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How to make a page code. Google Chrome - webmaster tools

Every Internet user has his own favorite sites on which he spends a long time. And only the lazy did not think to see how it was created and what it consists of. It will not be possible to answer all these questions, since there are many ways to create a site, but to look at the commands and codes of which it consists is possible and publicly available to everyone.

Another question is whether a person who is not involved in programming will understand any of the symbols that make up the code. But from the examples that will be hovered below, any Google Chrome user will be able to view individual elements of the sites.

How to view the source code of an html page in a browser from Google

In order for you to be able to see the page code in Chrome, you need to go to the site you are interested in and follow these steps:

These two points differ from each other in their functionality and informational value for the user, programmer or hacker.

What is the difference between the page code and just the "View Code" command

Analyzing each of these functions, you can write a separate article. For programmers, this difference is significant, and they understand in which cases it is necessary to use "View the code", and in which "View the page code" in the Google Chrome browser.

But explaining for the average user, you can divide these functions into the following assignments:

  1. The "page code view" is only necessary to see the main combination of the page. Basically, this is the structure of the site (without additional models in the form of CSS files and other additions that remained in the folder of the site creator). This structure is not suitable for creating your own page by "copy-paste", but it will allow you to see what exactly the programmer did and in what sequence in order for the site in the Google Chrome browser to have such an external design.
  2. View Code displays a detailed structure highlighting all areas that are affected on the page. If you hover over a specific list code, it will highlight the element on the site that it belongs to.
  3. The page code view opens in a separate browser without the ability to edit it. That is, it is only suitable for copying and reading the site code. But this is an equally useful feature.
  4. "View code" is changeable and you can edit any element as it is convenient for you. Of course, all these changes will “live” until the page is refreshed, but sometimes it’s funny to climb through those settings and just understand what this or that value is for, and what will happen if you change it. Do not assume that by doing this you will harm yourself or the site - these changes are only valid in the code of your Google Chrome and do not go online.

Consider the question of how to view the element code

If we are to answer such a question, then only a variant with an example suggests itself. Because in one article it is very difficult to become a person who will understand this topic (web developer), but to show by example so that the question is settled is much easier to do.

The functionality of the element code is very wide, so we take one of the words on the site of the Google Chrome browser. We wanted to consider what keywords (in the code it will be written as "keywords") were used for our site. To do this, we perform the following algorithm:

Other ways to use this feature in the Google Chrome browser

In general, continuing to answer the question of how to view the element code and why it is needed, you should list its functions. Namely, thanks to the ability to view the code of an element of any site in the Google Chrome browser, we can:

  • See the structure of the site starting from head ("site header") and ending with end (the final command of any program);
  • View all the functions of the site, namely: links to other sites, additional modules from external sites and the presence of built-in counters for collecting various information;
  • Find out if copying from the site is prohibited or not;
  • The code will contain all links to other pages of the site, as well as their design and subsequent actions after clicking on them.

This is far from a finite list. But it should be recalled that without special knowledge it is almost impossible to “read” the code of a Google Chrome page and the obtained data is practically unnecessary for an ordinary user.

The item "View item code" does not work

It should be said right away that each site will have open access to the element codes. That is, even the most popular and expensive sites will be open to view their code. Therefore, if the item in the Google Chrome browser is not active or gives an error, it has the following possible reasons:

  • The user profile is corrupted;
  • The presence of malware on the computer;
  • Blocking with a specific extension to increase performance (even this may be).

Fixing a damaged user profile

To create a new profile, you need to delete the old one from your computer. To do this, do the following:

  1. Close Google Chrome and launch the built-in Windows Explorer browser.
  2. Enter the following command in the address bar:% LOCALAPPDATA% \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \.
  3. When the directory opens, look for the "Default" folder and add "Backup" to its name to get the following: "Backup Default".
  4. Now after restarting the Chrome browser, a new profile will be created.

