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How to create your product. A simple plan for creating an information product

Hello, friends! In the article, we will consider the question of how to create an info product and start your info business from scratch, where to get the knowledge on how to create an info product.

Create an information product and it will create an Infobusiness for you from scratch

Do I need to create my own information products or not? This will be discussed in today's article. Initially, I did not plan to write an article on this topic. But taking into account the comments on my old articles, taking into account the statements on the Internet about the crisis in 2015, I decided to write today new article about how to create an info product and how to start an info business from scratch with it?

There is another statistic that came across that 99% of information products started are thrown by many authors and are not brought to the end. Of course, I myself can’t believe that such a small conversion of the creation of information products, but there is no smoke without fire. Apparently that's pretty much how it is. I want to express my opinion on this topic.

So, first you need to clearly decide whether you need to make your own information product or not, and then delve into the technical side of the question of how to create an information product. You need to clearly understand for yourself what issues you want to solve with the help of the created information product?

In previous articles published on the blog, we have repeatedly considered what information products are, the purpose of a free information product and other issues related to this topic. Let me remind you that information products include e-books, audio courses, video lessons and video courses, trainings, webinars, recordings of webinars, seminars, conferences and other information products. They are paid and free.

To put it simply, to collect your subscriber base, to form your authority as an author, to make money on a free information product, you need a free information product. Paid product, of course - for sale.

If the task is to start collecting your subscription base and start earning, then you really need to create your own free information product. A free information product should be followed by a paid one on the same subject. The scheme of work in the Infobusiness is simple - give a person free of charge, and then offer paid product. I think most beginners understand this rule.

So, with the first part sorted out. If we need to collect a subscription base, we want to make money on a free product, we want to offer a paid product to a person after a free product, then we definitely need to make a free information product. If we want to build our own infobusiness and in the future make money selling information, then here we also need to start with our free info product, and then create a paid product. Next, you need to create a whole line of products, and in the campaign of selling your products, you can also earn money on affiliate programs - this is such a scheme.

In my opinion, the simplest and at the same time informative product is electronic book. Creating other types of information products for a beginner is much more difficult. Therefore, I would recommend that beginners start creating their information products by creating e-books, both paid and free. You can read about how to create an e-book in the article "". If you wish, you can download the book itself "".

At the first stage, you can create a whole line of products in the form of e-books, believe me, many people like this format of information products. To create e-books, no costs are required, except for your time, that is, you will create your Infobusiness from scratch.

You can create a video lesson or a video course using the same scheme, but this will require more technical knowledge. To create other types of information products, experience and knowledge are still required. It is unlikely that a beginner will be able to hold a webinar on high level both technical and organizational.

So, if you are not a lazy person, then how to create your own information product and build an Infobusiness from scratch? For this I can advise you free video course my colleague S. Panferov "Secrets of Creation Information Goods". Here you will find answers to many questions. With the help of this course, laziness will not be overcome, but you will receive technical knowledge, you will easily figure it out and create your own information products.

Infobusiness is good business, of course, one cannot do without costs at all, but the costs for its creation are thousands of times less than in an offline business. Considering that in Russia the infobusiness is still very poorly developed, then this niche will suit many people now, we need to start mastering it.

If you have already decided to create your Infobusiness from scratch, then you should start working on creating your own information products. There must be a clear and consistent plan of their actions from the beginning of the creation of the product to its sale, and then success is inevitable. If there is no faith in yourself, then you should not even start, it will only be wasted time, effort and nerves.

The topic of Infobusiness is vast and huge, even 100 articles are not enough for complete review, but today we have considered the way how to create an info product and start your info business from scratch. No need to be afraid of difficulties, you just need to take, start and do. Even if there are technical difficulties, about which there is no information in courses, books, the answer can always be found, they will always prompt. I wish you good luck in creating your information products, building a business and earning money through the Internet.

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Friends, I welcome you! Today we have a significant day, I finally launch step by step learning information business and today we are taking the first step, we will consider in detail the topic of how to create an information product.

If you are interested in how to create your own paid information product, then you already understand what an information business is. If someone is not in the know, you can read my article about the infobusiness, where I explain in detail what it is and what it is eaten with, as they say.

Let's start with the fact that first we need to register in the mailing service, where we will create a sales funnel. And the second important thing that we need to have is a service on which we will make sales pages (landing pages).

