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How to create your own mailbox and email address. How to create an email for free - instructions for registering a mailbox (email)

Hello dear readers of the blog site. E-mail for me is the main source of communication with the "outside world". Neither, nor any other instant messengers that allow communication in real time, I do not accept.

It's hard to say why. It is possible that they are a great distraction with the need to respond, while the message received by Email may well wait, because the respondent who sent it does not really expect a quick response.

But in addition to direct communication, a lot of all kinds are always tied to an e-mail box - from social networks to payment systems. Often, the inability to enter your once created and forgotten mail can cost you a lot of nerves when restoring access to any service. Therefore, I suggest from all over be careful when choosing a free mailbox and the ability to restore access to it.

Also an important aspect that can influence your choice is the correspondence that comes to your Email. For example, an attacker, having gained access to your mailbox, can (or something that compromises you). Moreover, they break mail almost always on the machine (indiscriminately), so everyone, without exception, is at risk.

And, of course, tedious spam that is pouring into your "soap" in an increasing stream, and in the absence of a sane spam cutter on the service, can turn working with correspondence into torture. Therefore, I will try to conduct an express analysis of the most popular e-mail systems in runet(free, of course) and at the end I will invite you to vote for the service that you consider the most successful solution. Together, I think, we get the "average temperature in the hospital", which may be radically different from my personal judgment. Hope it will be interesting.

Email mail - selection criteria, nuances of registration and login

In Runet, to designate e-mail, they often use words like "electronic", "soap" (from mail) or: E-mail or Email (although it would be more correct - Email). Personally, I use either "mail" or "soap" in everyday life, although this does not change the essence.

I don't think it's worth talking about, but this term, curiously, has a lot of alternative options. For example, in the bourgeois it is customary to denote it with the word Email (although, until recently, they wrote E-mail, but now the rules have changed and the correct option would be the one where the hyphen is not put).

By itself, the technology of transmitting emails directly between the sender and the addressee originated as far back as 1965, and, perhaps, that it is even older than the Internet itself (you can read about that at the links provided). True, the first mailer intended for general access appeared only in 1996 (it was). At the moment, this technology is already quite perfected and standardized (using the POP3, SMTP or IMAP protocols). However, the main problem still remains.

At a slightly earlier stage of the existence of Email, there was also a runet that, after passing through a number of mail servers, turned the text into an unreadable and difficult to maintain set of krakozyabrs. Now this is extremely rare. But on the other hand, recently it has become a serious problem (up to 90% of all correspondence can be spam), which comes even to a newly created (registered) mailbox.

The first postal services on the RuNet appeared a long time ago. The oldest of them is e-mail from, which opened already in the last millennium (in 1998) and offered us the opportunity for the first time to create a free mailbox in the Russian-language interface in order to receive correspondence from our friends, or some , about which I have already written in some detail.

Actually, it is this fact, most likely, that became predetermined in the current arrangement of free postal services on the Russian Internet market:

The information on the graph is true of a year and a half ago, but in general it quite well shows the preferences of Runet users. But it should be borne in mind that many users, having mailboxes, for example, on, do not use this service itself, but redirect mail to their main mailbox (I have it, for example, in Gmail since 2005).

Before registering for an email, think about ...

I would like to say right away without being tied to any service.

  1. Firstly, now it is already difficult to choose a name for your Email at will, because tens of millions of users who registered earlier have disassembled everything that is common, not very popular and even completely exotic. You will either have to show remarkable imagination, or choose something that is not very memorable.
  2. Secondly, in addition to the login (the name of your future e-mail), you also specify a password during registration. For convenience, many of us use simple passwords (for example, before I hacked my mailbox, I had the password "123456" on it, because I thought that nobody needed it for nothing), or the same password is indicated during registration almost in all services (social networks, payment systems, forums, postal services and others). In both cases you are at great risk because:
    1. Absolutely any e-mail box is valuable for a cracker, because he will then, along with a bunch of others, drive it to spammers at a reasonable price, and for this you can get your account blocked in your free mail service. Hacking is carried out by automatic selection using a database of the most popular combinations or special dictionaries.
    2. By programmatically scanning the contents of your email, the attacker will pull out of it accounts in social networks, monetary systems, data for accessing forums and other things necessary in the life of a hacker, which can then be sold wholesale or retail (or monetized on their own).
    3. Even if the passwords for these useful things are not found, then you can always request their recovery, and accounts in most cases will be tied again to this hacked Email.
    4. And besides, the password and login from the mailbox are, which means they will allow you to get access to many services of, Yandex or Google (if you rent an email address from them), which again can lead to unpleasant consequences.
    5. In addition, you may be blackmailed to return your email or confidential data stored in it. There are a lot of options, and in this case there will be, as a rule, one payment method - paid SMS.
    6. Well, and the rarest case - you will be deliberately broken by the order of ill-wishers or competitors. In this case, only a really strong password and its recovery using an SMS message can help, which will come to the cell phone number indicated during registration.