We remove malware or its remnants

If the new profile did not give us access to the code of the page element and we still see the error, we should do the following:

  1. Open the Windows command line ("Run") and enter the "cmd" command there.
  2. Enter the following command into the line: RD / S / Q "% WinDir% \ System32 \ GroupPolicyUsers".
  3. After confirming the action, we drive in this: RD / S / Q "% WinDir% \ System32 \ GroupPolicy".
  4. Now "gpupdate / force" (no quotes).

If everything was done correctly, then after restarting the computer, Google Chrome will open the element code and the browser will work normally.

The holiday is approaching - International Women's Day. Let's prepare in advance for it. You can originally congratulate girls and women using the postcard services, which will be discussed below.

You can use the same services that we used for.

Services of ready-made postcards

Create a postcard March 8 online

Use the following services to create a postcard virtually from scratch.

  1. Canva is a well-known functional photo editor. You will find many templates here. Registration required.
  2. Printclick If you have your own business, then you can order a batch of postcards with the logo and contacts of your company. You can use the princlick postcard generator. Great promotion and inexpensive.
  3. Crello is an editor that requires registration. Do not be intimidated by the English language, you can switch to Russian in the settings.
  4. An online postcard is for those who have a well-developed imagination, since you will have to create a postcard from scratch.
  5. Mumotiki - prepare a nice picture, and you can add congratulatory text here. By the way, if you just need to add text to the picture, then you can familiarize yourself with.

I hope that by using one of these generators, you will be able to adequately congratulate your ladies on the 8th of March!

Author: Ivanova Natalia


The content of the article:

Google Plus is shutting down

The Google Plus platform did not meet the expectations of the developers and will be completely removed on April 2, 2019. Together with it, the albums associated with it in Google Photos will disappear, authorization on sites with a Google Plus account will become inaccessible. Since February 4, the function of creating Google Plus profiles, channels and pages has become unavailable. If you have valuable content stored on your account, you can download a backup copy.
Most of the changes will affect bloggers who blog on Blogspot. Some G + widgets, G + comments, and Google + profile will no longer be available. This is stated in the notification in the Blogger admin area:
Following the announcement that the Google+ API will be discontinued in March 2019, there will be a number of changes to Blogger's Google+ integration on February 4th.
Google+ widgets. Blog designs will no longer support the +1 Button, Google+ Followers, and Google+ Icon widgets. All instances of these widgets will be removed from your blog.
+1 buttons. The +1 and G + buttons and the Post to Google+ links below blog posts and in the navigation bar will be removed.
Please note that if you are using a custom template that has Google+ features, it may need to be changed. Contact the person who provided you with this template for guidance.
Google+ Comments. Support for comments using Google+ will be discontinued, and default Blogger comments will be restored for all blogs using this feature. Unfortunately, comments posted via Google+ cannot be transferred to Blogger, so they will no longer appear on your blog.

Deleting Google Plus Comments

Unfortunately, comments that have been published in the system will be deleted irrevocably. You can only use the same tool to tell Google + comments backup to your computer. Only a bootloader is not provided for it and you can restore comments only manually in a rather crooked way. It's good that I am on time in due time.

How to replace a Google profile with a Blogger profile

If you are blogging on Blogspot, then it is advisable now to switch from your Google Plus profile to the Blogger profile (for those who switched to Google Plus at the time). I recommend doing this right now to avoid unforeseen situations that may occur when deleting Google Plus accounts.

How to get your Blogger profile back

It's easy to do in your Blogger admin settings:
Settings -> User Settings -> User Profile - here select Blogger

Save your changes.

Confirm the transition to and enter your name or nickname.

Don't forget to upload an avatar on your Blogger profile.

How to remove a Google plus profile

If you decide to get rid of the G + profile once and for all, then go to your google plus page -> Settings -> scroll to the bottom of the page -> delete google plus account:

Author: Ivanova Natalia

Today I will tell you what CSS3 is, what it is eaten with, where to look for it, how to properly prescribe it. I warn you, I will tell on my own, in a simplified way for the general public, as I see it + examples. So let's start from afar.
CSS is the style in which the properties of an object are written. This means that they are in all existing engines, if you cannot find them, then either you look not there, or they really are not ( crooked site). Where do they usually find it? Usually this is the site root, the name of the style.css file, although, in principle, the name is not as important as the .css extension, if the file with this extension is a style file.
See also my blog.

