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How to make a wiki menu with a button. How to arrange a group in a contact and create a drop-down graphical menu

Today I will continue my “Immersion in VK groups”. In the third part of the "series", I told and showed,. Today, let's talk about the design of the VKontakte group menu!

In the first article about creating a menu, there were a lot of questions in the comments, so before starting a new topic, I will answer frequently asked questions.

Question 1: The first and most common: "where is the code in the menu?" or "if there is no bookmark when editing "Source code" how to add an internal page?" or “I still don’t understand what to do if the code does not appear!”

Answer 1: VK has changed the editor, now it's just one click to switch between the visual editor and the code (upper right corner of the editor):

To check which editor you are in: move your mouse over this button, write some text and make it bold - if not ordinary characters appear, then this is code

Question 2: The second one is really problematic: how to remove spaces between images?»

Answer 2: I admit, I myself was frightened when for the first time the menu “went” for the client. Now I fix it quickly, but then it was not fun. See:

Add a nopadding tag; and everything will fall into place!

Space creeps in between the pictures and the menu looks broken. For the ignorant, maybe this is not normal, but for, it is at least not professional. So what's the deal here? Ah, it's very simple! Some updates are constantly taking place in VK, new algorithms are being introduced ... and even the editor is crooked ... sometimes, for no reason, important tags fall out of the code and then we see such a picture. To fix this, you need to look into the code and make the necessary adjustments. The format of the code should be like this:

Pattern: [] Example: []

Usually the menu pictures are moved apart because the code drops out no padding; - put it in place and everything is aligned. Before saving the result, click on the "Preview" button to make sure that everything is smooth.

Question 3: News. In October 2012, forcibly, Vkontakte cut off the authors of groups and publics. Now their size has a common standard of 200x500 pixels. So, if you had more avatar in your group, then make an update (update the avatar).

By the way, along with cropping, VK has introduced another innovation regarding group photos: now by clicking on the avatar, we, just like in the account, will be able to see all the community albums. It's comfortable! And out of this a new functionality is drawn in the communications of the group.

So-and-so, we're done with the questions ... now let's move on to the very creation of the menu!

Step 1. How to create a menu in a contact and make nested pages:

First of all, let's make sure that you know how to create a group menu in a contact and go through a small instruction:

How do you like my cheat sheet?

This is the cheat sheet I made! For greater clarity, I will write down each figure:

Do this operation with all nested pages and your menu will be ready.

There is! The menu has been created, the internal pages have been made, filled in, now let's move on to creating a beautiful graphical menu.

Step 2. How to create a beautiful graphical menu in a contact and install it:

I won’t give you the whole theory of how wiki markup works in contact, we have other goals now. To create a visual menu in a VK group, you do not need to know the entire wiki markup. Let's move on to creating a visual menu!

First, I'll show you the code and the result of my menu:

I confess, I made it on purpose to write this article. All "hands did not reach", you know, like "a shoemaker without boots." But now I'm with a visual menu in the VK group!

I won’t tell you how to draw a picture for the menu, this is the business of designers, I draw myself, but not so professionally. , at the end of the article, I gave a video on how to draw a simple menu in Photoshop, check it out, maybe you can do it on your own. If not, order a menu picture from .

I'll show you the average menu setup option. The difference is in the number of elements. The menu, which is simply cut into strips, is the simplest implementation. The more clickable buttons in a row, the more difficult it is to execute. Although, knowing the feature, everything is simple! It's only a matter of time. So the image width should be:

370 px - if you have two or more objects in a row, like my social network buttons

And max 388 px - if we cut the picture in a simple way, only into lines, without dividing it into small objects. This is the feature that you need to know when cutting the menu into buttons. My image size of the entire menu turned out to be 370x456 px.

