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How to make a new wifi password. What type of encryption to use: TKIP or AES

To date, wireless networks have gained immense popularity, which are used both at home and at work. This is due to the fact that you can easily connect to such a network, within the range of the router. It also increases the portability of the device that connects as there is no need for a cable. In addition, money is saved on the purchase of wire and time for its installation.

No password. What to do?

Despite all the positive aspects, it is worth taking care of the security of the network, because without a password, everyone can connect to it without permission, who are within the range of the router. Such connections lead to a drop in speed, as well as additional costs for traffic used by outsiders. To prevent this from happening, measures must be taken.

Many users are very often interested in this question, although there are a lot of answers to it, especially since each router comes with instructions for setting a password. Some don't want to read it, others just don't understand it, but setting a password is not the hardest task.

Principles of setting a password

To date, there are a large number of different models of routers, but they have the same configuration principles. The first step is to check that the router settings are correct. If everything is entered correctly, then the device will have access to the Internet. If access to the global network is not possible, this means that the router settings are incorrect. It is necessary to enter the data following the instructions of the device and the recommendations of the provider.


When the router is configured correctly and the computer connects to the Internet, you need to set a password for Wi-Fi. This can be done using a computer or laptop. It does not matter how the devices are connected - via a cable or without a wire. You can also set a password using a tablet or smartphone.

To do this, you need to launch a browser on your computer. After downloading it, you need to write in the address bar, but sometimes this does not work, then you should enter This should help.

Login to the interface

When the interface loads, a window will appear on the screen in which you must enter the username and password. For simplicity, manufacturers specify the value admin on each line. If after entering this login and password you cannot enter the settings, there may be two reasons for this.

One of them may be changing the login and password when installing the router. In this case, you should find out this information from the wizard who configured the router. If this cannot be done, then you need to restore the factory settings and change the password and login yourself.

Otherwise, the router defaults to other values. As a rule, the changed login and password are indicated on the bottom of the router or in the instructions.

After you managed to log in, a page for configuring the router will appear on the screen. Each device has it soy, but the principles of setting are practically the same. Very often there are models that do not support the Russian language. This can cause difficulties for users who do not speak English or do not know it well enough.

Verification algorithm

Here you should go to the manual setting, where you need to find the item responsible for security. It will require you to set a password. To do this, you need to find the network authentication tab, which will offer several algorithms. The most reliable of them is WPA2-PSK.

After that, the "Encryption Key" field will appear, in which you need to enter a combination of characters that serves as a password to connect to the router. It is recommended that the password contain Latin letters and numbers. The length of the combination must not be less than eight characters.
After that, you need to click on the "Save" button and the system will notify you that the password change was successful.

Do not know how to set or change the password for accessing the wireless network on the router (router) Asus, D-link or TP-link?

So our guide is for you.

With its help, you can configure almost any SOHO class router (for home and small office) from the above manufacturers for safe use.


All wireless network settings are configured through the web interface or, as they say, the router's admin panel.

AsusTek equips routers consumer (home) segment with two types of interfaces (pictured above).

At first glance, they are quite different, but in fact there are few differences in them.

Having figured out how to put pass wi-fi on one Asus brand router, you can easily do it on another.

The web interface is accessed through a computer or other device (tablet, phone) connected to the router via a wired or wireless connection.

The standard network address of Asus routers is This IP must be entered into the address bar of any browser and press Enter.

After that, you will see the main admin page, similar to one of the pictures above.

To set or change the Wi-Fi password on the Asus router, do the following:

  • Enter your username and password to access the admin panel. On almost all Asus routers, by default, they are the same - "admin" and "admin". If this login / password pair does not suit you, refer to the documentation of the router, perhaps others are indicated there to enter.
    In addition, the IP address, login and pass must be printed on a sticker affixed to the bottom of the instrument.
  • After logging into the admin panel, click the "Wireless" button in the panel on the left. The button is located in the "Advanced settings" section.

  • In the wireless network configuration section, select the Authentication method from the drop-down list and enter any combination of Latin letters, numbers, and special characters in the WPA Preshared Key (WPA-PSK key) field.
    This will be the password for accessing your Wi-Fi network. The most secure authentication method today is WPA2-personal. If you select it, the password must be at least 8 characters long.

  • To save the settings, click the "Apply" button. Now outsiders will not be able to use your wireless network.

If, after setting or changing the password, any devices cannot connect to the Wi-Fi network, displaying messages that the saved settings do not meet the requirements of the network or simply "failed to connect", you need to go to the device's network settings and delete this network.

Once this network is rediscovered, you can connect to it without any problems by entering the new password.

TP link

Setting up a wireless network on TP-link routers slightly different from how it is done on Asus routers.

The web interface is also accessed through the browser of any connected device (computer, phone, tablet) at or IP

The default login and password for TP-link are the same as for Asus - “admin” and “admin”. And again, all this data is on the sticker, which is located on the bottom of the device.

Important! If you open the router's web interface at, first disconnect it from the Internet (you can simply disconnect the provider's cable temporarily).

Now let's figure out how to put a Wi-Fi password on a TP-link router:

  • After logging into the admin panel, click on the "Wireless" button in the "Network" section of the main menu. Next, open "Wireless security".

  • Check the box next to "WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK (Recommended)". Select the desired authentication method from the list, WPA2-PSK is the best as the most secure. Leave the encryption type unchanged.
  • In the "PSK password" (PSK key) field, enter 8-63 characters, including Latin letters, numbers and special characters (Cyrillic cannot be used). This will be the password for your Wi-Fi network.
  • Save your settings. Your network is now secure.

To change an existing Wi-Fi password on a TP-link router, follow the same steps.

