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  • How to overclock a processor is the right way. Overclocking by raising the bus frequency

How to overclock a processor is the right way. Overclocking by raising the bus frequency

Intel processor overclocking Is a procedure for removing the limitation on the number of processed clock cycles per time interval (1 sec.). It is not recommended to consider overclocking a processor without basic concepts in this area.

general information

A cycle is a very small amount of time that is required to calculate the transmitted code, usually it is small fractions of a second. The clock frequency is the number of clock cycles per second. Overclocking provokes minimal processing time.

The computer processes the information flow using oscillations, the more the processor is able to process in one run, the higher the number of hertz (frequency unit). Accordingly, we force the processor to work in a freelance mode, leaving less time for unloading.

Frequencies are of several types:

  1. External is the frequency of data transmission between different equipment, even within the same system unit;
  2. Internal is the speed of the equipment itself (which we will increase).

Obviously, if you overclock, the computer will process more information in the same period of time, due to a longer clock cycle. Mostly the procedure is used to extend the validity of the computer. It's no secret that technology is gradually being modernized, and computers no longer meet modern requirements. Thanks to overclocking, you can postpone the purchase of a new PC somewhat.

What you need to know before you start overclocking your Intel processor?

Overclocking an Intel Core processor must be done wisely, otherwise it is fraught with an early failure of the processor or its failure instantly. It is important to reach the maximum speed, but not exceed this limit. Each processor can be overclocked to a different maximum speed, this is often mentioned in the documentation or on the Internet. Usually you can get more speed by 5-15%, there are also more significant gains, but it all depends on the model.

For overclocking, it is better to use special processors whose manufacturing technology implies the presence of an unlocked multiplier - this is the K-series.

Every active PC user has a desire to squeeze the maximum out of the computer and greed can lead to negative consequences. Today, processors, if given too much information, will simply skip certain clock cycles to control temperature. Thus, before overclocking, you should take care of high-quality cooling.

It is important to consider that:

  1. After overclocking, the processor will heat up more, you need to install a good cooling system in advance, passive options are not suitable;
  2. A significant amount of electricity is required. More runtime requires more power. It is necessary to calculate in advance whether your power supply will handle such work;
  3. The device wears out faster as it works harder;
  4. When the processor accelerates, RAM is also involved in overclocking.
  1. You must have a newer BIOS version;
  2. Make sure that the cooler on the CPU is working properly and it is in good working order, it is better to install a more powerful one;

  1. Check the processor heating in its current state at maximum load.

After all of the above, you can proceed to overclocking.

How to overclock Intel Core 2, i3, i5, i7 processor using SetFSB?

The Intel SetFSB processor overclocking program allows you to very easily increase the processor clock speed, while the procedure is carried out directly in Windows. The slider acts as a regulator. To change the settings, a reboot is not required, everything is done instantly.

The advantage of the program lies in the large number of supported processor models, from the outdated Intel Core 2 duo to the advanced i7. Alas, not all motherboards are capable of cooperating with the program, which prevents its use everywhere. On the website you can find out if your board model is included in the range of supported ones.

When working with the program, you need to take precautions, and you should also find out the model of your clock generator. The information is contained on the PLL board itself, or you have to search for it on the Internet.

Overclocking procedure:

  1. In the upper line "Clock Generator" select your generator and click on "Get FSB";

  1. After loading the characteristics from the database, you will be shown the clock speed of the bus and the processor now;
  2. It is necessary to change the speed in small steps using the slider, moving it to the right and observing the behavior of the processor and cooler;

  1. After the final selection, press "Set FSB".

How to overclock an Intel i5 processor using CPUFSB?

There is another way how to overclock the Intel Core i5 processor, although its principle is similar. CPUFSB is mostly used to accelerate the i3, i5 and i7 processors. The app is part of the comprehensive CPUCool utility for monitoring and increasing clock speed. The program works well with most motherboards.

The advantage over the previous utility is the presence of the Russian language, although the principle of influence is the same:

  1. Select the manufacturer, as well as the model of the motherboard;

  1. Specify information about the model of the PLL chip (aka clock generator);
  2. Click on "Take frequency";
  3. Increase the frequency step by step, in small steps, and observe the behavior of the processor;
  4. At the end, click on "Set frequency".

Even if you have not saved the settings, they will be applied until you restart your computer.

How to overclock an Intel Core processor using SoftFSB?

The last option, which allows you to overclock an Intel processor in a laptop, as well as a desktop computer. The main advantage over the previous versions of the programs is free use. You don't have to buy or look for a pirated version. The disadvantage is the lack of support from the author, so it may not be suitable for new processors.

