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How to contact support for classmates. Odnoklassniki support service: is there a free phone

It is difficult to solve unique situations when working with the website using ready-made instructions. For these purposes, you can contact the support service, where a moderator will help you find a way out of this situation.

From the computer

You will be presented with categories with the most common problems and their solutions. Choose the right one. For example: Communication, Security, Groups:

If the answer of interest was not found there or there is no suitable category, write to the administration according to the following instructions. Select any category - a list of questions will appear. Click on any and scroll down. Find the inscription "Didn't find the answer you were looking for?" - under it there will be a link "Contact support":

Describe the problem in detail - this will speed up the moderator's response. The email address must be valid - a letter from the administration will be sent to the address. The "Help" button is also located at the very bottom of each Odnoklassniki page:

From the phone

To contact the administration through the OK mobile application, log in to your profile. Then click on the menu button in the Ribbon:

The menu that opens on the left must be scrolled down to the "Profile" section and click on the "Write to developers" button:

A help menu will open, where under the search bar there is a button "Write to developers":

In the form that opens, select the purpose and subject of the message from the drop-down menu. After the subject and purpose, there will be fields for entering an email address and text, just like in the desktop version.

Contact by phone

The official policy of the Odnoklassniki company does not imply support of communication with private users by phone. If the question does not belong to the category of user, you can use the following phone numbers:

  • +7-495-649-3099;
  • Fax: + 7-495-725-6359.

These numbers serve partners and corporate clients of the Odnoklassniki company. It is possible that the caller will be denied an audience or redirected to the Help section, as described above, since, according to the official documentation, an ordinary user cannot call. An office is also open for service, where you can contact on non-standard issues: Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, house 47, second entrance, floor 5.

Odnoklassniki's support service does not have a free phone - even paid numbers are not intended for ordinary users of the social network. Contacting the administration may take 7-14 days if the problem of interest is described in the instructions, but you did not find it.

To solve a problem quickly, refer to the summary of answers in the Help section. If a solution is not found, write to the Support Service. Problems that have a solution in the instructions of the site remain without a response from the moderator.

On 01/23/2018, the profile of my page in OK was blocked. I contacted the support service (application no .: 2018012310066262) registered 2018-01-23 15:20:59. Topic: "Restoring / Deleting Profile: Profile Locked". 01/23/2018 My profile has been restored. But I believe that the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights of Russia was violated, namely Article 13, which establishes general provisions on liability for violation of any consumer rights. And it shall be applied in cases where the Law or other laws do not establish other rules of responsibility or when any issues are not regulated at all in the relevant rules. Established Art. 12 and 14 of the Law, special liability for the provision of inappropriate information and for harm caused as a result of deficiencies in the service shall be applied in appropriate cases, in accordance with the content of these articles. I understand that these articles do not contain provisions on the procedure for compensation for damages (I ASKED TO REFUND ME THE MORAL HARM CAUSED AS A RESULT OF UNMOTIVATED BLOCKING OF MY PAGE), on the actual performance of obligations, etc. On these issues, when applying Art. 12 and 14, when contacting the support service, I am guided by the provisions of Art. 13. This also applies to other articles of the Law. Also Art. 13 of the Law provides for the possibility of establishing responsibility for violation of consumer rights not only by this Law, but also by other laws of the Russian Federation. As an example, the liability of employees of manufacturing organizations, sellers, performers and others is not provided for in the new edition of the Law. Their responsibility for direct or indirect violations of consumer rights is regulated by the RSFSR Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as labor legislation. The law establishes the civil and administrative responsibility of organizations (the owner of the Internet resource). Civil liability arises, as a rule, from contractual relations and consists mainly in the collection of forfeit and damages. Administrative and legal responsibility is a consequence of the exercise by the federal executive bodies of their control functions and consists in the imposition of fines and the issuance of orders of various kinds. The measures of responsibility and methods of protecting consumer rights used in the Law reflect the peculiarities of those legal relations in which they are participants. In this regard, various liability measures have been established for violations of consumer rights in the provision of services, ensuring the safety of services (including information security), for providing inappropriate information, etc. (In previous letters, I asked for information, but received the following INSUFFICIENTLY QUALIFIED answer equated to an unscrupulous 7th grade student of a comprehensive school, but not as an employee of the Internet resource support service.

Dear user,
The site administration has the right to restrict users' access to the social network without giving any reason, without prior notice (clause 6.4.4).
We wish you pleasant communication on our website.


01/24/2018 16:00 - Yuri R wrote:
Liability measures are established for both direct and indirect violations of consumer rights. The consumer protection system provides for the responsibility of the seller, manufacturer, contractor to the consumer and to the STATE. It includes the responsibilities of organizations and their employees, as well as various ways to protect consumer rights. Also, Article 13 of the Law regulates the issues of civil liability of consumer's counterparties (if your Internet resource has them and which in some way, even indirectly, relate to UNJUSTIFIED BLOCKING OF MY PAGE IN OK). The main and main law in this area is the new Civil Code (first and second parts). The responsibility of one party to the contract is inextricably linked with the right of the other party to protect their interests.

