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How to delete a separate page in a Word. How to delete a page in a Word

When editing text documents in the Word editor, situations occur when a blank page comes across between the text, which refuses to be deleted. In this article, we will show you how to remove a blank page in the middle or at the end of a Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016 document.

Usually, there is nothing difficult about removing blank pages. It is enough to put the cursor at the end of the page and erase all the text, or select all the text and delete it by pressing the Delete key. But, there are situations when such a plan does not work and it is impossible to delete a blank page. Despite all the efforts of the user, a blank page may remain in the middle or at the end of a Word document.

As a rule, such problems arise due to non-printable characters that remain on the page and, being invisible, do not allow themselves to be deleted. In order to get rid of such characters and delete a blank page in the Word, you need to perform just a few steps.

First you need to enable the display of non-printable characters. If you have Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016, then you need to go to the "Home" tab and find the button " Show all symbols". After clicking on this button, the Word text editor will begin to display all the characters, and you can remove all unnecessary from the page, after which you can delete the empty page itself. Also, in modern versions of the Word editor, the CTRL + SHIFT + 8 key combination works with which you can quickly turn on and off the display of hidden characters on the page.

If you have Word 2003, then it also has such a button. Explore all the buttons on the toolbar and you will definitely find it.

After you have turned on non-printable characters, you can start deleting the blank page in the middle or at the end of your Word document. To do this, go to this page, select with the mouse everything that is there, and press the Delete key on your keyboard. This way you can remove line breaks, tabs, page breaks and section breaks that previously prevented page deletion. If page or section breaks do not work, then try positioning the cursor in front of such a break and press the Delete key again.

If, after deleting a blank page, you need to restore section breaks, you can do this using the "Breaks" button located on the " Page layout».

Perhaps every user is familiar with the text editor Word. It is used to read, create and edit documents, while sometimes the simplest knowledge may not be enough to fully work with the program. Today we'll talk about how to delete a page in Word. Let's figure out if it is possible to remove an unnecessary sheet without harming the entire text.

When you need to eliminate an extra blank sheet that does not contain any valuable information, you must use the following algorithm:

  • make a left click with the mouse anywhere on the extra page, this is how the cursor is set (a dash located vertically);
  • in the "Home" section (at the top), look for the display of all characters and click on it (the combination Shift + Ctrl + 8 helps);

  • the monitor will display tabs, spaces that were not visible before. It is necessary to eliminate them from a blank page to automatically delete it. To do this, use the BackSpace button (if there is no such word on the keyboard, there will be a left arrow key, usually located above Enter).

How to delete the page in the Word, located at the end of the document

Sometimes a blank sheet is found at the very end of the file, although there are two or three or more of them. Such an object affects the size of the final file, makes it larger, and is also sent to print. For a thesis, term paper, such a page is not needed at all.

Here you can use the first method: position the cursor at the bottom and click the BackSpace button so that it is at the end of the penultimate page.

In the event that the extra page is located at the very beginning (it is the first), then we also act - remove unnecessary characters, after which all the text will move up.

How to delete an unnecessary document

Such knowledge may be needed if you opened a new document, wrote text, corrected it, copied it to another file, and this one has become superfluous.

You can delete it by simply clicking on the close - the cross in the upper right corner. A notification will pop up immediately asking you to save the changes, click "No".

When you plan to continue working with this file, and you need to delete what you have written, you should select everything using the Ctrl + A keys, and then press Del on the keyboard.

Removing a title page with a footer completely

In editions of Word, since version 2013, this is easy to do - change the old "title" to a new one. But in old versions of the program, you should first delete one page, and only then add a new one in its place:

  • find the "Insert" section (located near the "Main");
  • in the subsection "Pages" there is a necessary button, if you click on it, a special menu will open;
  • under the templates there will be a link to eliminate the extra sheet.

Getting rid of the page with the text

If you often work with this editor, you probably have a situation when you needed to delete an area with pictures, text content and other content. In such cases, you can use two methods.

Second sheet

For example, you have a file, there you need to erase the second page (somewhat after it). You will need:

  • position the cursor at the very beginning of the first line;
  • scroll to the end of the document page;
  • click on the keyboard layout Shift and hold it by making a left click with the mouse at the very end of the final line on an unnecessary sheet. This will highlight all the content (the background will change color).

This option is suitable for any version of Word 2010, 2003 and 1997.

All you have to do is click Del or BackSpace to delete unnecessary data.

Some kind of sheet in a big file

When working with a large text document with hundreds of pages, scrolling takes a long time. So the above method is not worth using. There is a better option. The built-in Word search comes in handy for this. The window will be called by the combination Ctrl + H. You will immediately be taken to the "Replace" section, but we are interested in another - "Go", after that enter the desired number in the "Find" subsection.

Do not close the open window. After moving to a specific sheet, in the line "Enter the number ..." write the command:

Click "Go" again to select the text.

Then you can close the dialog by clicking on the cross on the right side. Remove the entire selected part in the middle of the document with the BackSpace or Del buttons.

How to delete a page in a Word document? This is actually easy to do. For newbies, this article will be especially helpful. You can watch the training video, it will be even clearer.


To determine the reasons for the appearance of a blank sheet, you need to look at all non-printable characters. This can be done by clicking on a special button on the "Standard" toolbar, which is located next to the "Document Outline" and "Drawing Panel" buttons. If this panel is not displayed in your editor window, click the top menu "View", select the command "Toolbars" and check the box "Standard".

After you click on the button to display non-printable characters, other characters will appear in your document. In this view, you can find extra spaces and pressing the Enter button. You need to edit the entire document in this way, as a result, you will see a reduction of the entire text by several lines. If the text is large, it can be reduced even by a paragraph.

