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How to make an antenna socket for a TV. How to connect an antenna cable to a TV outlet

Mounting a TV outlet is a question, although not very difficult, but requires the right approach. After all, it is not enough to connect the socket correctly. It is important to choose the right circuit that matches the television signal, the type of outlet and, finally, the connection method, which may differ for different types of outlets. Therefore, so that you do not have any problems after connecting, we advise you to carefully read our article.

First of all, let's take a closer look at the connection diagrams. There can be two of them - the so-called star circuit and a pass-through circuit.

Pass-through scheme

Let's start with a simpler and cheaper pass-through scheme. Previously, it was used quite widely, but new digital technologies do not allow working with it. Therefore, the loop-through connection scheme can only be used for analog television.


  • The principle of connecting TV outlets according to the loop-through scheme is simple. There is an antenna from which we receive a signal. We power the first outlet from this antenna. From her the second and so on.
  • The main feature of this scheme is the use of special sockets. The sockets from which other points are connected are called through. And the very last outlet in this circuit must be terminal.
  • The live TV socket has a special filter. It is necessary in order to extinguish the reflected signal from the TV. If this filter is not present, then the image from other TVs will appear on your TV, or ripples will appear on the screen.
  • Usually a through socket in its technical parameters contains two parameters - attenuation per passage and attenuation per branch. The first parameter is usually in the range of 1.5 - 5 dB, and the second in the range of 10 - 15 dB. It is clear that the smaller it is, the better.
  • The terminal socket is installed last in the pass-through scheme. It also contains a special filter that blocks the reflected signal. But unlike loop-through sockets, it does not have the functionality to connect a second cable.
  • The main advantage of the walk-through scheme is the installation cost. After all, it requires less cable and does not require additional equipment.
  • The main disadvantage of the pass-through circuit is the limited number of outlets that can be connected according to this circuit. The fact is that according to GOST 28324-89, the TV signal level in our country should be 57 - 83dB. Accordingly, the installation of each pass-through socket reduces this level by at least 15 dB. It is not difficult to calculate that even with the most powerful signal level, the installation of two pass-through sockets will reduce it to unacceptable values.

Note! Some providers bring the signal level up to 100dB, but in most cases this only reduces the signal quality. Indeed, in the same Europe, the standard signal level is considered to be 57 - 74 dB and a higher level is considered only harmful to the quality.

Star scheme

The so-called "star" scheme is somewhat more difficult to install and will require more cable. But in terms of signal quality, it is considered more successful, and digital or satellite television can only be connected according to the "star" scheme.


  • Installation of a socket for TVs according to the star scheme begins with the so-called splitter or multiplier... The signal from the antenna arrives at it and is already divided by the number of channels we need.
  • Each outlet is powered from one of the splitter output channels... In this case, the sockets must be single.
  • The single tv socket does not have any filters. It is just an intermediate link between the cable and the TV. In this regard, the level of signal drop on it is not large and usually fluctuates within 1 - 3dB.

As a rule, the connection of the TV outlet should begin at the stage of apartment renovation. Typically, connecting a TV cable to a TV is the end of the cable sticking out of the wall with an antenna jack plug soldered to the end. This cable is sometimes coiled and hidden behind the TV cabinet. Connecting the TV to a TV outlet will help to avoid this picture. And the cable suitable for the outlet is best hidden under a layer of plaster during repairs or in the baseboard and cable channel. Installing a TV outlet will be described in this article.

There are three schemes for connecting sockets for an antenna cable:

  • Individual;
  • Parallel ("Star");
  • Consecutive ("Loop").

Which of the schemes to choose depends on the number of TVs in the apartment or house, on the layout of the rooms and your financial capabilities.

If only one TV is installed in the house, and it is not planned to increase the number of equipment, an individual connection scheme is used. Everything is simple here - the wire is led to the place where the TV is installed, a socket is installed at its end, into which a single TV socket is installed.

If there are several TV devices in the apartment, the "Star" connection scheme is most often used. In this case, a splitter (splitter) is installed at the cable entrance, from which several cables are output according to the number of TVs available.

This method requires a lot of wiring costs, but it makes it possible to increase the reliability of the entire low-current network. If one of the cables from the splitter is damaged, the others will continue to operate normally.

