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How to read information from a hard disk. We restore information ourselves

Modern tough disks grow from year to year in capacity, speed, become more compact, technological, but ... less reliable. Manufacturers are not up to quality: they seek to flood the market with their products and leave competitors "on the beans". It is more profitable for them to exchange defective drives for new ones than to work on increasing their resilience to failures.

“What about the data? - you ask. - After all, they die along with the disc! " Data, friends, is our problem. We must think about how not to lose them. And if this happens - to be able to save them. Today we'll talk about how to recover data from a hard drive without resorting to the help of wizards. And also about situations when you should not try to get them yourself, but it is better to immediately take the disk to a specialized service.

The easiest to recover are:

  • Files and folders, deleted by user past the trash can (by pressing Shift + Delete).

  • Information corrupted by a file system failure.
  • Files erased by viruses.
  • Data in formatted partitions (except for "low-level" formatting, in which all information on the disk is overwritten with zeros).

However, there can be no 100% guarantee of success in this matter. Files and folders that have been deleted recently, that is, the areas of the disk where they were stored have not been overwritten, have the maximum chances of being saved. In the latter case, the chances of recovering information after quick format, since this erases only the file allocation table in the partition, and they themselves remain in place.

V following cases data recovery is impossible or the probability of this is very low:

  • If the disk drive has been low-level formatted (essentially overwritten).
  • If the information has been deleted using a file shredder application.
  • When other information was overwritten over the deleted information. For example, if a user accidentally formatted, say, drive C for reinstall Windows, but remembered that there were important files, only after installing a new system.
  • When physical damage the magnetic layer on which information is stored.
  • When files are infected with ransomware viruses, if there is no decryption key or effective decryptor. Key search by brute force (enumeration of combinations) is ineffective with rare exceptions. The reason is that today there are more and more viruses using cryptographically strong 128- or 256-bit encryption. It is impossible to find a key to it at the current level of technology (and for 256 bits it is impossible in principle).

In case of hardware failure of the drive, if the electronics board has flown or mechanical parts are out of order, the probability of successful data rescue is about 50%. More precisely, it all depends on the type of breakdown and the qualifications of the master. Unfortunately, it will not work to recover information from a physically damaged disk using programs. Quite the contrary: attempts to turn on a disk that is broken are fraught with irrecoverable data loss.

In what cases is it better not to do anything, but take the device to a specialized service:

  • When the disk is not recognized by the computer or periodically disappears (except in the case described below). Moreover, if it does not work at all: when connected, it does not show any signs of "life", does not spin up, does not get warm. External drive to check, you need to connect to the computer as a normal internal (via SATA port or IDE, if any), since if only the interface fails USB data usually not damaged.
  • When HDD being hit or dropped. In this case, you shouldn't even try to turn it on.
  • If, when accessing the disk, messages appear about serious problems with it or the operating system crashes into BSoD (blue screen of death).
  • If there is a suspicion of a leak case hard disk. By the way, in no case can you open it yourself. A grain of dust trapped inside can damage the magnetic layer and irrevocably destroy information on it the first time it is turned on.
  • If there are visible defects in the connection interfaces and the disk electronics board.
  • If there is a suspicion that liquid has entered the drive housing. This happens when a removable hard drive is placed in a bag next to a wet umbrella.

Information recovery services in service centers are not a cheap pleasure. "Treatment" of the mildest cases costs about half the cost of the drive (this is if you can bring the drive itself back to life without losing data). In difficult situations, the cost is 2 or more the price of a new disc. It depends on the amount of information and the complexity of the restoration work.

What to do if the hard drive is not detected by the computer, freezes or works with errors

This life hack only applies to hard drives that have been in use for at least six months.

On the underside of the hard drive electronics board are contact pads that connect to the block magnetic heads(BGM, a device for reading and writing information on a magnetic layer) with a flexible loop that goes into the containment area (disk case).

Over time, especially if the disc was operated in high humidity and with significant heating, these areas become covered with a non-conductive layer of oxides - they become dull and dark, sometimes to black. The oxide layer disrupts the contact between the BGM and the controller, which has an extremely negative effect on the operation of the disk: there are read / write errors, problems with recognition, lags and other unpleasant things.

The solution to the problem is very simple: just remove the electronics board (this most often requires a T6 screwdriver - a six-pointed asterisk), clean the pads to a shine with a school eraser and wipe with alcohol. After such a simple procedure, many drives start working like new.

