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How to make your YouTube channel popular. Prepare interesting call-to-action ads

Literally in a couple of weeks it will be fulfilled (for those who do not know, we are talking about Clear TV ). During this time, from scratch, he was raised to the following indicators: 5,096 subscribers and 594,071 views. The exact date of registration: January 23, 2014 (month the channel was empty). All content is copyrighted (tutorials, program reviews, useful computer tips). To achieve the result, youtube cheat sites were not used, everything was done gradually, planned and free of charge.

What to do to promote a youtube channel from scratch?

How to promote a youtube channel from scratch? It will be very difficult for a beginner without money to do this. At the very beginning of the existence of Ponyatnoe TV, the results of the youtube channel were by no means impressive - 50-100 views per day.

What did I do?

1) Worked on the video quality.

I tried to express my thoughts more clearly and easily. Sometimes, before recording a video, I prepare a text for myself on a piece of paper and from the second or fifth attempt I record a video. Who does not know, most of my videos are recorded from the screen.

2) Didn't stop recording video.

Not knowing what promotion in YouTube is, gaining 50-100 views per day, he did not stop. On the contrary, he recorded and uploaded videos almost daily (fortunately, there were enough ideas). In about a month or two, youtube channel results They improved a little, however, and these indicators were not impressive: 200-300 views per day on the youtube channel.

3) I learned how to promote a channel through social media. networks.

Three months later, I learned how to promote a YouTube channel for free. The active recruitment of the subscriber base has begun. I don’t remember how much time passed, but it appeared. I didn’t buy courses of dubious quality, didn’t read articles on how to promote a channel through social media. network, but simply mastered one truth: for a young, unknown channel - it was the perfect solution.

4) I learned how to properly promote a channel on youtube through SEO.

In terms of views, the results of the youtube channel began to satisfy me (I perfectly understood that not everything at once). Along with this, the search continued for leverage that could influence the promotion of the channel. In this case, youtube SEO optimization caught my eye. Too smart? Ok, I'll put it in simple words: SEO is what makes the videos on my channel have the correct title and an optimized description.

5) Learned to analyze information.

You can re-read hundreds of pages of information, but you still don’t know how to promote a channel on youtube from scratch if you don’t learn how to analyze information. Fortunately, the channel itself has a great tool - Youtube Analytics. He showed which videos are watched longer, and where the audience does not linger too much. I drew conclusions, made adjustments and walked on.

6) I asked about the chips on youtube.

Information that makes me understand how to properly promote a channel on youtube- was found. Literally in two days, I managed to find out what annotations are, a pop-up subscribe button, a button for subscribing to a channel at the bottom right (right subscribe button). It is not difficult to guess that he began to use all these chips on his channels.

If you are interested in YouTube promotion and want more specifics, I recommend it, which contains the most useful videos for beginners.

7) I worked on the design of the channel.

A cosmetic touch made the channel recognizable (at least I want to believe it). I created a header, added beautiful screensavers for my videos. The goal is for me and the content to be noticed.

Here's how to get a youtube channel up and running from scratch with simple tips. Of course, I didn't give out some secrets (they are in my videos on youtube).

1) Optimal YouTube promotion- this is when views are steadily going up (except for the New Year and holidays).

2) If your channel is two years old, but the results are 5-10 times worse than mine, then you need the help of a specialist (you can order a paid consultation, channel analysis or inexpensive youtube promotion from me). Or you can order not from me 🙂

3) My youtube channel is two years old - if it's easy and interesting, you can subscribe (this is important for me).

I hope you learned from the article how to promote a channel on YouTube from scratch and now you can get 1,000,000 views!

Users who run their channels on the popular video hosting YouTube do it not only for the sake of a hobby. The main goal of the majority is income. And you can really make money there. Every month this video service is used by over a billion people... This is almost a third of all Internet users. If you figure out how to promote a YouTube channel and achieve your goal, you can make good money on the Internet.

Before considering methods of promoting a YouTube channel for free or for money, it is worth highlighting the basic principles of work:

Free ways to promote your YouTube channel

Many people understand that the more subscribers, the more opportunities his profile owner will have. Therefore, users, especially those who are focused on making money, are looking for working ways to quickly promote a channel on Youtube.

