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How to make line numbering in Excel. Ways to auto number row in Excel

Often, when creating tables in Excel, a separate column is allocated, in which line numbers are indicated for ease of use. If the table is not too long, then it is not a big problem to perform numbering manually by entering numbers from the keyboard. But, what if it has more than a dozen or even more than one hundred lines? In this case, automatic numbering comes to the rescue. Let's find out how to make automatic numbering in Microsoft Excel.


Microsoft Excel provides users with several ways to automatically number lines at once. Some of them are as simple as possible, both in implementation and in functionality, while others are more complex, but also contain great opportunities.

Method 1: filling in the first two lines

The first method involves manually filling the first two lines with numbers.

  1. In the column allocated for the numbering of the first line, put the number - "1", in the second (of the same column) - "2".
  2. Select these two filled cells. We stand on the lower right corner of the lowest of them. A fill marker appears. Left-click and hold down the button and drag it down to the end of the table.

As you can see, the line numbering is automatically filled in order.

This method is quite easy and convenient, but it is good only for relatively small tables, since it is still difficult to drag a marker across a table of several hundred, or even thousands of rows.

Method 2: using a function

The second method of automatic filling is to use the "LINE" function.

  1. Select the cell in which the number "1" will be located. Enter the expression "= LINE (A1)" into the line for formulas and click on the ENTER key on the keyboard.
  2. As in the previous case, using the fill marker, copy the formula to the bottom cells of the table of this column. Only this time we select not the first two cells, but only one.

As you can see, the line numbering in this case is arranged in order.

But, by and large, this method is not much different from the previous one and does not solve the problem with the need to drag a marker across the entire table.

Method 3: using a progression

The third way of numbering using a progression is suitable for long tables with a large number of rows.

  1. We number the first cell in the most usual way, by entering the number "1" there from the keyboard.
  2. On the ribbon in the "Editing" toolbox, which is located in the "Home" tab, click on the "Fill" button. In the menu that appears, click on the item "Progression".
  3. The "Progression" window opens. In the "Arrangement" parameter, set the switch to the "By Columns" position. The switch of the "Type" parameter must be in the "Arithmetic" position. In the "Step" field, you need to set the number "1", if another is set there. Be sure to fill in the "Limit value" field. Here you should indicate the number of lines to be numbered. If this parameter is not filled in, automatic numbering will not be performed. Finally, click on the "OK" button.

As you can see, for this field, all rows of your table will be numbered automatically. In this case, you don't even have to drag anything.

Alternatively, you can use the following scheme for the same method:

  1. In the first cell, put the number "1", and then select the entire range of cells that you want to number.
  2. Call the "Progression" tool window in the same way that we talked about above. But this time nothing needs to be entered or changed. In particular, you do not have to enter data in the "Limit value" field, since the required range has already been selected. You just need to click on the "OK" button.

This option is good because you do not have to figure out how many rows the table consists of. At the same time, you will need to select all the cells in the column with numbers, which means that we are back to the same thing that we had when using the first methods: to the need to scroll the table to the very bottom.

As you can see, there are three main ways of automatic line numbering in a program. Of these, the option with the numbering of the first two lines followed by copying (as the simplest) and the option using a progression (because of the ability to work with large tables) are of the greatest practical value.

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Often, when working in Excel, especially when creating a large database, the user needs to number all the lines to make it easier to visually search for the desired one. The program has special tools for this, which will be discussed now. To be more precise, in this article we will talk about how to automatically number lines in Excel in three different ways.

Method one: the stretch method

The first presented method, how to number the lines in Excel, is rightfully considered the simplest. It is he who is used most often. Let's go directly to how to do this.

    In the table, you need to number the first two lines, for example, by entering numbers 1 and 2 in them.

    Then you need to select these two cells by holding the left mouse button on the first and dragging the cursor to the second.

    Now you need to click on the lower right corner of the selection, it is usually displayed in a special square.

