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How to develop a VK group from scratch. What methods of group promotion are there? Posts in thematic publics

    Hello dear friends and colleagues.

    If you find yourself on this page, most likely you are interested in the promotion of the VKontakte group.

    I have been working on social networks for over 8 years, and all this time I have been constantly experimenting with new and new ways of promotion, advertising and promotion. And now I can say with confidence that for each project, the promotion strategy needs to be supported and built individually. This is due to the fact that you need to consider external and internal factors that interact with your product, service, brand or personality.

    Today there are many ways to promote a group in contact. Most of them are, of course, white methods. But there are also black methods that allow you to promote VKontakte for free and quickly. And of course, the readiness of these methods is getting more attention. Group admins grab these free tools and start to greedily use them. As a result, they lose their group, as well as their personal page. And it's good if this is a temporary measure, and the group or page is returned, but permanent bans and deletions may follow. Therefore, it is important not only to know, but also to understand what you use for your promotion in contact.

    The purpose of creating a VKontakte group

    Initially, I propose to decide for what purpose you need a VKontakte group. There may be several goals, but I have highlighted the main ones:
    1. Sale of goods or provision of services
    2. Promotion of your site, getting traffic to the site
    3. Earnings on your Vkontakte group (advertising)
    4. Bonding with the client (increasing loyalty)
    5. Hobbies and pleasure

    As I said above, promotion methods are selected individually if you want to get the maximum effect from advertising. And now I will list the main ways to promote a VKontakte group.

    Ways to promote a VKontakte group

    1. Invite friends to the group from your personal account. By clicking the button on the right under the avatar "Invite to the group".
    2. Sending private messages to friends and friends of friends with a request to join your group. It is very good if you write only to those who are interested in the topic of your group. This way you will avoid blocking your account. people will think that you are sending spam. How to avoid this, I will tell you in the following articles.
    3. Filling with unique content using tags.
    4. Conducting promotions, surveys and contests with valuable prizes.
    5. Sending invitations to communities on your topic in manual mode.
    6. Sending invitations to regional communities by targeting (for example, gender, age, city).
    7. Sending invitations to communities using programs (automatic promotion).
    8. Using their sites. Community widget hosting, social buttons, comments widget.
    9. "Purchase" of participants in a group through special Internet services (sites for earnings, where people complete the task and receive a reward for it). Such people are called "offers".
    10. Placement of contextual advertising in the search engines Yandex and Google or targeted advertising in the social network VKontakte itself. This type of promotion is paid. You pay for the clicks or impressions of your ads.
    11. Buying or creating accounts for the purpose of joining their group.
    12. Mutual PR with other community administrators, on your topic, exchange of posts (reposts).
    13. E-mail distribution of e-mails to your subscription base.
    14. Purchase of advertisements in already promoted groups and publics on VKontakte. You are placing your sponsored post.
    15. Promotion by comments on thematic sites, portals, forms, VKontakte group.
    16. Promotion of communities through the purchase of eternal links and the method of article promotion. Building up the link mass. Promotion of the group to the top of Yandex and Google search engines.
    17. Services of SMM-agencies and freelancers for the promotion and promotion of communities.
    18. Advertising on third-party sites - thematic forums. Banner advertising.
    19. Promotion of groups and publics through video hosting Youtube. Video is trending in 2014-2015.
    20. Bonus. Pumping bots. Cheat subscribers to the group. The most popular method for promoting VKontakte.

    By the way, if you are interested in a step-by-step algorithm for promoting on VKontakte from A to Z, then you can purchase it.

    In the next articles I will talk in more detail about some of the above methods. You can write in the comments below what interests you more. I will tell you the pros and cons that I have identified on personal experience. Of course, for maximum effect, you need to use several methods of promoting a VKontakte group at the same time.

    Thank you, I hope you found this article helpful. I will try to write more often to my personal blog. You can also find me on YouTube, the video of this article is below.

