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How to promote yourself on social networks. Business promotion on Instagram

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about such a channel website and business promotion like social networks. The topic is very relevant and gaining more and more popularity. A little earlier, I wrote an article where I listed and compared all available at the moment (including social networks). After that, I published a general article on and began to have a specific conversation about .

In a nutshell, you need to get the target audience by any possible means, which will be ready to accept and possibly purchase the services or products you promote. Another question, who benefits from social media advertising And is this method suitable for everyone?

Which site is suitable for promotion in social networks?

I recently published an article about the modern one, where I said that it was pointless to start promoting a site without preparing it for this action. In social networks, the situation is exactly the same. Not every site or business project can be promoted through this channel. Let's see which website (business) is suitable for promotion in social networks and what characteristics it should have.

I think that we will develop this topic in future publications. Don't switch.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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It took radio 38 years to reach 50 million people, TV 13. Facebook gained 200 million users in less than a year.

More than 82% of Internet users have social media accounts and use them for (at least) two hours a day. Russia ranks first in Europe in terms of the popularity of social networks.

There is a growing number of users who come to social networks not for communication, but for information, as well as businessmen who understand that social media is an effective marketing channel. If you want to promote a project through social networks, then get acquainted with four effective ways to promote it.

Content is the main promotion factor

Any SMM specialist will confirm that promotion tools are useless without quality content. If the page of your brand is boring, you should not count on the growth of the audience and its loyalty.

Three ingredients of good content:

  1. Uniqueness. The information you post should be relevant and engaging. Do not copy materials from other resources. The exception is cross-posting between the company's blog and its page on the social network.
  2. Regularity. Articles should be published systematically. Two, three, four or seven times a week - depends on the specifics of the business and its target audience. So, two or three updates will be enough for people from the business environment, and this is clearly not enough for the beauty community. It is necessary to adhere to the chosen content strategy, regardless of the number of subscribers.
  3. Virality. Publications should be lively, causing an emotional response in the form of a burning desire to tell friends about them. Avoid overt promotional posts.

Facebook in Russia- "social sphere is not for everyone." It is used by marketers, programmers and other IT-savvy people. They are not afraid of a “complicated interface”, but in their area of ​​interest are gadgets, the Internet, travel, education, books and business in all its manifestations. They willingly like and share materials on these topics, as well as motivating articles that set you up for positive. Most of the active Facebook audience uses the mobile application - it is recommended to illustrate posts with pictures 800 × 600 in size.

"In contact with"- the largest social network of Runet (more than 230 million registered users). Her audience is younger; the focus of users' interests is mainly entertainment (communication, games, music, films, etc.). VK users do not like text content (it is desirable that the length of the post does not exceed 500 characters), but they love photos and videos.

Among photo hosting sites in Russia, the most popular Instagram. At the same time, while maintaining a brand page on Instagram, it is recommended to adhere to a single style in design (use not only standard filters, but also third-party photo editors), as well as place objects in the photo on 2/3 of the screen (this makes the picture visually more attractive).


The possibility of placing targeted advertising is available in almost all social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and others. At the same time, it is believed that targeted advertising in social networks is more suitable for the B2C sector. However, there are companies in B2B that effectively solve business problems through targeted advertising.

Some types of targeting:

  • Geographical (geo-targeting) - showing ads to residents of a certain region / city / district, etc. For example, you want to promote a beauty salon located in Khimki near Moscow. Your targeted ad will be displayed to the residents of this city.
  • Socio-demographic - showing ads based on gender, age, marital status and other social criteria. Thus, advertising for children's goods and household goods is recommended to be placed on the pages of married women over 25, and advertising for an art store - on the pages of designers, architects, decorators.
  • Contextual - displaying ads in accordance with the interests of the user. Membership in groups such as "Fashion", Fashion, "Shopping", etc. clearly demonstrates the interests of the user. He will be interested in relevant advertising.
  • Behavioral - displaying ads depending on specific user actions (travel routes, favorite places, frequent search queries, etc.). Let's say a person is fond of Latin American dances, goes to a salsa club, looks for relevant videos - it is likely that he will be attracted by an advertisement for a last-minute tour to Cuba.

Despite its apparent simplicity, targeting is a tool that requires serious preparatory work. First, you need to analyze the target audience of the brand. Second, create an ad.

Community advertising

Advertising in communities (in the professional language of SMMs - sowing) is the purchase of posting or reposting in popular communities. In the first case (buying a post), the advertiser's goal is to increase traffic on the company's website; in the second (buying a repost) - attracting users to a company group on a social network. At the same time, the more subscribers the community in which you buy a post has, the more expensive the advertising campaign will cost.

