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How to promote a group that cannot be called VK? How to search for groups on VK.

I’m sure that many advanced nerds know, or have at least heard, about the existence of a public page on the VKontakte social network called “ The group that must not be named"(abbreviated SCNN) and the administrator of this public Mikhail Lyubimov. If anyone doesn't know, then SCNN is a public, in which at the initial stage various revealing materials were published regarding bodybuilders, mensphysicists, bikinists and other figures in the bodybuilding and fitness industry.

Those who have been following this public from the very beginning should remember that at the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016, the State Committee for National Taxes published a large number of materials dedicated to exposing the swindler Vadim Ivanov and. It was thanks to the SCNN that the general public became aware of the Do4a scam with DICH bags, as well as the fact that Vadim Ivanov is not the owner of Docha LLC and the Do4a trademark. At that time Mikhail Lyubimov published almost all the crap related to Do4a in my group, including reposts from our group KA4ALKA. For example, reposts were made of a publication about the sale of sports nutrition by the Do4a project from the British brand Myprotein through the Zanox affiliate program or a publication about how Vadim Ivanov, in the comments to one of the posts in our public, splashed with saliva and promised to re-register the entire LLC to himself 2015 (he didn’t do that, of course). However, somewhere in the middle of 2016, the SCNN suddenly stopped publishing negative posts about Do4a.

In December 2016, another bullshit by Ivanov and Storoshchuk was revealed, related to the import of Myprotein sports nutrition into the Russian Federation (you can read more about this). Then I decided to write to Lyubimov so that he would help disseminate this information, since at that time I was not yet sure that admin SCNN sold out like a cheap whore. The full correspondence with Lyubimov is published below.

Correspondence with the administrator of the SCNN (part 1)

Correspondence with the administrator of the SCNN (part 2)

Correspondence with the administrator of the SCNN (part 3)

Of course, this correspondence is not one hundred percent proof that Lyubimov sold himself to Vadim Ivanov and Alexander Storoshchuk, whom he recently did his best to bully in his supposedly objective and supposedly honest public. However, during the correspondence, Lyubimov defended Storoshchuk so strongly and stupidly that I got the feeling that I was corresponding either with Storoshchuk himself or with his mentally disabled lawyer. You, the hummocks, have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the information discussed in the correspondence, read the correspondence itself and draw your own conclusions about Lyubimov and the policies of the State Committee for National Taxes.

Good day, dear readers of my blog. Do you know how my site differs from many others? Now I sat down and, first of all, decided to look for something on Google to make sure that no new ways to find out who created a group in contact appeared.

I haven’t found many publications on this topic, but they are all unfounded and will not help the reader. Often, authors simply do not understand what they are writing about, and why a person enters such a question into the search bar.

I understand social networks, and therefore I can give you good advice and try to solve a specific problem. I can only think of 3 reasons to look for the creator of the group, we will look at all of them now. If I missed something and you know some others, I kindly ask you to write in the comments why else you can try to find the creator.

Finding a creator for re-registration

Let's start with the fact that the creator is the full owner of the group. He can do anything, for example, turn a group into a community and vice versa. The most common desire. The owner cannot be changed or unlinked.

If you buy a community, it is better to buy the creator’s account along with it, in order to avoid any problems. Which ones? Well, the group seems to be yours, but in fact it belongs to another person who can enter it at any time and do whatever he pleases.

I have encountered the problem of re-registration many times. First you need a group, then you decide that you need to turn it into a community, and so on. In order to make a wish come true, you need access to the creator’s account and if it is blocked, then that’s it. You have no chance of completing the task.

The authors of some publications claim that you can try contacting technical support and asking to change the creator, but I assure you that nothing will work. They will ask you to send a photo with a passport containing the same name, surname and other data that was specified in the creator’s account and will offer to try to restore it.

How to find out the creator if you are one of the group administrators? Very simple. Open the community and go to the “Management” section, the button is located under the avatar.

We find “Participants” here.

If there are many people in the list, then the creator is displayed first, at the very bottom of the list, and under his name in bold letters it says “Creator”.

How to contact the admin regarding advertising or other issue

The second logical need, which can only be fulfilled after searching for an administrator, is purchasing a repost or communicating about cooperation. The easiest way is to look in the “Contacts” section. Carefully read the information under the name about the role of the account.

Choose the most suitable option; it is unlikely that you will quickly agree on advertising if you start corresponding with the general director. After a long, long time, when he finally gets around to answering messages, he will send you down the ranks. To the person who is responsible for advertising or cooperation.