Home data recovery software

- one of the most popular free utilities to recover data on a Windows PC. It is especially effective in recovering objects deleted by the recycle bin. It supports almost all types of files: graphics, music, videos, archives, documents, emails and more.

Recuva is able to read information not only from serviceable, but also from logically damaged devices, as well as from formatted disk partitions. It recognizes all types of media - hard and optical discs, SSD, flash drives, memory cards, mobile devices, etc. Works with file NTFS systems, FAT16-32 and ExFat.

How to use the program:

  • Download the installation or portable version of Recuva. Install or unpack it in separate folder and run as administrator.
  • If the program interface has opened on English language, you can switch to Russian for convenience: click the "Options" button and select "Russian" from the "Language" list on the "General" tab.

  • From the main window, open the list of disk partitions and connected drives. Select the area from which you want to recover information.
  • In the search bar (marked with a magnifying glass icon), specify the path to the object you are looking for, or click the arrow and select the type of file that you want to recover. In our example, these are graphics. By the way, text documents can be searched by keywords... To do this, open the Analyze menu and select View Content. The "File mask" field should indicate the type of document (doc, pdf, etc.), and the "Search line" should indicate the word or phrase by which the program should search. After filling in both fields, click the "Analyze" button.

  • The list of found documents (or files of any other type - depending on what you specified in the settings) will be displayed in the main Recuva window. In some cases, before restoring, you can see the contents of text documents and pictures in the "View" field (to the right of the list). The "Summary" contains information about the file: name, size, state and number of overwritten clusters. In the "Header", respectively - the header service data.
  • Each list item has a colored circle next to it. Green color points to good opportunity restore deleted files... Yellow - for doubtful, and red - for its absence (since a significant part of the file was overwritten).
  • Select the objects you want to return in the list and click the "Restore" button. Select the folder where the program should save them. It is important that this is a different logical partition on the same disk or a different physical device.


DMDE is a cross-platform utility for restoring, backing up and editing the contents of drives. Works on Windows, Linux and DOS. Supports the following file systems: FAT12-16-32, ExFAT, NTFS, NTFS5, Ext2-3-4, HFSX, HFS +, and RAW (undefined). Able to pull data from healthy and damaged hard drives, solid-state drives and RAID arrays, as well as their sector-by-sector copies created in the program itself. Recovers not only deleted files, but also entire partitions that have ceased to be detected due to corrupted service information... Has RAID reconstruction functions.

DMDE is available in free and two paid versions - home and commercial. The difference between the free edition and the paid home edition is in the absence of a group file recovery function and a quantitative limitation - the program makes it possible to restore up to 4000 objects from the current panel.

All versions of DMDE work without installation - just unpack the archive into a separate folder and run the Dmde.exe file.

How to use the utility:

  • After the main DMDE window appears on the screen, click the "Select disk" top menu button. Select the device or logical partition from which you want to recover information. Confirm your choice.

  • In the left pane of the next window, select the "All Found + Reconstruction" option. Specify how to reverse engineer the file system and search objects: all files, including deleted, only deleted, or all but deleted. If you want to get a list of only missing files, select "deleted only", otherwise it may get too large.

  • After displaying the list of everything found in the program, click on the object of interest right click mouse and select "Restore Object" from the menu.

  • On the first tab of the recovery options window, specify the location to save the object.

  • On the "Filters" tab, you can specify a mask for file names, their sizes (from and to) and exclude empty folders from processing.

  • In the settings, as a rule, nothing needs to be changed. After clicking "OK", the program will immediately start the recovery process.

If the recovered files cannot be opened or the utility did not find what you wanted, the developers recommend that you perform a full volume scan and repeat the operation.

Or go back to the disk selection section and try to subtract other volumes.

- the most powerful software package recovery tools for rescuing data from all types of media, including deeply damaged ones. This utility is often used in cases where nothing else has helped.

Features of R-Studio is support for all types of drives and file systems, including undefined (RAW). And also - an improved algorithm for finding and recovering damaged and partially overwritten files. Additionally, the program contains the functions of RAID reconstruction and creating virtual disk images, from which you can read information as from physical ones.

How to use the R-studio program:

  • Install and run the utility with administrator rights. The main window will display a list of connected drives.
  • Specify the media or partition from which you want to recover data and click the "Scan" button.

