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How to put spaces on instagram. How to write on a new line on Instagram? Recommendations

Every self-respecting blogger maintains a page on his own behalf on a social network with the already familiar name "Instagram". Instagram was invented by a young guy from Canada back in 2010 as a social network for sharing photos with friends. Today, this social network has transformed into a huge platform for various categories of users. This is a platform for business promotion, PR companies, personal blogs, creative accounts and, of course, public blogs aimed at a large audience. In this article, you will learn some interesting facts that will help you to blog on the Instagram network, for example, you will learn how to make paragraphs on Instagram. For beginner bloggers, these tips will be invaluable!

Editing text on Instagram

SMM, that is, marketing with the help of social networks, is a whole science! Promotion and competent marketing is necessary for any blogger who starts making money on his blog. The key to proper promotion is writing texts. They should be structured, interesting for readers, and, of course, not without emoji emoticons! Where can we do without them in the 21st century? How to make a paragraph on Instagram, fans of the standard Windows Notepad application know firsthand. In it, in order for the text to fit in one field visible to the user, you need to use a paragraph after almost every sentence. How to make a paragraph on Instagram without using extraneous test fields is a difficult question. Of course, you can put paragraphs manually, but it will take a lot of time, and the owners of iPhones will automatically put "dots" after each double-click on the spacebar. We advise you to start by writing in solid text everything that you want to state on your profile page, and only after that, with a fresh look, create the beauty and structure of what is written.

How to make a paragraph on Instagram?

Go to Notes on your phone and put some space characters (five spaces will be enough). After that, copy the affixed long space to the clipboard and follow the instructions:

1. Select the place where you want to make a paragraph.

2. Remove the space after the period of the last sentence in the previous paragraph.

3. Press the "Enter" button so that the phone reads a new line (you may not see the changes on the screen).

4. Paste the copied long space.

5. Move to the next line again with the "Enter" button.

6. Your paragraph is ready, and the entry can be published!

Copying the text

On Instagram, the text can be copied if you use the full version of the site via a PC. Just use the text selection with the cursor and the key combination Ctrl + C in order to copy the test to the clipboard. Now let's figure it out using the mobile app. Follow the steps below:

1. Open the post whose text you want to copy (do not view the post in the feed, but go to it through the author's page).

Using these three steps, you will also learn how to highlight paragraphs on Instagram. Unfortunately, the developers have not simplified the process of copying text in the application window, but nevertheless, the ability to use selection and copying exists in the browser window.

”, users usually have in mind how to divide text into paragraphs.

This may be due to the fact that usually users do not write a lot of text as a caption for the photos they post.

But here the developers clearly miscalculated. In any case, we will look at several ways to pose problems and divide text into paragraphs.

This problem, by the way, occurs only for users with an operating system.

It is not known why and for what reasons, but on these devices the gap stubbornly does not want to be placed. This is where the first method comes in.

Android device

Indeed, the use of any smartphone or tablet can easily and quickly solve the problem we are considering.

Just write text not on Apple technology and everything will be fine.

This fact, by the way, once again proves the uselessness and failure of the iOS operating system. It is in many ways inferior to Android.

For example, we are talking about games, the presence of a large number of programs, and so on.

In the end, Apple has to pay for everything, and this is not at all the approach that the inhabitants of the former USSR need.

We, ordinary people, and so do not have any money, especially to still buy something from the "apple" company.

But sometimes Apple developers go too far.. How could it be possible to do this so that there is no normal space in it? The mystery of the century, friends!

Secret gap

On the Internet, many give the so-called secret gap.

It can simply be copied and pasted where the end of the paragraph is supposed to be. We will bring him too.

« ⠀ ”- this is the secret gap. Copy what's in quotes.

  • Open some photo and go to the text editing menu. Divide it into paragraphs using the "Enter" button, which is available both on the computer and on.
  • Remove a space that appears at the end of a paragraph. Go to a new line with the same button "Enter". You should have an empty line.
  • Now insert the secret space you took above at the beginning of the new paragraph. The picture below shows what it looks like. The arrow shows the location of the secret symbol.
  • Save this text.

After that, you will see that your text is not presented as a single loop. It has beautiful paragraphs, which is very convenient.

Other symbols

There are a number of other characters that can serve as paragraph separators.

