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How to copy wasps to another disk. Transferring Windows to another empty hard disk using AOMEI Partition Assistant

After buying a larger disk or solid-state drive, most of the users reinstall the system, all the drivers, and again download all the programs necessary for the work.

This can be avoided. With a little preparation, it is possible to clone an old disk and transfer information to a new one. How to do this will be described in the article.

Using Acronis True Image HD Edition

A good program from a well-known developer will help if the required drive is Western Digital. Since this brand has a good range of models, good working capacity and not very high prices, it has become widespread. If the user has one of the disks produced by this company, then the utility will do just fine.

The program should be downloaded only from official site... After installation, you will need to run it and, in the main window, select the item "".

Further it will be necessary select mode... The automatic option is suitable for almost all purposes. This will copy all information from the specified disk to the second disk. The target drive will be completely cleared before the beginning. After the end of the process, the second disk will become bootable and you can start the system from it. That is, the disk, which was previously the main one, can be removed and only work with the second one.

Seagate DiscWizard App

In fact, this program for cloning disks is itself a copy of the previous program. Almost everything is identical here: interface, capabilities and procedure. Perhaps, the main difference is that the utility requires at least one Seagate drive.

Samsung Data Migration Program

This utility was specially created by the developer to transfer data from the main drive to a solid-state drive of the corresponding brand. Therefore, if the user needs exactly this, the utility will come in handy.

Possesses simple interface and an algorithm of actions similar to the previous options presented in this article. But it is capable not only of completely transferring information, but also can provide its selective transfer. This is very useful because SSDs are usually smaller than hard drives. This feature solves the copy problem and will allow you to transfer only the OS with all the necessary programs, and leave the rest.

Migrate with Assistant Standard Edition

A utility suitable for moving the system. Unfortunately, can be used on Windows version seven and those released after it. Moreover, copying should be carried out from the MBR partition. The computer must have a BIOS or UEFI with Legacy mode.

After starting the program, in the menu on the left you will need to select the specified item... After that, the utility will prompt you to select the media to copy to. After that, you can configure partitions on the new media.

After completing all the settings in the main menu, you will need to press the "apply" button.

And in the next window, the "Go" button, after which it remains to wait for the end of the process.

Using Minitool Partition Wizard Bootable

In this case, you need upload image from the official site, and then write it to a flash drive, making it bootable. After that, it will be possible to boot from it and transfer the system without any restrictions.

In the first paragraph, you need to click " Migrate OS to SSD / HDD". After that, a wizard will start, in which you must first select from which drive the copy will be carried out, and then select to which one.

In fact, the rest of the settings can be left as standard... All that remains is to reach the end of the wizard and wait for the end of copying.

Macrium Reflect

Able to clone disks or partitions. It also has the ability to create partitions to restore the OS in case of failure. Wherein completely free and works with devices from any manufacturer.

After installation, it remains only to click " Clone this disk”, And then select the starting and ending media. After that, the utility will carry out the transfer.

Good afternoon.

When buying a new hard disk or SSD (solid state drive), the question always arises of what to do: either install it on the Windows disk "from scratch", or transfer the already working Windows OS to it by making a copy (clone) of it from the old hard drive.

In this article, I want to consider a quick and easy way to transfer Windows (relevant for Windows: 7, 8 and 10) from an old laptop disk to a new SSD (in my example, I will transfer the system from HDD to SSD, but the principle of transfer will be the same and for HDD -> HDD). And so, let's begin to understand in order.

1. What you need to transfer Windows (preparation)

1) AOMEI Backupper Standard program.

Why exactly she? First, it's free to use. Secondly, it has all the necessary functions to transfer Windows from one disk to another. Thirdly, it works very quickly and, by the way, very well (I don’t remember having encountered any errors and failures during work).

The only drawback is the English interface. But nevertheless, even for those who do not speak English well, everything will be quite intuitive.

2) USB flash drive or CD / DVD disc.