    Therefore, use my advice when registering in any service, and in order not to forget them later,. Well, if you really want to elevate security on your computer to its apogee, then you cannot do without. As they say, if you are not paranoid, this does not mean that you are not being followed.

  3. Now, in most email services, you can use your mobile phone number, which you specify when registering with the email service, or you can add it later in your profile settings. Of course, you can use the control question and the answer to it in the old fashioned way (if you remember them, which is far from a fact), but SMS to your phone is much safer and easier.

    Therefore, if you value your e-mail, then it is better to provide them with a mobile phone number. Yes, to some extent you disclose your confidentiality, because by the number they can, in case of a request from the competent authorities, find out your installation data. But if you are an "honest taxpayer", then the convenience of restoring access to Email will be more important to you than hypothetical exposure of your incognito. However, this conclusion is valid only in relation to the "whales" of the Internet business, because they have no reason to leak your numbers to spammers or other "radishes". IMHO.

Login to your email

It seems to be a simple question - how to enter the mail? However, there are several points that can be useful for a beginner "Internet user" to learn. When I created this blog, the main idea was that the most difficult thing is to find answers to the simplest questions, because for the majority they are self-evident, and answering, for example, on forums on "stupid questions" is considered the height of indecency (as a rule) ... Therefore, I decided to dwell a little more on the problem of logging into e-mail.

In general, everything is as easy as shelling pears here, but the main thing do not accidentally fall for the bait phishers (fishermen) who, and you do not see the catch, tell them your username and password through the login form. This not only applies, but also to any other services where authorization is required (entering a username and password).

Therefore, if you work with emails through the web interface (you can use the mail client program on your computer, which will collect correspondence from all your mailboxes), then follow a few of my simple tips:

But in general to improve the convenience of working with mail you can use, for example, special browser extensions (you will need to tell them the login and password for your mailbox), which will promptly track new messages that appear in your inbox, and somehow signal you about it. You can read about such postal devices for browsers or. There is an article about it, but I'm afraid that very few people have already installed it, because Opera has been working on the Chrome engine for a long time.

And, finally, to work with a large volume of correspondence or with a large number of e-mail boxes on different services, you may need mail client program... Personally, I use the M2 client built into the old Opera and I'm so used to it that I can't describe it in words. However, there are many other options, the most famous of which are probably Outlook from Microsoft's office suite and "The bat". True, both of them are paid. And of the free, most of all on hearing, probably, Mozilla Thunderbird from the browser developer Firefox.

Which free email service should you choose?

In principle, there are quite a few of them, but I will list only the main ones that can be considered massive and proven enough to make a judgment about them. Of course, they are all free, but they differ in a number of indicators, such as:

  1. Ease of use (low barrier to entry)
  2. Built-in functionality
  3. Provided storage space for correspondence (e-mail box size)
  4. Security of use (protection against hacking and a system for restoring access to the account). This also includes protection against viruses in emails and against scammers (phishers). In addition, the confidentiality of working with the mailbox is also important, because your messages can be intercepted on the way to the mail server. In this case, the best option would be to run an online email service over HTTPS (with encryption of transmitted traffic).
  5. Effective spam filtering (spam cutters)

All these characteristics together and serve as the main selection criteria of the service where it makes sense to register your Email. Below I will give a brief description of the free mail services participating in today's tender, and at the end of the article you will find a form for voting for one or more of them. The order of their following in this list can be considered arbitrary, since it would probably be incorrect to arrange them in accordance with my personal preferences in relation to the conducted voting.

    Gmail(Gmail, Jimile, aka Zhmail, or just Google mail) is a serious player both in the global free Email market and in the domestic Russian Internet market. It entered the game with a significant delay in relation to its main competitors (in 2005 a beta was released, and in 2009 a fully functional version of the service). However, he performed powerfully and managed to win an army of adherents, partially pulling the audience away from the already existing services of competitors (in Runet, these are, Rambler and Yandex).

