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How to create an educational resource. Online services for creating electronic educational resources


Modern society requires from graduates not only a large stock of knowledge of a wide variety of sciences, but also the quality of a free, creative and responsible person who is able to optimally build his life in the rapidly changing information world. Therefore, modern education should be based on the formation of skills for self-development and self-education, cooperation, creative and critical thinking, independence and responsibility. All this requires the introduction of new pedagogical technologies that lie in the plane of personality-oriented education, which are characterized by cooperation of participants in educational activities, dialogue, activity and creativity, co-creation of a teacher and a child. But it is possible to organize the educational process with maximum efficiency in a modern school only with the help of modern ESM.

Currently, many modern educational resources have been created, which are posted on various sites. The teacher, in his work, cannot be limited only to those EORs that can be found on the endless expanses of the Internet. After all, each of us presents the same material in different ways, each has its own pedagogical flavor. And so the teacher needs the tools to create his own resources.

Online services help to solve this problem, which make it possible to place the interaction of students with each other and teachers at the center of the educational process on the basis of social software tools. I'll tell you about some of the services used to prepare various ERM groups.

Online service for creating cards BrainFlips With the help of the service, you can make cards on the subject of teaching and immediately start working with them. Task cards are combined into decks. You can add video, audio or photo to the card in order to include all channels of information perception. You can also use the cards of other members of the service. The format for using the cards is chosen by the teacher. The service was created specifically for teachers. It is possible to create groups, connect participants to a group. The service is in English, but supports Cyrillic. Group names, cards, decks of cards and descriptions are in English only. To get started, you need to register. Description and instructions for working with the service.

Online service Flashcard Machine was created for the preparation of didactic materials in a playful way in the form of sets of cards. Materials on cards can be in the form of text, images, sound, links. The preset cardset questions are shuffled randomly at startup. To get started, you need to register. The service supports the Cyrillic alphabet. There is an opportunity to act as a teacher, student and organize group work with cards. There is a large collection of ready-made cards, arranged by topic, age. Description and instructions for working with the service.

Online service JeopardyLabs is designed to generate thematic quizzes. To start working on the service, you do not need to register. Only enter the password for editing. The service supports the Cyrillic alphabet. After filling in the data, the service will offer a link to work with the quiz. Description and instructions for working with the service.

Service LearningApps is designed to create interactive teaching aids on various subjects. The service is based on working with templates (blanks) for creating work. The topics are varied: from working with cards to solving crosswords and creating knowledge cards. The service supports several languages ​​(Russian is supported on separate templates when filling in content). To get started, you need to register. There is a large collection of works, in Russian there are only a few materials, so you can rely only on your own works.

Description and instructions for working with the service.

Online service for creating didactic materials (worksheets, puzzles, exercises, cards and games)

WordLearner To get started, you need to register (as a student, teacher, representative of the educational institution). Service in English, supports Cyrillic. It is possible to create groups, classes. Register students and keep statistics on work in the group. Description and instructions for working with the service.

Educational site Zondle not only provides free online didactic games for primary and secondary schools, but also invites the teacher to be creative, prepare exciting games for any of the academic subjects. It is enough to register in Zondle, choose a theme and create a list of selected games.
There are three levels of creating an educational resource:

  • Creating a game from a template: This is the easiest option. The teacher types a series of assignments on a specific topic. Then you can see how your tasks will be implemented in the various games available on the site. Each of the icons represents a complete game. Stop your choice on one of them and make your own adjustments. Your games are saved on a remote server. You can also embed them on your website or blog.
  • Creation of an authoring package: a package is a sequence of pages that can contain text, images, video, audio and of course Zondle games and selected subject topics.
  • Creating a game from scratch: you yourself choose characters, background, stationary objects, landscape. Choose sound effects, as well as animation and movement effects. And already for this game you come up with tasks.

The constructor allows you to create games not only for individual student work on a computer, but also use a large screen for frontal and group work or an interactive whiteboard. A community of teachers has been created on the site, which exchanges the created resources. To get started, you need to register, create materials, designate a class, and start working using new opportunities. However, you can use the resources even without registration.

The ESM development process consists of two main stages: preparatory and layout.

At the first stage (preparatory):

Selection of sources and formation of the main content;

Structuring the material and developing a table of contents or script;

Processing of the text and the formation of the main sections;

Selection, creation and processing of material for multimedia implementation (video clips, soundtrack, graphic images).

At the second stage, all the selected and developed parts of the ERM (information, training, controlling) are assembled (assembled into a single whole) for presentation to students in accordance with the scenario conceived by the author.

In general, the ESM development process is explained by the diagram shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2 - ESM development process

The content of ESM should correspond to the level of education received. Currently, the development of ERM should be focused on obtaining the competencies specified by the program of the discipline. At the preparatory stage, the selection or development of source materials for ESM (texts, graphic illustrations, animation, audio and video fragments, etc.) is carried out, including the development or acquisition, if necessary, of educational application packages. At this stage, general-purpose software is usually used: text and graphic editors, animators, audio / video digitizing programs, programming tools, etc.

In the structure of the ERM, it is customary to single out the introduction and the main part, which consists of sections, chapters, topics. The introduction is an important element of ESM, since it substantiates the relevance of this ESM and determines the level of education and the audience for which this resource is designed. When forming the content, it is recommended to divide it into two parts: the main part, which is obligatory for study, and the additional part, which is variable, for in-depth study of the material, broadening one's horizons, and increasing motivation. The required sections are: glossary, list of references and Internet sources.

In accordance with the IPC structure of the ERM, defined in Section 1, when forming the text of a resource into modules, it is assumed that a module is understood as any of the modules of the IPC structure.

When developing the structure and content of ESM, it is necessary to take into account the following principles and technological features:

1. The principle of the priority of the pedagogical approach: it is implemented through the setting of an educational goal and the development of the content of educational activities on the basis of one or a combination of several didactic approaches: systemic, synergistic, problematic, algorithmic, programmed, project-based, heuristic, competence-based, etc. A systematic approach means that it is advisable to develop comprehensive manuals that include both lecture material, seminars, and combined lessons (for example, practices for humanitarian and general disciplines).

2. The principle of the module: the division of the material into sections, consisting of modules, minimal in volume, but closed in content.

3. The principle of completeness: each module should have the following components: theoretical core, theory test questions and examples. It is sometimes helpful to provide a historical commentary or chronological picture of the development of a particular direction.

4. The principle of visibility. Each module should be provided with illustrative material as much as possible. When selecting and preparing illustrations, one should choose those that do not perform an advertising or entertainment role, but a teaching function.

5. You should strive to maximize the use of illustrations in places that are difficult to understand the training material; for generalizations and systematization of thematic semantic blocks; for general revitalization of all educational material and text dispersed throughout the field, both printed and electronic (hypertext).

