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How does a charging frog with three indicators work. Universal charger "frog" with USB port

Well, Muska has already reviewed similar chargers - frogs. These amphibians are different: with and without indicators, cheap and not very cheap. But this one won me over with its price and thousands of rave reviews on the site. Is everything good? If you are interested in knowing the answer to this question, welcome to my review, in which, as always, there will be a lot of photos and not very many words))

In general, I ordered it, not particularly worrying about what kind of animal would come. Fortunately, the price allows) I took it mainly as an alternative charger for my wife's phone. She has a phone - a purebred Chinese, the charge has already been interrupted and will soon order to live long, and it is unrealistic to find a similar charge, because it has a non-standard connector. But 2 batteries are included. You can safely charge one with a toad, and use the second in your phone. In addition, in the summer a frog can also help out, you can not take a bunch of chargers with you to the sea (phones, camera, boombox), but take only 1 frog))
Well, now about the green) After reading the rave reviews on the site, I realized one thing - it does not fit our sockets, you need an adapter, but they don’t give it in the kit. Well, I politely asked the seller to put it in the parcel for me and, lo and behold, the adapter was in the box. Although it costs 3 kopecks, it's still nice, especially since the store is ambiguous. The adapter was loose and had to be pulled up before use, at the same time I looked at the insides and was surprised by the “complexity” of the design))

The wah-wah itself is made of dense, transparent, blue plastic. The clip holding the battery is rigid. Antennae - contacts are set to any battery.

Charging current: 300mA Max. You can charge batteries with a capacity of up to 2000mA. More capacious batteries - can undercharge. The charging selects the polarity automatically, if you have connected the antennae correctly, the red LED will light up.

When charging, the LEDs shimmer in different colors - by God, like a garland)) When it is charged, it stops blinking. On the one hand, it’s beautiful (I love all kinds of luminous things) and you can see it well, on the other hand, with such color accompaniment, you won’t be able to sleep, so charging is in another room))

You can see how it works in this short video:

Size - it can be said that it is compact

Finally, I want to conduct a mini-test, check the quality of battery charging. If undercharged or overcharged. Or is everything ok?
For the test, I use a battery from my wife's Chinese phone. Its characteristics can be seen in the photo:

First, I charge it to the limit with the help of a frog. After charging, I measure the voltage on the battery.

The result is positive. The numbers on the multimeter match those on the battery. After that, I completely discharged the phone and charged it using the usual charger that came with the phone:

As you can see, the readings are almost the same, which indicates that the quality of the Chinese frog is no worse than that of the Chinese charger. In general, it copes with its functions perfectly well, the case does not heat up much (a little warm). True, the charging current is not very large, so it charges slowly. How it will manifest itself over time - I do not know, but so far I'm satisfied. Over time, I think contacts can break - antennae, in appearance this is the weakest link. Everything else is ok. Although there are negative reviews on the site, some chargers quickly burned out. Therefore, I would not recommend leaving something on charging unattended. God saves man, who save himself. Thank you all for your attention, as always, I will be happy to answer your questions.

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SZU frogs are familiar to many, and some even helped to implement the process of juggling batteries (if the batteries are removable). Moreover, it is the frogs that are best at pulling out of a coma of heavily discharged batteries. But primitive ("whiskered") frogs tortured with some of their capricious features:

  • It is very difficult to accurately aim when the battery is connected;
  • It is practically impossible (“with a slight movement of the hand ...”) to ensure reliable contact, the “mustache” scatters, and when trying to use violence, it breaks off;
  • The battery on the frog is fixed very conditionally and there is never any certainty that it will wait until the charge is complete, and will not crawl out (or even jump out) from the clamp, losing contact with the base.

However, the frog breeding industry is improving, and now there are models on the market with reduced (to varying degrees) capriciousness. And even with extended functionality - a USB connector has been added for standard cable connection of the gadget. (Such an attempt to jump "over your head" with a false declaration of complete prosperity).

The structure of a modern frog ▼

The contacts for connecting the battery are spring-loaded and movable, which allows you to dock a battery of arbitrary sizes and pinouts with a frog. The polarity of the battery connection does not matter - the charge controller automatically determines the polarity of the battery. The controller compares the voltage on the battery with an internal reference (typically 4.25÷4.35 V, depends on the instance) and disconnects it from the power supply when this level is reached. The controller uses HT3786D chips (for LCD-indicator, with "running sleepers") or HT3582DA (for three-color LED-indicator), both from HOTCHIP TECHNOLOGY CO, and with a maximum allowable current of 300÷400 mA. So the declarations “600 mA”, “800 mA” are a typical Chinese bluff.