As stated earlier, the primary focus should be on content. Often, authors who publish videos useful for the audience need only to shoot, edit and post material, such a profile promotes itself.

To speed up the promotion of your YouTube channel, you can use the following methods.

Correct and beautiful profile design

To stand out from competitors, it is important to create a unique "face" of your profile and correctly present the video material published on it:

The user interface allows you to:

  • Set an avatar... It will be visible when posting comments, in search results, in the list of subscriptions. A memorable image, blogger photo or company logo to increase awareness;
  • Design cover, that is, upload a unique banner. It is important that it matches the theme of the videos being published;
  • Create and optimize playlists... With their help, you can set up convenient navigation by combining thematic videos. This will not only make it easier for users to navigate, but will also encourage them to watch additional videos.
  • Create Sections... With their help, you can distribute videos on the main profile page in a convenient and attractive form for the viewer.
  • Download trailer... The main purpose is to acquaint the audience with the topics of the published videos and motivate them to become subscribers.

The correct and attractive design will allow you to get natural subscribers for free.

Also, to the correct design, it is worth adding seo promotion of the youtube channel, that is, creating videos for specific search queries and drawing up the correct optimized description for them. To select keywords, you can use the special services Mutagen, Yandex.Wordstat, Key Collector, Google keyword tool.

Regularly posting new video content

Successful free YouTube channel promotion also lies in the right strategy. It is important to understand the critical points of audience retention, that is, how many videos should be published so that viewers' interest is always in a "warmed up" state. On average, two videos per week are considered to be sufficient. But it all depends on the topic, for example, popular bloggers who keep personal diaries publish videos more often, and immediately gain a good number of views. When trying to fill your profile with video content, it is important to remember that the priority is not the quantity of the posted material, but its quality.

Publishing videos on social networks, forums, blogs

This method is not only a video promotion option, but also a YouTube channel promotion option and a free recruitment of subscribers. If the material is really interesting and useful, many users not only share it with friends, but also go to the author's profile to get acquainted with other content.

You can post new videos:

Communicating with viewers and encouraging them to take action

For a good indicator of behavioral factors, it is important to get feedback from subscribers and viewers in the form of likes, comments and subscriptions, this directly affects the promotion of the channel on Youtube.

To this end, you can conduct polls with a request to leave your answers and opinions in the comments below the video. You can also ask your audience to subscribe and like it right in the video. For example, "If you liked this video, please like and subscribe to my channel." According to statistics, people often respond to such calls.

Promotion of a Youtube channel for money

Mutual PR deals are also effective. To promote the channel, you can turn to other YouTubers for help. On EPICSTARS you can do it for free using a mutual PR deal:

For those who want to promote their video blog for free, you can try working with SMOFast and TurboLiker. These are convenient and understandable services for promoting youtube channel for free. On them, you can order all the same actions as on paid projects, only payment is made using credits, which the owner will earn for performing various actions ordered by other participants.

To achieve good results, it is better to combine promotion methods. But it is important to remember that artificial cheating of behavioral factors can negatively affect video content ranking and profile promotion. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the published material and the design of your profile.

We will tell you about the main points that affect growing popularity of the channel... And, as a result, they affect the number of subscribers, monetization and fame of the channel owner.

To begin with, let's face the truth and answer ourselves - who is watching the top bloggers of the Russian Internet now? How old are they and what are these people doing? The answer is known to many - schoolchildren of all ages. And don't be in a hurry to be sad about so many low quality audiences. The advantages of schoolchildren are enormous. They watch YouTube a lot, almost always give likes, subscribe to everything without any problems, and even distribute your videos on social networks. Can you imagine an adult reposting funny YouTube videos quite often on his VKontakte? For this to happen, he must stumble upon a real masterpiece that will not be ashamed to show all his friends. Schoolchildren don't care about that. Just ask them and they already do. This freedom is a huge plus.

Rules for YouTube channel growth

Hence the first rule to start growing your channel is to make school-age content.

Many will argue that it is possible to achieve fame and by making much more intelligent content. But for such a feat, it will take several years to work hard on each video, and it is not yet a fact that the channel will shoot. Working with teenagers first million subscribers getting pretty easy.