  • In the scan settings window, define the types of files you want to search (the " Known types files "), you can leave the rest as default. Click on "Scan" to continue.

  • After the scan is finished, go to the "Disk" menu and click the "Recover all files" option.

  • Specify the location to save the found and, if necessary, other recovery options (shown in the screenshot below). Click "Yes" to confirm. Wait for the end of the operation.

R-studio is an effective, but paid and very expensive program. However, there are “fixed” versions of it on the net.

How to correctly recover information

  • Recovered objects should never be stored on the same logical partition from which they are read.
  • It is better not to postpone the data recovery procedure until later. The fewer disk operations, the higher the chances of success.
  • If the capabilities of the program allow, create virtual image the partition or device on which the objects of interest are located, and restore from it. This will save you from irrecoverable data loss in case of accidental overwriting or sudden failure of the drive.
  • If you are recovering from physical media, try to do everything in one session. Retrying may be less successful.

Hello to all readers of our blog! Recently my friends pushed me on a very interesting problem. Their laptop broke down, and they asked to try to get the files from it. I thought about it and coped with the task. About, how i was able to download files from a broken laptop, read this article.

So, first we need to find a compartment with hard disk... Usually manufacturers make it separately from the whole back cover laptop. In my case, it was indicated by the icon shown in the picture below.

  • The first is to buy / ask friends for a special box for an external hard drive, with usb output to later connect it to a laptop / stationary computer and throw it off required files.
  • The second is if you have a stationary computer, you can connect a hard drive and upload all the necessary files to your PC.

Since I had a system unit, I chose the second method.

And now, in more detail, how to do everything. For this you need a sata cable and some IQ. Turn off your PC if you have it turned on. We remove the side cover and through mountains of dust, unless of course you are cleaning the system unit, read how to do this in, look for the sata input on your motherboard. Connect one end of the cable to hard disk the other to the motherboard. Next, you need to find the cable power sata drives that comes out of the power supply. We connect it to the disk and turn on the PC.

After booting the system, go to the computer folder and look for your connected hard drive.

After all the work, simply reassemble everything in the reverse order, or leave it and use it.

There was nik-tut with you! I hope this article is useful to someone. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Friends, in this article we will talk about the means of obtaining hidden information located on hard Windows disk... Probably many of you have heard that when you delete a file, it is not deleted without a trace. By using special means deleted information in most cases, it is still possible to extract.

So how do you extract information from your hard drive? My answer is the program “ Disk Investigator”.

If the "spy" has a hard disk with secret data in his hands, then with the help of the "Disk Investigator" program he will be able to easily get all necessary information.

The program allows you to extract information from your hard drive, get low-level access to files bypassing the operating system, recover deleted information and view information hidden from prying eyes.

In addition, the program implements a convenient search that allows you to find on your hard drive hidden sections with information about passwords and site addresses.

How to find the information you need on your Windows hard drive

  • 1. You need to download the program from the developer's site. Here is the download link. There may already be a more recent version of the program.

The installation shouldn't give you any problems. Run the program.

  • 2. The main application window will open.

To find hidden or deleted information on the disk, in the window that opens, activate the button “ Disk" In chapter " View”. Select the required hard disk partition.

  • 3. You can make a request to find the information you need.

V top menu go to the section “ Tools", Select the item" Search Disk"(Or press the key combination" ctrl + F") And in the window that appears, specify the required search query and press " Search«.

The program will conduct a low-level scan of the selected hard disk partition and provide a detailed report on the items found.

  • 4. By double clicking on the section of interest, you can select and view in more detail the hard disk cluster with the specified information.

Hard disk data recovery

Friends, enough tales about spies, it's time to find this program and a very real application.

Since “Disk Investigator” bypasses the operating system and allows low-level scanning of hard disk partitions, the program is very convenient to use as a data recovery tool.

  • 1. On the left side of the main window in the “ Vie w "switch to" Directories”.
  • 2. A tree structure will be displayed below content of hard disk (as in Windows Explorer). Change to the directory from which the files were deleted. In this case, the contents of the selected directory will be displayed in the right part of the main program window.

3. Deleted data is highlighted in red. To restore the required file, select it (you can select a group of files), and click on the button at the bottom of the “Undelete” window.

The hard drive where all information is stored is, first of all, a device. Consequently, during long-term operation, it is sometimes very difficult to do without breakdowns, failures and everything else. If the operating system does not load or the hard drive (as it is commonly called in computer language) is out of order before you had time to save the data to external media, then we will try to extract them.

