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How to make a stable signal on an iota modem. What factors influence the signal


Despite the similarity to light, microwave radiation has a slightly higher penetrating power. It is capable of passing through objects that are opaque to visible light, provided that they do not conduct an electric current. On the other hand, due to the significant wavelength, the usual metal mesh-netting, which traps only a small part of the visible light, can become an almost insurmountable obstacle for microwave waves. This also applies to metal rods in reinforced concrete. If you are in a reinforced concrete house, and even more so in a construction trailer, sheathed with solid sheet metal, bring the modem to the window, and the reception will noticeably improve. If the modem is directly connected to the computer, use a USB extension cable, but not any one, but one that meets the requirements of the USB 2.0 standard, otherwise the data transfer speed will be slightly slower.

Microwave radiation can also be delayed and even re-reflected by large objects such as neighboring houses. Re-reflection is capable of creating a so-called interference pattern, consisting of minima and maxima. signal... To find the maximum, also use a USB extension cable. Since the signal strength indicator reacts to changes in reception conditions with some delay, move the modem around the room slowly, both horizontally and vertically. Sooner or later, you will find a place where the signal strength will be significant. Note that since the human body is electrically conductive, moving people around the room can change the shape of the interference pattern.

If the reception quality changes unexpectedly and abruptly, do not be lazy to go to the kitchen and see what is happening there. The reception may deteriorate during periods when the microwave is used. It works in a close part of the range, but with much higher power, and if it affects the work of WiMax- modem(and common WiFi devices), this means that there is radiation leakage in it. This is hazardous to health and such a stove must be repaired immediately by a workshop.

The longer wavelengths the electromagnetic radiation is, the rougher the surface is suitable for focusing it. That is why satellite dishes do not polish to a mirror finish. For the Yota-modem, you can also make a semblance of a parabolic antenna by placing it in the focus of an ordinary metal basin. Only it will have to be directed not to the satellite, but to the base station, having previously found out exactly where the latter is located.


  • enhance yota signal

The use of the mobile Internet is an innovation that has already been appreciated by many people throughout Russia. The operator, providing broadband Internet access in several cities of the Russian Federation using the WiMax communication standard, quickly gained popularity. But the signal quality is far from always high, the reception is often poor, and sometimes it is completely absent. You can try to improve the reception of the Yota modem by choosing the optimal location for it, but a more effective method is to buy a signal amplifier antenna that can work even in a car.

You will need

  • USB extension cable
  • Sucker
  • WiMax signal amplifier antenna


Despite the fact that Yota connects to the USB port of the computer, if you use it at home, then do not rush to stick it. Better to get a USB extension cable that does not degrade signal quality and has good bandwidth. This is important, because if you had a bad connection before purchasing it, now it can be slowed down by the poor quality of the extension cord.

So, several weeks of experimentation are behind us. Screwdrivers, wrenches and a drill rest on the shelves, and harmony reigns in the house, since all its inhabitants, as it should be, hid in their rooms, plunging into social networks, weather forecast services and electronic encyclopedias in search of long-awaited information- a narcotic substance that is constantly lacking in our brain, which is ready to absorb all this into its endless accumulator with irrepressible curiosity.
This article will focus on how, in the area of ​​very weak signal reception, Yota managed to achieve a fairly good Internet access speed. I do not pretend to be unique in the technologies and approaches used. The purpose of this publication is to show how a WiMAX modem can be made to work more efficiently at low cost, at home.

Historical event in Sochi

How did it all start? Of course, with the arrival of Yota in Sochi. Until that moment, the Internet for me was a real luxury, and Squid with a system for collecting statistics of incoming traffic, a method of saving and controlling Internet costs.
WiMAX changed everything. Now I was not tied to a specific address, the access speed became higher, and most importantly, there was a feeling of inner freedom (I didn't have to think about traffic anymore). Only the fact that all this worked in an office in the city center turned out to be a fly in the ointment, but at home on the outskirts, the Yota modem did not want to catch the network at all, and if it sometimes succeeded, then it did not last long (RSSI: less - 80dB, CINR: 4dBm or less). All the fault was the forest blossoming in the spring, which stood as a wall between the house and the alleged location of the base station.