After watching just a few videos from each popular blogger today, you will understand that you need to shoot videos just for them. Anything that can make a student laugh is doomed to success. And the better, more often and brighter you do it, the faster the number of your subscribers will grow.

Let's take a blogger as an example Mamix, in the video of which an adult will not find any meaning.

Schoolchildren will not find it either, but they do not need it. Each of his videos is consistently gaining a million or more views. Well, who is watching it? Quite young and hot, judging by the comments, guys, thirsty for round-the-clock entertainment. A good example from which you can steal an idea for a channel (if there is anything to steal here at all). In other words, to produce useless content, while watching which is simply killing time. Paradoxical as it may seem, his views will go through the roof.

The second important rule is the regularity of your channel. In no case do not throw the channel for a couple of weeks if you are doing it seriously. In 2017, YouTube's algorithms will not forgive such behavior. If you want to achieve and maintain popularity, post at least 1 video a week, or even 2. You must not be forgotten. Of course, if you have non-standard content and one video takes a long time, then you will have to publish them much less often. But be prepared that this will negatively affect views and overall channel statistics.

If you have made some progress, and now, for some reason, the channel has begun to degrade, then it will be much more difficult to return everything than to start over. YouTube analyzes everything and just starts excluding your videos from everywhere, as uninteresting and belonging to an abandoned channel. Movement is life.

Don't be afraid to experiment Is the third postulate of a successful channel.
One of the most recent successful examples is Afonya TV with his project "The beauty held on to the last." It was she who gave him a powerful impetus and allowed him to finally take the first million subscribers. Do you think he was not afraid to start filming such a section, or did he not think that fans would begin to unsubscribe from him and leave dislikes? Of course, I was afraid and considered these options. But you never know what the result will be until you try it. So fortune smiled at him, and he achieved even greater results than he expected.

Not everyone can go for this, because it is always difficult to change something, especially when there are already certain achievements. Remember that there are always more unsuccessful experiments, and after them one can lose heart. This is the norm, and all successful people have gone through many unsuccessful attempts to realize themselves. Look for new motivation and try again - the walker will master the road.

And the last thing - desire to achieve a goal... It is thanks to this that you can now become a star on YouTube without investing in promotion. But do you need it? Do you realize that this is a long road, and often the lives of popular bloggers are not really honey? We are deceiving, of course, everything is fine with them. But only a few are making their way up, and millions are trying. Start believing in yourself and implement ideas right now, not in a few years.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for opening new horizons with us. Thanks for the inspiration and support. Join us on FaceBook

Question from Andrey Sveridov:

Hello. I read your article a few months ago on how to make money on YouTube. After that, I got a channel on YouTube, but it is spinning up somehow slowly and weakly. Please tell me how to promote a YouTube channel? Does the speed of promotion depend on the topic? Thanks for your site!

Today, Internet business brings really good income, and many SEOs understand that targeted traffic can be received not only from search engines, but also through social networks and other sites. In addition, such traffic will be even better and more efficient than that received from search engines, and this is especially true for commercial topics. A YouTube channel is a great way to get traffic and attract attention to your product, which is why its promotion plays a very important role.

Basic principles of promotion

Before we talk about how to do it right promote a YouTube channel, you need to understand the essence of working with this site and the reasons why videos are or do not become popular.

Honesty Above All

The popularity of a channel on the Youtube site depends, first of all, on the reaction of viewers to its content. If the video initially represents an obvious deception or clearly demonstrates the purpose of capitalizing on visitors, then the situation will not be saved either by turning off comments or anything else. Only sincerity and at least some kind of return to the viewer can save from a negative reaction, even if initially the author pursues precisely commercial, even selfish goals. For example, a person selling travel packages or providing booking services should post travel-related videos on their channel. In this case, people who are interested in it will still visit the channel and watch the video, despite the purpose of maintaining such a video blog.

Money is not the main thing!