The built-in battery connection switch (bridge) has a total resistance of ~2 Ω, there is no other means of current limiting (and in the battery itself too), therefore, a power supply (AC / DC) with a soft load characteristic is required, with a noticeable decrease in voltage with increasing current consumption and by limiting the maximum current to a value that is universally safe for batteries (not more than 500 mA). These circumstances do not allow to fully charge a decent battery (1500÷2500 mA*h) in less than 6÷10 hours.

In addition, for greater attractiveness, a USB connector was attached to the output of the AC / DC converter, and a current of up to “1250 mA” or more is brazenly declared for it. In reality, none of the models gave out (and rightly so) through this connector a current of more than 450 mA at a voltage above 4 V. So powerful gadgets rest on the sidelines.

Description of some models

The Chinese market offers many types of frogs, branded as unnamed clones, among which the originals are completely lost. Unfortunately, it is useless to refer to their types and you will have to explain yourself “on the fingers” (pictures).

First reincarnation (reincarnation)

One of the many options was designated as PTB001602 ▼.

Has one lateral persistent wall and more convenient clamp of the accumulator. Mustache contacts are replaced by sliders with spring-loaded contacts. Allows you to install a battery of any size with standard contacts.

But the "genetic" signs are obvious - the sliders not only crawl, but also run away along the groove, they have to be caught, the contacts stagger drunkenly. The battery clamp is formal, under the action of the contact springs, the battery easily slips out (until the contact is lost) even with an additionally glued anti-slip “rough” film under it.

At the USB output, when first turned on, Uхх=5.25V, after warming up it rose to Uхх=6.2 V (!!!). But judging by the load characteristic, it is impossible to get more than 120 (cold) ÷ 320 (hot) mA through USB because of the frail input single-transistor (13001) AC / DC converter.

The memory uses a Li-Ion type charge controller MC HT3582DA/HotChip (Ubat up to 4.25V, Ibat up to 300mA). When the battery is connected, a maximum current of 220(cold)÷280(hot) mA is expected.

When trying to evaluate the thermal regime as a result of a three-hour run, the “charger” exploded with noise, smoke and flames, to the extent that it tore off the top panel of the case (having previously melted the plastic of the case, the input BB electrolyte C1 1uF / 400V exploded and the transistor 13001 crumbled). That is, reliability is frankly DOUBT!

In the future, it was possible to use the case as a battery holder, and instead of the burnt out AC / DC - a cable for connecting to a conventional USB storage device.

Second reincarnation

The second option (YIBOYUAN YBY-06A clone) is marketed as PH1138 ▼.

  • Declared: 4v2/400mA for battery; 5v0/600mA - USBout. But judging by the load characteristic, when charging the battery, it is unlikely that it will be possible to obtain a current of more than 150 mA, and at the USB output Uxx = 5.07 V (not enough) and drops to ~ 4.6 V at a load of 200 mA.
  • The contacts tilt slightly, but the “runners” of the contacts are not fixed in any way and tend to “play catch-up”. Complete with contacts there is a third (idle) floating stop for fixing the angular position of the battery.
  • The battery is pressed against the contacts with a clamping bar, which prevents the battery from “creeping” and losing contact. The clamping platform is rotatable and allows to install accumulators with a length of 24÷46 mm in one position, and 45÷70 mm in another.
  • Accumulators of arbitrary width are placed (there are no side limiters).

Third reincarnation

The most convenient SZU frogs are some YIBOYUAN models, presented on the market with an indescribable variety of options (clones?) Under different names. Most often as a mongrel "INTELLIGENT CHARGER". So you can refer to them only by their appearance (pictures ▼), indicator type and dimensions (body and battery).

  • The smallest one (YIBOYUAN SS-05 clone) is equipped with an LCD indicator ▼ "running sleepers", has a length of ~ 85 mm 32÷55 mm (however, 53 mm are already difficult to enter). Also found under the names YIBOYUAN AC-01/AC-04/AC-05/AC-09/AC-11/AC-12/AD-04/AD-06/AD-11/AE-01.
  • The following size (YIBOYUAN SS-08 clone) has a length of ~ 96 mm and suitable for battery width 32÷66 mm.
  • The largest has a length ~ 107 mm and suitable for battery width 42÷72 mm.

All standard sizes have analogues with a three-color LED-indicator.

The whole family conveniently and securely fixes the battery of any length, clamping it from the sides. The freedom of the contact sliders is limited by a toothed (~0.5 mm pitch) bar, which does not allow them to scatter on their own. As a result, the contacts are seamlessly installed in the required position, guided by an incompletely inserted battery.