A sequential connection scheme ("Loop") is implemented as follows: from the low-current board, the cable goes to the first outlet, from it to the second, and so on to the last one. In this case, the cost of the cable itself will be noticeably lower than if connected with a "Star". But keep in mind that if the wire is damaged, for example, between the first and second TVs, only the first one will work. The signal will not reach other devices. There is one more minute - the television signal, when connected by a loop, usually weakens towards the end of the circuit. But this is not critical, since the signal is usually supplied to modern low-current networks with a "margin" in power. Plus, most TVs today are equipped with an automatic signal amplification function, so you are unlikely to experience any inconvenience when watching.

Types of TV sockets

TV sockets are classified according to their functionality and the way the cable is fastened inside. You should pay attention to the functionality first of all after choosing the scheme according to which the installation will take place. There are three types of TV outlets:

  • Single (simple);
  • Terminal;
  • Checkpoints.

The devices of the first two types are almost identical. They have a place for a cable entry and a jack for connecting a TV. The only difference is that in the terminal outlet there is an additionally installed 75 Ohm resistor, and in a single outlet, the TV connected to it plays the role of resistance.

If you install a single TV outlet at the end of the Loopback connection, but for some reason do not connect a TV receiver to it, the rest of the TVs in the chain will experience interference. The same will be the case when using single type devices in the "Star" scheme. Therefore, when connecting several TV receivers, only terminal sockets are selected.

Advice: even if you are going to install only one TV in the apartment, put a terminal outlet instead of a single one. If you ever decide to expand your home TV network, you don’t have to worry about the connection.

The loop-through TV socket is designed to connect several TVs according to the “Loopback” scheme. It has two clamps - for the incoming cable and for the exit of the wire going to the next device. Some manufacturers combine these clips into one connector, pay attention to this when buying, so that the installation itself does not cause you any difficulties.

Tip: Before buying, study your chosen model to understand how it implements the mechanism for connecting a cable to an outlet. Some manufacturers have a convenient locking cap that holds the wire in place. For others, the cable is secured with bolts, like a regular electrical outlet. Choose the model that will be convenient for you to work with.

Installation of a television outlet

Since it is not customary to leave wires in sight in modern interiors, the TV cable is usually hidden in the wall all the way from the entrance to the apartment to the place of the future installation of the TV. The end of it is crowned with a socket box, into which the installation of a TV outlet will subsequently be carried out. it is necessary to read the article.

To simplify further installation and connection of the TV outlet, leave the free end of the cable with a length of about 30 cm sticking out of the socket.

Important! When laying the TV wire around the apartment, please note that it should not run parallel to the power wires. If another method of laying is not possible, leave a distance of at least 3 cm between the cables. Otherwise, the interference from the network will be transformed in the TV cable, which will lead to interference in TV broadcasting.

Before you start connecting the TV outlet, you need to prepare the antenna cable protruding from the socket. Use a knife to strip the outer insulation about 1 inch (2.5 cm) from it. Slide the copper braid down a little and turn off the aluminum foil underneath so that it covers some of the copper.

Important! If the antenna cable is less than 7 mm thick, the foil and braid must be carefully unscrewed over the outer insulation. This will help improve the contact between the wire and the outlet cover.

Further installation will depend on the type of outlet you have chosen. For a number of manufacturers, the design includes a retaining cover and a terminal hidden under it. Unscrew the fixing screw of the cover, open it, insert the central core of the cable into the terminal until it stops and tighten the screw properly, pressing the wire.

Other socket models are equipped with a retaining loop for the cable sheathing and a screw for securing the center conductor. Before attaching the bare end of the wire, thread it through the retaining loop. Then, place the center strand near the screw and tighten. The preliminary installation is completed, it remains only to install the socket into the socket box.

Connecting a TV video outlet, be sure to see below:

Installing the socket into the socket

The installation of the assembled television outlet to the attachment point is carried out using the spacer lugs present in its design. The socket itself is additionally fixed in the wall with mounting screws. Before installing them, check the geometry of the leveling and, if necessary, correct the position of the feet.

Tip: the rest of the wire should be laid inside the socket box, rolling it into rings. Try to fold the cable carefully, avoiding unnecessary kinks and kinks - this can affect the quality of the signal.