    Holding down the left mouse button, it remains only to drag the selection to the cell in which the numbering should end.

When you release the left mouse button, you will see that all lines are numbered. This method, as in Excel, to number the lines, is very simple and will not cause any difficulties, but it is not very suitable in cases where you need to number more than a hundred lines, because dragging them all with the mouse will be quite long and inconvenient.

Method two: using a function

In this method, we will use a function, as you might guess from the title of the subtitle. An inexperienced user often bypasses them, as it seems to him that using functions requires a lot of knowledge, but this is not at all the case. Moreover, using a simple instruction, numbering the lines in Excel will definitely work the first time.

So, speaking about how to enumerate deadlines in Excel using a function, you need to do the following:

    Place the cursor in the cell with which line numbering should begin.

    Double click on the cell.

    Write in the following expression: "= LINE (A1)".

    Press ENTER.

    Now, as in the previous method, you need to move the cursor to the lower right corner of the cell selection and, holding down the left mouse button, drag the cursor to the cell in which the list should end.

As a result, you will receive numbered lines. However, it is easy to see that this method is not much different from the first, the difference is that you need to select not two cells, but only one, but you need to enter the formula itself longer. In some situations, this method can still be useful, so do not deprive it of attention.

Method three: using a progression

Earlier it was said that the methods with stretching the selection are good only if you need to number a few rows, but they will not work for long tables. So, now we will look at how to number the lines in Excel using a progression.

So, for this you need:

    Select the first cell and enter the number 1 there.

    Click on the "Fill" button on the toolbar in the "Home" tab.

    From the list that appeared, select the item "Progression".

    In the window that appears, you need to set all the necessary parameters. Set the location "by columns", choose the type "arithmetic", step - "1", and specify the limit value equal to the rows to be numbered.

    Click OK.

After that, the lines you specified will be numbered. As you can see, this method works best when you need to write line numbers in a huge number of cells.


Now you know all three ways to number lines in Excel. The proposed methods are somewhat different from each other, and this is undoubtedly good, because there is plenty to choose from.

Quite often, users ask the question of how to make row numbering in Excel? This is what we will consider in this article.

There are several ways in Excel to help you quickly number rows. With the help of the program you can make automatic line numbering, or manual numbering. Even despite the name of the second method, both of them will greatly facilitate your work with tables: you will not need to enter numbers in order in each line separately.

So, how to number rows in Excel.

To start let's do manual line numbering... To do this, select the line that should be the first and write “1” in it, in the line below we write “2”. Select them with the mouse. Now move the cursor to the lower right corner of the selected cells - an autocomplete marker will appear in the form of a black plus sign. Hold down the left mouse button and drag it down the required number of lines. Thus, we have numbered the lines using a simple sequence of numbers.

Automatic row numbering in Excel can be done in a variety of ways.

The first involves the use of a progression. Select the desired cell on the sheet and put in it the number with which the numbering will begin, for example, "1". On the "Home" tab, click on the "Fill" button, and select "Progression" from the list.

In the next dialog box, put a marker in the field "by columns", select the desired "Step" and "Limit value". Then click "OK".

If you put “2” in the “Step” field, then the lines will be numbered: 1, 3, 5, 7. This can be useful when the table needs to be numbered only with odd or even numbers. In the second case, initially put in the cell "2" and select "Step" "2", then it will turn out: 2, 4, 6, 8.

The lines will be numbered.

The second way is to use the STRING function. Select the desired cell and write the following: = LINE (B3), where B3 is the address of the current cell.

Now move the cursor to the lower right corner of the cell, it will take the form of a black plus sign, press the left mouse button and drag down to make automatic line numbering.

If in the cell with which line numbering should begin, for the "LINE" function, specify the address of the current cell - B3 as an argument, or leave the parentheses empty - "LINE ()", then the function will return the line number to the cell in which it is entered ... In the example, the line number is "3", so the numbering starts with three.

