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How to make to be invisible VKontakte. How to enter a page in contact invisible


Go to your VKontakte profile and wait a while. After about 10-15 minutes of your inactivity, the system will decide that you have left the site, and the "Online" entry next to your name will disappear. Instead, the time at which you entered your profile will be written. Nevertheless, if you do not close the page, you can thus create "VKontakte" and observe in real time which of your friends, all incoming messages, publications and "likes" on your page from friends, etc. If you do the same on the page, you will see all the updates on the pages of friends and in the groups in which you are a member.

Limit your privacy settings to make yourself "VKontakte" for strangers. Activate the "Friends only" option opposite the "Who can view" option. As a result, all other visitors to your profile will always see the inscription "The page is closed by privacy settings."

Use one of the free or paid programs for working with this social network, for example, VkLife. Some of these applications have a special script, thanks to which you can make the VKontakte page invisible, even if you take any action. Be careful and download only those programs that have reviews from real users and are located on secure domains, and never leave a username and password for your personal page. Otherwise, attackers can hack your profile.

Try to do this by logging into your profile not through the main page of "VKontakte", which usually has the form profile.php. Go to the site, for example, at the link and do not go to the "My Page" section. So you can use all the basic functions of VKontakte, except for viewing your page and the pages of other users. This will be quite enough to listen to audio recordings, receive and read private messages without the appearance of the "Online" status on your page. Nevertheless, such tricks may not work, as the administration of the social network is gradually closing the "holes" in the security of the system that prevent its normal operation.


  • how to make VKontakte invisible

Methods of gaining invisibility have long been well known - an invisibility hat, an invisibility spell and a special tool for them. H.G. Wells. But the Internet reality is a different world and the VK ontakte social network implies the use of new methods.


Use the simplest and most universal way to find on the VKontakte website - log in to the system in the standard way and go to the "Personal messages" section. Take no action for 15 minutes - time it takes to time out and disappear status"Online" - and under no circumstances open the profile.php page. After that, you can freely navigate through any pages, with the exception of your profile and the main pages of other users' profiles.

Start the Opera browser and open the "Tools" menu of the upper service panel of the application window. Go to "Settings" and select the "Advanced" option. Expand the Network link and uncheck the Enable Automatic Redirection box. Create a new tab and log into your page on the social network "" in the standard way with entering your account name and password. Wait for the error message to appear and go to a randomly selected page of the site, with the exception of profile.php. Return to the network settings dialog of the browser "Network" and apply the checkbox to the "Enable automatic redirection" (for the Opera browser).

The invisible VKontakte allows you to stay offline on the site, using almost all of its capabilities. You can enable stealth mode in the official VK application and in clients from third-party developers, but you cannot be sure that it will work.

Invisibility in the official client

On the iPhone, the operation is performed in a similar way, since the Android app works the same as the iOS client. The answer to the question of how to sit offline was found - the invisible VKontakte mode hides the real status, showing when you were last online.

Invisibility in third-party applications

Previously, it was possible to be in VK offline in programs from third-party developers - Kate Mobile for Android and v Feed for iOS. The problem is that in April 2017, the VK developers turned off invisibility. So now you can download a VK application like v Feed for free, but there will be little use from it - you won't be able to sit offline on VKontakte from your phone.

Previously, the user downloaded Feed or Keith Mobile, set the mode "If possible, be offline" and did not worry that other users would notice that he was online. Now you can also set the "Offline" status in the Kate Mobile settings, but it will not work. Incognito mode on VKontakte on Android via Kate Mobile is enabled as follows:

  1. Open client settings.
  2. Click on the "Online" section.
  3. Click on the "Online" item again.
  4. Select the status "If possible, be offline".

Now invisibility for the social network VKontakte for Android in Kate Mobile does not work. Any advice does not help, such as "do not open a profile, but go only to the news - the Feed section." The VKontakte developers have removed the very ability to hide the real status, so the invisible cannot be downloaded. The developers of v Feed and Kate Mobile have already confirmed disabling the option, so the questions of how to be offline and how to stay in VK and remain invisible received a clear answer - no way.

This is not the case when a separate VK option does not work. VK invisibility for Android applications is deliberately disabled so that users come out of the shadows. So you no longer need to wonder how to make yourself invisible, whether it is worth sitting only in the "Feed" section with news - in any case, friends will see that you are on the site. It remains only to explain to them that the status of "Online" does not mean that you are ready to communicate and respond to messages immediately.