    There is a lot to tell about this email service, but why repeat if all this has already been described:

    If the given descriptions are too lazy to read, then sublimating the information presented there I will say that the Gmail interface is quite digestible, and the functionality of this service is not only ahead of all competitors, but also constantly expanding with innovations that are being rolled out in the "laboratory". Letters in it can be grouped, put into folders, assign labels, and also build chains from them to track the history of correspondence.

    After registering the box, you get 15 gigabytes of free space at your disposal, which is quite enough for storing ordinary correspondence. True, these same 15 gigs Gmail will share what you need to know.

    In terms of security, your email account will also be in order, because access to the online service is carried out via the HTTPS protocol (in the address bar you will see "https: //" instead of the usual "http: //"), and also, if you wish, you will be able to activate two-step authorization, which I highly recommend doing (read about this in the materials above). In this case, without an SMS message to your mobile phone, no one will be able to enter your e-mail box (unless he uses your computer and browser, which remembered entering this code). This will also help to quickly restore access if you lose your password.

    The spam cutter in Google email works, as a rule, perfectly. But sometimes, when sending mail to this mailbox, for example, from your hosting (that,), it can all fall into the Spam folder, but Gmail filters allow you to configure the rules by which it will be automatically extracted from there and sent to the Inbox folder ". Filters in general can solve a number of tasks, so I advise you to get to know them better.

  1. Yandex Mail- the service appeared a little later than the analogue from, but quite seriously managed to pull the blanket over itself (with users). Its new online interface is simple, well thought out and fast enough (you can customize it for yourself). Working with letters and filtering them is very convenient (the timeline is highlighted, which allows you to view the correspondence for a certain period).

    There is a built-in translator (described here) and the ability to send free SMS notifications (you will need to specify the phone number of the person to whom you are sending the letter) ..

    You can read more about the functionality of this email box here:

    Yandex Mail divides the allotted space for correspondence, and the restrictions on the size of the mailbox are the same - 10-20 GB (depending on the conditions you have fulfilled, which you will find in the article about Ya.Disk). Everything is fine with security here too - HTTPS is used and it is possible to activate the e-mail login mode only after entering the confirmation code that comes to the mobile phone.

    According to my subjective impressions, the SpamOborona filter used in Yandex for combating spam shows almost the best results among all the services listed in this article. Spam will not crawl, but nevertheless, before cleaning the "Spam" folder, it will be better to have a quick look at the subject of getting into it quite legitimate correspondence. What if ... And this applies to any postal service.

  2. Email the oldest service in the Russian Internet. Several years ago, he underwent significant changes, which allowed him to compete on equal terms with his younger counterparts. Correspondence handling and management does not give rise to any complaints - it is quite simple and effective. Now it is possible to view letters sent to all your Emails registered in in one window of the web interface, which is quite convenient.

    In terms of security, after updating the service, it also became much better. The HTTPS protocol is used, and Kaspersky checks letters for viruses. You can also specify a mobile phone number, but, as I understand it, it is used only to restore lost access to your email account, although in the settings you can do something to improve security (on the "Password and Security" tab). Read more about this service here:

    Email from after the update is positioned as dimensionless... In fact, you are initially provided with 10 GB for correspondence, well, and as the mailbox is filled with letters (and attachments), the size will increase by a couple of gigs each time. Do not forget, by the way, that they also have a service called, which is also closely related to e-mail, but has its own free disk space of a fairly decent size - 25 GB.

    I didn’t like the spam cutter in Mail, so I redirect all letters from these Emails to my main mailbox in Gmail, where with his spam cutter he stops the shortcomings of this mail service. In fact, this is pure IMHO, and it is possible that now the fight against spam in is at a higher level (comment on this point, please, if there is anything to say).

  3. Rambler Mail Is also one of the oldest services on the Russian Internet, which has undergone significant changes not so long ago. True, they did not go as smoothly and successfully as in Yes, the online interface turned out to be as simple and straightforward as possible, but the functionality could be richer. In addition, there were many complaints about the stability of the service, and especially about ineffective spam cutting.