I had to look for a solution and I thought to do the following:
1. Purchase a D-Link DIR-320 Wi-Fi router and flash it with an official firmware that supports Internet connection via a Samsung WiMAX modem from Yota
2. Design a capacity ("barrel") into which this router with a modem could be installed
3. Fix this container with equipment inside on a high mast
4. Connect, turn on, configure and check the result

We managed to do everything in one day off. The router with the modem was raised to a height of about 8 meters. The signal level doubled, the Internet began to work stably, but the average speed did not reach 50Kb / s. The result could hardly be called long-awaited, but still it was the result. And now, at least, the problem of combining all devices at home into a local network was solved, in which, moreover, there was, though not high-speed, but still stable access to the Internet.

The next step was to buy a WiMAX antenna with a pigtail, but I was confused by the fact that after connecting it, the "whistle" without an external antenna can no longer be used (since the internal antenna is cut off forever), which is not good. Another thought came to my mind (which I managed to get on the Internet earlier) - to focus the signal on the "whistle" with the help of an ordinary satellite "dish" (which at that time was lying under a layer of dust in the attic waiting for its finest hour). And so he did. He lowered the "barrel" with the router from the mast and began to make the first upgrade of the system (in the slides below).

There is one green forest around, which is great, but a signal cannot pass through such a wall.

What if you go higher?

To do this, we will disassemble the converter and insert the Yota modem into its case (in the previous photo on the right - everything is assembled)

The platform with the clamps will securely hold the router to the mast.

We install the router on the platform (do not let the "whistle" confuse you, it is actually attached to a plate - see the photo above)

Above the platform with a router from rain and sun will be reliably covered by a bucket with a cap.

We fix the "barrel" with the router and the plate on the mast.

As a result, the speed of Internet access has increased by an order of magnitude, up to almost one megabit per second, CINR has increased to 22dBm, and RSSI to -55dB.
Now my sister will be able to find material for her thesis at lightning speed, dad and mom can watch the weather right on the TV through the service, and I can read Habr in a blooming garden on Eee.

In general, everyone was happy!

Thanks to the reader for your attention, ...

All mobile operators have problems with signaling. The coverage area is not always a factor in ensuring signal stability, but it remains the most important condition for receiving cellular communication devices and transmitting packet data. The Yota operator, whose signal level is constantly monitored by automation, is making efforts to expand its coverage area. Yota signal quality can be checked at any convenient time.

Mobile signal quality is random from one area to another

Indeed, since the operators are primarily interested in the most populated areas, some geographic areas are very poorly or not at all covered. It is enough to walk in the mountainous regions or in the center of France to realize this. Network coverage gets very random when it's not just missing.

Problems with mobile reception can also be caused by elements that interfere with the reception of the mobile signal. Thus, even when a person is in an area adequately covered by the network or networks of different operators, it is sometimes enough to enter the building to lose the mobile signal.

How to check the Yota signal?

You can check the signal from any type of Yota devices by typing the address in the search. The view of the table with device parameters will depend on the installed operating system and the version of the application. In the performance grid, two metrics report the signal strength of the operator:

  • RSRP - will show the owner of the device with Yota the signal quality of the base station;
  • SINR - informs about the ratio of interference (noise) in relation to the signal.

When the opposite of SINR is 0 dB, then the signal / noise indicators are equal to each other. An increase in the positive values ​​of the indicators indicates a better signal quality.

These reasons alone explain most of the difficulties in receiving a mobile signal. However, there are small tricks that can help you improve your mobile signal reception. However, this procedure can help you improve your reception by changing the network type.

