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How to create a subscription page. Vibrant subscription elements

How to Create a Sign Up and Selling Page in Three Steps for a Newbie

According to statistics, thousands of newbies come to the Internet every day to create their own business. Unfortunately, technical issues hinder many in the implementation of these ideas, and yet everything is quite simple. So, for those newbies who do not yet know how an Internet business works, how Infobusiness works, I will briefly explain.

The person (the future client) has a problem that he wants to solve. You are creating a product on this topic that can help this person or group of people. You make this product of high quality, which is useful, and you give this product to people for a subscription. If people are interested in this topic, then they receive the product you created in exchange for their E-mail. Thus, you, as the owner of this product, collect your subscription base.

Later, through a series of letters, you invite your subscribers to buy from you paid product on the similar topics... A paid product should contain in-depth information on the problem that was solved in the free product. The information in the paid product should help the customer solve their problem. If people liked the free product, then there is a high probability that they will buy a paid product from you, especially if the paid product is a logical continuation free product.

Thus, you helped people solve their problems, shared your knowledge with them, and received money as a reward for your work. In addition, those people who have made purchases become your customers. And if they liked your products, then in the future, you will be able to offer them other products. Experience shows that customers in the future make purchases from you. Of course, this scheme is described in a simplified way, but this is how it works.

In order for people to leave their E-mail, and instead of being able to download a free product, there are subscription pages, and for the sale of goods - selling pages. These pages have many titles - landing pages, landing pages, landing pages, one-pages, and so on. Without such pages, it is impossible to do business on the Internet.

Sign up and selling pages can be done in different ways:

  • order on freelance;
  • using plugins, for example, for WordPress wpPage;
  • use of services, constructors (JustClick, Adobe Muse);
  • the use of other people's subscription pages (templates), with alteration for yourself;
  • creation in visual HTML editor DreamWeaver, Kompozer (Nvu) or another similar program.
Each method has its own pros and cons. For example, ordering subscription and selling pages on freelance is quite expensive, the cost varies from 5,000 to 30,000, sometimes 50,000 rubles. Agree, this is not entirely suitable for beginners. It is not yet known whether the costs will pay off or not.

You can create a subscription or selling page using the wpPage plugin or the JustClick service, but it costs money, albeit not large, and the pages made look simple and similar to each other. Now there are many different constructors on the Internet that allow you to create beautiful and original subscription and selling pages, but many services are paid, in addition, you need to go through training.

A good alternative for newbies are visual html editors that let you create signup and sales pages from absolute scratch and completely free. The created subscription and selling pages in such editors are unique and only you have. You don't need to know HTML code and table to create subscription and selling pages CSS styles, you just need to insert pictures and write text - the page code will be generated automatically. These pages are quick and easy to create. One of such programs is the visual HTML editor Kompozer (Nvu).

Kompozer (Nvu) program is russified, visually everything is clear in it. I liked creating subscription and selling pages in the Kompozer program, they are done quickly and easily. By the way, this page was also made by me in this program.

Would you like to learn how to make such pages?

Just imagine that you are a beginner and can independently and completely free of charge create a subscription or selling page. If this is you, then you are lucky, you are in the right place... Since I have created a lot of subscription and selling pages using the Kompozer (Nvu) program, I will share my experience with you and teach you how to make landing pages yourself.

The first subscription page you won't be able to do it quickly, but you will do the next subscription in 15-20 minutes. Moreover, your subscription and selling pages will always be original, everything here will depend only on your imagination. You will be able to create subscription pages not only for yourself, but also for sale (of course, after training).

Why is it important to be able to create subscription and selling pages yourself?

If you are a beginner and want to quickly start making money through the Internet, then you need to start working according to the scheme shown at the top of this page. You need to start building your subscriber base. To do this, you need to create a simple information product that will help newbies like you.

For example, you can write a simple e-book and give it away for a subscription. Believe me, it's not difficult to do this and any beginner can do it, you can make an intelligence map where you can describe all the actions of a process and also give it for a subscription. Making a video course for a beginner is more difficult, but if you have an idea of ​​how to do it, then you can do it.