On my blog you can find an article about the smartresponder mailing service. But it is not relevant now, since this service was closed a month ago. Therefore, I found a replacement for him, and I even like the new one better. Let's continue our topic of how to create an info product.

Now go to my article " which mailing service to choose”, read it and follow the link that is there to register with MailterLite. After you follow the link, immediately change the language to Russian.

Now, after you have changed the language, click on the "registration" button. After that, a window will open where you need to fill in the required fields, that's all, registration is very simple.

Once you have registered and verified your email by logging into it and in the email from MailtrLite, follow the link. After that, you will be able to create your first form to collect subscribers.

We all do this together, answering the question of how to create an information product. We need a newsletter to sell our product to our subscribers.

And in order to gain subscribers, you must first make a subscription page and give your first free product to the subscribers for a subscription, then in following letters we start selling.

And so we continue, we went to the "web form" page and we need to click on the big yellow button "create a new web form". The first step is to make the button itself. To do this, make an inscription, select a color, width, height. Practice, everything is very simple here.

The next step is to set up a pop-up form where you need to write mail. Here you also need to make an inscription, then in the design tab, draw up the form itself. After that, go to next step.

Set up a confirmation email. To do this, simply click on those sections that you will edit and write what you need, just click on the "edit" button first.

And finally, you have to compose a thank you letter with a link to a free product. To do this, go to the next step and set it up in the same way as the previous letter.

Thus, the form is ready, in order to receive the code for embedding on the subscription page, go back to the first step here you will see the embed code, be sure to copy it.

Here you have taken the first step, then we will create a sales funnel in MailtrLite. And now we need to make a subscription page. To do this, we need our own domain and hosting.

Follow the link, click on the word "hosting", in the window that opens, select Start and in the next window fill in the First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, mail and phone number, check the box below, then that you are familiar with public offer and click on the "Register an account" button.

After that, go to your hosting, and click on "Balance" in the upper right corner. Replenish your balance by 300 rubles, because we still need to purchase a domain. Remember that the domain is paid once a year, and hosting every month.

And so, you have replenished the balance, click again on "Hosting" in the left upper corner and get into the control panel. Now we need to click on "domains", I show in the picture where it is.

In the window that opens, you need to click on "register domains", look at the picture.

Now comes the most interesting point on the topic of how to create an information product. You need to come up with a domain that your subscription pages and information products. Think it looks nice and is free. For example, I have information products under the domain dengy-tut, think up now for yourself.

Write what you came up with and click on the "register a domain" button. If it is free, then from that moment it becomes your personal. To continue creating information products, click again on " hosting" in the upper left corner.

Now we need to install the WordPress engine on your domain. To do this, go to file manager”, then to your domain folder, open it and see the public_html folder - this is root directory your site. It now contains a stub, i.e. if you open it, you will see two files that you need to delete, and instead download wordpress. Let me give you a video to make it clearer how to install wordpress.

You watched the video and I think you easily installed WordPress on your site. Need to download now vppage plugin, where we will create an unlimited number of subscription and sales pages.

Go to this link, download the plugin to your computer and now you need to install it on WordPress. Everything is very simple, you do not be afraid of new names. In a couple of days, you will understand all this no worse than any specialist.

In order to create an information product and make money on it, you must learn new information. Log in now to the WordPress admin area as shown at the end of the video you just watched.

Now you need to add the vppage plugin. To do this, move the cursor in the left column of tools to "plugins" and select "add new". In the window that opens, click on the "load plugin" button at the top. After that, you will need to select this downloaded plugin and download it. After downloading, click "activate", so you got a tool for making information products.

This plugin is paid, but you are given two weeks to try it for free. Therefore, you can immediately start working, and in two weeks you pay and the vppage will remain with you forever.

I recorded a video on how to use the vppage plugin and will give it to you to watch now so that you can clearly watch the video on how to create an info product.

Let's summarize, today we have registered for the mailing service, created a subscription form there. And you and I purchased a domain and hosting, installed WordPress and activated the vppage plugin.

A lot has been done preparatory work in order to start earning in the information business. I want to please you that you have done the most difficult thing, only the details and various features of setting up the sales funnel will go further.

Therefore, stay tuned for further articles on my blog, bookmark it and subscribe to new articles so as not to miss the most useful.

And now, to relax a little, go to the tab " contests”And try to exchange 5 rubles for 10,000 rubles, maybe you are lucky.

