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  • How to permanently delete a rating from an electronic diary. In an electronic diary, a student cannot correct the grade on their own without the help of a teacher

How to permanently delete a rating from an electronic diary. In an electronic diary, a student cannot correct the grade on their own without the help of a teacher

How to correct the grade in the electronic diary? This question is very common. In our article, we will carefully consider all the nuances in order to provide a detailed answer to it.

Initially, consider the situation when the student himself wants to remove or change the mark. We speak immediately and honestly - you will not succeed. Students do not have the ability to correct scores, either on the computer or on the phone.

Why do students want to change grades? The reasons are obvious:

  • They don't want bad grades to be seen by their parents.
  • Fear of being punished for poor performance.
  • Want to change the data in the online diary in order to improve the score for the quarter.

How to remove a rating from an electronic diary forever?

Surely you are not a hacker with great experience and do not have knowledge in the field of programming. Therefore, to the question of how to permanently delete an assessment from an electronic diary, one can give an unequivocal answer - no way. Without special knowledge, students have no chance to hack the system.

Fraudsters are actively distributing hacking instructions on the Internet in the form of articles and videos. They talk about allegedly unique programs or schemes for gaining access to the service.

The purpose of all these instructions is to encourage users to install an application that is infected with viruses. Malicious programs can block the operating system and steal personal data - accounts, bank card numbers and passwords, email correspondence, etc.

Therefore, never trust such instructions. Even if there really is a vulnerability, it will be quickly closed. As a result, the probability of hacking an online diary by an ordinary student tends to zero.

But what about articles on the Internet about students who corrected grades and were punished? Indeed, some schoolchildren get access to the system. But usually they do not hack the service, but use the credentials from the teacher's account.

You can find out the username and password of the teacher in various ways:

  1. Peep the data at the moment when the teacher enters the profile.
  2. The teacher can write down the username and password in a notebook so as not to forget them.
  3. It is possible to infect a teacher's computer with viruses to steal credentials. But you need to choose the right malware and be able to use it.

Having the teacher's login and password, you can go to his profile and change marks. But be sure that the fact of the adjustment of estimates will soon be discovered. Do not avoid severe punishment, up to expulsion from school.

The administration of the educational institution may apply to law enforcement agencies. Then the student faces criminal prosecution if he has reached the appropriate age. Of course, the student will not receive a prison term, but a suspended sentence or a fine is a very real prospect.

Can the teacher correct the grade in the electronic diary?

How to change the grade in the electronic diary legally? To do this, you need to contact the teacher and ask for a chance to correct the mark. Complete his task so that the teacher gives the appropriate score.

Modern systems for maintaining online journals allow you to change grades and delete lessons. But here another question arises - will the teacher want to correct the grades? Changes in the electronic diary are monitored by the administration. The head teacher or director can ask a number of questions to the teacher regarding the reasons for the correction.

Therefore, some teachers refuse to change grades. The decisive factor in this matter is the position of the school administration. In some institutions, the directors categorically forbid changing grades, and the right to correct is granted only in case of an error.

Is it possible to correct the grade for a quarter in an electronic diary?

The scores for the quarter can also be adjusted by the teacher. He has the opportunity to change the quarter mark in case of an error, or if the student has completed additional tasks.

What time does the electronic diary give to correct the score?

There is no information in open sources regarding the time for correcting marks. Perhaps it depends on a specific service or on the parameters set in the system. Therefore, it is better to address this question to the teacher.

On October 29, the court of the Sovetsky district of Novosibirsk will consider complaints from the defenders of Vladimir Zhoglik, a former student of gymnasium No. 5, who was put on trial for correcting marks in the school journal. While the law enforcement system is working hard, the "schoolboy hacker" managed to enter a university, but because of his worries he cannot study, he is on academic leave and under house arrest.

According to the defenders of Vladimir, the persecution of the quiet student could have already ended in real terms, if not for the attention of the media. The case is not ordinary: this is one of the first criminal cases in the country about illegal access to legally protected computer information in ordinary, everyday life. It's one thing to hunt down cyberspies who hack into the servers of government agencies. And it's quite another thing to catch a household "hacker", proving that such people exist, and the police are on guard.

Vladimir's prank is not new. In the "paper" era, losers rubbed grades with a razor blade, which could well turn into a serious conversation with the headmaster and a slap from the parents.

In the digital era, basic information about student performance is stored in an electronic system, and for modifying this data, a would-be hacker faces up to two years in prison. Absurdity - Zhoglik's defenders are sure. The prosecutor's office is of the same opinion (in any case, this was publicly stated by the leadership of the regional supervisory agency at a special press conference), but the investigation still insists that this is not a prank, but a crime.

