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How to make a VKontakte nickname. How to make a middle name in VK: we return our full name

After the next VK innovations last year, none of the developers deigned to explain why the middle name line was removed. Now, with a visual example, we will explain how to make a patronymic in VK, relying on the code of the personal information page. The funniest case is that if they decided to completely remove it, they would clean up the code, if they listened to the opinions of the users, they would immediately return it. The bottom line is that they are either ignorant, or lazy, or they do not care about the interests of users. Whatever they have, we will further consider how to make a middle name in VK if it is missing.

Restoration of middle name in VK

  • Launch your favorite browser
  • On VKontakte, you need to go to data editing (at the very top of the side menu).
  • Right-click -> examine (inspect) the element or view the code of the specified element.

  • To restore the "Patronymic" field in VK, you must first find 2 identical lines

Fill in everything as shown in the picture and if everything is entered exactly, you will see the line "Patronymic" in VKontakte.

Now you need to close the inspection area with the entered settings. It is enough to enter the middle name and save the changes. The final version of the Code will be as follows:

Please note that Internet Explorer and older versions of Opera on their own engine will not be able to do these maneuvers. We recommend using Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Now you can try to put a patronymic on VKontakte yourself thanks to this instruction. But be very careful with the code. Incorrectly entered information can skew or alter the page.

Have you ever thought about specifying not only the surname and first name, but also the patronymic in the contact? Unfortunately, it is not possible to put your father's name directly. But despite this, even though the site has been operating since 2006. And it should be quite elaborate, there are many bugs in it. And today, with the help of one of the bugs, this article will reveal the secret of establishing a middle name in your profile.

We go into contact through a browser or telephone devices. Then we click on our page and under the photo on the left, select "Edit" page. By clicking on the link, you can find a whole list of your data, which are already filled in or are waiting for you to specify them.

How to make a middle name on VKontakte

Now, carefully following the instructions, do everything right and take your time. Hovering the italic mouse over the surname, right-click a couple of times. Then we select the function "View element codes" and press. You will see the code of this element, highlighted in blue. Next, click on the line just above “

"And choose Edit as HTML. After that, a window should open. And into it you enter the code

Middle name:

After adding, you need to poke the mouse on any line of code. And then we look at our page and you should have a line with the name "Patronymic". To restore the middle name in VK, you need to do the same. It doesn't matter what you call it. But the code is the same and the result will be the same.

Patronymic instead of surname in VK

It is very easy to change the last name to the middle name in the contact application. Especially for those who have read the previous explanation.

  • We poke the mouse in italics on the surname. And select the action "View code element" in the window that appears.
  • Then, in the line that appears, highlighted in blue, we find our last name.
  • We click on it with the mouse several times to make it possible to edit the text.
  • And instead of our last name, we indicate the patronymic.
  • Then we save the page

This article will help you avoid too long proceedings with the site administration. You can easily change your last name, first name, etc. And you will not need to present your passport data to someone who is not clear

In this article, we will find out how to make a middle name in VK, because the new management has released an update in which you can no longer specify a middle name.

There was such an opportunity last year, but now to make a middle name, or, as it is now fashionable, the so-called “matrimony”. Yes, you can put whatever you want: smilies, tags, and even links.

Why did you remove the middle name?

The patronymic, in contrast to the first and last name, is not moderated by the contact's management. The fact is that the middle name is no longer involved in the search and there is no sense from it. You can use it for beauty by putting an emoticon or nickname in its place.

Why did you even need to remove the patronymic and where did the line “VKontakte patronymic” disappear?

The fact is that the social network was initially positioned as an analogue of Facebook for the CIS countries, in which everyone knows what a middle name is and many use it, but according to the laws of business, the business must expand, that is, the site's audience must grow. In the CIS countries, everyone already knows about VKontakte and the market has been conquered. It was up to Europe, America and other countries to do it.

Due to the fact that the social network is now oriented not only to the CIS countries, but also to Western countries, it was decided to rename the domain to vk, and not vkontakte. Foreigners do not have such a word, so it was decided to use an abbreviation.

Thus, they killed two birds with one stone: they shortened the long domain for the CIS countries and made a more understandable and adapted website for foreigners.

And now, answering the main question "why and why the patronymic was removed," let's remember, do foreigners have a patronymic? The answer is no. For foreigners, it will be a big mystery why some users have three fields in their initials. That is why they removed the middle name and today we will figure it out, how to put a middle name on VKontakte.

There are several ways to add a middle name to VKontakte


First, you can use one of the plugins for this social network. vkopt for example.

As far as I know, this plugin has the most complete functionality and can do almost everything. Only he doesn't know how. The plugin automatically adds a "middle name" line to the profile edit page.

This is not advertising, just choosing from other plugins for VK this one inspires the most confidence, since everyone has been using it for many years and have not heard a single story of exposing plugin developers who steal your passwords, as is usually the case with most other plugins.

I also do not recommend using contact programs, because 80% of all programs for this site will steal your data or leave a virus on your computer. If you need to specify a password, token or copy the cache in the program or plugin, then feel free to delete this software, because such tricks are used only to steal your passwords.

