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  • How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone 5s from the original. How to distinguish the Chinese "iPhone" from the original: external differences

How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone 5s from the original. How to distinguish the Chinese "iPhone" from the original: external differences

Modern gadgets are being counterfeited more and more often. And so every buyer should watch what he buys. No one is immune from fakes. Not critical when it comes to an inexpensive device. But if you have to spend money on elite gadgets, a collision with fakes will bring a lot of unpleasant emotions. All this can be avoided. We will try to answer how to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original. Apple products are counterfeited very often. But, following simple rules, the user will be able to distinguish a fake from the original.


Let's start with the simplest - with the price. Apple makes expensive devices. The newer the phone, the more expensive it is. In Russia, they even began to complain about the cost of the iPhone 8.

How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original? Too low price of the device indicates that we have a fake. Chinese counterparts are really sold very cheaply. At the cost of the original iPhone, it is almost impossible to find a fake in Russia.


How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone 5S from the original? It is worth paying attention to the box from the device and to the equipment. Often it is in these areas that punctures are detected.

The iPhone box is made of durable and high-quality cardboard. On the sides should be the inscription "iPhone".

The original set is standard. Namely:

  • headphones;
  • wire for connecting to a PC;
  • charging block;
  • instruction;
  • clip for SIM-cards;
  • Apple stickers (2 pieces);
  • warranty card.

All components will be branded. They are neatly packaged in a box. No chaos or scattered components.


How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone-7 from the original? Just like any other version of smartphones from Apple. Fakes are released into the world with the same errors and flaws. Unfortunately, not everyone pays attention to them.

In order not to buy a Chinese fake iPhone, the buyer must pick up the phone and inspect it. Usually fake devices are easier. This rule also applies to the charger. Ideally, its weight is about 60 grams. If the "charger" in the box with the iPhone seems weightless, we have a fake.

External flaws

How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone 4S from the original? You should carefully consider the device. Without this, it will not be possible to bring the idea to life.

If you look closely at fake Apple products, you will notice that they have a number of flaws. Experienced buyers will immediately recognize a fake. After all, the original iPhones:

  • no multi-SIM support;
  • there is no retractable antenna;
  • no radio;
  • there is no slot for a memory card.

Accordingly, if the user has found support for the listed features, he has a fake in front of him. Also, the iPhone does not have the Mobile TV app.


Another feature that you will have to pay attention to is the body of the phone. According to him, sometimes it is possible to understand which smartphone a person is dealing with.

How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original? Often, for fakes, the case does not look too neat, and the back panel can be easily removed. This should not be. Original iPhones are monoblocks, which only a specialist can open.


How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone 5 from the original? As we have already said, the device must have a complete set. Sometimes fakes are also packed to the maximum. But this does not mean that before the buyer - the original.

Operating system

It would be nice not only to inspect the purchased product, but also to turn it on. If the seller refuses this service, most likely we have a fake. But why? How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from a fake?

It is necessary to carefully study the operating system of the device. Apple officially releases smartphones running iOS. This is unique software.

Fake smartphones run either unknown Chinese operating systems or Android. At the same time, translation into Russian often encounters errors. And in the operating system itself there are Chinese characters.


But that is not all. Today, the owners of "apple" devices advise each other another rather interesting method of checking the device for originality. To do this, you have to turn on the phone.

How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original? The buyer just needs to open the AppStore. The original smartphone will open the corresponding application. It may request data from AppleID.

Fakes also have an AppStore. Only when it is launched, the Play Market opens. This is a clear sign that a person is buying a fake. The original iPhones don't have this problem.


Do not rush and turn off the device. In order to answer how to distinguish the Chinese iPhone 6 from the original, you can go the other way. Faster and more efficient.

It's about checking the phone's settings. The original "apple" products have an item "About the device". It contains the serial number of the device and its model. Chinese counterparts do not provide such information.

iTunes and checks

Many owners of "apple" devices use another trick. It helps to quickly understand what kind of device is in front of us - an original or a fake.

It's about connecting to iTunes. It is enough to connect the iPhone to the PC and run the appropriate program. A genuine "apple" device is recognized in iTunes. When connecting a Chinese analogue, the software will not "see" the phone.

number check

Particularly cunning buyers can 100% find out what kind of device is in front of them. The technique proposed below is not entirely convenient, but it is guaranteed to indicate whether a fake is in front of a person or not.

We are talking about checking the serial number of the "apple" phone for service. To bring the idea to life, you will have to connect to the Web.

How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original? Would need:

  1. Go to "Settings" - "General" - "About device" on your phone.
  2. Click on "Serial Number".
  3. Copy the resulting combination.
  4. Open
  5. Enter "serial" into it.
  6. Click on the "Check" button.