In order for line numbering in Excel to start from one, count the number of lines that are above the cell you need. In the example, these are two lines. Then select the desired cell and write the function: = STRING () - 2. Here "-2" is the number of lines you counted.

Now in cell B3 is "1". Stretch the numbering down the required number of lines.

This method of line numbering is also convenient because it is fully automated. If you need to add or remove a row from an Excel sheet, the numbering of the rows in the table will not be lost.

For example, let's delete the fifth row of the sheet, in the table it is numbered as "3". The text "vvvvv" was deleted, and the rest was moved up one line. At the same time, the numbering of the rows in the table has not been violated.

Now, you can definitely number the rows in the desired order in Excel. To do this, you just need to use the manual or automatic numbering method.

Excel is one of the most adapted programs for maintaining various tables. It is actively used for data accounting, statistics, has graphical tools. Also, to facilitate the use of the program, there are many options to help speed up work in Excel. One of them is automatic line numbering.

Of course, everything can be done manually. But, when there is a considerable amount of work to be done, it is simply impermissible to waste time on actions that can be performed in a matter of minutes. So, there are many methods to numbering in Excel.

Numbering methods

1 Method. It's pretty straightforward. Using it, it is possible to automatically number rows or columns.

  • First, we write the number in the cell where the numbering will start, we take one for clarity. This cell will appear in a black frame. Also below, in its right corner, a small black square appears.
  • You need to hover over it, click with the left mouse button. Press Ctrl at the same time. Holding them in this position, you need to drag the cursor to the point where the numbering should end.
  • The entire field selected in this way will become numbered in order. You can also do everything without the keyboard. Then the cells will be filled with the same element. We have recorded one as an example. This number will be repeated in every cell in the selection area.

2 Method. Similarly simple and straightforward. But, the difference is that the keyboard is not used, only a mouse is needed.

  • In the cell where the numbering begins, you must enter the first digit. Let's start at one again.
  • In the next cell, you must specify the number that will follow the unit. For example, if this is a normal numbering, then 1 is followed by 2. In this case, the numbering will continue with the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. If you need the numbers to follow in a different sequence (6, 8, 10 ...), then the first cells must be filled in 6 and 8. Thanks to this, a step was set with which the numbers will be set in automatic mode.
  • Now you just need to select the first two cells with numbers. There is a small black square in the lower right corner. It is necessary to click on it with the mouse (left button). And, keeping it pressed, drag the cursor to the cell where the numbering ends.
  • The entire selected area will be filled with numbers in the selected order. If it becomes necessary to continue the already prepared numbering (for example, to supplement the list of products), then this method is perfect. It is enough just to select the last 2 cells and increase the list by the required number of lines.

3 Method. Using the formula.

  • It is necessary to select the cell from which the numbering will begin. In it, write the formula: = A3 + 1. This formula uses the value of the previous cell. For example, the specified formula "A3 + 1" must be written in cell A4. It is not necessary to add 1, it all depends on the step that you need to set for numbering. If each subsequent number will increase by one, then "+1", if by two, then "+2".
  • After filling out the formula, press Enter. And the desired number will appear in the cell.
  • Next, you need to select the cell with the formula. And by clicking the black square in the lower right corner, drag the cursor until the end of the numbering.

4 Method. It is convenient in that you can initially set all the indicators: the number of lines, the numbering step and the type of progression.

  • Start as in the first two methods. You need to enter 1 in the first cell.
  • Next, select the cell with the number. Then go to the menu under the heading "Home". There select "Editing".
  • Click "fill". Next, in the drop-down menu, select "progression".
  • A window will open in which you need to set the desired parameters. Here you can choose column or row numbering. Choose the type of progression and its step. And in the "limit value" heading, you must indicate the number of rows or columns that will be numbered.
  • The last step is to click "OK". Then the program does everything.
  • As a result of these actions, a finished, numbered row (or column) is obtained.