At the second stage, the arrangement of electronic materials in the ERM can be carried out by direct programming of the learning script in any algorithmic language: BASIC, Pascal, SI, Java, etc. In this case, the role of navigator in the learning process is played by the script, while when using only HTML, this role is played by the table of contents, as in traditional textbooks. The use of programming makes it possible to implement almost any didactic methodology of the author and developers. However, this approach also has significant drawbacks, such as:

High labor intensity of the ESM development process;

The need to attract professional programmers;

The impossibility of making changes without involving programmers;

Significant dependence of the didactic quality of the learning scenario on the pedagogical qualifications of the developers.

An alternative way to compose the ESM educational material is the use of instrumental software systems, which can be divided into two groups - general-purpose or special-purpose software. The first group includes PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat and a number of others. However, the capabilities of general-purpose software packages are limited in terms of creating functionally complete ERM. For example, in PowerPoint it is only a presentation (presentation) of educational material with predominantly linear navigation. There is no way to provide free navigation through the training material and the possibility of preparing interactive exercises for self-control and training. These capabilities are provided, as a rule, in special software tools called authoring systems.

Software tools for creating ESM are the so-called authoring systems (from the English Authoring System), which are defined as a set of instrumental programs designed for the creation and operation of ESM. In Russia, the term "Instrumental shell" or simply a shell for creating an ESM is also circulating.

Modern authoring systems make it possible to develop ESM from various multimedia components: hypertext, static and animated images, video and audio clips, ready-made software modules. Moreover, some authoring systems have their own built-in text and graphic editors, animators, tools for preparing simulation and mathematical models. But the main difference between authoring systems and general-purpose software tools is the presence of standard templates that implement various types of educational work, in particular, scenarios for computer training and control. Such systems do not require knowledge of programming languages ​​to prepare ERM, which allows ordinary teachers to work with them. Some of them have their own built-in language, which narrows the circle of potential users, although it provides EOR developers with more scope for implementing various didactic ideas.

Who will use ESM?

In which disciplines is the use of ESM planned?

Who will develop the ERM?

How will the system be maintained?

How much will the acquisition and operation cost?

Who will use ESM? How old are the students? This is a very important factor that must be taken into account from the first stage of ESM development. Children of primary school age usually do not have sufficiently significant motivation to complete independent educational work. For them, the templates of scripts for educational work of the authoring system should contain game components using, for example, typical pedagogical agents - Teacher and Student, and also have an attractive graphic design. For high school students, university students, students of advanced training and retraining courses, the strict, academic style of ESM is more suitable.

The next important question is: in which disciplines is the use of ESM planned? In educational disciplines related to information technology, it is advisable to use e-learning - from the first acquaintance with the educational material to the solution of professionally oriented problems. However, for many disciplines, ESM can be applied only partially, especially at the stages of the formation of professional specific skills and abilities. In the first case, you will need various EOR, assembled into educational multimedia complexes that provide electronic support at all stages of cognitive educational activity, while in the second - EOR only for mastering theoretical material. Obviously, these factors must be taken into account when choosing an authoring system.

Who will develop the ERM? For widespread replication, ESM is usually developed by a group of specialists. However, a large number of e-learning tools in educational institutions are created by teachers for their academic disciplines almost alone. Therefore, when choosing an instrumental system, one should take into account the computer skills and experience of ESM developers.

What characteristics of an authoring system are needed? Most teachers begin work on the automation of the educational process with computer tests and often limit themselves to this. When choosing an authoring system, you should understand what will actually be created using this system and whether you need:


Graphics, animation, video, audio (and in what form - in standard or built-in, unique formats);

Different types of questions (single or multiple choice, matching questions, open-ended questions, etc.);

Connecting ready-made software products;

Built-in programming language;

Means of mathematical or simulation modeling (for what type of models, universality is not possible here);

Learning management tools. Here it is necessary to highlight the registration of students, collection, storage and processing of statistical data on academic performance, study time, etc .;

Templates of scenarios for educational work, including templates for pedagogical agents (and which ones);

Support for special devices (touch screen, laboratory bench, slide projector, etc.);

Multilevel access. Many authoring systems have more than one level of access. This means that a new or casual author can use the system in a simple way and follow the basic sequences dictated by the authoring system. More experienced authors have access to the system at various levels and can use its capabilities more flexibly and independently;

Possibility of converting ESM into a package of educational objects SCORM. For modern authoring systems, the requirement to save the ERM in the form of a SCORM package de facto goes from being desirable to a mandatory requirement.

The more versatile the functions of the authoring system, the higher the fee for purchasing it. You will also have to "pay" when using it. The variety of functions makes the system more cumbersome and complex to use, requires more powerful computers, both for developers and students. Therefore, when choosing an authoring system, you should clearly formulate your needs and correlate them with your capabilities. No authoring system will itself prepare educational material for ESM, and this, in any case, is a large and time-consuming work.

How will the ESM trainees be supported? If the use of ESM will be independent, then there should be developed means of supporting the student. If the training is carried out in computer labs, then the teacher can provide support for the students.

Will statistics on the use of ESM be compiled? This can be important for assessing and adjusting ESM during operation.

What technical support is provided, where and for what price;

Does the prospective supplier have a solid material base? Does the company that developed or supplies the system have a solid material base and will not disappear in the near future;

Whether the system is being developed to support the new requirements;

How many systems have been sold? This is an indicator of the convenience of working with a specific system, however, if a fundamentally new system is developed, then there are usually not many who want to try out new software;

How do other users feel about the system and how good is the supplier's support really? It is good to be able to communicate with users;

Do independent experts rate this system highly?

How much will the authoring system cost? Is there an annual fee for system support and updates? What training is required to use it and how much does it cost? How much will the additional advice from a supplier or independent expert cost? Is there a limit on the number of licenses? For the training center of an enterprise, this limitation may not be significant, since the development of ESM is usually concentrated within one structural unit, and for a university, the limitation on the number of licenses may be unacceptable, since the process of development and application of ESM is usually scattered over numerous departments and laboratories.

The above considerations allow us to move on to the consideration of real instrumental systems, bearing in mind the applied purposes for which this or that system can be used. A number of the systems considered below have been developing since the early 90s of the last century. The first versions of such systems operated under MS DOC control, where fragments of courses were presented in the form of so-called screens. Modern versions of some of these systems under Windows have retained, in their essence, the representation of the ERM in the form of a set of screens replacing each other with fragments of the window interface.

Dreamweaver ( It is a multi-purpose software product, one of the most well-known and widely used software tools for the development of various, including educational, web sites. Allows you to create web pages without any knowledge of HTML. Dreamweaver CS 5.5 is part of the Creative Suite CS 5.5 integrated, multi-purpose system ( This system also includes well-known toolkits for Flash Catalyst CS5.5, Flash Professional CS5.5, Fireworks CS5.5, Contribute CS5.5. The CreativeSuite system was developed and developed by Macromedia, which is now part of the Adobe Corporation ( The software suite has versions for IBM and MAC.