After the picture is cut into the required number of objects and saved in a separate album, we upload this album to VK. We upload to the account profile, not to the group! Since in the albums of the group there is no longer the ability to hide albums. A technical album in a corporate (for example) group is not needed at all, so we hide the menu items in the account album:

Technical album VK

Once you've set up "Only Me" privacy. We proceed to the installation of the menu itself. I will give you a code example that would be a template for you and analyze what it consists of:


where, photo7632142_296911699 is the address of the picture! We look at it in the address bar of the picture:

From the first picture, let's start inserting the menu into the VKontakte group

You need a short address of the picture, for this go to the album itself:

Go to the album itself to get the desired image address!

…and starting from the first picture, transfer them to the group menu.

Adding the image size to the menu code!

So, the address of the picture was added, the size was indicated, now we put the tag no padding;- it is needed so that our pictures fit snugly against each other. And the last step is to put a link to the page where the visitor will go after clicking on the picture.

Here's a little clarification! We write external links, links to VK albums and discussions in full, and links to internal pages in the format page-32734125_44298120. At the beginning and end of the line, do not forget to put two square quotes and no spaces.

Clarification 2: when we link to internal pages without images, we put single square quotes for discussions, albums and external links.

Lines in which you have two or more elements are inserted into the code without spaces. Insert each line of the picture one after the other. Because if you press Enter after the line with the picture, the picture will jump to a new line and the menu will move. We need the menu to be displayed as a whole, so we don’t need any extra spaces and “irters”!

After you have transferred all the pictures to the menu and designed them (size, link), save the result and admire your work! Everything! Ready!

Increasingly, they are used to conduct business, sell goods or services. A great tool that makes it easier to work with a group is a menu created using wiki markup.

Recently, the number of publics that use the wiki list has grown significantly. After all, this is a great way to give the group a more pleasant and aesthetic look, and also helps participants to navigate through all sections more easily.

In this article, we will tell you how to make a Vkontakte wiki page for a group, how to make a menu in a VK group, what types exist, how to create, and much more.

Creating a clickable wiki page is feasible due to the fact that the VK text editor has the ability to use wiki markup. It allows you to insert pictures, links to them, videos and other elements using special commands.

The list allows you to create direct links to each category of goods/services or to various sections/discussions of the community (for example, portfolio, how to order, about the company, etc.). Any user can find the necessary information by pressing just 1 button.

This solution is a navigator for ordinary visitors and serves as a beautiful and stylish design for the community. It is an interactive tool that people will be happy.

Unfortunately, the VK developers have not yet created the ability to place a wiki list on the main wiki page of the public (so far it is only in a new tab). Therefore, people are forced to innovate and create separate posts that lead to a page with a menu.

Basic commands and features of the wiki menu

The functionality of the wiki page is very wide. With it, you can make your menu visually pleasing, well readable and structured.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to fit absolutely all the teams in our material, so we will only talk about a few.

Making a menu using media files

It is carried out using special buttons.

In text form, media files are: [​].

Where media XXXX_YYYY is the media file itself, options are various settings (for photos and videos), link is the caption that will be displayed when you hover over the photo/video.

For photo options are:

For video:

We create headings of various levels using the signs ==

Add "==" signs at the beginning and end of the title. See the screenshot for an example:

We work with the text of headings for the design of the menu of the VKontakte group

You can also use the following text options: italic, bold or gray, strikethrough or underline, superscript or subscript. It is also possible to align the text to the center or right. Below is a table with commands:

Using quotes to grab attention

Using the tag will allow you to beautifully frame someone's quote.

Lists can be used both numbered and bulleted.

For a numbered list, use the "#" symbol before each new item.

For a bulleted list, it is similar to the previous one, only with the “*” sign.

Working with indents

To indent, add a ":" before the word. Depending on the number of characters, the indent will increase or decrease.

Internal links in the group menu

These are links to internal social resources. network "VKontakte" (link to a person, community, discussion, application, page, video and image). They are added using the following construction: [].

External links in the creation of the VKontakte menu.