A flash drive will be needed to write a copy of the program to it so that you can boot from it after replacing the disk with a new one. Because in this case, the new disk will be clean, and the old one will no longer be in the system - there is nothing to boot from ...

By the way, if you have a large flash drive (32-64 GB, then perhaps a copy of Windows can also be written on it). In this case, you will not need an external hard drive.

3) External hard drive.

It will be needed to write a copy of the Windows system to it. In principle, it can also be bootable (instead of a USB flash drive), but the truth is, in this case, you will first need to format it, make it bootable, and then write a copy of Windows to it. In most cases, the external hard drive is already filled with data, which means that formatting it is problematic (since external hard drives are large enough, and transferring 1-2 TB of information somewhere is time consuming!).

2. Creating a bootable USB flash drive / disk

After installation (installation, by the way, is standard, without any "troubles") and launching the program, open the Utilites section (system utilities). Next, open the "Create Bootable Media" section (create bootable media, see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Creating a bootable USB flash drive

Rice. 3. Choosing between Linux and Windows PE

Actually, the last step is choosing the type of media. Here you need to specify either a CD / DVD drive or a USB flash drive (or external drive).

Please note that in the process of creating such a flash drive, all information on it will be deleted!

Rice. 4. Choosing a boot device

3. Creating a copy (clone) of Windows with all programs and settings

The first step is to open the Backup section. Then you need to select the System Backup function (see Fig. 5).

In Step2 - specify the disk to which the copy of the system will be copied. Here, it is best to specify a USB flash drive or external hard drive (see Fig. 6).

After the entered settings, click the Start button - Start Backup.

Rice. 6. Selecting disks: what to copy and where to copy

The system copying process depends on several parameters: the amount of data being copied; the speed of the USB port to which the flash drive or external hard drive is connected, etc.

For example: my system drive "C: \", 30 GB in size, was completely copied to a portable hard drive in ~ 30 minutes. (by the way, in the process of copying, your copy will be somewhat compressed).

4. Replacing the old HDD with a new one (for example, an SSD)

The very process of removing an old hard drive and connecting a new one is not a complicated and rather quick procedure. Sit with a screwdriver for 5-10 minutes (this applies to both laptops and PCs). Below I will consider replacing a disk in a laptop.

In general, it all boils down to the following:

  1. Turn off your laptop first. Disconnect all wires: power supply, USB mouse, headphones, etc. Also disconnect the battery;
  2. Next, open the cover and unscrew the screws securing the hard drive;
  3. Then you install a new disk, instead of the old one, and secure it with screws;
  4. Next, you need to install the protective cover, connect the battery and turn on the laptop (see Fig. 7).

Learn more about how to install an SSD drive in a laptop:

Rice. 7. Replacing the disk in the laptop (the back cover has been removed to protect the hard disk and the device's RAM)

5. BIOS setup for booting from a USB flash drive

Supporting article:

Enter BIOS (+ enter keys) -

After installing the disk, when you turn on the laptop for the first time, I recommend that you immediately go into the BIOS settings and see if the disk is detected (see Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Have you identified a new SSD drive?

Further, in the BOOT section, you need to change the boot priority: put USB drives in the first place (as in Fig. 9 and 10). By the way, please note that different laptop models have identical settings for this section!

Rice. 9. Dell laptop. Search for boot records first on USB drives, secondly - search on hard drives.

Rice. 10. ACER Aspire laptop. BOOT section in BIOS: boot from USB.

After setting all the settings in BIOS, exit it with saving the parameters - EXIT AND SAVE (most often the F10 key).

6. Transferring a copy of Windows to an SSD disk (recovery)

Actually, if you booted from the bootable media created in the AOMEI Backupper standart program, you will see a window as in Fig. eleven.

You need to select the restore section, and then specify the path to the Windows backup (which we created in advance in section 3 of this article). To search for a copy of the system, there is a Path button (see Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Specifying the location of the copy of Windows

In the next step, the program will ask you if you really want to restore the systems from this backup. We just agree.