OnViz and CourseBuilder. These are graphical object-based authoring systems. They implement the Macintosh design philosophy (although they also have versions for Windows computers) and provide an environment for rapid visual design, development and correction of ERM. The ERM structure is projected on the screen using icons. Transitions (branches) are created by the author using arrows with custom attributes for linking icons. The resulting block diagram can be easily modified by the author as the electronic resource is developed or as a result of its verification or evaluation. Test templates support whitespace, numeric response, and multiple choice. OnViz is a framework for online applications, while its predecessor, CourseBuilder, is designed for use with CDs. Discovery Systems International maintains and develops both systems (

Dazzler and Dazzler Deluxe. The Dazzler system is designed primarily for multimedia presentations. Dazzler Deluxe is an enhanced version of the system with additional capabilities to support interactive multimedia learning. Both systems target IBM compatible PCs. The main developer tools are icon sets. Dazzler supports training over the Internet / intranet, has a Dazzler Java player. You can also add Dazzler content to your Web pages. The developer does not need Java programming. There are two wizards: the "Question" wizard allows you to quickly and easily create standard questions; the "Packager" wizard packs all the multimedia components into a single file so that they cannot be decrypted. ERM files can be configured to be preloaded so that training performance is not degraded by latency on low bandwidth links. You can also use the predictive preload option to let Dazzler choose which files to preload as you progress through the tutorial. The manufacturer Dazzlersoft ( maintains and develops different versions of Dazzler and Dazzler Deluxe in line with current and emerging e-learning trends. So, in the Dazzler Deluxe 5.5 version, a packer of created electronic resources into the SCORM package appeared.

HyperStudio ( It is a cheap multimedia development system designed specifically for educational purposes. She uses a stack structure to develop interactive tutorials, training packages, and presentations. There is experience of successful application of the system (and not its products) by children aged four years. The HyperStudio Media Resource Library, supplied with the software, contains a wide variety of illustrations, sounds, animations, and videos that can be incorporated into instructional content screens. There is a significant body of projects carried out in schools, homes, workplaces and commercial publishing houses along with tutorials showing how to use HyperStudio. HyperLogo, the HyperStudio language, is built into stacks and helps plan different responses to test tasks.

NeoBook Professional. It is a cheap, easy-to-use system for developing electronic publications and presentations. It was not specifically designed for ELE, although it does include some e-learning features. However, it is suitable for this purpose and provides good multimedia support. The system provider is NeoSoft Corp. ( The system is focused on IBM compatible PCs. NeoBook uses a floating toolbar to enable users to develop media using drag and drop commands. During the development of an electronic resource, other programs such as word processors, animation and graphics programs can be accessed directly from the NeoBook. A powerful programming language is available that provides many additional features. There are previews, debugging tools, and when the final product is ready for distribution, NeoBook creates a single executable program (in the form of an EXE) that can be replicated without a license fee. Publications may be distributed on CD and on the Internet / Intranet. NeoBook is available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Everest. The system was developed by Intersystem Concepts Inc. ( specifically for educational applications, including distance learning. The program is focused on IBM compatible PCs. The system is based on the book and page metaphor, where the author creates individual books containing multiple pages. Each page contains a set of objects that can represent anything from simple text to multimedia and complex user interactions. The author creates and edits pages using various editing windows and "dragging" objects from the tool editor to the page editor. The structure of the book, pages and objects is shown as a diagram in the Book Window, which makes it easy to change the properties of objects through the Attributes Window. The author can check the book by running any page. A useful feature is "editing on the fly", where objects on the page can be changed. In this case, the work can be continued from the place where the author left off, or you can restart the page to save the changes. Everest has a built-in language called A-pex3, which is similar to BASIC but is optional. Everest uses its own compression techniques to reduce the size of the transmitted data. Development can be done on a local computer or directly on the Internet / Intranet.

Quest. It is an object oriented development system. To build e-learning courses, she uses flowcharts, which initially include a series of empty frames. The flowchart, built at the Title Design level, provides the course designer with a clear overview of the entire course structure as it is developed. The frame level allows the author to build individual frames and sequences. There is a QuickStart template system. It provides the developer with a set of templates from which he chooses the course he would like to develop. Frames are created in a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) environment using powerful tool presets shown in a floating tool window. As the frames are created, Quest displays their content as a "postage stamp" in a small box in the flowchart. An important element of Quest is the inclusion of ActiveX support, which allows tutorials developed in Quest to include tools from other vendors. This can be especially important when training includes streaming audio or video, virtual reality tools. The web support is complete and allows the development of electronic resources for exclusive web deliveries or as a blended course that combines web deliveries using CD-ROMs. Quest provides a variety of methodologies for analyzing answers to questions, including the Test Answer Analysis Wizard. The supplier is Allen Communications ( The system is focused on IBM compatible PCs.

Headstart and Headstart Pro. It is a software toolkit for creating interactive educational multimedia products delivered on CD-ROM and over the network (Internet / Intranet). Supplier - Digital Workshop ( Headstart is for elementary school. Allows you to easily animate text and graphics, include digital images, sound, music or video. Headstart Pro is a more complex toolkit, but with more functionality. It builds on Opus Pro, another professional product from Digital Workshop, which includes a developer language and database support.

Instructor. It is an object-oriented ERM development toolkit that uses the analogy of an e-book, so that the application is a "book" containing "pages" that can be linked in various ways using hyperlinks. The development of books is carried out using the Windows environment to build pages with text, animation and graphics. Instructor includes a graphics editor and supports various image formats for importing illustrations and diagrams from other packages. There are buttons, icons, etc. to help users select options. Instructor has a powerful programming language called OpenScript that enhances the capabilities of ERM developers. The Instructor has wizards for creating interactive tests of various types. It provides support for SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004 standards, delivery of developed resources in various learning management systems (TotalLMS, Aspen Learning Management System, Docent, etc.).

LERSUS ( This authoring system was developed and developed by DELFI Software. LERSUS is a software product that allows you to create interactive educational materials for e-learning. Lersus supports ERM patterns called didactic models. Templates can be designed by the authors themselves. The user-friendly graphical interface is similar in functionality and appearance to the interfaces of modern editors, which greatly simplifies the work and provides access to the necessary tools and functions. Learning modules created with LERSUS are compatible with e-learning standards: SCORM 1.2, IMS Content Packages, LOM, QTI.

Russian-made systems are created, as a rule, in educational institutions and do not pretend to be a software product for widespread replication. Therefore, below we will note only some of the author's systems, time-tested and fairly widespread.

eAuthor 3.1. It is an online course builder that allows you to create e-learning courses, tests, exercises, and other types of e-learning materials. The system was developed and is being developed at CJSC "HyperMethod" along with other instrumental software products related to e-learning ( eAuthor allows you to create a variety of templates for electronic tutorials. To create a template, it is enough to indicate which graphic elements will be used in the design (background, buttons, textures, etc.) and their purpose - "scroll forward", "go to the course content", etc. Special templates allow you to create a stand-alone knowledge testing system, taking into account different requirements. The testing itself can take place off-line, and the test results can be transferred either during an Internet connection session, or written to any data storage device. eAuthor supports the collective technology of working on projects, which allows you to organize the storage of all developed objects on the Internet or Intranet of the organization. Subject heading and search by keywords and metadata makes it easy to find the desired object.