Greetings, my readers! Elena Izotova is in touch. Many of you often ask questions regarding the possibility of making money on the Internet. I receive income, which means I see no reason to hide sources from you. Do you want to make a profit? Then read the review on how to create your own information product, take action and don't forget to share the result.

What is this information product

In order to give any materials that contribute to generating income with the help of an information product, I suggest that you first deal with this term. In internet slang is born daily great amount words that combine certain concepts. Information products are no exception.

This term implies materials created and presented by the author in a certain format, be it an article, video, book, training, and so on. It turns out that my blog can be attributed to such a concept, do you agree?

Varieties of information products

As you know, personal blog or site can be safely written as a variation of the term in question. “What else is called an information product?” - you ask. I will not torment:

  • article;
  • video;
  • book;
  • disk recording;
  • training, etc.

To facilitate the perception of information, the above list is compiled taking into account the opportunity to earn your capital. The first varieties will require you to lower costs, both material and physical.

Unlike them, the latter requires not only time, money, but also huge knowledge. Keep in mind that it’s better to start making money with an easy one, namely articles. So you will eventually reach a high income, in parallel form the initial target audience, and most importantly, you will gain invaluable experience.

Earnings on information product

After spending 9 or 11 years in school, you learned one thing important rule, what knowledge is the key to success. Remember, Thomas Edison created the lamp, Alexander Popov created the radio, Isaac Newton discovered the universal law of gravitation?

It turns out that we use the knowledge of these great minds of mankind to this day. The same applies to needlework, sewing skills, computer courses(you acquire knowledge, some for free, then use it for your intended purpose). This is the basis for working with an information product, the sale of which allows its owner to receive income.

Speaking about the possibility of making money in the global network, you should not hide the fact that a lot of time will pass to achieve the desired result. Do you agree?

Imagine a newborn kitten who is initially blind and unable to stand on his paws. After a couple of weeks, he will open his eyes and begin to run, frolic, play pranks, bringing tenderness to the owner. Or take the gymnast, whose performance everyone admires, because he stands on his hands as steadily as on his feet. Have you thought about how much time and effort he spends on training?

The same thing happens with business. It turns out that in order for it to start generating income, at the beginning of the journey, huge investments will be required. If you are ready to work hard now, in order to create your product and start earning, get comfortable, let's continue.

The process of creating an information product

In order to create such an information product that will be popular, and therefore be in demand and generate income, you need to decide on the field of activity in which you plan to develop.

Maybe you know how to perfectly sew, knit, cook, or are fond of creating electronic circuits? The choice is up to you.

It is known that any information product, among many others, is distinguished not only by the way the material is presented, but also by its quantity, therefore allocate:

  • A small product (article, video), the study of which takes no more than a couple of hours.
  • Standard (book, training). The user will have to spend considerable time to get acquainted with it, up to a week, because such an information product contains a lot of material evenly distributed over chapters or lessons.
  • Training course. The term "course" itself implies a large amount of information, grouped in a certain way, and given out in small portions for better assimilation.

But remember, it is better to start creating an information product from scratch with a variety that is minimal in volume. After all, in this way, approaching the development of the course, you will have a certain target audience behind you, ready to acquire a creation and an excellent store of knowledge, which is an important factor successful development infobusiness. Huge a plus this method is considered:

  • your awareness of the correctness of the chosen niche;
  • determining the level of interest target audience and demand for the product being created.

Quite a few important role in promoting your product plays it title. It should clearly tell the user what kind of product it is, what results a person will get after getting acquainted with it. For example, "Long and healthy hair in just a month." This name allows a person to understand that we will talk about methods of care that will help in certain period get a result.

But don't forget to study the offers competitors and get to know their work.

Whatever information product you decide to create, structure it must comply with the following plan:

  1. niche selection;
  2. collection and preparation of information;
  3. greeting the reader or listener;
  4. a statement of a certain plan for presenting information;
  5. describe in detail all aspects of the problem at hand:
  6. offer solutions or some recommendations;
  7. summarize (answers to questions from the audience);
  8. farewell to the reader, listener and farewell to action.

This is what it looks like simple plan creation of information business. I hope that you will take my advice and start creating your own masterpiece, which will allow you to share your experience and knowledge with interested people. In the meantime, keep this review on your pages in social networks by pressing the corresponding buttons.

Sincerely, Elena Izotova.

Hello dear readers of my blog!