    In terms of work safety, he also does not shine. It seems like the HTTPS protocol is used (but the browser swears at the insecurity of working with this node), and everything else remained at the turn of the century, when this brainchild of Rambler was born. By the way, I didn’t find any information about checking for viruses. The size of the box is also not impressive - only 2 GB. You can read more about it here:

    I think that the main task of developers at the moment is not to attract new customers, but to retain existing ones, who have registered an email with them a long time ago and simply do not know that somewhere there are better options (or they are afraid of unknowingly losing their email, although it is quite possible to set up forwarding in the Rambler settings to an e-mail in another service that you want to use as the main one). IMHO ().
  4. Hotmail) is the successor to the Internet's oldest public email service (Hotmail). Why Microsoft needed to rebrand it is not entirely clear to me (it is possible that Hotmile has already become associated with something not very high quality). The interface of the service is extremely simple and straightforward, but the settings system seemed to me too clumsy (or just not customary). You can figure it out, but not from the floor butt.

    At one time, I wrote a little about this mail service, coupled with a description of the work of the search engine Bing (the brainchild of the same Microsoft):

    In general, MelkoMyagkikh has some kind of aggravation with renaming services. Recently I wrote an article about. Apparently there is too much money and they spend it on the promotion of new brands. I can't keep up with them. Now the article about cloud storage will have to be edited.

    About With security, they are doing well (they would have been bad with such and such budgets). By default, a newly registered mailbox is given 5 GB, which will then increase as needed. And in OneDrive (this is their version of cloud storage, not bad, by the way, although the names are constantly changing) they give another 15 GB for free to regular users, and as many as 25 GB to Windows license holders. Regarding spam cutting and checking for viruses, I can't say, but everything should be on the level, because the owners are hefty rich bourgeois.

  5. Yahoo Mail- another bourgeois service of a very venerable age. Their offer is the most generous - 1 TB of free space. Access is carried out via the HTTPS protocol, but it is difficult to judge about security, because I am not very familiar with this e-mail system yet (I am thinking of writing a separate note about it).

    The interface looks quite nice to itself (you can change the theme). As far as I understand, if the mailbox is not used for a long time (more than six months), your account in this system is automatically deleted. In general, the size of the box is being pushed, but read that in the given publication.

  6. - for those who are very much concerned about the security of their correspondence. Here letters are sent in secure envelopes (encrypted) and only those who have a password can read them. The service in the database is free, but if you need more space for mail, you will have to pay extra.
  7. - there are quite a few online services providing disposable and anonymous mailboxes that can be used without registration. They are great for registering somewhere you don't want to use your main email.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Temporary mail and disposable email addresses without registration, as well as free anonymous mailboxes Yahoo Mail - updated free mail

In order to be able to carry out correspondence using e-mail, you will need a mailbox where letters will come and where will be stored, as well as your own e-mail address. How to create them will be discussed in this material.

First, you need to decide on which mail server your email address will be located on. Surely, when you connected to the Internet, the provider has already allocated you a mailbox on its own server. But we would not recommend using this option, since providers change, but addresses remain for a long time. Therefore, the best option would be to use the services of some large free mail service.

At the moment, more than two dozen large free postal services operate in Russia, of which the most popular are:

Of course, you can choose less popular services, but keep in mind that not all of them are equally convenient and functional. But large postal services have in their arsenal advanced anti-spam tools, a convenient user interface, support all kinds of mail clients, their own utilities for checking mail, and also pay a lot of attention to the stability of the service.

Almost all mailers provide users with the following basic features:

  • Accessing your mailbox through a web page... This means that you will be able to view your correspondence, create, receive and send emails by going to a special page located on the mail service server using your browser. Thus, it is possible to work with e-mail from any computer connected to the Internet.
  • POP3 access... This protocol allows you to work with e-mail not through a web browser, but using special programs such as: Microsoft Outlook, The Bat !, Mozilla Thunderbird, Opera and others, called mail clients.
  • IMAP access... It is a more advanced alternative to POP3 and provides users with enhanced capabilities for working with e-mail when using mail clients on their computer.

Unlike POP3, not all mail services support the IMAP protocol, for example refused to use it.

In order to create your own mailbox, you need to register on the service you like. If you opted for one of the four above-mentioned services, then to start registration, simply click on its name, after which the corresponding registration page will open in front of you. But before that, read this material to the end.

One of the key questions when creating a new mailbox is the choice of its address, that is, the future of your email address. In general, the email address looks like this:

< Your invented name (login) >@ < Name of the mail service >

The symbol "et" (@) separating the login and the name of the mail server is called "dog" in our country, "snail" in Italy, and "monkey" in Germany.

