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How to make a Wi-Fi hotspot from a Windows computer. How to distribute the Internet to all computers on a local network using Windows

How to share Wi-Fi from a windows 7 computer

Nowadays, not a single person can do without the Internet. There is cable Internet in almost every apartment. However, it is convenient to use it on a stationary computer or laptop. However, what if there are other mobile devices in the house, such as a tablet, smartphone, and so on? mobile internet is quite expensive, and the speed is lower. Because of this, the question arises, how to distribute the Internet via WiFi on a computer with windows 7?

It should be noted that the easiest way to create a virtual WiFi network is to purchase a wireless router, but what if you don't have one? Everything is very simple.

How to share WiFi using a laptop

First of all, it should be said that today there are two ways how to distribute WiFi Internet from a computer with windows 7:

  • Using the built-in windows tools.
  • Using special software.

It should be noted that the creation of a virtual WiFi group using the built-in tools of the operating system can be carried out in two ways:

Read also

  • Using the Network and Sharing Center.
  • Using the command line.

We will consider all these methods in detail.

How to share WiFi in windows 7: Video

Setting up a network environment for distributing WiFi from a computer

It is worth noting that any modern laptop supports the Virtual WiFi function, which makes it possible to distribute the Internet via WiFi. But now let's look at how to organize the distribution of the Internet by setting up the network environment (Network and Sharing Center).

To do this, go to the "Start" menu and launch the "Control Panel". In the window that appears, you need to launch "Network and Internet", then go to the "Network and Sharing Center" section. Or click on the network connection icon in the tray and launch the Network Control Center.

Here you should run the "New connection or network settings", then click the "Computer-to-computer settings" button and click "Next" and "Next" again. In the window that appears, you must fill in all the fields and save the settings.

Fill in the fields for configuring the virtual network:

  • The name of the wireless network: can be anything you like (you can use letters and numbers, or a combination of them).
  • Password: can also be anything you like. It is required to connect to a group.
  • Security type: It is recommended to select "WPA2-Personal" here.

After filling in all the fields, you must check the box "Save the parameters of this network" and click "Next". After that, the system will create a virtual network. In the window that appears, you need to click "Enable Internet Connection Sharing". Close all windows.

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  • From the Network and Sharing Center menu, select Change adapter settings. Here you need to find the connection through which the computer gains access to the Internet, and click on the shortcut with the right mouse button. In the window that appears, select "Properties". Next, you need to go to the "General" tab. Here you need to check the box "Allow other users to use the Internet connection of this computer", and below select "wireless network connection 2" (this is a created virtual network) and click "OK";
  • After that, you should return to the "Network and Sharing Center";
  • Next, select "Change advanced sharing options";
  • In the window that appears, check "Enable network discovery" and "Enable file and printer sharing";
  • After that, click the "Save Changes" button.

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This completes the setup of the distribution of the Internet via WiFi in windows 7. If everything is done correctly, then other devices will be able to connect to the virtual network, and will have access to the Internet.

Configuring WiFi sharing using the command line

First of all, it must be said that this method is only suitable if the driver of the wireless adapter supports the Virtual WiFi function.

You can create a virtual WiFi network using the command line. To do this, you need to start a notepad and write the following line in it: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = My_virtual_WiFi key = 12345678 keyUsage = persistent.

Here ssid is the group name and key is the password. That is, in the example, the group name is My virtual WiFi, and the password for the connection is 12345678. Any password can be used. After that, the file must be saved. Next, you need to change the extension and file name.

To do this, you must right-click on the saved file and select “Rename file”. It is recommended to name the file the same as you named your network. After the name of the file, put a period, and after the period, instead of .txt, you need to write .bat. Next, you should run the file with administrator rights. To do this, again click on the file with the right mouse button and select the "Run as administrator" item.

All the above described actions can be performed in the command line itself. You can do it like this. In the "Start" menu in the search, we write "Command line" and run it as administrator by pressing the right mouse button. A command line appears, in which you need to write netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = My_virtual_WiFi key = 12345678 keyUsage = persistent as shown in the photo.

This will cause the system to install this command. It is worth noting that new hardware should appear in the task manager. It's easy to check. A device named “Microsoft Virtual WiFi Mini-Port Adapter” should appear in the “Network Adapters” item.

Next, you need to go to the "Network and Sharing Center" and select "Change adapter settings". A shortcut should appear here titled “Wireless Network Connection 2”. The label should show the status “Not connected” as shown in the picture.

The next step is to launch the network. To do this, we call the command line again and write in it:. This will launch the created network. At the same time, a virtual access point (SoftAP) should work. In this case, the shortcut “Wireless Network Connection 2” will change its status to “My virtual WiFi”.