Wiki markup creates a table menu

You can also create a table using the wiki page and markup. See screenshot:

Informative spoiler

With it, you can make information hidden or revealed with one click. Well suited if you need to make a section with "Frequently Asked Questions".

A spoiler is created using the construction:

((Hider|Spoiler name

And it will look like this:

Thus, the teams will help to make a complete list with all the design elements.

Menu types: what are they?

Wiki pages on VKontakte can be divided according to different criteria:

  • Text (text only);
  • Graphical (using button images, backgrounds, etc.).

By display (depending on the image used):

  • W covered (the structure itself is not visible);

  • Open (all items are visible at once);

  • With an adjacent or common banner (can be both open and closed).

Regardless of the type you choose, they all work on the same principle.

Also, don't be afraid to combine these types. For example, you can first make a graphic part with buttons (background, style, design), and then supplement it with various text information (for example, "Frequently Asked Questions" using spoilers).

How to create a text menu

Less popular and simpler is the text list on a wiki page. It does not contain any images or buttons. It's just a list of anchor links.

Below is a step-by-step instruction on how to make a text list for a VK group:

  1. First you need to set up a community. To do this, go to "Community Management" and select the "Sections" section. Find the line "Materials", select the item "Restricted" and save the settings.

  1. Further, "Latest news" will appear on the main page of the public. Go to them and click "Edit".

  1. Enter a title.
  2. Below is a text editor VK. This is where we will create our list.
  3. Use the following construct:

Make all the necessary points. Each new item on a new line. Here you can use the various commands that we talked about above.

For example, we will write a simple and small construction:

  1. Click save.

Here we have used "==" signs to highlight the heading and "*" signs to highlight sub-items. As a result, we got the following:

Thus, having done just a few steps, we got a completely understandable wiki menu, where each item will allow you to quickly go to the desired page.

You can add anything, as long as your imagination and the possibilities of wiki markup are enough.

How to create a graphical menu

To create a graphic menu, you need to have at least basic skills in working with graphic editors (such as Photoshop, GIMP, various applications, etc.). If you do not have them, then we can advise you to use the help of professionals or resources with ready-made templates (read more below).

Here we will talk about how to create a wiki page menu yourself. Below is a step by step guide:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 from the previous instructions.
  2. You need to create blank images with buttons. We will not talk in detail about working in graphic editors, since there are many lessons on working with Photoshop and other programs on the network.
    We will take the following images.

All three pictures are part of one big one. Therefore, when we create a navigation, these images will look like one whole picture with buttons located on it.

  1. We upload images to the text editor VKontakte.

  1. By clicking on each picture, you can select options and provide a link.

  1. On the right there is a switch between visual and text editing modes.

  1. In the text version, our images look like this:

  1. Change the inscription "noborder" to "nopadding" to remove the distance between the pictures and close them. And after the sign "|" add a link.

  1. Click "Save Page".

As a result, we got this menu:

With a little effort and ingenuity, you can create an original design that will fit into the overall design of the group.

How to fix

In order for the created wiki menu to be displayed on the main page of the community, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Create a new post.
  2. Copy your menu link. To do this, go to edit again and copy the URL from the browser's address bar.

First add an image, see the picture below.

Now publish and pin the post.

Here you will have to work hard on the image. After all, it will be constantly in sight. It should also fit into the overall design of the public and tell users that by clicking, they will be taken to the menu.

How to delete

Removing a wiki menu is not a difficult task. Simply go to "Community Management", section "Sections" and turn off the materials.

It is important to remember that if you used a pinned post, it will remain. Therefore, it will also need to be deleted (or at least removed from the pinned ones).

Ready templates

We would also like to present to your attention services, with the help of which you can download ready-made templates or create new ones in just a few clicks.

  • is a service with ready-made wiki menu templates and other ready-made community design elements.

  • is an online designer. It allows you to easily and quickly create stylish menus.

