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  • How to independently protect against damage to the evil eye: effective ways. Come up with a strong password to access your router

How to independently protect against damage to the evil eye: effective ways. Come up with a strong password to access your router

Probably, each of us has friends who seem to attract various troubles to themselves, complain that they have been jinxed or damaged. There are others who are often referred to as the lucky ones. They are rarely bothered by their illnesses, and they have much fewer problems. What is the difference and why is it so?

The energy shield itself is completely invisible, therefore almost imperceptible an ordinary person... Having established such protection, a person can be calm about himself energetically. After all, such protection gives him a number of advantages:

  1. the evil eye and corruption cannot reach his energy fields;
  2. during an energy attack, the shield either absorbs directed negative energy or returns it to the sender, depending on the type of protection;
  3. people using the energy shield are more likely to be lucky, because failures and problems, more often than not, are just a response of other people's negative thoughts.

Thus, in order for you to always be lucky, and all the intrigues of your envious people and enemies bypassed you, it is necessary to create such an energy shield. And the stronger the defense, the more negative energy it can hold.

How to put protection

In order to establish yourself a similar protection, you need to use one of several common methods.

  1. It is easy to put the "mirror". When danger appears negative impact from a certain person, then wish him happiness (mentally), and do it with all the breadth of your soul. Then, while inhaling, "draw" an imaginary mirror in front of him, which reflects the negative back to the interlocutor. Repeat this three times, but do it subtly.
  2. "Capsule". This type of protection should be done before leaving the house. Give yourself a few minutes. Sit back in the chair as comfortable as possible and imagine a kind of thin film of energy filled with love and tranquility. It begins to cover you first at the back of the head, goes down and, covering your feet, rises up until it joins the edges with the starting point. Then the same film passes through the body, left and right, enveloping every millimeter of your body. When the cocoon is complete, you can go about business. You just need to do this daily.

And don't forget about cleansing with water. After each visit to an unpleasant place or interacting with an unpleasant person, take a cleansing shower.

The question is really important. Especially in our not easy time, it is necessary to be able, first of all, to energetically protect yourself, your loved ones and your home. Energy protection can be installed on the whole house, if it is for example private house, you can put protection on an apartment (on several rooms, corridors, etc.), or on one room in which you directly live.

Of course, in order to feel comfortable in your home, protection alone will not be enough, you also need cool positive energy of the room itself. And for this there are special, furniture and things that fill your home. Read more about cleaning your home here.

Regarding the protection of the house and its cleaning, I will immediately say the following- the Internet has a lot of different recommendations on this issue. But in most cases, in terms of their effectiveness and completeness, they do not even reach 10% of what should be covered. It is important to understand the following - nothing can replace your personal energy participation: investing your own energy, your own will and faith in protecting and cleaning the premises, and help from the Higher Forces in this matter. No and even holy water with unconscious prayers will not be as effective and powerful as your personal energy work and sincere appeal to this matter.

But before we move on directly to the technique of putting protection on your home, I strongly recommend that you study the following articles on the topic of energy protection so that you understand the key principles of its creation:

I hope you have carefully read and understood the proposed articles, and now you can proceed directly to the technique of staging energy protection.

Energy protection for your home. Esoteric Technique

First, some of the principles of energy protection.