In today's article, I want to briefly tell you about how to create your information product(info product), as well as about what services to use to create and launch it.

It is clear that in one article everything possible services it’s impossible to list and tell in detail about them, so I’ll only talk about those that I used when creating my own!

How to create an information product

1. Plan for creating an information product

I am not talking about choosing a topic (niche) for the product, so we will assume that we already have it. In addition, you, of course, must be an expert in the topic of the future product and have relevant results. Also, it is very important to determine the demand for the future information product, because if no one needs the product, then no one will buy it.

The first thing you need to start with is creating a plan for your information product. Enough time must be devoted to this issue, because the quality of the product itself (book, course, etc.) will depend on a well-drafted plan. The more detailed the plan is, the easier it will be for you to create a product in the future.

Therefore, at this stage, it is necessary not only to write a list of lessons (chapters), but also to describe in as much detail as possible what exactly will be discussed at every point. In the process of recording the course, I constantly had new ideas, I tried to implement them in my course as much as possible.

2. Course recording

After we have a clear plan, we start recording video tutorials. The video lessons of my course are video screencasts, when creating which I used only two programs, these are:

Microsoft PowerPoint. With it, I created slides (presentations) for my video tutorials;

Camtasia Studio the best program to record video from the monitor screen.

Learn more about how to use Camtasia program Studio, as well as how to record video from the monitor screen, I talked about in my article - "". I recommend you read this post, it has a detailed video tutorial.

3. Creation of graphics for the info product

For my free video courses, I made all the graphics myself, using the program Adobe Photoshop . The graphics include the cover of the info product and the course menu.

I don't have any special skills in terms of design, so for my paid course, I decided to order graphics from a professional. I turned to Evgeny Peshinsky, who creates graphics for the products of one of the infobusiness gurus Evgeny Popov.

This is how the covers and menus of the Reactive Blog course appeared.

You can get acquainted with all the works of Eugene on his website at this link. There you can also find his contacts and, if necessary, contact him.

4. Menu creation

I created the menu for my course myself using a PSD layout that Evgeny Peshinsky made for me. There is nothing complicated here, I wrote about how to create an autorun menu - I wrote autorun, the article also has a detailed video tutorial on working with the program Autoplay media studio which is used for these purposes.

Also, I would like to note that today a lot of people use MAC computers and other Apple technology. So, files in the ".exe" format in operating systems, which is installed in apple devices, do not start.

Therefore, it is best to make a menu in HTML format However, this already has its own difficulties. Firstly, it is quite difficult for beginners to make such a menu, and secondly, today there are certain difficulties with protecting products whose format is different from “.exe”.

You can create a menu in HTML format yourself, however, if you do not have enough experience in this matter, then it is better to turn to professionals, for example, I am looking for freelancers on the exchange In fact, such a menu is a regular site that can be created in the program Web Page Maker which I will mention below.

5. Product protection

To protect my course, I used the service. I believe that if the cost of your information product more than 1000-1500 rubles, then it is already worth thinking about protection. Of course, this does not give any guarantee that your course or book will not be hacked and placed on the Internet for free, but it’s still better to play it safe ...

Before you send the product for protection, you need to contact the service guys, discuss everything, and then send files for protection. All detailed instructions available on the service. Before sending, you need to finalize the project in Autoplay Media Studio, make sure that everything is done correctly, that everything works, and then send your files for protection.

Protection is not done for long, they did it to me the next day, after the course files were transferred.

How to organize sales of an information product on the Internet

After your information product is created and protected, the following points must be considered.

1. Ability to sell the product on physical media(CDs, DVDs).

2. Ability to sell automatically

3. The need to create an affiliate program

5. Creating a selling site and connecting it to an online store

I have implemented all these things at home, and now I will tell you in detail about them.

How to make a physical course

If you have a very low budget, or you like this activity, then you can get by with, so to speak, handicraft production. For this you will need:

- discs of CD or DVD;

– polygraphy for printing;

- a printer, preferably with the ability to print on disks (blanks);

— writing CD (DVD) drive.

Personally, I did not bother with this, and addressed this question to special service, fortunately there are a lot of them in Runet. I use for making physical version course service Automation of Internet sales:

To cooperate with them, you need:

- conclude an agreement with individuals they work, like absolutely all services, about which in question in this article;

— send them the course files and printing for discs (printing is usually done when creating a 3d cover for a disc);

– arrange for them to be notified of incoming orders and send pin codes to customers for protected products. Personally, I set everything up so that when such orders are received, the service is notified in automatic mode. But I send the pin codes for my products to clients myself, after they receive the disk with the course.