By the way, especially for beginners, I wrote a book "How to write a book", you can download it from my blog (it is in the sidebar) and use it, step by step, to create your first e-book. Design it, create a cover, protect it from copying and use it to start building your subscriber base.

After creating free, you immediately create a subscription page and start collecting subscribers with it, and you will only waste your time. You don't have to pay money to create a free product and create a subscription page. Later, you can create a paid product (the same book or another product), and create a selling page for it and start your first sales. Read this page to the end and you will see that it is simple.

So let's get acquainted!

My name is Ivan Kunpan, I am an expert in the field of creating and promoting blogs, writing and optimizing articles, creating information products. At 55, I decided to try my hand at Infobusiness and create my own website (blog), although there was no knowledge at that time. And then I said to myself: "Other people can, so I can."

I make money from the blog, on affiliate programs, on my information products, while 7 of them have been created, by the end of the year I plan to complete work on a large video course on creating a website (blog).

By the way, I made subscription and selling pages for all my products myself using the Nvu program, this is the same Kompozer program, one might say its predecessor. The exception is my very first subscription page, which I made from a template, at that time I was not aware of the Kompozer program.

Other people used my knowledge:

Review of Alexander Portnyagin

Review by Sergey Sukhin

In the recent past, I myself was a beginner and I know how difficult it can sometimes be to solve a very simple problem. It is not always possible for someone to ask or find information on the Internet, especially when you come across contradictory information. At the same time, I am grateful to those people who came to my aid, shared their knowledge and experience with me, thanks to these people I now have certain achievements.

Now I also want to transfer the accumulated knowledge and experience to newcomers who want to create their first information products and, with their help, create their own subscription databases, get their first sales. I will teach you how to create subscription and selling pages, it is an interesting and creative process. I think you will enjoy the work of creating one-page pages.

What sections are included in the video course
"DIY landing page in three steps, fast and free"

The proposed video course shows sequential action in creating subscription and selling pages in Kompozer (Nvu), you need to do just three steps:

  • step one - download the program and install it on your computer, by the way, tested and work program I will give it to you in the appendix to this course;
  • step two - to carry out the preparatory work, create a sketch of the future subscription or selling page, prepare all the images and put them in separate folder on the computer;
  • third step - in fact, the creation of the most subscription or selling page.

How to download the program. If you wish, you can use the program that is given in this video course;

Acquaintance with the control panel of the program, we will study the basic management tools of the Kompozer (Nvu) program;

We create a work plan, make a sketch of our future subscription or selling page;

We create folders, prepare images for the future subscription and selling page, this will speed up the work;

Actually, we create the subscription page itself;

We insert the video into a subscription or selling page;

The ability to create a subscription page from a template;

Creating a selling page, the difference from creating a subscription page;

How to improve the design of subscription and selling pages;


As you can see from the presented figure, the opening of the video course is carried out using the multimedia menu.

In addition, to the presented video course, you will receive a bonus in the form of my paid book "How to build a subscription base using an e-book". This book shows you step by step how you can customize any free subscription page template for yourself.

By the way, you can customize any subscription page you like, provided that its author does not mind. To do this, it will be enough to change uid and did in the code of your subscription form. Write in the template the name of your product, its advantages, your last name, etc. How this is done and shown in the bonus book.

Using this video course, you will learn how to quickly and efficiently make your subscription and selling pages, you will be able to attract subscribers for free and make sales of your information products. I myself began to create my first subscription and selling pages from scratch using the Kompozer (Nvu) program, and I continue this work now. If I succeeded, then you will definitely succeed.

Who exactly is this video course for?

This video course is for those:

  • who wants to learn how to create subscription and selling pages themselves;
  • who wants to do it for free;
  • who wants to gain experience in creating landing pages in order to order them later on freelance, correctly set a task for them and control the quality of the created landing pages, correctly pay for the work performed;
  • for those who like to be engaged in creativity and design;
  • for those who like unique subscription and selling pages that will be different from tens of thousands of pages on the Internet;
  • who wants to quickly and for free start collecting subscribers and fill their subscriber base;
  • who wants to start making money on their information products;
  • this video course allows you to create landing pages for beginners who do not have any training, to create landing pages you do not need to know HTML and CSS, everything is done in a visual editor, and the HTML code is generated automatically.
If this is you, then feel free to purchase this course and you will not regret it. If you don’t do anything with the information that I give in this video course, then it’s better not to purchase it at all.