5 Method. Very similar to the previous one, but allows you to skip filling the table. Suitable when it is necessary that the numbers follow one another, in the usual order.

  • We write one in the cell.
  • Now we need to select it. And by clicking on the black square at the bottom right, drag the mouse to the desired cell until the entire area where numbering is required becomes selected.
  • You don't need to do anything with this field, let it remain selected for now. This is followed by the heading "editing", as in the paragraph described above. There select "fill" and "Progression".
  • A window for progression will open. There is no need to make any settings here. Just press ok. Then, the entire selected field will be numbered in the correct sequence.



Obviously, there are a lot of methods. At the same time, they are all quite simple and understandable in action. Even a beginner will be able to find a convenient option for himself.

The developers of Word and Excel have provided some simple tricks for quick and easy automatic numbering of cells, even in a very large table. provides two main ways to number columns and rows in Excel - "Filling cells with a sequence of numbers" and "Using the LINE function" to number rows. There is also a third way, a progressive one - this is the use of the "FILL" button

Method 1 of numbering cells in Excel (simple and fast)
"Filling cells with a sequence of numbers"

"Filling cells with a sequence of numbers" is a very simple and convenient technique for automatically numbering cells in Excel. This method is ideal for small tables. The whole numbering process is reduced to entering the seed numbers of the numbering series in the first two cells and then simply dragging the selection marker to the required number of rows or columns.
To do this you need:

  1. Enter in the first cell the starting value for the series of fill numbers.
  2. Enter the next value for the row of padding numbers in the second cell to specify the padding pattern. For example, if you need to specify a sequence like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ..., you need to enter 1 and 2 in the first two cells. If you need a sequence like 2, 4, 6, 8 ..., you need to enter 2 and 4, etc.
  3. Highlight both cells into selection box
  4. Drag the selection handle in the required direction, by the required number of cells. This method works in any direction (up, down, left, right). Accordingly, the numbering will occur in ascending or descending order.

What is a selection handle and how to drag it
A selection marker is a selection of a cell or a series of cells using a rectangular area (cursor). To drag the selection handle, you need to move the mouse cursor over the square in the lower right corner of the selected cell or a series of cells. The mouse cursor changes from a white cross to a black one. It looks like this:

By dragging the selection handle in different directions, you can make any cell numbering for any table in Excel:

Dragging and dropping a marker is a disadvantage of this numbering method, as it is a laborious process in large tables.

Method 2 of numbering cells in Excel (very clever)
"Using the LINE function"

A method more suitable for automatic numbering of column cells. Basically, everything is almost the same as in the first case, with the only difference that instead of entering the first two numbers, to set a sample of values ​​for a numbering series, you need to enter a formula using the "LINE" function. To do this, put the cursor in a cell, enter into the formula bar = ROW (A1) and drag our favorite marker down by the required number of cells.

Method 3 for numbering cells in Excel (progressive)
"Using the PROGRESSION function"

This method is very good for large and very large tables, when dragging the marker is tedious.

In this case, you do not need to drag and drop anything. You just need to specify the seed in the desired cell, call the "PROGRESSION" function and specify the direction of filling (row or column), the filling step (how much to add the value) and the limit value for filling (the number of future numbered cells). Below, the screenshots show the order of clicking buttons in the Excel window to achieve the desired result.

  1. After filling the cells with a progression, you can add cell numbering by ordinary dragging the marker (method number 1)
  2. The types of progressions (arithmetic and geometric) are described in the algebra textbook for ninth grade.

Method 4 of numbering cells in Excel (very fast and progressive)
"Quick use of the PROGRESSION function"

By default, in Excel, the progression fill settings window is adjusted to the usual cell numbering order. This can be used to quickly number rows or columns.