The principle of operation is identical:

  1. Specify the model of the motherboard and clock generator in the "FSB select" category and click on the "GET FSB" button;

  1. Gently, little by little move the slider in the center of the main window;
  2. Save changes with SET FSB.

There are universal applications for overclocking, like those already discussed, and very specific ones that are used only for a certain type of motherboard, usually they are released by developers. These options are safer and may be somewhat easier to use.

If you still have questions on the topic "Programs for overclocking the Intel processor", you can ask them in the comments

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The speed of which does not suit you at all, then overclocking does not seem such a bad decision. It is important to find and use all the available information on overclocking for parts similar to yours. It is important to understand that overclocking can be unsuccessful. But with a frequency increase of only a third, everything should be fine. If you are interested in how to overclock your computer, but for you the meaning of the actions described in such instructions is extremely incomprehensible, then you should not do this. Let's figure it out.

How to overclock your computer?

There are two overclocking methods: through BIOS and using special utilities that run under the operating system. You can use the built-in utilities from the processor manufacturer, but it is more efficient and safer to use the BIOS. To enter it, you must press the Del button at the initial stages of computer boot. This key is used most often for such a task, but there may be other options. Management in BIOS is carried out using the arrows on the keyboard. You need to go to the tab called AI Tweaker, where you select the AI ​​Overclock Tuner parameters in the Manual position. It is not necessary to touch the voltage parameters, so leave such parameters as CPU Voltage and DRAM Voltage in automatic mode. With a little experience and knowledge on how to overclock your computer, you can effectively use the voltage parameters, but you should not do this at the initial stage. Before you start raising, you must deal with such an important issue as timings. They represent the delay time. Information is read faster if you reduce the latency, but this can negatively affect the overall operation, since the RAM module will work at a lower frequency. To achieve high frequencies, you can raise the timings, but beginners should not do this.

To raise the memory frequency, select the DRAM Frequency item, it is located on the Advanced home page. You shouldn't set the memory frequency value more than 10-15% higher than the nominal value.

Understanding the question of how to overclock a computer, it is worth noting that it is customary to single out the effective frequency of work and the real one. Usually the effective frequency is higher than the real one. When specifying the frequency characteristics of the RAM, it is the effective frequency that is indicated. The results of all changed settings will be saved after pressing F10. If after all your manipulations, then you just need to remove the battery from the motherboard for half an hour, and then insert it into place. This "move" will allow you to return all settings to their factory defaults.

Computer overclocking software

Everyone knows that you can overclock your computer if you make a series of manipulations with the processor, video card and RAM. They are configured to work seamlessly with other devices, but they have a set of parameters that can be changed to achieve better performance. But overclocking also has negative sides. One of them is increased overheating, here a new more powerful cooler can help you.

Now we can talk about what programs can come in handy. SiSoftware Sandra Professional is designed to show what we are missing for effective overclocking. The most common problem is Riva Tuner is designed to help in overclocking computer 3d-Analyze helps to "trick" the PC into It allows you to play modern games on a weak computer. Instructions for each of them can be easily found on the Internet.

With the right care, everything will work just fine.

Overlocking is a delicate process of configuring computer components that causes natural bewilderment and even fear among uninformed users. And all because of the vaguely assembled information, ripped out by the context from various sources. Strengthening knowledge and understanding the question of "how to overclock an Intel Core processor" will turn out in just five steps.

Collecting processor information

It is impossible to turn a modern processor into a piece of scrap metal in a matter of minutes, armed with the wrong methods. After all, the system is protected at the hardware and software level from any unforeseen events.

But it's better to assess the potential for overclocking right away:

  • Information. You will have to collect all the data about the system, the mother's memory and the overclocked "stone", for example, the factory clock frequency and voltage. This will help to pre-determine the starting state of affairs and limit future potential. If you have no time to crawl under the cover of a personal computer or in the BIOS menu, then CPU-Z will resolve all issues.
  • Temperature. A processor cooler should dissipate thermal energy perfectly well before overclocking. It is better to forget about box-type cooling (usually provided with a processor) and switch to systems based on heat pipes, which perfectly remove excess energy. Hence the conclusion - the more powerful the cooler, the higher the potential for future overclocking.

CPU overclocking methods

The normal operating mode of the chip is 50-80% of the maximum power, this is due to the restrictions introduced to increase the service life, increase stability and average temperature conditions.
Overlocking allows you to increase productivity at the cost of additional costs - time to select ideal characteristics (frequency, voltage), money to buy cooling and a guarantee for a positive result. There are too many nuances, as well as processors of the Intel Core family!
There are three ways to increase processor performance:

  1. Set the desired frequency.
  2. Change the multiplier.
  3. Raise the supply voltage.

But not all at once - easy introductory information will help to understand the basics and to understand once and for all everything about the state of affairs. So, FSB is a system bus that interacts from the side of the chip with all components connected to the computer.