Here is their list:

Just make an empty line, then insert some character on it.

Here is the result. Agree, pretty good.

Many readers like this division into paragraphs.

If you're running a blog or selling detailed products, it's a good idea to poll your followers about what they think this separation looks like.

Chances are you'll see a lot of positive reviews.

Even if this is not the case, you can always use the secret gap. This, recall, is the first method from our list.

Bot in Telegram

The popular messenger Telegram has a special bot that divides the text offered to it into paragraphs.

It turns out very nice. Here is how you can use such a service (we will show it with an example, but in the application everything is the same, only the interface is different):

  • In the search, enter "text4instabot". Press "Enter" and open the result, where there is an image of the Instagram brand logo.
  • An introductory text about using this bot will appear. Press the "Start" button to get started.

  • Further, everything is extremely simple. Enter your text into the chat window. Where there should be separation between paragraphs, leave a blank line. Send it to the bot.

  • In the next message, the bot will give out your own text, but already adapted for Instagram. Copy it and send it to your post. You will see that everything looks beautiful.

Everyone who has ever tried to beautifully design their own page on a social photo network knows that the standard space on Instagram does not work. Therefore, it is almost impossible to write headlines and personal information in the center.

There are difficulties when describing photographs, where you have to add special characters to separate paragraphs and different thoughts. This approach is not always suitable and can cause some inconvenience. Yes, and the beauty of the design can suffer.

But, if you take the time to find solutions to this problem, figuring out what to do is not difficult. The main thing is not to rush to conclusions and be ready to test the acquired knowledge on your own account.

Although it is not possible to use a regular space on Instagram, there is an effective way to deal with the difficulties that have arisen.

Users need to copy a special invisible character that allows them to adjust the position of the labels without overloading the text with unnecessary characters.

But when using secret techniques when making changes to personal information, you should remember that the lack of visibility does not make the used sign less significant. It counts towards the total text length in the same way as other numbers, letters, and icons. Therefore, inserting a pass requires prudence. It is important to make sure that the entire phrase fits in the space allotted for it.

Copy secret space for Instagram

Having figured out how to deal with the existing difficulties, you need to understand where to get spaces for Instagram.

The easiest and most convenient way to get the required character is to simply copy a character from someone else's entry. To do this, it is enough to find a profile with a description in the center, select a symbol in front of the main text and copy it, after which it remains to insert the resulting pass into your entry.

To prevent spaces from interfering with neat design, you should:

  1. open an account simultaneously on a smartphone and a computer;
  2. copy the character to the PC;
  3. write the text and insert the required number of gaps in front of it;
  4. track the location of the entry through the profile in the smartphone;
  5. save changes only after making sure they are in the right place.

If you do not follow the proposed procedure, the entry may not look the way its author would like.

Why do you need a secret sign

Having figured out how to put a pass in various records, it remains to figure out what to use it for. It can come in handy in a wide variety of situations, but it's best to insert it:

  • in the description of photos and videos;
  • when processing personal information;
  • to create beautiful, impactful comments.

Its use is especially relevant for the Instagram of well-known companies that have decided to promote their own products through the photo network. This approach is equally important for those who are trying to create a popular page with a huge number of subscribers.

The importance of this sign is associated with the possible effect of its use: a bright, attractively designed account will make visitors stay on the page a little longer, which will increase the likelihood of a new subscriber.

Invisible gap on Instagram

Carefully, qualitatively presented personal information is able to interest even those visitors who got to the profile in the photoset by accident. Therefore, the gap for Instagram is the most important symbol that contributes to the growth of the account's popularity. It's invisible so it doesn't overload the text, helping it look more impactful. Account holders just need to make sure that the final result and the type of record correspond to their desires, and everything else will happen automatically.

Which helps bloggers and online stores to attract new customers and fans. Therefore, it is no longer enough just to publish beautiful photos. The reader wants to see the text, to know what the blogger thinks, what he can offer him.

Many innovations of the Network are directly related to the promotion of the account. However, without a competent combination of text and pictures, this will not work. How to write from a new line on Instagram, and most importantly, why do it at all, can be found below.

Why do you need text on Instagram?