You can negotiate directly with community owners or use the services of a special exchange. In 2013, the VKontakte social network (an office for an advertiser) opened one. Advertising is placed by the community administration in its feed and, according to the conditions, must remain there for a day.

Professional promotion in social media

It refers to services that provide paid services for promotion in social networks. As a rule, they independently create high-quality content, launch a targeting mechanism and negotiate advertising in communities. These conditionally include Plibber. Why conditionally? Because the possibilities of this service are much wider.

  • register;
  • decide on the format of work on the site (you can advertise your brand yourself or contact the Plibber team to organize an outrageous advertising campaign);
  • prepare an advertising post;
  • select the most suitable sites from the target audience and start sowing.

After preliminary moderation, your task will be available, and you can start attracting fans of your brand.

How to get organic loyal traffic? With this question, which is of interest to all advertisers, we turned to the founder of the Plibber project, Oleg Ratunin.

Oleg Ratunin

General director and ideological inspirer of Knows everything about social media and even more.

To attract potential fans to your brand, you should:

  • use quizzes (quizzes), infographics, illustrations, viral videos, promotional games, etc.;
  • place a link within the visible zone of the announcement of the post (first-second lines);
  • embed a call to action in the content;
  • add a provocative poll;
  • work with the associative content format and its adaptation to the brand;
  • launch creative, vibrant and unique contests.

If you've managed to find the content your audience is craving, you can count on over 600 clicks per post.

Also, do not forget to analyze the communication of large brands with their subscribers, now a good result is being detected in the community

It is foolish to think that among 90 million users you will not find customers. However, users have already had enough of numerous communities and groups, they are much less willing to join new ones. Competition also affects, if a person is already subscribed to a couple of groups "Cargo transportation to ...", then, most likely, he will not go to another one. Of course, if he is not pushed to do it, which I will talk about in this article.

Define the goal

You need to start SMM promotion with a clear definition of the goal. Many do not understand what they need and that is why they immediately go down the wrong path. Why would a company that operates in a city of 20,000 people want to recruit 50,000 into its group? For likes and comments? But the company needs sales.

Goals can be as follows:

  • Getting feedback from clients;
  • Sale of goods or services;
  • Informing clients;
  • Brand promotion;
  • Recruitment of the target audience for further work with it;
  • Hiring employees (you can create a personnel reserve);
  • And many more options.

Having defined the goal, you will determine your target audience, which will greatly help in further promotion, choosing a social network and presence strategy.

Choosing a social network

Today, most often they work with Facebook, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki and Instagram. You can make communities and pages on all social networks, or you can choose only one or two. In general, VKontakte has advantages in terms of audience size in almost any area. One simple example.

The most popular community on Facebook for the query "Kazan":

And Vkontakte:

But this does not mean that you need to limit yourself to only VKontakte, even if there is the largest audience.

When choosing, you should focus on the format of the social network.

In contact with- the most popular social network in Russia, demographics are represented as widely as possible. Suitable for posting any content. The competition is very strong, especially if we talk about communities in general, which are very numerous. That is, VKontakte users do not experience a lack of attention, most often a lot of new posts appear in their news feeds every day.

Classmates- the audience intersects with the audience of VKontakte, most of the users who are on Odnoklassniki are also on VKontakte. It used to be that Odnoklassniki had a more mature audience, but today there are a lot of young people there. If the user puts "Class" on your post, then he shares it with his friends, this is the main feature that you need to consider. That is, in Odnoklassniki, you can promote a page due to excellent content.

Facebook– the audience is more mature and solvent, thanks to which this network is considered one of the best platforms for B2C. There is access to an international audience, Russian social networks do not have such an opportunity. Cheap targeted advertising is also a feature of Facebook.

Instagram- well suited for the visual presentation of your products and services. The audience here is much younger than in any other social network, the number of registered users is growing. A good platform for B2C, however, Instagram is well suited for brand promotion, and not just for sales.

Twitter- suitable for informing about important events, it can be used to redirect users to other social networks, reporting new posts. The audience of Twitter is politically and socially more active offline, in this it is about two times ahead of the audience of other social networks.

YouTube– the audience is huge, but many watch videos on third-party resources. Suitable for promoting a brand (often personal), goods or services. Better than other social networks for B2B, many CEOs watch videos that are related to their field of activity.