In order to provide other members of the group with the opportunity to access the Internet, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Network and Sharing Center.
  • Go to the item "Changing adapter parameters".
  • and find the connection through which the computer (or laptop) is connected to the Internet, right-click on it and select “Properties”;
  • Here, in the "Access" tab, do the following:
    • In the “Home network connection” item, select the created virtual group (in our case, “Wireless network connection 2”).
    • After that, check the box “Allow other network users to use the Internet connection of this computer”.
    • Click "Ok" and that's it. The network is fully configured and ready to use.

To manage a virtual group, there is a set of simple commands that must be written in the command line:

Read also

  • Allow or deny network usage - netsh wlan set hostednetwork allow | disallow.
  • Group setting - netsh wlan set hostednetwork persistent | temporary. Instead of the words “passphrase” you enter your password, and instead of “SSID” you write the name of your group (in our case, My virtual WiFi).
  • Group properties and state - netsh wlan show settings.
  • Virtual group security settings - netsh wlan show hostednetwork setting = security.
  • Start the virtual group - netsh wlan start hostednetwork.
  • Stop virtual group - netsh wlan stop hostednetwork.

As you can see, the distribution of the Internet via WiFi from a computer with windows 7 using the command line is quite real. Moreover, everything is quite easy and simple. The main thing is to carefully prescribe the commands.

How to Share WiFi on Laptop Using Command Line: Video

Sharing WiFi from a computer using special software

The easiest and simplest method of distributing the Internet via WiFi from a computer is to use third-party software.

There are a lot of such programs. They can be paid or free. At the same time, setting up all these programs comes down to three main parameters - the network name, password, and also the choice of the connection through which the computer gains access to the Internet. Moreover, you must come up with a name and password yourself. After making these simple settings, you should click the "Start Hotspot" button.

Some of the most popular programs are:

  • Connectify.
  • My Public WiFi.
  • mHotSpot.
  • Virtual Router Plus.

How to share WiFi in windows 7 using Conectify Hotspot: Video

Which of the above WiFi distribution methods to use is up to you. Of course, third-party programs are much easier to configure, but the built-in tools are more stable.

How to distribute Wi-Fi from a computer without a router

How to share Wi-Fi from a laptop on windows 7

How to distribute Yota over Wi-Fi with windows 7

How to share Wi-Fi from a windows XP laptop

Configuring the distribution of WiFi from a computer windows 7 and XP

  • 1 Laptop as a router on an old OS
  • 2 Settings on the current OS

It is not necessary to buy a router to have WiFi in the house. A laptop, to which an Ethernet cable is connected, can also distribute the Internet around the apartment. The network has enough instructions on how to do this on windows 7 and older, but if you have XP, do not rush to do a complete reinstallation of the operating system.

Laptop as a router on an old OS

On any operating system from Microsoft, the distribution of the Internet via WiFi can be organized both by built-in tools and by third-party utilities. But why clutter your hard drive with unnecessary programs? On windows XP, follow these steps step by step:

  • Open “Start” and go to “My Computer”.
  • Select “My Network Places” in the left pane.
  • Next, go to the "Display network connections" section.
  • Right click on the “Wireless Connections” shortcut and open “Properties”.
  • Next, go to the address "Wireless & networks" - "Advanced".
  • Here select the "Computer-to-computer" option and confirm your choice.
  • Click “Add” and enter the details of the created network (name, password, encryption method) and confirm.
  • Next, open the "General" tab and highlight the IPv4 item, click on the "Properties" button.
  • In this window, set the indicator to the item "Use the following IP ..." and enter the following data:

IP -

Subnet mask -

The distribution has been created, it remains only to enable the ability to connect to it from other devices within the range of the wireless network. To do this, go back to the network connections window and right-click on the local connection to open its properties. You need to put an indicator in front of the item "Allow other network users ...".

The WaiFai distribution should now be fully functional.

Settings on the current OS

Similar actions can be done with windows 7. To distribute Wi-Fi from a computer or laptop, you can, as in the previous example, create a new virtual network step by step. The only difference is in some steps.

  • You need to look at the "Network and Sharing Center".
  • Run “Setting up a new connection…”.

See also: Windows 7 computer does not restart

  • Then go to “Configuring the wireless network“ Computer-Computer ”and click the“ Next ”button.

As you can see, the steps are similar. In the new window, enter the network name, encryption type and password. Save changes and click "Next". The only thing left to do here is to apply the “Enable Sharing…” setting.

But that's not all. So that you can connect to WiFi from other devices, go back to the "Network and Sharing Center" and on the left side of the window find the line "Change advanced settings ...".