The article of the Criminal Code in question is in the chapter "Crimes against public safety," stressed Andrey Dyabdenkov, a representative of the NSU Alumni Union. - In the same chapter, for example, terrorism. That is, terrorism is put on a par with what Vladimir did. Obviously, this article was laid down by the legislator in order to protect state or commercial secrets, personal data. The fact that law enforcers decided to use it against a student who corrected his grades is absurd.

In December 2017, the court returned the Zhoglik case to the prosecutor's office, and there was hope that it would be dropped. However, this did not happen, and the story of the long-outdated school magazine is overgrown with new absurd details. Zhoglyk's lawyers are appealing against the actions of the investigator: for example, he refused to conduct a computer examination, despite the fact that the guy is charged with changing electronic data. Without such an assessment, it is impossible to reliably indicate who corrected what and when, the lawyers are sure. And the investigation refers to the fact that the petition of the defense did not indicate at whose expense the computer examination should be carried out.

Volodya studied at this gymnasium from the first grade, he was never a bully, his grades were good. And suddenly the school administration exposes him as a criminal, - Lilia Zhoglik is holding back her tears with difficulty. - Estimates were changed by many, because teachers left the computer on the table with the login and password entered. One day, one of the teachers saw that a schoolboy was correcting his deuce. We began to understand, it became clear that this was not an isolated case. I always brought up Volodya as an honest person, and when they asked at the school meeting who participated in this, he was the only one who raised his hand. Maybe he should have remained silent like the others, but he couldn't lie.

As such, the former high school student did not hack the system: he received the account data of one of the teachers from a friend and entered the electronic journal on his behalf. He hardly corrected his grades, but responded to the requests of classmates. In total, according to the materials of the case, he corrected 51 marks, but Zhoglik himself does not believe in this figure, most likely, other people's misconduct was also attributed to him.

At the same time, the lawyers insist that there is no injured party in the case: who cares about current assessments now, whose interests have suffered? After all, the main thing is to pass the exam, and the final certification of schoolchildren was successful, most of them entered universities. The marks in the gymnasium journal changed in the fall of 2016. Two years have passed. How much more time it will take for state bodies to figure out whether the student has violated the criminal law or not is not yet clear. The defense writes complaints to the court about red tape, and the investigation regularly petitions for an extension of the investigation.

Sergey Senchushkin, head of the press service of the apparatus of the Association of Lawyers of Russia:

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation emphasizes that an action is not a crime, although formally falling under any article of the Criminal Code, but due to its insignificance, it does not pose a public danger. A similar rule is written in Article 14 of the Criminal Code, and law enforcement officers should reread it from time to time. Moreover, the plenum of the Supreme Court of Russia in its decisions repeatedly reminded of this provision.

In addition, doubts arise whether there is a crime in the actions of a Novosibirsk schoolchild. It is difficult to judge this without seeing the specific materials of the case. However, official information released by law enforcement raises some questions about the charges.

Article 272 of the Criminal Code, which the investigation charged the high school student, provides for sanctions for illegal access to computer information protected by law. Let me remind you that the legislation identifies several dozen types of protected information. There is information classified as state secrets, there is banking secrecy, lawyer secrecy, medical secrecy, personal data, etc. The legal regime for the protection of different species is different. What type of information is school grades? What law protects access to one's own school grades and access to grades from classmates?

Of course, the student did not have the right to change such information, but he had no restrictions on access to it. Therefore, there are serious doubts that there are signs of corpus delicti in his actions. And in any case, there is definitely no need to break the fate of a schoolboy for an essentially youthful offense. I am sure that even some of those law enforcement officers who today are trying to accuse a schoolboy could have sinned like this in childhood. Only earlier they "cleaned up" paper school journals and diaries. It’s good that in those years no one thought to initiate criminal cases against them under the article for forging official documents.

If you condemn every student who tried to overwrite grades in a school paper or electronic diary, then, I'm afraid, this will not lead to anything good. In my opinion, for such a change in school grades, it would be quite enough to provide for some kind of disciplinary responsibility in local school acts, as well as some educational measures.

Students do not have the opportunity to correct their own grades in the electronic diary. AIS "" is distinguished by reliable protection against hacking. In the student's diary, you can see only those grades that are displayed in the journal. Access to the magazine is available to teachers and directors of studies. Therefore, only a school employee can correct the grade in the student's electronic diary. For attempting to do this without the knowledge of the teacher, the teenager faces expulsion from school, a suspended prison sentence or a fine.