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Not so long ago we wrote about. The article aroused interest among our readers, and many of them began to ask questions related to the development of their group. After all, the basis of business promotion is a high-quality and good group, with the help of which you will sell goods, or else attract visitors to your site.
So then a logical question arises: how to develop this group, where to get subscribers, how to attract new visitors and increase their engagement. Today we will try to give answers to all these questions, talk about the subtleties of the development and promotion of our own public, pay attention to certain nuances that are very important, but which many beginners forget about.

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This article was written with the assistance and recommendations of the SMM specialist webmaster, who currently has a network of VKontakte communities with a total audience of several million people.
1. Embed widgets into your site
VKontakte groups are often used to increase traffic on the site. But you can act in the opposite direction. If the bulk of your site visitors come from search engines, then you have a great opportunity to make them subscribers to your community or group.
How to do it? Everything is simple. Vkontakte, like most other social networks, has special widgets that are embedded in the code of your site. A person who comes to the site and sees there a social network widget can easily join your community in a few clicks.
I am sure that a normal question will arise: “Why should the site visitors be“ driven ”into a social network, because they are already coming from the search, and it’s already good”. The answer is this - if a person came to your site through Yandex or Google, then, as a rule, this is a transit visitor. He will get what he was looking for, and it is unlikely that he will ever return to the site. In order to turn a casual visitor into a permanent one, you must attract him to a group where he can regularly see various updates of your site.
Another tip is to place widgets on all pages of the site, and give the user the opportunity to choose exactly the social network that he uses most often.
2. Advertising in other communities
Now it is practically impossible to imagine the development of a public or a VKontakte group without advertising in other, large communities. As a rule, beginners believe that they can do without it and leave only with a beautiful avatar, interesting posts, and reposts of their friends. To be honest, this method worked 5 years ago, when a community of 20-30 thousand people was considered large. Today, you will no longer surprise anyone with beautiful designs and cute writing on the walls.
Advertising in thematic publics is what really works. Yes, this business is not cheap, but you must understand that there is no other way out. If you are serious about creating a good selling public, then without investment it will be oh, how bad. Most likely, you will spend a lot of time and get minimal return.
How much is advertising now? It all depends on your topic and the selected sites for placing advertising posts. As a rule, in publics with millionaires, advertising will be from 1,500 rubles per post. But remember that you can always search and find cheaper and equally high quality offers. And one more thing, always pay attention to the statistics of potential advertising sites. You need quality publics, not ones filled with bots.
By the way, if you are seriously thinking about promoting your group and want to earn from 100,000 rubles a month, then we recommend listening to the free webinar “Social Revolution. Money 2.0 ”, hosted by webmaster Alexander, SMM specialist whose income from Vkontakte projects exceeds 300,000 rubles.

Related article:

3. Buy offers
I will not say that this is the best way to promote your Vkontakte group, but at first you cannot do without it. It has long been known that people are more willing to join communities with a large number of subscribers. This is the effect of the masses, when, on the subconscious, a person realizes that the more people subscribe to a given group, the more interesting it is. He also wants to become a part of something big and interesting.
So, in order to attract real people, you need to fill the group with offers to a certain value. Where can I get them? There are now many services on the network that, for money, will invite as many people to your group as necessary. As a rule, offers are real people who join your community for a certain reward. Do not expect activity from them (likes, comments, reposts, orders), because they are needed only for statistics. In the future, when the group begins to fill up with real people, you should abandon the practice of attracting offers, because this does not make sense, but only entails additional spending of money.

4. Targeting advertising on Vkontakte
Another way to develop and promote your public. To be honest, we do not really like him, because this is the most expensive and not very effective method, but we must tell you about it. Perhaps in our cases it was not effective, but for you it will be perfect.
Now "Vkontakte" offers two payments for targeted advertising - payment for clicks, and payment for impressions. This is not to say which of this is more effective, because each individual case has its own characteristics. Before replenishing an advertising account for large amounts, we advise you to carry out a series of experiments, try different types of ads, images, headlines. Choose different parameters for your ads and choose the best solution. Very often, changing the title or image can either improve or worsen the effect of an ad.
Don't count on targeted ads as the only way to attract people. If you already decide to use it, then only as an addition to all other methods of promotion.

