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How parents enter the electronic diary - a virtual school. How to register and enter the electronic diary of a student in public services

The development of information technology has greatly simplified the lives of compatriots. Now you don’t have to stand in queues to visit a doctor, you don’t need to go to the post office or other institutions to pay for services, etc. Moreover, it has become easier for parents to live: their child will not be able to hide negative grades and assigned homework by simply covering the corresponding entries with a stroke or tearing out the "extra" sheets. After all, if you go into an electronic diary in public services, you can find all the information that one way or another could be interesting to dads and moms. What is the essence of this service, how to get there? The answers to these and other interesting questions regarding the electronic diary can be found further in the article.

Electronic diary of a student: the essence of the project

Due to the high employment of modern parents, they do not have time to visit school in order to verify the child's academic performance, find out homework, or about the presence of complaints and complaints from teachers about bad behavior, rare attendance, etc. A new state project helps to solve all these problems. It is enough for fathers and mothers to have a device with an Internet connection to open a student's electronic diary at public services and thereby monitor the progress of their child. Moreover, this service is provided completely free of charge.

When deciding to use such a convenient service, parents should do 3 main points:

  • Register in public services (if this has not yet been done before);
  • Get data (login and password) to enter the electronic diary;
  • Go directly to the page you need.

All of these steps are described in more detail below.

Registration on the portal

Public services are quite a convenient service. After all, thanks to him, you can significantly reduce the time spent on visiting the relevant authorities. So, thanks to this site, you can apply for:

  • Putting the child in line in kindergarten;
  • marriage registration;
  • Registration of allowances, payments;
  • Issuance of passports (citizen of the Russian Federation, foreign);
  • Pay fines, taxes and more.

And, therefore, the presence of a registered page on the state portal will not interfere with any citizen of the Russian Federation.

So, registration for public services is carried out according to the following main steps:

  1. Sign in. To do this, go to the following link:
  2. Then in the window that opens, find the section "Entering the State Services". It is on the right side of the page.

Click on register.

  1. A new window will open where you need to enter your data: last name and first name, mobile phone number or email address.

  1. After entering the data, click on "Register". As a result, a window will open to confirm the phone number or email address (depending on what was entered earlier). Confirm new account.
  2. In the page that appears, set a password and confirm it by re-typing. Click on "Finish".

  1. A window will open where you will need to enter all your data. Namely, the user's full name, gender and date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, passport details and SNILS number. Click on "Save".
  2. After that, the entered passport data and the SNILS number will be checked for accuracy by the relevant authorities. In the meantime, the user can fill in other items as desired. For example, information about your home address, driver's license numbers, medical policies, vehicle, etc.

In such a very simple way, an account for public services appeared. If desired, it can be confirmed by contacting the post office with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. This will give more benefits to the user: he will be able to perform even more functions.

Obtaining a login and password to enter the Electronic Diary

In this case, there are 2 solutions:

  • Address this question to the class teacher of the student;
  • Get data through the State Services.

In some cases, obtaining credentials in order to enter the electronic diary in public services is available in both ways, in others - only through a teacher or a portal.

If the first option does not hide anything complicated, then the second one will have to tinker a bit. To help in this matter, it would be correct to present the following instruction:

  • Enter the already familiar portal for the provision of public services by entering your identification data.
  • In the window that appears, enter "electronic diary" in the search field. Click on search.

  • In the search results, find the service provided by the department of the required area. As an example, a proposal from an institution of the city of Moscow will be considered. Here it is referred to as the "Electronic Diary of a Schoolchild (MRKO)".

  • Go to the service by clicking on "Getting access to the student's electronic diary (MRKO)".

  • A window will open indicating the methods of obtaining the service, its cost, terms of provision, grounds for refusal, results of work and contact details of the organization providing the services.
  • As you can see, there are two ways to get this service: in person and via the Internet.

  • And the result of the service will be the provision of a login and password to enter the Electronic Diary. Moreover, the period for consideration of the application is 3 working days.