Dolphin. The system was developed at the Center for New Information Technologies of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute ( Designed to create training, monitoring, training, reference - consulting, information and other types of training courses without restrictions on the subject area. Allows you to integrate video, audio, hypermedia and computer components into a single learning environment, use Internet components. Contains a large set of types of analysis of statements (answers) of the student (a number with a given precision, a number in a given range, a word and a phrase with and without a font, a logical expression, a logical expression with keywords, an algebraic expression, a key code, an indication of a graphic object, analysis of situations).

Course designer. The developer and supplier is the "Virtual Technologies in Education" company ( The course designer is designed to quickly create a multimedia ERM in the Internet format (as a set of linked HTML pages). The author creates an ERM structure and then fills it with content (text, illustrations, multimedia files, links to the Internet, etc.). Upon completion of the work, ESM materials are converted into HTML-format, and all routine operations (building tables of contents, mutual links between sections, etc.) are performed automatically. The course designer can be used within the Prometheus distance learning system and independently, for example, to create multimedia CDs. The Course Designer Toolkit is easy to learn and intended for users of varying skill levels.

STRATUM. The developer and supplier of the system is the Center for New Information Technologies of the Perm State Technical University ( STRATUM is a universal instrumental environment for designing systems and software products, modeling the properties and behavior of designed systems, managing models, peripheral scientific and industrial equipment to support engineering, scientific, research, and educational activities in any field of knowledge. The use of an object-oriented and model approach allows you to minimize manual programming, increase the speed of creating systems, easily modify them in the future, trace and describe the evolution of ideas. The design of the virtual world is possible on the basis of model libraries. STRATUM toolkit supports analysis, design and modeling of systems, multimedia, interaction with databases, networking. Knowledge of programming languages ​​when working in STRATUM is not required. The user only has to be a specialist in a certain subject area or study some discipline. STRATUM allows you to build models of any level and type in the usual notation for a non-programming user - mathematical, video, graphic, verbal, sound, symbolic, algorithmic, etc. In educational activities, STRATUM is used to create electronic courses, manuals and computer simulators.

Instrumental complex of the CADIS system (systems of Complexes of Automated Didactic Systems). Provides support for the main stages of the creation and operation of the UMKD. It consists of five functional subsystems: the development of models of automated learning, the development of content and navigation models, the preparation and operation of the EMC, testing, and training. Educational and demonstration versions of the subsystems for testing, preparation and operation of UMKD are freely replicated on the server of the Center for New Information Technologies of SSAU ( For practical training, scenarios for working with intelligent simulators, virtual laboratories and training packages of applied programs are used, which may be part of the UMKD. The use of the instrumental complex of the CADIS system reduces the complexity of creating and modifying UMKD by 2-10 times in comparison with the use of programming in any algorithmic language; allows to prepare ESM materials for an ordinary non-programming PC user; ensures interoperability and reusability of ERM components through the use of a modular structure, structuring of educational material and standard data formats; contributes to quality improvement through didactically based e-learning script templates built into the software toolkit, making changes easy and fast. Formation of SCORM packages is possible.

CourseLab. The main purpose is the manufacture of ESM. The developer and supplier is Websoft Ltd. The system provides a large set of ready-made templates that can be modified by the user. The modified template can be saved and used later when creating new ESM modules. To speed up the creation of educational materials, the CourseLab editor has a large number of ready-to-use complex objects that perform various functions - from different ways of displaying text to complex testing - and do not require programming. You just need to select the desired appearance of the object in accordance with the design of the module and fill in its parameters. CourseLab provides the ability to quickly create: tests, introductory and introductory materials; role-playing games for the formation of professional skills, interactive guides, on-line trainings and much more. This system has found wide application in the personnel services of enterprises in the preparation of materials for retraining and advanced training of personnel.

In the conclusion of this section, it should be noted that the ERM tool systems created with the help of most of the above instrumental systems have the same appearance both when used in the local network of an educational institution, and when they are supplied on CD. Thus, the created ESM are invariant to the organization of the educational process, retain didactically grounded scenario schemes and a convenient navigation system inherent in a particular ESM, regardless of the mode of their use.

general information

The modern educational process, taking place in the conditions of informatization and mass communication of all spheres of public life, requires a significant expansion of the arsenal of teaching aids associated, in particular, with the use of electronic educational resources (EER), by which we mean specially formed blocks of various information resources (sources and tools) intended for use in the educational (educational) process, for the reproduction and functioning of which computer technology is required. Modern ESM are able to provide:

- support for all stages of the educational process - obtaining information, practical exercises, certification or monitoring of educational achievements;
–Expansion of the sector of independent educational work;
–Changing the roles of the teacher (support of the educational process and its coordination) and students (active involvement in the educational process);
- a sense of the ability to manage the course of events and a sense of responsibility for the result;
- the student's transition from passive perception of the information presented to active participation in the educational process;
- the implementation of fundamentally new forms and methods of teaching, including independent, individualized learning.
In educational institutions, the following categories of electronic educational resources can be used:
- resources of federal educational portals intended for non-commercial use in the education system of the Russian Federation;
- resources of commercial educational portals and educational electronic publications on CD, purchased by schools to complete media libraries at their own expense;
–Resources of regional educational portals;
–Resources developed by teachers.
The main federal educational portals created in 2005-2010. as a result of the implementation of a number of large-scale initiatives for the formation of electronic educational content, are:
- EC CER - Unified collection of digital educational resources (;
- FCIOR - Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources (
These repositories have more than 130,000 educational and socio-cultural resources, most of which are focused on solving the problems of basic general and secondary (complete) general education. In this regard, it is recommended that the widest possible use in grades 5-11 of the electronic content of the resources of federal educational portals intended for non-commercial use in the education system of the Russian Federation.
To organize work with ESM posted on federal educational portals, the software complex for supporting and organizing the educational process "1C: Education" can be effectively used, which is part of the EC CED resource system and is available free of charge to all institutions of general education in Russia. At the moment, the system allows you to organize work with the resources of the EC CER. Within the framework of the project for the development of a new generation of ESM, a state contract has been concluded and work is underway to develop this software complex in order to ensure its multiplatformity and the possibility of effective work with the resources of the FCIOR.
With the help of the "1C: Education" program system, you can create, form on the basis of existing ESM and use in the educational process various educational complexes. Educational complexes can contain a variety of visual, reference, test and other materials. This software package can be installed in a local or network (client-server) version. In the latter case, several users can work with the system simultaneously from different client personal computers. Regardless of the installation option, "1C: Education" is a multi-user system in which information about the passage of educational material, as well as objects created by the user, are stored for each user individually. The software package includes the following software modules:
- module of local storage of resources, providing:
- organization and storage of resources in an educational institution;
–Hierarchical construction of educational materials;
–Supporting the work of students and teachers;
- a module providing filling of the system with digital educational resources from the EC CER;
- the "Administrator" module, which allows you to manage the list of users, the list of user groups (classes), the composition of groups and assign roles to users;
- a single portfolio of student work;
- software tools for export / import of CRC;
- search module;
- modules "Journal" (for teachers) and "Diary" (for students);
- discussion board and internal email.

