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How to make an email signature. Email signature: examples, sample

Sooner or later, each of us thinks about how to come up with a beautiful signature so that it becomes a reflection of his style, character and profession. Suddenly you will become some famous or important person, you will leave your signature on the things of your fans, books, and you have it - an ordinary, ordinary squiggle, invented in a hurry during and used further out of habit! You can change the usual squiggle for a spectacular and original signature at any age, but it is better to do this only once, otherwise you will create yourself a lot of problems associated with important papers.

A beautiful signature is a kind of person's image, his statement about himself, an important factor in success, a formula for expressing essence and character. That is why her choice should be approached with all seriousness.

Dot, dot, comma - the painting came out ... Oh, curve!

When choosing a signature, pay attention to the following nuances:

Learning to create an effective signature

Write your last name, first name, patronymic on a piece of paper and take a close look at them - try to see something new in them. Perhaps after sitting over this lesson for two hours, you will come up with an original idea. If the inspiration has left you, we suggest referring to our advice.

  • One of the most common options is to use the first three letters of the surname or capital letters of the initials. Such a painting is found all the time and can hardly claim to be unique and original.
  • Try writing letters on top of each other. This is not the easiest option, but it is quite serious and concise. Owners of initials starting with the letters "O", "C", "E", "U" will get a beautiful signature.
  • Experiment with the beautiful connection of letters in the signature so that they smoothly merge into one another - the painting will turn out to be dense, incomprehensible and mysterious.
  • You can make two in the list - name and patronymic, in the event that you do not want to focus on your surname.
  • Another interesting option is the use of Latin characters and Cyrillic in the signature. For example, the second half of the facsimile is made in Cyrillic, and everything is supplemented with a hieroglyph. The signature will look luxurious and unique.
  • As for the curls with which the signature usually ends, it all depends on your imagination - it can be an ordinary circle, a broken line, a "cardiogram", a sinusoid. The main thing is not to overdo it with the use of curls, otherwise the signature will turn out to be tinsel and flashy.

If you are in doubt about how to make a signature beautifully and whether it will be effective, contact the help of special programs or graphic studios that will acquaint you with examples of beautiful signatures and help you create a similar one.

Passport painting: this is serious

So, the solemn moment of obtaining a passport has come, and you have not yet figured out how you will sign for it. After all, you cannot change the autograph left in this most important document, and, besides, it is desirable that the signature be beautiful and you like it.

When drawing up important documents, for example, a sale and purchase agreement, the signature on them must be identical to the signature in the passport. Therefore, it is better to start creating a signature in advance in order to get used to it and learn how to reproduce it even with your eyes closed.

In order for you to get a decent and beautiful signature on your passport, use the above tips. Remember that a man's signature is more serious and laconic, unlike a woman's, for which frivolous curls and roundings are permissible.

the author of the signature

Each person has a certain handwriting.

However, when writing words, he obeys the spelling rules instilled in school, tries to write smoothly and accurately, which makes it difficult to determine his character and temperament. The same cannot be said about the signature, which assumes a flight of fantasy, giving a complete picture of the author's inner world. With the signature, the person seems to show his essence, draws his psychological portrait.

Stroke direction

The downward signature speaks of the opposite temperament. A person is depressed, pessimistic, prone to frequent illnesses, insecure and angry with others.

A straight and even beautiful signature tells about the person of the "golden mean". He is both a pessimist and an optimist, has a balanced character, is used to doing everything accurately, accurately and correctly.

Signature length

Long signatures are created by people who are accustomed to approaching everything with seriousness and pedantry.

These are people for whom someone else's opinion is fundamental, they are incredibly stubborn and persistent.

A short facsimile belongs to people who are impatient, nimble and a little superficial. They do not like slowness, inattentive and fickle.

A person's signature can tell a lot about him, about his values, worldview, character, being a mirror of his inner world. Take your time when choosing a facsimile, practice constantly to memorize it and give it a personal touch. After all, a beautiful signature is one that will be a kind of advertisement for your inner self throughout your life.

