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How to Russify telegrams on a pc. How to set Russian language to telegram for different devices

Glad to see you again on the pages of my blog. Lately I've been writing a lot about Telegram. Do you know what his main drawback is? You guessed it, I guess. This is the absence of a Russian interface.

The question of how to Russify Telegram is one of the most popular in relation to the messenger. Of course, I will not leave this question unanswered.

Why is it that one of the most popular communication apps is ignoring the largest country in the world? It turns out that a banal resentment is to blame. But first things first.

Attention! Telegram now has an official Russian interface language. You can enable it in the settings of the program or application.

Why is there no Russian language in the Telegram

I think everyone already knows that the name of the creator of Telegram is Pavel Durov. The one who came up with the main social. network of all Russia, - VKontakte.

Surely many have read that Pavel was forced to leave the territory of the Russian Federation in connection with claims against him from law enforcement agencies. But rumors persist that the reason was the redistribution of power within the VKontakte administration.

As a result, Pavel Durov is fully engaged in the development of the Telegram messenger, but he has no more sympathy for Russia. He openly declares that the Russian-speaking audience is not a priority for Telegram. Allegedly, the situation on the market of Internet services in our country is so deplorable that Pavel does not see the future here. That is why Telegram does not have an official Russian interface.

This can be treated in different ways. Someone supports Durov and trusts his words 100%. Personally, my opinion is that personal grievances and business should not be mixed.

Our officials do not care whether the program includes Russian or not. If they decide to close it, they will close it anyway. And so only ordinary users suffer, who are forced to look for cunning ways to put the language in the program.

How to change language

In fact, there is one safe way, this is to use an assistant - a bot named Anton, it's free.

All other tips for downloading language packs from third-party sites are unsafe. Many clever people spread viruses under the guise of crackers. Be carefull.

You are already familiar with the process, so let's start changing the language.

On a mobile device

Step 1. Add a bot by writing @telerobot in the search box.

Step 2. The robot Anton will appear, with whom you will chat. If you are interested in other bots, there will be an article about them soon.

Step 3. Add this command - "locale android". On iPhone, the team will be "locale ios".

Step 4. Anton will kindly send the required file.

Step 5. Click on it, it will start loading immediately.

Step 7. Now select the Russian language in the application settings.

For computer

Step 1. The principle is the same. We are looking for an already familiar Anton. Search phrase @telerobot.

Step 2. Just give it another command "locale osx" for MacBook and "locale tdesktop" for Windows. Another version of the "locale windows" command is also suitable for Windows.

Step 3. When the bot sends the file, right-click on it and select "Save File As ...", that is, set the location to save it on the computer's hard drive.

Step 4. Then go to the menu, select "Settings" (Settings).

Step 6. Now attention, you need to simultaneously hold down the keys on the keyboard Alt + Shift and left-click on the link. An explorer will open, find the file with the language, select it and click open at the bottom.

The application will immediately ask you to reboot for the changes to take effect.

Telegram will automatically restart and you can enjoy the new menu with familiar letters.

Online version

There is no official Russian web version, only English - You cannot change the language in it.

Another way to translate Telegram into Russian

Sometimes the robot Anton takes a vacation, then his changer will help to install the Russian language, the bot @RusLangBot.

The scheme is the same, only the command set changes slightly. This does not need to write anything, just click "Start" and he himself will offer to select the desired option.

See how it looks on my PC.

And like this on an Android smartphone.


After updating the version, the Russian interface often flies. So bookmark the article to set it up again.

After we have figured out everything, I propose to subscribe to my channel in Telegram - @iklife(how to do it, ). On it I publish announcements of the most interesting articles of my blog and many other useful things.

Of course, it's unpleasant when you have to dance with a tambourine to enable support for your native language in Telegram, but there's nothing you can do about it.

Friends, if you have any problems with the localization of the application, write in the comments and I will help you with advice.

Have a nice day, everyone. Until next time.

Perhaps the only drawback of the popular Telegram messenger is the lack of out-of-the-box support for Russian and other languages ​​of the post-Soviet space. For some reason, developers are in no hurry to add Russian to applications and the web version of Telegram even now. Pavel Durov, the creator of the service, said that the CIS region is not a priority for Telegram, but there are quite a lot of users from Russia, Ukraine and other countries in the messenger. In any case, messenger users can always manually install Russification on all applications and platforms where Telegram is present, except.

Android and iOS

Localizing Telegram apps on platforms is both similar and very simple.

Instructions for obtaining Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian in Telegram applications for Android and iOS:

Windows, Linux and OS X

Localization of Telegram on Windows, Linux and OS X is very different compared to mobile apps. On desktop platforms, the messenger has a single Telegram Desktop application, which is localized almost the same on Windows, Linux and OS X.