After opening this menu, make the items highlighted in the screenshot active:

Ready! But windows 7 offers another, more advanced and simpler way to organize the distribution of WiFi from a computer or laptop equipped with a wireless adapter. This is command line usage. Find it in the list of all windows programs and open it with administrator rights (right-click on the shortcut and select the appropriate item).

In the window that opens, enter a command of this type:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = "new network name (at least 8 characters)" key = "password"

and press Enter. This is a quick creation of a distribution, and in order for the Internet to begin to be distributed from a laptop, use the command:

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

It remains only to go to the "Network Control Center ..." - Properties of the Local Connection (the one that is the wire through which the Internet "gets" into the apartment). Open the "Access" tab and check both boxes. WiFi sharing is now working.

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How to distribute Wi-Fi from computer to phone? | Your setevok

Connecting your phone to a computer via wifi will significantly save expensive 3G traffic and create your own wireless network even without access to a router. And in this article we will look at how to distribute wifi from a computer to a phone, as well as touch on the technical features of such a non-standard Wi-Fi network.

So, among the most common ways to connect a phone to a computer via wifi is the creation of a wi-fi connection using windows and using the command line. By the way, the computer here acts not only as an access point, but also as a repeater.

How to distribute wi-fi from computer to phone via windows 7 interface?

To begin with, let's analyze the option with a Wi-Fi connection using windows 7: this is the simplest and most versatile way to create a network between a computer and a phone.

Please note that the names of folders and files for other versions of windows may differ slightly.

  • - To transfer files from computer to phone via wifi, the PC must have an active Internet connection;
  • - Create a new connection "Wireless network computer-computer";

  • - Fill in the network name (for example, let's call it “MyNewNetwork”), security type (WPA2 - PSK) and key (create a password) for the created network, and click “Save settings” - “Next”;
  • - Click on "Enable Connection Sharing". This completes the transformation of the computer into an access point. In the "Sharing Settings" section, set "enable" on all required items

Now from your phone, search for available wifi points, find the network you created ("MyNewNetwork") and connect to it by entering the security key.

How to distribute Wi-Fi from computer to phone via the command line?

To distribute the Internet from a computer to a phone via wifi:

Open "Command Prompt";

Enter "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = wifi phone key = 000000 keyUsage = persistent" (accordingly, all commands are entered without quotes);

  • - a notification will appear about the successful placement of the network you created ("MyNewNetwork");
  • - in the "Device Manager" ("My Computer" - "Management") there will be a device named "Microsoft Virtual WiFi Mini-Port Adapter";
  • - click on the created connection and open "Property" - "Access";
  • - set both options for sharing and select a new connection from the list.

To enable the network, open Command Prompt again and type netsh wlan start hostednetwork.

This command must be entered every time you turn on the computer - this way you determine when to grant access to your network.

To disable - "netsh wlan stop hostednetwork".

To change the username or password - "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid =" WifiNewName "key =" New password "keyUsage = persistent".

For password recovery - "netsh wlan show hostednetwork setting = security".

In addition, to make it easier to connect your phone via wifi to a computer, you can make a mini-utility that will contain a command to start the network:

Open Notepad or the Notepad ++ editor enter the command to start the network;

Save the file with the .bat extension in the "File name" column, for example - new-wifi.bat;

After saving the program, to start the network, just open this file.

The .bat files, and especially the .vbs files, require an enabled English keyboard layout.

However, such a network has a significant drawback: the computer will distribute Wi-Fi to the phone and other devices only in the "active" mode of operation, but the network will become unavailable even if the PC simply goes to sleep. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately turn off the "Hibernation" mode.

How to connect a phone to a computer via wifi: automatic network operation

You can also configure automatic turning on and off the network if the Internet needs to be distributed for a limited time.

Create 2 .bat files: one with the enable command, and the other, respectively, with the shutdown. For this:

  • - "Start" - "Control Panel" - "System and its maintenance" - "Administrative Tools" - "Task Scheduler" (or maybe "Scheduled Tasks");
  • - Set your task for each file (enable / disable): let's say that you will have Internet distribution every day from 12:00, and the second file with a shutdown will be launched every day at 16:00.

Sometimes the error "Failed to connect to the network ..." appears, or there is simply a "permanent" receipt of an ip-address without access to the Internet.

The reason that wi-fi does not work on the phone (but on the computer does) may be:

Windows Firewall blocking the connection

Antivirus blocking the connection.

How to distribute the Internet from a computer via Wi-Fi? detailed instructions

windows can turn your computer or laptop into a wireless hotspot if you allow it to share the internet over Wi-Fi. Configuring the distribution of the Internet on windows 7, 8 and 10 is somewhat different from each other. Therefore, to install the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi, we will consider a separate instruction for each windows operating system. Go.