If you experience a system failure, for example, due to virus attack, the hard drive itself is in working order, but Windows does not load or a blue screen with inscriptions is displayed on the monitor - we will get information from the hard drive using a bootable recovery disk from ESET.

We will go to visit friends, we will turn to official page"" and download the image of the "LiveCD ESET NOD32" utility. Let's get acquainted with the instructions for working with the "LiveCD" directly on the site.

Let's create boot disk or a USB flash drive, boot from the selected media and copy important information, which will become available thanks to the utility, to any external drive. "How to start a computer from a disk" and "How to choose to boot from a USB flash drive" - ​​articles to help.

The second option is to connect your hard drive to another PC using external adapter... The method is suitable in a situation where an unknown breakdown occurred inside the system unit, but did not affect the hard drive itself.

Carefully remove the screw from the system unit, connect via an adapter cable and USB port to the computer, copy the data with information and transfer it to any storage device. If it is found that some of the information from the hard disk has disappeared in an unknown direction, we will try to return it using third-party software to restore files. How to do it - read here.

Important! Information from the hard disk can be permanently lost inside, and users are not recommended to store it in vain. backups data on removable media - this must be remembered.

How to get information out of a damaged hard drive?

Hard drives break just like any other technique. And when this situation happens, people start to panic. But do not worry ahead of time, we will try to help you in this situation. If you are not confident in yourself and do not want to take risks, it is better to immediately resort to the help of specialists. In this article, we will look at how to extract information from a damaged hard drive.

So, getting down to business, how to get files out of a damaged hard drive? First, you need to pull out the failed hard drive and connect it to another computer as second hard disk. For what purpose are we doing this? Information saved on a broken HDD by software, will be carried over to working hard the computer disk to which we connected the broken hard drive. This means that there must be free space on the working disk, and enough to accommodate all the information.

Now we turn to the programs that are used to extract information from a damaged hard drive. First, you need to scan your hard drive to find out which files or partitions are damaged. The following programs can help you in this matter:

After scanning, you will see a list of damaged data, you need to indicate which of them you would like to recover.

  • Zero Assumption Recovery;
  • MBRlool;
  • Easy undelete;
  • R-Stydio undelete;
  • Norton Utilites;
  • Disk Technican Advanced;
  • Mace Gold;
  • TestDisk.

The loss of information is very often to blame boot sector Master Bool Record, easy to fix with MBRlool or Active Partition Recovery.

To avoid data loss in the future, it is necessary to create a copy of the hard disk, in other words, to clone the data. To do this, use a program that will copy your HDD, for example HDClone. Now let's look at how to extract information from a laptop hard drive. The situation is more complicated with such models of laptops, in which the extraction of the hard drive is not provided. Therefore, it is better to show such a laptop to a specialist. It will eject the hard drive and restore all information.

Let's take a look at the main ways to extract information from a laptop on our own.

1. Installing the hard drive in a special pocket.

You take out the hard drive from the laptop and install it into this pocket, which is essentially a case of an external hard drive with a USB interface. Using a USB connector, connect it to a working computer. Open a connected external drive and copy your information to your computer's hard drive.

2. Connecting the hard drive to the computer system unit.

To retrieve information in this way, you need an adapter that connects the laptop hard drive and the computer's motherboard. You remove the hard drive from the laptop. You open the computer case and use the adapter to connect the hard drive to the motherboard. The connected hard drive should be recognized by the system automatically. Open it and copy the information.

3. Access to the hard drive using another computer.

In this case, the computer must have an IDE or SATA interface. If the laptop is equipped with a SATA interface, then it is connected to the SATA connector of the computer. Then everything is very simple, open the laptop hard drive and copy the information to the computer.

How to extract data from a disk if Windows crashed.

The Windows operating system is considered by most users to be one of the most reliable systems. Most likely it is.

But let's face it - take it out of its normal working state, anything can.

Viruses, Malware, not quality software, Microsoft's own updates, drivers, not compatible hardware and a million more reasons why Windows sometimes "pleases" its users with blue screens.

On neOshibka.Ru there are solutions to eliminate the most common (so far), blue screens of death.

But it so happens that even an experienced person cannot restore Windows health, for reasons beyond his control.

It is good if you only play games, and all the necessary information "store on the D drive".