Rice. 12. Recovering the system exactly ?!

Rice. 13. Selecting a copy (relevant if 2-3 or more)

In the next step (see Figure 14), you need to specify the disk to which you want to deploy your copy of Windows (note that the disk size must be no less than the copy with Windows!).

Rice. 14. Selecting a disk for recovery

The last step is to check and confirm the entered data.

Rice. 15. Confirmation of entered data

Rice. 16. The process of transferring Windows to a new SSD drive.

After the transfer, the laptop will be rebooted - I recommend that you immediately go into the BIOS and change the boot queue (put the boot from the hard disk / SSD disk).

Rice. 17. Restoring BIOS settings

Actually, this is the end of the article. After transferring the "old" Windows system from HDD to a new SSD drive, by the way, it is necessary to correctly configure Windows (but this is a separate topic).

Happy transfer 🙂

Imagine a situation: you are changing the motherboard or transferring the hard drive with the installed system to a new computer. And of course, the system does not start on new hardware. What are many doing in this situation? Reinstall the system. However, there is another way: to pre-prepare the system for migration using the sysprep utility.

Starting with Windows Vista, sysprep is included with the operating system.

Sysprep cleans up all unique information about the installed system. This includes clearing information about installed drivers. This does not affect the user's programs and settings.

Yes, I want to warn you right away - among other things, the activation information is also cleared. After the transfer, you will have to activate the system again. Particular attention to those who had Windows preinstalled with a computer (OEM version), after transferring to new hardware, it will not be possible to activate the system automatically via the Internet, only by phone. And then they can refuse, tk. an OEM license is tied to the hardware of the computer sold to you.

So, let's run sysprep on the system we are going to port. It must be done BEFORE TRANSFER... You must only use the version of sysprep that was installed with Windows.

In the command line, open as administrator, run:

% windir% \ system32 \ sysprep \ sysprep

In the window that opens, make the following settings:

  • in the "Actions to clean up the system" select the option "Go to the system welcome window (OOBE)" and mark the option "Prepare for use";
  • in the "Shutdown Options" select "Shutdown". You can select "Reboot" if you want to immediately take an image of the already prepared system disk by booting from DVD or USB. The main thing is not to allow booting from the prepared system disk, otherwise the whole process will have to start over.

After clicking OK, the process of cleaning the system starts, after which the computer turns off. Now you can transfer the hard drive to a new system, change the motherboard, etc.

At the beginning of the download, you will see the inscription "Preparing the system for use", then "Installing devices":

The system may reboot and continue with the installation - this is normal.

In the end, you should see the regional settings window (the appearance of this window already indicates that the transfer was successful):

Enter the name of the new user. In order not to confuse the settings of existing users, enter a name that has not been used previously (for example, Test). This user can then be deleted.

Next, we perform the standard settings for the date and time, automatic updates, etc. As a result, you will be taken to the desktop of the Test user. Now you can log out and log in with your regular account. The final touch is driver updates.

That's all. The transfer is quite simple and fast.

How widely can the parameters of the equipment be changed?

Microsoft advises using this technology only for computers with similar configurations (seemingly). Those. this method may not always work. For example, it is completely incomprehensible what will happen if the image is made on a system from Intel and transferred to AMD and vice versa (who will try, please unsubscribe). On the other hand, I created an image on a virtual machine (Virtaul PC 2007) and successfully transferred it to computers with a wide variety of configurations. True, it was all from Intel to Intel.

Installing and configuring an operating system is an order of magnitude more difficult and time-consuming than creating an image and transferring it to another computer. If you need to transfer the OS along with all the programs (the reason may be, for example, buying a new device), do not panic - this is done quite simply. Read the recommendations below carefully and choose the best way to "relocate" Windows. All the files and utilities you need will be in place, you will no longer waste a lot of time and nerves reinstalling the OS. Installing an SSD drive will not be difficult either.