How to register a student's electronic diary in public services

There is no specific link to enter the Student's Electronic Diary for all regions. Each region/territory/republic has developed its own services to provide such services. As an example, the city of Moscow will again be considered. In order to enter the electronic diary in public services, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Entering in the field of any search engine information of the following type "Electronic diary Moscow (or any other city of interest)". As a rule, the necessary site will be displayed on the first line. For Moscow, the site link is: .
  2. When you go to the address provided, the fields for entering the State Services portal will open (an example of obtaining them was presented above in the "registration on the portal" section).

  1. Here you can also log in by clicking on "Login using". This link is at the very bottom of the page.
  2. When you click it, a window will appear with fields for entering a login and password. You need to fill them out and click on "Login".
  3. A new page will appear where you need to enter login and password data to enter the Electronic Diary itself (you can get them, as mentioned above, by asking the class teacher or using the public services portal).

  1. Fill in all the required data, click on "go to the diary". In such a simple way, you can open the electronic diary of a student in public services.

Welcome to website. In the article we will tell you how to enter the electronic diary through the State Services portal. Today, modern technology has made people's lives much easier. Now you do not have to wait in long queues to visit a doctor or go to the post office to pay various receipts.

Innovations have not bypassed parents, now the child will not be able to hide bad grades or homework. Now the student's electronic diary has begun to work in full force, with entries in which parents can get acquainted at any time. But not all users know how to enter an electronic diary through the State Services. Let's look into this issue.

Modern parents are very busy now and they do not always have time to go to school to find out the behavior and progress of their child, but this project helps to solve the bulk of these problems. For this, parents need to have a device with Internet access, and they can at any time see how the child is studying and if there are any complaints about him. This service is provided absolutely free of charge.

Before you can view the electronic diary through the State Services, you must complete 3 main steps:

  • Register on the State Services portal if there is no personal account.
  • Take the login and password to enter the electronic diary.
  • Log in to the required page of the diary.

But these steps need to be reviewed in more detail.

Benefits of an electronic school diary

The electronic diary of a student has a large number of advantages, these include:

  • Functionality. The user can customize the entire portal according to his preferences, you can remove or add several tabs.
  • Child control. Children do not always talk about what is happening at school, but parents can control all learning remotely.
  • The appearance of the portal itself is not at all different from a simple diary or a school magazine.
  • Answers to the right questions occur in a very short time.
  • The database is constantly updated, as the teacher must enter information on the student daily.
  • Since the notification system is set up perfectly, you don’t have to constantly check notifications, they will happen automatically.

What documents are needed to receive the electronic diary service

Before entering the electronic diary through, it is required to provide the school administration with a package of necessary documents, after which they will register on the diary website. Required documents include:

  1. Passport of the parent or his legal representative.
  2. Child's birth certificate.
  3. Application for this service.
  4. Consent to the processing of the provided data.

It is worth remembering that filling out the application must be treated very responsibly, since with any corrections it will not be accepted by the secretary.

Register on the State Services website

Public Services is a user-friendly site. Since with the help of this site you can significantly save time that can be spent on visiting authorities. On this portal you can use the following services:

  • Put the child in kindergarten on the waiting list.
  • Register a marriage.
  • Arrange various benefits and payments.
  • Apply for the production of passports, both Russian and foreign.
  • Pay taxes, fines and other services.

And this means that registration on this portal can help every resident of our country. To register on the portal and find out how to register in the electronic diary through, you need to take the following steps:

  • Log in to the portal.
  • After that, on the page, find the window "Entering the State Services", which is located on the edge and click on the "Register" button.

  • In the next window, you need to specify the last name and first name, as well as a mobile number or email address.

  • After all the data is indicated, you need to click on the "Register" link, after which a window will open in which you will need to enter a verification code for your mobile phone, which will come in an SMS message. Then verify your account.
  • In a new window, you will need to come up with a password, in accordance with the requirements of the site and click on the "Done" link, the password is entered twice.