How to install a television outlet Legrant video, see below:

Today on the market there can be found terminal, single and pass-through TV sockets. The listed products are characterized not only by the name, but also have a different design and purpose. Terminal and through-hole TV sockets, the difference of which is both in design and in application - these are just some of the types of those TV sockets that are available today.

Some unknowingly use them not quite correctly. Because of this, a negative attitude towards such electrical outlets is formed and is growing dissatisfaction with the quality of the TV signal... However, the correct installation of the desired type of socket is quite capable of correcting this situation. Therefore, in order not to become a victim of ignorance in the same way, we will talk in more detail about the types of TV outlets, and also determine the purpose for which each of them is designed and what it is needed for.

Types and schemes of use

In order to fully understand the specifics of installing TV sockets, as well as to understand where and what type is used, how to connect a TV outlet, you need to consider not only their design features, but also the connection diagrams. Since for wiring the coverage of a television signal, based on its frequency, various methods and connection schemes are used.

The structure of different TV sockets

Let's start with the differences that TV outlets have. It is conditioned various fields of application, which we will talk about below.

Let's start with the simplest TV socket - single. The indicated socket is simply a contact connection, which makes it possible to connect the TV antenna cable to the network. According to the instructions of the manufacturing plants, the degree of signal drop in them does not exceed 1 - 2 dB, which is caused only by the transition resistances of contact mergers.

The terminal socket in this matter is an order of magnitude more complicated. In addition to the direct contact connection, it also contains a special circuit, which is intended to "extinguish" the reflected signal.

Description of the circuit

The bottom line is that each TV not only picks up the television signal, but also returns part of it to the network. The part that it returns is commonly referred to as the reflected signal. Compared to the main one, the power of the reflected signal is not so high, however, together with several TVs, this can cause significant interference.

Reflected signal can be seen on some other TV as a superimposed image or as noise. And in order to avoid this effect, a special circuit is used to suppress the reflected signal.

As a result, the terminal socket, with the exception of losses of 1 - 2 dB, which are caused by switching resistances, still suffers losses from 8 to 15 dB, which also cause the specified filter to work.

Be careful! GOST 28324–89 unambiguously states that the signal frequency should be 57–83 dB. Increasing, let alone decreasing, signal strength can lead to interference and a decrease in the proper image quality. As a result, it turns out that even the presence of one terminal socket significantly reduces the signal level.

But the device of the through socket is even more complicated. In addition to the filter and the contact connection itself, it contains one more contact interface for connecting other TV sockets. As a result of a decrease, the signal level at such an outlet can reach about 15 - 20 dB.

At the end of such a diagram the terminal socket is mandatory installed. It differs from the checkpoint, as we have already found out, only by the presence of only one entrance. And its filter is entirely controlled with the reflected signal.

The main disadvantage of this connection method is the gradual deterioration of the signal in each subsequent outlet. At the same time, the cost of implementing such a scheme is significantly lower due to the lack of the need to purchase an antenna socket - a splitter.

Quite often and effectively the so-called hybrid or a mixed scheme. Its essence lies in the summing up of part of the sockets according to the pass-through scheme, and part according to the "star" scheme. This makes it possible to save money with a fair removal of devices for connection from the splitter.

Connection algorithm

The question of how and in what cases a through socket should be used has been considered in detail, now you can proceed to the task of connecting it. It is quite possible to perform this procedure on your own, and this does not require special tools or skills.

Be careful! Mount TV cable together with power wires is prohibited. Since damage to the power wiring can lead to a large voltage on the TV cable. And this, again, will lead to malfunction of all TVs. Moreover, the power cable can also interfere with the broadcast.

Now we proceed directly to connecting the TV outlet.

After completing all these steps, you can start connecting the next socket.

It should also be mentioned that numerous manufacturers, in an effort to speed up and facilitate the installation process, have used all kinds of folding locks and spring clips. But still, the process of installation has not really changed from the innovations. The only thing they were able to eliminate was the need to use a screwdriver.

As you can see, the installation process of terminal, loop-through or single TV sockets is not so laborious. In this matter, the main condition is to choose the right the outlet itself and its connection diagram... We hope that our article has guided the reader in this matter, and now anyone can easily choose and connect exactly the TV outlet that suits a particular circuit.

