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How to remove spaces in an open office. Remove blank sheets and extra spaces in Word

Due to incorrect change of the text in Word document, users are often faced with the problem of large indents between words.
Basically, the resizing of the spaces should be done due to the aesthetically pleasing appearance of the text. Of course it is not the main problem when drawing up a document, but the type of writing on paper is also not the last criterion in the design of articles. Let's figure out how to remove huge indents in MS Word.

How to undo word wrap in Word

There are several reasons for popping out big gaps, and accordingly, for each there will be different solutions. Let's consider each option separately.

Justify to width

This reason is most relevant when writing text.

When you select wider alignment, all words are aligned vertically. Large indents appear due to the fact that there are too few words on the line, and they stretch across the entire sheet.

To change these effects of formatting, you can just set the text alignment to the left. But this option is only suitable if the change in width is not important for your document.

In order to align the text to the left, you need to do the following:

Using special characters instead of simple spaces

Also, the problem may be that the user has put certain characters instead of indentation. This option makes the distance between words large, not only in the last sentence of the paragraph, but throughout the text. If you want to recognize if this caused large gaps, you should follow these steps:

End of paragraph sign

It happens that a document has certain formatting rules, such as justification. In this case, a long gap may appear at the end of a line. The first thing to do is turn on the display of all symbols, which will help to identify the presence of the icon "End of paragraph".

Removing an unnecessary character can be done manually, or you can use find and replace throughout the document. The procedure was discussed in this article in the previous paragraph.

The presence of unnecessary spaces

Even though it's enough simple mistake, it is the most common spacing problem. In the event that a space has been entered twice, the editor will automatically highlight it, but if spaces large quantity- the program will consider that they were made intentionally. Often similar situation occurs when copying pages from the network or transferring fragments of text from other documents.

The first thing to do is start displaying non-printable characters in the "Paragraph" tab. If there are extra spaces between words, there will be more than one black point. The situation can be corrected by manually removing unnecessary characters or by using automatic replacement throughout the text.

How to carry out word wrap

To reduce spaces in the text using word wrap, you need to do the following:

In our article, you can find the reasons for the appearance of large gaps, and most importantly, fix this problem yourself. In order for your text to be accepted beautiful view and did not attract attention with large indents between words, follow the points described above and required document easily readable.

Extra spaces in documents created in text Word editor are quite common. Especially beginners "sin" with them computer users who try to align texts by setting numerous spaces, which ultimately results in difficulties with subsequent editing of text documents. You can also find large spaces between words and in documents. experienced users... Here they arise most often due to the peculiarities of text alignment to the width of the document. In this article, we will talk about how to fix the situation in both cases.

You can see all the problems with spaces in your document by turning on display mode hidden characters formatting using this button in the main menu text editor.

In a well-formed document in which there is only one space between words, there should be only one period between the same words. If there are more points, then the document contains extra spaces that you want to delete. In the example below, all extra spaces are marked with red squares.

How to remove extra spaces in Word
The solutions offered on the Internet recommend using the search for double spaces and replacing them with single ones. But what if used not only double spaces, but also triple or containing four, five or more spaces in a row? You can, of course, auto-replace five spaces with a single one, then four, then replace triples and go up to double ones, but there is a more elegant solution. You must also use search and replace, but use macro substitution as a search source in the form regular expression... It sounds complicated and incomprehensible, but it is implemented quite simply as follows:
Wildcard expressions can also be used to find and replace other characters in a document by replacing the space with the appropriate character.

How to remove extra characters in Word when aligning text to width
The problem with widened spaces in width alignment occurs when the length of the words contained in the line prevents the intended text alignment other than by placing large spaces between words. This happens most often in subheadings, when there are few words in the lines, and the text editor cannot carry out automatic hyphenation in words. Enforcing the use of non-breaking spaces can help in this case.

This is done as follows.
The above examples were shown using the example of the text editor Word 2007. In other versions of this program, namely Word 2003, Word 2010, Word 2013 and Word 2016, everything is done in the same way.

You can print 2 or 3 characters, run Compose Special Characters command Alt + Shift + Z and convert these characters into one special character. The extension also allows you to add custom symbols.

How to select a vertical block of text in a document?

Since Ooo 2.4, use the menu Edit - Selection Mode - Block Region

Is it possible to work with document versions?

Yes. You can enable it like this: Edit -> Changes -> Record

How do I make big letters that are white inside and black on the edge?

Format - Symbols - Font Effects - Outline Or faster - Context Menu-Style-Outline

How can I turn off automatic numbering of lists?

Service-AutoCorrect-Options uncheck Apply numbering - symbol *

How do I turn off automatic capitalization after period?

menu Service - AutoCorrect... tab Exceptions- entering a list of abbreviations, after which should not be replaced by capital letter... tab Options- disable autocorrect.

How can I split a window horizontally while accessing two parts of a large text document at the same time?

In OOo it is possible to simultaneously access an unlimited number of document places, unlike MS Writer. To do this, you need to run the command Window - New Window, a new window will appear with the same document... Changes made in one window will be displayed in the second. The number of such windows is not limited. This method is especially good for widescreen monitors when windows can be arranged from left to right, which is much more convenient. For conventional monitors, you can arrange windows one window above another and thus obtain a complete analogue of Word's division of document windows.

The horizontal scroll bar always takes up part of the screen, and is always present, even when the page is smaller than the screen. Can you remove it?