Also, hiring a professional can be attributed to ready-made solutions. In this case, you also do not have to do everything yourself, but you will have to pay.


We examined what a wiki menu is in VKontakte communities. We learned how to create it and use various commands.

We believe that the menu has not yet been appreciated. For a large number of people, this "wiki markup" is something super complex and scary. They don't even want to take it on. But in reality, as we see, everything is quite simple.

Don't be afraid to experiment and be original!

A lot of people are interested in how to make a menu in the VKontakte group. There are already a large number of beautifully designed communities that you want to take an example from. This can be done in a few hours. The main thing is to develop a stylish design, and the rest is a matter of technology.

What is needed for this?

How to make a menu in VKontakte in a group? In Photoshop, you need to create two pictures that were previously one. The first is for the avatar, the second is the menu itself, this image must be cut into several parts. "VKontakte" on the page intended for the menu, you need to insert a code with links to parts of the image and sections. And if you need an open type, you need a third picture, which is fixed at the top of the community.

To create a beautiful menu, you will need Photoshop skills. For those who draw poorly, it is recommended to choose good pictures. For connoisseurs of this program, the instructions are listed below. The process is divided into several stages.

First step

How to make a menu in the VKontakte group? First you need to create a new document with dimensions of 700 by 800 pixels. Make sure the background is white. On the top layer, you need to cut out two windows 200 by 710 for the avatar and 382 by 442 for the menu. This can be done using a selection with a rectangle or a command that is called by the "Del" key.

The height, depending on the fantasy, can be adjusted to your liking, but it is better to leave the width the same. An illustration must be placed under the bottom layer. Focusing on one of the sides, the rectangles must be combined.

In the desired areas of the image using the elements of "Photoshop" you need to place inscriptions and buttons.

The rectangle that turned out on the right (200 by 710 in size) can be copied and uploaded to a separate file. This is a ready-made avatar for the group. But the left side of the picture needs additional cutting.

The number of items in the menu is allowed from two parts. But maybe three or four. We will consider an example for two.

The height of each sliced ​​element must be at least 50px.

How to cut an image for a menu?

To do this, you need to open the image in a separate file. You will need the "Cutting" tool. It is located on the program panel in the form of a knife.

Right-click on the image and select "Split Fragment" from the drop-down list.

A window will open in which you need to set the cutting parameters. It is recommended to check the box next to "Split horizontally into" and select the number of equal fragments.

After the done actions, a grid will appear on the screen, which divides the picture into sections.

The cut files will be numbered.

Second phase

This is a lesson on how to make a menu for the VKontakte group. All cut pictures must be uploaded to the group's album.

You will need a "Latest News" page. In the near future, work will take place with her.

It is advisable to select the wiki markup mode in the editor on the right and paste the following code there:

Each menu picture will occupy a separate line, which is built on the principle of the diagram above. It is recommended to create these entries in advance in a notepad and only after that upload them to the desired field "In Contact". So it will be much easier and the system will not force you to redo it.

The result will be something similar to:

How to get the image number?

To do this, right-click on the image. After it opens in a new window, its code will appear in the address bar of the browser. It must be copied along with the word "photo".

When all changes are saved, you can check the operation of the menu. In the group, the long-awaited picture is revealed by the corresponding link.

To combine an avatar with her, you need to experiment a little with the description. Approximately, according to the indicated dimensions, there should be 12 lines.

This is one of the options for making a menu in the VKontakte group. There are two in total. Another way is open. They can be combined.

How to make an open menu?

In the new window, you need to right-click on the created menu and click on the "Edit" link. In the "Return to the page" tab in the browser line, you can get a link to the menu. It needs to be copied.

After that, in the group you need to make a regular post. You will need another thematic picture with the inscription "Menu". To do this, you need to upload a photo. The post will act as an open menu at the top of the page. To the message in it, you need to insert the received link, which must be deleted immediately after the page with the menu appears below. The post should not contain unnecessary links, it will be ugly.