5. Understand user motivations
If you decide to create a community for your company, then you need to clearly understand why Vkontakte users need to join there. But think logically, the user goes to the community for some purpose, and if he doesn't get what he came for, then he unsubscribes very quickly. If a person unsubscribed, then consider that you have lost him forever. To prevent this, determine the motives and needs of the person. As a rule, they can be as follows:
Obtaining information about your company and the products provided.
Communication with those who have already used the services of your company. Search for reviews from other customers.
Communication with management and company representatives
Receive discounts and bonuses for participating in the community.
This is roughly what it is worth focusing on, and what must be in the company's public.

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6. Correct group design
As they say, they are greeted by their clothes. Therefore, you should design your group as beautifully as possible. What do users pay attention to in the first place? That's right, the name, logo, menu and post design. These are the four ingredients that should be the basis for the correct design of your public.
Make the logo bright, attractive, so that it reveals the essence of the community, makes it clear what it is about. If we talk about the name, then it should be laconic, and also closely related to the theme of the public itself. Also, do not try to insert advertisements like "Sale of Moscow jackets" or "Rent a car" in the title. Users have a filter automatically triggered on advertising communities, because no one likes when they are shoved with a product.
Also, spare some money and order a beautiful graphical menu, with the help of which all members of your community can quickly find the information they need. It has long been a proven fact that a graphical menu is much better perceived than a regular text menu.
And at the end, a few tips for post design. Posts should be as informative as possible and close to the theme of your public. If you have a travel company and you sell tours around the world through public, then you should not post news about politics, sports, information about business or some cute cats. I would also like to add that it is advisable to accompany all posts with beautiful pictures, audio or video materials.
7. Contests
One of the most effective ways to interact with your subscribers is by running contests and promotions. Such a move will allow solving several problems at once. First, to stir up the audience, forcing them to be more actively involved in the life of the group. If the user is involved, then he will often return to the group, follow its updates. Secondly, attract new members to the community. As a rule, all contests are based on the idea that as many people as possible know about the group. Contest participants are motivated to make reposts, tell friends about the group, share this information in other communities. And thirdly, with the help of the competition, you can fill the group with user-generated content. Very often, according to the terms of the competition, you have to write something, take a photo, shoot a video message. All this is gathered in the group, thereby increasing its value for other members.
8. Stimulate discussion
Users are lazy and won't do anything themselves. Therefore, you must stimulate their communication. Ask questions, create topics for discussion, raise sensitive and topical issues. All this will force users to join the discussion, to be involved in the life of the group. Typically, a new visitor who just came in and saw a lively discussion will understand that the community is alive and will subscribe to it.

Related article:

9. Advise participants
If the group has a topic like “Questions to an expert”, where everyone can get an answer to their questions, then this will significantly increase loyalty to the group. Many users are interested not only in standard information about the company, or beautiful posts with cute pictures, but also in more pressing problems. You must provide an opportunity to resolve these problems.
It is very important that the consultant really has to be an expert in the given topic. It is necessary to outline in advance the range of issues on which consultation is possible. The answers should not be of an advertising nature, but be objective and informative. The deadline for answering questions should be set in advance.
10. Keep the group clean
As soon as your group becomes popular, spammers and various trolls will definitely come to it. You have to keep the group clean and clean it of unnecessary and non-targeted information several times a day. If users see that there is a lot of "garbage" in the group and no one is working on it, they will start actively unsubscribing.

In social networks, public pages and groups have become an integral part of the service. Any registered user has the opportunity to create and maintain his own public. Each community needs subscribers to the Vkontakte group, otherwise there will be no point in maintaining it. To get them, you need to properly advertise the public.