The optimal solution is to use several social networks, using their strengths. In some social networks, you have the ability to search by specified parameters, so you can estimate the size of the audience, its interests and other information.

SMM promotion methods

SMM methods can be divided into white, gray and black. The difference lies in cost, effectiveness, and compliance with social media rules and sometimes legislation.

White Methods

Targeted advertising


A popular way that allows you to significantly increase the number of subscribers in a short time even when you use inexpensive prizes. The downside is that a large number of freebie lovers will sign up. For the entertainment community, this method of promotion is quite acceptable, but for business it is not very effective. Here it is better to offer not prizes, but discounts in limited quantities. So you increase the likelihood that those who are really interested in your products or services will subscribe.

In fact, a good and useful community will develop on its own, although you will have to spend money on the initial audience. SMM promotion for companies should not be about finding subscribers, but about finding customers, this should never be forgotten. And customers are worth much more than subscribers.


SEO should also be applied in social networks, where keywords must also be indicated in the description of communities and pages, both for searching in the social network itself and for search engines. SEO will not become the main way to promote, but it will be able to give additional subscribers. Please note that for many commercial requests in the TOP there is a Vkontakte group.

User interaction

A laborious method, but free and can be effective. It is suitable for Twitter and Instagram, where the company account has the ability to like or comment on user posts, and in this case it is very easy to search for them using hashtags. In other social networks, the method is less effective and more like crowd marketing. I classified this method as white, since in this case spam in comments or other actions that are useless for users are not supposed.

Gray methods

Cheat by bots or cheat by offers

You can catch up with the bot community quickly and relatively cheaply. Offers (people who subscribe, like, etc. for a certain fee) will cost more, but in both cases, the effectiveness of this SMM promotion method will be low, since you will not get targeted subscribers.

The good news is that in social networks, one of the ranking factors is the number of followers. For example, VKontakte will always show the groups and communities with the most members in the first places. The downside is that using this method can block your community, offers are banned less often than bots, but there are complaints about this on thematic forums. Commercial communities are more at risk.

Spam in comments or private messages

Spam is prohibited by the rules of any social network, spammers' accounts are banned quite quickly, but this method is much better than the previous one. Just because you spam links to your community, if a person subscribes, it means that they are at least interested in it. That is, some kind of audience can be obtained.

You can write in private messages, but today it is less and less effective. Firstly, private messages from strangers are increasingly closed to users, and secondly, after several complaints about spam, the account will be blocked. In some social networks, it will be possible to quickly unblock it, here study the rules of social networks.

Mass following

Mass following - following users, in the hope that they will subscribe in response. The method is relevant, first of all, for Instagram, where it is one of the main ones in promotion. It is possible to use this method in other social networks, where fake pages of people are created for this, who are massively added as friends, and then offer to subscribe to the pages.

Black methods

Black methods usually violate not only the rules of social networks, but are also a criminal offense. For example, here spam is done from hacked accounts, and links are sent by friends who, in this case, trust the sender much more.

Black methods of SMM promotion are associated with account hacking or vulnerabilities in social networks themselves. I do not recommend using them.

SMM (Social Media Marketing) is a tool for clients and sales from social networks.
Today SMM is not only cats and likes, but also real sales. Of course, you can just create a group, post 5 messages a week there and wait for the crowds of new customers to come. That doesn't work. Without a systematic approach, there will be no result.

What does it include?

Where to begin? From development - a plan to achieve the company's business goals with the help of social networks. The strategy will help determine the goals of your presence in social media, ways to achieve them, set priorities, and most importantly, predict the potential effect and not deviate from the intended route.

To write an SMM strategy, you need:

  • Assess the current position of the brand in social networks: the number and activity of subscribers, the relevance and quality of content, find all the mentions of your brand in social networks - what and how they say about you.
  • Conduct a competitive analysis.
  • Create a consumer profile
  • Formulating a unique selling proposition is what distinguishes the company and its product/service from competitors. It helps brainstorming with colleagues, customer survey - why they chose you. It is possible to rebuild from competitors not only due to low prices.
  • Determine the format of presence in social networks
  • Commercial format: you do not hide your commercial interest and openly offer users to buy your product or service. As a rule, such groups host a product catalog, discussions are held with questions and feedback from customers, and the content is commercial in nature. The purpose of the commercial format is sales.
  • interest format. Such communities build a sales funnel. The goal is to collect as many potential customers as possible from the target audience, and then publish advertising little by little. As a rule, at first subscribers do not even realize that the community belongs to the company. Users are involved in the group through their interests, publishing useful and relevant content: about music, business, fashion, cooking, etc.
  • Mixed format. The company acts as an expert - it publishes useful thematic content, periodically diluting it with commercial content. If the content is useful, unique and relevant, then your reputation as experts will grow, and hence the loyalty of the audience. Your opinion will be trusted, advice will be listened to and, most importantly, it will correlate with the promoted brand. The level of professional competence is one of the key factors that influences the purchase decision. For example, according to this principle, Alfa-Bank develops its community for b2b clients. Community administrators understand that only commercial content will cause boredom and negativity, so they provide useful information for business by mentioning the brand.