What to do if the Contacts section is hidden? You can try to find those who work on the group and ask them a question. Think in advance whether the person will be interested in your offer.

If he is anonymous, then most likely he does not want to repost and will not agree to some cheap offer; he will need to be interested in something serious. It might be better to look for some other community.

And yet. Go to the “Discussion” section and open any topic.

Below the topic will be the name of the person who created it. It was impossible to do this if the person had nothing to do with the group. He is not necessarily the creator. Possibly an editor, administrator or author.

Topics in a group can be started by different people. The main thing is to see if there is an opportunity for you to open a new conversation in this community. If you are able, then discussions are not moderated. This is a fairly rare occurrence, but if so, then there is no point in writing to the creator of the conversation.

If you are lucky, you scroll down the wall to the very first message and the author's name is indicated in it, then you will find out not only when the group was created (the date is in the lower left corner), but also who its creator is. Most likely he was the one who published it.

Although the easiest way, of course, is to “Suggest news” on the community wall. Don’t worry, it won’t be published, but the administration will contact you if it is interested in the proposal.

Open this field and state your problem.

If you are concerned about the most productive ways to use VKontakte, I can recommend the video course . There is even information about website creation here.

If you have a nosebleed you need to know the creator

Sometimes it happens that you have a bloody nose and want to know the name of a competitor. For example, a friend of mine was wondering for a long time who administrates a group that does not want to publish his advertisements in any way, but actively promotes its competitors. There were speculations about the relatives of the main competitor.

The question tormented my friend for a long time. What could be done? There are different programs, but frankly speaking, I have never used them and I advised him to simply leave this question unanswered.

I don’t trust either applications that offer to look at visitors to your page, or the creator’s identifiers. Many people say that free programs are dangerous for your account. This may be true, but it is not that important.

An unnecessary account solves a lot of things, but the main difficulty is that they simply do not work. The application gives you a random name. Several years ago, the notorious “Look who visited your page” worked on this principle.

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See you again and success in your endeavors.

Today, a new Ukrainian car and a new People’s Republican car, as well as two previously published foreign cars, have been uploaded to the State Committee for National Tax Inspection website

Well, as a post-workout, absolutely the new current world record holder in powerlifting:

296 1 59 ER 0.3063

be afraid 228 if you give vodka to Santokha


Alcohol recognized as more dangerous than heroin

Global Commission on Drug Policy calls for revision of UN classification

The international public organization “Global Commission on Drug Policy” has released a report on the problems of legislative regulation of drug use. In it, the commission called on the authorities to reconsider the UN classification, approved half a century ago. As an argument, the public organization cites research showing that alcohol is much more harmful than cocaine and heroin.

The Global Commission on Drug Policy (GCDP) released the report “Classification of Psychotropic Substances: When Science Left Behind.” The international public organization includes famous politicians, public figures and businessmen, for example, Richard Branson, ex-President of Poland Alexander Kwasniewski, former Prime Minister of New Zealand Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of Greece Georgios Papandreou, ex-President of Portugal Jorjo Sampaio, ex-head of the US Federal Reserve Paul Volcker, as well as other former heads of state and international organizations. All of them have been trying for several years to ensure that countries change their drug policies towards liberalization.

The organization's main complaint is about the UN classification of narcotic substances, which was first developed back in 1961. It became the basis for the UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, which limited access to cannabis, cocaine and opium products, allowing their use only for medical purposes. But, according to the authors of the report, the classification is morally outdated, and laws based on it were developed without relying on modern scientific research. “Since the Single Convention was signed, countries have responded to international law with tables and classifications that have nothing to do with evidence or rational arguments about the harms and benefits of these remedies, but rather are politically motivated and serve the interests of those who passed these laws,” - the report says.

The report's authors believe that extremely strict laws in this area have led to the fact that 83% of the world's population, according to WHO, does not have access to opioid painkillers.
The study also said this has led to the strengthening of drug cartels, increased corruption, prison overcrowding and manipulation of laws by law enforcement agencies. Former Swiss President Ruth Dreyfuss has called for a revision of the International System of Classification of Narcotic Substances. Ms Dreyfuss noted that the extent of the harm of cocaine, heroin, cannabis and its resins was last reviewed 30 years ago. However, as the GCDP notes, in fact, there are much more harmful substances for society that are not prohibited by law - alcohol and tobacco.