The screen will display information about whether the device is supported by Apple. If not, then we have a Chinese fake. Otherwise, the serial number will pass verification.

We verify the data

When buying "apple" devices, it is worth checking all possible data about the device. After all, Apple devices are counterfeited extremely often.

Attentive buyers always check the data on the boxes with the information in the smartphone's operating system. If some components do not match, the user has a fake iPhone in his hands. Everything is not as difficult as it seems!

Refurbished or fake?

We figured out how to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original. But today fakes are found not only among new devices. Stores counterfeit refurbished "apple" phones.

How to detect a fake? You have to remember that:

  • the refurbished iPhone has a perfect body, a new battery and a screen that fits snugly to the rest of the components;
  • on the box with the iPhone there is no engraving of the phone, but there is an inscription "Refurbished" in English;
  • the original device is delivered in high-quality boxes and in a complete set;
  • all genuine Apple phone connectors are clean;
  • the camera of a real smartphone is located exactly in the center of the allotted area on the back of the device.

Plus, the original refurbished iPhone gets a one-year warranty. Therefore, you can check by serial number. All of these tips will help you make the right choice.

Smartphone from the company from Cupertino iPhone 5 is one of the most famous and favorite mobile phones in the world. At the same time, its popularity plays into the hands of Chinese counterfeit smartphone makers. Quite a long time ago it was customary to produce fake phones of popular brands.

iPhone smartphones are no exception, and with each appearance of a new model, underground manufacturers immediately release their copies of the novelty. In the wake of popularity, dishonest sellers of mobile devices make good money selling fakes to inexperienced users.

A fake from the original is of very low quality, the phones themselves are not certified, and numerous violations of product licensing rules and trademarks have led to a ban on the sale of non-original devices.

Buying such a fake harms both the user and the manufacturing company. The buyer forms the wrong opinion about the smartphone, as a result, he may decide not to purchase products from this company anymore.
To avoid such deceptions when buying an iPhone 5, we will describe how to distinguish an original smartphone from a copy.

Differences in connectors and interfaces

It is very easy to distinguish a genuine device by visually checking the presence or absence of certain connectors in the phone. Here are the interface options that reveal a fake:

  • The original iPhone lacks any TV tuner. Therefore, if you notice an antenna on the phone, it's a fake. On a real iPhone 5, you can watch TV using certain programs;
  • The original mobile phone cannot have a stylus;
  • It is easy to distinguish a fake from a real phone by the presence of a USB connector. The original iPhone 5 is equipped with its own unique Lightning connector, which is almost impossible to confuse with USB;
  • A fake often has a built-in slot for reading memory cards. The original phone does not have such an interface;
  • A real iPhone only supports one SIM card. Therefore, if you are offered a phone with support for 2 or more SIM cards, then this will not be a real iPhone 5.


Fake copies can also be distinguished by inscriptions printed on the body of the device. The first thing to check is the iPhone itself. Often it is distorted or replaced by a consonant word. Also, instead of the amount of memory in a fake, there may be an inscription Wi-Fi, 3G and more.

Secondly, inspect the logo on the back of the smartphone. There should be the original Apple symbol - an apple bitten on the right side. In fakes, the logo may be changed or it will be completely absent.

Among other inscriptions and markings on the back cover of the original iPhone, there should be:

  • under the inscription iPhone in a small rectangle is the total amount of phone memory;
  • further - the standard inscription for all models of Apple smartphones - "Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China";
  • under the previous inscription - the FCC ID and serial number of the smartphone;
  • at the very bottom of the lid - various certification designations and the FOXCONN logo.

Design differences

A fake can be distinguished from the original by a higher weight, which is quite easy to feel if you hold the device in your hand. The original body is made of aluminum, while the Chinese copy is made of cheap plastic. The back cover of a real iPhone cannot be removed, as it is rigidly fixed. Sometimes the size of the diagonal of the screen may differ slightly (usually upwards).

The body thickness may also vary slightly. The original iPhone 5 has 7mm. The color of the back cover of the phone can also distinguish a fake, since the original can only have 2 colors - white and black.

Software features

Any iPhone model comes with the iOS operating system installed. It is impossible to install such a system into a fake, therefore, at best, with a copy of the iPhone, the user will not receive the fastest Android OS.

In any version of iOS, a large number of useful and unique applications from Apple are preinstalled, but the most important way to distinguish a fake is that it does not have an AppStore store, which a fake cannot have. You can also pay attention to the names and signatures of applications..