  • After that, a page will open in front of the user, on which you will need to enter all the data. The page indicates the user's full name, gender, date and place of his birth, citizenship, passport and SNILS data, after which the "Save" button is pressed.
  • After all the data is specified, they will be sent for automatic verification by the system, which may take a certain amount of time. At this time, the user can fill in other data.

After completing these steps, you can start using your personal account. If you wish, you can create a verified account by mail, in specialized centers or by using an electronic signature. Such confirmation opens up many more opportunities on the portal.

We get a login and password to enter the electronic diary

Before you enter the electronic diary through the State Services, you need to get a login and password to enter this site. Login information can be obtained in two ways:

  1. Personal contact with the school administration.
  2. Obtaining data on public services.

Sometimes data can be obtained in both ways at the same time, but sometimes only one of the options is available.

Obtaining a password at school is a very simple and affordable option, but through the state portal it can cause corresponding difficulties. To get login data and enter the student's electronic diary through the State Services, several important steps are required:

  • Log in to the state portal and enter data to enter your personal account.
  • On the open page, in the search bar, type "electronic diary" and click on the "Search" button.

  • In the list provided, you need to find the region in which the service is provided.

  • After that, start receiving the service using the link "Getting access to the student's electronic diary."

  • After that, a page will be opened, which will display the terms of the service and its cost, the reasons for the refusal, and much more.

As a result, it turns out that there are two ways to get data for an electronic diary.

In the end, the user will receive a login and password for the required site, the application is considered within 72 hours.

How to register a student's electronic diary on public services

The entrance to the electronic diary through the portal of the State Services for Parents does not have a single link for the whole country, each region has its own services for providing such a service. To log in to the service through the State Services, you need to perform several actions:

  • In the search field in any search engine, you need to specify "Electronic diary" and the necessary site will be in the first place.
  • When the user enters the site using the link, the page for entering the state portal will open before the user.

  • On this page at the very bottom there is a button "Login using public services".
  • After the user clicks on this link, the page for entering the portal opens, you need to specify the data and click on the "Login" button.
  • After that, a new page will open, on which you will need to enter a login and password from the electronic diary itself.

  • You must specify all the data required for entry and click on the link "Go to the diary". That's all. Now you know how to view an electronic diary in public services.

After parents register on the electronic diary, they can always find out what is happening with their child at school.

What additional services are available on the school portal

In addition to all the listed services and how to register for public services for an electronic diary, on this portal you can use other services that are also important for parents, these include:

  1. Progress table. That is, for each student, a special table is created on the portal, which is created from the grades that they received for the quarter. Also in the table you can see the passes and the final grades that the child receives. More recently, a function has been launched that allows you to calculate the average score, thanks to which a high school student will be able to focus on the necessary passing scores for admission to higher educational institutions. You can also see the grades given by teachers and comments on the average score. The function can be used not only by teachers, but also by parents. You can track your child's progress throughout the quarter.
  2. Achievement chart. Now you can monitor the progress of the child not only by the grades, but also by the schedule. According to the graph, you can see a comparison for all criteria and categories.
  3. Schedule of lessons for both students and teachers.
  4. Schedules of calls to and from lessons.
  5. Personal information about each registered student on this site.
  6. Special chat for school communication.

To use all these services, the portal user needs to know how to find an electronic diary in the State Services and register in it.

What are the reasons for denial of service?

A future user of an electronic diary may be denied the provision of this service if the application is filled out incorrectly. If errors were made in the surname, name or patronymic or in other specified data, then the application will have to be rewritten.

If the portal is used by a teacher, then he needs to provide a journal of the class he wants to access, only under this condition the teacher will be able to use the service.

The user may be refused for other reasons, these include:

  • The application was submitted by a person who is not the applicant.
  • The child about whom they want to receive information does not study at this school.
  • Documents do not meet all the necessary requirements.
  • The documents contain conflicting information.
  • Application for refusal to provide this service.