The main network connector is a US plug, but most sellers, when sending to Russia, complete the package with a US / EC adapter.

Perfectionists can look for models with specific body, allowing you to install a special, more securely fixed adapter (not suitable for every case).

Load characteristics

Again I warn you that you can not trust the parameters declared by sellers (and clone manufacturers). The figure below shows the actual load characteristics of different models, taken from the output of the AC / DC converter (brought to the USB connector).

red-lined the line (“Ureb.-Battery”) shows the characteristic necessary to ensure the proper current in the Li-Ion battery. It can be seen that even the best sample (in the figure - YIBOYUAN SS-05) can only deliver current up to ~ 360 mA. And PH1138 will give out 160 mA at most.

Lilac-dashed line (“Ureb.min-USB”) demonstrates the level of suitability when connecting the gadget to a USB connector with a relatively decent cable. The best sample can only provide current up to ~420 mA.

PTB001602, having warmed up, at idle at the end of charging, it can produce a voltage of 6.1 V, which may not be tough for every gadget.

BUT PH1138 in all modes it produces a miserable squeak instead of the desired Chaliapin bass.

The usefulness of frogs

  • All frogs clearly understand the maximum allowable voltage level on the battery when charging. Therefore, the battery can be safely left on charge for an arbitrary amount of time. In addition, if you put it at night, it will also serve as a night light.
  • The frog charging controller is not as "smart" as that of smartphones, and does not block the supply of voltage to a deeply discharged battery. That is, the frog is quite a suitable tool for pulling the battery out of the "coma".

Discussion: 9 comments

    The only adequate use for such chargers is a holder for imax b6 and other similar chargers, or throw out your native stuffing and put tp4056 and stuffing from an unnecessary, but normal 5v1a charger


    but how does a frog recognize the polarity on a deeply discharged battery, can it be wrong?


    1. There is only one answer to the poetic declaration “on a deeply discharged battery” - “silently”.
      The charge controller has the ability to detect a short circuit in the "battery" (1V threshold at the terminals), at which it reduces the current to 25mA. (That is, it is safe to try.) This hints that at a voltage of more than 1V, he will be able to figure it out.
      The behavior at a voltage of less than 1V is not described in the Chinese datasheet, but the question also has a purely theoretical meaning. On a "live" battery, even with a "zero" charge, the idle EMF does not decrease below ~ 2V. If it is lower, then the battery should be thrown away, and not hypothesized.


      1. The question is purely practical. Two years ago, I torn apart the Samsung battery from a laptop, 6 out of 8 cells in it were charged from literally zero voltage to normal and still work fine in flashlights and a power bank. At the same time, their current capacity indicators are noticeably higher than the new Chinese noun. So it’s really not worth hypothesizing over the need to eject the battery.


        1. “charged from literally zero voltage”
          The direction is interesting. But the stumbling block: literally zero is how much (in volts)?


Usually, the buyer also receives a charger complete with any digital equipment. On the one hand, it is very convenient. On the other hand, a whole collection of various exercises can accumulate at home. Some fail, others, on the contrary, remain without a "master". Whole bunches of unusable devices are thrown into a landfill, and new ones are bought.

Official information from the European Commission

A few years ago, under pressure from environmentalists from the European Commission, the largest electronics companies came to an agreement on the production of universal chargers for any gadgets. With new phones in the kit will be sold "universal". Later, both phones and chargers can be purchased separately. While this process is moving very slowly, however, high-quality devices have begun to appear on the market that can replace the “frog” for charging digital cameras.

Varieties of chargers

The abundance, variety and incompatibility of digital "toys" forces users to have a whole collection of chargers for them in stock. Manufacturers produce several types of supporting devices:

  • mini-transformers with a power supply unit;
  • automatic impulse;
  • universal charger for phone and other digital equipment.

Transformer non-automatic chargers

There are no protective circuits in these devices. If the battery is exposed to voltage, the electrolyte from the nickel-metal hydride battery may boil away. As a result of this process, the capacitance decreases and the power of the device drops. At the moment, such devices are practically out of use, despite their durability and reliability. If you put a “frog” next to this device to charge your phone, then you can immediately clearly see how far progress in the development of technology has stepped.