  • Such protection is created from the energy of people who build this protection and the Forces that help people in this matter. What forces will help a person in putting up protection depends on the person himself, on what he deserves. A positive person is helped by light forces. Negative -. To the weak little man- forces do not help very much high level... Strong Personality - powerful high forces will patronize in this. The power and complexity of the energy protection itself, which external influences it will withstand and repulse, depends on patronage, among other things.
  • Perfectly energy protection houses are created from several types of energy and programmed in a special way. Any energy carries its own program, and it is better to program the energy of protection consciously. Actually, this is done very simply, protection programs are the thoughts and images that you put into it - how it should work.
  • The energy protection of your home or room can be destroyed not only by influences from outside, but also from within. When people, relatives quarrel violently in the apartment, they shout and swear, destructive negative emotions (influences) fly from them in all directions, and if these people are strong enough energetically, their emotions will break through and destroy the protection put on the apartment.
  • The protection needs to be periodically renewed by investing energy. That. breakdowns in defense are eliminated and, in general, it is even stronger. Energy protection for your home, ideally, needs to be set up and updated at least 1 p. per week This is a kind of ritual that is usually performed in conjunction with the cleaning of the entire room.
  • In order to put quality protection on your home, you yourself must be in good energy condition. Therefore, it is best to do this after playing sports, yoga, meditation, or after a half-hour run in the forest, when you are overwhelmed with energy and will work.
  • But most of the energy that goes to protect and clean the premises is still not your personal energy, but energy from above. Therefore, before putting up protection, it is necessary to turn from the heart and mentally to the Light Forces, to God and ask for help in carrying out this ritual. Then cos given protection will be as powerful, effective and long-lasting as possible.

The technique of setting energy protection at your home

1. Sit or stand straight in your house, preferably in the middle of the room you will be cleaning and close your eyes (you can also with your eyes open). Calm your mind, remove all extraneous thoughts, worries, emotions. Feel warm and calm in your stomach.

  • For information on how to calm yourself down and take the energy state necessary for setting up protection, read the article -.

2. Fill yourself with light through the crown: a stream of light 10-15 cm in diameter enters through the crown and fills the whole body with light (white-gold energy) from top to bottom, wave after wave. Guide the stream of light with your attention, clearly trying to imagine yourself as a vessel filling with light. There should be a sensation of a growing density of energy in the body.

And if you want your house, apartment or non-residential premises (store, etc.) to be protected and energetically cleaned by a professional, you can write to me at.

Energy Protection. How to put protection against dark forces and people?

Energy protection - very important element invulnerability of energy and psychological, as well as a comfortable state and well-being of a person. Indeed, a person can sometimes recover from breakdowns with negative emotions for 2 weeks, get sick and feel weak and despondent.

For those who do not believe that the father-in-law is dark forces and people, that they can energetically influence people, oppress and destroy their energy, then you can not read further :)

Energy protection is not a myth or a fiction, but a real necessity for many people. Analyze for yourself why some people are incredibly vulnerable to all negative impacts, aggressive emotional attacks in their direction, while others are absolutely invulnerable and how many do not kick them, like peas against the wall. Some people get a little nervous, quarrel with someone and immediately start to get sick, while others are calm and strong, and all the negative energy from them is like water off a duck's back. Some people constantly complain that they were once again jinxed, damaged, etc., while others live for themselves and rejoice and nothing negative sticks to them at all :)

Why is this happening? What determines a person's security from negativity? How can you, if you are still vulnerable, learn to protect yourself from negative energy influences? Let's talk about everything in order.

Of course, a lot depends on the person himself, on his strength of mind, benevolence, calmness, on such qualities as self-confidence, invulnerability, the ability to control their emotions and state, to be calm and invulnerable in any situation and others. But the training of personal qualities is a separate and very large topic, it is a process of purposeful development and many years of work on oneself. And not everyone is able to change themselves, forming new personal qualities, but protect yourself from negativity or protect your loved ones, for example, your own children, you need to be able to here and now. It is for this that there are techniques for staging energy protection, which we will consider.

What is energy protection and how does it work?

Energy protection is of several types:

1. Energy protection, which is part of the structure of a person's energy, namely, it is built into his astral subtle body or into a capsule that protects him (Patron of the person).

In order for this protection to work, the subtle bodies of a person and in particular the astral body (the Manipura chakra) must be trained and energetic, that is, a person must have energy for protection (its opening and work).

2. Energy protection, which a person creates by his own will and thoughts, asking her a certain program work. But, again, he must have energy for this, and he must have the skills to create an energy shield, a shell (cocoon), etc. A person can put this protection not only on himself, but also on other people, for example, to protect his children or loved ones.