So, we figured out how to link an electronic diary to the State Services and make a binding in order to have access to the diary using this portal, and use all the features provided by the service.

Previously, parents learned about the progress of their children at school from the usual paper diary and personal communication with the teacher. Perhaps no one needs to be told what tricks teenagers use to hide information about bad grades from their parents. Now everyone can get access to an electronic diary, which allows you to control school performance and monitor the implementation of the school program via the Internet. If you are interested in such a service, then you should find out how to enter the electronic diary through public services.

Please note that this article will focus on accessing the electronic diary on the website.. For residents of most regions, the opportunity is available to monitor the progress of their child at school through the digital educational platform read in a separate article. As for obtaining information and participating in the educational process of Moscow schoolchildren, in this case it is important to use the website, authorization on which is carried out using an account in public services.

  • Important
  • The student's electronic diary provides access to complete information about the student's progress for free.

What you need to enter the electronic diary through the State Services

Many modern parents do not have the time they need to meet with teachers frequently and discuss their children's progress with them. To solve this problem, an electronic student diary was created. This service allows you to check at any time how their child is doing at school.. The service is provided completely free of charge. Of course, before entering the electronic diary through the State Services, a number of mandatory steps must be completed.

To enter the electronic diary through the State Services, you will need:

  • Account on the portal of public services;
  • Login and password to enter the electronic diary (issued at the school);
  • Consent to the processing of personal data.

So, first things first. First you need, if you have not already done so. To log in to the website and gain access to the electronic diary, you will need a verified account. read our separate review. When an account on the public services portal is created and confirmed, it remains to receive the login and password required to enter the electronic diary. To obtain this data, you will have to personally contact the school. Before giving you a login and password, you will be asked to provide some documents.

To receive the electronic diary service, the following documents are required:

  • Parent's passport;
  • Birth certificate of the child;
  • Application for the provision of an electronic diary service;
  • Consent to the processing of the provided data.

Not only parents, but also legal representatives of schoolchildren, as well as schoolchildren themselves, can access the electronic diary. It is also worth noting that the login and password issued at the school can be the same. These data are entered only once, after which they are remembered and stored in a single personal account. When the password and login are at your disposal, you can proceed to authorization. How to enter the electronic diary through public services, read below.

  • Important
  • Each parent can provide access to the electronic diary to trusted persons.

Instructions for gaining access to the electronic diary

Obtaining information and participating in the educational process with the help of the electronic diary service of a student is not carried out directly on the public services portal. The service is provided on the city portal. For example, if you live in Moscow, then you will be able to enter your electronic diary on the website.. And then what about the public services portal and why did we promise to tell you how to enter the electronic diary through public services? The fact is that authorization on the main city portal is possible using an account in public services. As an example, consider how to enter the electronic diary on through the public services portal.

To enter the electronic diary through the State Services, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the website;
  2. Click on the "Login" button;
  3. An authorization form will appear, click on the "Other login methods" tab and select "Public services";
  4. Enter the data from your account in public services;
  5. Open the "Services" section;
  6. Select the service "Electronic diary of a student";
  7. Click on the "Get Service" button;
  8. Read the information you are interested in in the electronic diary.

Congratulations, now you know how to enter the electronic diary through public services. If you were denied the service, then most likely the login and password that you received at the school do not match. Recall that obtaining information and participating in the educational process is also possible through the educational platform We discussed this topic in more detail in a separate article.

On the site

The problem of entering the electronic diary is associated with the planned transition of all schools to an electronic system of interaction between parents, teachers and students.

The project of a new electronic journal in Moscow in 2019 covered all the capital's schools. From September 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018, almost all municipal schools in Moscow were transferred. Subsequently, it was decided to transfer all schools of the Russian Federation to the EZhD system.

Electronic diary entry through public services

The electronic diary of 2019 differs significantly from previous types of similar documents. Now you will not be able to enter the MRKO electronic diary, as it was before. From September 2018, it will be possible to enter EZhD only through

To do this, you need to create an account, get access to your personal account. The previous username and password that were given to parents at school will not work. What to do in this case?

