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How to make a pinned post. How to fix important information on a VKontakte page

In a group, on a personal wall or in a community - it doesn't matter. Today we will try to figure out with you how this can be done and why.


So, before thinking about how to fix a VKontakte entry in a group, let's find out why this is needed. After all, there was no such function before, and users still continued to successfully use the social network.

The fact is that everything in the world is constantly evolving. Including social networks. So here the administration is trying to do everything for the convenience of its customers. After all, now the competition among the "social organizations" is quite large. So there are various functions that help users.

Attaching the record to the wall is very convenient. Especially for groups and communities. With the help of such a record, you can easily leave some important announcement among all other posts and not worry that it will go unnoticed. So let's see about being in a group or on your wall.


So, our today's task is performed quite quickly and simply. A few steps are enough - and you will achieve what you want. So let's get down to learning how to pin a post on the wall of the VKontakte community.

It all starts from the very beginning - preparation. To do this, you need to find the record you want to pin. Or you need to write a new post first. If you chose the second path, then you should think about what you want to publish. However, the entry may include surveys, photos, videos, and any other information that can be attached to the message.

Thus, when you have found or written a post, you can proceed to the next step to learn how to fix the VKontakte entry in the group, namely directly to the placement.

Posting an entry

First, let's see how the posts you found are posted. Open a post. After that, look in the lower left corner of the message: the time and date when the entry was published should be written there. You need to click on it.

You will see the entry that you planned to publish. Now find the inscription on the right side of the post. It's called "publish". After clicking on it, the post will be fixed. How to pin a post on the wall of a group (public page, community)? You need to have admin rights to host.

We publish fresh

And now let's discuss with you the question of how the posts that you just wrote are posted and fixed on the walls of the community. As mentioned earlier, you first need to create one or another record. After that, you will have to publish it. Without this fixation, there can be no. Therefore, keep in mind that after writing, you need to click on the appropriate button.

Now take a look at your post. It should look exactly the same as in the case of a post already published by someone. Click on the posting date. A familiar window will open. It's probably already clear what to do: just click on "Pin to community wall", and then safely close the window. The entry will be pinned.

In order to unpin it, you need to do the same steps as for fixing it. Now you know how to pin a VKontakte entry in a group or on your wall. Sometimes this is very helpful.

Glad to meet again, dear readers!

What will be new today? Since you are here, it means that you want to know how to fix a post on a wall or in a VK group. First, we will analyze what this function is, how it looks visually, and then how to use it from a computer and phone.

We will also clearly analyze how to unpin a post so that it fits into the feed in accordance with the chronological order.

So, let's begin.

What does pinning in VKontakte mean? The name itself illustrates the meaning. In fact, the function is transferred from life - remember the chip with stickers that are attached on top of everything you need.

In the social network, the mechanism works like this - the post you choose on your page or in the public will be the very first. No matter how many entries and reposts you make, the pinned post will not go down and drown in the feed.

Thus, the most important and relevant post will always be visible to your friends and followers.

This could be basic information about you, who you are and what you do; rules for participation in the competition, which is currently held by the public; important dates and schedules in a group of fellow students. Selling communities like to place their shares in this block.

You can find many uses for this function and change informational accents, but you can only highlight one thing.

What does a pinned post look like?

When used on your profile and in public, the display will be different.

In a group or public

If the mechanism of action is the same for both your own profile and for any public that you manage, then the location of the blocks will be visually different.

The difference is that in the community, the backtick will be displayed immediately after the block with the main information, as shown below.

As you can see, next to the name of the community there is a special mark in a muted font that this publication is pinned. In this way, you can select your own and other people's materials.

Below there will be blocks with products, if any, and discussions. And only then - a tape with all the other records.

On the page

Here we see that the bartack is just the very first post on the wall, just below the photo block. All other materials, regardless of the date, are located under it.

Step by step guide from computer

In order to raise some VKontakte material above everyone, you need to have it on your wall or on the wall in the community where you are an administrator or creator.

If you do not have sufficient rights, nothing will work.

You can attach both a post and a repost with your comment. If you do not know, I recommend that you read the article at the link.

In the upper right corner, on the same line as the title or name, there is an icon with three dots - a menu of available actions. Move the mouse and see what can be done.

Now we need to use the "Pin" button.

Ready! Now the selected material will be displayed above all others.

How to make a pin from your phone?

To use the mechanism through the official application from your phone, follow the same algorithm - you need to select the material, click on the ellipsis icon and follow the diagram. The application interface is as similar as possible to the interface that you see on a PC or laptop.