VKontakte users know that some users use stealth mode. Now you can do it, just learn a few effective methods.

Sometimes you want to go to your favorite VKontakte site not for correspondence, but just like that. And then the question arises: how to be invisible in contact? (that is, so that other users see as if you are offline). To do this, there are several interesting ways, more about which - in this article.

Why might VKontakte be invisible? For example, you are working. And don't get distracted by other things. But then you needed to go to VK. Just a couple of minutes. You go in - and you get a message. As a result, online correspondence may arise, and instead of one or two minutes, you will be on the social network much more. Stealth mode solves this problem. So how to be offline but still online?

The easiest way

To become invisible, you do not need to do anything or download, on the contrary, you just need to do nothing - and the function will work. To apply it:

  1. Go to the social networking site;
  2. Go to the "Private Messages" section;
  3. Wait 15 minutes.

Now on the site you will be invisible and you can navigate through its pages while offline. For the purity of the experiment, you can check that you are really offline. This is done using another device. You don't even need to go to the site, you just need to go to your page and see what status is indicated there. Then you can wander around the site a little and after a few minutes look again at your status from another device - it will be written offline. But for invisibility to work, you do not need to go to the "My Page" section. This applies to both your own page and the pages of other users. If you do this, the invisibility will disappear immediately.

You can make it easier: add the site to your bookmarks. This should not be the address or "My Page", but, for example, or another section of the site. Make it a rule to always visit your site this way. As a result, you will be invisible until you go to your profile.

It should be noted that the “offline” status is assigned to the user after a certain period of time (usually 15 minutes). For all users of the network, you will be invisible. However, it will not work completely to become invisible. That is, the system will "know" that you are on the site.

Opera invisibility setting

To become invisible, you can use the Opera browser (this method does not work in other Internet browsers). Follow these steps:

But even in this method, you cannot enter the "My Page" section, both your own and that of another user.

Setting invisibility in Firefox

This method must be performed with extreme care so that no crashes occur in the browser. Follow these steps:

The "My Page" section is also not worth visiting. And on the other pages of the site, you can remain invisible.

Also for using the "Invisibility" mode there are special programs, VK-AVision, for example. But it's better not to use them. Firstly, they are not always effective, and secondly, they may contain a virus. Usually, the description for such applications says that you can go to any page of the site, and at the same time you will be offline. But this cannot be done. After downloading the program, you will make sure that the stealth mode is not working.

Considering that even in configured browsers you cannot enter the "My Page" section (this also applies to special programs), the first method is the most effective. After waiting 15 minutes, you will become invisible, and you will not need to perform strange manipulations with the browser or search for a special application on the Internet. Plus, this method is universal and can be used in any browser.

Invisibility in contact is a very useful thing. Thanks to it, you can comment on the records of other users, view video files, listen to music, and at the same time remain offline. After reading your comments just left, another user will be surprised how this is possible. Try to become invisible, it's interesting.

Being on a social network, and besides being as extensive as Vkontakte, always involves communication, correspondence, sending interesting materials, exchanging news, but sometimes users have their own reasons to remain invisible. Fortunately, in VK this function is free, unlike other similar sites. So how to enter VK invisibly, and how many times can this option be enabled?

Let's just say it's a very useful feature that allows you to view messages, listen to music and watch videos. If required, you can even write to someone or join the community and at the same time, remain as if disconnected from the network for other participants and inaccessible for direct communication.

This can be very important for those who are simultaneously engaged in some kind of work, business affairs, or simply do not have the mood to correspond. Many people think that this is rather difficult, since you need to have special superuser rights, but in reality everything turns out to be much simpler - you just need to know what tools to use for this.

How to enter VK invisible

It is worth considering different ways of solving this issue, there are several of them:

  • directly through your Vkontakte account;
  • through the website;
  • using special services;
  • using a browser extension.

Below we will consider each of these methods in more detail.


The simplest action that you need to do is just log into your account, open messages and be inactive for 15-20 minutes. You do not have to stare at the list of sent messages - at this time, no one bothers you to move to other sites and view any information. The only thing that cannot be done is to go to other VK headings, to friends, or to update the profile.


An alternative way to enter VK invisibly from a computer involves using a special utility that can be downloaded to your PC from the website.

Its main advantages are:

  • simple application;
  • the ability to find interesting music and videos without using a search engine;
  • conducting correspondence directly from the application;
  • receiving messages about important events and the activity of friends on your page.

