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How to create the perfect app description for the App Store and Google Play. How best to write a description for the program

Computer programs are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Unified System for Program Documentation (ESPD). ESPD - a set of GOSTs that establish the rules for the design, content, structure of program documents.
This how-to contains excerpts from the ESPD. Complete information can be obtained directly from GOSTs.

Brief program design algorithm

Briefly, the program design algorithm and types of program documents are shown in the figure. The registration process is described in more detail below.

Registration of the program document

Program document - a document containing information necessary for the development, manufacture, maintenance and operation of programs.

Each individual program document is drawn up according to the requirements (common for all documents of the ESPD) GOST 19.101-77, GOST 19.103-77, GOST 19.104-78, GOST 19.105-78, GOST 19.106-78, GOST 19.604-78 (a more detailed description of these GOSTs follows below) and GOST for a specific policy document.

General requirements for program documents. GOST 19.105 - 78

Requirements for program documents made in printed form. GOST 19.106 - 78

GOST 19.106-78 establishes the rules for the execution of program documents for the printed method of execution.

It is important to note that this GOST does not apply to the program document "Program Text".

Policy Document Materials must be in the following order:

  • Title part:
    • approval sheet (not included in the total number of document sheets);
    • title page (the first page of the document);
  • Information part:
    • annotation;
    • content sheet;
  • Main part:
    • document text (with figures, tables, etc.);
    • applications;
    • list of terms, list of abbreviations, list of figures, list of tables, subject index, list of referenced documents;
    • logging part:
    • change registration sheet.

The annotation indicates the edition of the program, briefly outlines the purpose and content of the document. If the document consists of several parts, the annotation indicates the total number of parts. The content of the document is placed on a separate (numbered) page (pages) after the annotation, provided with the heading "CONTENT", not numbered as a section and included in the total number of pages of the document.

Text formatting:

  • The program document is performed on one side of the sheet, at two intervals; allowed after one or one and a half intervals.
  • The abstract is placed on a separate (numbered) page with the heading "SUMMARY" and is not numbered as a section.
  • Section headings are written in capital letters and placed symmetrically with respect to the right and left borders of the text.
  • Subheadings are written from the paragraph in lowercase letters (except for the first capital).
  • Word hyphenation in headings is not allowed. Do not put a dot at the end of the title.
  • The distance between the heading and the following text, as well as between the headings of the section and subsection should be equal to:
    • when executing a document in a typewritten way - two intervals.
  • For sections and subsections, the text of which is written on the same page as the text of the previous section, the distance between the last line of text and the following heading should be equal to:
    • when executing a document in a typewritten way - three typewritten intervals.
  • Sections, subsections, paragraphs and subparagraphs should be numbered in Arabic numerals with a dot.
  • Within the section there should be continuous numbering for all subsections, paragraphs and subparagraphs included in this section.
  • The numbering of subsections includes the section number and the serial number of the subsection included in this section, separated by a dot (2.1; 3.1, etc.).
  • If there are sections and subsections, the serial number of the paragraph and subparagraph (3.1.1,, etc.) is added to the subsection number after the dot.
  • The text of the document should be short, clear, excluding the possibility of misinterpretation.
  • Terms and definitions must be uniform and comply with established standards, and in their absence - generally accepted in the scientific and technical literature, and be given in the list of terms.
  • Necessary explanations to the text of the document can be made out by footnotes.
  • A footnote is indicated by a number with a bracket placed at the level of the top cut line of the font, for example: “printing device2) ...” or “paper5)”.
  • If the footnote refers to a single word, the footnote sign is placed directly next to this word, but if it refers to the sentence as a whole, then at the end of the sentence. The footnote text is placed at the end of the page and separated from the main text by a 3 cm long line drawn on the left side of the page.
  • Illustrations, if there are more than one in this document, are numbered with Arabic numerals within the entire document.
  • Formulas in the document, if there are more than one, are numbered with Arabic numerals, the number is placed on the right side of the page, in brackets at the level of the formula.
  • The meaning of the symbols and numerical coefficients included in the formula must be given directly below the formula. The value of each character is printed on a new line in the order in which they are given in the formula. The first line of the decryption must begin with the word "where", without a colon after it.
  • References to standards (except enterprise standards), technical specifications and other documents (for example, documents of State supervision bodies, rules and norms of the USSR Gosstroy) are allowed in program documents. When referring to standards and specifications, their designation is indicated.
  • You should refer to the document as a whole or to its sections (indicating the designation and name of the document, number and name of the section or appendix). For repeated references to a section or application, only the number is indicated.
  • Notes to the text and tables indicate only reference and explanatory data.
  • One note is not numbered. After the word "Note" put a period.
  • Several notes should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals with a dot. After the word "Note" put a colon.
  • Abbreviations of words in the text and captions under illustrations are not allowed.
  • Illustrated material, tables or text of an auxiliary nature may be drawn up in the form of applications.
  • Each application must begin on a new page with the word "APPENDIX" in the upper right corner and have a thematic heading, which is written symmetrically to the text in capital letters.