Good afternoon, dear readers! This article is dedicated to business owners, regardless of its size and organizational form, and ordinary citizens of our country. It will be equally useful and interesting for both simple individual entrepreneurs and the owners of large commercial enterprises. What do they have in common? The answer is simple - document flow and the need to interact with various government agencies! Therefore, let's talk about a tool that will significantly simplify the movement of documents, both inside the enterprise and outside it! Today we will take a closer look at how to get an electronic signature (EDS)!

Let's start with the essence of the electronic signature and the mechanism of its functioning, then we will consider the scope and unconditional usefulness, after which we will discuss how to obtain it for an individual entrepreneur, individual entrepreneur and legal entities, and also talk about the necessary documents. We have collected the most complete information on how to get an EDS! By the way, if necessary, you can use it to close the IP. The article describes how to do it!

What is an electronic digital signature: the simple essence of a complex concept!

Each document at the enterprise must be signed by an authorized person. The signature gives it legal effect. Modern technologies have transferred the workflow to electronic format. Which turned out to be extremely convenient! First, electronic documents have simplified and accelerated the exchange of data in the enterprise (especially with international cooperation). Secondly, the expense associated with their turnover has been reduced. Third, the security of commercial information has improved significantly. Despite the electronic format, each document must be signed, therefore an EDS was developed.

What is an electronic digital signature? This is an analogue of traditional digital painting, which is used to give legal effect to documents on electronic media. The word "analog" should be understood as a sequence of cryptographic symbols, generated randomly using special software. It is stored on electronic media. Flash drives are commonly used.

There are two important concepts associated with ES: certificate and key. A certificate is a document that certifies that an electronic signature belongs to a specific person. It can be normal and reinforced. The latter is issued only by some accredited certification authorities or directly by the FSB.

The electronic signature key is the same sequence of characters. Keys are used in pairs. The first is the signature, and the second is the verification key that verifies its authenticity. A new unique key is generated for each new document to be signed. It is important to understand that the information received on the flash drive in the certification center is not an electronic signature, it is just a means for its creation.

An electronic signature has the same legal weight and effect as a paper document. Of course, if there were no violations when applying this parameter. If a discrepancy or any deviations from the norm are detected, the document will not become valid. The use of digital signatures is regulated by the state with the help of two laws ФЗ-№1 and ФЗ-№63. They affect all areas of application of the signature: in civil law relations, when interacting with municipal and state bodies.

How the idea of ​​using the EOC came about: let's remember the past!

In 1976, two American cryptographers, Diffie and Hellman, suggested that electronic digital signatures could be created. It was just a theory, but it resonated with the public. As a result, already in 1977, the RSA cryptographic algorithm was released, which made it possible to create the first electronic signatures. In comparison with the present, they were very primitive, but it was at this moment that the foundation was laid for the future rapid development of the industry and the widespread dissemination of electronic document management.

The millennium has brought about significant changes. In the United States, a law was passed, according to which a signature on paper was equivalent in legal force to an electronic one. This is how a new rapidly growing segment of the market appeared, the volume of which, according to the forecasts of American analysts, by 2020 will amount to $ 30 billion.

In Russia, the first electronic signatures began to be used only in 1994. The first law to regulate their application was adopted in 2002. However, it was distinguished by extreme vagueness of formulations and ambiguity in the interpretation of terms. The law did not give an unambiguous answer to the question of how to obtain an electronic signature and use it.

In 2010, a large-scale project was developed to create a virtual environment for the provision of public services in electronic format, which in August of the same year was submitted for consideration to the President of the Russian Federation. One of the key areas of the project is the ability to use EDS. The regions were obliged to create conditions for free access of individuals and legal entities to the possibilities of electronic document management, so that everyone who wants to can receive an electronic signature. Since then, an "electronic state" has been actively developing in Russia.

In 2011, the President ordered the executive authorities to switch to electronic document management within the structures. By June of the same year, all officials were provided with an EDS. The program was financed from the federal budget. In 2012, electronic document management started working in all executive bodies of the Russian Federation without exception.

After these transformations, there were two acute questions. First, EP was not universal. For each goal, a new signature had to be obtained. Secondly, some crypto providers were incompatible with others, which put their clients in a difficult position. Therefore, in 2012, a global process of unification in the field of electronic document management began. Thanks to this, we have modern universal signatures and software.

EDS signature: 5 advantages and 6 use cases!