Many students, instead of learning the material well and correcting their poor grades, are looking for ways to remove them from the electronic journal or change them themselves. But, nothing will come of this, since the student does not have the technical ability to correct the points received either in a mobile phone or in a laptop.

The reasons why students want to change grades are quite obvious:

  • fear of parents' reaction to poor academic performance;
  • fear of punishment for low scores;
  • desire to improve quarterly or annual grades.

Online instructions for hacking an electronic diary

Ordinary schoolchildren do not have the knowledge of a "hacker" with extensive experience in hacking websites. Without good programming knowledge, the chances of hacking the system are zero. However, today cybercriminals are posting videos and publishing articles on the Internet on how to do it. Fraudsters claim that there are special access schemes and exclusive programs with which you can enter the system.

The goal of such attackers is to force as many people as possible to install infected programs on their computers and laptops. Malicious applications can steal emails, passwords, bank card numbers, accounts, and personal user information. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to trust such mailing lists and follow the links offered - this is very dangerous.

Punishment for correcting grades in an electronic diary

Earlier, the media reported about schoolchildren who managed to correct their grades in an electronic diary, for which they were punished. Some students fraudulently learn the username and password of the teacher and enter the system under his account.

There are several ways to find out the teacher's credentials:

  • look at them in a notebook where the teacher wrote down the data so as not to forget;
  • spy login and password when the teacher logs into the system;
  • run a malicious program on the teacher's computer and steal data. But the program must be able to pick up and use it.

Knowing the teacher's credentials, you can briefly change the grades in the electronic diary, because soon this fact will be revealed. The student will be severely punished, he may even be expelled from school.

The school principal can also report the incident to law enforcement agencies, then the underage student faces a fine or a suspended criminal sentence.

How can I legally change scores in an electronic diary

In order to legally correct the mark in the electronic diary, you should ask the teacher about it. You need to learn the material, complete the appropriate task so that the teacher can give a high score.

In online journals, educators can delete and change scores. But not always and not in every situation the teacher will want to change grades. The school administration may inquire about the reason for the adjustment of points. Principals of some schools do not allow teachers to correct grades at all, this is allowed only in case of an error.

Ask the teacher about the time allotted for correcting the grade. It depends on the system or parameters set in the particular service.

Let's consider ways of grading in the journal.

There are different log modes for grading or marking student absences:

  • normal mode;
  • putting down "N";
  • fast mode.

Normal scoring mode

To assign grades in the normal mode, click the "Normal mode" button and select the cell at the intersection of the required date and full name. student.

The Marks and Comments dialog box opens.

In the opened dialog box:

If you need to set two or more ratings on the selected date, click the "Add rating" button.

You can mark the absence of a student in a lesson in the usual mode by ticking the box "Absent (N)".

Normal mode allows you to create a comment to the lesson. To do this, enter the text in the "Comment to the lesson" field. If this comment is for the entire class/group, place the cursor in the "Common for class/group" field.

After working in the normal mode, to save the entered information, click the "Save" button.

Setting the "point" in the normal mode

To set the "point" in the normal mode, you must:

  • make an estimate;
  • set a marker in the "Point" field;
  • determine the date by which it is necessary to correct the estimated estimate.

Important! If before the due date the teacher has not returned to correct the "point", then it is automatically replaced by the estimated mark.

To correct the "point" click on the cell where it is exposed. Correct the estimated estimate, remove the marker "point" and click the "Save" button. "Point" will be corrected to the entered value.

Setting mode "H"

The “H” setting mode helps to mark the absence of students in the lesson without additional time spending.

To mark as missing from the log, do the following:

2. At the intersection of the student's full name and date, click on the cell - "H" will be displayed in the selected cell.

Note! To cancel the affixed absence, click again on the cell with "H".

Quick scoring mode

This mode allows you to quickly grade students for the selected form of control.

To assign grades in quick mode, follow these steps:

2. Select a cell at the intersection of F.I.O. student and the desired date and click on it.

The Grading dialog box opens.

3. Select the grade you want and click on it.

The selected score will be displayed in the cell.

When grading other students, the control form will be saved. You can continue grading without reselecting the form of control.

In quick mode, grading is also possible from the keyboard. You can use the directional arrows on your keyboard to navigate through the cells in which you want to enter grades.

Quick mode also allows you to set a flag for absence. To do this, select "Was not" in the dialog box, or enter the value "H" from the keyboard.

You can delete a rating or mark in quick mode by pressing the Delete button.

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