To quickly number the cells in a column of any size, we do this:

  1. Enter in the first cell the required starting digit of the numbering, for example, "1", "101" or "19" (without quotes)
  2. Select in the block the first cell with the initial digit ("1", "101" or "19"), and below the number of cells that need to be numbered.
  3. Call the "PROGRESSION" window using the above method
  4. Look at nothing. Just press the Ok button!
  5. As a result - numbering for the entire selected block of cells and within the specified range.

How to quickly select a block of cells in Excel
By moving the cursor while holding down the Left Mouse Button (LMB).

How to quickly select a large block of cells in Excel
You need to put the cursor in the starting cell, enter the address-number of the ending cell into the window of the active cell, press the Shift + Enter key combination. The location of the active cell window is shown in the screenshot. When entering the address-number of the end cell, pay attention to the syntax (writing order).

Numbering table cells in Word (cheap and cheerful)

Numbering table cells in Word is much easier. It is done using a button to create a numbered list. For this you need:

  1. Select the required cells in a block
  2. Press the button to create a numbered list (1. 2. 3. ...)
  3. As a result, we get a table with a block of cells (columns or rows, options), in which the numbering of cells will be performed automatically when they are deleted or added.

Now, our block (column, row, table) works like a regular numbered list, which automatically expands or decreases by the number of list positions (rows or cells). When adding or deleting rows (cells) in such a table, their numbering will be performed automatically.

Excel is one of the most adapted programs for maintaining various tables. It is actively used for data accounting, statistics, has graphical tools. Also, to facilitate the use of the program, there are many options to help speed up work in Excel. One of them is automatic line numbering.

Of course, everything can be done manually. But, when there is a considerable amount of work to be done, it is simply impermissible to waste time on actions that can be performed in a matter of minutes. So, there are many methods to numbering in Excel.

Numbering methods

1 Method. It's pretty straightforward. Using it, it is possible to automatically number rows or columns.

  • First, we write the number in the cell where the numbering will start, we take one for clarity. This cell will appear in a black frame. Also below, in its right corner, a small black square appears.
  • You need to hover over it, click with the left mouse button. Press Ctrl at the same time. Holding them in this position, you need to drag the cursor to the point where the numbering should end.
  • The entire field selected in this way will become numbered in order. You can also do everything without the keyboard. Then the cells will be filled with the same element. We have recorded one as an example. This number will be repeated in every cell in the selection area.

2 Method. Similarly simple and straightforward. But, the difference is that the keyboard is not used, only a mouse is needed.

  • In the cell where the numbering begins, you must enter the first digit. Let's start at one again.
  • In the next cell, you must specify the number that will follow the unit. For example, if this is a normal numbering, then 1 is followed by 2. In this case, the numbering will continue with the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. If you need the numbers to follow in a different sequence (6, 8, 10 ...), then the first cells must be filled in 6 and 8. Thanks to this, a step was set with which the numbers will be set in automatic mode.
  • Now you just need to select the first two cells with numbers. There is a small black square in the lower right corner. It is necessary to click on it with the mouse (left button). And, keeping it pressed, drag the cursor to the cell where the numbering ends.
  • The entire selected area will be filled with numbers in the selected order. If it becomes necessary to continue the already prepared numbering (for example, to supplement the list of products), then this method is perfect. It is enough just to select the last 2 cells and increase the list by the required number of lines.

3 Method. Using the formula.

  • It is necessary to select the cell from which the numbering will begin. In it, write the formula: = A3 + 1. This formula uses the value of the previous cell. For example, the specified formula "A3 + 1" must be written in cell A4. It is not necessary to add 1, it all depends on the step that you need to set for numbering. If each subsequent number will increase by one, then "+1", if by two, then "+2".
  • After filling out the formula, press Enter. And the desired number will appear in the cell.
  • Next, you need to select the cell with the formula. And by clicking the black square in the lower right corner, drag the cursor until the end of the numbering.

4 Method. It is convenient in that you can initially set all the indicators: the number of lines, the numbering step and the type of progression.