Graphic design of groups

Meet by clothes. A corporate account is the face of your business on social networks. It should look professional: design, create a post design template that will highlight your publications in the subscribers' news feed.

Community Creation Checklist

Name. Formulate the name of the community according to the principle “brand” + “main keyword”. Think about how potential customers can search for you and check the data in Yandex.Wordstat.

Group URL. Must match the brand name and be the same in all social networks. Sometimes the address you want is already taken. It is worth finding a short memorable name that can be written on a business card, packaging, sign.

Description of the group. Try to fit all the information briefly and immediately state your benefits.
These items affect the positions of your groups in the search results of Yandex and Google:

Privacy settings. Make the group public so anyone can join. Do not disable comments on posts. Limit group admins to uploading photos and videos to albums. VKontakte has a great opportunity to add words to the spam filter, which helps block obscene expressions. Monitor comments on your posts daily.

Alerts. To quickly respond to messages in groups, set up alerts and check the mail to which notifications are received. For our clients, we use special services that instantly report new comments in all social networks.

Showcase. Available on Vkontakte and Facebook: you can add products and services as price cards. There are services that allow you to automatically upload products from the catalog on the site to social networks. We recommend using them if you have a large catalog of goods and prices change frequently.

Identification marks. Geotags and branded hashtags should be created and used in the official community, this will help users find your content and share it on social networks. Just adding a hashtag to a post is not enough. Certain rules must be followed. For our clients, we create a guide to using hashtags.

Creating a content strategy

What is content marketing? This is the creation and distribution of useful information that meets the interests of your audience and helps solve their problems.

What is content marketing for? In order to demonstrate their competence, gain the trust of the audience, increase their loyalty and, as a result, exchange this loyalty for money. Investing in content is strategic: brand loyalty is not formed overnight, so expect to see commercial impact in 3-6 months. Content is the foundation of effective business promotion in social networks.

A content strategy should answer the following questions:

  1. What do we want to say to our audience?
  2. How often will we talk about this?
  3. What format and style of content will we use?

Content categories

  1. Entertaining content is what users come to social networks for. This type of content gets good viral coverage, i.e. users actively share it with their friends. This type of content is well presented.
  2. Educational content - helps the user solve his problems, teaches, broadens his horizons. This is a great way to demonstrate the company's competence as an expert in its field. With expert content and more.
  3. Commercial content. In fact, this is an advertisement for your goods or services. Motivate the audience to follow the link, call or take another targeted action. Do not abuse such content, the user will answer you with an unsubscribe to endless advertising publications. This content is great for promotion, .
  4. User-generated content is posts that your customers post on social media. Reviews about your services, product reviews, photos in a restaurant, and any other content that mentions a brand or company. It helps a lot in getting user-generated content by holding a contest, .
  5. News content. Subscribers are interested in the content that you create yourself. No beautiful picture from a photobank will tell about your business better than a photo taken by you. Do not be afraid to talk about the inner workings, introduce employees, share successes and failures. Your sincerity builds trust among subscribers. We very often give clients' products and services to try small but active bloggers, .
People don't buy from companies. People buy from people.

What else is important to consider when creating content:

  • talk to the subscriber in his language
  • break large text into blocks - it will be easier for the reader to perceive it
  • observe the frequency of publications - the content should be regular

What to do if there is not enough content?

Information hunger often occurs in b2b companies. If in the first month you make 50 posts, and in the second you find that there is nothing to write about, this is a bad script. Sensibly evaluate your strengths, determine the headings and sources of content.

An example of categories and content sources for one of our b2b clients:

  • getting to know the company's employees: a few photos in a working environment, a short story about what the employee does in the company;
  • photos and videos of the production process: immerse the reader in the atmosphere of the company;
  • photos of goods in the interior: we clearly demonstrate the possibilities of using the goods;
  • repost of user publications with the company's product:
  • chronicles of events: advanced training courses, exhibitions, seminars in which you participate;
  • graphics from the designer: branded holiday greetings, presentation of a new product, etc.