What is group promotion in VK

The goals of building a community can vary. For example, some people are going to make money on them. To do this, you first need to promote it well. Earnings directly depend on the number of participants, and you need to maximize the audience, actively publish posts. The more people joined, the higher the cost of the advertisements on the wall. Promotion can be done independently for free or you can spend some budget on it, but it is better to combine both methods.

How to quickly promote a group in VK

If you are thinking of how to promote a Vkontakte group quickly, you need to arm yourself with different ways of attracting members. There are several methods that do not require money. The quality of the audience will be average or below average due to the large number of bots. The same methods of development, for which you have to pay, work more purposefully and are designed to attract real, "live" participants. Find out the rules for combining them.

Targeted advertising on Vkontakte

Paid option, how to promote a Vkontakte group - targeted ads. Many have seen contextual advertising for Google or Yandex search. The social network itself offers something similar, but there is a block to the left of the wall on the page, under the main menu. The main advantage of the promotion method is its precise orientation. Through the settings of an advertising campaign, you can set restrictions on which audience of users it will be shown. The filter can be configured according to the following indicators:

  • region of residence;
  • age;
  • marital status;
  • interests (communities, etc.);
  • education;
  • additional settings.

Use of services of promotion services

There are many sites on the network that offer to bring a huge number of subscribers to the community for a relatively modest price. This is a quick way to increase the public's audience, but users from such services in most cases turn out to be bots with hacked pages. After 2-3 days, you will have more than half of them with a "doggy" avatar (temporarily blocked). Advertisers try to avoid groups that do not provide real conversions from ads, so this method should be used with caution. Can be used:

  • Sarafanka;
  • VKTarget;
  • SOC-srvice;
  • Qcomment.

Promotion using advertising exchanges and agencies

Another paid way to attract people to the Vkontakte group is to use the services of an exchange or agency. This is a more efficient method than the one described above. Typically, companies provide less subscribers, but they are all “live” people who can create activity in the group. Such services recruit people to work with their personal pages. If a person leaves the group after a paid entrance to the group, a fine is imposed on him, the opportunity to earn further is closed, so the participants remain in the public.

How to promote a group in VK yourself

If you are just starting the difficult path of developing your community, then there are options for how to promote a group in VK for free. This method cannot be called fast: it will be possible to recruit 20-30 people per day, but the costs will be equal to 0. You will have to spend time creating interesting content, properly optimizing it for search queries, inventing and making a beautiful design. It is more difficult to promote a group in this way, but the process will be more controlled.

Invite your friends

The first thing you should do is invite your friends to the community. They are unlikely to refuse you (at least out of politeness), but issue the invitation correctly, otherwise they may think that you have been hacked and are sending spam from the page. They may not be the most active users, but they will consistently be among the subscribers. The network has recently put a limit on the number of requests to join, so no more than 30 people can be invited per day.

To promote the group faster, make a nice picture with the name of the community and a link to it. Do not hesitate to ask your friends to invite their friends to the public, so you can increase the number of invitations per day significantly. If at least 10 subscribers send invitations to their contacts, then instead of 30 applications you will have 300 per day. Use the feature within the Invite Friends group itself. It displays information about the promoted public in the news feed, which has a positive effect on increasing your online audience.

Sending invitations to thematic groups

Not entirely honest, but an effective way to promote a Vkontakte group for free is to send newsletters to thematic groups. You go to the community of competitors and invite its users to join your public too. You can offer "friendship" to general groups, exchange guards on mutually beneficial terms for audience growth.

SEO-promotion of the Vkontakte group

Seo means setting up the Vkontakte community for search engines that will display your public for certain requests. Recently, links to groups in social networks began to appear in the TOP-10 in Google and Yandex, which was not the case before. For promotion, you need to use popular queries in the texts of your news and posts, which can be collected from Wordstat Yandex or AdWords from Google.

To promote a group, it is important to decide on the type of community. At the moment it is possible to create a public page - this option should be chosen. The advantage of this format is that subscribers have a special section "Interesting Pages", where they will show you absolutely free. This is an additional opportunity to quickly develop the public.