The ability to share your computer's or laptop's wired internet connection to connect wireless devices is available in windows 7, 8, and 10 without installing additional components. Creating such connections, which are an example of peer-to-peer networks, is as easy as shelling pears. In general, a classic example of a peer-to-peer network is a computer-switch-computer network, and computers have the same rights in this network. And in our case, the Wi-Fi wireless network interface will be responsible for the role of a switch.

Please note that when setting up a peer-to-peer network using your computer's Wi-Fi adapter to distribute Internet over Wi-Fi, the current Wi-Fi connection, if any, will be disabled. Since the Wi-Fi adapter will be used to distribute the Internet and it will no longer be able to receive it.

I want to inform you that here I do not give how, after all the settings, to find the resulting access point on a smartphone or laptop and connect to it. Due to the flourishing of the smartphone market, I think that everyone can connect to a Wi-Fi network.

How to distribute the Internet from windows 10

1. Launch the Parameters in any way convenient for you: by pressing + I on the keyboard, through the START menu, clicking on the icon. On the main settings page, click the Network & Internet button.

4. In the Change Network Information window, give the network a name and enter your password, at least 8 characters long.

That's all you need to do in windows 10 to share the Internet from your computer via Wi-Fi. This is one of the best features of windows 10 anniversary update.

We distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from a laptop or computer in windows 8

Unfortunately, windows 8 does not have a graphical interface for configuring a peer-to-peer network, so we will use the command line in some steps to configure the Internet via Wi-Fi.

I must say that this method of distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi, described for windows8, without any additions is suitable for windows 7. All steps are completely identical.

1. Open Network Connections in a convenient way for you, for example, by pressing the + R combination on the keyboard and typing in the Run command ncpa.cpl in the window, click OK.

3. Switch to the Sharing tab and enable the Allow other network users to use this computer's Internet connection option. If the second setting is Allow other network users to control Internet connection sharing. Then click the OK button.

4. Next, you need to run the command line with administrator rights. Open the START menu and type cmd. In the search results, on the Command Prompt line, right-click and select Run as administrator from the context menu.

5. At a command prompt with administrator privileges, enter:

Netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = "" key = ""

Where is the name of your network and the password for connecting to the network, which will need to be entered to connect to the access point. In this case, the connection will be based on WPA2-PSK (AES) encryption.

Netsh wlan start hostednetwork

From this moment on, your computer or laptop is ready to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi.

7. At any time you can view the connection information, where you can find out which channel your connection is using, the access point name, the type of authentication, the type of Wi-Fi and the number of clients connected to the network.

Netsh wlan show hostednetwork

8. You can stop broadcasting the distribution of Wi-Fi Internet with the following command:

Netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

Sharing the Internet via Wi-Fi in windows 7

As mentioned earlier, you can configure the distribution of the Internet in a way that is suitable for windows 8. But we will consider using a computer-to-computer network (Ad-hoc) to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi. This method is interesting in that you do not need to use the command line to configure the distribution.

1. Open the Network and Sharing Center in the Control Panel. In the Change network settings section, click on Set up a new connection or network.

2. Then, in the window that opens, select Configure a computer-to-computer wireless network and click Next.

  • The name of the network - come up with your taste;
  • Security type - choose WPA2-ptrsonal;
  • Security key - set a password that will need to be entered to connect to the network.

4. The system will automatically configure the distribution of the Internet via WiFi and show the window of ready connection to the Wi-Fi network with the specified parameters. In the window that appears, click Turn on Internet Connection Sharing.

We distribute wired Internet through the application

We install, launch, specify the network name (SSID), set the desired password, and select our wireless connection that we want to distribute. Click the Start Virtual Router button and you're done. Below you can see a list of connected devices. It couldn't be easier.

Setting up the distribution of the Internet over Wi-Fi may seem like a hassle to some people, but in fact it is not that difficult. It all depends on which version of windows you are using. In addition, you can always use a third-party application, working with which comes down to an even easier way to make an access point from your computer or laptop.

Now you can always use this article to distribute your Internet channel via Wi-Fi, even if you don't have a Wi-Fi router at hand.

How to distribute Wi-Fi from a computer - without a router, to any device

Many of us, now at home, have not only a TV and a computer, but also a telephone, tablet and other electronic devices. And there is only one internet connection. In this regard, the following questions arise: How to distribute Wi-Fi from a computer without a router? Is it possible and how to distribute the Internet from a computer to a phone and other devices?

How to make it so that you can go online from all devices that we have at home? How to distribute Wi-Fi from a computer? How to make Wi-Fi on a computer without a router?

Are you answering that the distribution of wifi from a computer (laptop) is possible only thanks to a router? Then this post is for you. But is it possible to make a computer or laptop distribute wifi without a router, can a computer distribute wifi without a router. Undoubtedly!!!