Many entrepreneurs do not yet use the EOC in their business. In many ways, the reason for this is an elementary ignorance of all its capabilities and advantages. Using an electronic format for signing documents, business entities (individual entrepreneurs, legal entities) receive the following benefits:

  1. Documents are maximally protected from falsification.

Since the computer is very difficult to deceive. In this case, the human factor is completely excluded. After all, you can simply not notice that the signature on the document differs from the genuine one. It is impossible to forge an electronic signature. This requires very large computing power, which is practically impossible to implement at the current level of device development, and a lot of time.

  1. Optimization, acceleration and simplification of document flow.

Complete elimination of the possibility of data leakage or loss of important papers. Any copy certified by an electronic identifier is guaranteed to be received by the addressee in the sent form: no extraordinary circumstances can cause damage to it.

  1. Reducing costs due to the elimination of paper media.

For small firms, paper-based documentation was not burdensome, which was not the case for large firms. Many of them had to rent separate premises, warehouses for storing documents for 5 years. In addition to the cost of paper, printers, ink, office supplies, there was also a rent! In addition, depending on the field of activity, some companies could reduce costs by reducing the number of employees who dealt with documents: reception, processing, etc. The need to recycle paper also disappeared: for certain types of organizations whose activities are related to confidential information, even this line of expenses turned out to be significant. The process of destruction of documents under the EDS - a few clicks of a computer mouse.

  1. The format of the signed electronic signature fully complies with international requirements.
  2. There is no need to obtain a separate signature to bid or submit reports to regulatory authorities.

You can get an electronic signature, which will allow you to use it at all the necessary sites.

Before proceeding to consider the question of how to obtain an electronic signature, we list all the possible options for its use:

  1. Internal document flow. It implies the movement of commercial information, orders, orders, etc. inside the company.
  2. External document flow. We are talking about the exchange of documents between two organizations as partners in the B2B system or between an enterprise and a B2C client.
  3. Submission of reports to regulatory authorities:
  • Federal Tax Service,
  • Pension Fund,
  • Social Insurance Fund,
  • Customs Service,
  • Rosalkogolregulirovanie,
  • Rosfinmonitoring and others.
  1. To gain access to the "Client-Bank" system.
  2. To participate in auctions and auctions.
  3. To receive government services:
  • State Service website,
  • RosPatent,
  • Rosreestr.

How to get an electronic signature: step by step instructions!

Having appreciated all the advantages of using an electronic signature, you decided to get one. And, of course, faced with a natural question: how to do it? We will answer this question with the help of detailed step-by-step instructions that will help you quickly and easily get an EDS signature!

There are 6 steps in total.

Step 1. Selecting the type of electronic signature.

Step 2. Selecting a certification authority.

Step 3. Filling out the application.

Step 4. Payment of the invoice.

Step 5. Collecting a package of documents.

Step 6. Receiving an EDS.

Now let's talk about each step in more detail!

Step 1. Choice of type: everyone likes their own!

The first step towards obtaining an electronic signature is choosing its type. According to federal laws, the following types of EDS are distinguished:

  1. Simple. It encodes data about the owner of the signature, so that the recipient of the paper is convinced who the sender is. It does not protect against counterfeiting.
  2. Reinforced:
  • unqualified - confirms not only the identity of the sender, but also the fact that no changes were made to the document after signing.
  • qualified - the most secure signature, the legal force of which is 100% consistent with the strength of an ordinary signature! It is issued only in those centers that are accredited by the FSB.

Recently, more and more customers want to get a strengthened qualified signature, which is quite reasonable. Like any other "keys" that open access to private information or financial transactions, fraudsters of various categories hunt for EDS. Analysts believe that over the next 10 years, the first two species will simply become obsolete. The choice depends on the variant of using the digital signature. To make it easier to make a decision, we have drawn up the data in a table, it will help to make a choice and focus on a specific necessary and sufficient form.

Scope of application Simple Unqualified Qualified
Internal document flow + + +
External document flow + + +
Arbitration court + + +
State services website + - +
Supervisory authorities - - +
Electronic auctions - - +

If you are going to receive an EDS signature for the convenience of submitting reports, you will have to apply for a qualified one. If the goal is document flow in the enterprise, then it is enough to get a simple or unqualified signature.