System image. Transferring Windows 7 without installing utilities

Perhaps the easiest and fastest option. The system has a tool for creating a backup copy - go to the Start menu, select "All Programs", then "Maintenance" and "Backup and Restore". Next, you need to create an OS recovery disk and create an image. We carry out the following actions:

  1. To create an image, you need to specify the path where the archive of all data will be created: select a disk, optical or external HDD. By the way, you can create an image and store it online, but more on that later. Choose a drive with sufficient space for this process, it is better if it is still a logical or external drive. We archive.
  1. After the end of the process, we load another device, insert our media with a copy and boot the system.
  2. Click on "OS Recovery", indicate the media with the image.

  1. The action is completed, we reboot the device.

Note! In order for the system to boot, it is necessary to set in the BIOS settings to boot from the hard disk.

Basically, the method is pretty simple and doesn't require any utilities to be installed. However, the archive is not created so quickly and there is no way to compress it. There are more efficient programs.

We create a clone of the OS. Paragon drive copy

The next method for transferring Windows is through a backup application or using virtualization. You will be able to start the operating system without installing.

To clone an old PC disk, you need to download and install the application. This program will easily help you migrate the operating system from one device to another. The utility is quite functional, it has many options for creating an image and storing data.

So, in order to transfer the OS using this utility, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Click "Archiving a disk or partition".
  2. We mark the disk for cloning.
  3. We put the checkbox on "Change archiving parameters".
  4. Next, select the "No compression" option.
  5. In the settings, the possibility of direct access to the sectors of the partition should be marked.

We archive the data. Create a new section

Now that we have created the image, we transfer it to the new device. It often happens that the computer has an outdated operating system (for example, Windows XP), but the user wants to install a modern operating system there. In this case, you need to make a new partition in the existing system and select it in the system bootloaders.

What needs to be done for this?

  1. We put the application on a new device.
  2. In additional archiving options, the program will present disk partitions. If the required space is available (the size of the partition being created should not be less than the archive with Windows XP), create a new partition.
  3. After the end of the partition creation process, click on it with the mouse in the "Backup & Recovery" utility, and restore the logical disk. Following the instructions of the application, we complete the settings and copy the copy to the new operating system.

Windows image in a virtual environment. Live SkyDrive app

If you have a good network connection speed, you can store a backup copy of the operating system in virtual storage. The advantage of this method is that you not only migrate the system from one device to another, but also easily recover any data in case of failure. In addition, if you own a laptop, this method will restore all files if the device is lost. If your laptop is stolen, you will not lose important documents and programs, and you can restore everything to another device. However, be sure to keep the security in mind when placing the image in virtual storage.

The first thing to pay attention to is the availability of free space. If you want to place a small disk, you can use a free resource - Windows Live SkyDrive. The amount of information can be up to 25 GB.

The tool allows you to create 3 types of folders that are stored on the network:

Folders that are only accessible to the creator,

Folders for which the creator can compose a list of persons to access,

Open folders available to everyone.

This utility opens up the following possibilities:

  • The ability to store data up to 25 GB. Access can be done from any device, even from a mobile phone. A simple interface makes it easy to upload information to the server.
  • File storage is free. Today, many of these services allow you to store files online for free, but some may require additional fees.
  • The ability to create a folder of your own structure and store any files. You can create direct links to folders.

How to securely encrypt information?

Some services provide the ability to encrypt data online. Still, it's better to be extra careful and perform this action on your computer, excluding the possibility of infecting files.

To encrypt information, follow these steps:

  1. Install the TrueCrypt utility.
  2. Click Create Volume.
  3. Make the choice of the encryption power, it is advisable not to encrypt too strongly, otherwise the download and upload speed may change. The best option is medium power.
  4. Move data to a ready-made container, mount and enter a password. Perform encryption following the prompts of the utility.

We transfer the operating system to a new device (OS are the same)

The most typical option when you need to transfer the OS to another device with a similar system. In this case, the migration is quickly carried out by creating a backup protocol using the Ocster Backup utility.