Advertising in social networks

Content is not enough to publish, it needs to be promoted. In order for your publication to be seen by the target audience, coverage is required, i.e. as many views as possible. It’s good when you have a large and loyal audience of your own that actively shares your posts. What to do if your own coverage is not enough?

Targeted advertising

Targeted advertising in social networks is text and image ads that are seen only by those users who meet certain criteria: gender, age, geography, etc.
  • compliance of the content with the selected audience - the more relevant and useful the content, the lower the cost per click;
  • the amount of text on the image - the more text, the higher the cost per click;
  • level of competition - the more advertisers show ads to the same audience, the higher the cost per click.
What posts should be promoted? Primarily commercial. You can combine an informative post with a link to a product. Do not forget to put UTM tags in ad links to track the effectiveness of advertising in analytics systems - Yandex.Direct or Google Analytics. Along with commercial posts, promote entertaining, unique, interesting content. This will allow you to get a large and cheap coverage, an interested audience and a media effect.

What are the targeting options?
Basic: gender, age and geography.

But for those who manage to do this, the business brings a good profit. How to start promotion, and what to focus on in this process?

We will evaluate budgetary ways to promote your business on social networks.

But first, let's determine whether this is necessary in your particular case.

Pros and cons of business promotion in social networks

Today, 85% of people who have access to the Internet create accounts in various social networks and spend a huge amount of time there.

Russia has a palm in Europe in terms of the number of registered accounts and the time people spend on the Internet.

Business in social networks: advantages

    Small investment.

    The cost of one attracted client through the Internet is much lower than when using other methods of promotion.

    If in other methods in order to:

    • lure potential customers
    • found a community
    • have a conversation with consumers.

    An investment is required, then on the Internet you can do without spending money.

    However, you need to be realistic: free promotion will always be slower and not as effective as paid promotion.

    "Word of mouth" distribution.

    Online business promotion in this way is the fastest. How does it work?

    An interesting article is posted in a group.

    It was read by 100 portal visitors, of which 11 shared a link to a unique work with their friends.

    Among them, there may also be those who will share with other friends and so on.

    It is at such moments that a viral program is launched that will make a business in social networks successful.

    By the way, with the help of SEO, it is very difficult to get the same result as with SMM.


    Promoting your own business on the Internet is gaining immense popularity every year, as the number of portal users is growing.

    Some facts about the number and age of visitors to various social networks.

    Low competition.

    Most firms have not yet realized all the advantages that a business in social media can bring. networks.

    They do not understand how profitable it is, since such methods bring good profits with minimal capital investment.

    All this results in reduced competition (compared to the real market).

Disadvantages of business promotion in social networks

    not subject to detailed analysis.

    It is simply impossible to analyze subscribers as, for example, using Google Analytics.

    A marketer can only estimate the number of visitors and determine whether the business is being promoted at the right rate.

    Administration control.

    Often such frames interfere with full-fledged promotion, you have to look for workarounds.

    Group worker.

    Each project requires control, even (especially) if it is built on the Internet. The group or community must have its own administrator.

    The job of an administrator is to:

    • interviewing group members
    • posting,
    • active support of communication in the group,
    • spam removal,
    • content update.

You will need to hire such a person and pay him a salary.

But thereby free yourself from petty work, and proceed to larger-scale processes of promoting your product.

If the founder or admin of the group is not following the page, then the customers feel it very well, and the community will quickly decline.

It’s deplorable, but this can also affect offline reputation.

Overview of ways to promote in the TOP-5 social networks

1. Promotion of Vkontakte.

The site is the most popular portal on the Russian Internet.

The number of registered people (or rather, pages) totals 380 million, more than 80 million people visit the contact every day.

Options for increasing profits from a business on Vkontakte:

  • Placement of advertisements in communities with similar topics;
  • Targeted advertising (playing content depending on the preferences of visitors), which is paid for by the number of impressions and clicks.

    Action example: a person previously searched the Internet for information about air travel to China.

  • Broadcast advertising in well-known urban groups.
  • Creation of a specialized Vkontakte page, on which all business products will be placed.

To attract consumers to the group, it is best to come up with some interesting and memorable name, as well as a bright avatar.

Basically, the audience of "Contact" is young people, so the product or service offered should be inexpensive.

2. Promotion in Odnoklassniki.

The website is a resource dominated by an older audience of visitors (30–55 years old).

It is not as "crowded" as "Vkontakte", but also has an enviable popularity.