Localization of Telegram Desktop into Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian:

Also on OS X there is an alternative localization method:

  1. Get the localization file through the robot, or download from the links from the previous instructions.
  2. Rename the resulting file to Localizable.strings.
  3. Go to directory /Applications/ and paste the renamed replacement file (password required).
  4. Restart Telegram Desktop for OS X.
Unfortunately, the Russification of Telegram in the official application for Windows Phone is not yet provided, but the developers promise to add it soon. We will definitely update this article when the creators of Telegram keep their word regarding the localization of the Windows Phone app.

Known on the social network Vkontakte, in 2013 he created an application for communication called telegrams. The initial idea was that the messenger would work on the devices of foreign users. Thus, all the menus in the utility were in English. But time does not stand still, and when the creators saw that their brainchild was popular among domestic users, they decided to update the versions. The main goal of improvement is Russian-language interface... Immediately after the presentation, the program worked only on iOS and the telegram Russification was not available. At the end of the procedure for correcting the shortcomings, the creators presented, which allows you to translate the language of the application menu to your own on any mobile platform.

How to russify telegrams on a computer

Many users often wonder how to Russify telegram on windows. The procedure will take effort, but if you follow the step-by-step instructions, it is doable.

To establish the Russian-language interface, you first need to download the localization file to your PC. To simplify the download process, you can contact the telegram robot with a request to send this file.

Upon receipt of the request, he will instantly send everything he needs. Next, you need to download this file by clicking the " download", Which is located on the right side of the SMS itself. After clicking, its name will change to "to open with"... Remember, there is no need to open the file. It is better to remember where it is located, this will be required during the further procedure.

At the top you should find “ settings", And in them the section" general". Then it is recommended to simultaneously click on the keyboard shift & alt and select "change language" so that the English keyboard layout was selected. Now enter the word on the keyboard loadlang

Then, in the window that opens, select the downloaded file and click " OK". in order for the settings to take effect, the application needs to be restarted. Thus, on subsequent launches, telegrams will be available in Russian.


If we talk about why, despite small flaws, the utility is so popular, it is worth remembering some of its functional features. Users themselves highlight a number of options that prevent them from switching to other messengers, namely:

  1. simple and intuitive interface;
  2. free application;
  3. safety;
  4. the ability to work on many OS and devices.

The problem of how to Russify telegrams on Android often becomes an obstacle for communication between Internet users.

But it seems that everyone now already knows English perfectly, but this myth is broken against modern domestic realities.

Nevertheless, this problem is very acute, since every day there are more and more users of this messenger, as evidenced by statistics.


Everything is much easier than it seems

Not every modern user is able to understand the English-language terminology present in the interface of the Telegram service.

That is why not everyone is able to fully master the functionality.

No matter how diligently the user is looking for the option to manually install the application for the Russian language in the interface, it will not be possible to do this, but the developers still retained this option.

In order to use this functionality, you need to know some tricks. The most important thing in this case is that the user himself practically does not need to do anything.

It is only necessary to carry out a series of sequential actions, and the application will automatically translate all menu and interface commands.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to fulfill a number of simple conditions that will allow the application to perform all operations correctly. These include the following actions:

  • establish an Internet connection;
  • install the Telegram application (if it has not been previously installed);
  • ensure uninterrupted power supply of the smartphone or tablet (so that it does not accidentally turn off during operations).

Connecting to a robot

In order to solve the problem of the Russification of the menu, you must first contact the robot.

This is the so-called built-in assistant, which allows you to automatically carry out some maintenance operations for the application.

Such robots are used not only in Telegram, but also in others, so you should not be afraid of it.

You can find it by its special name in the contact list. It is called @telerobot. However, when added to your personal contact list, it appears as "Robot Anton".

By the way, it is not necessary to enter the "@" sign, the program will understand what you were looking for without it. To get started with it, no special action is required.

The robot executes only the given commands, so it will be enough to clearly write the sequence of characters in the form of a message and Robot Anton will execute it.

In this case, you should only write "locate android". All characters are typed in lower case, with a space between the command words.

Important: a command typed with errors will not work, and a corresponding warning will be issued.

Upon completion of the command processing, Robot Anton can issue an advertising message, and after that he will send a system file.

It is necessary to wait for the download of this file and not disconnect from the network, otherwise all operations will have to be repeated to achieve the desired result.

Rice. 2 - Assistant Anton

Next steps

After the virtual assistant has sent the system file, you can start it. This is a STRINGS executable file, so it shouldn't be difficult to run.

Please note that the name of this file must be Russian.xml. On some devices, its name cannot be completely recognized due to the low screen resolution.

In this case, the file name will not be displayed in full, but its extension (the last three characters) will be displayed in any case.

The appearance of a paperclip image on the file icon will indicate that it is fully loaded.

Up to this point, the file logo will contain an arrow pointing downward, and the download progress will move along the outline of the icon.

The size of this file is small, so the download will be fast enough, and you will not have to free up memory space for it.