In case of disconnection on the network after setting the password, do what we wrote about above: go to the network settings section on the device where the disconnect occurred and delete this network.

After you see it again in the list of available Wi-Fi, connect by entering the SSID and new password.


Having understood how to set wireless network passwords on Asus and TP-link routers, you can easily deal with D-link settings, despite a number of differences in the interface of the admin panels.

And in fact, there are very few differences in them: access to the admin panel is opened by IP or (some models can be configured for one IP, others for another), the password and login are again “admin” and “admin” .

The same data, set by default, is printed on a sticker attached to the bottom of the router.

To set or change the Wi-Fi password on a D-link router, connect a computer, tablet or phone to it via cable or Wi-Fi, open a browser (D-link manufacturers recommend using Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer) and enter one of the the above IP addresses.

  • After logging into the admin panel, open the "Wi-Fi" section through the main menu. Other options for its names are “Wireless” or “Wireless setup” (in different versions of D-link firmware, the admin panel looks different).

Many users of wifi equipment do not ask this question at all. Not only do they not know how to do it, but they also have no idea why it is needed.

If you are one of those frivolous users, then our article on how to password-protect your Wi-Fi router is for you.

Putting a password on a Wi-Fi router is the first concern of anyone who has just purchased and connected a router. There are many reasons for this, ranging from security issues to the topic of saving traffic. How many times have users been warned about the need to set a password on a PC - this did not reduce the number of computer systems that could be entered completely freely, or by typing something like "123" on the keyboard. Cases of loss of classified information through the fault of secretaries and office workers are calculated in numbers with many zeros. Today, something similar is observed in the field of using wireless Wi-Fi networks.

It may be objected that the home network rarely contains any super-valuable information. But, firstly, this is not always the case. And, secondly, you need to be stupid or ignorant to share your traffic with outsiders. Finally, we ourselves are not always able to assess the value of the digital information at our disposal. What seems unclassified today, tomorrow, being in the hands of intruders or just some humanoid reptiles, can ruin your entire career. When opening Wi-Fi for strangers, remember this. Our reader, of course, is smarter, and will not forget to password-protect the router. And we will tell him about the easiest way to do it.

Why secure a wireless network and what should a truly strong password look like?

Reasons why you need to put a password on a wifi router:

  • The password must not be too short. It also does not make sense to make it too long - about 7-8 characters are enough.
  • The password must contain mixed case letters, numbers, and special characters like the dollar sign, ampersand, underscore, and so on.
  • It is better to make the password for a fi-fi router meaningless, so it will be more difficult to pick it up. Do not use the names of dogs and cats, your last name or anything like that. There are hacking programs that are focused on such unreliable protection.

If you are too lazy to invent a password for the router yourself, you can use one of the million password generation programs that live on the Internet. But it's better to come up with it yourself.

Instructions for popular hub models

How to set a password on a D-Link router:

  • For older models (not containing NRU in the name), you need to go to the menu "Setup" -> "Wireless Settings" and put a value in the field "Pre-Shared Key", remembering to "save" after that.
  • For DIR-300 NRU and DIR-320 NRU, go to the section "Advanced settings"-> Wi-Fi -> "Security Settings" and put the value in the field "PSK Encryption Key".

There may be other variations, in any case, you need to look for a field with a name that includes the word "PSK" and install our security key there.

It is even easier to password-protect an ASUS wifi router. To do this, you need to set the value in the "WPA Pre-Shared Key" field at the address: "Settings" -> "Wireless" -> "General". Or, in the Russian interface, password-protect here: "Additional settings" -> "Wireless network"-> "General" - put the value in the field "WPA Preshared Key".

Wireless networks in high-rise buildings are now full of the entire 2.4 GHz band. There is a WiFi router in almost every apartment. But not everyone thinks about their safety. No, no, and you will meet somewhere an open network without authorization. Today, when you can meet trespassers on almost every corner, you should never do this! And that is why all manufacturers of network equipment insist on one thing - it is necessary to password-protect Wi-Fi on the router so that none of the outsiders can connect. Many still insist that it is necessary to additionally enable filtering by MAC address, but I consider such a measure to be unnecessary for a regular home network.

On all modern WiFi modems and routers, setting password protection for a wireless network has an identical scenario, despite the difference in the external design of the setup interface. For example, consider the most popular models - D-Link DIR-300 And DIR-615.

We start by looking at the sticker on the router. Here we are interested in the IP address and login with password:

After that, launch any web browser and enter the IP from the sticker in the address bar. In response, an authorization form should open.

We enter the login and password and enter the settings menu of the wireless router.

In order to password-protect WiFi on a router or modem, you need to find the WiFi section in the menu.
Usually this section has a subsection Security Settings(Wireless Security). We go into it.


In order to correctly and correctly password-protect a Wi-Fi wireless network on a router, you must first correctly select the security standard that will be used. To do this, in the "Network Authentication" list, select the value WPA2-PSK, Since today it is the most reliable and secure standard that allows you to secure your home WiFi as much as possible from attacks from outside. Below we check that the value in the "WPA Encryption" list field is AES. In the "PSK Encryption Key" field, you need to come up with and enter a password that the router will ask when clients try to connect to it via Wi-Fi. It is best to make it mixed from numbers and letters of the English alphabet. Network devices do not understand Russian Cyrillic. It is better to make the password length at least 8-10 characters, then it will be oh so difficult to crack it. Apply and save settings. Now your router has secure WiFi.

Comment: I highly recommend without fail disable WPS technology. This is the only significant vulnerability that modern wireless routers are susceptible to. In order to do this, you need to go to the menu section, which is called "WPS" and uncheck the "Enable" checkbox.

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