Optimization of the VK community for search

Do not forget about the option of promoting a Vkontakte group for free. Optimizing for search on the web itself helps to increase the number of clicks. People often search for communities through VK, but they can get to your public only if the request contains matches by name. The more precisely, the more correctly you formulate the title, the more likely it is that you will be found and joined the community. If you have dedicated a group to making money on YouTube, then you should call it “Earning on YouTube”.

Attracting users from other social networks and resources

To promote Vkontakte, you can use other social networks. You need to create an account, add acquaintances or strangers and repost from your public. In the profile, you can place a link to the group. Payment for this method is not required, PR can be carried out on such popular services:

In many ways, the likelihood of successfully promoting a group depends on the content. If the owner does not regularly publish interesting posts, receive reposts, interest subscribers in something, soon all people will simply leave the community. To maintain the audience's interest in the public, you should devote a lot of time or pay a copywriter (SMM) for content.

Conducting contests

One of the most effective methods of keeping the audience interested, active and attracting new participants is to conduct contests. This method cannot be called free, because you will have to splurge on a gift for the winner (it must be required). The essence of this promotion method is that you announce a competition, which necessarily involves joining the community and reposting a record from the public wall. Friends see this message through their news feed and may want to participate. This is called viral advertising.

Any suitable service can be used to determine the winner, Contestant is a good example. He will do all the necessary work for you and will not give an opportunity for someone to fraudulently win. This method also excludes your personal influence on the results of the competition: the results will be fair. With a small budget for a gift, you will get a good influx of people into the group. In the future, they can talk about other sweepstakes in the community.

Using programs and scripts to promote the Vkontakte group

You can delegate the need to invite people to the group for special programs. Mailing can be done by:

  • VKInviter;
  • FvCheat;
  • VKBot.

This is the easiest way to promote a group without much action on the part of the owner. The script itself will conduct all mailings according to a predefined template. The main disadvantage of this method is the high probability of earning a ban for automated actions. Many people may perceive such messages as spam, refuse to join the public.

Video tutorial: how to promote a Vkontakte group

In fact, promoting a group in contact is not so difficult, much easier than promoting a website. But again, it all depends on the theme of the group.

When promoting a VKontakte group, first of all, you need to take into account the interests and requests of potential subscribers, the future success of the group depends on this.

What does it mean?

1. Demographics of group subscribers - age, place of residence.
2. The purpose of joining the group.
3. Interests of subscribers.

Let's take a look at each point in detail with examples.

The demographics of the group's subscribers. You most likely know that there are special services for boosting subscribers. On them, I often met tasks that were logically completely unrelated. For example, the "Photoshoot in Moscow" group winds up absolutely any subscribers. The question follows - why the fuck does a user from Vladivostok need you? Will he come to the photo session, or will he pay you a flight so that you can take some photos? It seems to me that Vladivostok has enough of its own photographers. the oldest service for boosting subscribers.

The second caveat is the age of subscribers. You can see that the younger generation mostly hangs out in contact, and the older ones are among classmates. I'm not talking about all, but about most of the users.

Therefore, if you create a VKontakte group "Life after 40", then it is unlikely to be as popular as some kind of youth entertainment, for example, "SMS jokes".

In support of my words, let's check it out. Here is the Life After 40 group. It would seem that there is some kind of hype, more than 1,000 subscribers are visible, but ...

After looking at several dozen subscriber profiles, it is clear that people over forty are no more than 5%, and I very much doubt that these young people are interested in life after 40. And looking at the group wall, you can see that the group's users do not share posts. This proves that the number of subscribers is not at all an indicator of promotion, it can be bots at all. Better to have 200 active subscribers than a few thousand dummies.

Now take a look at the youth and entertainment group "SMS tricks". The entries are actively liked and shared by young people among the audience.

The purpose of joining the group. Ask yourself, the user will follow you? To promote your group in contact? I doubt.

The user has a specific goal and needs to be given the opportunity to achieve it.

