch Skype and in the main program window go to the top menu by the Tools - Settings link.

In the window that appears, select the Security tab - Security Settings and pay attention to the block called Save history ... in which if you click on the drop-down list, you can define the period for which the message history will be saved.

We press the button Clear history and confirm our decision by pressing the Delete button.

An extremely important point! When using this method, all correspondence for all your contacts is completely deleted, without the possibility of restoring it! Therefore, be careful!

If you want to delete the history of correspondence with a specific person, then follow the advice described below.

How to delete a Skype conversation with one person

Skype software application saves all text messages to a single SQL database. This database is called main.db and is located in a special folder on your PC:

In order to gain access to this file, you need to download the SQLite Database Browser program and use it to delete the correspondence we need. So let's go to program website and download this application.

I recommend downloading the Portable version (without installing the application) to speed up the process. After downloading, we extract the program from the archive and run the SQLiteDatabaseBrowserPortable.exe file for execution.

Important! Before performing work on clearing the history of correspondence, Skype should not be running. Therefore, find out the login of your interlocutor in advance.

You will see a window in which you need to click the Open Database button to select our database.

It is located at:

C: \ Users \ Username \ AppData \ Roaming \ Skype \ your_Skype_login

Important! Before choosing a database, create a backup copy and copy it to a separate folder.

Select the base by clicking the Open button.

After that, go to the Browse Date tab and in the Table: row, select the Conversation option.

A list of all your contacts will be loaded with their correspondence histories.

We select the line with the name we need and by pressing the Delete Record button we delete all messages for this contact.

After deleting, be sure to click the Write Changes button to save the changes.

That's it, now you know how to delete history in Skype, you can close the program and check the result.

We launch Skype and go to the username of the user for whom we cleared the history. In my case, this is a user under the nickname - Alina Amhost.

As you can see, the message history is absolutely clean. We have achieved our goal.

An important point! Messages from the chat will be deleted only from your PC, they will remain intact on the device of the interlocutor.

That's all I wanted to tell you about in this article. Now you know how to delete a Skype conversation with one person, as well as for all contacts at once.

That's all, see you soon!

You sent a message in Skype chat and then noticed that the message was sent to the wrong person! Or, you sent a message to the right person, but the words you used were not the right ones!
We urgently need to correct the situation! How to delete messages on Skype !?

How to delete messages that were sent recently

This is the best and easiest option. You are still chatting. And, if you left, then go back to the chat.

Deleting a Skype message

Place the cursor on the message that you want to delete, right-click and, in the context menu that appears, select delete

Popup: Delete?

A pop-up window will appear asking: Are you sure you want to delete this message? Click the Delete button

Skype - Message deleted

Everything! Skype tells us - Message deleted. The addressee did not have time to read the message and will now rack his brains - what was so interesting there? After all, he, too, will see the entry - the message has been deleted. But, nothing can be done - whoever did not have time, he was late!

Note. Thus, you can only delete your own messages. You cannot delete messages sent to you.

How to delete a Skype message on a smartphone

It is not difficult to delete a Skype message on a smartphone. Click on the message and hold for a couple of seconds.

Delete Skype message on smartphone

A menu will appear in which you select: Delete.

Confirm message deletion

A window will appear asking: Do you really want to delete this message. Press the Delete button and your message will disappear.

How to delete (clear) all messages in Skype

Deleting messages one at a time is a long song. You can't delete old messages one by one. And the messages of the interlocutors will remain - what to do with them?

For such cases, it is possible to clear all messages on Skype. To do this, go to Tools ==> Settings

Clear all messages, all correspondence completely

In Settings, in the left column, click Security (or, Chats and SMS). In the window that opens, there is a Save history field, in which, by default, is Always. And you can choose 3 months, 2 weeks, or, in general, do not save. Then there would be no need to clean!

Although, my chat history has been kept for years. Sometimes, you need to find a phone number, I remember a friend sent me, opened a correspondence - found a phone number! So why delete messages unnecessarily?

But, since you decided to delete - then you have to! Therefore, click on the link Clear the history.

Complete deletion of the history of communication in Skype

You will be asked again: Delete history? Click the Delete button

Note. Please note that you cannot delete the correspondence between individual contacts! All records of previous communication with all interlocutors are deleted. Not only messages in chats will disappear, but also voice messages, transferred files, SMS. Therefore, before clicking the Delete button, think about whether you need it!

Skype is the very first and most progressive way to negotiations using a webcam or microphone on the Internet. Almost everyone knows what kind of program it is and what functions it performs. But in addition to calls, there is also the possibility communicate in writing, such negotiations will be kept on Skype until the user decides to get rid of them forever.

