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How to disable automatic downloading of programs. How to remove programs from startup (autorun)? Speed ​​up your computer boot

There are several ways, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so let's start exploring. The easiest way is to find the Startup folder in the Start menu. All shortcuts found here will be loaded with Windows. Depending on the language of the operating system, this folder may be called “Startup” or “Startup”.

As you can see, I have BingDesktop, Punto Switcher and SpeedFan loaded. To exclude a program from the Startup folder, you just need to right-click and delete the shortcut. But when Windows boots, many more processes and programs are launched than are presented in this folder.

Built-in utility for managing startup

This is the easiest and most accessible method for Windows 7. To launch the “msconfig” utility, press the key combination “Win ​​+ R” and in the window that appears, enter the word “msconfig”

A window appears in front of us in which we need to go to the “Startup” tab. Here are all the startup section programs registered in the Windows 7 registry.

What we see here:

  • The startup item is the name of the program
  • Manufacturer - software developer
  • Command – path to the program with launch keys
  • Location – the registry section or folder where this command is located
  • Disabling date – respectively, the date when this item was disabled by you

Now we find the application in the list, uncheck it and click “OK”. Msconfig will prompt us to reboot, but we don't have to do this.

Managing startup in Windows 8/10

The beauty of this program is that it finds all possible places where anything could be downloaded and allows you to disable hidden programs with one click! And all this is completely free! No installation is required, but during the first launch you will need to confirm the license agreement by clicking the “Agree” button.

You need to run the file “autoruns.exe” or “autoruns64.exe” for 64-bit Windows. The second file, “autorunsc.exe,” is intended to be run in command line mode. The Autoruns window looks like this:

At the top there are tabs, each of which indicates the location of startup objects. These are not only programs, but also libraries (dlls), toolbars, widgets, drivers, services and much more. The first tab, “Everything,” presents everything in order at once. On the “Logon” tab you will find those programs that we could disable using previous methods.

In the middle part, in fact, there is a list of programs. To disable a program from autorun, simply uncheck it. If the checkbox to the left of an entry is unchecked, it means it is already disabled. Lines that are listed in startup, but their files have been deleted, are marked in yellow, i.e. they won't load anyway. Programs without a description (the “Description” column) or without a manufacturer (the “Publisher” column) are marked in pink, which seems to hint at a viral origin, but not necessarily that it is a virus.

By right-clicking on any line and selecting “Search Online...” in the browser, a search line will open with the name of the file to be launched so that you can analyze how safe the object being examined is. More detailed information is displayed at the bottom of the window. I told you how to determine the trust level of applications.

Using the “Save” button on the toolbar, you can save the current startup state, and then compare it after some time to find out what new has been added. By the way, it is also a very useful tool. I noticed that for some reason Autoruns does not check the launch parameters “userinit.exe” and “explorer.exe”, so it is better to check these keys manually, more on that later.

Editing autorun in the registry

Now we smoothly move on to manually editing the registry. Press “Win ​​+ R” and enter “regedit” in the line. The registry editor will open in front of you, in which you need to go to the startup section.

There are two of them:

  • global for the entire system, from which programs are launched under any user: "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
  • current user's environment: "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"

We go to both sections of the registry in turn and find in the list on the right the application that needs to be excluded from autorun, and delete the entry using the right mouse button. Just below there is another section called “RunOnce”. These sections can contain commands for one-time execution, for example, to complete the installation of a software package. You can search there, but most likely it will be empty.

Unlike the “msconfig” utility, in the registry editor we can view more loopholes from where something can start. I'll show you the two most vulnerable spots, both of them are along the way: "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon"

Pay attention to these two parameters:

It should be exactly what you see in the picture (paths may vary). If something else is written after “userinit.exe,” or after “explorer.exe,” it will also automatically start along with Windows. In 99% of cases it is a virus! Simply editing these entries is unlikely to help. After all, if a virus is in memory, it will quickly overwrite the recording again. Therefore, you will need a complete .

What else can you do?

If you tried all these methods, but still couldn’t find and disable the program, then look at services and the task scheduler. It is possible that the program is launched from there. Autoruns has corresponding tabs "Services" for services and "Sheduled Tasks" for scheduled tasks.