In connection with the above, I believe that my rights as a user of the OK website were grossly violated. Administrators of the User Support Service did not even try to delve into the problem, they are engaged in unsubscribing (this can be seen in the correspondence), they were not able to answer a single question, while showing insufficient competence and qualifications.
I PLEASE bring my appeal to the attention of the management and once again ask QUALIFIEDLY to explain in which of the listed cases the access system was blocked EXACTLY MY PAGE from the following cases:
- have they tried to hack me? (if so, what measures have been taken in this case in relation to the burglar and if this happened, please send me information to contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office).
- has the system noticed suspicious activity behind MY profile? (what kind of activity was and how is this activity assessed - what are its criteria?)
On this day, I did not enter incorrect data on my profile.
I also ask a second question how YOU are going to COMPENSATE the moral harm caused to me? And who exactly will be responsible for the unmotivated BLOCKING OF MY PAGE?
I ask you to answer my questions QUALIFIEDLY, and not like Anna from the User Support Service. having got off with an answer that is not entirely clear and is not applicable in this case, "The site administration has the right to restrict users' access to the social network without giving any reason, without prior notice (clause 6.4.4)." From her answer it follows that I violated something, but what exactly she cannot explain, and contradicts her colleague who wrote earlier:
Dear user,
The user is blocked automatically, without the participation of the Support Service.
The system blocks access in the following cases:
- when someone tries to hack you;
- when the system notices suspicious activity behind your profile, typical for hacked profiles;
- when you enter incorrect data several times.
Thus, we try to protect your confidential information.
You can read how to protect your profile from hacking by following the link:
Did our answer help you?
P.S. The text of the correspondence with the Support Service is extremely important for solving the problem. Please don’t wash it.
Paul user support service

Today you can talk about the dangers and benefits of social networks for hours, but the fact remains - they are popular, and the number of authorized users is growing steadily. The excitement around the social network in Russia has not subsided for several years. The huge demand from the Russian population has led to the fact that the Internet has become a convenient foundation for the development of fraud. Quite often, citizens who have their own page in Odnoklassniki are faced with advertising spam, clone pages and receiving mailings with indecent images or video files. A logical question arises - how to deal with all this?

The only effective solution when a problem occurs on a social network is to complain to the site administrator. Anyone can ask for help. It is important to competently, reasonably and reasonably submit a claim. An experienced lawyer will help to draw up a document addressed to the administration of the portal. An expert consultation in the event of problems on the Internet is a guarantee of the security of civil rights and freedoms. The specialist will tell you how to make a complaint so that it is considered, and measures are taken on the issue, because often users' requests remain unanswered.

Online legal support is also a modern and comfortable solution today, because you can get professional advice on any civil issues without leaving your home.

A legal expert on the Internet is available to residents of all regions of the country at any time. Remote recommendations allow you to quickly and reliably solve all the tasks, based on the individual circumstances of the case.

A complaint from the Odnoklassniki administration and the specifics of its filing

It is quite simple to complain about a user on Odnoklassniki. It is important to follow the sequence of actions and remain calm. Initially, you need to go to the page of a person who violates your rights or causes inconvenience. Under the main photo there is a menu of services, in which you should select the column “more”, and in it, mark the item “complain”. In the window that opens, there will be four reasons allowing users to file a complaint, these are:

  • registration of an attacker under a false name;
  • mailing of prohibited materials with obscene content;
  • distribution of advertisements or spam;
  • insults to other users of the social network.

You need to select the appropriate option and mark it with a mouse click. The application will be processed within 3-7 days. After this period has elapsed, a message should come from the administration indicating the measures taken.

To get a user removed or blocked, you need to enlist the support of friends or family. They should be asked to file similar complaints against the named person. Collective calls are usually more effective. If the site's management considers the reasons and requests for the user insufficient, then its page will continue to function.

In such a situation, it is necessary to look for more radical measures of influence. It is best to ask a lawyer for advice. The expert will explain what to do if the rights of citizens are infringed on the Internet.

The value of tech support for social media users

The site administration always tries to respond promptly to user requests, but it is possible that the complaint is not satisfied or is simply ignored by the moderators. In such a situation, you need to contact the site's support service. Specialists in this industry deal exclusively with issues of violation of the rules of the site. If you become a witness or a victim of such actions, you need to write to the village expert.

In the portal menu, you need to find the "Contact support" tab, then correctly, concisely and meaningfully state the essence of the problem by filling out the form. It should indicate:

  • purpose and topic of the appeal;
  • a link to the applicant's page and to the offender's account;
  • the essence of the problem;
  • requirements;
  • available evidence and documents in the case.

There is no need to ask for help from friends. One call to professionals will be enough. After submitting the application, the support service specialists will contact the applicant to clarify the circumstances and take measures to eliminate the violator's account and the established rules. If your request is not within the competence of the Odnoklassniki support service, they will refuse to resolve the issue.

For those users who are faced with an unsolvable problem, there is another available option - sending a written complaint to the head office of Odnoklassniki in Moscow.

You can also write to the company executives at the email address - [email protected](dot) .ru.