By editing the page code

Second way:

With this way make a middle name in VK will be much faster, but for this you need a Google Chrome browser and no fear at the sight of a long code of a website page 🙂

We look at the instructions:

  1. We open our VK page for editing (better with the Chrome browser)
  2. We put the cursor on the name, and press the right mouse button: a menu appears, where the option "view the code" is available at the bottom
  3. The debugger of the page code has opened, where the code of the "name" element is highlighted in front of your eyes
  4. Highlight the line (s) with the name code, and right-click copy as html
  5. Now with the help of the debugger (below) insert the duplicate of the record on the next line, choosing "edit html". Well, the combination Ctrl + V actually for inserting a duplicate record
  6. There is very little left! In the duplicate, we change your name to the desired patronymic, and the words "first_name" - which means the first name in English, to the expression "middle_name" - the middle name, or the actual patronymic
  7. We see the changes on the main VK page. If everything suits you, click save!

By the way, instead of a middle name, you can score a nickname. Who likes what. True, it is not known how long this Vkontakte bug will last.

Here is how each user can make a middle name in VK, and we will talk on this page.

Hello to all readers, and if you are interested in how to put a middle name in a contact, then we will now teach you how to do it consistently. Another VKontakte secret about which it will be useful to know for fans of this social network.

But in order for you to make yourself a middle name in contact, you will have to get into the html code, but this is not scary. 🙂

It will be much easier to get a middle name for VK than from this network.

Here's how we make a patronymic VKontakte

1). In order to put a middle name in a contact, or as they say, to change a nickname, you will need to go to your contact page on the link "Edit page".

2). Then, in the "Name" column, put the cursor and right-click on the phrase "View the code" and you will have the code we need to change. We are only interested in the highlighted snippet of this code.

3). Do as shown in the picture below. Everything is done by pressing the right key. Click on Copy then Copy oyterHTML.

4). Now click on Edit as HTML.

5). You will have this:

6). We copy the text in the window, press "Enter" and paste this text under us, I apologize for the tautology, but this is how it turns out.

Here's what you should get:

7). Now we change the words in the second line that we copied. Instead of first_name, put middle_name. And instead of your name, you can put a middle name or nickname, as you like best.

This is how you can put a middle name or your nickname in contact.

In some browsers it may be on the bottom, in some on the side, here I am showing you the process in the browser from google chrome.

You already know how to make a middle name in VK and you will be able to add it yourself, if you wish, to the VK page. And also show your friends how to add it.

This article will discuss how you can make a patronymic on the VKontakte social network. We will also touch on such a topic as creating a nickname. Today, few people on the page can see the line "Patronymic". She disappeared from the Vkontakte social network.

Only those users who were registered in the social network a long time ago, when this function was still available, can indicate the patronymic in their profile. Those who have registered relatively recently simply do not have this column.

Code Usage

Let's try to figure out how you can return the patronymic in the VKontakte social network. Many users first try to find the right code. But it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve anything in this way. In this case, the code is set by administrators and is not available to ordinary users. Use the nickname column to enter the required information. You can solve the question of how to correctly insert a patronymic in VKontakte even if you are not good at programming. There is nothing complicated in this matter, it is enough just to follow the recommendations given in this article.

How to add a middle name to "VK": instructions

First of all, you need to log into the social network using an internet browser. The Google Chrome browser is best suited for this purpose. It is with the help of this browser that it is easiest to restore the sub-items we need. Below your profile picture there is an "Edit" button. You must click on it. As a result, the settings menu will appear on the screen. You need to select the column "Surname" and right-click on it. A window will appear in which you should select the last item - "View element code".

If you are using an old version of the Internet browser, a new window will be displayed at the top. This is the same code, but it comes out in a slightly different format. If you did everything correctly, in this window you need to insert the following text: div class = “pedit_general_row” clear_fix. When you click on it, a line with the last name should be highlighted. Select it and find the item “Edit as HTML”. In the window that opens, select the appropriate blocks with the right mouse button or use the Ctrl + A key combination.


If you find it difficult to navigate the English text when deciding how to add a patronymic in the social network "Vkontakte", you must follow the instructions. To copy an element, click on the highlighted block and select "Copy as HTML". If this item is missing, just press Ctrl + C on the keyboard.

After that, you need to insert the data in a new line by pressing the Enter button. The corresponding function is not provided in the menu, so you will have to use the Ctrl + V key combination. Now, until all the transformations are completed, it will not be possible to leave or refresh the page, otherwise the open window will automatically close. There are only a few operations left until the patronymic is restored. Let's get started with the code. In the place where you previously inserted various fragments, you need to find the item "Surname" and change it to "Patronymic".

After that, you need to close the code by clicking on the cross in the right corner. After that, all that remains is to click on the "Save" button. You can find it at the bottom of the page. You cannot refresh the page until all these steps are completed. Perform this operation after saving. You will notice that you have a "Patronymic" column. Now you can fill it in yourself at any time. The column cannot be left empty, otherwise you will have to repeat the whole procedure.

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