Step 2. Certification center: TOP-7 of the largest and most reliable companies!

A certification center is an organization, the purpose of which is to generate and issue electronic digital signatures. CA is a legal entity, the charter of which specifies the corresponding type of activity. Their functions include:

  • EDS issuance;
  • providing a public key to everyone;
  • blocking of an electronic signature, if there is a suspicion of its unreliability;
  • confirmation of the authenticity of the signature;
  • mediation in the event of conflict situations;
  • provision of all necessary software for clients;
  • technical support.

At the moment, about a hundred of such centers operate in the territory of the Russian Federation. But there are only seven industry leaders:

  1. EETP is the leader of the electronic trading market in the Russian Federation. The company's activities are highly diversified, which does not prevent it from occupying leading positions in each segment. In addition to organizing and holding tenders, he is engaged in the sale of property that is poorly sold, teaches the specifics of participating in auctions, forms and sells an EDS.
  2. Electronic Express is the official operator of the electronic document management of the Federal Tax Service. Has a full set of licenses (including the FSB license).
  3. Taxnet - develops software for electronic document management. In particular, he is engaged in the creation and implementation of digital signatures.
  4. Sertum-Pro Kontur is a company dealing with electronic signature certificates. In addition, it offers many convenient additional services for its customers, which will significantly expand the capabilities of the digital signature.
  5. Taxcom - the company specializes in external and internal document flow of companies and reporting to various regulatory authorities. For this, appropriate software is developed and electronic signatures are created. It is on the list of official data operators with cash registers.
  6. The Tensor company is a giant in the world of document circulation over telecommunication networks. Provides a full range of services: from the development of complexes for automating the workflow at enterprises to the creation and implementation of electronic signatures.
  7. National Certification Center - develops and sells various EDS certificates, offers customers software for generating and submitting reports to all government agencies.

Choose a CA depending on your capabilities and location. It is important to check if there is a point for issuing ready-made electronic signatures in your city. It is quite easy to find out by visiting the official websites of the companies.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the centers from our TOP-7 list, then you can use the services of other companies. A complete list of accredited CAs can be found on the website in the "Important" section.

Step 3. How to get an electronic signature: fill out an application!

The choice has been made, now you know exactly what you want, so it's time to apply to the certification center. This can be done in two ways: by visiting the office of the company or by filling out an application on its website.

Remote sending of the application will save you from a personal visit. The application contains a minimum of information: full name, contact phone number and e-mail. Within an hour after sending you a CA employee will call you back and specify the necessary data. In addition, he will answer all the questions that interest you and advise on what type of digital signature to choose for your case.

Step 4. Paying the bill: money in advance!

You will have to pay for the service before receiving it. That is, immediately after accepting the application and agreeing on the details with the client, an invoice will be issued in his name. The cost of an EDS varies depending on the company you applied to, the region of residence and the type of signature. It includes:

  • generating a signature key certificate,
  • software required to create, sign and send documents,
  • technical customer support.

The minimum price is about 1,500 rubles. Average 5,000 - 7,000 rubles. The cost of one electronic signature may be below 1,500 rubles, only if signatures are ordered for a large number of employees of one enterprise.

Step 5. Documents for obtaining an EDS: we form a package!

When forming a package of documents, it is essential which subject of civil law is the customer: an individual, a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. Therefore, we will consider documents for obtaining an EDS separately for each category.

Individuals must provide:

  • statement,
  • passport plus copies,
  • individual taxpayer number,
  • SNILS.
  • Receipt of payment.

The authorized person of the recipient of the electronic signature can submit documents to the CA. To do this, you need to issue a power of attorney.

To obtain an EDS, a legal entity will have to prepare:

  1. Statement.
  2. Two certificates of state registration: with OGRN and TIN.
  3. Extract from the register of legal entities. Important! The statement must be "fresh". Each certification authority has its own requirements in this regard.
  4. Passport plus a copy of the person who will use the electronic signature.
  5. SNILS of the employee who will use the EDS.
  6. If the signature is issued for the director, then an order of appointment must be attached.
  7. For employees who are lower in the hierarchical ladder of the company, you will have to issue a power of attorney for the right to use the EPC.
  8. Receipt of payment.