There are no difficulties in working with this service, on initial stage you don’t need to spend money on anything, the first orders are sent at the expense of the ai-p service.

Automatic payment acceptance and affiliate program

There is nothing complicated here either. I use a payment system. I wrote about how all this is done in the article: "".

affiliate program also implemented with this service. At first, working with the service can cause certain difficulties for beginners, but this is only at first glance, you will figure it out over time. I try to save my time, so there is no desire to deal with all these services on my own.

That's why I purchased the course. Dmitry Pecherkin, which is called "Service". There, everything is described in great detail about all the intricacies of working with the service.

In addition, this course is sold with resale rights, and after purchasing it, you can also sell it and keep 100% of the course price for yourself. One sale pays off all the costs of the course in full, I have long ago returned my money and even earned extra money on top. Therefore, I recommend that you do the same. You can familiarize yourself with the course and purchase it.

Creation of banners and other promotional materials for information product distribution

For my Reactive Blog course, I created promotional materials in the form of flash banners, this is how they look:

Creating a selling site and connecting it to an online store

I used a plugin to create a selling site, which I will talk about and share my feedback in the next posts. In order not to miss anything, I recommend!

You can also use the program Web Page Maker. I wrote about how to create simple sites in this program in my article: "".

In order for the visitor to purchase the product, a simple link must be inserted into this selling site, which will appear on the e-autopay service after you add the item for a single sale there.

Well, basically, that's all. There is nothing complicated about this either.

Today I planned to launch a marathon for solving crossword puzzles, but in last moment This event has been postponed for the time being. Perhaps in the next article I will publish the first crossword puzzle, so!

They decided to send me on vacation from April 29, although it was planned in May, I myself wanted to go after the May holidays, but it didn’t work out.

On vacation, I decided not to rest, but instead of rest, to work fruitfully on the blog and create a new information product. I decided to make a video course on the topic making money blogging, which will help bloggers to increase income from their blogs!

In the course, I will talk about different "tricks" that I myself use and that really work.

I think the course will turn out super cool! One of the tricks that I will talk about in the course helped me earn almost 40 tr. in several days! So income from this blog in April exceeds 60 tr. Moreover, This is without taking into account sales of the information product! But the main highlight of the course will be technical points make money blogging, i.e. those things that absolutely every newcomer to the blogosphere needs to know.

The release of the course is scheduled for early summer. So wait... 🙂

Also, now, after the release of the course, I began to analyze blogs again, although the price of this service was slightly increased and the page was redone using the same “”. AT recent times There were a lot of applicants, and there was absolutely not enough time. More about the service "Blog Analysis" you can read.

That's all for me! Thank you for your attention and see you on the pages of my blog.

    However, it's nicely written. But the most important thing before making a product is to understand whether people need it? It is also important to understand this topic. And a very detailed article.

    Serious article. All the steps that must be taken by all those who are thinking about selling their product are described.

    But it is necessary to go all the way and know all the nuances of this work.

    After that, your work is filled with even greater significance, and you, Alexander, as an Internet businessman, have moved to the next level.

    Your articles have good quality written to the point. And if it seems to someone that he read or saw it, and did not see anything new for himself in your work, then it is not a fact that others will have the same opinion.

    But for a long time no one will know about his skill, since he does not have such work or, having extensive knowledge, cannot make and release it.

    I didn’t learn anything new, so everything I know is correct and enough. Very interestingly written, thanks!

    Evgenia Kuvarina

    But I learned a lot for myself, although I’m not going to make my own product yet, I still don’t have enough experience, but it may come in handy in the future. Everything is very structured and detailed.

    Very correct steps, especially 1 and 4, without a plan, nowhere, and without protection too.

    Sash, tell me please ... when ordering electronic version and downloading, who sends pin code infoprojector? you yourself or e-autopay?

    Alexander and what are free programs to capture video from the monitor screen. Or something with a crack?

    For me, the article is useful and even very useful. I bookmark it.

    Sash, you need to give a medal, since it is very difficult to create a high-quality information product, it is similar to making your own film. Personally, I am not a negative person, but I know that I will never be able to create my own material, because I am not verbose. If I create my own information product, then the course will consist of a 10-15 minute video)))) You have seen this gift from birth.