Where to find them?

The file path is assigned in the template between
" />
In Blogspot, it's a little different, there the styles are written right in the code, before the tag between
styles here

What do the styles look like?

Let's take an example:
#header (background: #fff; font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.5; font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", "Bitstream Charter", Times, serif; color: # 333;) .contacts ( position: absolute; top: 20px; right: 10px;)
contacts of the site's author
You can view the styles on any site, just in a browser. Now you can easily recognize them by reading what they look like in this article.
As you can see, styles are written in different ways. Styles that start with a pound sign correspond to a specific block id in, styles with a dot correspond to a specific block class. There is no other way, styles will not work. You can think of the names you want, the main thing is that they correspond to the written id and class in html. Style properties must be enclosed in brackets, followed by a colon ( look at the example above), the parameter is written and closed with a semicolon. It is allowed that in the last property at the end you can not put a semicolon, just a closing parenthesis.
It happens that CSS is written directly in a block, without outputting it to a separate file:
site header

CSS on Blogspot

Styles can be written differently, I will explain later because of what. Opening the code, we can see this (look at the styles carefully, and you will see the familiar blogging tags that define the styles):
As you can see, the style property .Header h1 spelled out separately above. How to understand and find a property? very simple, u font there is a parameter header.font, that's what we are looking for. Find it in the “Blog Title” property group for the “.header h1” style, inside the 2 “header.font” and “header.text.color” properties. So we are changing them. This is done for the browser to read the styles quickly, so it makes fewer requests. After all, the property header.text.color can be repeated somewhere else. Below is still header.shadow.offset.left and others, the meaning in them is the same, I will not repeat.
When they say to search in css (or styles), then we are looking in blogspot between tags
and usually before the tag
unless, of course, they are written directly in html (example above, styles in blocks). In other cms, everything is usually placed in a separate file with the .css extension

Author: Ivanova Natalia


This latest article was written to provide you with up-to-date information on removing unwanted links from Blogspot templates as well as new Blogger themes. As you know, there were changes in the Blogger codes in 2018, so many actions with the code need to be done in a new way. Plus, new topics have appeared that are formed differently. In connection with these changes, we will analyze the topic of deleting links.
You can check your blog for external links on the services and Remember to check not only the blog home page, but also the posts (posts) and pages (Page). A large number of external links open for indexing are discouraged.

How to remove links from the old default Blogger template

Using the Simple template as an example.
These templates provide the most inbound links. On my test blog, when I installed a simple theme, I checked it out and found 25 inbound links on the homepage, of which 14 were indexed.
I remind you that before making changes in the template code, make a backup!
  1. Remove Blogger Link - This link is enclosed in the Attribution widget. In the Blog Design tab, it appears as an Attribution gadget and. To remove it, go to the "Theme" tab -> change HTML. By searching for widgets (list of widgets), find Attribution1 and delete all the code along with the footer section in which it is enclosed. This is what the collapsed code to remove looks like:

    And here's the complete code:

    We save the changes and check the blog for Attribution.
  2. You've certainly seen the Wrench and Screwdriver icons on your blog for quick widget editing. Each such icon carries with it an external link to Blogger. Now they are closed with the nofollow tag, but you still need to get rid of them. You will edit the widgets in the Design tab.
    Here is a partial list of links that are encrypted in the wrench icons (the blog ID will be yours)
    - HTML1 Widget:§ionId=header
    - HTML2 Widget§ionId=header
    - Blog archive:§ionId=main
    - Blog shortcuts:§ionId=main
    - Popular posts:§ionId=main
    All of these links are easy to get rid of. Find the tag in your blog template ... It appears as many times as there are widgets on your blog. Remove all occurrences of the tag .
  3. Remove links to quick edit blog post ("Pencil" icon). Makes it easier to edit posts, but carries a threat as an external link of the form:
    How to delete:
    Method 1. In the Design tab, edit the "Blog Posts" item and uncheck the "Show" Quick Edit "checkbox.
    Method 2. find the tag in the blog template and remove it. Save your changes and check your blog for the icon and link.
  4. Remove Navbar. Search for widgets in the navbar1 blog html template and remove all code along with the section.