The modified multiplatform version of the software package will be placed in the system of federal educational portals by September 1, 2012.
Despite such significant quantitative indicators of the resources available on the federal portals, there is no sufficient amount of ESM to ensure the educational process in the programs of primary general and preschool education. The development of such resources has begun as part of the ESM development project. The allocation of resources for preschool and primary general education is planned for 2011-2012.
The new federal state standard of primary general education (FSES NOE) involves the formation of information and communicative competence of students, which is "built gradually" in the process of using various ICT tools in classroom and extracurricular learning activities. First of all, tools (software products) are needed that allow students to create and edit various multimedia objects, record the events of the surrounding reality, and master keyboard writing skills.
One of the most important tasks in terms of improving the qualifications of teachers should be considered the task of studying the resources of federal portals. This work is carried out within the framework of the project, but for the full-scale implementation of these resources, it is also necessary to initiate this work on the ground. Self-selection from the available content of electronic support for the subjects taught, the inclusion of links to electronic educational resources in the calendar-thematic planning being developed (for example, will significantly increase both the level of the teacher himself and the effectiveness of the educational process.
In addition to the above-mentioned federal educational portals, a teacher can select electronic educational resources for his lesson on any available Internet sites, use commercial electronic publications. At the same time, he should act as an expert, independently assessing the materials he found, and use in the lesson only those that meet the basic content-methodological and design-ergonomic requirements.
From a substantive and methodological point of view, ESM should: meet the regulatory requirements regulated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; comply with the basic didactic principles (scientific nature, accessibility, clarity, etc.); correspond to the age characteristics of students (correspondence of topics and educational tasks to the age of students; compliance of the rate of presentation of educational material with the individual characteristics of students due to the possibility of adjusting and / or step-by-step presentation of educational material; taking into account the psychological characteristics of students to enhance attention and develop interest in the subject; acceptability of requirements for the level of technical training of trainees); to provide the possibility of individualization of education (the presence in the content of a component that ensures the implementation of level differentiation - several levels of complexity corresponding to the levels of mastering the educational material; the possibility of changing the sequence of presentation of the material to support traditional and introduction of new teaching methods; the presence of various means of dialogue - questions in free form , keywords, form with a limited set of characters, etc.); have a focus on achieving new educational results (formation of general educational skills and competencies; acquisition of experience in solving life problems based on knowledge and skills; development of skills in working with information - search, assessment, selection and organization of information; development of skills in project activities and expert assessment of the results of the accumulated material ; formation of skills in research activities, including conducting real and virtual experiments; development of skills for independent study of material and assessment of the results of their activities, the ability to make decisions in a non-standard situation; formation of skills in working in a group, the ability to correlate and coordinate their actions with the actions of other people, to carry out reflection and discussion); have methodological support (availability of methodological materials and / or network methodological support of the resource).
From a design-ergonomic point of view, ERM should: be based on technological solutions that are adequate to the pedagogical tasks being solved; fully use the capabilities of the computer in processing and presenting information where it is necessary from the point of view of interaction with the user (playback quality); meet the requirements of the quality of screen design (clarity of presentation of text and graphics; correspondence of color, text, sound solutions, information saturation of screens to ergonomic requirements, taking into account the age-related psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students); have a convenient interface, which implies clarity of the dialogue (the ability to easily understand the basics of the functioning of the resource), flexibility of the dialogue (the ability of the user to adapt the dialogue to their needs), ease of learning and use (the ability to master the interface in the process of work through the help and handling of all kinds of user errors), reliability (data protection, resistance to student errors, availability of protection against incorrect actions), interface standardization; provide a high degree of adaptation to the educational process.
When planning the educational process using ESM, it is recommended to take into account:
- the level of technical equipment of the educational institution (from several computers in the school - in the director's office, library, etc. to the availability of mobile computer classes from netbooks or the presence of an educational computer for each student, including equipment with projection equipment, interactive whiteboards, etc. );
- the state and degree of development of the information environment of the educational institution (including the one that determines the use of ICT in the administrative support of the educational process);
- presence or absence of high-quality Internet connection;
- the level of ICT competence of employees of an educational institution (teachers and administrators);
- students have computers at home.
Depending on the various options for combining the above characteristics, we can recommend the following models for organizing the educational process using EOR, which are successfully implemented in the best institutions of general education of the Russian Federation.
Model 1. The use of ESM in preparation for the lesson.
This model is quite universal, since it can be used both in the presence of a small number of computers in the school (in the administrative part, in the library, in the teacher's room), at the initial stage of the development of the information environment of the school, and in the case of a developed information environment of educational institutions and a high level of technical equipment. It depends to a small extent on the level of the teacher's ICT competence, because he can choose a mode of work that is convenient for himself, the level of software products and ESM used. The minimum requirements for the technical equipment of this model are as follows: operating system, including a multimedia player, mail client, browser, file manager; antivirus program; an integrated office application that includes a word processor, presentation development program, and spreadsheets; sound editor; simple web page editor. It is desirable, although not required, an archiving program, raster and vector graphic editors; for the advanced level, a database management system is required; geographic information system; computer-aided design system; virtual computer labs; translator software; optical character recognition system; programming system; (included in operating systems, etc.); interactive communication program.
Obviously, when a teacher uses this model, the interactive component and the proportion of student's independent work with ICT depends on the level of technical equipment of the school (the place where a particular lesson will be held). Textbook texts, transparencies and slides, banners and posters, interactive rules, tables, demo cards, visual and illustrative material, sound recordings, film, television, video fragments and whole video lessons, exercises and assignments, simulators and workshops, test systems - all of these teaching tools are presented today in electronic format as part of open collections and can be successfully used in a variety of educational situations, at different stages of the lesson. If the school uses an automated complex information system, then the teacher can pre-select EORs for each topic of the curriculum, place them in his virtual office in the right order, think over which elements of the lesson will be equipped with them (presentation of new material, independent work, consolidation, control, etc.).
When a model is used by students, the degree of its interactivity and independence is regulated only by the task received, which can vary from the selection of illustrative material on the topic to the implementation of the project.
Of the possible list of ESM, the greatest demand here will be for ESM sets for specific textbooks, as well as subject and thematic ESM collections - they are a useful resource for forming a variety of handouts, creating your own assignments, a selection of examples for explanation, complementing the system of classroom and homework, speaking in the role of teaching aids, which, on the one hand, complement the traditional system of teaching aids, expand the instrumental basis of teaching and the teacher's capabilities, and allow the classic models of lessons to be varied, bringing variety to the educational process. For example, hypertext definitions and rules, animations and illustrations, interactive tables, rules and educational texts, electronic assignments and tests, fragments of educational dictionaries, reference books and textbooks can be used to prepare printed handouts, including tables and diagrams, lists of examples, pictures , assignments and exercises to form a set of materials for classroom work and homework. If you plan a lesson in an office equipped with a computer at the teacher's workplace and an interactive whiteboard or projector, you can talk about preparing a speech based on a multimedia presentation.
Electronic educational dictionaries and reference books play a special role in the preparatory work of a linguist teacher. They serve as working material, a kind of database for selecting examples for the lesson, compiling your own assignments and exercises, preparing different types of handouts, etc.; the basis for organizing independent vocabulary work of students in the lesson (selection of examples, regrouping units, supplementing the vocabulary, etc.) and search activity (collecting the necessary language material, its analysis and synthesis, searching for units in different educational dictionaries, etc.) ...
Model 2. The use of ERM in the classroom in the situation of "one to five computers in the classroom working area"
This model is largely designed to take an individual approach to student work. This equipment, coupled with the appropriate software, a set of EERs allows you to work with weak students in terms of developing certain technical or subject skills, and with strong students, for example, in terms of organizing an individual study of various educational models or creating a multimedia essay.
In addition, this model allows you to organize group work for the implementation of certain research and project tasks, as well as for game forms of the lesson (for example, a group of "analysts" checks the accuracy of the information presented or provides information support for comrades speaking in the discussion, etc.) - in this case, each member of the group has a computer. Work can be organized in small groups on a "one computer per group" model. At the same time, the teacher selects the EORs necessary for conducting the lesson, depending on the educational task and orientates the students to joint research, the development of group projects, and the collective implementation of electronic assignments.
In small groups, on the same computer, students can collaboratively:
- observe, analyze and discuss subject phenomena presented in tables, interactive diagrams;
- work with hypertext definitions and rules;
- to observe the behavior of some units in dynamic schemes;
- look for solutions to problems accompanying interactive texts;
- simulate situations in a virtual laboratory or constructor;
- collectively perform electronic tasks and tests;
- to conduct a variety of vocabulary work, textual activity and work with reference books;
- prepare materials for projects and presentations using text and various illustrative material;
-and etc.
The listed types of work can be carried out both in isolation and in various combinations. At the end of the work, its results (in the form of texts, presentations, plans, abstracts, or oral presentations, reports, messages) are submitted for discussion and collective assessment.
In the hardware and software of this model, it is desirable, first of all, test systems, tools for educational activities, collections of information sources; for the advanced level are important and most valuable for the achievement of competence-based results in the education of the environment for modeling and design.
In the presence of an interactive whiteboard or a screen and projection equipment, the possibilities of effective use of the model are significantly expanded - depending on the educational task, it can be used as an addition to frontal work with the class, presentation and discussion of individual results.
EOR kits for teaching aids and courses, as well as EORs from thematic and subject collections can serve as a subject for collective discussion, support for frontal questioning of students, individual questioning at the blackboard or from the field.