    As for me, I am a successful Forex partner, because I was able to recruit 3200 clients, as for the info business, I don’t know how to overcome my fear of speaking into a microphone, how to force me not to give up when releasing material, and how to make a clear plan.

    I have long wanted to create free course(pass as a subscription) about how I built my client hierarchy on forex4you.

    Thank you, Sasha! Now I'll definitely create some CREATION! I'll have to write a post about it on my blog too!

    I knew, of course, that creating an information product is not an easy task, but so much so!! It's just some kind of crap until it comes from the idea to the final product !!!

    How simple at first sight, the most difficult thing is to take everything and do it! Thank you, very useful article, I think it will come in handy over time

    Yeah, as expected, it’s not easy at all, but in the end it pays for itself well!

    Very detailed step by step plan. I don’t know if it will come in handy, I don’t plan to create my own product yet, but over time, when more experience appears, everything is possible, but I’ll definitely learn how to record a video from the screen. I've been wanting to start making video tutorials for a long time.

    I want to create my own information product somehow, but as I understand it, it will not be easy.

    The article is quite interesting. Everything is excellent, step by step.

    Yes, it turned out to be not so difficult. To be honest, I haven't figured out how to pay yet.

    It also seems to me that graphics for an info product is probably one of the most important points. Now there are a lot of different products, and only those that have a beautiful box will be able to attract the most buyers. I know you now say that the name of the author plays an important role, yes, but also appearance product is far from last.

    Great article, just what I need right now. With free products I already figured it out, understood the principle, made a cover. Now it is worth thinking about paid ones. Everything somehow was not sensible to me, detailed information how to organize all this. But now, in theoretical terms, everything has become clear, thanks to this article, I will begin to practice. By the way, on my blog I wrote about how you can make a cover for a book or box, absolutely free. I used it myself until I got photoshop.

    The post is excellent voluminous and chewed, although at some points I would have acted a little differently, but these are technical trifles. Soon I will also publish the first educational paid materials, I think that the disk sending service that you talked about will come in handy (albeit a little later) and if it can be connected to the just click. Sash, by the way, do you know if they can do this?

    Damn, it turns out that there are so many things to buy in order to learn blogging.

    I don't have my information products yet. Yes, and where to create them, if I still think poorly on this topic. However, it is possible, for example, in chess e-mail. create a book. I am more or less familiar with them. If anyone knows how to play please suggest.

    Your income is very high. Not everyone can reach that level.

    Here's another question: did you buy Kamstasia Studio for a month or trial version download.

    Good afternoon Alexander!

    Please tell me how best to proceed.

    The other day I am releasing my first information product and I asked myself: should the landing page be placed on a separate hosting or can it be placed in the directory of my site (WPpage)? The catch is that now there are 30-40 people a day on the site, and I’m going to bring very a large number of of people. And if the landing is in the directory of my site, then traffic will rise very sharply to several hundred. Can this negatively affect the development of the site (for example, in terms of search engines)?

    Heard a lot about Evgeny Popov, they say a successful businessman. Your courses are also good, Sash, the other day I read your book “11 Mistakes That Will Bury Your Internet Business” and, as I wrote in previous comments, took the “Blog Analysis” course, learned a lot for myself, corrected something on my website , but most importantly, there was a desire to open a blog.

Hello again, our dear readers!

Today I will continue to fill in the topic of infobusiness. I am doing this so that if you may already have ideas for creating your own information product, you will not sit still and wait for a new article on this blog, but will already get down to business. Now I will tell you how information products are created. different types and give technical advice on how to work on them.

First of all, read the articles where I give you a blueprint for creating an info product.

Have you read? Great, then you know you're in for a big milestone. brainstorming, during which you choose a niche, the subject itself that you will cover, evaluate the competitiveness and relevance of the niche, and so on. Also, you form the content of your product and the format (separately by content items or uniform for the entire product).

As I said, there are many types of information presentation, but there are four main ones: an e-book, an audio recording, a screencast video course and a video course with the author's speech.

And when you have already decided on all of the above, thought over the format of each item of your product content, you can proceed to the direct creation of information product files.

So let's get started.

How to create an e-book?

If you decide that your information product (or any part of it) will be in text format, where you will communicate with people in the usual written way, it is best to do this in the form of a beautifully designed book in the ".pdf" format. These files can be very conveniently read in special programs or apps on tablets/smartphones.