    Now Navbar in the blog does not provide indexed external links, but I believe that this is an extra element that does not carry a functional load, and it is better to remove it.
  5. Remove external links to images. When you upload images to a blog post, a link is automatically embedded in them. To remove such links, you need to edit all blog posts. In the "View" mode and further to the "Link" icon. If the image does not contain an external link, then when you click on the photo in the post editor, the "Link" icon is inactive (there is no icon highlighting).

  6. Remove the link to the blog author's profile. Remove the author of the blog below the post. To do this, find the code trueand replace true with false. It will turn out false
  7. Close the link from the widget “” from indexing with the nofollow tag. If you use the profile widget on your blog, use a quick widget search in the blog template to find the code for the Profile1 gadget. You need to edit the widget code, replacing rel = 'author' in two places with rel = 'nofollow' and add rel = 'nofollow' to two links. You should get something like the screenshot:

    Made on the example of editing a Google Plus profile. As a reminder, Google Plus will be phased out on April 2, 2019. Accordingly, after this date, you will need to make other changes in the code of the "About me" widget.

  8. Checking for inbound links any blogspot post page that has comments. Find and delete the code in the blog template:

    In the Blog settings, along the path Blog settings -> Other -> Site feed -> Allow blog feed, apply the following settings:

Remove external links from the new default Blogger template

Using the Notable theme as an example
  1. Remove Attribution (link below - Blogger Technologies)
    Find Attribution1 in the widget search blog template (list of widgets) and delete the code along with the section similar to the old Blogger template (see above 1).
  2. Remove the link from the "Report Abuse" widget. This is the ReportAbuse1 widget. We find in the search by widgets:
    The whole code looks like this:

  3. We check the blog post page with comments and remove links by analogy with the old blog templates (see above - point 8).
  4. Remove links from blog posts that are embedded in post pictures (see point 5).

How to create an image gallery You can also test my gallery at the end of this article and add your own links. It is welcomed 😉 Ivanova Natalya

We have released a new book, “Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand”.

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A site's source code is a collection of HTML markup, CSS styles, and JavaScript that a browser receives from a web server.

More videos on our channel - learn internet marketing with SEMANTICA

It can be compared to a set of commands given to soldiers by the commander. Imagine that the audience cannot see or hear the boss. From their point of view, the military independently performs actions. In our case, the commander is the browser, the commands are the source code, and the marching soldiers are the end result.

The site is stored on a web server that sends the page at the request of the user. A request is typing a URL in an address bar, clicking a link, or clicking a submit button on a form. It doesn't matter what language the web pages are written in, whether they include code. The end result of any server-side algorithm is a set of html tags and text.
The source code of a page is a dataset that includes:

  • html markup;
  • style sheet or file link;
  • programs written in JavaScript or links to files with code.

These three sections are handled by the browser. For the server, this is simply text that needs to be sent in response to a request.

Why we might need to study the source code

Everything that we see, we can analyze and apply to solve certain problems that arise in the course of working with the site, especially when optimizing it. By looking at the source code, we can:

  • See the meta tags of your own or someone else's site to analyze them.
  • See the presence or absence of certain elements on the site: counters, identification codes in various systems, certain scripts, and more.
  • Find out the parameters of the elements: sizes, colors, fonts.
  • Find the path to photos and other items on the page.
  • Explore links from the page.
  • Find problems with the code that interfere with the process of website optimization: styles, scripts, invalid code not included in separate files.

These are basic features, but in fact, by knowing how to read the code, you can learn a lot more about the page.