As you can imagine, the name of the mail service is substituted automatically, depending on the service you are registering with, and you only have to create a login, which must be unique and consist of a single word. In this case, the name can consist of Latin letters, numbers and underscores.

On mail services, where tens of millions of mailboxes are registered, choosing a unique login, and even one that suits you, is not a trivial task. So to an address containing your personal name, for example, [email protected] or some popular word like [email protected] , you can not count. At the same time, the registration system will immediately check your address for uniqueness and warn you if such a name is already taken.

When coming up with a name for your mailbox, be sure to take into account the fact for what purpose it is created and with whom you will correspond. If you create a mailbox for business correspondence or are an adult, then in its name it is quite appropriate to use a combination of your first name or its first letter and surname, for example [email protected] ... But keep in mind that a name that is too long will be inconvenient to write.

Many users in the name of their mail use completely "neutral", and in some cases, and "arrogant" names, for example "coolguy" or "bestgirl". When chatting with friends or registering on some resources, this is quite acceptable, but using such addresses to send business proposals or a resume to a potential employer is unlikely to be appropriate.

So, after selecting a unique name and entering some personal data, registration will be completed, and you will become the owner of a new personal mailbox. Now it is important to remember or even write down a few basic meanings:

  • Just created by you email address(For example, [email protected] ).
  • Login (username) to connect to a mailbox. As a rule, it coincides with the mail address itself or its left part located before the "doggie".
  • Created by you password to connect to a mailbox.

These three values ​​will be enough for you to work with e-mail through a browser. To do this, simply go to the website of your mail service, enter your username and password, and then you will be taken to your personal page in your mailbox. There you can see a list of received emails, read them, write new ones or send replies, and much more.

Users leading an active life on the network can have several mailboxes at once, using them for different purposes. For example, one of them is for business correspondence, the second is for personal, and the third is for registration on various network resources. It is possible that you will soon need an additional mailbox, the creation of which is no longer a problem for you.

Creating and configuring email is a trivial task and shouldn't be too difficult, but users keep asking questions nonetheless. Many of them have only recently acquired gadgets and are experiencing difficulties even in such seemingly elementary tasks. E-mail on a mobile phone has become an integral part of the modern business person's life. The purpose of this material is to explain to beginners on the Web how to create e-mail on the phone and use it in the future.

Postal services

To begin with, you should decide on which of the hundreds you want to register. Among the popular ones are Gmail, Yandex All of the above have the same principle of operation, without any peculiarities.

The first thing you need to do is register your own mailbox, for this you need to visit the official website of one of the postal services (it can be Google or Yandex, at your discretion) and go through a simple registration procedure.

In most cases, the following information will be required from you:

  1. Name and surname.
  2. Login (name of your mailbox).
  3. Password.
  4. Cell phone number.

This is a basic set, it is possible that you will be asked to enter a spare box or information about your website, you may need to enter a special code to confirm that you are human.

As soon as you fill out all the indicated forms, you can exhale - the box is ready.

How do I create an email on an iOS phone?

The next step in setting up mail is connecting it to your phone. If you are the owner of an iOS-based smartphone (gadgets from Apple), then you must have passed the registration already at the time of the first activation. If so, you already have an iCloud mailbox set up and ready to go. You can safely from your phone or accept the letter. If this did not happen or you want to connect a different address, you will have to do it manually. For this:

  1. We go to “Settings> Mail, contacts, calendar> Add account”.
  2. We are looking for the provider you need in the list, for example Google.
  3. We enter registration data and wait for the box to connect.

If the list of providers does not contain what you need:

  1. Scroll down and select Other> Add Mailbox.
  2. Enter your registration information (your name, mailing address and password).
  3. On the next screen, enter the IMAP data. Let's take a look at Yandex as an example:
    • in the subcategory "Incoming mail server" enter;
    • in the subcategory "Outgoing mail server" enter

This information may vary depending on where the box was registered. In most cases, it will be sufficient to replace yandex with the name of your mail service.

How to create an email on a mobile phone with "Android"

In the case of Android, the principle is the same. By purchasing a new device and registering, you will receive a Google account, and with it, a Gmail inbox. Therefore, those who have gone through this procedure may no longer think about how to create an email on the phone. If you prefer manual configuration or want to connect a mailbox other than Gmail, then first:

  1. Look for the Mail app on your device.
  2. Click “Add New Account” (if you are offered IMAP and POP3, feel free to choose IMAP).
  3. On the next page, enter your registration information:
    • your mailbox address;
    • password;
    • data from IMAP and SMTP servers;
    • port, information about which can be found on the official website of the mail provider in the "Help" section (for Yandex it is 993 for IMAP and 465 for SMTP).