How to make a menu in the VKontakte group? Now you need to right-click on the date of the news. It should open in a new window. There you can see a new inscription "Fix". Just what she needs.

After that, in a group, you can admire the beautiful menu. In order to combine the pictures, you need to practice with their sizes.

That's all. Creating a menu in contact is not so difficult. If you follow the instructions described above, everyone can handle it.

Hello friends!

Do you want to make the VKontakte group as attractive as possible for your subscribers? Don't know where to start? If you already have high quality content, then focus on designing the community. I'm not talking about a simple selection of an avatar. Creating a menu in the VKontakte group is one of the main points that you need to consider when designing. It is this point that we will consider today.

What is the VKontakte menu and what is it for?

The menu is the face of the group. The first thing any visitor to your community comes across is the menu. Therefore, your task is to think it over as convenient and attractive as possible. First, you must decide what exactly you want to convey to your subscribers. It depends on the mission of the community itself. After all, there are completely different goals for creating a group: educational, entertaining, or the goal is to sell a product / service. Based on this, decide what information is most important to your future subscribers.

For example, if it is focused on entertaining users or informing them about something, then perhaps focus on the convenience of finding the information they need. This applies to groups where content can be divided into separate topics, such as health, fashion, etc.

If your community is created in the form of an online store, then the approach should be completely different. The convenience of searching for goods or services, of course, should be present, but also focus on promotions, new items, delivery terms, as well as your contacts.

Therefore, be sure to consider the theme of the community when creating the menu.

Ways to create a menu for VKontakte groups

The first step is to decide how to create your menu: automatically or manually. If you have chosen a fast and simple, but at the same time high-quality method, I present to your attention the service for creating a menu for VK communities WikiMaker, you can easily and quickly deal with it, making your group more convenient. If you want to take full control of the creation of the menu, then there is a step-by-step instruction.

How to make an attractive design?

I want to combine the creation of two important elements of the group into instructions: the menu and the avatar. Since it is not desirable to create them separately, because the user must see the harmony between these two graphic elements.