300 rubles

Of course, you can find some of the information on the Internet, but I will tell you that such information is scarce, you had to figure it out on many issues yourself, it simply does not exist on the Internet. The information presented in this video course is based on my personal experience... Having paid not so much money, you can immediately apply the knowledge gained in practice and get guaranteed results.

I am glad to welcome you to my blog!

Today it will be about a subscription page, it is also called a pagecapture, funnel page, etc. What is it and what is it for ?!A subscription page is an important part of your success inattracting subscribers and I will tell you how to make a subscription pageon JustCklick. There are many services, programs, plugins and scripts that help create a site - funnels. We considered one of the ways in this one.

And we need it to create a subscriber base!

After all, without subscribers you will not be able to make money on the Internet, I am saying nowabout making money on your website, blog, information product. And to attract peoplefor a subscription, you must offer them something to interest them.

It can be a book, a video course, another information product neededthem. Get to the point - you will be happy. Because the subscriber in the futurecan become your client and buyer.

But I got a little bit off the point of this post.I wanted to tell you how
make a subscription page on JustClick perfectly
free and fast. Would you like to receive new blog articles, please

Not everyone has the opportunity to initial stage buy plugins to createsuch pages. Of course there is free options, but again plugins are the casetricky, you can set up and connect everything, but he is disgusting to you ....or it will fail or for buggy. As with WPPage recently. But we must pay tribute to this plugin, it is easy to work with it and the pages come out more interesting.

What should be the sign up or grab page?

The very name of the page already tells us its purpose, to attract as much as possible
people for the information they need, give us their coordinates. Therefore, we must try to make the title catchy, be sure to indicate the benefits of our product for the subscriber, to interest him.

But there is one subtlety, this page should be without scrolling. And that's it.

In order for a person to leave us their coordinates, we must try make it attractive.

Although on the account of what the subscription page should be, you will find contradictory opinions on the Internet.But one thing fundamentally, will hook - your subscriber.

I must say right away that I, just like you, are just learning to blog and information business. And I share my experience and knowledge with this article.

And of course free ways do not give you super - duper opportunities, but we are at the beginningpath and therefore "we will not look the teeth of the gift horse."

And we will use the JustClick service. You need to register and create an account. Go to JustClick.

After you get to Personal Area and there on the left in the sell column - there is a sectionpage click this tab - then add and start creatingsubscription. More details in the video below.

I am not considering registration today, they are usually standard and notcause difficulties. And in general, this post arose due to the request of oneexplain to my friend how to make a subscription page on JustClick.So the idea was born to record a video and write an article.

I decided to record a video using the example of creating my own subscription for a newfree video course on website creation.

I post examples - screenshots: how subscription pages and video.

Or such - a fragment of a subscription.

Friends, colleagues, hello!

I have finally designed and ordered cute subscription page templates for you. They are sometimes also referred to as subscription, capture, landing pages.

If you are engaged in Internet activities, then with a probability of 90% these useful things will sooner or later you will need and come in handy. And if you are engaged in mailing lists, then you needed "already yesterday"

These are the pages that convert regular visitors into your subscribers, that is, into your regular audience. Keep up with the trends and start collecting emails as soon as possible, if you haven't already.

Take it for free and use it!()

Don't repeat my mistakes: I started collecting followers too late. Meanwhile, this was the turning point in all of my marketing....

Your subscription is born and grows. subscription base(base of your potential clients), your subscription list. This is your Golden Asset, as Azamat Ushanov succinctly called it.

Download it now free 3 subscription templates pages in 3 colors:

You can customize them for yourself, connect your mailings, subscription channels, etc. Templates are provided with detailed instructions and comments in the code to help you.

ATTENTION! Either the text instruction attached in the archive, or a simple one, will help you customize the templates.