The interaction takes place at a certain frequency and it is the FSB that adjusts for each type of component using multipliers and dividers. For example, the exchange of information with the RAM occurs at a frequency of 333 MHz. And the clock speed of the processor is 2664 MHz. So the factor is 8.

Hence the conclusion - you can increase the clock frequency by changing the system bus settings or adding multipliers.

With voltage, everything is easier - the motherboard is able to independently distribute the load, you can set the settings manually to correctly and fully support the clock frequency or the set multiplier. Failures can occur without changing the voltage!

Overclocking the processor through

There are several methods for overclocking an Intel processor - it all depends on access to the multiplier, the user's skills and the risks assigned to the process. Better to start with a simple one - increasing the system bus frequency.

Go to BIOS. We find the parameter CPU Speed ​​or Lock, CPU (HOST) Frequency and change the numerical indicator by 20, 30, and maybe 50 MHz. It is difficult to assert or advise precisely - there are many systems, boards and chips, and all are different.

After increasing the frequency, you will have to save the settings and reboot to check the stability. If there are problems with the software value, then you will have to gradually remove the bus frequency or increase the voltage in the CPU Voltage panels.
Attention! It is not worth raising the voltage by more than 0.3 V from the nominal value!

With a free multiplier, everything works in a similar way: go to the BIOS, search for the CPU Clock Ratio value, familiarize yourself with the base values, and then to a gradual, stepwise increase in the parameter.

To increase your confidence in success, you should turn off all additional gadgets, such as "Turbo" modes and accelerators that automatically increase processor performance.

Bus frequency multiplied by a user-specified number can produce amazing results, the main thing is to find a middle ground.

In case of problems with stability, changing the voltage will help - referring to the CPU Voltage indicator averages the indicators, provides the necessary power for other operations.

The BIOS can also change the voltage - just set the corresponding setting in the menu to AUTO.

Do not forget about the huge number of limiters that affect the overclocking process - an unsuccessful processor with a locked multiplier, the limits of the components' capabilities, an unsuitable motherboard, unstable voltage supplied by the power supply.

Even RAM can refuse to work at an unsuitable frequency. Well, and the temperature - for high-quality results in the store for a new cooler.

And you should definitely keep track of all the indicators while overclocking your computer:

AIDA64 and CoreTemp for monitoring, OCCT checks the interaction between memory and processor, Sandra Lite - getting information about the system, 3Dmark is an ideal way to load the system and identify failures.

Using programs to overclock the processor

To eliminate interaction with the BIOS and simplify the overclocking process, special utilities will help, suitable for both a wide range of systems and certain ones.


a modern tool for complex chip tuning and monitoring of individual components. Fully translated into Russian, supports a lot of motherboards.

To work, you need a few settings - the choice of component models, changing the frequency and multiplier, saving the parameters before and after rebooting.

SoftFSB utility

Allows you to customize everything and immediately literally on the fly. It does not need to introduce functions, the interface is clear, the menu is detailed. You can control the frequency, temperature and voltage by moving the sliders.

ASRock OC Tuner

A utility designed for ASRock motherboards that combines a huge range of overclocking, monitoring and tuning functions.

MSI Control Center II

An instrument with a self-explanatory name. Performs all the functions declared by competitors. Easy to work with.


Program for overclocking the processor: instant change of parameters, easy setup, support for various components.

Laptop overclocking

Changing the Power Mode

An affordable option to increase productivity, requiring neither additional knowledge nor unnecessary responsibility.

To obtain the desired result, it is enough to set "High Performance" in the "Power supply" section.

Programmatic way to increase productivity

First, you should get all the information about the system in advance using the CPU-Z utility. Chip name, performance indicators, voltage.

Secondly, you should not rely on record performance indicators - it will be possible to speed up the system from the nominal performance by 10-15%.

Next, install the SetFSB utility and switch to a slow but steady increase in the processor clock frequency with a small step. When finished, it's best to do additional tests with Prime 95, tracking changes in real time in the CPU-Z. If there are no problems with freezing and the appearance of "blue screens of death", then the frequency can be increased.

Overclocking an Intel processor via BIOS

In the extensive settings menu, you need to find the names CPU FSB Clock or Frequency, indicators responsible for increasing the bus frequency. Again, a small step, make sure it works, track the results. In case of malfunctions, it is better to reduce the set values.