The number of users has exceeded 201 million, of which 46 million daily visit their page on the social network.

Options for promoting a business in Odnoklassniki:

  • advertising in applications or games,
  • creation of a personal page for business,
  • targeted advertising,
  • promoting your business by posting in other popular groups.

Content in Odnoklassniki should be aimed at attracting the attention of customers in various ways.

These can be intriguing statuses, interesting videos, pictures that are unobtrusively shown to visitors.

For example, a person put "class" in a group that is founded to sell children's products.

This "like" will automatically be reflected in the feed of friends. If they like the product, they like it too.

In this way, in the shortest possible time, you can familiarize people with your business.

In Odnoklassniki, you can sell and offer services of various levels, since an audience of various levels of solvency and tastes “dwells” here.

3. Promotion on Facebook. is one of the largest networks in the world. It has over 1.6 billion registered accounts! 50% of them are viewed by users every day.

People with average and high incomes, aged 25–45, are often registered on Facebook. In such social networks even politicians, entrepreneurs, stars are registered.

If, for example, "Vkontakte" and "Odnoklassniki" are more entertaining relationships between people, then "Facebook" is more businesslike, since they register there for the purpose of exchanging information.

Ways to promote on Facebook

4. Promotion on Twitter.

The site offers its users a quick exchange of information with each other.

Various segments of the population are registered on Twitter, ranging from politicians to porters and security guards.

Of course, it is quite difficult to promote a business, but still there are tools that allow you to do this.

For example, maintaining an account and creating a personal hashtag for your business helps promote and increase awareness.

You can arrange to place this hashtag on well-known accounts that “boast” the maximum number of people following it.

The hashtag should point to the business page and nowhere else, so it must be absolutely unique.

This method of promotion is more suitable for Internet projects, and not for product sales.

5. Business in the social network "Instagram".

The website is based on the exchange of short videos, photos and personal messages.

Still, images are at the forefront.

In you can create a page and promote your business by promoting the group.

It is also possible, for a set fee, to advertise activities in more promoted accounts with a large number of subscribers.

In order to attract customers, you need to publish interesting videos, colorful and vibrant pictures, photos.

4 social media promotion methods

No. 1. Content is the main promotion assistant

Every marketer will say: “Without decent content, it is impossible to promote a business on social networks.”

Three basic content rules:


    The material should be systematically updated in the group.

    Two, four, six posts a day - these figures depend on the direction of the business and the audience of customers.

    Posting should be regular, and not depend on the number of subscribers.


    Each material that will come from the moderator to the page must be highly unique and interest the visitor from the first lines.

    Do not plagiarize and copy articles from other sources.

    It is better to focus on creating exclusive works for business.

    Viral promotion.

    All materials should hook the client as much as possible.

    It is at this moment, as described earlier, that the viral dissemination of information is launched.

No. 2. The role of targeting in promotion

This method of advertising is aimed at a specific audience. The definition of "your client" occurs in accordance with its interests.

The possibility of promoting a business in this way can be found in all of the listed social networks.

For a better understanding, consider the types of targeting:

    For example, a fitness center is opening in Khimki.

    This means that information about the opening should be shown to residents of Moscow and settlements located close to the new fitness center.

    It is this setting that is set when advertising is launched. As a result, only your target audience sees it.


    For example, a start-up entrepreneur whose business is based on the sale of products for children needs to advertise in groups of young mothers and married women.


    If a person is fond of fashion, then he will participate in the groups "Style", "Fashion", and not in the communities of carpenters or steelworkers.

    For example, a person is fond of Latin American dances and travel.

    Then the owner of the travel agency is simply obliged to offer the person a tour ticket to Cuba.

First, it is necessary to analyze whether the proposed product is suitable for the user. Secondly, make a well-designed advertisement.

No. 3. Promotion in communities

This type of promotion has already been discussed earlier, but it is still necessary to recall its essence.

At the same time, the entrepreneur must be aware that the more “promoted” the community, the more money they will spend for advertising on their page.

During the day, for a fixed fee, subscribers will be shown an advertising post ordered by them.

About detailed plans for promoting different types of companies in social networks. networks, Ilya Balakhnin will tell in his video:

No. 4. Business in social networks: professional promotion

There are specialized services that, for a set fee, will advertise a business on social networks.

Often they develop content themselves, activate the targeting mechanism and negotiate on advertising placement in thematic communities.

All these functions are offered, for example, by the site "Plibber" gives an opportunity to develop business by attracting customers from social networks.

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