Without Autoruns, you can easily view services by pressing “Win ​​+ R” and entering “services.msc” in the window. The “Services” window will open in front of you, in which you need to look for the name of the program you are looking for.

How to launch the task scheduler and look for scheduled tasks there.

Another note for you:

  • Most startup objects do not start
  • if a program that has put itself in autoload is launched again, and it considers that it still needs to be in autoload, then it will register itself there again! Therefore, you need to look in its settings where you can disable autorun.

If you use any other interesting method, please tell us about it in the comments.

The Windows XP operating system contains a huge number of useful functions. One of them, of course, is.

When installed, some programs add special information about themselves to the system registry, thereby forcing the operating system to launch them every time it boots. This saves your time, for example, you will not need to run the antivirus when you turn on the PC - it will load automatically, using the information stored in special sections of the system registry. The Microsoft Office program, for example, also stores some of its elements in Startup, allowing you to increase the speed of launching Word or Excel.

As all kinds of programs accumulate on the computer, the Startup list grows and grows...

At first glance, everything is great, convenient and fast, but if you look in more detail, you can find quite a lot of pitfalls and disadvantages of Autoload. Viruses, spyware, and simply unwanted applications can take advantage of it, so we will look at ways to remove a program from Startup using Windows tools.

So, we have already said that all information about downloaded programs is stored in the system registry. Many programs use the Startup function to speed up or simplify the user's work, but there are also those that PC users would like to permanently exclude from the list of automatically downloaded programs. In order to remove a program from Startup, there are a huge number of utilities and programs, but it happens that they are not at hand. This is especially true for novice PC users who are not burdened with such problems until some virus infects their operating system. Fortunately, the Windows operating system contains built-in tools to combat unwanted software that tries to run along with the operating system and go unnoticed.

1. How to remove a program from Startup in the Start menu

The easiest way: You need to open

Here you see a list of programs that are loaded with your operating system.

You can simply drag the shortcut for the game or program you want here to let Windows know that you want it to launch every time you start the OS.

By deleting this shortcut, you remove the program from the list Startup, but not from a computer, so you don’t have to worry about mixing up too much! Nothing complicated, right?

However, the Start menu is not the only way viruses use to escape the eyes of a novice user. There is a much more complex method - an entry in the system registry.

2. How to remove a program from Startup in Msconfig

The method described above often does not work, since viruses and spyware on our PC are able to hide much more reliably. The menu is used only by harmless programs that do not hide their presence.

You can launch a more powerful utility for searching and removing programs from Startup by opening Start - Run

- msconfig. I usually use this method, so I'll describe it in more detail.

So, let's click Start - Run.

A small sign will come out - in the line type msconfig- press "OK" (or Enter)

After which, another sign will appear. In the top tabs select

Be here PLEASE CAREFUL- don’t click on other tabs and don’t change anything :-)

We go strictly point by point.

Carefully review the list for names similar to recently installed programs.

Here too - don’t touch what you don’t know :-) And you can always find out what kind of process this is using Google :-)

To remove from Startup, simply uncheck the boxes next to suspicious and unnecessary programs. Look at my example:

Because I know exactly what kind of processes these are, and I know for sure that I don’t need them - I uncheck the processes on the left.

Beginner PC users need to be extremely careful here, since disabling a system program or component may damage the operating system

Then press Apply (or OK)

Then we simply close this sign with a cross. After that, something like this will come out:

To apply the settings, restart your PC.

If something goes wrong and your OS does not boot or reboots during boot, log in and return the unchecked boxes.

I'll just add -
Now, when you turn on the computer, two signs will pop up -
1.- the same one in which we changed “autoload”
2.- with text something like “you changed the settings. If this did not worsen the performance of the computer...” and even more :-) This is not so important, we didn’t change anything special except autorun. But, just in case, we simply close these signs and work with the computer as usual.
If everything is fine (which it should be, if nothing unnecessary has been disabled) - the next time you turn on the PC, in this sign, check the box next to “don’t show this window again” and that’s it :-) It won’t bother you anymore :-)

3. How to remove a program from Startup in Regedit

Now we have reached the very System registry. Here we can find the most complete list Automatic download and its parameters. To enter the built-in registry editor, go to Start - Run - regedit .