How to view the source code of the site

Completely in the form in which it is posted on the server, this cannot be done from the browser. But you can see all the markup by right-clicking on the page. Hereinafter, using the example of Google Chrome.

We select the option "View page code" and get the full listing in a separate tab.

It's just text that will have to be parsed to understand. But you can get interactive code using the developer tools.

How to find the source code of a site page

Click on the menu icon in the browser. Most often it is on the right and looks like three dots or stripes.

In the additional tools section, select "Developer Tools".

A window will open showing the active state of the code. This means that when you click on the markup, the element style will be displayed next to it, and the selected blocks will be highlighted on the page.

In the "Source" tab, you can view the content of some files: scripts, fonts, images.

Checking the site certificate is available in the "Security" tab.

The "Audits" tab will help to check the resource posted on the hosting.

If the location of the panel to the right is inconvenient, you can click three dots and change it by selecting the desired item.

How to view meta tags

Every html document includes structure tags. Here are some of them:

  1. Html - whole document.
  2. Head - section of service headers.
  3. Title - page title (displayed on the tab).
  4. Body - the body of the document.
  5. H1-H6 - headers of the page text.
  6. Article - article.
  7. Section - section.
  8. Menu - menu.
  9. Div - block.
  10. Span is a string.
  11. P - paragraph.
  12. Table - a table.

Elements are intended for logical delimitation of sections on the page; if necessary, they are styled. They contain text that is somehow visible on the page. But the Head tag contains service information. Meta tags are used to indicate it. Everything that is written in them is intended for the server and search engines.

It is impossible to find out their contents in any other way.

Let's pay attention to the Link tag. With its help, links to external include files are specified. If desired, you can see the contents and save to disk. To do this, hover the pointer over the address and press RMB. Select "Open in new Tab".

The specified file will open in a new tab and can be viewed or saved.

How to view the source code of a page for debugging a script

In this case, it is most convenient to open the page on the local machine. If you only need to fix the markup, styles and scripts, then you can do it right from the folder. The html code is viewed in the same way. However, JavaScript code errors can be seen in the "Console" tab. It shows a description of the error and the line number on which it occurred.

The syntax can be seen directly in the code. The "Source" tab is intended for this.

How to view the code of a specific item

For large pages with a lot of elements, it is difficult to find the code you want in all the markup. In this case, you should use a special command of the context menu. Hover the mouse over the fragment and press RMB. Let's select the "View Code" command.

The same window will open, but with focus on the selected object.


We told you what the page source code is. It is enough to master basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, and using convenient developer tools, you can debug your own html-documents.

Browsing the resource code on the Internet will allow you to learn not only from your own experience, but also use real working examples. And for seo-specialists, meta tags will be useful, the information in which can say a lot about the site.

The size and color of some of the important elements of a blog, such as the title of the blog or post, the more tag, and the like. I searched for the necessary code manually, experimenting with the test domain, on the basis of which the article was later written.

And recently I needed to change the color of the links. Having shoveled a bunch of literature on this issue, I realized a simple thing: everyone gives examples from their own templates, but we all have different templates and it's good if the code from the example is even a little bit similar: I’m not whining, I’ll still find it by rolling - by the method poke.

The number did not pass with the reference code. All pointed completely different paths. I wondered if there was a simple and precise instrument, how to find the required html code on any site. Many bloggers, even with experience, find it difficult to slightly tweak the template. There is nothing wrong with that, because everyone has their own interests and goals for creating a website.

If you want to make small changes to the template, for example change any title, title of articles and headings, color and size of fonts and links, it is usually sufficient to learn the simple principle discussed in this article. But there are also complex cases that require either a deeper study of html and css, or the help of a specialist.

One day a friend asked me to find out where to change the color of the heading bar in his template. Uploaded the topic to the test subdomain. The settings for this element were not stored in style.css, but in another file, so the person could not find it.