In its report, the commission relies on a study conducted by British scientists David Nutt, Leslie King and Laurence Phillips and published in the scientific journal The Lancet back in November 2010. Scientists have developed their own classification of harmful substances, assessing them according to 16 criteria. Nine of the criteria related to the harm caused by the substance directly to the health of the user, and seven related to harm to others. As a result, scientists came to the conclusion that the most dangerous for society is alcohol, which scored a total of 72 points and was noticeably ahead of heroin (55 points) and crack (54). However, only heroin and crack are prohibited. Tobacco, also commercially available, ranked sixth in this classification, ahead of, for example, amphetamine, cannabis, ecstasy and LSD.

According to a 2010 study, alcohol took first place in the classification primarily due to the harm caused to others under its influence. We are talking about crimes - murders, bodily harm, and injuries while intoxicated. In addition, alcohol is often responsible for the breakdown of families and the rise in homelessness. The leaders in terms of the degree of harm directly to the health of users, according to scientists, were crack, heroin and methamphetamine, scoring 37, 34 and 32 points, respectively.


153 23 117 ER 0.2519

just a stupid woman couldn’t understand that the guy was recovering from a workout


A wife was taken to the police station after she asked her bodybuilder husband to clean the house.

Valerie Sanders met Michael online in 2012 and the couple married two years later. The man got a job as a gym manager and soon became obsessed with bodybuilding. He spent a lot of time in the gym, not participating in household chores at all. One day Valerie asked her husband to vacuum and tidy their home in Catterick, North Yorks. The man contacted the police, four officers arrived in two cars and arrested his wife. She was charged with "coercive or controlling behavior" towards her husband. The woman was kept in a cell for 17 hours and was forbidden to return

This incident happened in April 2018. After 14 months of "hell", the case fell apart minutes before the trial began. Now 58-year-old Michael and Valerie are divorcing.

Coercive or controlling behavior in family or intimate relationships became a crime in December 2015 following a campaign to combat non-physical violence.

Official figures show that 97 per cent of criminal cases are against men, and since the law came into force, 7,304 people have been arrested, but only 1,157 have been charged and just 235 have been convicted.

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141 7 30 ER 0.1532

not fat but nomasi


TV presenter advised overweight people to die to save their budget

BBC presenter Michael Buerk said authorities should not help overweight people and would rather let them die to save money for the National Health Service, Sky News reports.

He noted that obese people would make a “selfless sacrifice” if they died earlier, as, in his opinion, this way the country would avoid overpopulation.

Almost one in three adults and one in five children under 11 are obese, according to NHS England.


128 12 65 ER 0.1759

unlike Kachkovo colleges, it actually teaches a sought-after and well-paid profession


The world's first porn university opened in Colombia

Colombian porn actress Amaranta Hank opened the first porn university in the world in her homeland. Here you can attend seminars, go to lectures and even undergo practical training and pass exams - everything as expected in a decent educational institution.

Just look at the academic disciplines. This is really cool:
- The meaning of an erection. Erection is natural, mechanical and chemical.
- How to be a porn actress in a machismo society.
- How to protect your reputation and unique image? What type of porn actress am I?
- How to identify a lying and cruel producer?
- How to make money from porn.
- How to create the perfect porn scenery.

Amaranta Hank once became famous for her success in two professions at once: journalism and porn. National fame came to her after she lost an argument with SOHO magazine. The girl bet that her hometown football team, Deportivo Cucuta, would reach the Major League. The team failed, and according to the bet, Amaranta had to pose nude for the magazine. In fact, it turned out to be a win for her: the photo shoot made her popular, and things have been going well for her ever since.

In May 2019, Amaranta fulfilled her long-time dream and opened a porn university in Medellin. So now this city is famous throughout the world not only for its odious drug cartels, but also for porn. True, so far everything looks more like not a full-fledged university, but rather an elective.

Classes take place in the erotic pub Secret Garden, so you can also drink beer along the way. So far, 12 people have signed up for the classes, but Amaranta takes the matter seriously: she draws up study plans, thinks about student reporting, and organizes practice for them on real porn sets.

It’s especially gratifying that Amaranta promises to screw over students not only on camera, but also in terms of their studies. So far, the “university” idea looks like a long-running joke, but the rector is very serious: there is no frivolity or unnecessary frivolity, students are taught business, and students understand that for most of them this is the only chance to escape from Medellin and start a new life.

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