Most likely, you know what it means to distribute wifi, so we will not describe it in detail, but we will answer the above questions.

How to distribute Wi-Fi from a windows 7, 8, 10 computer, without a router to any device?

Nowadays, not a single person can do without the Internet. There is cable Internet in almost every apartment. However, it is convenient to use it on a stationary computer or laptop. However, what if there are other mobile devices in the house, such as a tablet, smartphone, and so on? mobile internet is quite expensive, and the speed is lower. This raises the question, how?

It should be noted that the easiest way to create a virtual WiFi network is to purchase a wireless router, but what if you don't have one? Everything is very simple.

How to share WiFi using a laptop

First of all, it should be said that today there are two ways how to distribute WiFi Internet from a computer with Windows 7:

  • Using built-in Windows tools.
  • Using special software.

It should be noted that the creation of a virtual WiFi group using the built-in tools of the operating system can be carried out in two ways:

  • Using the Network and Sharing Center.
  • Using the command line.

We will consider all these methods in detail.

How to Share WiFi in Windows 7: Video

Setting up a network environment for distributing WiFi from a computer

It is worth noting that any modern laptop supports the Virtual WiFi function, which makes it possible to distribute the Internet via WiFi. But now let's look at how to organize the distribution of the Internet by setting up the network environment (Network and Sharing Center).

To do this, go to the "Start" menu and start the "Control Panel". In the window that appears, you need to start “Network and Internet”, then go to the “Network and Sharing Center” section. Or click on the network connection icon in the tray and launch the Network Control Center.

Here you should start “Settings for a new connection or network”, then click the “Computer-to-computer settings” button and click “Next” and “Next” again. In the window that appears, you must fill in all the fields and save the settings.

Fill in the fields for configuring the virtual network:

  • The name of the wireless network: can be anything you like (you can use letters and numbers, or a combination of them).
  • Password: can also be anything you like. It is required to connect to a group.
  • Security type: It is recommended to select “WPA2-Personal” here.

After filling in all the fields, you must check the box “Save the parameters of this network” and click “Next”. After that, the system will create a virtual network. In the window that appears, you need to click “Enable Internet Connection Sharing”. Close all windows.

  • In the “Network and Sharing Center” menu, select “Change adapter settings”. Here you need to find the connection through which the computer gains access to the Internet, and click on the shortcut with the right mouse button. In the window that appears, select "Properties". Next, you need to go to the "General" tab. Here you need to check the box “Allow other users to use the Internet connection of this computer”, and below select “wireless network connection 2” (this is a created virtual network) and click “OK”;
  • After that, you should return to the "Network and Sharing Center";
  • Next, select “Change advanced sharing settings”;
  • In the window that appears, check "Enable network discovery", as well as "Enable file and printer sharing";
  • After that press the button “Save changes”.

This completes the setup of the distribution of the Internet via WiFi in Windows 7. If everything is done correctly, then other devices will be able to connect to the virtual network, and will have access to the Internet.

Configuring WiFi sharing using the command line

First of all, it must be said that this method is only suitable if the driver of the wireless adapter supports the Virtual WiFi function.

You can create a virtual WiFi network using the command line. To do this, you need to start a notepad and write the following line in it: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = My_virtual_WiFi key = 12345678 keyUsage = persistent.

Here ssid is the group name and key is the password. That is, in the example, the group name is My virtual WiFi, and the password for the connection is 12345678. Any password can be used. After that, the file must be saved. Next, you need to change the extension and file name.

To do this, you must right-click on the saved file and select “Rename file”. It is recommended to name the file the same as you named your network. After the name of the file, put a period, and after the period, instead of .txt, you need to write .bat. Next, you should run the file with administrator rights. To do this, again click on the file with the right mouse button and select the "Run as administrator" item.

All the above described actions can be performed in the command line itself. You can do it like this. In the "Start" menu in the search, we write "Command line" and run it as administrator by pressing the right mouse button. A command line appears, in which you need to write netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = My_virtual_WiFi key = 12345678 keyUsage = persistent as shown in the photo.

This will cause the system to install this command. It is worth noting that new hardware should appear in the task manager. It's easy to check. A device named “Microsoft Virtual WiFi Mini-Port Adapter” should appear in the “Network Adapters” item.

Next, you need to go to the "Network and Sharing Center" and select "Change adapter settings". A shortcut should appear here titled “Wireless Network Connection 2”. The label should show the status “Not connected” as shown in the picture.

The next step is to launch the network. To do this, call the command line again and write in it: netsh wlan start hostednetwork. This will launch the created network. At the same time, a virtual access point (SoftAP) should work. In this case, the shortcut “Wireless Network Connection 2” will change its status to “My virtual WiFi”.