  • Start as in the first two methods. You need to enter 1 in the first cell.
  • Next, select the cell with the number. Then go to the menu under the heading "Home". There select "Editing".
  • Click "fill". Next, in the drop-down menu, select "progression".
  • A window will open in which you need to set the desired parameters. Here you can choose column or row numbering. Choose the type of progression and its step. And in the "limit value" heading, you must indicate the number of rows or columns that will be numbered.
  • The last step is to click "OK". Then the program does everything.
  • As a result of these actions, a finished, numbered row (or column) is obtained.

5 Method. Very similar to the previous one, but allows you to skip filling the table. Suitable when it is necessary that the numbers follow one another, in the usual order.

  • We write one in the cell.
  • Now we need to select it. And by clicking on the black square at the bottom right, drag the mouse to the desired cell until the entire area where numbering is required becomes selected.
  • You don't need to do anything with this field, let it remain selected for now. This is followed by the heading "editing", as in the paragraph described above. There select "fill" and "Progression".
  • A window for progression will open. There is no need to make any settings here. Just press ok. Then, the entire selected field will be numbered in the correct sequence.



Obviously, there are a lot of methods. At the same time, they are all quite simple and understandable in action. Even a beginner will be able to find a convenient option for himself.

When working with tables, it is quite often necessary to number columns. Of course, this can be done manually by typing in a number for each column separately from the keyboard. If the table has a lot of columns, it will take a significant amount of time. Excel has special tools that allow you to do the numbering quickly. Let's see how they work.

Excel has a variety of options for automatic column numbering. Some of them are quite simple and straightforward, others are more difficult to understand. Let's take a closer look at each of them in order to conclude which option is more productive to use in a particular case.

Method 1: fill marker

The most popular way to auto-number columns is by far the use of a fill marker.

You can also act in a slightly different way. Fill the first two cells of the added row with numbers "1" and "2"... Select both cells. Place the cursor in the lower right corner of the rightmost one. With the mouse button held down, drag the fill marker to the end of the table, but this time by pressing Ctrl you do not need to press. The result will be the same.

Although the first variant of this method seems simpler, nevertheless, many users prefer to use the second.

There is another use case for a fill marker.

After that, all cells of the selected range will be filled with numbers in order.

Method 2: numbering using the Fill button on the ribbon

Another way to number columns in Microsoft Excel is to use the button "Fill in" on the tape.

Following this, the columns of the table will be numbered in order.

You don't even have to select the entire line, but just put a number in the first cell "1"... Then call the progression settings window in the same way as described above. All parameters must match those that we talked about earlier, except for the field "Limit value"... It should contain the number of columns in the table. Then click on the button "OK".

The filling will be done. The last option is good for tables with a very large number of columns, since when using it, the cursor does not need to be dragged anywhere.

Method 3: COLUMN function

You can also number the columns using a special function called COLUMN.

After completing all the above steps, all columns of the table will be numbered in order.

As you can see, there are several ways to number columns in Excel. The most popular of these is the use of a fill marker. In tables that are too wide, it makes sense to use the button "Fill in" with the transition to the settings of the progression. This method does not involve manipulating the cursor across the entire plane of the sheet. In addition, there is a specialized function COLUMN... But due to the complexity of use and cleverness, this option is not popular even among advanced users. And this procedure takes more time than the usual use of a fill marker.

How you can set up almost automatic row numbering, which would be recalculated when new rows are added and existing rows are deleted from the table.

This is a great feature that, alas, cannot be applied to Excel spreadsheets. And the point here is not at all that the developers did not think of something there, it's just that Excel is a berry from a completely different vegetable garden. Somehow in subsequent articles I will pay more attention to this, but now I will say it briefly. Excel can be called a very simplified database, therefore it obeys the laws by which databases work. But there automatic renumbering of rows in tables is unacceptable. Here.