Using third-party email clients

The easiest and fastest method for setting up mail will be to download a special one that will help you both create e-mail on your phone for free, and use it to the fullest.

To find one, just visit one of the app stores, in the case of iOS this is the AppStore, in the case of “Android” - Google Play. And in both, you can find created for specific providers.

In most cases, these programs are designed as simple as possible and are ready to work from the moment they are launched. In addition, this option is perfect for those who do not yet have their own mailbox and are just going to start one.


To ensure the security of your account, preserve personal correspondence and other information stored in your email inbox, the email administration asks you to create a secret password that restricts access to the service. To get to your email account from any computer or communicator, you need to remember this password. Open the site where yours is registered. On its main page there is always a box for entering the mailbox. In order to access emails, you need to log in. In the corresponding fields of the e-mail window, enter the address of your mailbox and the password that you received when registering in the system. Please note that the part of the name that is written before the "" sign is entered in the address field. The e-mail service and domain are recorded on the site, they are already written after the line with the mail address. The line below is the password field. Enter your personal code and click the "OK" button for the system to start processing the entered information.

If you check electronic in an Internet cafe or public places where different users get access to the computer, your personal data. In the authorization area, do not activate the checkbox next to the "Foreign computer" building. This is necessary so that after finishing your work with e-mail, the system will not be able to log into your mailbox with your address and password from this computer, and other users.

If you have forgotten your password, but you need to use it, click the "Forgot your password?" Button located in the authorization window. The system will offer you various ways to verify your data and access your mailbox: answering a special passphrase or specifying the owner of the mail.

E-mail has become a part of our lives today. Thanks to a mailbox on the Internet, a person can communicate with an interlocutor who is thousands of kilometers away in real time.

You will need

  • - mail service account


Paid domain registration.
The advantages of paid domains include their beauty of display: "selected name. Domain zone". On the downside - you will have to pay every year, in addition to paying for the domain, you will also have to pay monthly for services (placement on the network). To register a paid domain, first select a registrar. In the search form of any search engine, type the query "Domain registration" and find the most optimal offer for yourself. Do not rush to the first registrar that comes across - large companies provide services at fairly high prices, while their resellers offer their services at a lower price.

After you select a registrar, create an account on its official one. In the questionnaire, indicate your real data so that, if necessary, you can confirm ownership of the domain. In the appropriate section of the site, select a domain name and pay for its purchase in the most convenient way for you. After payment, you will be provided with a domain registered for a year (from the date of payment). Do not forget to renew your domain registration annually, otherwise you risk losing it.

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Knowing the mailbox of your friend or just a good friend, or maybe a distant relative, you will always be in touch - you can write letters, exchange photos, music and much more.


If it is inconvenient to ask mail in plain text, have the person write to you himself. Ask the person whose email address you need to mail you something interesting that you can't find on the net, or something like that.

You can compose several questionnaire questions and use to conduct a survey. At the end of the conversation, ask the person to provide contact information - in this case, it will be an email address.

If you know the name and surname of the person whose mailbox you need to find out, try to find him in one of the social networks. For example, in "My World" or "VKontakte" information about the user can be open. Try your luck - perhaps you will find the person you are looking for and recognize his e-mail. In some social networks, an email address is required.

If you know the place of work or the person, contact the dean's office or the office manager and ask the mail / student to tell him something important. Your mutual friends and acquaintances will certainly be able to help you get hold of the information you need.

Use paid services in which are looking for a person, or rather information about him (for example, Nobody will guarantee you absolute reliability, but as a last resort, this option will do.

Useful advice

Many people like to be original and come up with rather difficult, if not tricky, names for their email inboxes. It can be difficult to memorize or write down such names. Therefore, in such cases, it will be easier and more reliable to ask the person to send you a letter by mail, even if it is empty. If the mailing address is given to you not by the person whose address you want to know, but by his friend, acquaintance or colleague, let him also send you a letter indicating the mail of the one you need.