In order to provide other members of the group with the opportunity to access the Internet, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Network and Sharing Center.
  • Go to the item "Changing adapter parameters".
  • and find the connection through which the computer (or laptop) is connected to the Internet, right-click on it and select “Properties”;
  • Here, in the "Access" tab, do the following:
    • In the “Home network connection” item, select the created virtual group (in our case, “Wireless network connection 2”).
    • After that, check the box “Allow other network users to use the Internet connection of this computer”.
    • Click "Ok" and that's it. The network is fully configured and ready to use.

To manage a virtual group, there is a set of simple commands that must be written in the command line:

  • Allow or deny network usage - netsh wlan set hostednetwork allow | disallow.
  • Group setup - netsh wlan set hostednetwork<идентификатор_SSID> <парольная_фраза>persistent | temporary. Instead of the words “passphrase” you enter your password, and instead of “SSID” you write the name of your group (in our case, My virtual WiFi).
  • Group properties and state - netsh wlan show settings.
  • Virtual group security settings - netsh wlan show hostednetwork setting = security.
  • Start the virtual group - netsh wlan start hostednetwork.
  • Stop virtual group - netsh wlan stop hostednetwork.

As you can see, sharing the Internet over WiFi from a Windows 7 computer using the command line is quite real. Moreover, everything is quite easy and simple. The main thing is to carefully prescribe the commands.

How to Share WiFi on Laptop Using Command Line: Video

Sharing WiFi from a computer using special software

The easiest and simplest method of distributing the Internet via WiFi from a computer is to use third-party software.

There are a lot of such programs. They can be paid or free. At the same time, setting up all these programs comes down to three main parameters - the network name, password, and also the choice of the connection through which the computer gains access to the Internet. Moreover, you must come up with a name and password yourself. After making these simple settings, you should click the "Start Hotspot" button.

Some of the most popular programs are:

  • Connectify.
  • I work as a specialist in the Techno-Master company.

If your smartphone or tablet has Internet access, and other devices are not connected to the network, you can use it as a modem and distribute the Internet to your other devices. For this, two types of connection are provided and they all do not require any additional software or equipment. Everything is done by means of the smartphone or tablet itself, as well as the Android operating system. In this article we will tell you about all three methods, and you can independently choose how best to distribute mobile Internet from a smartphone to other devices in your particular case.

Mobile Internet via Wi-Fi

  • Open the Hotspot item and activate the Wi-Fi hotspot.
  • In the parameters of the access point, specify the name of the future network and the password for it.
  • Turn on Wi-Fi on the second device and search for and connect to the newly created Wi-Fi network.

Mobile Internet via Bluetooth

If the device that will receive the signal does not have a Wi-Fi module or it is unavailable for some reason, use a Bluetooth module as a transmitter. How to do it:

  • Open the Settings of your smartphone or tablet.
  • Select the Wireless & networks category and open More.
  • Activate Bluetooth tethering.
  • Go back to the root Settings menu and open the Bluetooth settings and activate the discoverable mode for other devices.

In order to receive the Internet transmitted by a smartphone via Bluetooth, download and install the BlueVPN application on the second device. In its main menu, turn on the search for Bluetooth devices, find the same smartphone or tablet that distributes the Internet and perform pairing.

Mobile Internet via USB

  • To connect your smartphone as a USB modem for your laptop or computer, do the following:
  • First, connect your smartphone to your computer with a cable.
  • Open Settings> Wireless & networks> turn on USB tethering.
  • Select the created connection on the PC in the Network Sharing Center.

WiFi has become a part of the life of a modern person. Smartphones, tablets, PCs and other devices allow us to access the Web from almost anywhere. Today, almost every public institution or place (cafe, supermarket, cinema, etc.) is equipped with an access point that distributes free WiFi.

Of course, many people use WiFi at home too. It is incredibly convenient - there is only one wire with the Internet, and several devices are connected to it at once.

Who needs it?

So, it's worth noting right away that this article will be useful, first of all, for those who do not have a router at home at all. Yes, not all providers offer to install WiFi when connecting to the Internet. In such cases, the Internet usually comes via cable directly to the PC, tightly binding to the MAC address of your network card.

However, you must admit that it's boring nowadays without WiFi. Connect the same smartphone to it in order to watch a video on YouTube while lying on a comfortable sofa. Game console, TV, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, whatever your heart desires. And if you have more than one computer at home, it's a big problem without WiFi. In short, everyone finds the use of WiFi depending on their needs. But what should those who do not have WiFi do? Let's try to figure it out.