3. Energy protection, which is given by the Higher Forces, namely the Patrons of man. And in fact, what Patrons a person deserves (Light and tall or weak and negative), such will give him protection. Accordingly, the Light Forces provide protection from dark influences from negative forces and people. And dark forces will protect a person either from light energy and influence, which most often happens (this is always to the detriment of the soul), or from other dark forces that are reaching out to their client.

The protection it gives The subtle world can be very different, depending on what a person deserves, he is worthy or he is a villain, he is strong or weak. Everything affects what kind of help will be.

"Protected by God"- this also applies here. One of the most powerful defenses is the Faith of a person, Faith in God, in His protection and patronage, in His Love and Omnipotence. And the stronger a person's Faith and the more righteous he lives, the more powerful his energy protection will be.

There is even an anecdote on this topic, when Dracula pursues a parishioner, overtakes him in the cemetery, bends over him, and he trembles all over and puts out a Christian cross with trembling hands. Dracula calmly takes the cross from the hands of the parishioner and tells him “to make it work, you have to believe in it” :)

So any protection largely depends on the person's faith as well.

How to put energy protection against the negative influences of other people and forces?

Consider the technique self-creation arbitrary energy protection:

1. Your initial state should be calm, strong and positive, that is, there must be energy to create protection. Exhausted and tired to create good protectionfail. Therefore, put yourself in order, calm down, fill yourself with a stream of pure white-gold energy from above, through the crown of your head. Fill the whole body with energy, wave after wave, several times, like a hollow vessel.

2. Protection is created mainly with the help of the energy of the chakras Ajna, Atman and Manipura, so you need to turn on these chakras, or at least imagine them shining and filled with dense white-gold light. Ideally, as you activate the chakras, you will feel a pleasant pressure in the forehead, warmth and light in the center of your chest and in your abdomen. This means the chakras have turned on and there is energy in them.

3. Mentally define for yourself what kind of protection you need, why you need it and how it should work. This will fully determine the energy and programs of your protection, its effectiveness and functionality. Let me remind you that the motives must be pure if you want the Light Forces to help you in creating it.

Protection can be in the form of a fire shield that does not allow negative energy, emotions and other flying influences to pass through. The energy shield can be made mirrored and even set a program so that all the negative is reflected and flew back to the author (so it’s not accidental). When such protection works, you can observe a picture: the more a person shouts at you and throws out negativity, the worse it becomes for him, and you feel calm, without destruction.

Or maybe in the form of a cocoon, something like a flask inside which you are. This flask must be open at the top for the flow of light energy to enter. The outer walls of this flask can also be mirrored. And then, this is what program you ask - either the negative is reflected and flies back to the owner, or down the walls of the mirror down into the ground (if you want to spare the person). It's up to you to choose.

And one and the second protection can be put on other people, if you are directly related to them (children, relatives).

4. In order for the protection to be created, it is enough to imagine it, for example, to imagine a glass-mirror flask around itself, reflecting its surface outward. And also, imagine how a stream of white light (ray) comes out of your Ajna (center of the forehead) and you carefully pass this stream along the walls of the created protection, imagining how its walls become energetically filled. Then, passing the beam from Ajna along the same walls of the defense, you set the program, imagining how the defense should work (all the negativity flying into you from outside - flows down the walls, flies off or flies back, nothing goes inside the defense). Protection has been created.

5. But so that the energy protection is not destroyed first of all by you, you need to be in the most calm and benevolent state. If you start to get nervous or emotional, you yourself will destroy the protection from within with your own negative emotions and reduce all efforts to create protection to zero.

Also, with the help of your own energy, not only a cocoon is created, but also an energy shield, in other words, a wall, for example, between you and an enemy who energetically attacks you.

In fact, there are a great many options to protect yourself, there would be a desire to immerse yourself in the topic and practically learn all this. But the best practice of working with energy is to learn from a Mentor or, even better, from a Spiritual Teacher. Although you can start by doing practical recommendations given in this article.

Windows Defender is a suite of modules from Microsoft designed to track suspicious changes and eliminate potentially dangerous components. Available in the program various settings and the ability to disable it as unnecessary. This method identical on all Windows versions.