Average setup takes from 15 minutes to a couple of hours- depending on your training and the degree of readiness of the materials.

The pages are designed in accordance with modern trends building sheet include required blocks for maximum conversion of visitors and do not contain anything superfluous... You can always add something of your own or remove what is not useful to you.

If you are not versed in HTML and are not going to learn this simplest language, then any webmaster-layout designer will help you with setting up the form.

In the next publications, I plan to answer the questions of beginners and conduct a small educational program.

Use it for health, and I thank you in advance for your help!

6 simplest rules to download your subscription templates for free

1. Attention! When you press This is interesting from Vkontakte make sure ,
what did you click tell friends, otherwise the press will NOT be counted.
2. Only pressing the buttons located within the shaded area,
and not those below - above the comments ...
3. NEED TO PRESS 2 (TWO) BUTTONS social... networks , not one!
4. If you are sure that you have pressed at least 2 buttons, make sure that the entries appear in your social media. networks, but the link did not appear, UPDATE PAGE!
5. DO NOT need to press twice(or an even number of times) the same button - your pressing will be reset!
6. If you have read and followed everything, but the link has not appeared, please all questions about downloading please contact technical support:, and NOT in comments.

Have you read everything? Then please click TWO BUTTONS HERE:

IF SOMETHING DOES NOT WORK, CAREFULLY re-read simple instruction above.

Grab your signature templates and do whatever you want with them!
Successful listing building, that is, recruiting a subscription base!

  • Pros and wonders of owning your own mailing list;
  • About promoting any business using email marketing;
  • O practical techniques, tools, tricks of maintaining your mailing list;
  • About other terribly useful, terribly interesting and completely uncomplicated things from this area ...

P. P. S. It will be great if you tell me how useful and understandable the instructions were.

Subscription page, aka capture page, landing page, site - funnel. All this is called - a one-page site, the purpose of which is to attract visitors to your resource. In other words, the visitor entered his contact information, and from that moment he became your subscriber. This is how your subscription base is formed.

The subscription page is an important link in the business system on the Internet, which will always be present in the system if you are making money on the Internet. As your business grows, you will have multiple subscription pages for different target audiences.

Now let's take a look at what a subscription page is.

The subscription page consists of several required elements.

The main elements of the subscription page.

Title.Its main purpose is to arouse the interest of the visitor and retain his attention. The title should reflect the essence of your proposal. Usually the title is printed in big letters bright color.

Subtitle.It tells the visitor how to fix the heading problem. For example, download a free book, etc. Usually it is one or two sentences.

Image.It's graphic 3 D –The cover of your free or paid product.

List of benefits.Outline about 5-7 main benefits - what the visitor will receive as a result of the use of your product (book, course, webinar recording, etc.). Only it is necessary to write honestly, and not promise mountains of gold. This will increase your confidence.

Subscription form.This main element subscription page. In the subscription form, the visitor enters his name and his e - mail ... The subscription form should be designed graphically beautifully - this attracts visitors. As soon as the visitor has entered his data in the subscription form and confirmed the subscription, he becomes your subscriber.

Above are the main elements of a subscription page. That's all you need to create a subscription page. However, the page can be supplemented with reviews of subscribers who have already read the advertised product, as well as a video to increase conversion.

There should be no other distracting elements on the page: links, banners, etc. All attention should be focused on the product subscription.

The page should be memorable and stand out from other subscription pages. It can be simple in design, but stylish, and upon the first impression it should evoke positive emotions of the visitor.

In Runet, there are many ways to create a subscription page using special services, plugins and special programs - Html –Editors both from scratch and according to ready-made templates.

Since this material is mainly intended for beginners in the info business, we will give preference the following way- creation of a subscription page based on ready-made templates. This method is the easiest and most affordable for beginners. You just need to edit the template a little for yourself.

But before you start creating the page, you should have the following materials ready: heading and subheading texts, product cover picture, a list of main benefits, and for the subscription form parameters tid, uid and did , which will need to be inserted into the template code instead of the existing ones. To have these parameters, you need to create a new mailing list, for example, on the mail service Smartresponder ... An e-book can be offered as a free product.