The mode is configured directly in the program when switching to an invisible position, the indicator located in the profile will show switching offline.

Go to Vkontakte invisibly using the service APIdog

There is another possibility, how to enter VK invisibly, for example, using. You need to go to the resource, log in using the data for your Vkontakte account, mark the operating system. Then your VK profile will open, only already anonymous.

Important! Those who use this method note that in this case some errors may occur, and the interface of the page is different from the real one, but at least the status will be offline, and no one will distract from personal affairs. In this case, you can also go into the profiles of friends and not be discovered.

Stealth mode in VK using a browser extension

In addition, various browser extensions also help to be out of the reach of other members of the network. For search engines based on Chrome is VKfox... The application is downloaded from the developer's resource or directly from the store, installed, after which you must give permission to access the Vkontakte functionality and disable the online option. True, in this case, you may be given a comment or a written message - the mode will immediately change.

In the Opera browser, you will have to use the network settings - go to the advanced functionality, uncheck the "automatic redirection" mark. And that's all - you just need to log into your account and return the mark to its place. Stealth mode works until the first update.

How to turn on invisibility in VK from the phone

Not everyone is clear on how to turn on invisibility in VK from the phone, but it's not at all difficult. In general, everyone should better know the capabilities of their smartphone, as this often helps to save time, since all the actions provided are usually simple and intuitive.

The invisible status is set as follows:

  • from the phone you need to enter the VK application;
  • select "About the program" among the settings;
  • the image of the dog that appears should be clicked three times;
  • the application is then closed, a special code is entered (* # * # 856682583 # * # *), on the page that opens, they mark "invisible".

For android you need to download KateMobile apps from the developers of GooglePlayStore, anonymous mode is set in the program settings. Along the way, the software provides a convenient search for information, synchronization and other advanced options.

How to enable invisible mode in VK: video

There are no particular difficulties with how to enter VK invisibly, but, of course, everyone chooses the most convenient option for themselves. For example, you can simply add any section of your profile to the search engine bookmarks and enter through it, bypassing the main page. And it doesn't require any extension or launch of a third-party program.

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. Increasingly, I needed the ability to be invisible. You appear on social networks or instant messengers, and a bunch of people who have nothing to do at work strive to interfere with your personal space.

Messages are frivolous, but God forbid not to answer or write about employment, the universal resentment is guaranteed.

Therefore, today we will consider the best ways to put the incognito mode in contact. Read the article to the end, and I will reveal to you a secret that probably worried you.

You have encountered this phenomenon a million times, but did not even know about its existence. At least for me it was a revelation, but first things first.

About "incognites"

In fact, incognito is something in disguise. We all used to mean by this word someone who does not want to be recognized. However, on the Internet, this term has a slightly different meaning.

See the difference? In life incognito they want to be unrecognizable, and invisible on the Internet. There are two ways to enter this mode. It remains only to choose the most convenient one. Let's get started?

Browser add-on that allows you to instantly control modes

If you often sit on Vkontakte from a computer or phone, then I would recommend that you think about installing an extension that would allow you to switch between modes at any time you want. Such an application can be a browser extension from the site .

It's also good because you get a lot of other special features in addition to it. For example, downloading music, convenient bookmarks and, which is very important for any group administrator, quickly switching between accounts.

In general, the service claims that the application can be installed on Google Chrome and Yandex Browser. I only experimented with the second, so write your feedback if you download the program on chrome. I will be grateful. Click download, this button will light up as soon as you go to the main page. It is impossible to miss it.

Run the installer.

Once again, I deleted Yandex Browser and the extension offers me to download it again. Why not?

I don't know if I need Yandex Elements and what it is all about, but I grew up at a time when we unchecked all kinds of "Bars". Out of good old habit, I will do so now.

Whether you like it or not, once the installation is complete, you will need to go through these three steps. At the first stage, you will be set to be invisible. And what did I download before? Along the way, Yandex Browser ... oh and oh.

Now you need to install this application.

It is installed.

Now there is a convenient panel on the right, which you cannot refuse. In principle, she is beautiful, so I did not regret it. Although in the process it can be turned off by going to the list of browser add-ons.

Well, at the third stage you will be asked to log into your account. Let's do this and allow access to the list of friends, photos, music, etc. Without this, the extension will not be able to work.

This is what the panel on the right looks like. The desired button appeared at the top, which will control the visibility mode.

It is also on the main page. You can use it from any page.

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