If Instagram is a visual social network, then why is text needed there at all? The thing is, it's getting harder and harder to get attention. Every second account can offer good photos. One in five belongs to photographers who shoot in a way that takes their breath away. You can find bloggers who make sketches of village life, someone uploads photos of dishes. In any case, this is not enough right now.

So you have to write more. Today, there are even vacancies for copywriters for posts on Instagram. Texts come to the fore. Some web users have already admitted that they prefer to read texts rather than watch photos or videos. Therefore, you need to write beautifully. In the design of the post, not only emoticons help, but also new paragraphs. However, not everyone is clear

Why are paragraphs needed?

Why do you need a new line in the text at all? This helps to highlight a new thought, to isolate it from the rest of the text. If the written is structured, then it is read much easier.

The canvas of the text is hard to read. If a blogger does not know how to wrap text on Instagram to a new line, then his page will look messy. Or he will have to be content with short quotations and inscriptions. And they, as you know, do not bring the desired response from subscribers.

Text comments are one of the central elements that affect account statistics. What to write if there is nothing to read? Only standard compliments to photos. But not everyone wants to respond to such a comment. Therefore, it is important to know how to write from a new line on Instagram. This will help increase the reach, which is so important to monetize the page.

There are several options for how to write on a new line on Instagram. One of the easiest is to copy text from notes. That is, at first the text is typed in notes, edited. All emoticons and stuff are placed. Then it is transferred to Instagram.

As for the profile header, it is more convenient to work here from a computer, since this part of the account is well edited from a laptop. This is much more convenient than tormenting the phone and thinking about how to write from a new line on Instagram.

Walkthrough: Newlines

The easiest way to help make paragraphs is to remove the space at the end of the previous block of text. I.e:

  • After the final word is written in the last sentence of the paragraph, you do not need to put a space.
  • Now you need to switch to the numeric keypad. Then a line break will appear at the bottom right. You should click on this button. Now you can write text.

If after publication the text got lost, then you need to edit the post. To do this, go to three points, on the right, at the top of the screen, find the "change" button. Now you need to put the cursor before the last word of the paragraph. Most likely, there was a gap there, you need to remove it. Next, move the paragraph to a new line using the numeric keypad. Now you can save your changes.

It's easy to move a paragraph to a new line on the Instagram network. And as a result, you can increase the number of your subscribers, attract new customers or fans. Therefore, do not neglect the texts in this social network.

Users who blog on Instagram know that just uploading beautiful photos is not enough to gain popularity. Equally important is the text under the publication. Moreover, in addition to the semantic load, it must be properly formatted. Therefore, it is important to study the topic, what is the space character for Instagram and why is it needed.

Why do we need "invisibles"?

It’s worth starting with the fact that Instagram does not provide the function of dividing text into paragraphs. Even if the user indents while writing, they will disappear after the post is published.

As a result, the text turns into a “sheet”, which is very poorly perceived by subscribers. As practice shows, many do not read such posts and simply scroll down the feed.

Conclusion: an invisible space on Instagram is needed to separate text into paragraphs.

Another way to use "invisibles" is the beautiful design of the account header. Thanks to them, you can stand out from other users and write a profile description not on the left, but in the center of the page.

Invisible spaces only appear on smartphones. Users of the web version of Instagram will see empty squares in their place.

How to put "invisibles" from a smartphone

The application interface is the same for all phones. But there are some differences in text formatting on iPhone and Android. This is due to the keyboard preinstalled by the manufacturer.

It is worth considering each of the options separately.

Instruction for Android

First you need to copy the invisible space "⠀" (it is in quotes) to the phone's clipboard. Next, you need to follow this plan of action:

After selecting and editing a photo, iPhone owners need to:

Editing a posted post

Invisible spaces in the profile description

In this case, the order does not differ from those described earlier. The only thing worth clarifying is that the description is in the section "Edit profile", tab "About myself".

Important! Invisible spaces also count towards the number of characters. It is worth considering this fact in order to invest in the limits set by Instagram.

Create "invisibility" yourself

In order not to look for an invisible gap on the Internet, you can create it yourself in your smartphone notes. It is enough just to put a few spaces and copy them to the phone's clipboard, and then paste them in the right places in the text.

Editing from a computer

On the web version of Instagram, the user cannot add or edit descriptions for posts.

As for changing the profile description, everything is done in the same way as on a smartphone.

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