Documents for obtaining EDS by individual entrepreneurs:

  1. Statement.
  2. Registration certificate with OGRNIP number.
  3. Certificate with TIN.
  4. Extract from the register of entrepreneurs, issued no earlier than 6 months ago, or a copy certified by a notary.
  5. The passport.
  6. SNILS.
  7. Receipt of payment.

An authorized person of an individual entrepreneur can take an electronic digital signature with a power of attorney and a passport. When submitting an application in electronic form, documents are sent to the CA by mail, and in case of a personal visit, they are submitted simultaneously with the application.

Step 6. We receive a digital signature: the home stretch!

Documents can be obtained at numerous points of issue that are located throughout the country. Information about them can be found on the official website of the CA. Usually, the term for obtaining a signature does not exceed two to three days.

Delay is possible only on the part of the customer who untimely paid for the services of the certification center or did not collect all the necessary documents. Please note that you need to get an extract from the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs or legal entities on time, since this process takes 5 working days! Some CAs provide an urgent EDS service. Then the whole procedure takes about one hour. Now you know how to get an electronic signature.

Important! The ES is valid for one year from the date of its receipt. After this period, it will need to be extended or a new one received.

EDS with your own hands: the impossible is possible!

In fact, it is quite possible to create an electronic signature yourself. If you have the appropriate education, you will have a good understanding of what an electronic digital signature is and have an unbeatable enthusiasm. True, do not forget that you will not only have to generate a cryptographic sequence, you also need to develop and write the appropriate software. A natural question arises: why do this? Moreover, the market is replete with ready-made solutions! It is also not profitable for large companies to "tinker" with the independent development of electronic signatures, since they will have to hire a staff of new employees for the IT department. And in the article

Electronic signature - how to make this analogue of a handwritten signature yourself, encrypted using cryptographic information transformation, will be considered in the article.

How to create your signature and seal electronically on a computer for free

In the age of information technology, electronic media are replacing paper documents. To give them legal significance, they also need to be certified with a signature and seal. In this connection, many users have the question of how to make an electronic seal and signature yourself. To answer it, you need to find out what is an electronic digital signature (EDS)?

EDS - information about the signer, attached to other information (signed document).

There are 2 types of EDS: simple and enhanced. Strengthened, in turn, is divided into skilled and unskilled.

Simple EDS (PEP) - a signature consisting of a set of symbols and passwords. A striking example of a PEP is the use of a bank card. When registering it, a username and password are registered, and when performing payment actions, the subscriber receives a code to the phone number registered in the banking system, which must be entered to confirm the payment.

Unqualified ES - information about the subscriber, encrypted using a cryptographic information converter, which allows you to track the signer, as well as all changes made to the document after his signature.

A qualified digital signature has the same properties as an unqualified signature, but its mandatory attribute is the certificate of the digital signature verification key.

Simple and unqualified ES correspond to a visa on a paper document, qualified is electronic seal and signature.

There are several ways to make a signature on a computer and to certify a document with it. Which ones, we will consider further.

EDS creation in Word

Electronic signature free of charge is created in MS Office documents. Let's look at an example with a Word file. To certify a document created using Word software, you must perform the following steps:

  1. We put the cursor in the place where you want to add the signature.
  2. Go to the "Insert" tab and click the "Microsoft Office Signature Line" button.
  1. In the window that opens, fill in the required fields.

  1. The signature is ready and looks like this:

You can also add a signature from the File menu. To do this, open the document, press the button "File", "Information", "Document protection" and select the function "Add digital signature".

Next, fill out the form in the same way as shown in fig. 2. However, the signature generated in the above manner is difficult to verify for authenticity. Therefore, many users choose relatively inexpensive Karma software.

Karma program for creating EDS without MS Office

Karma software is a cryptographic software product developed by Russian programmers that can be used in various systems of any level:

  • for legally significant electronic document management (EDM);
  • to work in the 1C system;
  • for messages sent by email;
  • for management document flow;
  • to sign files opened by Windows Explorer, etc.

A feature of the system is the ability to add a graphic image of the signature and seal (facsimile) to the document. When using this function, the paper copy is practically identical to the original.