When using the mobile version of the VKontakte website, that is, logging in through any browser on your phone, and not through the application, you will need to enable the full version, and then proceed as described above.

How to unpin a post?

Either of these two methods is suitable for unpinning.

Method 1. You can unpin through the same functionality. That is, we work with the selected record - we hover over the icon with an ellipsis and select “Unpin”.

Method 2. Choose another post. If you do this, the previous bartack will be canceled automatically and will return to the tape in chronological order.


In this article, you learned how to make a pin for any of your posts. A very convenient feature not only for publics and groups, but also for your profile, which you should use more often.

The way we present ourselves on social media is much more important now than it was just a couple of years ago. The personal page is now really public, a kind of personal business card, which is taken into account by employers and partners.

Make the most of every mechanism on VK to create the right picture of yourself and what you do.

I say goodbye and wish you to always be on the wave of up-to-date information along with our blog.

It is difficult to find a person who is not registered in at least one social network. For our country, the most popular are Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. Moreover, if the first is popular with the older generation, then the second is used mainly by schoolchildren and students, as well as young people. It is about this social network that we will talk further.

Every year, on various sites designed for communication, and in particular VKontakte, more and more new features and functions appear. One of these is the fixed entry "VKontakte". Let's talk about what it is and how to create such an entry.

What is it and what is it eaten with?

First, let's find out what a pinned post is, exactly how it looks and how it differs from a regular post. Then we’ll talk about what it means to fix a VKontakte entry, and how exactly this can be done.

As you probably know, in the past, when posting on a user's wall, the most recently added information was displayed at the very top of the page. Everything you've ever added to your wall is displayed in chronological order.

Now there is a new feature: "Pin a record". This means that if you like a post, you can pin it on your wall. It will be at the very top of the page. At the same time, new posts that you publish will be placed under it. The chronology of the records is slightly disturbed.

The value of anchoring a record

So, usually those posts are fixed on the wall that characterize the state of a person, his attitude to something at a given moment in time. Some fix information that tells about important events in the user's life. That is why you should know how to fix a VKontakte entry.

In any case, if you liked the post, and you want people visiting your page to see it first of all, then you should pin this post on your wall. Next, we will tell you how to do this.

How to fix

Let's now go directly to the topic of our article and figure out how to fix the VKontakte entry. It's pretty easy to do this. To do this, you must first place it on your wall.

Click on the post itself to open it. Then we go down to the very bottom, where there are several function buttons with which you can delete and edit entries. We are looking for the “Pin” button among them and click on it. Close and in order to see the changes on your page. Now this post will be at the top of the page, and the mark “Pinned” will appear.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated - everything is done quite quickly and simply. It is worth noting here that only one post can be fixed on the wall.

How to unpin

So, we have already figured out how to fix a VKontakte entry. Let's now consider a situation where you need to unpin it or change it to another one. In this case, there are two options.

Option one. In order to unpin it, you need to open the post of your choice again. Go down to the very bottom and select the "Unpin" button. Close and refresh the page. Now this entry will be placed between the entry that was added before it and the one that was added after it. That is, all your posts on the wall will again be arranged in chronological order.

We use the second option if you need to replace one fixed entry with another. Add the post you need. Then we perform all the same actions that we do in order to fix the VKontakte entry. Refresh the page when finished. The old pinned entry is automatically replaced with the new one.

Now you know what it means to fix a VKontakte entry, and how exactly this can be done. As you can see, it is not difficult to pin or unpin a post on this social network. The main thing is to find exactly the post that you want to place in the most prominent place on your page.

Vkontakte is a very popular social network among Internet users. It is convenient to communicate, share your impressions, photos and videos with friends. And sometimes it is necessary to have a photo (video, text, audio) that is noticeable in comparison with the rest. The process of fixing a Vkontakte entry is quite simple and not long.

How to pin a post

Selecting Vkontakte content from a PC and from a phone is slightly different. You should also immediately consider how to attach content in a community or group.

On your wall

To fix an entry on a personal VK page, it is recommended to do the following:

After that, the text will be the first on the wall of the social network. All subsequent published notes will be shown immediately after the selected content.

You can also select the material as follows, which is slightly different from the above:

In a group or public

A person who wants to pin a post on a wall in a group or public Contact must have the necessary rights in the community. For example, to be an administrator or creator of a public. A simple subscriber does not have the ability to independently highlight and publish entries in the group if permissions are not granted. This feature is mainly used by community administrators to highlight relevant information that needs to be communicated to members.