Pulse battery charging

To maintain the operation of digital portable equipment (telephones, cameras, voice recorders, players, etc.), automatic devices with a built-in electronic timer are used. In fast charge mode, maximum voltage current is supplied to the battery. A few hours later, after the main charge capacity is reached, the device is switched to the mode with a pulsed current supply by a timer command. It is impossible to overheat the battery in this case, since the device has a protection circuit. However, with frequent and incomplete recharging, they quickly fail. It is worth remembering that the resource of such a battery is about 1000 cycles. After that, it will need to be replaced, because even charging the battery with a "frog" will not be able to restore its viability.

Features of battery charging

Many users of digital gadgets are familiar with the term "battery fell asleep." She didn’t “die” (that is, she completely worked out her term), but “fell asleep”. What does this mean and why might it happen? There are several reasons for this:

  • Batteries do not always discharge to zero. If you constantly put the device on recharging when the battery power is not fully used, the ability to accumulate electricity (capacity) gradually fades and the battery life is reduced.
  • If the player, phone or camera is idle for a long time, the battery charge will be depleted and the device will stop responding to the power-on signal.
  • Some devices are disabled for use in the cold.

In order to revive the battery, you can use the "frog" to charge the phone. The "asleep" battery is removed from the case and clamped with the "frog" contacts in the usual manner. The device then connects to the network. After several minutes of exposure under voltage (no more than 5), the battery returns to the phone. Further charging is carried out in the usual way, that is, through your own charger with a cord and adapter.

Universal chargers

The number is constantly increasing, their functional abilities are being improved. Charging for the phone can work from different power sources:

  • from the electrical network;
  • from a computer or laptop;
  • platforms with a set of special adapters;
  • from the solar panel;
  • from a car cigarette lighter (AZU);
  • portable dynamos.

Some stationary devices can serve several phones at the same time with different outputs. Advanced companies have begun producing wireless platforms that require no patch cords, adapters, or other direct contacts to connect to. To recharge a phone or tablet, it is enough to place it on the surface of the platform for a while.

How to charge "frog"

Using kits with interchangeable plugs and a voltage switch, it is very easy to correctly connect the charger to a piece of portable equipment. However, you need to take into account both the recharging time and the value of the optimal current for this particular device. Otherwise, the battery life may be drastically reduced. This process can be made safe by using the "frog" to charge the phone. In addition, the "universal car" of this design is indispensable in cases where the incoming connector is broken.

The case has small dimensions, a button for changing the polarity, two contact clamps, indicators, a folding plug for connecting to a network with a voltage of 110 to 220 volts into a regular outlet. The most advanced models are equipped with an LCD display to monitor the capacity of the battery being charged. It looks like charging "frog". How to use is described below.

Instructions for connecting the "frog"

In order to charge or revive a battery from any portable digital frog device, you need to do the following:

  • remove it from the body of the previously turned off device;
  • clamp the charging contact antennae minus and plus on;
  • make sure the indicator is green;
  • plug into an electrical outlet;
  • one of the indicators is green, the second indicator blinks red - charging is normal;
  • after 2-3 hours, the red light will go out, and the outer indicators will light up with a constant green glow, indicating that the battery is ready for use;
  • the battery is released from the "frog" legs and inserted into a phone, camera or other device;
  • turn on the digital device in the usual way.

If the indicator light does not blink, you need to change the polarity by pressing the button on the charger. Sometimes the contacts are slightly pressed or shifted. If you change their position, everything will go fine. In some cases, when the battery is damaged or has a full capacity, the indicators will not show signs of life.

A battery that has been discharged from prolonged inactivity can be restored to working capacity by connecting to the network through a “frog”. Having received a small battery will work again.

Knowing how to use the “frog” for charging, you can keep your favorite gadgets in working order without bothering to look for “native” chargers.

However, this method is more often used as an emergency in cases where the incoming contact is damaged or there is no own charger. Turning your phone on and off frequently can override your current settings. Opening the case endlessly can break the fastening clips on the cover. Using the “frog” to charge your phone for a while, you should worry about purchasing a more convenient charger.

If the mobile phone is discharged, and there is no native charger at hand, you should not despair. In such a situation, a “frog” for charging batteries will be a real find. Its main advantage is versatility, ease of use, prevalence and low cost. It is suitable for batteries with different connectors. Consider the principle of operation and the rules for using the frog.

General information about the device

A frog is a simple device designed to charge the batteries of mobile phones of various models and manufacturers.

In addition, the "toad" can be from cameras and other small-sized equipment.

Outwardly, it looks simple and is a plastic box with a plug on one side and a special clip for contact with the battery on the other side. The “toad” design allows it to be used for batteries with connectors of different sizes due to the movable contact terminals.