  • register on;
  • fill in all personal data;
  • enter SNILS;
  • valid email, mobile phone;
  • information about the child.

If there is not enough information, the system will issue the following inscription:

Enter all the information that is required in order to connect to the service. Then you need to wait until the technical problems on the site are resolved, and you can enter the electronic diary without hindrance.

In the meantime, you can watch a video clip that will introduce you to the rules for entering the electronic diary on the portal:

Do I need to register on the public services portal

The login and password that you enter to enter your personal account will also be valid for receiving all other services. Gradually, all state organizations plan to transfer to this type of service. Therefore, you still need to register in this system. You will need this method of communication not only to enter the EZhD or the student's electronic diary. You can:

  • check grades through an electronic diary;
  • find out the results of the exam;
  • make an electronic appointment with a doctor;
  • issue a passport;
  • pay utility bills;
  • sign up for a queue in kindergarten;
  • enter meter readings for water and electricity, and much more.

What should I do if I can't log into EZD or I don't remember my password

I can’t get into the electronic diary, it says - the password is wrong, what should I do? This is the most common problem when entering the EZD.

If you forget the password for your personal account on, you can get a new password without waiting for a meeting with the teacher, as was the case before. It is enough to click the "Forgot Password" button, and the system will prompt you to specify an alternative e-mail address or send an SMS to the mobile phone number indicated here.

Why can't I enter the electronic diary through public services 2019?

Even those parents who remember the password and have not lost their login, with the beginning of the new school year, cannot enter the electronic diary through public services on and on the website. On the first site, the following inscription appears:

  • “Dear users, technical work is being carried out on the system's servers. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience. The system will be fully operational as soon as possible." This inscription hangs for almost the entire September. Since the beginning of October, the situation has changed a bit and now the inscription appears:
  • “Dear class leaders! Pay attention to the new personal message from the Administration in your journal. We ask you to carefully read the authorization procedure for students and parents, and the algorithm of your actions in case they have problems accessing the diary through"

The entrance to the electronic diary is not available not only to parents and teachers, but sometimes to schoolchildren who cannot receive assignments in a timely manner or follow the lesson schedule.

Electronic diary - difficulties for teachers

Those teachers who duplicate entries in an electronic diary or EZhD with entries in ordinary paper diaries and journals turned out to be right.

Schoolchildren enter tasks with their own hand, monitor the accuracy of filling out the pages, they can show the diary to their parents, and let the system get better for the time being.

The class teachers of almost all metropolitan schools are busy throughout the beginning of the school year sending parents instructions on how to enter the EZhD - a new electronic diary that is starting to operate everywhere. Often these instructions turn out to be incorrect, as they are immediately replaced by others. Here you can find instructions for filling out EZhD and working with them:

Entrance to the EZhD electronic diary - problems for parents

Most parents experience irritation and panic because of the ill-conceived system, because of the constantly changing requirements.

EZD electronic diary 2019 - parent reviews

Here is what the mother of a seventh grader from one of the Moscow schools says about the new EZhD:

  • “Since the end of August, they have been trying to explain to us how to use the new electronic diary. At first they said to look for old passwords that had a lot of characters. They were given to us three years ago. With difficulty found, inserted - nothing works. We also cannot check whether this password is correct or not. We go to the site, it says that technical work is being carried out or that the site is unavailable for technical reasons. Yesterday we went in - there is an empty grid hanging there, in which the days of the week are written and that's it "

And here is the opinion of the parents of the fifth grader, who had just returned from the parent meeting, which was held due to a general misunderstanding of how to use the new electronic diary:

  • “At the meeting, we were told that the problems would gradually disappear, that we would still have to learn how to use this electronic system. But it is not clear why it is necessary to constantly change the requirements, update an already complicated system? Yes, and there was enough time to approve the new provisions, three months of vacation are over, what were the organizers of this project thinking about? I still can’t enter my daughter’s electronic diary, but how can I check the lessons and grades? You have to call the teacher in the old fashioned way and find out the assignments from classmates on the phone.