The support of a lawyer will help Russians if they find themselves in the role of a person against whom a complaint has been filed on a social network. It is important to understand how to restore your page and prove the inconsistency of the charges against you.

The page on Odnoklassniki does not open? Not sure why paid features aren't connecting? You can not ? It is impossible to understand all the intricacies that are in social resources, this is why there are technical services, the purpose of which is to help you make the best use of all the opportunities offered. If you have an urgent question, or you are sure that someone else has taken over your profile, it is best to find out phone number of the Odnoklassniki support service and call there. However, is there such a number on this service?

Odnoklassniki support phone number

We are used to seeing the contacts of an organization that has its own website in the right corner of the header. Social networks, as a rule, have phone numbers and emails to which you can ask a question, located at the bottom under all data about your profile. Classmates in this matter do not make exceptions, however, you may not search in this area support phone number OK, because it simply does not exist.

Every day the resource is visited by a huge mass of people who face different problems, someone does not know how , to someone they can not in any way and some don't know ... If everyone starts calling for any reason, then the company simply will not have enough resources to efficiently solve all the accumulated questions and problems. Therefore, you can send your request in writing. For a quick transition to the help area, pay attention to the right area of ​​the resource. There you will find a link called "Help". After navigating it:

  1. Initially, try to describe your question as accurately as possible. Type it into the box above.
  2. If you don't find a suitable answer, take a look at the tabs on the left. Among them, point by point, each of the areas with which difficulty may arise on the resource is described in great detail. Most often, users forget their password, if you also encounter this problem, just tap two words of helpers under the search field. Classmates will tell you what to do.
  3. To write a question, clear the search field completely. Scroll down the page. On the left you will see the inscription "How to contact support?"

In the window that will be in front of you, you will see a small instruction and a link for writing an appeal. When you click on it, a form will appear. You can describe your question here. In order to get a reply as soon as possible, please indicate the topic that bothers you. Correctly write the title of the appeal. It is also important to drive in an existing email address. mail. It is to him that you will receive an answer. If your problem can be attributed to a technical one, for example, you perform the same action that does not bring any result, it is best to make screenshots. This will make it easier for your assistant to figure out what you are doing wrong, and the response speed will increase accordingly.

Hotline Odnoklassniki support service phone number.

Any user wants his problem related to the use of social. resource, was decided in a couple of minutes. By putting the question in writing, we all understand that there will be no instant answer. The more you wait, the more you want to know support hotline number in OD and immediately call there. The company also does not provide such a number.

You can ask all your questions only through the form described above. If your question is not related to the solution of any problem, you want, for example, to get a job in OA, or to offer the company a new idea to improve the design or any applications, to do this, move down the old men and tap the "Vacancies" link. Here in the "contacts" section you can write to the HR or marketing department in the organization.

In this short note, I will tell you how you can contact the support service of the Odnoklassniki social network.

1. You are logged in with your username and password to Odnoklassniki.

Everything is simple here. To contact support, you just need to go to the official group of the Odnoklassniki website (called “ Classmates. All OK!" (direct link and click on the link " Write!"(See screenshot).

After that, you just have to fill in the required fields and click on the button " send a message».

Advice: To get the answer from Odnoklassniki faster, select the item corresponding to your problem from the drop-down list located opposite the line "Purpose of the appeal" (see the screenshot above)

2. You cannot enter the Odnoklassniki website using your username and password.

Option 1. We open the permanent help section; open the list How to contact Support and click on the link " here"(See the picture below)

Option 2. Open the site A list of frequently asked questions and a search box will appear. Enter in this window any letter or number and click "find"

After that the heading "Didn't find the required answer?" and below it there is an orange link “ Contact support". By clicking on it, a feedback form will open through which you can ask any question.

3. We send a direct letter to the Odnoklassniki technical department

Below I give a few mailboxes to which you can write the most common email. After about 72, you will definitely be answered!

Main support:
[email protected]

Support for developers:
[email protected]

Support service for competitive issues held in the official ok group:

[email protected](This support considers only questions regarding contests held in the group (questions regarding contests held in other groups not considered). You can write here, for example, in cases where you won the competition in the official group, but you still have not been sent an award)

Advanced support for developers:
[email protected](In addition to questions about the API, it considers the compliance of the application with the rules of, commercial issues, individual terms of cooperation. When contacting it, I advise you to indicate in the letter that you were sent from another support. do not shine (it is only briefly mentioned in the API in one place))

What if there is no answer?

Often they write me letters of the following plan:

I did everything as you said, but a WHOLE 12 hours have already passed, and there is no answer!

According to the regulations, the response time of the support to your request is 72 hours. In addition, if you contacted them on the weekend, you can safely add another day. If you need to get an answer faster, then write to the Official Group in the comments on any topic. Duty administrators sit in it, they answer any questions. However, in half of the cases they send them to the main support. So be patient.

Video. 3 ways to contact the Odnoklassniki support service.

I hope that now you have no questions left and you can easily write in support of Odnoklassniki. If any difficulties still remain - write to me, for example, through the official group (links are located at the top of each page of this site).

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