Moreover, the frequency bands that are typically used by these networks are more difficult to disturb by external elements. One of them is undoubtedly the most reliable solution for increasing the mobile signal in a given area. A mobile signal amplifier or mobile signal repeater is actually a device that captures a low-intensity moving signal, amplifies it and then can redistribute it over a given area.

How to improve the Yota signal?

To access high-speed Internet, you must ensure a high-quality signal level. Zones where the Yota signal disappears can be found in micro-districts of megalopolises and outside the city limits (the latter option is more common). If a weak Yota signal was detected, the most effective way to fix the problem is to install an external antenna.

A mobile signal amplifier is actually an amplifier unit accompanied by an external antenna and one or more internal antennas. The amplifier is placed inside a building, and an external antenna is usually placed on the roof of a building or near a high point to pick up the best possible mobile signal. External antennas must be distributed in different parts, which must be covered by a mobile signal.

The advantage is that it offers high signal quality and stability, it is compatible with most mobile operators, and the system is completely transparent to users. On the other hand, the system is not mobile and can only function if it is possible to pick up a mobile signal by placing oneself at a high point in order to position an external antenna.

The reasons for installing additional equipment may be:

  • The base station is located nearby, but a weak signal comes from Yota;
  • The equipment detects the presence of a weak signal, but the connection goes through;
  • Internet speed indicators do not suit the user.

How to increase the signal of the Yota modem?

A simple and legal method is to purchase a USB extension cable and place the modem near a window. It is unlikely that it will be possible to radically change the signal quality. Indicators will increase, but not significantly. There is another way to improve the Yota modem signal. Upgrade the input connector on your own and install the "pigtail" and connect external devices. The signal parameters will increase, but the warranty for the modem will no longer be valid.

These applications actually use many different databases and all the information provided by mobile operators. These apps won't really improve your mobile signal reception, but they will allow you to find areas that are best covered by French mobile operators' networks. So, if you have an urgent call, you can easily find a no-go area.

These shells usually include an antenna that can amplify the receiving power of your cell phone. These shells can offer you better reception in areas where the mobile signal is weak. These casings also promise to improve the longevity of your battery.

Today, special antennas are offered for sale that allow using the modem circuit as an irradiator. Answers to the question to the Yota operator how to improve the signal have a sufficient number of convenient solutions, taking into account the needs of subscribers and external conditions that affect the equipment.

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Many who have used or are using Yota unlimited internet are faced with the problem of a weak signal, which leads to a low download speed. This, of course, is upsetting and upsetting. It even happens that it seemed to be normal before, but now the signal is bad. What if the Iota signal is weak and how to strengthen it?

Let's consider the causes of the problem and how to solve it.

What if Iota's signal is weak?

  1. Try to move the modem closer to the window, preferably towards the Yota base station. This may require a USB extension cable. It is not recommended to use a USB extension cable longer than 5 meters, in addition, cheap USB cables may not work at all with the modem.
  2. Try to move the modem to another room, to another floor. Thick walls, especially brick and reinforced concrete, impede signal propagation.
  3. Use a special ... In this case, the panel antenna will help to catch and amplify the scattered signal, and the parabolic antenna will tune to the base station at a great distance. It is recommended to use antennas with MIMO technology, because this allows you to catch the signal simultaneously in the horizontal and vertical planes.

Note that the antenna is a passive element, and there is no 4G LTE amplifier in it. Strengthening the Yota signal is achieved only by changing the antenna pattern and more accurate focusing of the signal. A quantitative measure of antenna efficiency is the gain (GF). The more KU the antenna has, the narrower its radiation pattern and the more difficult it will be to point such an antenna exactly at the base station. Moreover, it is necessary to tune the antenna in two planes: in the horizontal and in the vertical.

For an accurate assessment of the signal, as well as the selection of the necessary equipment for amplification of Yota signal it is worth contacting specialists. We offer the service " ".

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