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How are friends in contact. I wonder how the VKontakte friends list is formed

Many young Internet users are wondering: is it possible to find out the list of best friends from your friend on VK? Or which of my friends put me in the important category? In this article, I will answer these questions and share my experience in identifying important friends from my acquaintances on the VKontakte social network. Initially, you need to figure out what these terms generally mean.

Who will we consider important friends

Important (best) friends in VK are formed from a general list with whom the account owner most often communicates. This does not mean that personal correspondence is meant. The word "communication" means all types of activity committed in relation to a specific VKontakte user.

These include:

  1. View new photos and latest news;
  2. Writing comments;
  3. Placing reposts;
  4. Frequent visits to the website;

With all this, activity can be expressed not from one side, but from both. That is, when a friend from the user's list opens his page, writes any comment there, leaves a like under the photo, he is automatically assigned to the group of best friends.

In addition, all people who have been added to the friends list recently will be in the group of the best for a certain period. This will be the case until the system determines that the owners of both accounts do not express any interest in each other's records.

All best friends are at the top of the list of friends. Newly added people are moved to the very top of the list so that the user does not "lose sight of them" and does not forget about them.

Is it possible to determine who is the user's best friend

You can determine how important a friend is from the list of friends of another user in VK by reading the list of his friends. But this will not be one hundred percent guarantee that they are actually important to him.

Perhaps he just recently added them to his list, or they themselves showed attention to this user. After all, as we remember, to get into the “important” category, you just need to go to your friend's page and write a comment or like there.

Take a closer look at your own list of friends, and you will also notice on the top lines those people with whom you have not even communicated today, and have not visited their pages for several days.

It is likely that they are your "fans", they are interested in what you write on your wall and what you publish on your page. Being active in relation to you, they will stay among the "best" friends for more than one day.

Find out who is on the "important" list of a friend

Well, now let's analyze what best friends mean, and how to find out this list from your friend. When we add new friends to ourselves, VK automatically prompts us to sort them.

That is, we can indicate who we are the added person:

  • family member;
  • close friend;
  • work colleague;
  • acquaintances from the university, etc.
  1. You can find out who belongs to the "best" friends section of your friend on VKontakte by opening the list of his friends.
  2. This can be done by visiting your friend's page and looking at his list of friends.
  3. You can also use your own list of friends - opposite your friend's avatar, you must click on the "view friends" icon.
  4. After switching to the list of friends of your acquaintance, you will see icons next to the photo, symbolizing "important" friends, "relatives", etc.
  5. Your avatar will be at the top of the list, and you will immediately see if you are a "best" friend.
  6. So by reviewing all your friends, you will find out who are on the list of "important", and who are in the category of ordinary friends.

Many users do not pay attention to all these categories, objectively believing that the "best" friend does not need general advertising. And maybe they are right!

By clicking on the Friends section in our VK profile, we are used to seeing colleagues, relatives, classmates, friends from the Internet, etc. there. There are tens, hundreds, thousands of them. And the order in which they are located is not always the same. It changes regularly without direct user intervention. And at the top are always those people whose pages you visit and towards whom you are active. They are called important.

Today we will try to figure out how to make this list, try to customize it for ourselves and identify important friends on someone else's page.

There is no clear algorithm for forming a friend list. It all depends on the activity of the user himself and this means different consequences. Factors include the following:

  • correspondence and visiting a friend's page. Those pages that you visit most often and with whom you communicate a lot are in the top places;
  • date of adding to friends. Recently added pages are located above, one is obligatory in the first five;
  • the number of friends adjacent to you;
  • page content activity. Abandoned, long-deleted, empty are often displayed below the rest.

It is impossible to change the location of friends in the friend list according to a clear plan. It will be determined automatically, but with your visits, likes, reposts and correspondence, you are promoting the people you need to the top.

If you want to put a friend on the list of friends, do not perform any actions with his profile for a while, do not write or go to the page.

The only way to organize the right people according to your preference is to create a separate friends list. For this you need:

You can always add a new person there, but you also cannot promote or demote him in the general order. Although there will be no problems with the location, since you can always make a new list in which your selected top people will be.

How to see important friends of a friend

There is no way to see another user's friend list from your page through his eyes. That is, the issue for you will still be different. You won't be able to find out the order for a friend through the interface of the VK website, as well as with the help of third-party programs. Of course, if you hack a person's page, then friends will be displayed in his order, but we will not consider this option.

If you go to a friend's page and open the list of his friends, they will be sorted for you from top to bottom in the following order:

  1. Your profile is first on the list.
  2. People who have mutual friends with you (the more, the higher in the list).
  3. Sort by registration date and page rating.

Mutual friends are included in a separate list. If a friend created his own, you will see him too.

Important friends on the phone

Everything described applies not only to the web version of the VK website for a personal computer, but also to official mobile applications for iPhone, Android.

Important friends in VK are automatically determined for all users of the social network, regardless of their wishes. The order of the top five changes based on a special Vkontakte algorithm, which account owners are able to influence.

The article will discuss what important friends are, how the order of showing profiles is determined, and why users with whom you have not spoken for a long time pop up to the top.

In the Vkontakte mobile application, they are on the toolbar in quick access (scroll down, the first item after the menu).

When you view the full list of profile friends, you automatically see the top 5 first, and then the rest in alphabetical order.