Nowadays, for a certain amount, you can get almost everything: from beautiful photographs and pertinent content to laudatory comments and reviews written by fake people. Any site for money can be promoted to the top and advertised well, even if there is an advertisement for a poor quality product at an unreasonably high price. In most cases, visitors will believe the beautiful cover and will not guess that this is all a hoax, but in the case of YouTube videos, this tactic will not work. Even if comments are closed, users can always express their attitude to an uninteresting video or a bad product by means of a dislike button or a complaint to the site's technical support service. The minimum damage that the author of the video will receive in this case is the loss of subscribers and popularity, the maximum is blocking the channel on the site.

Interesting and useful material is the key to success

Despite the fact that YouTube is becoming more and more popular, including as a commercial platform, the principle is still relevant here: an interesting channel will become popular anyway. It is not necessary to deeply understand the promotion methods or pay to promote a channel on YouTube - you just need to fill it with really unique, interesting and useful content. In this case, subscribers will appear by themselves, and the popularity will grow.

10 ways to promote your YouTube channel

Share videos on social networks and forums

Most often, users associate direct links with spam, so as an alternative, you can immediately insert the code into the video in your message. This, firstly, will increase the views themselves, and secondly, it will not be perceived as annoying spam. The main thing is to insert your videos into place and not too intrusive.

Describe and add tags to each video

As you know, the name, tags and category determine how many people and for what queries will find a video through a channel search. These aspects need to be given great attention: to make both the title and description as informative as possible, and also to include in the text as many keywords as possible. It is from this work on the promotion of the channel on YouTube that the mechanical part of the popularization of the video and the channel as a whole will depend.

Leave links wherever possible

As mentioned above, most often users will mistake direct links for spam, so this method of promotion is slightly less effective than inserting videos. Nevertheless, this technique is perfect for complex channel promotion or a single video. The main goal of this method is to acquire visitors not only directly through the site, but also through search engines such as Yandex and Google. Keep in mind that manual links are less effective than purchased links.

Add as many videos as possible

A large number of videos are directly related to the popularity of the channel on Youtube. Obviously, a channel with a thousand videos will spin up faster than a channel with ten or a hundred. That is why, while promoting the channel, it is necessary to update it as often as possible, not forgetting that the videos should be interesting and useful to visitors. Of course, these do not have to be long videos, they can be diluted with short, but capacious and relevant videos. This approach will suit a wide variety of tastes and attract more visitors.

Make video responses to other videos

The promotion of the channel on YouTube can also be carried out at the expense of other, more popular videos. By filming video responses to them, you can draw attention to your channel and acquire additional subscribers. The main thing is to create such answers competently and thoughtfully and remember that praise or continuation of the author's thought is preferable to swearing and provoking a conflict.

Create viral videos

There are well-known cases when accidentally filmed videos in a matter of hours were scattered throughout the network like a virus, and gained enormous popularity. This method still remains very, very effective, however, to create a competent viral video, you will most likely need the help of a professional.

Encourage viewers to take action

According to statistics, those video bloggers who directly ask for it at the end of their videos receive a greater number of likes and subscribers. It may sound surprising, but simple phrases like “put your thumbs up and subscribe to my channel” have an almost magical effect. In practice, it almost always turns out that it is not at all difficult for a visitor to like and even subscribe.

Make friends with other video bloggers

Connections always play a defining role in any business, real or virtual. You can draw additional attention to yourself by mentioning other video bloggers in your videos. Most likely, reciprocal mentions and links to the channel will not keep you waiting, provided that the author's videos are really interesting.

Answer questions and communicate with subscribers

Contact with subscribers is another important part of YouTube channel promotion. The more a video blogger is open to communication, the more popular his channel will become. You can not only communicate with visitors in the comments, but also create a separate section for answering questions that are asked in the comments or on social networks. Such videos not only increase the popularity of the author, but also do not require a lot of preparation, script writing, etc.

To keep up with the times

Last but not least, the rule of promoting a channel on YouTube is that you should always be aware of the latest events and create truly unique videos. The channel that monitors the Iphone 4 when the Iphone 6 is out, or posts a blog about the hottest sales of the past summer at the end of November, will never be popular. An author who follows the news and timely chooses topics for videos will certainly succeed in promoting his channel.

Hello friends!