EZhD, electronic diary, electronic journal - how it was

An electronic diary at school is no longer a novelty, the first such diaries appeared back in 2014, when the head of the Moscow Department of Education, I. Kalina, said that the city had made its choice, and it was not subject to change.

“We work with you in state educational institutions. I ask you not to forget this. The choice has been made by the city. Anything that you think should be useful in the selected journal - offer it, ”the leader said such a speech.

The first electronic diaries on the site "Nachalka"

However, even 6 years ago, all pupils of an elementary school in Moscow had to register on the Nachalka website, which was also not at all easy. Especially when you consider that the parents of first-graders are inexperienced people, worried about every occasion. But nothing, they got used to it, by the end of the year almost everyone had connected to this system, having figured out the appearances and passwords.

"Electronic journal" on the site ""

But for the next academic year, Nachalka was closed, and all schoolchildren were connected to the Electronic Journal system on the website.

This magazine was recognized as the most convenient, because even the most “non-advanced” parents managed to connect to it by the New Year. Teachers could send messages, connect SMS.

Electronic diary of MRKO

Since 2014, Moscow schools have been forcibly transferred to the new MRKO electronic journal system. What does the Moscow Register of Education Quality mean in translation? An entrance to the public services portal was required. Both parents and students had to register here.

Viewing homework and grades has become even more inconvenient. Some schools were so outraged that they filed a petition with the Department of Education. This is essentially unheard of in the metropolitan area. The petition was sent as a protest against the forced connection of schools to the ER system. She appeared on

Here's what the petition said:

  • “We demand an end to administrative pressure on schools. Provide an opportunity for an educational institution to independently choose a system for maintaining an electronic journal and an electronic diary. Many schools, under pressure from higher authorities, were forced to switch to the use of a unified MRKO system. In most cases, this system simply does not work: “Instead of preparing for lessons, teachers are forced to enter information at night into an inconvenient system that constantly disappears”
  • “Parents cannot maintain operational communication with the school and teachers through the electronic journal. And also use the usual services available in other systems. For example, progress alerts via email and SMS. Moreover, MRKO does not meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for electronic journals and diaries. And it does not allow to receive the corresponding electronic service in full, since there is no information about the topics of the lessons held in the MRCS electronic diary,” the petition read.

What ended the debate on the transition to EZhD

All parents were again given passwords to enter the system. The class leaders again began to send out instructions and meticulously explain to the most ignorant how to use the portal of public services.

But even the most competent parents who constantly use the Internet and work as IT specialists often cannot figure out all the nuances of entering a login and password, they ask where to enter numbers and how to use an electronic diary and journal. During these three years, however, almost everyone got used to the fact that in order to learn homework, you can spend half an evening. That EZhD often hangs, disappears, information can either disappear or appear.

Teachers also complain that they now have to spend all their evenings filling out the graph in the EZhD, but you get used to everything, you get used to it.

Now change is coming again. And I want the Department of Education to take into account the requests of parents. And also he listened to teachers who want to stop at something, get used to a single system. What prevented, for example, ordinary, paper diaries, where the children diligently entered the task? And where every parent without a password and login could read the teacher's comments, subscribe, find out what was asked for tomorrow. And, it was absolutely free. Nerves, time and millions of rubles were not wasted on the implementation of more and more new projects. After all, now the entire first quarter of each school year is spent figuring out how to enter an electronic diary. How to easily learn elementary information that was previously available and understandable to everyone.

The modern school differs in its capabilities from those in which the mothers and fathers of today's children studied. Interactive whiteboards, computers, the Internet, media resources, electronic diaries have become part of the practice of most Russian schools. The latter will be discussed here.