  1. First you need to install the Photoshop program, if you did not have this program installed on your computer before.
  2. Open Photoshop and create two template files for the avatar and for the menu. Set the required dimensions. For example, for an avatar it is 200×500 pixels, and for a menu it is 389×600 pixels. Fill them with some one color so that they can be clearly seen and save the two created separate files.
  3. We upload a template to the group in place of the avatar, highlighting the entire area.
  4. Loading the menu is a little more complicated. To do this, you will need to enable materials in the "Community Management". After that, the ability to add a menu will become available. Go to the tab that appears under the description of the "Latest News" group and click on the button in the form of a camera in the toolbar and upload the file from your computer. Happened?
  5. Immediately after downloading, a link will become available to you, which will have to be slightly modified. After the word "noborder" enter the sign ";" and the word "nopadding". This feature will prevent your menu from going down when you add news to the community.
  6. We make Prnt Scrn of the main page of your group. For what? To understand your mistakes. The fact is that now this is a draft version - everything is not smooth and not so beautiful. Your goal is for the bottom borders of the menu and avatar to match perfectly. Then perhaps you will have the question "Why do not I give you the exact dimensions?". But the fact is that each admin uses a different amount of text in the group description, from which the menu height changes, and the menu width is a matter of taste and, as we know, it is different for everyone.
  7. We enter Photoshop, and create a new file, inserting a screenshot there.
  8. Now, working with this file, we select the avatar area using the "rectangular selection" - they can select a specific area as accurately as possible. Next, right-click and select "cut to new layer".
  9. We are working on the same thing with the menu picture, only when selecting it, you need to cut off the unnecessary at the bottom. Make sure that the bottom of the menu and the avatar are exactly the same.
  10. Now, holding down the Ctrl button, select the two layers we created. Right-click on them and select the "Merge Layers" function. Before us appear two of our perfectly matched templates on one page.
  11. The next step is to upload the cover photo. It appears on top of our templates. Now on the right in the layer tools, click on the cover file while holding down the Alt key. After this procedure, the cover will be visible only on the templates and will become invisible beyond their borders. But this will not prevent you from moving the cover and selecting the desired visible part of it.
  12. Now the important point of menu creation is the buttons. By this point, you should already know the exact names of future buttons. For example, "Health", "Children", "Our contacts". To facilitate the task, we create the first button, the next ones only duplicate and change the text.
  13. We add a logo to the avatar or a verbal call, or both. This will add liveliness to your group as well as a distinctive feature.
  14. Save the shared file as a picture on your computer. What's next?
  15. Open the file we just created in Photoshop. Next, we create a new empty file with the exact dimensions of our avatar, insert the picture we created with the logo and buttons into it. We select the area we need for the avatar and ideally adjust it to the selected dimensions. Then we save our creation.
  16. We do the same with the menu. But again, there is an addition here. First you need to know the height of the menu, as it does not match the draft. Using a ruler, we measure the height to a single pixel (and it is best to measure it several times so as not to be mistaken). We create a new file with the old width and new height, adjust the image to fit the size and click the "Save" button.
  17. We load a new avatar, selecting the entire area and selecting a thumbnail.
  18. Download the menu through the "Latest News" button. Delete the previous link, upload a new photo and add ";nopadding".
  19. Now let's cut out our menu layout. Use Photoshop's "Cutting" or "Knife" tool. In different versions of Photoshop, it is called differently. We draw a line under each button to make separate rectangles, hovering over which the user will be able to go to specific links in the future.
  20. We go into editing the menu through the "Latest News" and load each of our clippings from the menu in turn. When viewing, gaps between our pictures will be shown. In order to get rid of them, you need to add the word ";nopadding" to each link.
  21. Now, in order for your links to be active and you can insert the information you need, then write on the links of the pictures in the menu editing - the name of one of your buttons - for example, Delivery. But this word must be written clearly according to the established rules, it should look like this [[Delivery]]. Next, save the page, follow this link and fill it with the necessary content.
  22. The last step to make everything work is to insert a copy of the link to the Delivery page into the link of the button, for example - page-123456_456789, that is, infa between the words "" to "?". That's it, now design each button the same way and your menu will successfully attract your target audience.

Subscribe to blog updates and share information with friends. Create more beauty in your life!

The purpose of the creator of the group in the social. networks to attract more visitors. It is important that the guest wants to join, sign, read information, leave a comment or order a product. The need for the end result is different from the direction of activity.

The first seconds of stay form the further actions of the guest. That is why the interface plays a big role.

Factors that leave a guest:

  • avatar;
  • description;
  • title;
  • beautiful and practical menu;
  • colorfulness;
  • content.

Creating a practical menu that encourages not only action is easy. But first you need to figure out what it should be.

What should be the menu

Using a well-designed menu, the visitor will be able to easily navigate through it and quickly get answers to their questions. Also, navigation allows you to create the right impression about the project.

The three main goals of the groups are:

  1. sales;
  2. traffic increase;
  3. increase in active visitors.

For sales, group navigation replaces the storefront.

The most important buttons should be here:

  1. catalog;
  2. price;
  3. delivery;
  4. promotional offers;
  5. reviews.

To increase traffic, the emphasis is on the content and zest of the site or blog.

Approximate set of buttons:

video: public menu

Working with Photoshop

Before proceeding, it is necessary to visually present the design or general appearance, as well as its components. Special knowledge is not required, just follow the steps of the instructions.

Action algorithm:

This is done using the Rectangular Marquee tool:

Working with graphics:

Approximately it should look like this:

Save the rectangle located on the right as a separate image, setting the size to 200x500 pixels. This is a ready-made avatar, loaded through the "Upload photo" button in the VK group.