In the window that opens, you see all the registry keys (tweaks), sorted into folders. We need to get to information about Startup, so open:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SOFTWARE - Microsoft - Windows - CurrentVersion - Run

On the right side of the window you will see a list of programs Startup. This removal method is much more convenient, since by double-clicking on the desired element, you will see a link to the executive file. That is, speaking for beginners, you will be able to see which program is downloaded without your knowledge and from which folder.

After reading the list, remove unnecessary programs by pressing the Del.

To do this, select a section Run and press File - Export.

In case of problems, you can restore the registry information by double-clicking on the resulting file.

4. More complicated ways, but more effective and suitable for almost all operating systems:

Use XP Tweker, built into Total Commander or as a separate program, there is a separate menu - Startup - where you can select startup programs. Well, the Total Commander program can be easily downloaded on the Internet by typing its name in a search engine!

Hello! Friends, do you know what I do on almost every computer that comes into my possession? That's right, I'm cleaning the list of startup programs. When I turn on someone else's computer, about 80% of the time I want to cry :). I simply cannot observe the process when, along with turning on the computer, another 20 programs are launched, and the computer seems to have already turned on, but you need to wait a few more minutes until you can open the folder, etc.

As you already understand, I will write about how to remove programs from startup, and thereby speed up the computer boot many times. In the article, I also wrote about startup programs, and how to clear the startup list. But there I wrote how to do this using the Total Commander program, also with additional utilities, and probably only I have this version of Total Commander :), it’s already old.

I remember I was still uneducated in computer science, and my computer broke down, Windows crashed, I don’t remember exactly. And I took my system unit to a friend for repairs. He did everything for me, for only 20 UAH. and then installed this Total Commander (by the way, I installed it on autostart, I suffered for a long time before I removed it from there :)) and since then I have been using it, although I only use it to clean the system, it has a good utility. Okay, enough memories :), on to the point.

So in this article I will write about how to remove programs from startup using a standard utility in Windows. There are many programs for this, but I understand that you don’t always want to download and install some additional programs, and then also understand them. Moreover, if it is possible to do everything as a built-in tool.

Why clear the list of programs in startup?

Let's first figure out where they come from. It's very simple, you install different programs, some you install yourself, and some are installed without your help. Some programs are added to the startup list, and when you turn on the computer, they start themselves. Sometimes it is convenient, and even necessary. It’s good when, for example, Skype, antivirus, etc. start automatically.

There are programs that run automatically, but you don’t need them at all, or you need them very rarely. For example, DAEMON Tools Lite, an excellent program, but for example, I need it once a month, and I can run it myself. But here it starts all the time when you turn on the computer. Okay, as soon as it starts, it also works all the time and eats up RAM. What if there are ten or more such useless programs? This all greatly affects the speed at which the computer turns on and its operation.

I think you already understand where programs in startup come from and why they start themselves when you turn on the computer. In short, autorun is a list of programs that should start when you turn on the computer.

Why they need to be removed from there, I think you already understand. All this is done in order to increase the boot speed of the computer and increase the speed of its operation. After all, all these programs that are always running, of course, slow down the computer, and sometimes they also secretly use the Internet connection, I wrote about this case in the article.

So, let’s clean the startup list and your computer will start breathing in a new way! Of course, I have disabled unnecessary programs from startup, but I still check them from time to time. It happens that garbage appears on this list again.

How to remove programs that start when you turn on your computer?

As I promised, we will use the standard tool.

On Windows 7:"Start" "All programs", “Standard”, look for and run the “Run” utility.

On Windows XP:“Start”, “Run”.

In the window that appears, enter the command msconfig and click “Ok”.

A window will open in which we go to the tab. We look at the list and remove all programs that you do not need to autoload.

As you can see, my startup list is very modest. After you remove everything unnecessary (uncheck the boxes), click “Apply” and “OK”.