And also about different types of outlets. Today we'll talk about how to connect a TV outlet or an antenna outlet, but it's more correct to call it a “TV” outlet for short. Such sockets are installed next to ordinary electrical and Internet outlets, you can read a little more in the article -. Today, step-by-step instructions for installing a TV outlet, a little later I will write about an Internet outlet ...

I already have a TV cable in my wall, I laid it at the level of designing outlets (rough repair), I wrote a little in the article -. I also have socket boxes () installed. That is, everything is ready, the cable is inserted into the socket, it remains to install only the TV outlet!

I have a TV outlet from Lezard, we will install it. I believe that these sockets meet the price-quality requirements.

Installing a TV outlet

1) Unscrew the socket, we need to remove the plastic case

2) At the back of the outlet, we see two fasteners, one for the central wire, the second for the so-called screen. It is to these contacts that the socket will be connected.

3) Now we need to clean the TV cable itself, we need to do this very carefully so as not to damage the screen. To do this, we take an ordinary clerical knife, and make an incision - NOT DEEP, not cut through to the end, but, as it were, outline a circle. Further, the plastic winding will fall off by itself, we just break it with our hands.

4) As a result, we get a cleaned TV cable, now we need to clean the screen and cut off the excess insulation from the central wire. Next, we cut off the central insulation a little with the same clerical knife, here is a photo.

5) After that, we insert the cable into the socket, the central wire into the central mount, and the "shield" into its mount. Everything we twist must be secured well so that there are no backlashes.

The principles of installing sockets for TV and conventional connectors are similar, since in both cases the same type of socket is used. There are only minor differences in the way of installation work. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to connect a TV outlet.

Varieties of television sockets

There are two types of television outlets: final (terminal) and through. Also, the connectors are classified according to their purpose: for terrestrial TV (designated as TV), for radio (R), for satellite TV (SAT). In addition, there are combined types of sockets on sale: TV (45-1000 MHz), TV + R (92-108 MHz), TV + SAT (950-2500 MHz), TV + R + SAT.

Advice! It is desirable that the socket be the same color as the power connectors - this will make it easier to fit into the interior. If the sockets are installed in a single block, then not only the color, but also the manufacturer of the devices must be the same.

The final connectors are so named because they are the final node on the network. This type of TV sockets is distinguished by a high-definition signal, no interference due to a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms. Terminal connectors can work with several standards: both individually and in combination (TV, TV + R, TV + R + SAT).

Another type of connectors is the TV through socket. Such devices are used to receive a signal and further transport it to other connection points. Signal transmission between the sockets is carried out over a coaxial cable. The device is equipped with a pair of jacks (one at the input and one at the output). The TV is connected at the input, and at the output there is a wire going to another consumer. In this case, the last outlet in the diagram is always the final one. Loop-through connectors are not used for constructing circuits in which a satellite signal is distributed due to technical incompatibility with most of the solutions.

The loop-through TV socket does not differ from the terminal one from the front panel. But on the back there are two connectors with arrows input and output

Connection diagrams

There are many schemes for connecting a TV connector. A splitter is used to process the signal. This device looks like a small box and performs the function of signal separation. As with telephone lines, digital electrical signals cannot be transmitted without separating them.

The splitter works by dividing the signal into identical packets. Further, the divided segments are transmitted to the input part of the television connectors. The splitter is designed in such a way that for all TVs receiving a signal, regardless of their number, a signal of equal quality will be transmitted. As a result, within the same apartment, there is no sense in a separate antenna for each TV.

Connection can be done in one of two ways:

  1. An asterisk pattern, when the old cable is removed and the new one is routed through the splitter.
  2. Loop circuit.

Below we will figure out how to connect an outlet, while paying attention to the advantages of the schemes under consideration.

Asterisk scheme

This circuit uses a splitter to split the signal, split it into packets, and amplify. The device is placed at the cable entrance to the dwelling from the entrance. Further, the antenna conductors are wired to consumers. Installing a TV outlet using such a simple technology is most often used, since the splitter provides a number of advantages:

  1. The cable is located in a technically protected place, which is important both during installation work and during further preventive examinations.
  2. The signal is stable.
  3. The split signal packets are delivered uninterruptedly to all TV receivers in the apartment.