You can turn it off completely with Tools - Options - Writer - View - Horizontal stripe scroll

Is it possible to remove the hint (page number, section name) when scrolling the document with the mouse wheel?

Yes. Disconnected here Tools - Options - General and uncheck Tooltips... If you need an extended hint, you can enable Detailed tooltips.

Instead of spaces, there are gray rectangles.

Non-breaking spaces are displayed in gray. They are used, for example, when separating initials from a surname, so that when a line breaks, the initials are wrapped along with the surname. To turn off the display non-breaking spaces needed in section Tools - Options - OOo Writer - Format Characters - Display uncheck the "Non-breaking spaces" checkbox.

Shading the text in the area of ​​headers and footers, can it be done?

Special function does not exist. Alternatively, you can use:
  • contrasting background color for headers and footers, before printing it is necessary to remove ( Format - Page - Headers and Footers - Advanced);
  • enable display of text borders (menu View - Text Borders)

How is a page break sign displayed?

A thin line at the top of the page when the option is enabled View - Text Borders... Line color can be changed - see photo

Red triangles in tables, figure titles, and sidebars. What does this mean?

A red triangle indicates that the contents of the table or frame will not fit in this place, therefore, some of the text is outside the display boundaries. In order to see the text in full, it is necessary either to expand the borders of the table (frames), or to decrease the font size, or to move part of the text to another place. By the way, the same triangle is present in cells Calc if the cell width is less than the text length.

How do I remove a hyperlink and convert it to plain text?

Select the hyperlink, right-click. In the context menu, select " Signs - Hyperlink", and remove the URL string.

In a text document, when you try to edit a table created in Excel, Calc opens, but it does not allow editing (it says that this document is open for reading only)

Look All options must be enabled

I cannot open a plain text file in How to do it?

Since version 2.3 OOo offers a set of filters if it cannot automatically recognize the file type. But you can also always specify OOo explicitly the type of file you want to open. To do this, open new document, select File - Open, find your file, select it so that its name appears in the field File name then into the field File type choose Text or Encoded text... If .org asks for the required encoding, specify it.

How can I change the wrapping parameters for all images in a document at once?

The style of the image needs to be adjusted. We include Stylist- tab Frame styles, find the style Image, right click mice Change..., tab Wrapping- set the required parameters - OK

How do I rotate an image 90 degrees?

> Copy and paste the image into Draw and rotate there. Then paste the original back into the OO Writer

How can I make the graphic object invisible when printing?

Uncheck the Tools - Options - Ooo Writer - Print - Content

How to cut out part of a picture pasted into text from a file

Right-click on the picture to call context menu... Further Image- tab Cropping

Draw and display on all pages. How?

To make the background graphic object, created through the drawing panel of the Writer itself "and repeated on all pages, you need to insert this object in the footer. To do this, first you need to add the actual header, then put the cursor in it (so that the anchor is to the header), and then insert the object (s).

Another way:

Draw this picture using Draw, export to bitmap and then paste into the background of the OOo Writer page style you are using

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In this article, we will focus on parsing spaces in the Word editor. Many people have probably come across such a phenomenon when we align text in width and suddenly there are too large spaces between words. After opening a document, we can also unexpectedly observe large spaces between words. How to remove them and will be told today.

The first thing that automatically comes to mind is to put the cursor at the end of the word before the space and press the "delete" key. In this case, it is assumed that the deleted word will pull up and stand up as it should. However, that was not the case. The word is pulled up, but placed close to the previous one, and if you separate them with the "space" key, then it goes back to the previous position. How to properly remove this big gap and will be described in the article.

How to remove spaces between words in width in a Word?

The first option is quite easy, but laborious if there are a lot of such gaps. To remove large spaces, use the key combination CTRL + SHIFT + space on the keyboard.

The first step is to hold down the left mouse button to select the entire large space - from word to word.

After that, press the above combination and the large space will automatically become the standard one character. If the problem of large intervals is due to the fact that the lines were with a break, in this case we do so. Open the "File" menu, the "Options" tab, and there we find "Advanced". In the window that opens, put a checkmark in front of the line "Do not expand character spacing in a line with a break".

Also, spaces can appear due to tabs. You can find out by clicking the "Show symbols" button on the toolbar.

After pressing this button, we will see the corresponding symbols on the page. They will appear as arrows pointing to the right.

In order to remove them, simply select these arrows with the mouse and press the SPACEBAR.

Remove extra spaces in Word 2007 throughout the text

The options discussed above are good when there are few such large spaces in the text and you can slowly remove them all manually. But, the text can be quite large, and there can be a lot of spaces. It will be very difficult to remove them in this way. Or rather just as good, but very long and tiring.

You can make an automatic operation for all large spaces at once using the "AutoCorrect" function. The replacement window is called by pressing the CTRL + H key combination, or by pressing the "Replace" button located on the right side of the editor toolbar.

As a result of one of these operations, a window will open in front of us, in which you need to go to the "Replace" tab, and then click the "More" button.

In the newly opened window, we find the line “ Wildcards"And put a tick next to it. You don't need to change anything else. If there is only one space in the text, do the following.

Go to the "Find" line, put the cursor, press the "Space" key and write in this line (2;). This command means that if there are two or more spaces in the text, they will be removed. Next, go to the line "Replace with", put the cursor and just press the space bar. You don't need to write anything here.

After that, click the "Replace All" button. The program will replace it by removing all unnecessary spaces. That's basically it. Good luck with mastering the Word Editor. And finally we look small video to remove spaces.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated and tedious with extra spaces. You can easily remove them.

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