It happens that unnecessary programs may still be among the services. Therefore, in the window that we opened above, go to the “Services” tab. Immediately check the box next to “Do not display Microsoft services”. And uncheck unnecessary services. To save the result, click “Apply” and “Ok”.

Almost every program installed on a computer tries to put itself in startup. Therefore, there are more and more icons in the system tray (Tray - next to the clock), and the loading time of the operating system increases. In most cases, there is no need to automatically download programs. How to disable autoloading of the program and reduce the number of icons near the clock? Today's post is about this.

Removing programs from startup in Windows XP

It's done like this. Press the button Start and open the main menu. In the main menu press the button Execute(circled in red pencil).

Rice. 1

A window will open Starting the program . In the Open field type: msconfig

Rice. 2

Now press the button OK and a window will open in front of you System Setup.

Rice. 3

In this window you will see 6 tabs. There are five tabs and you don't need to touch anything! Immediately click the cursor on the tab - . Its general appearance is as in Fig. 3. Only the programs you will have are those that you installed, but not the same as here. In the list of startup items, identify those programs that blatantly load when Windows boots, place their icons next to the clock, and sometimes even open their dialog boxes when no one asked them to. In Figure 3 you see: green checkmarks indicate programs that start automatically. But this is the tip of the iceberg! Below is a list several times larger of programs whose autorun is disabled. Of course, by name Startup item It can be difficult to determine which program this item belongs to. Then look at which program folder it leads to Team. If you can't see the whole line Team, then use the mouse cursor to drag the separator element between the words to the right Team And Location . The entire line will open. All commands that are not sent from the “Program Files” folder are automatically suspected as unauthorized.

No need to remove from startup antivirus programs And firewalls. You can experimentally determine whether one or another program is needed in startup. For example, if you disable the Pragma translator, then after being removed from startup, the program will no longer install itself in Word. Each time, to translate, you will first need to launch the Pragma program, and then translate the text. Naturally, this is inconvenient, so you should return this program to startup by checking the box next to its element.

Also, many have a program Punto Switcher, automatically switching between Russian and English keyboard layouts. When you work on the Internet, this program is simply irreplaceable. Naturally, you will get tired of launching it yourself every time. Therefore, the best option is when it is in startup.

And here are the programs Winamp , Download Master , Adobe Reader and many others can be launched if necessary - there is no need for them to hang around in startup all the time.

Driver 32- purebred virus.

MSDTC- performs actions to dial over the Internet every time it is loaded. spy.

NewsUpd- generally installed for downloading updates. However, at the same time it collects information about the user and sends it to the Internet.

SaveNow- variety Spyware .

TimeSink Add Client- spy. Will add a lush bouquet of banners to your collection. Destroy immediately.

After you select the startup items you want, click the buttons Apply, and then OK(Fig. 3). After this, the following message will appear.

Rice. 4

If you want to immediately admire the result of your actions, then press the button. And if you're not in a hurry, then press the button Exit without reboot , but the changes you make will still take effect after the next computer shutdown or reboot. If the result turns out to be unexpected - for example, you accidentally turned off the system clock along with the language bar - don’t worry! Just check the boxes again, reboot and everything will return to its place! Rice. 7

A window will open system configuration , which is slightly different from that in Windows XP (Fig. 3). Therefore, I will not repeat myself - Then you act according to the recommendations in Fig. 3.

I wish you success!

How to disable startup - this question is asked by many users, including those who have “seven” on their PC. It often occurs due to reduced computer performance. This happens for one reason - a large number of installed Windows programs, which turn on immediately after the entire system starts. As a result, the computer begins to slow down, and starting Windows can take several minutes or even more. To avoid this problem, you need to understand how to disable autorun programs in Windows 7.

Such situations arise not only among ordinary users, but also experienced ones. For greater productivity, to limit resource consumption and speed up the operation of the hardware, you need to disable unnecessary programs in the program startup menu in a timely manner. The bottom line is that almost all programs are turned on as standard after switching on. You can usually find a special "window" where the user is prompted about this, but it is so small or in a far corner that most people simply don't notice it. Setting up autorun or autoloading programs is a matter of minutes, but most people simply don't know how to do it.