Carefully review each page, as soon as you catch your eye the inscription "Page Break" with a large number of dots, feel free to remove this element. Most likely, it was this element that caused the transfer of empty characters to the new page.

If for some reason you cannot remove some of the characters or "Page Break", you should do the following: try all the ways to remove this value. You can delete some unnecessary characters not only by pressing the Delete key, but also by using the Ctrl + X key combination (cut), as well as the Backspace key and the Ctrl + Backspace combination (delete a word).

In some cases, all of the above methods for removing non-printable characters do not help. Try editing your document in Web Document mode. To do this, click the top menu "View" and select "Web Document". Remember to change the view mode to Page Layout after you finish editing your document.

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Content management of sites created in is intuitive, but a novice user may encounter some problems. So, the question may arise about how to remove unnecessary the page from your site. This can be done in several ways, but in any case, for this you must have administrator rights.


Log in to the site and in the "Constructor" menu select "Enable Constructor", the page will change its appearance, block borders and additional buttons will appear. In the Main site menu category, click on the wrench-shaped button - an additional Menu Control window will open.

You will see two buttons opposite each menu item and submenu. The pencil-shaped button is used to edit the names and addresses of menu items. To delete the page, click the [x] button. Save the changes using the "Save" button in the "Menu Control" window, or select the "Save Changes" item in the "Constructor" menu. After that, you can turn off the design mode by selecting the corresponding item in the same menu.

Remove excess the page also possible through the control panel. Open the dashboard by selecting "Login to Control Panel" from the "General" menu. Enter your password and security code. From the menu located on the left side of the page, select the "Page Editor" section. The page for managing the module will open, select the "Manage site pages" item on it.

The folk truth has long been saying: "What is written with a pen, you can't cut it out with an ax." No, cunning and resourceful comrades can, of course, object here. To counterbalance the argument, so to speak. And why, for example, not tear out a sheet with spellings that are no longer needed, but throw it out - in the basket, or burn it altogether. It is possible and what not! But you have to work hard, do some work, sweat ... Especially if you need to quietly destroy the pages in some report, diary, magazine or (God forbid!) Fiction book.

Whether it is another matter to delete a page in Word. That's where the freedom of action and the fullness of the experience of editing a virtual canvas for writing comes in. No transaction costs, no signs of "execution" over the sheet, be it empty or with words. In short, custom grace.

However, you need to know where these same buttons for this very case are located and how to properly manage them. Don't know yet? Then check out the instructions below. And your work in Word will become much more comfortable.

The sheet is removed from the project in various ways and functions, depending on the specific situation, user task.

How do I remove a blank sheet?

1. Position the cursor on the blank page to be deleted.

2. Press simultaneously the keys Ctrl + Shift + 8. Or click on the ¶ (display all symbols) icon in the Word interface panel.

3. After activating this function, special control characters will be displayed on a blank page. They are responsible for formatting the text and remain invisible in normal text display mode. Delete them with the "backspace" button ("left arrow" above "Enter") or "Delete" (Del). After cleaning, the blank sheet will automatically disappear.

How to remove a page with text?

Method number 1

1. Place the cursor anywhere in the text on the page you want to get rid of.

2. Click with the left mouse button on the "Find" option (the leftmost block in the upper Word pane).

3. Select "Go to ..." from the drop-down menu.

4. In the additional "Find and Replace" window, on the "Go" tab, select the "Page" transition object.

5. In the "Enter a number ..." field, type the directive - \ page.

6. Click on the "Go" button. The text on the selected page is highlighted.

7. Click "Close" and then press the "DELETE" key.

Method number 2

1. Select all the text on the deleted page: while holding the left mouse button, move the cursor from the beginning to the end of the sheet.

2. Click “Delete”.

How to recover a deleted page?

Left-click on the left arrow icon (cancel the operation) or press Ctrl + Z, and the disappeared page will reappear in the project.

Enjoy using Word!

Until yesterday I thought I knew Word well enough. Of course, I am not an expert in it and do not use it constantly, as many do, but until now I was able to figure out what's what. But yesterday a seemingly simple question: How to delete a page in Word 2010? - Just puzzled me. Moreover, the question concerned not the first and not the last page, but the page in the middle of the solid text. I had to contact a guru on the Internet, for myself I will fix the information on the pages of my blog.

Delete blank page in Word

There are several ways to remove a blank page. The simplest of them is the use of the "Backspace" or "Delete" keys. To delete a blank page following the page with text, you need to put the cursor at the end of the previous page and press "Delete" on the keyboard. And if you need to delete, on the contrary, the previous blank page, then you need to put the cursor at the beginning of the next and press the "Backspace" button.

There is another method, deleting a blank page, it can be deleted using the non-printable characters icon.

First, find an icon on the control panel in the "Home" section, which means non-printable characters, this icon is located in the "Paragraph" subsection and select it by clicking on it with the mouse. The document displays many icons and dots that were previously invisible. Thus, you will be presented with extra spaces, characters that you can also remove if you wish.

Further in the document itself, find the inscription "Page Break" on the page that you want to delete. Click on it with the mouse, it should be highlighted in a certain color (which you are using), by default it is black. Then just press the "Backspace" or "Delete" key and that's it. Congratulations, the blank page has been removed from your document.

Delete a filled page in Word

After we figured out how to delete blank pages, let's further figure out how to delete a filled page in Word with text, images or other information. This process does not take much time and does not require special knowledge from you. What is needed for this:

  1. First, place the cursor where you want to delete information on the page.
  2. Next, on the main panel in the "Home" section, find the "Find" subsection and click on the arrow next to it, then open the "Go" link.

A window will open in front of you, in which you will need to put the number of the page that you need to delete and click on the "Go" link. Already selected text will appear in front of you, which must be deleted.

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