This course work describes how to use the EOR (electronic educational resource) in the educational process

In the course work, the methodological literature and sources of the Internet were investigated. Were studied modern software tools for the creation of electronic educational resources and sites.

The use of information and communication technologies allows:

1. to provide positive motivation for learning;

2. conduct lessons at a high aesthetic and emotional level (music, animation);

3. to provide a high degree of differentiation of training (almost individualization);

4. improve knowledge control;

5. rationally organize the educational process, increase the efficiency of the lesson;

6. to form the skills of truly research activity;

7. provide access to various reference systems, electronic libraries, and other information resources.


1. Mosolkov, AE Electronic educational resources of a new generation (EOR) [Electronic resource] .- Access mode:

2. Methodical laboratory "EOR of a new generation at school" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

3. Electronic educational resources of a new generation in questions and answers [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

4. Development of electronic educational resources in an educational institution [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

5. Types of electronic educational resources [Electronic resource] // Educational resource of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University) .- Access mode: types.htm

6. Osin, A.V. Open educational modular multimedia systems [Text]: monograph // A. V. Osin. - M .: Agency Publishing Service, 2010 National Open University [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

7. Electronic textbook [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

8. Kaziev, V.M. Profile school: textbook / V.M. Kaziev. - Moscow "Education" 2007

9. Krasilnikova V.A. Information and communication technologies in education: textbook / V.A. Krasilnikov. - Orenburg - GOU OSU, 2006 .-- 235 p.

10. Ageev, VN, Electronic publications for educational purposes [Text]: textbook. allowance / V.N. Ageev, Yu.G. Drews. - M .: Bustard, 2003 .-- 80 p. - 100 copies. - ISBN

The ESM development process consists of two main stages: preparatory and layout.

At the first stage (preparatory):

  • selection of sources and formation of the main content;
  • structuring the material and developing a table of contents or script;
  • processing of the text and the formation of the main sections;
  • selection, creation and processing of material for multimedia implementation (video clips, soundtrack, graphic images).

At the second stage, all the selected and developed parts of the ERM (information, training, controlling) are assembled (assembled into a single whole) for presentation to students in accordance with the scenario conceived by the author.

In general, the ESM development process is explained by the diagram shown in Fig. 3.1.

Rice. 3.1.

The content of ESM should correspond to the level of education received. Currently, the development of ERM should be focused on obtaining the competencies specified by the program of the discipline. At the preparatory stage, the selection or development of source materials for ESM (texts, graphic illustrations, animation, audio and video fragments, etc.) is carried out, including the development or acquisition, if necessary, of educational application packages. At this stage, usually use software general purpose: text and graphic editors, animators, audio / video digitizing programs, programming tools, etc.

In the structure of the ERM, it is customary to single out the introduction and the main part, which consists of sections, chapters, topics. The introduction is an important element of ESM, since it substantiates the relevance of this ESM and determines the level of education and the audience for which this resource is designed. When forming the content, it is recommended to divide it into two parts: the main part, which is obligatory for study, and the additional part, which is variable, for in-depth study of the material, broadening one's horizons, and increasing motivation. The required sections are: glossary, list of references and Internet sources.

In accordance with the IPC structure of the ERM, defined in Section 1, when forming the text of a resource into modules, it is assumed that a module is understood as any of the modules of the IPC structure.

When developing the structure and content of ESM, it is necessary to take into account the following principles and technological features:

  1. The principle of the priority of the pedagogical approach: it is implemented through the setting of an educational goal and the development of the content of educational activities on the basis of one or a combination of several didactic approaches: systemic, synergetic, problematic, algorithmic, programmed, design, heuristic, competence-based, etc. A systematic approach means that it is advisable to develop comprehensive manuals that include both lecture material, seminars, and combined lessons (for example, practices for humanitarian and general disciplines).
  2. The principle of the module: breaking down the material into sections, consisting of modules, minimal in volume, but closed in content.
  3. Completeness principle: each module should have the following components: theoretical core, theory test questions and examples. It is sometimes helpful to provide a historical commentary or chronological picture of the development of a particular direction.
  4. The principle of visibility. Each module should be provided with illustrative material as much as possible. When selecting and preparing illustrations, one should choose those that do not perform an advertising or entertainment role, but a teaching function.
  5. You should strive to maximize the use of illustrations in places that are difficult to understand the training material; for generalizations and systematization of thematic semantic blocks; for general revitalization of all educational material and text dispersed throughout the field, both printed and electronic (hypertext).