Here's an example of a group focused exclusively on the target audience.

The goal of the user when joining this group is to be the first to know about the new hits of KDK and the opportunity to win a ticket to the group's concert.

The group administration fully meets the needs of its users. There is no spam and advertising on the wall, only its own theme - new music hits, clips and announcements about the drawing of tickets.

And now for a negative example. I am interested in the topic, I found the VKontakte group "SEO club of webmasters". I look at the wall and see that advertising and outright spam are hanging along with the main theme.

Do you think I will join this group? Definitely not. My SEO goal, not the best honey :)

Subscribers' interests. What is the first step a group administrator takes when promoting a group? The answer is obvious, invite your friends. But do they need your group?

I have 220 friends in contact, but 10 people are interested in SEO and blogging. If I invite everyone to my group dedicated to site optimization, at best they will join it out of politeness, there will be no more activity from them.

Consider the interests of your users. Only the target audience will bring both traffic and profit.

How to promote a group in contact for free?

There are several ways to promote a group for free:

1. Invite your friends.

Your friends can be the first to start leaving comments, likes and reposts. To the notes on the group wall.

2. Reposts of records from your group in communities of similar topics.

Of course, not all groups provide the opportunity to leave notes on their wall, but I think it's worth looking. Even if the group is limited, and you have insanely interesting information, you can offer news in this group. Any adequate administrator will publish it.

Just do not confuse such an innocent free VKontakte advertisement with spam. These are completely different things.

3. Mutual cooperation with thematic groups in contact.

Everything is simple here, look for thematically similar groups, and share each other's posts on the wall, as well as links.

4. Optimization of the group for search in contact.

Optimize the group name for the search query, then more users will find it when searching.

5. Conducting competitions.

Everybody loves contests and is a good way to talk about your group. Announce some interesting competition and tell your friends about it.

6. Blatant spam.

This is a last resort and shouldn't be used, but it's still a free way to promote.

You can create several fake accounts and from them invite users to the group, but I will immediately warn you that in this way you can block the group. Do you need it?

How to advertise a group in contact?

Setting up the target audience deserves special attention. You can configure the geography of users who will be shown the ad up to a specific street.

In the price settings, you can specify payment for impressions or payment for clicks. Payments for clicks will be more expensive, but only interested users will click on the ad.

But recently, it has become easier to select sites for advertising. Now you can simply select “Advertise in Communities” in the “Advertise Community” section and create an ad post.

Group administrators will find you themselves and offer to place ads in their group.

Friends, today we are discussing the issue of how to promote a group in VK yourself! This topic is relevant for everyone whose income is in one way or another related to the Internet. Today, the social network VKontakte is a powerful tool for promoting online business and a mandatory attribute of any Internet project.

It doesn't matter if you receive income through free services, sell your services, earn on affiliate programs, own an online store, website, information resource, build a business, or are looking for additional income. A popular group or public VK can become the main or auxiliary source of profit and an effective advertising platform.

The social platform has two distinct advantages. Firstly, this resource is very popular and has a multi-million audience. Secondly, it is possible to use this tool absolutely free. We will talk about the methods and rules for promoting the community on the social network.

Before talking about the methods of promoting a group on VKontakte, it is worth determining the format of the community in accordance with your goals and objectives. The correct choice of the format at the initial stage will allow you to implement the promotion as efficiently as possible.

The VK social platform offers users two options: a public page (public) or a group. Each of them has its own goals, functions and objectives.

A VKontakte group is created to communicate with users and exchange opinions, transfer information from the administration of the group to its members and vice versa. This type is suitable for information platforms of a certain topic, where active discussions and expressing one's own point of view and attitude to a particular issue are encouraged.

If the goal of creating a community is to sell goods and services, to promote your brand, then public is more suitable for these purposes. In this case, the opportunities for communication for the participants of the public are reduced, and the main emphasis is shifted towards the owners of the public page. This option is more effective for promoting specific information, this is facilitated by the “Interesting Pages” function, which is absent in the usual group. This block will display data about the public on the personal page of all your subscribers.