A bit of theory

What is WiFi in general? This is a standard for transmitting data over a radio channel with a frequency of 2.4 GHz (now there is also 5 GHz). It was invented back in 1996 in Australia, but became widespread around 2007, following the growing popularity of the PDA. Today WiFi allows data transfer at speeds of up to 300 Mbps and higher, depending on the standard.

The designation "WiFi" was conceived by the developers as a play on words with the consonant "HiFi".

WiFi benefits

  • WiFi allows you to organize a local network without laying a cable. Especially useful in places where cable routing is difficult.
  • It is compatible with all devices (WiFi hardware) due to the mandatory certification.
  • Much more mobile and convenient than a regular wired network
  • Unlike a wired network, a huge number of clients can connect to WiFi at the same time


  • Sensitivity to interference. Bluetooth and some other wireless equipment work at 2.4 GHz, which greatly increases the amount of interference to the WiFi signal. However, at the moment there is a WiFi standard using the 5 GHz frequency. The transition to a higher frequency allowed reducing the interference to almost zero.

Ridiculous to say, even the microwave that warms up breakfast can interfere with WiFi.

  • Low radius of action. WiFi, unlike, for example, fourth-generation mobile networks operating at almost the same frequency, has an extremely short range. Moreover, in order to install an access point of greater power and increase the broadcasting radius, it will be required to register it with the relevant authorities.

How to share WiFi without a router?

All this is of course interesting, but we are more interested in the question of how to distribute WiFi without having an extra router in stock. There are several options.

Ad-Hoc Mode

In this mode, it is easiest to distribute the Internet to another PC. With such a connection, a wireless similarity to a regular local network is organized. Importantly, this type of network is supported by all network cards and WiFi adapters.

So, to start such a connection, you need to go to the "Network and Sharing Center" and press the "Manage wireless networks" button.

Network and Sharing Center

In the window that appears, select the "Create a computer-to-computer network" item.

Selecting a computer-to-computer network

Setting up a computer-to-computer network

Now you just need to enter the network name and password to it, after which the client can already connect to it.

Network name and password

The main thing is not to forget to enable Internet Sharing by clicking the corresponding button.

The disadvantage of this method is the low security of the connection. Ad-Hoc does not support current levels of encryption, so such a network would be vulnerable to outside attack. In addition to this, Ad-Hoc mode is not supported by all devices. For example, connecting such a network to Android requires root privileges and some manipulation.

In the latest versions of Windows, the ability to configure networks of the "computer-to-computer" type has been removed.

Soft AP Mode

This mode is the organization of a virtual access point. The safest and most convenient option. What can be connected? Smartphones, TVs, game consoles, in general, any WiFi device is supported. The number of connected devices depends on the network adapter, although all 100. However, it has only one drawback - the access point mode is not supported by all network cards and WiFi adapters.

There are several ways to organize an access point. Either set up the network yourself, or use special programs. Oddly enough, both options are very simple. Let's analyze each one separately.

Configuring an Access Point Manually

First, you need to run the command line with administrator rights. To do this, find it in the "Start" menu and right-click.

Command Prompt in the Start Menu

You can also start it using the "Run" command. Press the Windows + R combination on the keyboard and enter the command "cmd". In this case, the system itself will give administrator rights.

Command line on the Run menu

Now that the command line has started, you need to enter the following command (use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + V to paste the copied text):

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = "MS Virtual Wi-Fi" key = "Pass for virtual wifi" keyUsage = persistent

Here "MS Virtual Wi-Fi" is the name of our wireless network, and "Pass for virtual wifi" is the password to access it. The name and password can be specified at your discretion. However, for greater compatibility, it is recommended to use only Latin characters and numbers.

After executing this command, the system will detect a new device - "Microsoft Virtual WiFi miniport adapter". This is our virtual access point. In addition, the "Network and Sharing Center" in the connections has a new - "Wireless Network Connection 2".

If the device and the new connection did not appear, most likely your network card does not support Soft AP mode. Try restarting your computer and retrying the operation.

Now all that remains is to start broadcasting our network. To do this, open the command line again and enter the command

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

The network is up and running. You can verify by finding it on another device or in the "Network and Sharing Center".

New network in the "Network Control Center"

However, our network does not distribute the Internet yet. You need to set up sharing. We find in the list of connections the one through which the computer gains access to the Internet. Right mouse button - properties. Then go to the "Access" tab and put a checkmark "Allow other network users to use the Internet connection of this computer." In the item "Home network connection" that appears after this, you need to specify our virtual adapter - "Wireless Network Connection 2".

We open the general access to the Internet

There is only one drawback of this method - the network must be started manually after each restart of the computer. You can assemble a primitive bat-file by entering the very two commands into it, or you can make it even easier and use ready-made special programs.