At the second stage, the arrangement of electronic materials in the ERM can be carried out by direct programming of the learning script in any algorithmic language: BASIC, Pascal, SI, Java, etc. In this case, the role of navigator in the learning process is played by the script, while when using only HTML, this role is played by the table of contents, as in traditional textbooks. The use of programming makes it possible to implement almost any didactic methodology of the author and developers. However, this approach also has significant drawbacks, such as:

  • high labor intensity of the ESM development process;
  • the need to attract professional programmers;
  • impossibility of making changes without involving programmers;
  • significant dependence of the didactic quality of the learning scenario on the pedagogical qualifications of the developers.

An alternative way to compose the ESM training material is to use instrumental software packages, which can be divided into two groups - software general or special purpose. The first group includes PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat and a number of others. However, the capabilities of general-purpose software packages are limited in terms of creating functionally complete ERM. For example, in PowerPoint it is only a presentation (presentation) of educational material with predominantly linear navigation. There is no way to provide free navigation through the training material and the possibility of preparing interactive exercises for self-control and training. These capabilities are provided, as a rule, in special software tools called authoring systems.

The software tools for creating ERM are the so-called authoring systems, which are defined as a set of instrumental programs designed for the creation and operation of ERM. In Russia, the term "Instrumental shell" or simply a shell for creating an ESM is also circulating.

Modern authoring systems make it possible to develop ESM from various multimedia components: hypertext, static and animated images, video and audio clips, ready-made software modules. Moreover, some authoring systems have their own built-in text and graphic editors, animators, tools for preparing simulation and mathematical models. But the main difference between authoring systems and general-purpose software tools is the presence of standard templates that implement various types of educational work, in particular, scenarios for computer training and control. Such systems do not require knowledge of programming languages ​​to prepare ERM, which allows ordinary teachers to work with them. Some of them have their own built-in language, which narrows the circle of potential users, although it provides EOR developers with more scope for implementing various didactic ideas.

  • Who will use ESM?
  • In which disciplines is the use of ESM planned?
  • Who will develop the ERM?
  • What characteristics of the authoring system are required?
  • How will the system be maintained?
  • How much will the acquisition and operation cost?

Who will use ESM? How old are the students? This is a very important factor that must be taken into account from the first stage of ESM development. Children of primary school age usually do not have sufficiently significant motivation to complete independent educational work. For them, the templates of scripts for educational work of the authoring system should contain game components using, for example, typical pedagogical agents - Teacher and Student, and also have an attractive graphic design. For high school students, university students, students of advanced training and retraining courses, the strict, academic style of ESM is more suitable.

In this lesson, we will analyze in practice: how to compose algorithms of different types, as well as how to "read" an algorithm using a ready-made flowchart.

The following situations are possible: at the moment when we approached the road, a red or green light was on. If the green light was on, then you can cross the road. If the red light was on, then you need to wait for the green one - and then cross the road.

Thus, the algorithm looks like this:

  1. Go to the traffic light.
  2. Look at its light.
  3. If it is green, then cross the road.
  4. If the red light is on, then wait until the green light is on, and then cross the road.

The block diagram of this algorithm is as follows:

Rice. 3. Block diagram for example 2.

Drawing up cyclic algorithms

Let's consider an example of drawing up a cyclic algorithm. We have already discussed converting numbers from decimal to binary several times. Now is the time to clearly articulate this algorithm.

Recall that its principle is to divide a number by 2 and record the remainders resulting from the division.

Example 3. Create an algorithm for converting numbers from decimal to binary.

That is, the algorithm will look like this:

  1. If the number is 0 or 1, then this will be its binary representation.
  2. If the number is greater than 1, then we divide it by 2.
  3. We write the resulting remainder of the division into the last bit of the binary representation of the number.
  4. If the resulting quotient is 1, then we add it to the first bit of the binary representation of the number and stop computing.
  5. If the resulting quotient is greater than 1, then we replace the original number with it and return to step 2).

The block diagram of this algorithm looks like this:

Rice. 4. Block diagram for example 3.

Note: Consider if you can somehow simplify the above flowchart.

"Reading" algorithms

Example 4. According to the given flowchart, perform the actions of the algorithm for the number 23.

Rice. 5. Block diagram for example 4.

In this lesson, we examined examples of composing algorithms, as well as an example of "reading an algorithm" according to a ready-made flowchart.

In the next lesson, we will discuss games and winning strategies.

How to kill Koschei?

Probably everyone remembers a fairy tale from childhood, which tells about the whereabouts of the death of Koshchei the Immortal: “My death is at the end of the needle, which is in the egg, the egg is in the duck, the duck is in the hare, the hare is sitting in the chest, the chest is firmly closed and buried under the largest oak tree on the Buyan island, in the middle of the sea-okey ... "

Rice. 6. Koschey the Immortal and Vasilisa the Wise ().

Suppose, instead of Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan the Fool was thrown to fight Koshchei. Let's help Vasilisa the Wise compose such an algorithm so that even Ivan the Fool could kill Koschei.

  1. Of course, you first need to find the Buyan Island (we will assume that Ivan the Fool is capable of such things).
  2. Since the chest is buried under the largest oak tree, you first need to find the largest oak tree on the island.
  3. Then you need to dig up the chest itself.
  4. Before you get the hare, you need to break a strong lock.
  5. Now you can get the hare.
  6. You need to get a duck from the hare.
  7. Get the egg from the duck.
  8. Break the egg and take out the needle.
  9. Break the needle.

This is also a linear algorithm, albeit longer than the one for starting Paint.

Its block diagram looks like this:

Rice. 7. Block diagram.

At the crossroads…

And again, let's turn to fairy-tale characters in search of examples of various algorithms. When it comes to algorithms with branching, then, of course, one cannot but recall the hero standing at a crossroads near a stone.

Rice. 8. Bogatyr at the crossroads ().

The stone says:

“If you go to the right, you will lose your horse, you will save yourself; if you go to the left, you will lose yourself, you will save the horse; if you go straight, you will lose yourself and your horse. "

Let's try to compose an algorithm of actions, which was compiled by the author of the inscription on the stone for travelers?

  1. If we go to the right, we will lose our horse. If we do not go to the right, then we are left with two options (we believe that the traveler will not come back): go straight and to the left.
  2. If we go to the left, we will lose ourselves, and we will save the horse.
  3. If we go straight, we will lose both ourselves and the horse.