How to find and change the html and css code of the site

If you do not like long articles, for you at the end of the article a video tutorial that tells how you can see the html code of a site using Notepad ++ and make changes to the design of any template using an example of how to change the font color. There are other subtleties of handling a blog in the video. And for those who are closer and clearer to the text, below is a detailed analysis of the topic with screenshots.
httpv: //

Terms and concepts

It would be more accurate to call the article “ How to find css code“, But I decided to stick with the“ wrong ”name, because basically the answer to this question is searched for in html. CSS and HTML are very different things, although they are two parts of the same system. There are many technical articles on the Internet, it will be enough for us here to understand that:

  • Html- is responsible for the structure of the site (what follows what, in what order, etc.). This is the foundation on which the site is built. If we compare it with a house, then this is its layout, the arrangement of rooms.
  • CSS- is responsible for the design (what fonts, sizes, colors, and the like). This is the general style of the house and the style of its individual rooms: what kind of wallpaper will be, lamps, curtains, furniture. Therefore, the document in which the css codes, called a "style sheet"

And if you wondered how to change, for example, the color of the site's title, the size of the font in the texts or the color of the titles in the sidebar, then you need to look for all this in the CSS stylesheet. This is the only thing that is worth understanding to begin with in order to make changes to the code yourself.

I like to turn the complex into the simple. I remember a long time ago, when I had my first car, it was very old, the wiring was rotten, fuses often burned out, and I pulled it in tow every time to the service station. Imagine how much money was thrown away, despite the fact that an independent replacement, as it turned out, costs a penny.

Once I looked at what the master was doing. I still don't know how the fuse works. But I know where to change it). I wouldn't fix the motor myself, and it's not difficult to replace the fuse. It's the same with websites.

If you do not want to become a programmer, then there is no need for deep understanding of programming. It is enough to clearly understand what is intended for what, where to look for it and how to change it. It is better to change what is possible, and leave the rest to specialists. The article on has a helpful link to this topic.

Do I need to be an expert in everything

In seo blogs, there are often discussions about whether a newbie needs to understand deeply in html, or even better - learn how to write websites yourself, so that everything is unique .. Well, I don’t know - to each his own, and then who is closer to someone. I am interested a little more, so now I am additionally learning from Vladimir. In November of this year, Vladimir opened his own blog. His blog is made on the simplest, free template, he only slightly modified it for himself.

After 10 days of existence, the blog took 104th place in the ranking of all sites on the Runet with a traffic of about 1.5 thousand people per day. In 10 days. So what's the deal? Vladimir is well versed in html, can order and buy a unique template. So you should understand that the secret lies not in the templates, but in the usefulness of the information.

Where is the html code hiding

Sorry for the digression, back to our codes). Let's say you want to change the font color of a blog title. Let's consider it on the example of my test site.

  1. Opening the site in the Google Chrome browser (if you don't already use it, install it - it is well-sharpened for working with websites, it has a lot of built-in tools).
  2. Hover the mouse cursor over the element that we are going to change ... In this case, the name of the blog. Click on it with the "right" mouse and in the window that appears, select VIEW ELEMENT CODE.

IMPORTANT: do not confuse with VIEWING PAGE CODE! We don't need the entire page now, just a single element.

Click on it - a code view window appears at the bottom of the browser:

The line of code that we are changing is highlighted in red.

But the area highlighted in blue contains what we are looking for. This is where you can find the exact (and not an approximate) line of code responsible for fonts, color, size, emphasis, and more. This way you can find out ANY code of any element of any template.

Find the required line in the block highlighted in blue. There is a slider on the right, you can scroll and find the desired line.

General principle, where is what is looked for:

Font name - in line FONT FAMILY

Font size - in line FONT SIZE

Font color - in line COLOR

There are three main lines that change the name, size and font color of any element. On the right, in the style css line, the position of the line in the document is given. If you need to change some other element (for example, you need to find out where the line is located, in which you can change the color of the menu bar or the color of links), everything is done in exactly the same way.


the line that we will copy is highlighted in red in the figure,

to later find it in the stylesheet.