Configuring an Access Point Using Connectify

This program, in fact, does everything that is described above, but, unlike the command line, it has a very nice graphical interface. It is incredibly easy to use it - you just need to specify the name of the network, the password for it and press "Start". In a couple of seconds, the network will be available to customers.

If the adapter supports Soft AP mode and Connectify stubbornly refuses to "start" the network, you can try the Virtual Router Manager program. It is not much different from the previous one. We also enter the network name, password and click "Start".

The use of a router for distributing Internet access at home today can already be called an axiom. Such a WiFi connection, unlike cellular communication, provides free high-speed Internet access for all mobile devices, including laptops, smartphones and tablets.

However, in some cases, for example, in a rented apartment or in a hostel, it is not always advisable to purchase a router, and a laptop can be used as a translator.

Of course, such a solution imposes some restrictions, including a low signal power, which means that the range is much shorter. Nevertheless, this is an option for solving the problem, and we will tell you how to implement it in practice.

We distribute the Internet using the capabilities of Windows

In Windows 7 and Windows 10, the developers have provided the function of creating a virtual router, but activating it is somewhat more difficult than it is organized, for example, on smartphones running Android. There it is enough to activate the "Access Point" function in the menu, set a password - and the Internet distribution is launched.

What do you need to do for this on Windows? Note that the ways to share WiFi in Windows 7 and Windows 10 differ significantly, and in the latter case, everything is much simpler. Therefore, let's start with the settings of a virtual router in Windows 7, and then we'll tell you how to enable everything in the Top Ten.

Most of the configuration methods described on the Web in Windows 7 relate to the organization of a virtual "Wi-Fi" network in the menu "Network and Sharing Center | Creating and configuring a new connection or network. " The main point here is "Configuring the wireless network computer-computer". Everything would be fine, but the trouble is that in some versions of Windows there is simply no such item, and users are stumped.

But there is a way out! We will show you how to share WiFi from a laptop using the command line and using third-party utilities. Trust me, it's not difficult at all.

So, in Windows 7 in the Start menu, search for "cmd" and run it with administrator rights. In the window that opens, enter the command:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = "WiFiNout" key = "Test5678" keyUsage = persistent

where WiFiNout- an example of the name of the created Wi-Fi network, and the parameter Test5678- an example of a password (key) to the network, which you can set at your discretion.

After confirming the operation, you need to activate the virtual wireless network. This can be done using the command:

After executing this command, the laptop starts distributing the WiFi network. But we still have to organize access to it for your devices. To do this, right-click on the network icon in the Windows tray and select "Network and Sharing Center" from the context menu.

In the window that opens, in the menu on the left, select the "Change adapter settings" item. A list of existing network connections will open, among which a new one has appeared with the name "WiFiNout".

To organize access to the Internet from this network, you need to allow it in our current cable connection. To do this, right-click on the wired connection icon and select Properties from the context menu.

A window with connection parameters will open, in which you need to check the box “Allow other network users to use the Internet connection of this computer” on the “Access” tab and select the network we have created below.

After that, it is advisable to restart your computer. After rebooting, in order for the laptop to start distributing the network, you will need to reactivate it in the command line with the command:

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

To stop Wi-Fi broadcast use the command:

netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

Turn on Internet Sharing in Windows 10

To enable the distribution of Wi-Fi in Windows 10, the developers have added a separate function - "Mobile hotspot". In order to activate it, open the "Settings" section in the "Start" menu and click on the "Network and Internet" icon.

A window will open with parameters related to the network. Here in the left menu, find the item "Mobile hotspot item" and click on it. Now, in the right field, you will see the current parameters of your future wireless network, its name and network password. Set the name and network key to your liking.

If you do not want someone to be able to turn on the distribution of Wi-Fi remotely via Blutooth, then disable this function in this window.

Now you can activate the wireless network. To do this, click on the switches at the top of the settings window. In order for devices connected via Wi-Fi networks to gain access to the Internet, you will need to give access to the newly created network, as we indicated above, by going to the "Adapter settings" menu (in the upper right in the same window) and configure access in the properties of the cable connections.

In this case, this is network number 13. Restart your PC to enable the devices to connect.

Sharing the Internet using the Connectify utility

A small utility called Connectify has a free version and it is quite enough for sharing the Internet from a laptop when connected via a cable connection. To activate the function of connecting the Internet via a USB adapter of a 3G and 4G cellular operator, you will need to buy the program (2650 rubles).

You can download the utility from the program's website. After installing the virtual router, you will be briefly introduced to the configuration options, after which you can start distributing Wi-Fi.

You will need to select the network adapter through which the laptop connects to the Internet and set your own password.

To activate the broadcast, click the button at the bottom of the program window - "Start Hotspot access point".

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