Demand always gives rise to supply, but not always good and expected. With the advent of the iPhone 5, an unprecedented demand arose around the gadget, at one point Apple could not even cope, and the delivery of the novelty was delayed for 2-3 weeks, but then the brave guys from China joined in, and a stream of fakes of the iPhone 5 poured onto the market. Moreover, these creations from in China are no less in demand than the real iPhone 5. Let's discuss in detail how to distinguish the iPhone 5 from a fake from China and not become a victim of scammers.

Almost every person who has not been familiar with Apple products can buy a fake iPhone 5. Therefore, our first advice will be this: if you have a friend who has an iPhone, then be sure to take a gadget from him and “use” it for at least 10 minutes. This time will be enough for you to get acquainted with the device and eventually identify a fake iPhone 5. If if this is not possible, then you should pay attention to the distinctive features of the original iPhone 5, described below.

How to distinguish an iPhone 5 from a fake from China. Basic moments.

The first thing you should pay attention to when buying an iPhone 5 is frame.

1. The case of a real iPhone 5 is made of aluminum, while a fake is made of plastic, usually cheap;

2. Fake iPhone 5 is produced in several colors, including red. The original Apple smartphone of the latest generation is available in 2 colors - black and white;

3. The back cover of the iPhone does not open just like that, it is screwed to the case with special screws and is removed only for service purposes, direct access to the batteries you do not receive;

With the case, everything became more or less clear to you, we continue to expose the fake iPhone 5, then you should pay attention to the connectors of the device.

1. The original iPhone has its own unique 30-pin or 8-pin connector, there are no usb or mini usb connectors on a real "apple" smartphone;

2. If you bought a Chinese fake, then you will definitely become a happy owner of a TV gadget. Remember, there is no TV feature on the real Apple iPhone;

3. The original smartphone from California does not have a memory card slot and does not support 2 SIM cards.

In addition to all of the above, you should pay attention to the inscriptions that are located on the phone case. On the original, all the inscriptions are in English, no Chinese. On fakes, as a rule, there is no company logo - a bitten apple, or it is distorted.

What should be written on the back cover of the original iPhone?

The back of the iPhone, in addition to a bitten apple, is decorated with the following inscriptions:

  • iPhone;
  • then the inscription Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China;
  • model number FCC ID, IC device serial number;
  • below are the certification marks and the logo of the FOXCONN factory.

Very often, fakes are decorated with funny inscriptions ala "iFone", "Phone", "eyePhone" and so on ... Pay attention to these features.

And finally, the last moment, which will finally help you understand how to distinguish an iPhone 5 from a fake from China is a mobile operating system - iOS.

1. The best thing you can find "on board" a fake iPhone is OS Android, at worst - a crooked self-made operating system with limited functionality;

2. Pay attention to the translation of menu items in the phone. On a fake, they either have an abbreviation (for example, not a Calendar, but a calendar), or simply have an inadequate translation (instead of Organizer - Organizer);

3. The original iPhone has a lot of standard applications at its disposal from the very beginning, in addition there is an App Store application - a hallmark of iOS.

With this, our FAQ on how to distinguish an iPhone 5 from a fake from China is over, I hope we have given you comprehensive answers to all your questions. Be careful and remember that free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Well, the new iPhone 5 cannot cost 10,000 rubles ....

Proven ways.

The more popular Apple devices become, the more often you can see cheap Chinese fakes for original smartphones. And if a few years ago a fake could be identified by the characteristic crack of the case or a poor-quality picture on the display, now craftsmen are churning out almost perfect copies of the iPhone. So how not to fall for the bait of scammers and not buy a “leftist”?

The easiest way out is to buy an iPhone from an authorized dealer. The method is obvious, but not for everyone, because sometimes you want to buy a gadget, and you only have enough money for a used model. But in any case, if the situation suffers, then it’s better to save up and take the original and legally “clean” (I don’t think it’s necessary to remind about the frequent theft of phones) iPhone in a specialized store - that’s the official Apple reseller in Russia.

However, if you have looked after yourself a model on the ad site, a la Avito, and seriously decided to purchase a model from your hands, then you need to know a few distinguishing features.

Checking the serial number

Whether you go to buy an iPhone alone or with a friend, be sure to arm yourself with a smartphone or tablet (you can even run Android) with the ability to access the Internet. This is necessary for an absolutely accurate check on the originality of the purchased device. What should be done?

Step 1. Go to the iPhone menu " Settings» → « Main» →« About this device” and find the item “ Serial number».

Step 2: From your device, go to this link. The link leads to the official Apple website to the section for checking serial numbers.

Step 3. In the box under the inscription " Enter the hardware serial number» specify the serial number of the device to be checked and click « Proceed» .