In addition, the sender can attach a sticker to the document to be signed by recording messages, comments or instructions intended for the recipient of the document. At the same time, the software has an intuitive interface that does not require special knowledge from an ordinary user.

However, the signature generated by the Karma program is not suitable for sending reports to the Federal Tax Service or for working on the portal of public services.

How to create an EDS and register a certificate online

To make an electronic signature online for EDF with IFTS, an individual must register in the personal account of the taxpayer (LCN). To obtain a certificate in the LCN, go to the "Profile" section and click on the button "Obtain a certificate of an electronic signature verification key". This key is valid for 1 year, after which the certificate is requested again. The LCN generates online electronic signature for free.

This function is available only to individuals who do not include individual entrepreneurs, private notaries and other self-employed population. In addition, the EDS received by an individual in the LCN for sending reports to the Federal Tax Service is not suitable for working on the portal of public services. To conduct electronic document flow through the website of public services, a citizen must use a universal electronic card received before 2017, or an electronic passport (if available), and also purchase a special reading device (card reader).

To organize EDM with fiscal authorities and funds, as well as to work on sites intended for participation in tenders according to the law dated July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ, subscribers can receive a certificate of the EDS verification key only at an accredited certification center (CA).

ATTENTION! To work on the public procurement website according to the law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ, EDF participants should receive a certificate of the EDS verification key from the territorial department of the Federal Treasury (letter from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated 26.10.2016 No. D28i-2792).

Registration of the EDS certificate

To generate a key, a subscriber must contact the nearest CA with a full package of documents:

  1. To a natural person:
  • application for a certificate;
  • copies of the passport, TIN, SNILS of the individual - the owner of the certificate.
  1. Legal entity:
  • documents named in clause 1;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRIP);
  • an order to appoint a manager or other document that allows a person to act on behalf of the subject;
  • other documents at the request of the CA.

The certificate is usually written on removable media or issued on paper.

ATTENTION! Different certificates are issued for different operations. So, for work on the website of state purchases under 44-FZ or on sites under 223-FZ, a certificate obtained for sending reports to the Federal Tax Service will not work, and vice versa.

The process of signing a document electronically

The process of signing a document with a simple EDS does not require special knowledge. To do this, enter the password and confirm it.

Signing with a qualified signature has its own characteristics. Before signing the document, it is necessary to install the CryptoPro software or another cryptographic information converter and the EDS key verification certificate itself.

The installation algorithm is considered step by step in the article "How to install an EDS certificate on a computer?" ...

Next, you should endorse the required document. The sighting algorithms differ depending on the type of file, type of editor or software. For example, to send reports to the Federal Tax Service or to the funds, the file is loaded into a special program, then the appropriate certificate is selected and the "Sign file" button is pressed.


To give a document legal significance, you need an electronic digital signature - you now know how to make it yourself for free. The method of obtaining an EDS depends on the type of signature, the subscriber and the needs for which it is drawn up.

In Outlook, you can create one or more personalized signatures for email messages. A signature can include text, graphics, an electronic business card, a logo, or even an image of a handwritten signature. You can configure Outlook to automatically add signatures to all outgoing messages, or create your own signature and add it to messages as appropriate.

Create a signature and configure how to add signature to messages in Outlook

Important: If you have a Microsoft Office 365 account and are using Outlook and Outlook on the web or Outlook on the web for business, you must create a signature in both products. To create and use email signatures in Outlook on the web, see Create and add an email signature in or Outlook on the web.

If you would like to see how this is done,.

    Open a new email message.

    Select item signature> signatures on the menu message.

    Depending on the size of the Outlook window and when composing a new e-mail message or replying or forwarding messages menu and signatures the button can be in two different places.

    In chapter select a signature to change select team Create and in the dialog New signature enter name for signature.

    In chapter change signature create your signature. You can change fonts, font colors and sizes, and text alignment. If you want to create a more robust signature with markers, tables, or borders, use Word to format the text, and then copy and paste the signature in the box change signature.


  1. In chapter Choosing a default signature configure the following parameters for the signature:

    In the dropdown box email account select an email account will be associated with the signature. You can set up different signatures for each email account.

