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How to make a mention. Direct search for a person by id

So, today we will try to figure out how to mention a person "VKontakte" in a message. There are several approaches to solving this problem. All of them are extremely easy to understand even for a novice user. However, this process requires little preparation. Do not be afraid of this action - you will definitely succeed.

Usage methods

Now let's go back to the id number. To get it, go to the "victim" profile and look at the address bar of your browser. There you will see the address, and after it idxxxxx, where xxxxx is the number we need. Select it and then copy it to the clipboard.

Sometimes, instead of a number, a whole word in the Latin alphabet can also be found. This is fine. This word is called the profile short address. It can also be used to solve a problem called "How to mention a person in a message on the wall in" VKontakte. "Now let's get to know the form of posting. It is extremely simple and easy to learn even for novice users.

Form for sending

It all starts with the fact that you have to come up with a message text. And start writing it. Then leave some space in the right place (highlight it with spaces) and finish your post. Next, you have to come up with a word or phrase that appears in the text as a redirect link.

When everything is ready, fill out the form in the right place: [profile address | keyword]. The "Address" field is exactly the same id-number or short address of the user's profile. "Keyword" is an expression displayed in a post to redirect to the profile of the "victim" of your choice. When you're done, you can just publish the post and see what you get. That's all the problems are solved.

For friends

How to mention a person on VKontakte in another way? To do this, the user must be on your friends list. If this rule is respected, then it will be as easy as shelling pears to accomplish the task.

In click on the "star" on the keyboard. You will now have a list of friends. There select the required user, then write the keyword. Then, through a space, write the main text of the message and publish it. Look at the result. You've managed to publish a post with a redirect link to a person without any extra effort.


  • Find out the person's account ID to make a mention. To do this, just go to the page of the user you need and click on the address bar. Copy the identifier that looks like the word ID with a specific sequence number.

    Sometimes, instead of it, a phrase is indicated in Latin letters, if a person has established a more convenient and memorable address for his page.

  • Apply a special script to create a link to a person "VKontakte": [Link address | Link text]. Set the page identifier of the person you need as the "Link address" item, and a short description in the "Link text". This will give you a link to the person's profile on VKontakte. It can be used during correspondence or when mentioning a person in your own notes. Also, instead of a user ID, you can specify a link to any group or public of this social network, music album, video or photo.
  • You can mention a person as an appeal if you want to write him a response in one of the discussions. Click "Reply" under his comment. In this case, an appeal to the person by his name with a link to his message will be automatically set at the beginning of your message at the bottom of the topic. It is possible to mention a person in your message without an active link, but in this case it will be more difficult to understand who exactly you are addressing.
  • Press the "*" key (an asterisk on the keyboard) before writing a message or posting a publication. You will be taken to a mini-list of your friends, from which you can select a specific person and make a mention of him. In the same way, you can make a link to a group, a list of dialogues, etc.
  • The next update: "VKontakte Mentions" made us happy with the social network. Recently, they have updates almost every day, and the updates are not only visually pleasing, but also very useful to use.

    How do I use mentions?


    This function can also be used when you have an interesting and useful site. You can post in it all new entries from the site, with links, give a link to your group in other communities that are similar to your topic. Thus, you will receive interested users in your group / public, and receive visits to your resource.

    What does a posted mention look like?

    After (*) is set and you started entering the name or name, a list will appear below in which you can select a person or group with this name. After you select someone from the list, the following inscription will appear in the message line:

    * kent_1987 (Nastyusha Titarenko), Nastyusha Titarenko will be a link. The name can be entered by changing the correct arrangement, for example: personal page - Nastyusha Titarenko, Titarenko Nastyusha, group - Beautiful things, Beautiful things.

    In order to make it more convenient to edit, the name in brackets is immediately highlighted in a different color when you click "Edit" and you can quickly change it to something else! If you do not want to change it, but it is highlighted, press the "Tab" key and you will be thrown to the very end of the mention, thereby removing the selection from the text.

    Before this update, VKontakte had the opportunity to put such quick mentions on the walls in groups and public pages before. The difference is that new mentions can be posted anywhere: in comments to photos, in posts, in posts, while editing, in the Share to Community windows. Mentions have become much more beautiful and brighter, now, when viewing each mention, information about a person or group and the main photo are shown.

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    Do you want to congratulate a loved one on your VKontakte page, mention friends or acquaintances in a post, invite certain people to an event? Then you just need to mark them in the post so that they receive a notification about your post. And also so that the rest of your friends from the social network can see who is hiding behind the names that you listed in the post. How to mark a person on a VKontakte record, we will tell you in detail in this material.

    How will it look like?

    The mark in the post will stand out against the black base color with a blue tint of letters. Moreover, it is a clickable link. It is enough to click on the name (or another word with which you signed your friend, acquaintance) with the mouse or tap on it on the smartphone screen, and the user will be on the page of the person you mentioned in the post. Agree, it's very convenient.

    An almost unlimited number of people can be mentioned in one entry with such clickable links (the length of one post-text in "VK" is pretty decent). However, in the VKontakte network, only those people who are registered on this site can be marked in this way. Users who have accounts, for example, only on Facebook, Odnoklassniki, cannot be mentioned in their records. How to insert a link to a third-party resource in this way.