To edit the selected template, except for the one in Windows Notepad, you must have at least a free program on your computer Notepad ++, but it is better to edit the template in special programs - Html -editors such as paid programs Dreamweaver different versions other.

Now, especially for newbies in the info business, I will give one of the ways to create a subscription page using ready-made templates using a free program Notepad ++ (the program can be downloaded from the Internet).

Creating a subscription page using ready-made templates

The procedure for creating a subscription page using ready-made templates:

● find a page template that suits you;

● open this template in HTML editor;

● edit the template with the replacement of text, pictures and parameters of the subscription form;

● check the edited subscription page in your browser;

● upload the created page to the hosting of your site in the root directory;

There are many ready-made templates on the Internet that you can use to create your own subscription page. So, finding a ready-made page template for yourself is not difficult.

For this in search string Yandex or Google, enter the words " ready-made templates for the subscription page ". And you will get tons of such templates. Choose a template that suits you and save it on your computer. Do not forget to unzip it before editing the template.

After that, open the selected template. Left-click on the template name and see that the template consists of three main files:

css (styles),

images (pictures),

index. html (the subscription page that we will edit).

To have an idea of ​​what the file looks like index. html -signature page. Click on index. html right click mice. The "Open" window will open, then "Open with" and select your browser (I use the browser Google chrome ). Click on the name of your browser. See fig. one.

Rice. 1.The path to open the file index. html

And this is what happened (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. File display index. html

E that subscription page will be edited. As I already mentioned, we will do this using a free program Notepad ++.

Returning to the file index. html , open the file using the program Notepad ++. To do this, right-click on index. html , the "Open" window opens, select Edit with Notepad ++ (edit in Notepad ++) and click on these words.

As a result, the template code will open - the subscription page, which we will edit (Fig. 3). Here we see title , meta tags, text, list of benefits marked in red are subject to change.

Rice. 3. The first part of the template code

1 – Free book Is its name, which will be displayed in the browser.

2 – Keywords which you can not change or change them depending on the topic of your book

6, 7 - This text can be left or replaced with your own text - this is a motivation for action

8 - A list of the benefits that the reader will receive from studying this book.

After making all the changes, save. Click "File - Save".

Returning to the file index. html and we can see how it turned out. Right-click on index. html ... The "Open" window opens, then "Open with" and select your browser. We look at our changes, everything is in order.

Then you need to replace the template image (picture) with your book cover picture.

Opening the images file where the pictures of the subscription page are stored. Replace the template picture - 17. jpg to your cover picture - 17. png. See fig. 4

Opening the program Notepad ++ and find the text in the template code -

Rice. 4 Image editing

Change the format of the picture 17. jpg to 17. png ... After making changes - "File - Save".

Now the most important thing is to customize the subscription form. Do you know thatthe selected template has its own subscription form. To link the subscription page to your created mailing list, you need to replace the parameters of the template subscription form with the parameters of your mailing list. To do this, you need to replace three parameters:

uid - account ID;

did - mailing identifier;

tid - subscription channel identifier (in in this case this parameter is still optional, it is equal to zero).

These parameters can be taken from the mailing list you have created. We open the mailing list service Smartresponder ... Go to "Forms - Subscription Forms Generator", select the created mailing list (you need to click on the name of this mailing list), for example, "Free Book". We find Html - code of the generated form and in this code of the form we select digital values specified parameters... We enter these numerical values ​​instead of the numerical values ​​of your template. See fig. 5. In the figure, the parameters of the template subscription form with digital values ​​are marked in red - uid = 65523, did = 107895.

Rice. 5. The second part of the template code is the subscription form

1, 2, 5 - Items can not be changed

The parameters of the template subscription form should be replaced uid and did on their own. These parameters redirect subscribers to your mailing list.

You can use the keyboard shortcut to find the specified options Ctrl + F. With HTML open - code, we type Ctrl + F , a line will appear at the top of the monitor screen, you need to enter the name of each parameter in turn.