Daisy chain connection

This method of mounting a TV outlet involves the use of a loop. The main cable is directed to any of the TVs available in the house, and then wiring to other receivers is carried out directly on the connector. The wiring is a branch into two or more parts (depending on the number of TVs available).

Connection in this way is called daisy chain. In this case, the connectors connected by a loop must be pass-through, except for the last one, which is the terminal one.

The daisy chain scheme allows you to save on cable consumption, but it also has disadvantages. The disadvantage of the loopback system is that the quality of the first receiver will be higher than that of the subsequent ones. However, with sufficient TV signal strength, the difference will be almost imperceptible. In addition, one should take into account the fact that modern television equipment is equipped with the ability to amplify the signal, and this happens in an automatic mode.

Daisy chain connection through TV through sockets

So, the uneven distribution of the signal in this case can be considered an insignificant drawback. Other disadvantages of the loopback system include the following:

  1. The scheme, where there are through and terminal TV outlet, will cost more than the standard "asterisk" scheme.
  2. In the event of an open circuit, all subsequent consumers are deprived of the television signal.

Installation on the example of a Schneider socket

As an example, let us analyze the installation of a through socket outlet from the French company "Schneider Electric" (model tv socket rj45). The task is to connect two TVs to one cable in a loop-through loop.

When installing an outlet for a TV cable, we provide for a small surplus of the cable itself - it should go out of the mounting box. Next, we clean a small section of the insulating material on the cable. At the same time, we keep the central core and the shielding braid intact.

We start by removing the front panel, slightly unscrew the holding bolt. This is to ensure free cable exit through the hole.

There are arrows on the connector housing. We insert the cable to the end in the direction indicated by the arrows. Then we press the cable with the clamping screw (tighten it). The cable must be securely fastened, but the screw must be tightened with care so as not to pinch the line. We perform exactly the same manipulations with the second end. We install the connector in such a way as to avoid kinks on the cable.

Note! Before installing the television outlet, an inspection of the wire fixing area should be carried out for the possibility of a short circuit in the main core with a braid.

When the cable is inserted and secured, put on the bezel. The panel is fixed using special branded latches. We check with a building level the accuracy of the horizontal installation of the connector. If everything is in order, we finally fix the panel with the fixing bolts and close it with a frame.

Lezard Connector Connection

Sockets from the Lezard company are inexpensive and are of good quality. However, when choosing a Lezard product, you need to take into account the presence of a printed circuit board on it. The fact is that the boards are equipped with a component such as a capacitor. This part is located next to the center conductor retainer and the cable connection. The capacitor is impervious to the supply voltage, which must be supplied to the active antenna. Therefore, these connectors are only suitable for passive antennas.

If, nevertheless, there is a desire to adapt such an outlet to an active antenna, you need to put a standard conductor instead of a filtering capacitor. This is done by shorting and sealing a piece of copper wire instead of a capacitor.

The very connection of the TV socket consists in the installation of the signal conductor of the TV cable in the central socket terminal. You also need to fix the screen with a bracket.

Note! Do not allow short circuits of the main conductor passing the signal to the braid. Otherwise, the screen will be broken, protecting from the loss of the television signal in the cable.

Legrand connector connection

The TV socket from the French manufacturer "Legrand" is distinguished by the convenience of connection, but it is also quite expensive.

When connecting the connector, we fix the central cable core in a special spring clip. We press the foil braid to the body using a hinged mount.

Remove the attachment cover that covers the coaxial cable connection areas. To do this, carefully pry off the cover with a screwdriver, thereby releasing the latch.

We remove the outer insulating layer and the inner dielectric material of the cable approximately one centimeter in length. We direct the cable into the connector, and fix the copper core with a self-clamping terminal.

Note! Contact of the braid with the socket housing is achieved thanks to the plate, which is connected to its outer insulator, firmly pressing against the cable shield.

When the cable is connected to the connector, we install the latter in the socket. We fix the socket with a pair of self-tapping screws. Next, clamp the screws with the spacers of the socket clamps. We tighten the self-tapping screws of the socket box until it stops. We put the front panel of the connector in its place. The TV socket on the wall is installed and ready for use.

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