In GOST there is a sample sheet, which indicates the fields, places for pagination and cipher.

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Description of the program (GOST 19.402-78) must contain:

1 General information about the program - the full name, designation, its possible applications, as well as the software necessary for the operation of the program, and the programming languages ​​in which it is written. For example:

The program "Automated workplace of the ACS developer" is intended for… implemented on… The program supports…

The program is written in a language...using a compiler...

2 Functional purpose- the purpose of the program and a general description of the functioning of the program, its main characteristics, information about the restrictions imposed on the scope of the program. For example:

The program is designed to solve problems... The program is the core of the automated workplace...

The user has the ability to…, implement…, run…, analyze…, get the results of analysis and processing…, build…, etc.

3 Description of the logical structure- methods used, program algorithms, description of the structure and logic of the program (with reference to the program text in the source language) and its components, their functions and links between them, as well as the connection of the program with other programs. The content of this section should be specific and based on the text of the program.

Choice solution method involves determining the theoretical possibility of solving the problem and finding a formal rule for obtaining it. This stage is poorly formalized, which is associated with an extremely wide variety of tasks and methods for solving them.

The solution method can be presented:

- in the form of a system of formulas (unconditional or conditional);

- in the form of a verbal presentation of a sequence of actions;

in the form of their combinations.

The method description may contain restrictions on the initial data imposed by the method.

Diagrams of algorithms, programs, data and systems The instructions in this section must use the drill-down method. Moreover, the level of detail should be such that the various parts of the program and the relationships between them are understood as a whole. In other words, you first need to describe the generalized scheme of the algorithm, breaking the program into logical blocks, and then consider in detail the schemes of the algorithms for the operation of each of these blocks. Symbols and rules for the implementation of schemes are determined by GOST 19.701-90 (Appendix B).

The program includes the following modules:

- user interface;

– module for determining paths in a graph;

– module for calculating the transfer function;

– module for constructing amplitude and phase-frequency characteristics;

– module for constructing a response to a polynomial action;

- text editor.

The interface module is built on two types of dialogs: a "question-answer" dialog and a "menu" type dialog. The interface module manages...

Definition modulepaths in the graph is based on using the method… It is…

Calculation moduletransfer function implements a method…etc.

Algorithmthe definition of paths in the graph has the form: ...

4 Used technical means- types of computers and devices used in the program. For example:

The program is operated on a personal computer (PC) such as IBM PC/AT. To work in the interactive mode, the display screen, keyboard and mouse are used. An adapter is required to support graphics modeS VGA. Input data is stored on floppy and/or hard disks. The program runs on OS...

– method of calling the program from the corresponding storage medium and entry points to the program, as well as the name of the load module, information about the use of RAM, the size of the program and a description of the entire procedure for calling and loading the system. For example:

6 Input data- the nature, organization and preliminary preparation of the input data, their format, description and coding method.

The description of the input data structure includes an indication of data types, ranges of their values, presentation formats, etc.

In the same section, an enumeration of anomalies in the input data (values ​​for which the implemented solution method cannot be applied) and the program's reactions to them should be given.

The input data for the program is a text file that describes the extended incidence matrix of the graph of the system under study. This file has the following structure...

The method used to determine... cannot be used when..., so these values ​​are invalid, and the program responds to them with a message...

7 Output- the nature and organization of the output data, their format, description and coding method.

The description of the output data structure includes an indication of data types, ranges of their values, presentation formats, etc.

The output is:

– graphical and textual information displayed on the screen (results of system analysis);

- files in one of the graphic formats - copies of the image of the constructed characteristics (frequency response, phase response, etc.);

– text files – research reports in the format… ;

– diagnosing the state of the system and reporting any errors that have occurred.

Depending on the features of the program, the introduction of additional sections is allowed.


Below is an example of a description of the "Text Editor" program, compiled by one of the trainees. The example lists the outer functional specification first and then the inner specification.