Turbo Boost mode. Automatic overlocking option activated through the OS interface or in the BIOS menu.

You can set the "Minimum and Maximum processor state" indicators to 100% in the "Power supply" tab under the item "Additional power settings".

Or reset all BIOS settings to factory defaults using the “Load Default” function.

When you increase the frequency of the processor, it is worth remembering about safety - the increased power consumption of the processor will increase the load on the battery, and reduce the operating time without a network.

And it will also raise the temperature several times, and this is completely unsafe, because it is definitely not possible to comprehensively change the cooling method on a laptop without losing portable qualities.

The processor is one of the most expensive components in a computer. The price of modern CPUs can exceed the cost of all other computer components assembled, especially when it comes to server models.

When the user is faced with the task of slightly increasing the performance of the central processor, for example, for a more stable frame rate in a particular game, you can not replace the CPU, but overclock it. Overclocking, also called overclocking, lends itself to Intel and AMD processors.

Overclocking allows you to increase the clock speed of the processor, which increases the number of instructions that the chip executes per second, that is, increases the performance of the CPU. Within the framework of this article, the option of software overclocking of Intel and AMD processors will be considered, but it is also possible to overclock by replacing the BIOS.

We recommend reading:

Is it safe to overclock the processor

The essence of overclocking the processor and video card is the same - the user increases performance by replacing the original software "at a low level". If you look at this issue from a technical point of view, then the voltage on the key components of the board simply increases, which allows you to achieve an increase in power.

Almost every processor in its "native" software operates only at 50-60% of its maximum power. Accordingly, it can be overclocked by bringing this indicator closer to 100%. But it is worth remembering that overclocking the processor is accompanied by:

With proper overclocking, the risk of "burning" the processor is minimal. It is important to understand that the capabilities of a particular CPU model are not limitless, and it will not work to increase performance by 50-100%. It is recommended to overclock by no more than 15%.

Please note: Overclocking the processor also increases the performance of the RAM, which can negatively affect it.

Preparing to overclock the processor

Before you start overclocking the processor, it does not hurt to familiarize yourself with information from "experienced" specialists on a specific CPU model on the forums on the Internet. The fact is that some processors, for example the basic i3, i5 and i7 series from Intel, are poorly overclocked, and it is better not to increase their power by more than 5-8%. At the same time, the line of K-processors of the i-series from Intel, on the contrary, is designed for overclocking, and the performance of such CPUs can be increased by 15-20% without any special risks.

It is also important to know the overclocking potential in order not to skip clock cycles. With a significant increase in performance and signs of overheating, in order to lower the temperature, the processor may start skipping clock cycles. In a similar way, he will protect himself from failure, but the quality of his work will be much lower than before overclocking.

  • Update motherboard BIOS;
  • Test the stability of the processor in normal mode. To do this, you need to install and use a diagnostic application, for example, S
  • Determine the processor clock speed using the CPU-Z utility.

When the preparation is complete, you can start overclocking the processor.

Please note: Techniques for overclocking processors for desktop computers and laptops do not differ from each other. Regardless, when overlocking the CPU on laptops, you need to be very careful not to raise the system bus frequency on the motherboard to high values.

How to overclock an Intel processor

Overlocking Intel processors can be done by several applications, each with its own pros and cons. Some of the programs are not suitable for certain processor models, others are not recommended for amateurs, and they are suitable for professionals. Below are the three most popular overclocking programs for Intel processors, among which at least one should be suitable for your CPU model and motherboard.

Important: To overclock an Intel processor, you need to know the clock generator model of the motherboard installed in the computer. The easiest way to determine it is to disassemble the system unit (or laptop) and examine the inscriptions on the motherboard. Some experts argue that when overclocking, you can use the brute force method, choosing all the available clock generator options in the program until the correct one is found. It is highly discouraged to act in this way, you must in advance attend to the definition of the clock generator model.

Overclocking an Intel processor with CPUFSB

One of the most common and convenient processor overclocking programs is CPUFSB. It is compatible with almost all modern CPUs from Intel, including overclocking for i-series processors, that is, Intel Core i5, i7 and others. When overclocking the CPU, the CPUFSB application acts on the clock generator to increase the system bus reference frequency. Among the advantages of the application, one can also highlight the presence of the Russian language, and the disadvantages include its cost, since the program is not officially distributed free of charge.

To overclock the processor with the CPUFSB utility, you must:

Please note: After restarting the computer, the set overlocking values ​​will be reset. To prevent this from happening, you can set the value of the overclocked frequency in the "Set CPUFSB at the next start" column. Due to this, the application will automatically raise the frequency by a predetermined amount at start. If you need to keep the processor overclocked constantly, you can put the CPUFSB program at startup.