The second picture still needs to be divided by the number of points. This is done in order to assign a link to each button.

First you need to make the markup:

Create fragments:

Saving images:

Technical part

Finished images must be transferred to a group. By following the steps below, this task can be easily dealt with.

Important! Filling the menu is different from usually uploading photos or pictures.

All in order:

Now the most important thing, in fact, for what all this was done. Add menu functionality. A separate picture must be assigned a “own” link.

  1. find the required entry;
  2. click on it with the left mouse button;
  3. copy the URL in the address bar.
  • go to the source where you want to redirect the visitor;
  • copy the required address.

Save changes with the appropriate button at the bottom of the window.

Attention! Changes may not appear immediately. It is recommended that you log out to your main profile, and then log back into the group.

How to create a menu in a Vkontakte group wiki markup

Wiki markup is a special language used to design web pages in social network groups.

This tool allows you to create:

  • effects;
  • unusual menus;
  • plates;
  • navigation elements;
  • format text.

In a word, this markup allows you to create a mini VKontakte website. This is very convenient, especially for sales and recruiting subscribers.

This design intuitively makes the visitor stay, click on the button. That is, it delays and stimulates to action - and this is exactly what is needed.

Visually, such a system is very similar to HTML layout. But it does not require long training and a special mindset.

Video: menu with search by category

Nuances of creation

Actually, what was done above (sharing and loading a picture) is already markup elements. This is the advantage of this tool. Automatic conversion to tags, with a simple upload of images.

However, it is important to know the individual tags that help make even more features and beauty. For example, when we fill certain parts of the image, white stripes may form between them. You can remove them by simply adding the noborder tag.

Like this: []

The main tags are presented in the table below:

Photo: tags used for markup

Working with pictures

Where options is replaced with:

  • noborder- removing the frame around the image;
  • no padding- removal of spaces between the image;
  • plain- insert a link to the image. It is issued in the form of text, without graphics;
  • nolink- removing the link to the image;
  • box- opening an image in a window;
  • NNNxYYYpx or NNNpx- sets the photo size in pixels.

Create a table

Regardless of which menu (text or graphic) you create, you can hardly do without inserting a table. Otherwise, you can just paste the text into the news field and not format it, spending so much time.

The table is created using a special set of characters, where each of them is responsible for a certain part of the table:

  • {| the symbol of the beginning of the table, without it there can be no table. Always used;
  • |+ is responsible for the location of the table title in the center. Put after the characters of the beginning of the table. Used at will;
  • | denotes the beginning of a new line and cell;
  • | a symbol that makes the cell transparent;
  • ! makes the cell dark. In its absence, the previous sign must be used;
  • |} means the end of the table. An optional character, however, is used to prevent an error from occurring.

When filling out a table, the content of each cell must be placed after the | sign, and when separating cells, you need to duplicate the row types like this: || or!!.

Markup Features

There are many unwritten rules, and this gives a lot of trouble to novice programmers. As a rule, everything is learned in practice. Everyone finds their own loopholes, everyone faces their own difficulties.

In order to avoid basic mistakes, you should familiarize yourself with the main ones:

  1. you need to be careful when resizing the picture - if it is less than 131 pixels, its quality will deteriorate significantly;
  2. image width should not exceed 610px;
  3. it is forbidden to place more than 17 open tags on one wiki page;
  4. when changing the width of the picture, its height changes automatically and proportionally;
  5. the list inside the table should be created using the tag
  6. there should be no more than 8 list items in one line of markup.

To create beautiful and functional navigation, you need to know the basics of Photoshop and wiki markup. However, the latter contains its own nuances, faced with which a beginner can get stuck and confused for a long time.

Important! Check the closing of all tags. Keep the sequence.

The main assistant in this case is attentiveness and strict adherence to instructions. The official VK page, which is called wiki markup, can always come to the rescue.

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