But in practice, everything looks a little different, and it so happens that on the C: drive there are data that are very significant for a person: photographs, projects, abstracts, thesis, databases of various programs, such as 1C Accounting, Taxpayer LE, programs The Pension Fund etc.

For people unprepared for this, the loss of such data is tantamount to the end of the world.

How do I get the data out of the disk?

In fact, it is not difficult to extract data if Windows crashed. We will consider two ways in which you can remove data, but we will pay more attention to the second.

Method 1. The most obvious one.

This method is to remove the hard drive from your computer and connect it to your friend’s computer.

The advantages of this method:

  • I need another computer.
  • You need to unscrew 6 bolts to remove the hard drive (standard case). Plus 2 cover bolts on a friend's computer.
  • Disconnect the SATA interface cable.
  • After copying, return everything to its place.
  • In the case of a laptop, the process becomes more complicated.

Method 2. Bootable USB flash drive based on Linux

Let's talk about a method that will also help us to extract data from a computer based on a "crashed" Windows.

For fairness, consider also the pros and cons this method.

  • I need a flash drive.
  • Need another computer with internet connection.
  • Need time.
  • It takes patience.
  • You don't have to disassemble your and anyone else's computer.
  • This decision will allow you to download a full-fledged operating system from which you can access the Internet, burn a CD / DVD - disk, copy files from one section to another, print a document.
  • Since the solution will take only 1-1.5 GB on the flash drive, you can easily throw something else on it.
  • Having such a flash drive, you can boot from it on any (someone else's) computer, work and turn off the computer, while not leaving any of your data on it - browser history, documents, passwords, etc. Everything will remain on the keychain.

As you can see, the pluses are quite significant, while the minuses, on the contrary, are insignificant.

So, if you chose the second method, we think you did the right thing.

Making a bootable USB flash drive based on Linux Mint

Preparing the * .iso image

In fact, as such, there is no preparation. You just need to download any distribution kit on Linux based... Unlike Windows, there are a great many GNU / Linux distributions. You can choose any.

For our purposes also any will do, but we will stop our choice on more or less similar (something) to Windows, in terms of simplicity, Linux distribution Mint.

First of all, you need to download it. You can do this on the Linux Mint download page.

Then you can choose one of several versions of this distribution. We'll choose a 32-bit version based on the MATE desktop environment. But you can choose whatever you want - any distribution will do for our purposes.

Next, we will be prompted to select a download mirror based on your location. If you are in Russia, you can choose the Yandex Team mirror, if in another country, select a server that is closer to you.

Downloading Universal USB Installer

There are many programs that allow you to write an image of a Linux distribution to a USB flash drive. We will use one of them called Universal USB Installer. It is very easy to use, does not require installation, and allows you to select a recording profile for a specific distribution kit.

The download page for the program is located at this address.

Try to download from there, otherwise you may end up on a fraudulent link and install something completely different from what you expected.

Writing an image to a USB flash drive

Now run the program you just downloaded - Univeral Usb Installer. In the screenshot below, we see a window in which we will configure the recording. You shouldn't be intimidated by this window, its complexity is deceiving. In fact, it couldn't be easier.

Let's take a look at its settings.

  1. Step 1: Select a Linux Distribution from the dropdown to put in your USB flash drive. - This item prompts us to choose which Linux "family" our image belongs to. We downloaded Linux Mint, and we choose it accordingly. If you've downloaded, say, Ubuntu, then you must select it from this drop-down menu. Otherwise, the program will not "see" the image file.
  2. Step 2: Select your linuxmint * .iso - This step prompts us to select the image file itself by clicking on the button. It says linuxmint * .iso here. Therefore, the program will search for an image using this mask. If Ubuntu was selected in the first step, the mask would be ubuntu * desktop * .iso. Just go to the folder where you downloaded the image and select it.
  3. Step 3: Select your USB Flash Drive Letter Only - here we are invited to choose our flash drive. If, for some reason, the flash drive is not in the list, try checking the box on the right. Here it is worth putting a check mark on the formatting of the flash drive (make sure that you have nothing important on it).
  4. Step 4: Set a Persistent file size for storing changes is a pretty interesting point. It allows you to make a disk image "mutable" - to install programs, save documents to the Desktop and in folders, Russify Mint, etc. We recommend that you set the slider to at least 1 Gigabyte (approximately). This will make your USB stick more convenient.
  5. The cherished button will start creating.