  • find my mailbox

A person who is just starting to get acquainted with the Internet can find it difficult to navigate the variety of resources offering many services and services. There are postal services for the exchange of information. The user starts a mailbox and gets the opportunity to exchange texts, graphics, music with other users. And at the very beginning, of course, the question arises of how to enter the mail site.


Mail services exist in different systems: Yandex, Yahoo, Rambler, Mail, and so on. Decide where you want to set up a mailbox for. It is most convenient to register mail in the system that you use most often. So, for example, if in most cases you are looking for information in the Yandex search engine, for quick access to yours it is more logical to register your mailbox on Yandex.

The mail service can be accessed both from the main search page and from the page. For the system (,, and so on), it is also enough to open the main page of the system. Find on the page and click on the button "Start mail" or "Start mailbox", and you will automatically go to the mail service.

To start a mailbox, it is not enough just to go to the mailbox site... You must register. To register, enter the data that the system will ask for: login, password, last name, first name and patronymic (or organization name), date of birth, and so on. Memorize or write down the information you entered. You will need it to log into your email inbox and, if necessary, to recover your password to log into your mail.

After registering your mailbox, remember in which system you created it or add the web page of the mail service to Bookmarks: in the top menu bar of the browser, select the item "Bookmarks" and the command "Add". To open a page from “Bookmarks”, click on the “Bookmarks” item in the top menu bar of your browser and select the name of your mail service from the drop-down list.

On the pages of the systems, access to the mailbox is quite easy. The field for entering your username and password is often located on the left side of the page (in the Yahoo system - on the right side). In the first field, enter the name that you came up with for your mailbox, the prefix,, and so on, in most cases you do not need to enter. In the second field, enter the password and click on the "Login" button or on the Enter key on the keyboard.

  • - browser;
  • - Internet connection.


Go to one of the sites that provide free email services. These are,,,, On the main page there are boxes "Name" and "Password". Below is the link "Register at". Click on it. Here is the registration form. There are many fields to fill. Among them there are some that are required. They are marked with a red asterisk. Whether to leave real information about yourself is up to you.

Come up with a name for your mailbox. It should be easy to remember, sound nice and, of course, be original. It's good if the name of the box is easy to dictate. Unfortunately, most of the names that meet these requirements have already been taken. Some people use names, dates of birth, phone numbers. The probability that these names are free is higher. They are also easier to remember. Keep in mind that on the server, in addition to this zone, there is also, and Perhaps, it is on them that the desired address is free.

The next step is to choose a password. Usually the requirements for it are stipulated in the registration form. Pay attention to the available number of characters, the language in which the password should be. Try to combine lowercase letters with uppercase letters. Use numbers and signs whenever possible. This password will be strong. By the way, the degree of password strength is also indicated during registration. Write it down so you don't forget. Of course, you can always recover your password, but this is not very convenient.

After you have filled in all the fields, the mailbox will be registered. Go to it. Be careful when entering values ​​in the "Name" and "Password" fields. Make sure the keyboard is in the correct mode for writing credentials. You will immediately receive a letter from the server administration. Your mailbox is working.

In addition to free personal e-mail, there are also corporate mailboxes. If your company has one, contact a specialist who will help you start your own mailbox. Remember only that when you leave the company, you will lose access to it.

You can also have your own, completely individual mail. To do this, you need to register your domain. After registration, set up mail in the control panel.

Do you have e-mail? If not, then in 5 minutes it will be!

In this lesson, you will learn how easy and fast create a mailbox After all, there is nowhere without mail on the Internet. For any registration, you need to indicate your mailbox, it is mandatory as a passport in life.

Nothing complicated about mail registration no, but questions still arise and every day hundreds of people are looking for an answer to this question. This tutorial will help all beginners!

There are many services that offer to create a mailbox. In this lesson I will tell you how to create a mailbox on

Let's start right now!

To do this, go to the website and click on the link “ Registration in mail».

In the window that opens, fill in fields with your data: enter first name, last name, birthday, city. In the Mailbox field, come up with a login for your mailbox, and one that will be free. Next to the login, select @ or another domain zone from the list. Then we come up with a password, it should contain both numbers and letters, enter the mobile phone number and press the button " Register now».

An SMS message with a confirmation code should be sent to the specified number. In the next window you need to enter it and click "Finish".

Everything registering a mailbox completed! The next window is already our mailbox, you can see that we have two incoming letters. These are letters from itself, from the administration.

In the letter we are greeted by the service and thanks for the registration. These letters can be deleted immediately.

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