When disabling programs, you need to be very careful and not try to turn off everything. Some utilities are directly related to the operation of Windows 7; you can cause irreparable damage to the system and only make it worse.

Method one: removing programs from the startup folder

How to remove a program from Windows 7 startup. This is the simplest and most common method that is familiar to almost every user. To implement it, you need to go to the menu “ Start", then to all programs and click on the folder "".

This folder is the starting point for enabling programs on your computer. Everything located in it starts when the system is turned on. How to limit their auto-on. The simplest and most crude method is to simply delete all the utilities that are located in the “” folder. Almost every user has done this at least once in their life. But the problem is that you want to limit their launch, but not completely delete them. But you will no longer be tormented by the autostart of Skype or other similar programs.

Method two: using the standard MSConfig utility

This method is for those who need installed utilities and can't just go ahead and uninstall them. But disabling still remains in your tasks; in this case, you need to use the standard program. It is standardly built into Windows 7 and is on every computer, without exception, you do not need to install anything or download anything from the Internet.

To launch the utility, you need to open the menu " Start"and click on the search bar, enter the following name into it.

Sometimes a search may show that it is not on your PC. Then we look for it at the address in the screenshot and launch it by double-clicking. Next, a window opens, all the settings of which are in the upper corner. We need to click on the “” tab and uncheck all the boxes next to unnecessary programs. This way, they will no longer start automatically when you turn on the computer and cause you inconvenience.

If you don’t know what this or that utility is responsible for, it’s better not to change anything, turn off only those with which you are personally familiar. Click OK after we have excluded all unnecessary programs from the list. You will be prompted to restart your computer. It's up to you to decide, the process will not affect our settings in any way. The main advantage of this utility is its simplicity, but the disadvantage is its limited functionality. It does not provide the ability to disable all existing programs. This is a problem for some users, so it's worth considering other options.

Method three: disabling programs manually

To carry out this process, we need to open the Registry Editor. To do this, press the key combination Win + R or separately go to the menu “ Start" There you need to type the word “in the search” regedit».

A registry editor will appear in front of us; it looks scary, but in reality it’s nothing like that. Of course, it is better not to change anything in it, so that no changes occur in the system. But if you know what you are doing, then there is no need to be afraid. In our case, we need to find the following address " Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run».

Folder " Run" - what we strive for. If we launch it, a large number of new folders will unfold in front of us. Here is a list of all files that are launched when the system is turned on. Select any of them, right-click and delete. This is a fairly simple, but also not effective method, which can bring some complications or future malfunctions in Windows 7. However, anyone can carry out this procedure; it is its ease that makes this option one of the best.

Fourth method: disabling the program using downloaded utilities

This is the most popular method. You just need to install a program that can help you disable any software on your PC. The advantage is that to do this you just need to go to the desired tab and uncheck the boxes, that’s all. But first you need to choose exactly the program that can perform its functions 100%. In modern conditions, this is a difficult task, because there are thousands of similar utilities on the Internet, most of them are of low quality.

Experts suggest using the program Autoruns, its main advantage is that it is completely free. At the same time, the utility is very powerful and has a lot of functionality. With it, you can disable absolutely any program in just a few clicks. This will allow advanced users to turn off all that Windows software that they simply do not need.

Before using any programs that work with the registry, even the most tested and recommended ones, always.

We download the program from the official website, the only negative is the English language, although you can also find a Russified version. Control Panel Autoruns very simple, so everyone can understand it. Unpack the archive and click on autoruns.exe. The program does not require installation and will start immediately.

It is also of interest to double-click the mouse pointer on the entry line. This will open the corresponding Windows system program (utility), which is responsible for launching the corresponding entry file. For example, by clicking on the line SunJavaUpdateSched you will see the following window that opens:

To disable autorun of a specific program, you just need to uncheck the box next to it.

As you can see, Autoruns very easy to use and also does not require installation. All that remains is to disable the truly unnecessary software. And don't forget to make restore points before making significant changes.

So, we hope that you have received a comprehensive answer to the question of how to disable autorun programs in Windows 7, and now you can significantly speed up your PC.

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