    If you want your signature to be added to all new messages by default in the dropdown new messages, select one of the signatures. If you want not to automatically add a signature to new messages, select (no option). It does not add a signature to any messages, replies, and forwarded.

    If you need a signature on messages to reply and forward, in the dropdown replies and forwarded messages choose one of the signatures. Otherwise, accept the default (none).

    Please select OK button to save the new signature and return to the message. Outlook does not add a new signature to messages that you opened in step 1, even if you choose to sign all new messages. You will need to manually add a signature to one message. The signature added will automatically have all future posts. Add a signature manually, select from the menu messagesignature and select the signature you just created.

Adding a logo or image to your signature

If you have a company logo or image to add your signature, follow these steps.

Insert a signature manually

If you don't want the signature to be added to all new messages, replies, and forwarded emails, you can insert it manually.

Electronic document management has come into conflict with the principle that a contract or other important piece of text must be verified by a legible and uniquely identifiable autograph. For a long time, there was no solution to this problem. Gradually, the technology of EDS, an electronic digital signature, has become in demand and even necessary in some areas. And although not all ordinary users know and use it, Microsoft has built support for this technology into its applications for working with documents.

Official documents must be autographed

In addition to the ratification of contracts, EDS is also used as a tool for verifying the authenticity of letters in e-mail, macros, etc. The verification mechanism is implemented through encryption technologies with a private key, which adds points of security and crypto resistance. Its use guarantees the unique identification of the person who used it. Also, the received file is "sealed" because it is impossible to make edits to the text without re-signing. And "non-repudiation." The point of the latter is that the author of the document cannot deny his involvement in it. This is important in a corporate (and not only) environment.

Insert into document

You can certify the contents of a document with your EDS if it is not expired and its certificate or owner is not compromised. Then there is no obstacle to using this tool. Office applications that support this technology, such as Word and Excel, check the inserted signature for all of these signs. Only if the result is positive, it is allowed to verify the text file with its help. Such verification serves as proof of the validity of the autograph not only for the author of the document, but also for the person to whom it is intended. The principle of mutual security has made this technology in demand.

Before you insert an EDS into Word, make sure that it meets all the stated requirements. To insert a special area for inserting an EDS, open the document in the Word, place the cursor in the desired place and go to the "Insert" tab in the Ribbon of Settings. There you need the "Text" group, it will contain the "Signature Line" button. By clicking on it, you will open a drop-down menu in which you should select "Microsoft Office Signature Line". In the place where the cursor was placed, the region will be inserted. At the same time, the settings dialog will appear on the screen, in which it will be possible, if necessary, to specify the name of the person. This person must verify the text file, title and email address. Also, if you have any comments or instructions for the person signing, then they should be entered in the "Instructions" field in the same dialog. The moment he clicks on the signature line, the comments you entered will be displayed in a pop-up window. This is very handy when you don't want to mess up the formatting in your document by typing additional text into it, or make another file or note with explanations. If you need the signer to leave you an answer to them, in the same dialog box, check the box with the appropriate permission. The moment he will insert an autograph into the document, Word will give him the opportunity to write his own next to your comment. In this way, Microsoft is expanding the capabilities of its word processor for batch processing of files.

All in the same window, you can add a date, it will be displayed in the signature line. If there should be several such areas, then you will need to repeat this procedure the required number of times, each time, if necessary, filling in the required fields.

Now let's approach this issue from the side of the signer. To insert your EDS into the signature area, after opening the document, click on it with the left mouse button. This click will highlight the line and give you an autograph input field. Now you can either type in your name to insert a printed version of the EDS, or indicate in the selection dialog an autographed picture on your hard disk. Both will start the process of verifying the specified signature, as we mentioned at the beginning of the article, and if the result is positive, a confirmation button will appear in the Word window. By clicking on it, you will sign the document. There is another option for tablet owners. Using the advantages of the touch screen, put an electronic signature, as usual, with a stroke of the pen, only in this case it will be replaced by the stylus. However, it should be borne in mind that the painting in this case should not differ from the one you indicated during registration, which can be difficult. Modern fingerprint authentication technology is also gradually beginning to be used in the EDS mechanism, but Word has not yet received a corresponding update.

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