That's all the troubles. You can drink your coffee again. The process will take some time. It all depends on the flash drive, the speed of the hard drive, and the friend's computer as a whole.

Now there is only one little thing left - it will boot from this same flash drive. If you succeed in all of the above, most likely this will not be a problem for you.

Work in Linux Mint or how to extract data from laptop hard drive.

After a couple of minutes of loading, you will receive a fully functional system with which you can transfer data from one of your disks to another. To do this, you just need to open file manager, find your disks on its left side and open them (mount). And then everything is the same as in Windows - + and + or simply "Copy" - "Paste".


Nobody said that the second method would be easy. On the contrary, there are easier and more convenient ways. There are plenty of alternatives. There is ready assemblies based on Windows itself.

This method is not a panacea. This is just one way.

But, as mentioned above, in addition to what everything was started for, this system has everything for comfortable work. Browser, mail client, programs for viewing images and videos, photographs. There is also office suite Libre Office (not bad Microsoft replacement Office) and much more.

When checking this method, neOshibka.Ru has problems with rights. Files created in Linux Mint (for example, screenshots) did not want to open in Windows 8, which for some reason swore at the length of the name and, understandably, write protection. Most likely the author forgot to mention this.

In order for everything to be fine, right after the first boot of Linux Mint, you need to open a terminal and enter the following commands in turn:

sudo adduser neoshibka // where neoshibka is your username

Then answer a couple of system questions and set a password.

sudo adduser neoshibka sudo // where neoshibka is your username

After that, you need to end the session, and log in already on behalf of your user with the password that you entered a little earlier.

For most users, the data stored on HDD storage are more valuable than the component itself. Therefore, if the device has been damaged or accidentally formatted, the owner often worries about the lost information, and not the drive itself. However, do not panic, because it is quite easy to extract information from a faulty hard disk using special software.

How to avoid losing data from a non-working hard drive?

If the hard drive breaks down, it is impossible to remove files from it or the information is completely lost, in no case do unnecessary fraud. There is no need to try to reinstall the OS or try to run a wide variety of programs of unknown origin. There is a list of rules, following which, you at least will not aggravate the difficult situation:

  1. Keep your HDD usage to a minimum.
  2. Do not try to run antiviruses, diagnostic programs, and other utilities.
  3. If it is possible to get the leftover files from the hard drive, then do it and move them to another medium.

The best option in this situation is to turn off the PC and boot the system exclusively from external storage.

If you have another computer, then you can create rescue media to boot from it for backup, or connect the faulty disk to it as an additional one.

If the drive contains important data, then it is useful to initially write programs to the USB flash drive that will help in such cases download information from the hard drive of a broken computer or laptop.

To avoid such breakdowns, it is necessary at least sometimes to check the HDD for errors.

Damage to user data

It is quite easy to extract deleted files if the hard drive was simply formatted, and after that nothing was written to it. If, when connecting the drive to another PC, it is detected by the system, then there should be no difficulties.

To extract the data, we need a special application ZAR (Zero Assumption Recovery). This utility is one of the best software of its kind.

The only thing to remember is that the program should be installed in the HDD partition from which copying will not be carried out.

Otherwise, the likelihood that you will be able to remove the information will sharply decrease. It is best not to touch the broken hard drive at all and boot from another hard drive, or connect the damaged component to another computer.

Zero Assumption Recovery

To extract information from a laptop hard drive using the ZAR program, you should adhere to the following algorithm:

ZAR is an effective, yet easy-to-learn program that will help you recover most of your lost data. The main difference between this utility and similar software is that it retains the same file structure.

If the computer does not work and the system does not start

If the hard drive has been formatted entirely or it is completely out of order and windows does not load, then in this situation we need another method - booting from the emergency drive. To do this, you need to create a bootable disk in advance.

The best solution in this situation is Hiren’s BootCD - this is a free ISO image that contains a number of programs with which you can restore your system and the necessary files. For a 500MB image, you can use CD or DVD media, flash drives or external hard drives to extract data from a broken hard drive on them.

To deploy the image, we need the incredibly popular UltraISO application. It is known in narrow circles due to the fact that it can function perfectly with both optical and any other drives (flash drives, HDD).

To create a bootable Hiren's BootCD we need:

In just a couple of minutes, the flash drive and bootable Hiren's BootCD will be successfully created.

