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How to hide your page in VKontakte. For what data and materials can privacy settings be configured


First of all, go to the site. If you are logged out of your account, you will be able to view the pages after authorization on the site. Viewing any page for an unregistered user is impossible, and attempts to open any section of the site return you to the registration and authorization page.

If you can't see the user's information, you need to add him as a friend. Any person on the site can have a private photo album. You will not be able to view it in any way, unless at a personal request.

There are also many interest groups on VKontakte. Public groups allow you to view content without any restrictions. However, there are closed groups, and in order to be able to use their content, you need to join the group or apply for membership (it will be considered by the group moderators).

Group statistics pages are usually closed for outside viewing. Access to them is configured by the creator. Sometimes grants access to administrators. If you are appointed as such, you will be able to view the statistics.

If the user has disabled commenting on a photo or video, you will only be able to view the resource itself without the ability to leave comments. You can add a new file to your account and remove restrictions, then other users can comment. Similarly, there is work with information located in groups.

Sometimes the forums offer programs or scripts for viewing closed VKontakte pages. Their use is not recommended because they can be potentially dangerous. The site administration cares about data privacy and does not offer this kind of service.

The site "" has its own rules. You can protect your page from prying eyes by allowing only your friends to access it. Accordingly, you will also not be able to view the pages of other users who are not your friends. However, in this case, not all is lost.


Launch the browser and open the site Go to your personal page by entering your username and password. Be careful when entering data: if you enter the combination incorrectly several times in a row, the system may take it as a hack. Go to the page of the person you want to view.

Find out the ID (unique number) of this user. To do this, carefully examine the link to the page. It must end with a number after the equals symbol. This combination of numbers will be needed for further actions.

You can also try to view hidden photo albums using the link, and videos - Don't forget to add a unique user number at the end of the line.

Try to view using More than half of the users of this social network come here through it. For example, to view private photos, use the link Replace the word user with the user's nickname or ID. After photo, specify the number of the photo. Often it is determined automatically.

Hello. In this article, I will show you how to close a profile (page) on VKontakte in a new design, on a computer, and also using an Android phone, new detailed instructions for 2018.

In my opinion, this is very convenient, since each person will be able to restrict access to other users, based on their own interests. In order to set up privacy in VK, you must do the following.

How to close a page in VK from outsiders in a new design

How to close a page on VKontakte on a computer

1. Open your VKontakte page in any browser installed on your computer.

3. On the right side of the settings page, select the "Privacy" section.

4. In the privacy section, many items are open to everyone, we configure them at our discretion.

How to close a profile in VK from the phone in the application

1. Launch the VKontakte application on your phone or tablet.

2. Open the menu by clicking on the icon in the lower right corner.

3. Go to the settings by clicking on the "Gear" icon located in the upper right corner.

4. In the settings, select the privacy section.

5. Close the profile.

How to close a page in VK from a phone in the mobile version

1. Open VKontakte in any browser installed on the phone.

2. We go to the menu by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner.

The new design of the Vkontakte website moved the page settings familiar to users from the main menu to another place. At the same time, the possibilities for changing privacy remained the same: users can still hide sections and comments, block their page from being viewed by external users who do not have registration on the site, and decide who can comment on their posts. Let's take a closer look at how to close a page in VK from strangers.

The settings in the new design are in the upper right corner of the page, next to the user's small photo and name. To open them, you need to click on this circle - a pop-up menu will appear where you should select "Settings".

There you can edit the general appearance of the page, hide the sections that are displayed, change the data, enable or disable notifications about comments and "likes", configure which sections are visible to other users and friends, and optionally hide what you do not want others to see.

In the mobile version of the site, the settings section is located at the bottom of the main menu of the page: under the tabs "News", "Photos", "Applications", etc.

How to close the page from external users

To hide the page from external users, you need to go to the "Settings" section, select the "Privacy" tab, scroll down the page and find the "Who can see my page on the Internet" column. There you can choose from three options:

  • absolutely everyone, including search engines (this means that if someone enters a search query in a browser, he may come across your page among the results found, and the person will calmly follow this link);
  • everyone except search engines (this means that if you leave a link to your page somewhere, anyone can follow it and see your profile, but your page will no longer appear when searching the Internet);
  • only to those who have their own Vkontakte page (if a person does not have his own page or is not currently authorized, then he will not be able to see your profile).

From this list, you need to select the item that you need. Usually the default is "page is visible to everyone", but it is recommended to specify "only users of the site".

In early versions of the site, it was possible to completely hide your page from those who are not on your friends list: outsiders only saw the photo and username, and the rest of the information was hidden. For access, it was necessary to apply for adding as a friend and wait until it was approved.

In the latest versions of the site, it is impossible to close the page as it was before. The new design also did not bring this option back. The only way to close the page is to add users to the blacklist. If a person does not want someone specific to visit him, then this will help, but blocking absolutely everyone will not work.

Another option is to close all sections from those who are not on the friends list, including personal data, but at the same time the profile photo and posts on the wall will be visible to everyone. You can do this in the settings in the “Privacy” tab in the first section “My Page”, as well as in the next “Wall posts”. You can only hide photo albums and videos manually.