For example, enter uid and this word will be highlighted in Html -code. Near this word find it digital value(for example, 128625). We copy this digital value, go to the file index. html and open it with Notepad ++. The template code is displayed. We are looking for where the subscription form is located.

The landmarks are as follows:

— this is the beginning of the subscription form;

— this is the end of the subscription form.

Press the keys Ctrl + F , the "Find" window appears. We enter, for example, uid , click "Find Next". Find in the template code uid and change its values ​​to the digital value of the created mailing list. So we replace the rest of the parameters of the subscription form. After that, click "File - Save".

After making all the changes to the subscription page template, we check how the edited page looks like. To do this, go back to the file index. html , right-click on index. html ... The "Open" window opens, then "Open with" and select your browser. We look at the edited subscription page. Everything was displayed as you wanted - it means you did everything right.

To check how the subscription page works, you need to subscribe yourself and click the "Get the book!" Button. After that, you will know that everything is working fine.

Thus, you have made your subscription page from the template. Of course, such free subscription pages are not very original than the finished pages created with paid programs... But in your power you can somehow transform them so that they are unlike others. Turn on your imagination and you have a great subscription page.

Now that the subscription page has been created, you need to save it, for example, as “ kniga "And add to the archive" kniga. rar ". This archive must be uploaded to your hosting. I upload the archive through the control panel of my hosting TimeWeb via " File manager". There is another way - this can be done using the program File Zilla.

To get to the created subscription page, its address will be like this - your site. ru / kniga.

Take action! and you will create your first subscription page.

The fourth element of the system is

I wish you creative success!

I recently received a gift from Eduard Pitertsov, I subscribed to his mailing list. And the gift is more than twenty info-products offered by the authors who donated their works for free, just for subscribing to their mailing list to everyone. This method of increasing the subscriber base is calledCROSSVZAIMOPIAR.

The essence of this technology is as follows: several owners of info-products, as a rule, this number does not exceed twenty people, agree that in the mailing list of each of them the info-products of all other parties to the agreement will be advertised and offered free of charge.

If the recipient of such a letter wants to get acquainted with any product and clicks on the button confirming the desire to receive it, he is immediately transferred to the subscription page, where he enters his data: his name and e-mail address. That is, for a subscription, he receives the necessary info-product.

Today, this technology for recruiting subscribers to your subscription list is very popular; webinars on this topic are held on the Runet, both paid and free. You can get acquainted with this technology in more detail if you watch the video created by Andrey Ber.

Returning to the main topic of this post, I continue my story, what interested me especially in these gifts. What interested me: Off Line generator of subscription pages. I studied it in detail and even created with the help of this generator a subscription page for the course "Mega Partner" - a turnkey ready business.

Please see what page I got.

And now, I propose to get acquainted with the work of the Off Line generator of subscription pages. Watch the video from You tube, in which Mikhail Presnetsov shows how this OFFLINE generator works. You will find that creating a subscription page does not take much time and does not require any special knowledge.

If you have a desire to get this generator for free, you can find it here:, this link will transfer you to Yandex.Disk, where you will need to click on the "Download" button and in the window that opens, specify the path to download the file that will come to you in the form: generator1_02.exe. When you open a file, it may be slowed down by the protection of the operating room. Windows systems, but you can not be afraid, as the file is scanned for viruses.

As a result of your actions, three files will be generated, for which you will need to create a folder where you will place these files: the first file is a folder called image with a background image (previously using graphic editor You will make it necessary text part), the second file is your favicon, but the third file is called index, it is in HTM format, you can only open it in a browser (in any browser you want), where you will see the result of the subscription page generator.

In order to bring the matter to the end, you need to create a Zip archive for these three files, and then "upload" it to the hosting in root folder(do not forget to unzip it later). That's the whole procedure. Try it, experiment, create subscription pages. Background pictures for them can be found both on and

The second version of the subscription page with the same background image.

And in conclusion, I want to inform you that this version of OffLine Generator 1.02 is free, it was developed one of the first, now the developers have already released the fourth version, which they offer to purchase for a fee. In the second version, it became possible to install videos from video services instead of background images.

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