So, to fix the entry in the VK group from above, do the following:

After that, the selected mark will be fixed at the top of the group page, replacing the previously written information about the public. You can also put the publication first by clicking on three dots, which are located in the upper right corner of each entry. On click, a menu will drop out from there, through which you can make a fixed entry in a similar way.

Pinning a post to a wall from your phone

You can select information on the VK wall from your phone in the same ways as from a computer. When you enter Contact from your phone browser, the actions are no different.

IN official app social network on the tab of the VK participant page, the wall is also displayed. Just click on the publication, it will open, and in the upper right corner will be available pin menu.

How to pin two posts

You cannot pin two posts on your wall or in a community at the same time. Only the last pinned entry will always be displayed.

How to unpin

Detachment of text (photo, video) material occurs in the same way as fixing. To do this, just follow the instructions:

After refreshing the page, the note will go down below, according to its publication date. You can also unpin a post by clicking three points that are in the corner of the post. With this action, a drop-down menu will appear through which you can delete or unpin the post.

Pinning someone else's post to your wall

Users do not always publish original texts, videos or photos on their own. In most cases, members of the Vkontakte network share content from the news feed. In order to pin someone else's news on the wall of a personal profile or group, you need to do the following:

After these steps, the publication of a public or another user will be fixed on the wall of the user's personal profile.

Why is it not fixed

As a rule, such a problem as the inability to pin a photo, video or text occurs with people who decide to attach a note in the community. With personal notes in your profile, this problem is not observed.

To pin a note in a community, you need have creator rights, moderators, editor or administrator. Only if you have such statuses in the public, you can fix both your own and the posts of other participants. An ordinary member of the community does not have such rights. If you want to put the first in the profile community information, then this can be done when reposting to the personal page of the Contact.

Attaching text, photo or video to the wall in the social network Vkontakte is quite simple. The interface is quite easy to understand and you can figure it out on your own.

Each user has his own profile entries or those that he shared on the page that you want to keep for a long time and, preferably, so that they are always in front of your eyes. Previously, the question of how to pin a post on the Vkontakte wall was problematic, since there was no such function.

For the first time, the option was tested on communities, as many users were interested in how to pin a post on a wall (Vkontakte) or in a group, especially if the post contains important information. Some time later, this opportunity was also made for the personal pages of users, as a result, adding only a couple of minor touches. To pin an entry, you need to find it, click on the date and select "Pin" there. On the first day after reposting or writing, it is available for editing. Read also how to make a link a word or an emoji in the following article.

The newfound feature quickly spread throughout the network and overgrown with a mass of questions from simple ones to those that did not even occur to developers due to high employment. Among them: how to pin a post, how to pin a link on the wall (Vkontakte), how to attach a file there, and ideas. It is also possible to add to an already pinned entry a lot of reposts. To do this, you need to go to our website by clicking on the link

Despite the apparent confusion, some users have found the solution on their own. For example, to the question of how to pin a link on the Vkontakte wall, the answer is: regardless of the content of the message, it can only be pinned if made on behalf of the page owner. That is, you cannot do this with other people's records.

How to add a video or photo to a Vkontakte wall entry

Often, entries on user pages consist of both texts and pictures, music tracks. Often this is all combined and commented on. In groups, an entry on the wall (Vkontakte) is posted on behalf of or with the permission of the moderator, as well as by the user if the wall is open.

In order to add a file to the Vkontakte wall entry, you should click on the text field and click the paperclip icon at the bottom right. A window will appear listing the types of files to be added. We click on the required one and in the window that opens, select an existing one or download from a PC through the “Download” button. You can add up to 10 points to a post in this way, but only one at a time, not all at once. You can learn how to save videos as well as music.

How to make the Vkontakte wall hidden so that no one can see it

The problem of comments on posts on the wall of social network participants from each other and in communities some time ago reached its climax. the reason is that information from open profiles was subjected to obscene criticism, was stolen or is visible to unwanted persons. So the question arose of how to make the Vkontakte wall closed, whether it be a personal page or a group.

First, the function in test mode, and then on an ongoing basis, was added to personal pages through the "edit." - editing. Further, in the privacy section, having gone down to the desired item, you should click “who can see my wall” and choose who. In groups, this is regulated in "community management". In groups, the question of how to make a wall (Vkontakte) hidden for everyone except participants is decided more radically and depends on its shape - open or closed. If you want to restrict access to any other information on your page, this will help you in this matter. chapter.

You can promote your VKontakte page

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