We save all important information (documents, videos, photos)

Since Windows are not able to boot themselves, we boot from the Hiren's BootCD flash drive. But first you need to change the BIOS settings or select the appropriate option at startup.

You will be presented with two download options:

The second option is considered the most convenient, so select the line Mini Windows XP.

Create an image of a damaged hard drive

After the OS is loaded from the USB flash drive, the Hiren's BootCD window will open. Next, you need to create an image of the covered drive so that it is safe to work with it, otherwise there will be a risk of spreading data damage:

After the image of the damaged device is created, you can remove the data using one of their recovery utilities: Partition Recovey, Recuva, PhotoRescue, etc. Data recovery using them does not differ in any way from the example of working with the ZAR utility, which was described earlier.

Now you know how to extract information from a damaged laptop or computer hard drive, and you can restore everything yourself without any difficulties. lost files.

Another way is disassembled in this video.

Recovering information from a damaged hard drive

How to recover data from a damaged hard drive

For some users, files from a non-working HDD are much more valuable than the device itself. Therefore, if the drive was accidentally formatted, it was covered and there is no way to back up files in the usual way, you have to resort to using third-party applications to retrieve the data.

What to do in order not to lose information on a faulty drive

If the hard disk is covered, it cannot be read from it or completely disappeared important information, there is no need to panic, try to reinstall the system or mindlessly run useful and not so useful programs. Remember following rules that will help you in the first step, by at least, do not aggravate the situation:

  1. Minimize all calls to the HDD - do not run any diagnostic programs, antiviruses, defragmenters, etc.
  2. If possible, try to copy any remaining important data.

If you have another computer at home, then it will not be difficult for you to create an emergency flash drive or disk on it in order to boot from this drive for backup or connect bad disk to it as an additional one. In any case, if your device contains unique data, it is useful to write down in advance just in case bootable USB drive with utilities for reanimating data from a damaged hard drive in case of unexpected failures.

If user data is corrupted

It is quite easy to recover files if a hard disk partition has been formatted and no write has been made to it after that. When it is possible to connect a faulty hard drive to another computer and the device is detected by the system, there should be no major problems.

To do this, you can use the Zero Assumption Recovery (ZAR) application, which is one of the best in its class.

It must be installed in the HDD partition, which is different from the one from which the copying will be carried out.

Otherwise, the chances of "pulling out" important documents from the carrier, which is covered, are sharply reduced. Better yet, avoid using the hard drive at all by booting from another device or connecting it to another PC.

Working with Zero Assumption Recovery:

Disable your antivirus so that the process does not drag out. ZAR will inform you about this in the start window of the program, click Close.

In the main window, click the "Restore Windows data"(Photo and multimedia recovery is a separate mode that is activated by pressing the topmost button).

ZAR will detect every disk on your computer, including flash drives. If the drive is identified by the program, then you just need to select it and click "Next".

The scanning process will start, after which the utility will show the directories and files. This information can be restored.

Highlight photos and whatever needs to be recovered. Click "Save", having previously indicated the directory in which it should be placed.

Zero Assumption Recovery reliably recovers all data that can still be retrieved from the hard drive, completely preserving the old directory structure, which favorably distinguishes the program from similar applications.

When the system won't boot

If the hard drive has been completely formatted or it is simply completely covered and the computer does not boot, you will have to restore the files in a different way by booting from rescue disk or a flash drive. To do this, create a bootable drive in advance or at the first signs of incorrect operation of the HDD.

How to create a bootable USB flash drive or disk to recover lost files

One of the best solutions for creating bootable media- Hiren's BootCD. This is a free redistributable ISO image containing great amount utilities with the help of which the system and files from disks are restored. The distribution kit in the form of a zip archive can be picked up at the office. application site.

The image size is about 500 MB, so you can use a CD, DVD optical media, as well as a USB flash drive or external hard drive, in order to back up information extracted from a damaged hard drive to it.

We will expand the downloaded image on the media using the popular UltraISO application. It is widely known for its ability to work with both optical media, and with any other drives, including flash drives, which is indispensable when working with netbooks and other laptops.

Create a bootable USB flash drive Hiren's BootCD:

All you have to do is press the button that allows recording and in a few minutes the bootable Hiren's BootCD or flash drive will be created.