How important friends are determined on VK

There is a difference between displaying your own list and the order in which the friends of others are displayed if you go to someone's account.

In the first case, important VK friends are determined using a special social network algorithm that calculates how much attention is paid to a specific page from among friends. The calculation takes into account the frequency and intensity of communication, the number of rated or commented posts, reposts, and the frequency of profile visits. In general, the main criterion is the user's interest in the profile: the more attention is paid to it, the higher the person will be in the rating. For the first time, recently added pages also appear here. As a rule, they push down the profiles that previously occupied the 3-4 position. The VKontakte developers came up with this move so that you don't forget about your new friend and communicate.

If you decide to look at friends of another VKontakte profile, the list will be compiled based on completely different considerations. You will come first. He will knock out the pages of mutual friends in the top in the order in which their profiles are displayed on you. If there are none, after your account the pages will go seemingly randomly. In fact, they are sorted by the date of registration in the social network.

How to set up a list of important friends in VK

Additional settings for the list of important friends are not required - they are not provided by the developers at this stage.

Nevertheless, VKontakte users can influence the list of important friends and the distribution of places in it. How to put a friend in important in VK - see the next block.

How to change important friends in VK

The principle of sorting important friends in VK takes into account how interesting the account is for you, depends on the frequency of visits, the activity of correspondence and the rating of photos and posts. It is logical that in order to make changes to the list, you need to improve or reduce the indicated indicators for a particular person.

How to add a person to important friends on VKontakte

For a long time we have not communicated with a close friend who lives in another city, and as a result, he was “overboard” on the list of important ones in VK. There are two ways to raise a friend in the ranking.

The long-term method consists in improving the indicators listed above:

  1. Chat as often as possible.
  2. Flood it with likes and comments.
  3. Increase the number of visits to the desired account.

If there is an urgent need to add a profile to the list of important friends, there is a simple and quick life hack. In the article we have already said that newly added friends automatically occupy the 3-4 line of the rating, so why not take advantage of this?

  • remove the desired page from your friends, and after a couple of seconds add it again;
  • remember who initiated the addition the first time. If you submitted an application, the other user will not even know about the manipulations (the standard notification will not come).

Why important friends have changed on VK

The top 5 important friends are formed according to the principle of shown interest: the more interesting a user is for you in terms of views, likes, correspondence and reposts, the more likely he is to be in the first position. Why did important friends go to VK?

If you temporarily stop contacting someone from the top five, the algorithm reacts by lowering its position.

The owner of an account with whom you hardly communicate can also become a leader if you actively rate his photos and posts. A recently added profile can also dilute an already established list. By default, he is among important friends for some time, but in the absence of communication, he goes down.

How to hide important friends in VK

The contact does not make exceptions for important friends, so the privacy settings apply to them as well. You can hide this category of people by digging into the Settings of any profile, regardless of the version used (meaning full or mobile).

And finally: knowledge of the functional novelties of VK is great, but real life outside of social networks is much cooler. Do not forget to remind yourself of this from time to time.

Having done these simple manipulations, your eye will be presented with a new window in which the "new list" in our case will be called "Those who can see my album" and we add to this group those friends whom you consider necessary, that is, those who can visit this folder and view this album After all the friends and comrades you need are added to the list, press the save button.

After that, we already see that an inscription appears next to the photo of some of the friends, which was previously "the name of the list". If you did not immediately add the desired comrade to the specified VKontakte list, you just need to subsequently click "add to the list" and uncheck the box in front of the list.

Why sort VKontakte friends

Why do you need such a wonderful function as sorting VKontakte friends into folders? Everything is very simple. People are different and many do not want to remove a person from their VKontakte friends for fear of offending, and at the same time, many do not want some not to have this or that information. Since friendship in social networks and friendship in real life - These are two big differences. Often on VKontakte, people are added to your friends who seem to be acquaintances, but not quite friends and you would not want them to own your personal information. That is why the function of sorting VKontakte friends is a very useful thing.

"Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends"(popular wisdom)

More to friend, less to friend ...

You go to a friend's page, look, and he has only 200 VKontakte friends. Why so few? and we start looking for reasons. And it would be worth thinking about other things. For example why order of VKontakte friends exactly like this? After all, if we open the full list of friends, remember it, reload the page, we will see exactly the same order. What's the secret? And the dog, as it turns out, is buried at the very surface.

So. As we know, there are two types of friends list - one that displays six online friends and just six friends. If you have noticed, the friends on these lists never repeat themselves. In addition, in the six of your friends, some appear more often, others less often. What's the focus? The trick is how often you visit their page. The more often you visit, the more often they are visible in this window.
Similar order of VKontakte friends in the general list. We go into our account on the social network VKontakte, click on the "Friends" button on the left in the menu, and we have a list of our friends. In it, friends are sorted as above and it was said according to the frequency of your visit to their pages. Now if we go to the second tab "On-line" friends, we will notice the same thing - order of VKontakte friends the same.
But if you went to your friend, or just jumped into an unfamiliar page, then the list of friends for you will be sorted differently. Here the list is sorted by the frequency of these friends' visit to this person's page. In other words, those who visit more often are higher on the list. The logic is simple and straightforward.
By the way, this rule was introduced not so long ago. Previously, friends were sorted by their rating - the one with the steeper rating is the one higher in the list. But first, the administration of the social network changed VKontakte order of friends, and then completely abandoned the rating.

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