"My Documents" and other standard folders do not differ in Windows versions, this simplifies the task - you just need to indicate the required copy in the program and complete the installation following the prompts.

Note! The function "Use default access permissions" must be activated, otherwise the new operating system will not receive permissions to access files.

We transfer the operating system to a new device (Windows OS are different)

The free Windows Easy Transfer program allows you to transfer the system and all settings to a different version of Windows. Do not forget about the features of certain systems. For example, profile information is saved in different folders.

The program has a fairly simple interface and functionality. There are also several limitations: the utility will not allow migration if the localization of the system on devices is different, it may be difficult to port the OS if one of them is 64-bit, and the other is 32x.

The seven already have this utility, so you can easily and easily carry out the transfer using the wizard's tips.

Transferring OS to SSD

How to transfer Windows from IDE or SATA to SSD?

Information on hard drives is usually stored in tracks that are divided into sectors. SSD is distinguished by the absence of such a breakdown. When you install a 7 on a drive, it independently determines the characteristics of the drive's memory. However, when importing a copy of an old device, the disk will slow down the work speed by half, the reason for this is the safety of the copy according to the same partitioning sectors.

Utility for transferring OS to SSD

There are quite a few programs, consider one of the most popular and functional. This is Drive Copy 11 Professional by Paragon. This utility allows you to transfer the image to disk. What is the advantage of this program?

Solid-state disks perform their functions perfectly, they work almost silently, but the price for larger volumes is quite significant, and smaller disks often do not fit all the necessary information. So the main point of the utility's functioning is the exclusion of all unnecessary things. Thus, you can not spend a lot of money on a larger disk, but simply exclude the program that is completely unnecessary.

Problems when using a 3TB disk

When buying a disk with a capacity of more than 2.2 TB, many often face a problem: the operating system does not want to use the entire disk volume in full - it simply does not see it. The reason is simple - the standard MBR markup does not allow this. However, there is a way out of the situation and it is simple - again to use the already known utility Drive Copy 11 Professional, it will provide an opportunity to read the entire free volume of the hard disk.

Thus, it is quite easy to transfer the operating system. One has only to install the necessary utility and use the tips of this article.

Migrating your system to an SSD is an efficient way to organize your computer.


Note, the transfer methods may vary depending on the version of Windows and the settings for the flash drive you purchased.

What data can be transferred toSSD

Storing the operating system on an SSD allows not only to speed up its operation, but also increases the response of other programs and files that are stored on the disk.

The user can move the following types of data to a flash drive:

  • Operating system ... It is added to the SSD with all ready-made drivers and settings. In fact, a duplicate of it is created, which was previously stored on the HDD;
  • Programs - choose yourself which applications you want to add to, and which you want to leave on (HDD). We advise you to leave voluminous programs for video editing and software development / testing on your computer - this way they will work many times faster;
  • User files ... It can be any of your documents, photos, music, videos and other types of data.

Components to move

To add a Windows used to an SSD, the following objects are required:

If you only work with OS resources, you do not need to install a third-party utility to transfer.

Computer Requirements

Before performing any OS transfer steps, make sure that your device meets all the minimum requirements that allow the utility to interact with an SSD and transfer large amounts of data.

The minimum requirements are shown in the following table:

Parameter name: Minimum value:
OS · Windows XP (only 32x);

· Windows Vista (all bit sizes);

Windows 7 (all bit sizes);

Windows 8 \ 8.1 (all bit sizes);

Windows 10 (all bit sizes).

RAM At least 1GB
Types of discs that you transfer GPT or MBR
Copied sections Standard. Non-portable RAID arrays

You can compare the settings of your computer with the above specifications using the About System window.