Understanding Windows Defender

The defender takes over the functions of the antivirus if it is not available. In practice, the application in question guarantees protection only against the so-called. "Trojans". To combat other malicious products, you need to install third party antiviruses... The developer of the defender additionally notifies the owner of this.

The product arsenal is quite rich. The Defender lets you do the following:
monitor autostart;
monitor security settings;
monitor applications that activate with IE;
control browser settings;
regulate work different kinds files and add-ons that start with the browser;
monitor the functioning of drivers and services;
regulate the actions of installed and already installed programs;
keep track of files and add-ons to register and run various software products;
control the order of updating OS modules.

The list of functions may vary depending on the version of the defender and Windows itself.

Turning on the defender

To turn on the product and check if it works correctly, go to Start.

The screenshot shows the window of the product in question. In all current versions The OS menu looks almost the same.

If the defender won't turn on, activate it yourself. Find through search string in the "Start" program "Services" and go to it.

Open the defender service. Go to the Launch type tab, select automatically (delayed launch) in the drop-down list and enable the defender by clicking on “Launch”.

The defender will be activated.

Disabling the defender

If necessary, the defender can be turned off directly from its settings.
In Control Panel, turn on Small Icons and then look for Windows Defender.

Open the "Programs" item.

2. Open the branch: Local Editor group policy-> Politics " Local computer"-> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows components -> Windows Defender or ( Endpoint Protection ) -> Real-time protection and in the right window select Disable real-time protection

I'll tell you a story that is still going on with one Internet provider in my city. Once, visiting a friend, I asked him for Wi-Fi access. The network is preserved in the smartphone. While in another area of ​​the city, I suddenly found myself reconnecting to my friend's Wi-Fi. How is this possible? It turns out that the Internet provider set the same network name and password for all routers that were issued to subscribers upon connection. More than one year has passed, but I still have free wifi in almost every yard. The login and password for accessing the routers, by the way, are also the same. :)

Naturally, I informed my friend about the funny discovery and reconfigured his router. Are you sure you are not in a similar situation?

Why unauthorized access to your Wi-Fi and router is dangerous

Imagine that an attacker connected to your Wi-Fi, downloaded several gigabytes of child pornography, and posted a couple of hundred extremist and other "incitement" messages. The contract for the provision of Internet services is drawn up on you, and you will be asked for violation of the law, respectively.

Even if the connected person does not commit illegal actions, he can download and distribute for days large files(including illegal content from torrent trackers), which will affect the speed and stability of your Internet connection. The network is full of stories with freebies neighbor Wi-Fi... Perhaps you are that kind neighbor too?

The situation when stranger knows the login and password to the router itself, includes all the above risks, and also adds several new ones.

For example, a joker simply changes the password for Wi-Fi and you lose access to the Internet. He can change the password for the router, and you will have to reset to factory settings and re-configure everything (or call a specialist if you do not have the appropriate skills) to regain control over your equipment. Also, the joker himself can reset the settings.

There is no absolute protection, but you don't need it.

There are many ways to hack networks. The likelihood of hacking is directly proportional to the motivation and professionalism of the hacker. If you have not made enemies for yourself and do not have any super valuable information, then you are unlikely to be purposefully and diligently hacked.

In order not to provoke casual passers-by and neighbors eager for freebies, it is enough to close basic security holes. Having met the slightest resistance on the way to your router or Wi-Fi, such a person will abandon his plan or choose a less protected victim.

We bring to your attention the minimum sufficient set of actions with a Wi-Fi router, which will allow you not to become the object of cruel jokes or someone's free access point.

1. Access your Wi-Fi router

The first step is to take control of your own router. You must know:

  • Router IP address,
  • login and password to access the router settings.

To find the IP address of your router, turn the device over and look at the sticker underneath. There, among other information, the IP will be indicated. Usually this is either or

Also, the address of the router is indicated in the user manual. If the box with the instructions from the router has not been preserved, then find the user manual in in electronic format help google.