How to delete a message

Often there are situations when it is necessary to delete only one separate message... To do this, hover the cursor over the message that you want to erase, then click on right mouse button and select the appropriate item.

Next, a window will pop up where you need confirm the action to be taken.

The erased message will look like this:

Such deletions are possible only In one hour after dispatch. You can clear information sent from your Skype account.

How to delete the conversation of one contact

Sorry, deleting a conversation with one contact impossible... This is explained by the peculiarities and closed nature of the Skype protocol, due to which third-party applications will not help to perform the desired action. You can only clear recent chat which is stored in the log. Using programs to delete correspondence is not the best solution, although in some cases there are simply no other options left.

Most of these programs need to be downloaded, and then set file direction that gives access to the application. Then selected the contact with whom you want to delete the conversation and confirm action. But before you start manipulating native files, it is best to to cook saved copies so that in any case you can return everything to its previous state. In this case, you need to understand that all messages will remain on your account the interlocutor with whom the chat was deleted.

You need to be extremely careful, since most programs of such functionality try to steal information about the account, correspondence, infect the device with a virus, and so on, even if the necessary procedure has been carried out. But Skype allows you to clear the entire history.

How to clear all history

To clear, you need to go to the main menu, move the cursor over the menu " Tools"And go to" Settings…».

In the settings, select the item " Chat settings", Where you need" Open advanced settings».

The user will now have access to the " Clear the history».

Last step - confirm its action.

The account history has now been completely cleared. Restore her it is forbidden, before such a radical action, it is worth considering whether there is a need for a complete sweep. This method allows you to clear all messages, while contacts will remain in your journal. Cleaning does not give the right to invade the parameters of other accounts, the records will be untouched by the addressees. And this rule applies to any of the above methods to delete a single message or chats with a single contact.

  1. Remove messages from recent conversation.
  2. Erase correspondence with all users.
  3. Selective deletion of correspondence using third-party programs.

The first two methods are provided, and the last one requires the installation of additional software. While all of these methods are fairly straightforward, beginners may need a detailed tutorial to get started. Let's take a closer look at each of the answers to the question of how to delete history in Skype.

Erasing individual messages in Skype

There are situations in which you need to delete the message you just sent. For example, if you made the wrong window and sent your thoughts to the wrong interlocutor or, after writing something, decided that it was a mistake. And then the question arises, how to delete messages? Skype allows you to delete messages from your recent history in a very simple way. Place the cursor over the message to be deleted and open the context menu using the right mouse button or the context menu button on the keyboard. Next, you need to select the "delete" item. Keep in mind that in this case they will be deleted both for you and your interlocutor, but in the chat there will be a note that the message has been deleted.

It is interesting to know that in the same way you can edit recent entries by choosing instead of the "delete" item, the item "edit post".

How to delete all correspondence

Given the fact that in Skype, the recent history of messages is stored on the computer where communication takes place, sometimes there may be situations in which it is necessary to completely erase messages in Skype. It doesn't matter for whatever reason, whether you were forced to communicate from someone else's computer, or just want to remain confident in maintaining the confidentiality of correspondence.

The developers took into account this need, and therefore Skype has a built-in mechanism for deleting correspondence. To do this, in the toolbar at the top, select the "tools" menu item, then go to the "settings" tab. In the window that appears on the left, you need to find the item "chats and SMS", then in the list that opens, select the item "chat settings". Now go to the right panel and click the "open additional settings" button. A submenu will open where you need to find a line with the inscription "Save history ...". In this line on the right there will be a button "clear history". After clicking on it, the history will be cleared.

It is worth noting that if you delete the correspondence in this way, the history will be saved with your interlocutors and will disappear only from this computer. Also in the same line it is possible to configure the storage duration of the message history or completely prohibit Skype from storing it by selecting the "do not save" item from the drop-down list to the left of the delete button.

How to delete correspondence using third-party programs

Sometimes erasing all correspondence is not very convenient, and the question arises of how to delete messages in Skype only with a specific user. For the query "how to delete a conversation in Skype with one contact", you can find several programs and guides for their use. However, the user should be aware that today Skype has a closed protocol for transmitting messages over the Internet, and therefore no third-party programs can access history. For this reason, such programs simply cannot perform the declared functions and at best they will simply be inoperable, and at worst they can harm you or your computer, either by transferring information about your username and password to third parties, or by infecting your computer with virus programs. Therefore, be careful when using any third-party software, or rather trust only the functions provided in Skype itself.

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