The block diagram of this algorithm looks like this:

Rice. 9. Block diagram.


Russian folk tales did not leave us without a cyclic algorithm. And, oddly enough, he hid in one of the most uncomplicated fairy tales - "The Turnip".

Rice. 10. Turnip.

Let us recall the plot of a fairy tale: the grandfather pulls, pulls - he cannot pull. Then new characters come to the aid of the grandfather in turn - and so on until the mouse comes.

Let's try to compose an algorithm for the actions of all the characters in the fairy tale so that they can still pull the Turnip.

  1. Initially, the grandfather approached the Turnip and tried to pull it out.
  2. Since it was not possible to pull the Turnip out, the help of the next character was needed.
  3. And this happens until the mouse appears (or, in other words, until the Turnip is pulled out).

As a flowchart, this algorithm looks like this:

Rice. 11. Block diagram.

  1. Bosova L.L. Informatics and ICT: Textbook for Grade 6. - M .: BINOM. Knowledge laboratory, 2012
  2. Bosova L.L. Informatics: Workbook for grade 6. - M .: BINOM. Knowledge laboratory, 2010.
  3. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Informatics lessons in grades 5-6: Methodological guide. - M .: BINOM. Knowledge laboratory, 2010.
  1. Internet portal "Community of mutual assistance of teachers" ().
  2. Internet portal "" ().
  3. Internet portal "Festival of Pedagogical Ideas" ().
  1. §3.3, 3.4 (Bosova L.L. Informatics and ICT: Textbook for grade 6);
  2. Try to compose a linear algorithm of 5-6 figures by yourself;
  3. Make a flowchart of the cyclic algorithm for completing homework;

The ESM development process consists of two main stages: preparatory and layout.

At the first stage (preparatory):

  • selection of sources and formation of the main content;
  • structuring the material and developing a table of contents or script;
  • processing of the text and the formation of the main sections;
  • selection, creation and processing of material for multimedia implementation (video clips, soundtrack, graphic images).

At the second stage, all the selected and developed parts of the ERM (information, training, controlling) are assembled (assembled into a single whole) for presentation to students in accordance with the scenario conceived by the author.

In general, the ESM development process is explained by the diagram shown in Fig. 3.1.

Rice. 3.1.

The content of ESM should correspond to the level of education received. Currently, the development of ERM should be focused on obtaining the competencies specified by the program of the discipline. At the preparatory stage, the selection or development of source materials for ESM (texts, graphic illustrations, animation, audio and video fragments, etc.) is carried out, including the development or acquisition, if necessary, of educational application packages. At this stage, usually use software general purpose: text and graphic editors, animators, audio / video digitizing programs, programming tools, etc.

In the structure of the ERM, it is customary to single out the introduction and the main part, which consists of sections, chapters, topics. The introduction is an important element of ESM, since it substantiates the relevance of this ESM and determines the level of education and the audience for which this resource is designed. When forming the content, it is recommended to divide it into two parts: the main part, which is obligatory for study, and the additional part, which is variable, for in-depth study of the material, broadening one's horizons, and increasing motivation. The required sections are: glossary, list of references and Internet sources.

In accordance with the IPC structure of the ERM, defined in Section 1, when forming the text of a resource into modules, it is assumed that a module is understood as any of the modules of the IPC structure.

When developing the structure and content of ESM, it is necessary to take into account the following principles and technological features:

  1. The principle of the priority of the pedagogical approach: it is implemented through the setting of an educational goal and the development of the content of educational activities on the basis of one or a combination of several didactic approaches: systemic, synergetic, problematic, algorithmic, programmed, design, heuristic, competence-based, etc. A systematic approach means that it is advisable to develop comprehensive manuals that include both lecture material, seminars, and combined lessons (for example, practices for humanitarian and general disciplines).
  2. The principle of the module: breaking down the material into sections, consisting of modules, minimal in volume, but closed in content.
  3. Completeness principle: each module should have the following components: theoretical core, theory test questions and examples. It is sometimes helpful to provide a historical commentary or chronological picture of the development of a particular direction.
  4. The principle of visibility. Each module should be provided with illustrative material as much as possible. When selecting and preparing illustrations, one should choose those that do not perform an advertising or entertainment role, but a teaching function.
  5. You should strive to maximize the use of illustrations in places that are difficult to understand the training material; for generalizations and systematization of thematic semantic blocks; for general revitalization of all educational material and text dispersed throughout the field, both printed and electronic (hypertext).

At the second stage, the arrangement of electronic materials in the ERM can be carried out by direct programming of the learning script in any algorithmic language: BASIC, Pascal, SI, Java, etc. In this case, the role of navigator in the learning process is played by the script, while when using only HTML, this role is played by the table of contents, as in traditional textbooks. The use of programming makes it possible to implement almost any didactic methodology of the author and developers. However, this approach also has significant drawbacks, such as:

  • high labor intensity of the ESM development process;
  • the need to attract professional programmers;
  • impossibility of making changes without involving programmers;
  • significant dependence of the didactic quality of the learning scenario on the pedagogical qualifications of the developers.

An alternative way to compose the ESM training material is to use instrumental software packages, which can be divided into two groups - software general or special purpose. The first group includes PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat and a number of others. However, the capabilities of general-purpose software packages are limited in terms of creating functionally complete ERM. For example, in PowerPoint it is only a presentation (presentation) of educational material with predominantly linear navigation. There is no way to provide free navigation through the training material and the possibility of preparing interactive exercises for self-control and training. These capabilities are provided, as a rule, in special software tools called authoring systems.

The software tools for creating ERM are the so-called authoring systems, which are defined as a set of instrumental programs designed for the creation and operation of ERM. In Russia, the term "Instrumental shell" or simply a shell for creating an ESM is also circulating.

Modern authoring systems make it possible to develop ESM from various multimedia components: hypertext, static and animated images, video and audio clips, ready-made software modules. Moreover, some authoring systems have their own built-in text and graphic editors, animators, tools for preparing simulation and mathematical models. But the main difference between authoring systems and general-purpose software tools is the presence of standard templates that implement various types of educational work, in particular, scenarios for computer training and control. Such systems do not require knowledge of programming languages ​​to prepare ERM, which allows ordinary teachers to work with them. Some of them have their own built-in language, which narrows the circle of potential users, although it provides EOR developers with more scope for implementing various didactic ideas.

  • Who will use ESM?
  • In which disciplines is the use of ESM planned?
  • Who will develop the ERM?
  • What characteristics of the authoring system are required?
  • How will the system be maintained?
  • How much will the acquisition and operation cost?

Who will use ESM? How old are the students? This is a very important factor that must be taken into account from the first stage of ESM development. Children of primary school age usually do not have sufficiently significant motivation to complete independent educational work. For them, the templates of scripts for educational work of the authoring system should contain game components using, for example, typical pedagogical agents - Teacher and Student, and also have an attractive graphic design. For high school students, university students, students of advanced training and retraining courses, the strict, academic style of ESM is more suitable.

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