We save photos, videos and documents from a damaged HDD

Since the system is not able to boot on its own, we boot from the Hiren’s BootCD flash drive, having previously changed the BIOS settings or choosing the appropriate boot option for the laptop. When reading data from a flash drive, you will be prompted to boot into DOS mode or graphically. The latter option is more convenient for most users, so choose the first line of Mini Windows XP.

Create an image of a broken hard drive

After loading Windows environment XP from the flash drive will open the main window of Hiren's BootCD. Let's create a disk image that has been covered so that you can work with it in the future without the risk of spreading file damage:

After the creation of the image of the damaged media, you can start extracting data from it using any of the recovery programs - Recuva, Partition Recovey, PhotoRescue and the like. File recovery in this case is no different from the above example of working with the Zero Assumption Recovery application.

For many users, the data stored on the hard drive is much more important than the device itself. If the device is out of order or was inadvertently formatted, then you can extract important information (documents, photos, videos) from it using special software.

To restore data, you can use an emergency bootable USB flash drive or connect the faulty HDD to another computer. In general, the methods do not differ in their effectiveness, but are suitable for use in different situations... Next, we will look at how to recover data from a damaged hard drive.

Method 1: Zero Assumption Recovery

Professional software for recovering information from damaged HDD. The program can be installed on Windows operating systems and supports work with long names files in Cyrillic. Recovery instructions:

  1. Download and install ZAR on your computer. It is advisable that the software is not loaded onto the damaged disk (on which the scan is planned).
  2. Disable antivirus programs and close other applications. This will help reduce the load on the system and increase the scanning speed.
  3. In the main window, click on the button « Data recovery for Windows and Linux " so that the program finds all drives connected to the computer, removable media information.
  4. Select the HDD or USB stick from the list (which you plan to access) and click "Next".
  5. The scanning process begins. As soon as the utility finishes its work, the screen will display the directories and individual files available for recovery.
  6. Select the desired folders with a checkmark and click "Next" to overwrite the information.
  7. Will open additional window where you can configure the settings for recording files.
  8. In field "Destination" specify the path to the folder where the information will be written.
  9. Then press "Start copying the selected files" to start transferring data.

As soon as the program finishes its work, the files can be freely used, rewritten to USB-drives. Unlike other similar software, ZAR recovers all data, while maintaining the old directory structure.

Method 2: EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard

A trial version of the program is available for free download from the official site. The product is suitable for recovering data from damaged HDD and their subsequent rewriting to other media or Flash drives. Procedure:

  1. Install the program on the computer from which you plan to recover files. To avoid data loss, do not download EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard to a damaged disk.
  2. Select a location to search for files on the faulty HDD. If you need to recover information from stationary disk, then select it from the list at the top of the program.
  3. Optionally, you can enter specific path to the directory. To do this, click on the block “ Specify a location " and using the button "Browse" choose desired folder... Then press "OK".
  4. Click on the button "Scan" to start searching for files on the damaged media.
  5. The results will be displayed on home page programs. Check the box next to the folders you want to return and click "Recover".
  6. Specify the location on the computer where you plan to create a folder for the information found, and click "OK".

Method 3: R-Studio

Suitable for recovering information from any damaged media (flash drives, SD cards, hard drives). The program belongs to the type of professional and can be used on computers with an operating Windows system... Operating instructions:

  1. Download and install R-Studio on your computer. Connect an idle HDD or other storage medium and run the program.
  2. In the main R-Studio window, select desired device and on the toolbar click "Scan".
  3. An additional window will appear. Select the scan area if you want to check a specific area of ​​the disc. Additionally, specify the desired type of scan (simple, detailed, fast). Then click on the button "Scanning".
  4. Information about the operation will be displayed on the right side of the program. Here you can also track the progress and approximately the remaining time.
  5. When the scan is completed, additional sections will appear on the left side of R-Studio, next to the disk that was analyzed. Inscription "Recognized" means that the program was able to find the files.
  6. Click on the section to view the contents of the found documents.

    Check the boxes for the files you want and in the menu "File" choose "Recover marked".

  7. Specify the path to the folder where you plan to make a copy of the found files and click "Yes" to start copying.

After that, the files can be freely opened, transferred to others logical drives and removable media. If planned HDD scan large volume, the process can take more than an hour.

If the hard drive is out of order, you can still recover information from it. To do this, use special software and run a full system scan. To avoid data loss, try not to save the found files to the faulty HDD, but use other devices for this purpose.

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