IMPORTANT! If you want to convey a little information: a list of some rules, tasks, sources, and so on, then, in principle, you can limit yourself to plain text in file Microsoft Word. However, if the file contains a lot of training information, then it must be formatted as a pdf. And God forbid do it with a regular text file or notepad !!! Bury your infobusiness before you even start!

So how is it done? Previously, this required a whole bunch of programs, but now everything is much simpler. The text file is created and formatted in Microsoft Word 2010 (or newer, 2007 and older versions this function do not support), and then in the menu "File" - "Save and Send", the button "Create PDF / XPS Document" is pressed. That's all!

How to work with Word, I hope you know. From useful advice I can highlight the following:

  • break the text into paragraphs of 4-5 lines, so it is more convenient to read them;
  • insert pictures, diagrams, tables;
  • design headers and footers, insert page numbers in the bottom;
  • arrange the contents of the book on the second page;
  • make the first page a beautiful cover.

How to create an audio recording?

I think it's obvious that you need a microphone to create an audio recording. In addition, if your product consists entirely of audio files, then the sound quality of these files determines the quality of your product by 50%. Therefore, you need to find and buy a good quality microphone. It can be either separate ($5-6) or a headset with headphones (from $70 for a quality one). It is clear that the first option is better.

Next, you will need to adjust this microphone so that it does not pick up noise and does not desired sounds. This is done in the Control Panel - Sound. By selecting the Recording tab, you will see a list of your microphones. Double clicking on a microphone will open its settings. In the Listen tab, you can check the "Listen to this device" checkbox and then everything that the microphone catches will be played through the speakers. Good way test.

In the "Levels" tab, you can set the volume of the microphone and its gain. Test different levels these parameters to identify optimal record sound.

Speaking of programs, they basically do not differ much from each other. You can even use an online audio recording service and not bother.

How to create a screencast?

A screencast is a recording of your screen or part of it. A lot of video courses are recorded exactly in the form of screencasts, where the authors show something on their screen and talk about it. Of the equipment, only a microphone is also required here, but the program will have to be downloaded and mastered a little.

There are also several such programs, but the most popular is Camtasia Studio.

Click “Record the screen” to start recording the screen. The area to be recorded appears. You can select the entire area ( full screen) or specify an arbitrary (custom). Here you can also enable/disable recording from the webcam and adjust the sound. The "record system audio" checkbox determines whether the system sound, which is the one that goes into your columns.

Recording can be started by pressing the red button and finished using the F10 button. Next, you will watch the resulting video. Click "Save and edit" to save. Here you can edit it: cut out unnecessary, split and so on. The program is well studied by the “poke method”, I think you will figure it out.

Saving occurs using the "Produce and share" button. I advise you to choose the format mp4, and the resolution is 1280 × 720.

In principle, everything is with screencasts, although the topic of recording and editing video is quite voluminous and there are many pitfalls in it. It will not be superfluous to visit a couple of thematic resources.

How to create a video with the author's speech?

Well, here, I think, everything is also simple, although the option is the most expensive. Firstly, you need a video camera, and you can’t save on it either. Good video camera has the following characteristics:

  • HD shooting (1280×720);
  • matrix ¼;
  • frame rate of 30 fps or more;
  • an external microphone and the ability to connect a lavalier microphone.

Start from these characteristics and focus on the cost of $ 400, no less.

Separately, I will touch on the lavalier microphone, it is very desirable when recording video, since the sound from it is much better and more natural than the one that the camera will catch.

The recorded file should also be edited in the same Camtasia Studio, although there are more advanced programs for this purpose. Of those known to me - Corel Video Studio and Adobe Premiere Pro. The latter - like Photoshop and like any other program from Adobe - is very voluminous in functionality and requires a lot of time to learn.

Friends, as you can guess, even at this stage of creating an information product, you need to know and be able to do a lot, so if something doesn’t work out on your own or the quality of the video you made doesn’t suit you, don’t worry and go to freelance. It doesn’t cost too much, but spend more time and nerves.

These were the main types of files that an information product can consist of. Of course, very often many other files are inserted - pictures, text files, templates, and so on, but since it's quite simple, I won't dwell on it.

That's all for me, see you in the next article in the topic, where we will consider creating an information product menu. See you soon.

Sincerely, .

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