4. Copy the line... Since in this example we want to change the color of the site name, I copy the line in the second picture highlighted with a red rectangle. In my template, she is responsible for changing the color of the site name:

#header h1 a, #header h1 a: visited (

Find the required line in the "style sheet (style.css)" file. This is done already in the admin panel. I strongly ask, while there is no confidence and complete understanding, to conduct all experiments on a test subdomain in order to exclude.

So, go to the admin panel: CONSOLE - APPEARANCE - EDITOR. In the right sidebar we find the STYLE TABLE file (STYLE.CSS), open it.

Now open the search bar with the CTRL + F keys: an empty window line will appear in the upper window. We paste into it the line that we copied in step 4.

And you will see how this line is highlighted in the style sheet (in the picture - in orange):

We make a change to the element. In our case, we change the font color, so we substitute another value in the COLOR line - the color we want. In the example, the color is black, its value:

You can choose a color in any service of palettes of web colors: type in the search engine "Palette of web colors" and pick the one you want. Choose a color, copy its digital value and carefully substitute it for the old one. then click UPDATE FILE and go to see what happened.

If the changes were not displayed, in the past hour and then go to the page again - this time everything should be displayed.

It is described for a long time, but in practice everything is done quickly, especially when the initial skill appears.

In more detail, how to change certain elements:

That's all for today, I will no longer torment you with codes. I hope that now you yourself can easily find and change any element of the html code, or rather, the css code - experts will forgive me for the simplification. And if you don't understand, visit the page all the same. Don't waste time on nonsense.

I suggest watching Artem Abramovich's video on how to search and find in any theme / template, for any engine (wordpress, joomla, etc.) any word or element and replace it with what you need:

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If you open any web page, it will contain typical elements that do not change depending on the type and focus of the site. Example 4.1 shows the code for a simple document containing basic tags.

Example 4.1. Source code of the web page

Sample web page


First paragraph.

Second paragraph.

Copy the contents of this example and save it in the c: \ www \ folder as example41.html. After that, launch the browser and open the file through the menu item File> Open File (Ctrl + O)... In the Select Document dialog box, specify the file example41.html. The web page shown in Figure 4 will open in your browser. 4.1.

Rice. 4.1. Example execution result

Elementis intended to indicate the type of the current document - DTD (document type definition, document type description). This is necessary for the browser to understand how to interpret the current web page, because HTML exists in several versions, and there is also XHTML (EXtensible HyperText Markup Language), which is similar to HTML, but differs from it in syntax. So that the browser does not "get confused" and understands according to what standard to display the web page and it is necessary to set in the first line of code .

There are several types, they differ depending on the version of HTML they are targeting. Table 4.1. lists the main types of documents with their descriptions.

Tab. 4.1. Valid DTDs
DOCTYPE Description
HTML 4.01
Strict HTML syntax.
Transitional HTML syntax.
Frames are used in the HTML document.
There is only one doctype in this version of HTML.
Strong XHTML syntax.
Transitional XHTML syntax.
The document is written in XHTML and contains frames.
The developers of XHTML 1.1 anticipate it will gradually replace HTML. As you can see, this definition has no division into types, since the syntax is the same and obeys clear rules.

The difference between strict and transient document descriptions is the different approach to writing document code. Strict HTML requires strict adherence to the HTML specification and is unforgiving. Transitional HTML is more "relaxed" about some flaws in the code, so this type is preferable in certain cases.