The meaning of the name for the successful promotion of the VK community

After you have decided on the format of the community, you should think over the name - it plays an important role in the promotion of the VKontakte group both on the platform itself and for search engines. The name of the community should be concise, capacious, intuitive, reflect the selected topic, and also correspond to its key queries.

To find a name for the group, see how the most popular communities of your topic on the platform solve this issue. The service can be a good helper for accessing VK statistics.

In order for the name to meet key queries, Yandex offers a proven, free wordstat service:

Thus, a group with the correct name will allow you to attract your audience on the VKontakte platform itself, and through search engines.

An example of page delivery through a search query:

Speaking about the name, do not forget that the address also needs to be brought into the appropriate form. By default, your page will be assigned a URL consisting of a set of numbers. You can (and even need to!) Change it to any that you see fit, for example, like mine investiruem_v_internete, provided, of course, that the name is no longer taken by someone else.

How to set up a VKontakte group

So, we chose the format, name and started registering the VKontakte community, where we need to know how to properly set up the page. This will make it possible to match the search on social networks and the system Yandex, Google and others as much as possible.

The description of the group, on the one hand, should give a clear idea of ​​your activities, on the other hand, it should respond to search engines.

It is also necessary to establish age restrictions. Think carefully about which target audience you are interested in, since you cannot change these restrictions on your own in the future - only through contacting technical support.

Choose a topic, enter the address of your site, if there is one.

Location - here you need to indicate your region, or the region in which you plan to promote your goods and services. This function is very useful when you are planning to promote in a specific region. If we are talking about investments on the Internet, then it makes no sense to indicate it - because the geography of our investors is very extensive!

The wall is intended for the exchange of information, in which the administration, subscribers and guests of the group can participate. Determine the rights of the participants: the wall can be open, closed or limited, if necessary, it can be turned off, but I do not recommend doing this.

Export to Twitter: this section is very useful to you if you have a promoted account on this social network. However, this setting is optional, you can skip it if there is no page on Twitter (personally, in my group, this feature is enabled, which allows you to automatically post messages to Twitter).

This is followed by the settings for photos, videos, materials, discussions. Here you need to define the status open, limited or disabled. You yourself determine the rights of the participants based on your goals and the specifics of the group.

The group type allows you to customize the privacy of the community, it can be private, closed or open. Of course, it is better to choose an open type, but it is worth considering whether your community's topics do not fall into limited categories, for example, 18+. For such groups, it is imperative to set the closed type, otherwise you can get locked

I would like to draw your attention to the "Materials" section, when connected, the "Fresh news" function opens. It is in this block that the community menu is formed.

Another interesting section - "Products", it is open for each participant from September 15, regardless of the popularity, number of participants, is connected free of charge.

There are additional functions, such as a "black list", "links" and others, if necessary, you can use them, the settings in them are simple and straightforward.

How to promote a VK group yourself - ways to promote

So, after the settings are completed, you can start self-promotion of the group in VK. To avoid blocking, you need to comply with some requirements of the social platform:

  • The age of the group must be at least a week;
  • Place posts in the group, their number should be at least 15-20;
  • It is worth adding posts gradually, no more than 3-4 per day;
  • Make sure that among the participants there are no more than 25% of blocked accounts (dogs). I recommend that you periodically check the list of participants, removing the blocked ones.
  • Adding new members, invitations to the group should also keep smooth and gradual.

It is quite possible to independently promote the VKontakte community; you will also need the systematic development of the group, using the methods that we will now consider.

Free services for the promotion of groups in Contact

I think you will agree with me that it is quite difficult to attract members to a community in which there are few or no members at all. Therefore on
at the initial stage, many use free cheat services for the VKontakte group. This is more of an image advertisement, it is quite effective and you can quickly gain several thousand subscribers, but here you need to clearly track the blocked members who invariably appear when using cheat services.