Overclocking an Intel processor with SetFSB

The SetFSB application works in the same way as CPUFSB. The program also raises the system bus reference frequency by acting on the clock generator, which causes an increase in processor performance. Unlike CPUFSB, SetFSB does not have Russian language support. The utility is distributed for a fee on the developers website.

Before starting overlocking using the SetFSB program, you need to look at the application developers' website for a list of motherboards with which it works. If the list does not include the board used on the computer, then the application will not work.

Worth noting: Unlike CPUFSB, SetFSB does a good job with relatively old Intel Core Two Duo processors. If you plan to overclock just such a CPU, you should give it preference over competitors.

To overclock the processor with the SetFSB program, you must:

As with the CPUFSB program, the overclocking results will be reset when the computer is restarted.

Overclocking an Intel processor with SoftFSB

SoftFSB is a well-proven free program that allows you to easily overclock your processor. This utility has one significant drawback - the developers stopped supporting it in the mid-2000s. As a result, the program can only work with relatively old motherboards and Intel processors. It is often used by system administrators in enterprises where computers have not changed for decades, and the requirements for their performance are growing even from standard applications.

SoftFSB works on the same principle as SetFSB, as well as CPUFSB, that is, by acting on the clock generator. Overclocking the processor in the application is performed according to the following algorithm:

Above, we described the principle of operation of the three most popular overclocking applications for Intel processors of different generations. Dozens of other programs designed for CPU overlocking work in a similar way.

How to overclock an AMD processor

As in the situation with overclocking a video card based on an AMD chip, you can use standard software from the manufacturer to overclock the processor. This allows the risks of chip burnout to be brought closer to zero. In this case, there are two options - to use the Catalyst Control Center program, which is installed along with the drivers on the computer, or to download a special application for processor overlocking from the official AMD website - AMD Overdrive.

Please note: Despite the fact that the software from the chip manufacturer is used for overclocking, AMD company disclaims warranty obligations if overlocking is performed. This is indicated when the Overdrive function is activated, which is responsible for overclocking the processor.

To overclock an AMD processor using the Catalyst Contol Center software, you need to:

As you can see, the Catalyst Control Center application does everything instead of the user, depriving him of the ability to control the process, which not everyone will like. The AMD Overdrive application allows you to take part in overclocking the AMD processor in more detail.

Lacks. The solution to this problem is to replace components with more modern ones. But in some cases, you can do without updating. For example, you can overclock by increasing its clock frequency, as a result, and performance. without consequences?

An interesting question that was asked, probably, by many, and especially by gamers. You need to understand that by overclocking the device, you take full responsibility for this action. Its use in an abnormal mode is not provided for by the manufacturer; this may lead to a complete failure of the device. If you are ready for such possible consequences, then welcome to the world of overlocking.

Overlocking - an increase in the standard characteristics of the device, as a result of which the overall increases. When overclocking the processor, as a rule, the multiplier, voltage and frequency factors increase. In order for the device to work for a longer time, manufacturers reduce its power - they leave a margin of about 30 percent. That is, if we take specific numbers as an example, then it looks like this: a processor with a clock frequency of 1.8 GHz can be overclocked to 2.8 GHz without harming it. Naturally, there are no guarantees, all overclocking manipulations are not provided by the manufacturers.

How to overclock a processor?

The main characteristic that denotes the speed of the central processor is the clock frequency. It is calculated by multiplying the FSB bus frequency by a factor. To overclock the processor, we recommend using the BIOS capabilities. This option is the most stable.

In the recent past, when processors did not have high-quality protection against various factors, changing the multiplier sometimes led to the burnout of the device. Today's processors have a number of limitations and various kinds of protections that will prevent an overclocker from overclocking.

To change the bus frequency, you need to find the CPU Clock value in the BIOS. In the window that opens, enter the frequency. To increase the clock rate, you can change the value of the multiplier located in the CPU Ratio column. How to overclock the processor more efficiently? Remember that a number of values ​​need to be changed in order to achieve stability. Changing the value of the multiplier is not enough for you, most likely you will need to increase the voltage. This measure allows you to overclock the processor more, but the whole difficulty lies in adjusting the stability of the work.

After overclocking the processor, you need to do tests in special programs. They will help you determine the stability level of your computer.

We found out how to overclock the processor. You can also speed up the video card. This is done not necessarily through BIOS, but, for example, through third-party software. Another thing is, is it worth overclocking a video card if you are not a gamer? I think the answer is obvious.

When performing the above steps, first of all think about which cooler to install on the processor.

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