Today's article is devoted to one of the topics of making money, and after reading this post you will learn how to promote a YouTube channel for free in order to make good money on it. Probably everyone understands that in order to make good money on your channel, you need to promote it so that it is highly attended. But unfortunately, not everyone knows what needs to be done for this. Read on to find out how to promote your YouTube channel quickly and for free!

In the event that you want to promote your Youtube channel without an impressive time investment, if you need thousands of views and hundreds of likes for a video in a short time, you can always contact the professionals in their field - here. Favorable terms of cooperation, excellent quality of services and, of course, responsive technical support. Let's use it!

This is not my first article about making money on YouTube! I talked about how to start making money there, but I didn't say a word about promoting the YouTube channel. By the way, read carefully, because you need to know this:

Most likely, many understand that it is impossible to describe everything in one article. Because fasting is an impulse of creativity! The text itself lies in the head and is very difficult to control. At least that's how it works for me. You can't do without content preparation! The information is constantly updated! If you knew something well before, then today your knowledge simply could become outdated and your impulse could not be understood so well.

Okay friends, I have prepared and am ready to tell you how to promote your channel on the most popular YouTube video hosting for free.

You should understand that using free ways to promote your channel will have to spend your time, which is more valuable than money! Therefore, if you can allocate money for promotion, then I advise you to contact the professionals.

Only here there may not be money or there is a lot of free time, then you have to promote your YouTube channel alone. I will help you with this! I finish with the lyrics and get down to business, so don't leave, but read on about promoting your YouTube channel.

We recruit subscribers for quick promotion of the channel on YouTube

I must say right away that there is no single strategy for recruiting subscribers! I counted as many as six free methods that you need to use. By the way, here they are:

I think that little is clear from the list, so I will write about each method in detail and understandable.

Probably, not everyone knows what annotations in a video are, so I will briefly explain and teach you how to use them.

Annotation is a message that the user sees when watching the video. As the creator of this video, you must not only create a message, but also make it clickable! For example, for recruiting subscribers, the message must contain some kind of call test so that it can be clicked on and naturally go to the page where the user can subscribe to the channel.

The messages for the viewer can be different! You can come up with anything you want, since there are no prohibitions on this from the owners of the video hosting itself. Just "a couple of calls to subscribe" came to my mind:

Where to add annotations? Take a leaf, a pen and glue in your hands! Write a message indicating the address, grease with glue and stick to the monitor where your video is going. Come on, this is a joke! Now seriously:

Now you know how to promote a YouTube channel using annotations. Let's go to the next step - Advice from a friend or a recommendation from a professional.

Everything here is no more complicated than in the first and second steps! Let's call this method more simply - "Friendly recommendation". So, in order to use it, you need to agree with the owners of other channels to put a link on you.

It's like mutual following, that is, put links to interesting channels of a similar topic, and they are in response to you. You can put a link in the annotation or in the description under the video. But I do not advise trying to negotiate with channels that are already promoted! Look for such that the attendance is similar to yours. You can find out by looking at the views of the channel's video or videos.

How to promote your YouTube channel with other tips

Invitations on your behalf - you need to invite registered YouTube users every day. There may not be many, not a few, about 30-50 people. This is done using SMS mailing.

You don't have to buy anything like a special mailing list! Everything is done by hand. Just go to the thematic video, look at the commentators for it, go to their page and write a private message asking to subscribe to the channel. This method will bring 200-300 subscribers in a couple of weeks. I must warn you right away: you cannot send more than 50 invitations, otherwise your account will be blocked.

Psychological impact or a blow to the bite - you can plaintively ask a person to subscribe, but then he will not be targeted, but compassionate, which, in principle, may be suitable for promoting a channel on YouTube.

It is better to take advantage of the psychological influence, namely to publish only very high-quality and kapets some useful information. Viewers, when they see what they need, will start subscribing, thereby promoting the YouTube channel!

Swimming out due to your activity is much easier here! You need to find the most popular videos that have received many views and comment on them, only they should be similar to the topic of your channel.

Here, as in the initial promotion of the site - leave good comments. Then visitors will start clicking on your name and subscribing to the channel. Hosting allows you to leave comments in a video format, they are called "Video responses". I recommend using it!

This was the first part of the YouTube channel promotion. In order not to miss the second, subscribe to my blog updates,. See you!

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