Step 4. If the iPhone is not Chinese, you will see its model and other information, such as the possibility of obtaining support from Apple by phone. Otherwise, you will see the message " Unfortunately this serial number is not correct. Please check your information and try again", which means that it is better to bypass this unfortunate seller.

Be careful when entering the serial number of the device, because due to a mistake in one character, you can think badly about a person and be left without a brand new (or used) iPhone.

Opening our eyes wider

No matter how high-quality the replica of the iPhone is, the creators of the clones technically cannot do everything perfectly like Apple does. Therefore, even with a cursory glance, without resorting to checking the serial number of the device, it is possible to identify a fake. You need to pay attention to the following details:

  • There should not be any hieroglyphs, spelling errors or other calligraphic errors in the system.
  • On the back cover of the device there should be inscriptions: iPhone, Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China, model number, certification marks (as in the picture).
  • The iPhone cannot have an antenna.
  • The iPhone also cannot have two SIM cards, a built-in memory card and charging from usb and mini-usb.
  • The back cover of the iPhone of any model is not removed until the fixing screws are unscrewed.

Another quick way to identify a fake

A very simple and easy method - take the iPhone in hand, go to the standard application App Store. Any, even the coolest Chinese iPhone will be forced to transfer you to Google Play, the app store for Android devices.

This is what the App Store should look like:

This is what Google Play looks like:

In addition, you will not be able to find most Apple branded applications on Google Play. Try to search for applications such as Keynote, iMovie, Pages, Numbers, Apple Store - if they are not in the store, then you have a fake, not the original iPhone.

Another sure way to identify a Chinese iPhone

Well, I would like to complete this article on one more sure way, which will reveal even the most inveterate Chinese geniuses with giblets. To do this, you will need a laptop or personal computer (if the seller came to sell the iPhone directly to your home) with iTunes installed. You can download iTunes from the official Apple website.

The thing is that when you connect your iPhone to your computer and turn on iTunes, the program should detect the device and try to synchronize it. If iTunes is silent like a partisan, most likely they are trying to slip you a fake, be careful.

Read more about how to distinguish a real iPhone from a fake on our forum in the topic.

Today we will look at methods for identifying a new generation of iPhone 5S fakes that have massively flooded the Russian market. Despite the appearance on sale of the iPhone 6 and 6S, the five remains the most popular iPhone in Russia.

Forget articles about fake Android iPhones with a plastic back cover that opens. The new fakes do not have plastic, the size and weight are like a real iPhone, the box is made of high-quality cardboard and embossed.

In fact, these are used (used) phones, after a breakdown and informal repair, where almost everything can be replaced, from the case and display to the camera and cables. In this case, it may turn out that the battery has not been changed, but it has already worked for about a year. Because of these features, this type of fake is called "transformers".

Transformers iPhone 5S is in the range of "gray" sellers who sell uncertified smuggled phones. More often these are little-known online stores and radio market shops. In such stores, you can buy a completely normal iPhone made for other countries. But when selling “transformers”, the seller never warns the buyer that the phone is not original.

Here are ways to tell a fake iPhone 5S from the real one:

1. Checking the iPhone for authenticity by serial number and IMEI.

The serial number is on the box. If the serial number is in order, then you can open the box to make sure that the serial number of the phone is the same as on the box, and then proceed to inspection and testing.

One of the most reliable methods to identify a fake is to break through the serial number using the Apple database when buying.

If you see “Sorry, this serial number matches a product that has been replaced.” (We're sorry, but this is a serial number for a product that has been replaced.), This means that this faulty iPhone was accepted by Apple under warranty and then stolen from Apple. (Officially, Apple does not recognize or comment massive leaks of decommissioned phones.).

If the device is original, the system will recognize its model and display information about the warranty status.

More information about the phone can be found on the websites

You will be surprised to know that the 32GB iPhone you bought was actually a 16GB iPhone.

2. Housing

The body of the fake iPhone 5S is rougher than the original, the side edges are sharp and unpleasant to the touch.

3. Hairpin for removing the SIM tray

A real hairpin is even over the entire area, made of high-quality metal.

4. Printing

Marking on the box. The printing of the upper sticker with a barcode is noticeably poor quality.

5. Packing details

There are many more details of the package that are hardly noticeable at first glance, which can be seen when compared with the original phone. For example, different envelopes with documents, different winding quality of the headphone and headset cable, different trays for the phone and others.

Attention! Do not confuse these fake transformers with refurbished phones. The refurbished iphone 5s ("refurbished" or "Like new iPhone") is an official Apple product and comes with an official warranty. The term Refurbished (Refreshes, refs, refreshes, etc.) is not correctly applied to fakes that no one has officially restored.

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