The "Text Editor" program is designed to create new and correct existing MS DOS text files in the interactive (user-computer) mode of operation. The computer forms a screen with a window in which a section of text from a text file is displayed (the screen layout corresponds to the internal editor of the Norton Commander program). The user is provided with the ability to insert into the text in the screen window any keyboard character after the character marked on the screen by the cursor. The exception is a number of characters that are signs of control commands or unused characters (a list of characters is given). After the user submits the write command, all text changes made by the user are written to the file.

The basic principle of the text editor is to transfer lines of text from the necessary sections of the file, first into a buffer memory array 65535 bytes (characters) long, with further copying of the necessary lines from the buffer array to the screen window.

The program is launched by a command specifying the name of the file being edited. Further, until the correct file name is specified, the algorithm "Requesting the user to enter or correct the file name" can be repeatedly executed.

Then the initial values ​​of the structured variable "Coordinate system" are set, which contains the following fields: "Position of the cursor relative to the file"; "Position of the cursor relative to the editor's buffer window"; "Position of the buffer window of the editor relative to the file."

After that, the buffer array of the string variable editor is cleared from 5 * 23 = 115 lines with a length of 225 characters.

Further, with the "First line of the file" parameter, the algorithm "Load lines of the file starting from the specified line into the buffer array of the editor" is performed. Then, before the user submits one of the commands to complete editing with saving information (or without saving), the main loop of the program is executed. Finally, if a completion command with saving information was given, then the information from the buffer array is written to the file. The execution of the program ends with clearing the screen.

The control of the name of the edited file is as follows. If a file with the specified name does not exist on disk, a warning message is displayed to create a new "empty" file. If the user did not specify the name of the file being edited or refused to work with the created "empty" file, then the program crashes with an explanation of the termination reason.

Inside the main loop of the program, a series of three consecutive actions is performed. "Display algorithm" displays 23 lines of text from the buffer array on the screen, starting from the given line. Next, the display cursor is set to the specified screen position. The code of the pressed key is entered. If the code of the pressed key corresponds to the control key, then one of the alternative actions is performed to execute the command that corresponds to this key. Otherwise, the character is inserted into the text.

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5.1.6. Example Program The program in Listing 5.1 illustrates the memory sharing technique. Listing 5.1. (shm.c) Memory Sharing Example#include #include #include int main() ( int segment_id; char* shared_memory; struct shmid_ds shmbuffer; int segment_size; const

Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated December 18, 1978 No. 3350 established the deadline for introduction

from 01.01. 1980

1. This standard establishes the composition and requirements for the content of the program document "Program Description", defined by GOST 19.101-77.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 2092-80.

2. The structure and design of the document is established in accordance with GOST 19.105-78.

Compilation of the informational part (abstract and content) is mandatory.

3. The description of the program should contain the following sections:

  • general information;
  • functional purpose;
  • description of the logical structure;
  • used technical means;
  • input data;
  • output.

Depending on the features of the program, it is allowed to introduce additional sections or combine individual sections.

4. In the "General Information" section, the following must be indicated:

  • designation and name of the program;
  • software required for the operation of the program;
  • programming languages ​​in which the program is written.

5. In the "Functional purpose" section, the classes of tasks to be solved and (or) the purpose of the program and information about the functional restrictions on the use should be indicated.

6. In the section "Description of the logical structure" should be indicated:

  • program algorithm;
  • methods used;
  • the structure of the program with a description of the functions of the constituent parts and the relationship between them;
  • links between the program and other programs.

The description of the logical structure of the program is carried out taking into account the text of the program in the source language.

3-6.(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

7. In the "Technical means used" section, the types of electronic computers and devices that are used when the program is running must be indicated.

  • method of calling the program from the corresponding data carrier;
  • entry points to the program.

It is allowed to specify download addresses, information about the use of RAM, the size of the program.

9. In the "Input data" section, the following must be indicated:

  • nature, organization and preliminary preparation of input data;
  • format, description and encoding of input data.

10. In the "Imprint" section, the following must be indicated:

  • the nature and organization of the output;
  • format, description, and encoding of the output.

11. It is allowed to illustrate the content of sections with explanatory examples, tables, diagrams, graphs.

12. In the appendix to the description of the program it is allowed to include various materials that are inappropriate to be included in the sections of the description.

7-12.(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

* Reissue (November 1987) with Amendment No. 1 approved September 1981 (IUS 11-81)

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