On the territory of Russia there are several functional services that provide this service to schools and schoolchildren. In Moscow and the Moscow Region, there is an electronic diary of MRKO (Moscow Register of Education Quality) on the portal, since 2015 all schools in Moscow and most of the region have been connected to it.

In other regions of Russia, they use the service. and Elzhur ( There is some difference between these services in design, the number of functions available to users, but they all have common features:

  • Their use is free.
  • It does not require the provision of certificates or other documents.
  • Valid for the duration of the school year.
  • Owned by one child, records his grades, class attendance, etc.
  • Access to it is provided only to the student and his parents (legal representatives of the child). No one else sees the grades and notes of the teacher in this diary. The child's personal data is protected.

Access to the electronic diary is provided by an individual login and a temporary password, which are given to parents by the class teacher. But in Moscow and the Moscow Region, in order to use it, parents need to be registered on the PSU portal, where they need to enter the “Education, Study” service and then to the desired service.

Residents of the Tambov region can enter through the public services portal. For all other schoolchildren in Russia, this service does not yet have a connection with the public service portal.

Residents of Moscow, Moscow and Tambov regions need:

  • When registering on the State Services Portal, enter your personal data, including passport data, SNILS number. The introduction of the SNILS number should be taken especially carefully, since it will become your main identifier on this portal.
  • After registration, log in and find the desired service, enter it. For, your profile must already be activated there. For the MRKO diary, the system will automatically redirect it to the authorization page.

After registering and creating your personal account on the portal, you will be able to enter the electronic diary through it.

How to enter an electronic diary, step by step instructions

Here we will consider how to go to parents in the electronic diary of a student, regardless of whether this happens through pg, or directly in Diary RU. Although there are certain differences, the general principles of the steps are the same.

  • Enter in the appropriate fields Login and Password the login and password given by the class teacher.

  • Entering and/or verifying personal data. Click "Finish" (Next). For Moscow, this is where it all ends and you get into the parent's personal account.

  • In, you will have to fill in the “Security Settings”, where you indicate your email and mobile phone number, which will allow you to recover your password in case of loss and provide better protection.

  • After the first login to the pages of, you get the opportunity to change the password given at school to another one of your own choice.
  • Both in the MRKO diary and in, it is possible for a parent in his parent account to link the accounts of several children to one of his profiles in order to see information for each child, even if they study in different classes and schools.

Features of the electronic diary

Why should parents and students master this electronic resource? Parents and students who already use electronic diaries are convinced that it is really noticeably more convenient and has additional useful qualities that the traditional one does not have.

  • Today, a parent anywhere (at home, at work, on a business trip) and at any time of the day, having access to the Internet, can find out how things are going with his children's studies, their grades and attending classes.
  • Grades appear on the electronic pages on the same day as they are posted by the teacher. In addition, progress can be tracked by subject, quarter, and school year, and the constant derivation of average grades helps to assess the weaknesses in the child's studies that require special attention. This opportunity makes the child more aware of the effectiveness of his work in the classroom, giving an additional incentive to learning activity.
  • Sometimes a student forgets to write down or writes down inaccurate homework, an electronic diary where the teacher enters them himself, allows the student and his parents to know exactly what needs to be done. This helps to keep abreast of the topics being studied even if the child is absent from school due to illness or other reasons.
  • Here we see information about changes in the schedule, the introduction of quarantine, competitions, comments from the teacher and other important news.

If you can't access your email

If you can’t enter the electronic diary, then this usually happens due to the fact that you forgot the correct username or password. In this case, you do not have the opportunity to register again, as the system stores your personal data in memory and does not allow you to create another profile with the same information. To recover a forgotten login or password, a parent of a Moscow student must contact the class teacher to restore them. users have the opportunity to deal with this problem themselves. Specify your problem at the entrance - “I don’t remember my login” / “I don’t remember my password” and then follow the instructions. Since you indicated your contacts during registration, you will receive links to them to restore the forgotten ones.

If the entrance is complicated for other reasons, then these services have a technical support service that will help. Also, the service administrator at the school can also help you.

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