There are enough platforms that, on a paid and free basis, help promote communities on social platforms on the network, and on the pages of my blog, we examined in detail the most popular of them. Of course, these sites were of interest to us, first of all, in the context of sources of income without investments, but they can be successfully used to advertise your group.

  • The platform is one of the most popular on the Internet. Differs in dynamism, new functions and opportunities for earnings and advertising constantly appear.
  • A fairly effective way to promote is the Topliders com platform. There is a convenient function "Rotation" for mutual adding to friends and joining groups.
  • The service is not free for advertising, but the prices are quite affordable, you can order surfing ads from 25 rubles per 1000 views.
  • On the Likesrock com site, you can promote a group using a minimum advertising budget, or promote the community by being active through mutual joining groups, likes, reposts.

How to promote a group in VK yourself - mutual PR

As soon as a certain number of subscribers have appeared in your community, you can start self-promotion in VK, using mutual PR. The advantage of this method is efficiency and attraction of a live target audience.

The essence of this method is the search for groups and publics of similar topics and the exchange of advertisements. When choosing communities, look at the indicators of unique visitors, estimate the audience coverage.

Next, write a personal message to the administrator with an offer to exchange ads, leave a link to your group, its statistics. At the same time, do not forget to open access to statistics data. And yet, you don't need to post more than 3 advertising posts - this is required by the rules of the social platform! For their violations, your group can be blocked.

Also in VK there are special communities for mutual entry. This method is very simple, but it does not always suit your target audience.

Additional account for community promotion

It is enough just to attract the target audience using an account in VKontakte. You are creating a personal page, its design should be taken seriously - it should
filled with posts, photos, have an attractive cover.

Next, subscribe to popular groups and publics to find your target subscriber. Send requests to add friends, but do not forget, in order not to get a block, the number of requests should not exceed 50 per day! After you receive confirmation of adding to friends, we send them an invitation to the group.

You can also use your account by posting ads in the comments. To do this, again, we go to popular communities of similar topics, and in the comments we leave a link to your group. In order for links to work effectively, the text must be catchy, so that it becomes interesting for readers to visit the community page. But again, take into account the fact that the administration of far from every group allows you to leave links, it is better to check again or ask the administration a question.

Content to increase the popularity of the group

Analyze the most popular communities on your topic, see how they solve these problems. Posts can represent interesting stories, polls,
riddles, parables - it all depends on your imagination. An important point for successful posts is regular publication, there should not be many or few posts, the optimal number is 2-3 per day. Be sure to draw up a publication schedule, while taking into account the activity of platform users.

It is no secret that the network is most loaded at lunchtime and in the evening; it would seem that the best time to post publications. But do not forget that popular publics use this time, posts appear in the news feed every second. In such a rhythm, it is very difficult for a young group to compete, and then a reasonable question arises: what time to choose for posting.

Analyze your audience - active and potential subscribers. Think about who your typical group user is: a schoolboy, housewife, office worker, or retired. It is quite logical that a teenager, most likely, will go to social networks after class, an office worker will open VKontakte by 10 o'clock, after morning operatives, planning meetings and five minutes, and will stay there until lunchtime.

Open the statistics of the community, study the geography, age and other data of your subscribers, evaluate the published posts, which were the most successful, comments on them, likes, reposts. Also consider the time difference of different geographic zones.

Write with pleasure! Do not copy other people's thoughts, quotes, news, and more. Do not chase after quantity: one high-quality, interesting post will be much more effective than template, borrowed from other pages, posted every hour! Although this is certainly not forbidden - I myself periodically copy posts from other public pages, but I also often see my posts in other groups.

Summing up, I want to say that I have listed far from all the methods for promoting groups. I tried to present you the most effective ones, tested in practice by me, my colleagues and acquaintances. If you do not have the desire or time to independently promote the group, you can always contact a specialist, use paid services or buy advertising on the same VKontakte platform. And of course, my readers and I will be grateful if any of you have thoughts and experience in promoting the group and you share them in the comments after this article!

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