It displays the correct data about the main hardware and software components of the device:

We use the built-in capabilities of Windows

Follow the instructions to transfer the operating system to the flash device:

  • Open the window "Disk Management"... To do this, in the run window, write the command diskmgmt.msc and confirm the action;

Figure 3 - Launching Disk Management

  • Now we need to reduce the amount of OS on the disk. You can perform the action using the "Shrink Volume" function. All data will remain in the same state, only the occupied space on the HDD will decrease. Right-click on the "System" section, and then on "Shrink Volume";

Fig. 4 - Shrinking the volume

  • After successfully reducing the OS size, a free partition will appear in the disk layout. This means that everything was done correctly;
  • Connect the drive to your computer and restart the window "Disk Management";
  • Now click on the "Master" tab and select "Transfer OS SSD" from the list;

Fig.5 - "Master" tab

  • The standard utility for. Click on the "Next" button to go to the settings;
  • Click on item "Unoccupied space" and go to the next window;

Fig. 6 - Selecting disk space

  • Now you can independently change the size of the future disk or leave all the parameters unchanged;

Fig. 7 - Resizing a disk partition

  • After clicking on the "Next" button, the wizard will start moving the system. After completing the action, you can turn off the computer and on the next boot select the OS that is on the SSD.

Windows will also remain on the hard disk. You can delete it or use it as a backup when you need to restore the system.

Fig. 8 - the result of a successful move of Windows

Do not forget to click on the "Apply" button in the upper left part of the window "Disk Management" otherwise, all changes made will not be saved.

If during the transfer there were windows with errors or freezes, you should reset the settings, restart the PC and try to transfer again.

Figure 9 - Applying Changes

Instructions forSSD fromSamsung

The company has released an official utility that allows you to quickly move the OS from your hard drive to a purchased flash drive.

The utility is called Samsung Data Migration. You can download it free of charge from the official website of the company (section "Memory" - "SSD") or using the disk that is included in the device package.

The initial window of the program looks like this:

Figure 10 - Samsung Data Migration Utility Window

Immediately after starting the utility, connect the SSD to the computer using the appropriate adapter. Click on the "Start" button.

Fig. 11 - Analysis of a disk with an installed copy of Windows

After analysis, the program will automatically detect the SSD connected to the computer and show it on the screen:

Fig. 12 - Reconciliation of the source and destination disk

If the space that Windows occupies on the HDD does not exceed the available space on the SSD, you can immediately proceed with the transfer by clicking on the "Start" button.

All components will automatically move. The procedure can take from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the version of Windows you are using.

Figure 13 - Successful System Migration

As a result, you will receive a success notification. Close the window and delete all Windows data from the HDD.

The advantage of using Samsung Data Migration is its simple interface. The program will do all the work for you and minimize the likelihood of errors or bugs after the OS transfer.

What if, during the analysis phase, you find that there is not enough space for the OS on the SSD? In this case, you need to clean Windows from unused data and applications.

This can be done directly in the Samsung Data Migration utility window.

Fig. 14 - Error. Insufficient space on SSD

After the error text appears (highlighted in red), click on the "Next" button and in a new window delete all library files that litter the system.

Clean the OS until the text appears in the main utility window Ready to Clone to SSD.

Fig. 15 - Successful cleaning of unnecessary files

Acronis True Image Utility

Acroins is the most popular utility for transferring OS to removable media. It recognizes all brands of SSD. The application is supported by all versions of Windows, so there will be no compatibility issues.

Remember, you can use the application only if your PC hardware has a disc from the manufacturer Acronis.

If the component is missing, the utility will not start, and the user will be notified about the impossibility of working with the program.

Fig. 16 - the main window of the Acroins application

To move the system, connect the removable media to the computer and in the program window, click on the tile "Cloning a disk"-"Copying Sections".

In the window that opens, select the automatic movement mode. It is suitable for all tasks and copies data quickly.

Fig. 17 - selection of clone mode

All sections will be copied to. All data that was on the SSD before cloning will be deleted.

The disk itself will become bootable and can only be used to run the operating systems installed on it.

Fig. 18 - copying process

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