You can find out the address of the router yourself from your computer.

  1. On Windows, press the combination Windows keys+ R.
  2. In the window that appears, type cmd and press Enter.
  3. In the window that appears, enter ipconfig and press Enter.
  4. Find the line "Default gateway". This is the address of your router.

Enter the received IP address of the router in the browser. You will see a page for entering the settings of the router.

Here you need to enter a username and password, which you should know. In most cases, the default login is the word admin, and the password is either an empty field or also admin (the default login and password are also indicated at the bottom of the router). If the router came from an Internet provider, then call him and find out.

Without the ability to change settings, you effectively lose control over own equipment... Even if you have to reset your router and re-configure everything, it will be worth it. To avoid problems with accessing the router in the future, write down your username and password and keep them in a safe place without access for strangers.

2. Come up with a strong password to access the router

After gaining access to the router, the first step is to change the password. Router interfaces differ depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware versions. In this matter, as well as in the subsequent steps to improve protection, you will be helped by the user manual for your router.

3. Come up with a unique name (SSID) for the Wi-Fi network

If your neighbors don't understand technology at all, then a network name like fsbwifi or virus.exe may scare them away. In fact, a unique name will help you better navigate among other access points and uniquely identify your network.

4. Come up with a strong Wi-Fi password

By creating a hotspot without a password, you effectively make it public. A strong password will prevent unauthorized people from connecting to your wireless network.

5. Make your Wi-Fi network invisible

You will reduce the likelihood of an attack on your network if it cannot be detected without special software... Hiding the access point name increases security.

6. Turn on encryption

Modern routers support different methods encryption of data transmitted over a wireless network, including WEP, WPA and WPA2. WEP is inferior to others in terms of reliability, but it is supported by old equipment. WPA2 is optimal in terms of reliability.

7. Disable WPS

WPS was created as a simplified way to create wireless networks, but in fact, it turned out to be extremely unbreakable. Disable WPS in the router settings.

8. Enable filtering by MAC addresses

Router settings allow you to filter network access by unique identifiers called MAC addresses. Each device that has network card or network interface, has its own MAC address.

You can create a list of MAC addresses trusted devices, or prohibit connection to devices with specific MAC addresses.

If desired, the attacker can forge the MAC address of the device from which he is trying to connect to your network, but for an ordinary household wireless hotspot access such a scenario is extremely unlikely.

9. Reduce the range of the Wi-Fi signal

Routers allow you to change the signal strength, thus increasing and decreasing the range of the wireless network. Obviously, you only use Wi-Fi inside your apartment or office. By lowering the transmission power to a value where the network signal is confidently received only within the premises, you, on the one hand, will make your network less visible to others, and on the other hand, you will reduce the amount of interference for neighboring Wi-Fi.

10. Update the router's firmware

There are no perfect technologies. Craftsmen find new vulnerabilities, manufacturers fix them and release patches for existing devices... By periodically updating the firmware of your router, you reduce the likelihood that an attacker will exploit the flaws in older software versions to bypass protection and access your router and network.

11. Block remote access to the router

Even if you protect your wireless network and logging in with passwords, attackers will still be able to gain access to the router via the Internet. To protect the device from such outside interference, find the function in the settings remote access and disable it.

12. Firewall

Some routers have a built-in firewall - a means of protecting against various network attacks... Look in your router's security settings for a feature named like Firewall, Firewall, or Firewall"And enable it if present. If you see Extra options firewall, read in official instructions how to set them up.

13. VPN

Create a sort of encrypted tunnel for secure transmission data between the device and the server. This technology reduces the likelihood of identity theft and makes it difficult to find the user's location.

To use a VPN, you need to install a special client program on the gadget. Such software exists for mobile devices and computers. However, some routers can also be connected to VPN services. This function allows you to protect all gadgets at once in local Wi-Fi network, even if there are no special programs on them.

Does your VPN router, you can find out in the instructions or on the manufacturer's website. The same goes for the required settings.

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