Therefore, we will work with what we have and, in fairness, I will say that in return, the developers have provided for the ability to quickly and easily (with a slight movement of the hand) perform line numbering even a very large spreadsheet in Excel. Besides, there are several ways of numbering Excel rows for this (or rather, numbering table cells in Excel)! As many as three ways! And even more ...

You can choose a convenient for a specific case option of cell numbering and apply.

Line Numbering Option 1. Fastest

Despite the fact that there are several ways to number lines, they are united by one initial condition - in the first cell should be placed the number from which the countdown will begin... As a rule, this is 1. Well, Excel must know what to dance from.

So let's get started:

2. Select it with a rectangular cursor - fig. 1

Fig. 2. Mouse on Excel cell marker

Fig. 1. Cursor on an Excel cell

3. Hover the mouse cursor over the square in the lower right corner of the cell - Fig.2. At the same time, the mouse cursor changes from a white and fluffy cross to a solid black one.
4. We are not afraid of this. 🙂
5. Press and hold the left mouse button and the button CTRL on keyboard. In this case, a small plus sign will appear near the black cross, as in the figure on the right.

Attention! This technique is performed with different hands.🙂 You will not believe, but once, when instructing over the phone, I had to say it.

6. While holding the buttons, drag the mouse down the column - fig.3.

Fig. 4. Line numbering result

Fig. 3. Dragging the Excel cursor

7. We observe the incredible, the numbers themselves appear in the cells! 🙂 - fig. 4
8. Again, carefully! Dragging the mouse to the desired line (by the way, the number of cells passed is displayed next to the cursor), first release the mouse button, and then - the CTRL button... And only so,.. otherwise get a column with ones.

We get a numbered column. Everything is very simple.

I draw your attention to the fact that you can drag in any direction - down, up, to the sides, the numbering will be the same. Well, you never know what needs to be numbered.

Fig. 5. Line numbering result

Line numbering option 2.

Let's say that the numbering of cells by rows already exists, but data has been added, the table has grown and it must be numbered to the end.

Of course, you can use the option considered above, no one forbids, but suddenly you are holding a sandwich and a button with your left hand CTRL can not press? That's the same.

In this case, we do this:
1. Select the last two cells of the column with numbers with the cursor.
2. Move the mouse cursor over the square in the lower right corner of the cell. We see the already familiar black cross - Fig. 5.
3. Press the left mouse button and drag it down the column.
4. We observe how the numbering is performed and in the right place, simply release the button.

I also want to note that in this case Excel realizes itself that two numbers change with some progression and continues it when dragging along the column, but if you pull to the side, then this is a banal copy for him, which he will gladly do.

By the way, in the first and second versions, when dragging in, the format of the cells is copied, so if the original cells have some form (borders, fill, etc.), then it will be copied to a further number series.

Fig. 6. Filling Excel cells with a progression

Line numbering option 3.

Useful when you need to number a predetermined number of lines. Quite an interesting feature in my opinion.

1. Enter the number 1.2 in the cell. Select it with a rectangular cursor.
3. Go to the menu ribbon home to the area Editing(on the right at the end).
4. Click on the button Fill in.
5. In the drop-down menu, click on the command Progression(remember the school mathematics course? Yes, yes, this is the same progression) - fig. 6.
6. In the displayed window of the same name, set the parameters as shown in Fig. 7 (step, of course = 1):
7. We indicate in the limit value the number corresponding to the number of numbered cells.
8. Press the button Ok and we get a numbered column.

It is worth mentioning that you can make a feint with your ears and slightly simplify this option for numbering cells. 🙂

Fig. 7. Progression settings window

Line Numbering Option 4:
1. Enter the number 1 in the cell.
2. Select this cell with the cursor in the block, and below that part of the column that needs to be numbered.
3. Call the window in the manner specified above. Progression.
4. We are not looking at anything. Just push the button Ok !
5. We get the numbering for the entire selected block of cells.

As you can see, there are quite large possibilities for numbering cells in Excel, I hope you will not have any problems with this now.

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