To run the downloaded file for execution (which is what we need), you need to do just one tap on it.

But you need to do this in a specific place, namely, at three points located at the top of the received link. This will open the corresponding menu with commands.

In the menu that opens, you need to select the specified command, namely: "Apply localization file".

If you, for example, select the "Delete" command, the resulting file will be deleted, and the operation will have to be repeated and the desired command selected.

How to Russify Telegram Telegram

How to Russify Telegram on Android. Detailed guide

Completion of Russification

At the final stage of Russification, after installing the file with the language settings, the corresponding menu is immediately launched. In its headline it says “Language”.

In order to update it, you need to select it from the list with one tap.

After that, all menus will be automatically translated into Russian, and in order for all data to be saved, you need to restart the application.

In some cases, a reboot may even be required, but this is only an exception.

It is worth noting that if you are lucky and you have a gadget with a software platform not based on Android, but on iOS, then the localization command for the robot will have to be changed to “locate ios”.

Otherwise, there will be software errors that are not needed at all.

Rice. 3 - The final stage

Telegram is an incredibly popular messenger both abroad and in the Russian Federation. However, for some reason (the creator of the application) did not release a version in Russian. Although it is not so difficult to get confused in English, since there are quite a few options in the messenger, for some it becomes a stumbling block. This article will tell you how to Russify Telegram. The instructions for different platforms differ from each other, but in this text you will find them for each separately. So you can immediately scroll down the article to discover your platform and quickly translate the application into Russian.

Russification version for Android

And we will start with the story, since this platform is the most widespread in the whole world.

The instruction is quite simple, you need to:

After that, go to the application settings and select Russian in the list of languages. Please also note that the program interface immediately becomes Russian, so there is no need to reboot it.

Russification version for iOS

The second candidate to consider how to Russify Telegram will be the iOS platform, the presence of which applies to all Apple products. By the way, the instruction practically does not differ from the previous one, but it is still worth writing it down so that there are no unnecessary questions left.

Here's how to Russify Telegram on an iPhone:

  1. In the search for contacts, perform a search with the query "Robot Anton" or telerobot.
  2. Open a chat with him.
  3. Type in and send a message to Locale iOS. You will receive a reply message with an attached file.
  4. Download the file to your device.
  5. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the message.
  6. Select the Apply localization file line from the list.

After that, as in the case of android, you need to go to the program settings and change the language to Russian there. The application does not need to be restarted.

Russification version for Windows

Although the Telegram program is most widespread on mobile devices, it is still possible to install it on a computer, so that, sitting at home at it and not having a mobile at hand, you can communicate in the messenger.

So, let's take a closer look at how to Russify Telegram for a computer with a Windows operating system.

  1. By analogy with the previous instructions, you need to find Robot Anton in the contacts of the program, for this, conduct a search with his name or telerobot login.
  2. Open a chat with a robot by clicking on its icon.
  3. Enter a Locale Desktop message and send it to Robot Anton. As a result, you will receive a response with an attached file.
  4. Save it anywhere on your computer by right-clicking on the file and choosing Save File As from the context menu.
  5. Then click on the Setting button, which is located in the upper left corner of the program.
  6. Now, while holding down the Alt and Shift keys, click on the Change language button located in the General section.
  7. In the explorer that appears, navigate to the previously saved file and open it.

After completing all the actions, a message should appear in front of you stating that you need to restart the program in order for the language to change to Russian. To do this, click the "Continue" button.

Russification version for Windows Phone

We have already figured out how to Russify Telegram on three platforms, but there are many more. Unfortunately, there is no Russification for Windows Phone yet, but the developers promise to release it in the near future.

Russification version for Mac OS

In the same way as in the case of "Android" and iOS, the Russification of Telegram occurs in a similar way with Windows and Mac OS. However, it is worth describing in more detail how to Russify Telegram for computers with the Mac OS operating system.


  1. Find "Robot Anton" in contacts by searching with this name.
  2. Open a chat with a bot.
  3. Send SMS with the text Locale OSX.
  4. Download the file that the robot sent you back by right-clicking on it and choosing "Save As".
  5. Go to the program settings.
  6. Left-click on the Change language button while holding down the Alt + Shift keys. By the way, the button is in the General section.
  7. In the explorer window that appeared after completing the previous step, find the saved file and double-click on it.

After all this, a message will appear that you need to restart the program for the settings to take effect. Accordingly, click the "Continue" button.


As you can see, there are many ways to Russify Telegram. All of them are suitable for different platforms, and it will not be difficult for you to perform Russification actions on your own, of course, unless you have a Windows Phone. However, do not be discouraged in this case too. The messenger is incredibly popular, so the developers will definitely not ignore it. As for Linux, "Telegram" is Russified on it by analogy with Windows and OSX, but instead of their name, you must enter Linux.

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