    And now let's go directly to how to mark a person on the VKontakte wall.

    Tagging a person in a post: method one

    Let's say right away: mentioning a person in a post is a completely simple manipulation. Soon you will be doing it purely automatically.

    So, how to mark a person in a VKontakte entry:

    1. Click in the "News" tab or on the wall of your page on "Post", "New post".
    2. Go to the "What's new with you?" Text box.
    3. Write your introductory text.
    4. Where a person should be mentioned within the meaning, put a "dog" icon ("@").
    5. Immediately, without a space, start entering the name of your friend - exactly as he signed himself on "VKontakte". For example, "@ Masha Ivanova".
    6. You don't even need to mention the entire name - the system, as you type a word, will suggest the names of your comrades beginning with these letters - click on the one you need from the pop-up message.
    7. One secret of how to mark a person on a VKontakte entry: how you select the desired friend from the list, in the text field after the "dog" there will be a link to his page, and then the name with which he is signed, in brackets. Our example: (Masha Ivanova). By hovering the cursor inside the parenthesis, you can change this name, which the person has designated himself on the network, to any other: (Mashenka), (Maria Petrovna), (my best friend), etc.
    8. Did you manage? Insert a space and continue your story.
    9. Finish the text, publish the post. The friend's name will now have a blue clickable link in it.

    Tagging a person in a post: method two

    How to mark a person in a VKontakte post? Let's show you a slightly different way:

    1. Click on "New post" in the "News" or on the wall - not only your own, but also the public, the group where you want to post.
    2. Type the text you want.
    3. In the place where you want to indicate a link to a friend, enter the following combination in square brackets and with a separator line: [(user, group, community id) | (name, text with which you want to subscribe your link)]. For instance:.
    4. You can do it a little differently: "dog" and after it "idi" - "@ id0123457". For example: "@moya_gruppa".
    5. Now after the space, you can continue your story. Once again, we remind you that you can mention several friends, groups, publics in one post.
    6. Publish your post. Immediately after that, the text box with the friends and communities we mentioned will transform into a story with clickable blue links.

    Many will be interested in how to find out the "ID" of a group or a specific person? It's very simple: go to the page you need from your browser and pay attention to the address bar. Copy or remember all the text after "". This will be the id.

    How does a person know about a grade?

    We figured out how to mark a person in a VKontakte entry. Many people care if the mentioned person will know about it? There are two options:

    • If the person you mentioned is on your friends list, then he will receive a notification about the mark in your record.
    • If the person is not among the friends you added on the social network, then he will not receive a notification. However, looking at his "Replies", he will see them mentioning himself in your post.

    You can mark a person in your post on the wall of the VK page both with the mention of his name and id. This manipulation is useful if you want to mark your friends in a review or congratulation, announce the results of the drawing, promote your community, etc.

    So, today you and I are going to find out how to mark a person on a record in VKontakte. This simple step has several solutions. Plus, it is very useful, especially when used in conjunction with other posting techniques. For example, attaching notes on the walls. Let us, as soon as possible, begin to study the question posed with you.

    Why do you need

    Before you mark a person in "Contact", it is worth figuring out why we need to do this at all. After all, someone considers this opportunity useless. But this is not at all the case.

    Quite often, this function is also used in various public pages. In particular, in those where they publish news about bona fide employers and scammers. A very interesting application. Now that we know the purpose of "binding" a person to a message, let's try to figure out how to mark a person on a record in "Contact".

    Collection of information

    The first thing that can only be required of us is to obtain the necessary information about the user of the social network. There is one very important point here - if a person is not registered in "VKontakte", then it will be simply impossible to mark him on the post. Why?

    The thing is that each registered page has its own so-called ID, which will be used when linking. It is written in the address bar. But unregistered users do not have an ID on VKontakte.

    How can you get this number from a person who is already on the social network? To do this, just go to his profile and look at the address bar of the browser. The address will be written there, and then IDxxxxx, where xxxxx is the corresponding page number. He is what we need. Select it and copy it into. Now you can think about how to mark a person on the record in "Contact".

    Filling form

    Now the only thing is left to do - to come up with a post, and then write its text. And in the right place, insert a special form, which is needed to link a person's page to a post. What is this function? Let's get to know her.

    If you are wondering how to mark a person on a record in "Contact", then you just need to place the ID of his profile. After writing the post, in the required place, paste the following form: [profile address / output word]. The address here is nothing more than a person's ID. And a word is a phrase or expression that will redirect users to his page.

    For friends

    There is another very simple approach that will help answer the question of how to mark a person on a record in VKontakte. The point is that if this person exists in your friends list, then you can not use any forms and IDs. Everything will turn out several times easier.

    Before writing a post, press the "star" on your keyboard. After that, you will have a list of friends. Select a friend there and click on the inscription. Next, write a word or phrase that will appear in the post as a redirect. That's all.

    The only thing left to do is to start writing a message through the space. Now submit it and see the result. That's all. You know how to mark friends on a record in "Contact" in a few clicks. As you can see, this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

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