For example, in strict HTML and XHTML, the tag it can be omitted or omitted in transitional HTML. At the same time, remember that the browser will display the document in any case, regardless of whether it matches the syntax or not. Such verification is carried out using a validator and is intended primarily for developers to track errors in the document.</p> <p>In what follows, we will mainly use the strict<!DOCTYPE>, unless otherwise specified. This will allow us to avoid common mistakes and teach us to write syntactically correct code.</p> <p>It is often possible to find HTML code without using at all<!DOCTYPE>, the web page will still be shown in such a case. However, it can happen that the same document is displayed differently in the browser when using<!DOCTYPE>and without it. In addition, browsers can display such documents in their own way; as a result, the page will "crumble", i.e. will be displayed in a completely different way than the developer wants it to be. To avoid situations like this, always add<!DOCTYPE>to the beginning of the document.</p><p>Tag <html>defines the beginning of the HTML file, inside it is the header ( <head>) and document body ( <body> ).</p><p>Document title, as the block is also called <head>, can contain text and tags, but the content of this section is not shown directly on the page, except for the container <title> .</p><p> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> </p><p>Tag <meta>is universal and adds a whole class of capabilities, in particular, using meta tags, as this tag is generically called, you can change the page encoding, add keywords, document description and much more. So that the browser understands that it is dealing with the UTF-8 encoding (Unicode transformation format), this string is added.</p><p> <title>Sample web page

Tag defines the title of the web page, this is one of the important elements designed to solve many problems. In the Windows operating system, the title text is displayed in the upper left corner of the browser window (Fig. 4.2).</p> <p><img src='' height="37" width="194" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Rice. 4.2. Browser header view</p> <p>Tag <title>is required and must be present in the document code.</p><p>Be sure to add a closing tag</head> to indicate that the document's title block is complete.</p><p>Body of the document <body>is intended to accommodate tags and content of the web page.</p><p> <h1>Heading</h1> </p><p>HTML offers six different levels of text headings that indicate the relative importance of the section after the heading. So, the tag <h1>represents the most important first-level heading, and the tag <h6>serves to denote a sixth level heading and is least significant. By default, the first level heading is displayed in the largest bold type, the headings of the next level are smaller in size. Tags <h1>...<h6>are block elements, they always start on a new line, and after them other elements are displayed on the next line. In addition, white space is added before and after the title.</p><p> <!-- Комментарий --> </p><p>Some text can be hidden from display in the browser by making it a comment. Although the user will not see such text, it will still be transmitted in the document, so by looking at the source code, you can find hidden notes.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class="post-social-counters-block"> <div style="margin-top: 12px"> <noindex></noindex> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a name="comments"></a> <h3 class="best-theme-posts-title">Top related articles</h3> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="best-theme-posts row"> <div class="theme-post col-sm-4"> <a href=""> <div class="img_container"><img src="/uploads/686669656a5df8de6a6f9d463fe60026.jpg" border="0" alt="Different mouse movement vertically and horizontally" width="320" height="180" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></div> <span class="theme-post-link">Different mouse movement vertically and horizontally</span> </a> </div> <div class="theme-post col-sm-4"> <a href=""> <div class="img_container"><img src="/uploads/d7c98012600dd0a7e0e0c14fa8d2e1eb.jpg" border="0" alt="How to compress textures in fallout 4" width="320" height="180" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></div> <span class="theme-post-link">How to compress textures in fallout 4</span> </a> </div> <div class="theme-post col-sm-4"> <a href=""> <div class="img_container"><img src="/uploads/da3d853bd41405e0322c2a1e985df14b.jpg" border="0" alt="It remains only to understand the required level" width="320" height="180" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></div> <span class="theme-post-link">It remains only to understand the required level</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a name="comments"></a> </div> <div class="right-column col-sm-4 col-md-4"> <div class="write"> <span class="tags-title">Categories:</span> <ul style="height: 286px;" id="right-tags" data-tagscount="18" data-currentmaxtag="10" class="tags"> <li class=""><a href="">Programs</a></li> <li class=""><a href="">Safety</a></li> <li class=""><a href="">Windows 10</a></li> <li class=""><a href="">Iron</a></li> <li class=""><a href="">Windows 8</a></li> <li class=""><a href="">In contact with</a></li> <li class=""><a href="">Errors</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="banner"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> <div class="footer"> <div class="subscribe"> <div class="main-wrapper container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-8"> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <div class="social"> <a href="" class="vk social-ico"></a> <a href="" class="fb social-ico"></a> <a href="" class="tw social-ico"></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="main-wrapper container"> <div class="row"> <span class="footer-info col-xs-12">© 2021 How to set up smartphones and PCs. Informational portal.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>