How to hide sections with music, videos and photos in the new design

In the new design, only audio recordings can be hidden from strangers at once, and photo albums (except for profile photos) and videos can only be removed manually. For audio recordings, go to the page settings and go to the "Privacy" tab. There will be a separate column “Who can see the list of my audio recordings”, in which you need to select the one you need from the proposed options.

  • go to the "My photos" section;
  • select the desired album;
  • move the cursor over it;
  • in the buttons that appear, select the pen icon, i.e. the editing mode;
  • click on "who can see the album" and select the one you want;
  • don't forget to save the settings.

With videos, they do the same, but you will have to edit each video separately. You can hide Videos of Me and Photos of Me in your profile settings.

The only thing that definitely cannot be hidden on the Vkontakte website from strangers is profile photos (“avatars”) and posts on the wall. The page owner can only restrict outsiders from commenting on posts, which is done in the page settings in the "Privacy" section. There is another way out, but it will only affect future entries.

There is a padlock icon in the publish post window. If you click it before posting, the post will only be visible to users on your friends list. But this does not work with reposts from other people's pages, and old posts will still be visible to everyone if they are not deleted.

So, the new design of the Vkontakte website has moved the page settings section to the upper right corner. By selecting "Settings" and then the "Privacy" tab, you can restrict access to your page and certain sections. But some manipulations will have to be done manually later: for example, this way you can hide photos and videos.

To check how the page looks for different user groups or different people from the list of friends, you can on the same “Privacy” page: if you scroll it to the end, then at the very bottom there will be a link by clicking on which the user will switch to view mode. By selecting different people, he can see what parents, close friends, or users that the person does not know and who are not on the friends list will see on the page.

Information on how to close a page in VK from outsiders will be useful to each user. A wall on a social network, photos and video files give a lot of information about you to an outside observer. Hiding personal facts is a security requirement. For example, why would a stranger need to know that you bought a new phone, vacationed in Turkey, moved to a new apartment? It will not be superfluous to hide the phone number and address of residence.

VKontakte provides quite a lot of opportunities to restrict access to personal data so that the user can protect himself as much as possible from intruders and scammers.

The menu is located on the left side of the page. In it, find the item "My settings". To close your page from other users, you need to go there and select the "Privacy" tab. You will see a complete list of privacy settings.

List items are assigned an access level. You yourself choose what information to hide from everyone, what information to leave for viewing by friends. Two handy features work:

  • Some friends - make a list of friends you trust that you post on a social network.
  • Everyone except - on the contrary, a list of people who under no circumstances received access to the data.

At the very end of the page there is an important point that needs attention. It allows you to set who on the Internet will see the page. There are three options to choose from:

If you leave access only to VKontakte users, then your page will not be able to be found using Google or Yandex services.

Now you know how to close access to a page in a contact for outsiders. But there are a few more nuances.

How to make a page in contact closed for strangers and other users?

Hiding information in the "Privacy" tab, you still leave part of it available to guests of the page.

In Vkontakte, it is impossible to completely close the profile. Remains visible:

  • Avatar;
  • date of birth;
  • Language;
  • The country;
  • Posts on the wall;
  • Photos from default albums.

How to make sure that no one knows anything about you?

Put a fake photo on your avatar, delete the given data and photos, carefully monitor what posts you leave on the wall, create a good impression about yourself or turn into an unremarkable person. But if you think carefully, sticking to this level of privacy, you will soon stop using the social network altogether. After all, everything is good in moderation!

With the knowledge of how to close a VK page from outsiders, you can ensure a comfortable existence on a social network on your own terms. But you should not get too carried away, closing photos, music, films from friends. The main purpose of the social network is communication and new acquaintances. Communicate with pleasure!

Many are now asking the question of how to close a page in "Contact"? I want to disappoint you - no way. Since February 11, the developers of this social network have opened for all registered users access to the statuses and pages of all participants in the system. It is now impossible to hide your page in the "Contact". This was officially announced by the web developer of this portal Babich Vasily.

Each user who has an account on this social network can now easily view the personal information of other participants. This includes photos, statuses, videos, audio tracks, wall posts, notes, gifts, and the entire list of friends. This applies to all data that users made public during registration, while limiting the ability to navigate to their page as a whole. These innovations made it impossible for the owners of profiles to completely close the page in the "Contact".

This information was also fully confirmed by Vladislav Tsyplukhin, head of the press service of the social network, to representatives of RIA Novosti. When asked how to close the page in "Contact", he said that it was really impossible, and such an innovation was taking place. And it's not a system error. The decision was made consciously by the management of the portal. He made no further comments.

As for the founder of the VKontakte resource, Pavel Durov warned all users a week before in his blog. He announced the upcoming changes in privacy settings. According to him, such a solution can make the social network much clearer and more consistent. And so that the user does not look for how to close the page in "Contact", but communicates with friends.

The open registration of new participants has also been cancelled. Now you can register only on the basis of an invitation from a limited circle of VKontakte participants. So to everyone who asks about how to close a page in "Contact", I answer - it's impossible.

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