The universal fixture does not require any special technical knowledge or skills. To use the frog, there is no need to think about how to properly insert the battery into it. She herself will determine its polarity.

Varieties of universal chargers

To date, on sale you can find several varieties of devices of this type, designed for lithium batteries of mobile phones and other small-sized equipment, different in power source:

  • from car cigarette lighter ;
  • from USB port;
  • from an electrical outlet .

Also, universal charging can be automatic and semi-automatic. The main difference is in the number of indicator lights. Automatics have three, and semi-automatics have four. The automatic "toad" itself will determine the correct polarity, and for the semi-automatic, additional control of the correct connection using the buttons will be required.

How to use the "frog"?

How to use the universal device? Its algorithm The application is simple and the same for everyone. Can frog charge phone lithium battery , camera, camera, navigator, provided that it has the following characteristics:

  • capacity not more than 2000 mAh ;
  • current 200 mA;
  • output voltage 3.5-4.6 V .

It will not work to charge the battery with a frog if it does not meet these characteristics.

First, the battery must be disconnected from the technical device. Then it is installed in the "frog" so that the terminals (+ and -) coincide with the contacts of the device. Most chargers of this type have up to 4 terminals, but, as a rule, two extreme ones are used.

The next step is to check the polarity if the model is semi-automatic. To do this, click on the Te button (it is located on the left). If the green indicator lights up, the battery is connected correctly. If the connection is wrong, use the polarity change button CO (located on the right), and then again TE. In the automatic model, the polarity itself does not need to be determined.

During operation, the PW and CH mains indicator will be active, and at the end of the process, FUL, indicating that the battery can be used further. After 2.5-5 hours after placing the battery in the device (the time depends on the battery model), it can be removed. It is fully charged and ready for use.

Important! The frog is only suitable for charging lithium batteries. Batteries of a different type, after an attempt to restore them with a “toad”, will become unsuitable for further operation.

What to do in an unusual situation

When using a universal charger, atypical situations may occur, for example, the battery is charged too quickly or the indicators are not backlit.

How to charge the battery of cellular terminals if no indicator of the working device lights up? In such a situation, it is recommended to press the CO button.

If nothing changes after that, most likely:

  • there is an error with the contacts, you need to change the polarity ;
  • Battery not working ;
  • "toad" is broken .

The device will help in a situation where the phone's battery is completely dead and has not been used for a long time. In this case, it must be placed in the frog for 10 minutes, and then charged with the native device of the terminal.

If, during operation, the device signals a full charge 10-15 minutes after connection, then it is out of order. And the FUL indicator, active when connected to the network, indicates the unsuitability of the battery.

If the FUL and PW indicator lights up at the same time, then there is no contact between the charger and the battery.

"Toad" can be easily bought in online stores, it is inexpensive. This makes it even more attractive to users. It is extremely simple, so if necessary, you can do it yourself from improvised materials. To make it, you will need a clothespin, unnecessary charging from any phone, a few pins, a wooden block, pliers, a glue gun and a soldering iron.

A clothespin is attached to the bar using superglue or a glue gun. Two pins are placed next to each other at a distance of 0.5 cm. The ears of the pins must be removed, and the tip should be driven into the piece of wood by half a centimeter. The end of the pin where the eye was located is slightly bent forward. The plug cut off from charging is attached to the pins, having previously determined the plus and minus. It is advisable to mark the polarity on the board so that later there are no difficulties with this. The fastening of pins and wires should also be strengthened with glue so that they do not loosen during operation. When using such a frog, the battery is connected to pins (homemade contacts) and fixed with a clothespin.

There are a lot of descriptions of this process and video tutorials on the network, making it will not be difficult. It will really help out in situations where it is impossible to use "native" charging for small equipment for some reason.

Modern technology amazes and impresses with its diversity. So, for example, there are many varieties of devices for charging various devices. In our article we will talk about such chargers, which are colloquially called "frogs". The frog is very simple and easy to use. It plugs into a regular outlet at 220 volts.

If the light shows any signs of damage, you must make sure it is not leaking. Lights will be almost maintenance-free if relative care is taken. The Velcro must be kept clean and free of foreign objects to ensure a good connection every time.

If necessary, wipe the light with a damp cloth to remove excessive buildup of salt particles or dirt. The Frog Light has been provided with enough Velcro to attach to your boat. The light should be installed at a point on the bow or stern canvas where the light does not affect the vision of the rowers while still illuminating as much of the boat as possible.

Frog is a universal charger that fits all batteries of any mobile phones. The frog is also good for other lithium batteries, for example, from cameras, PDAs and other small-sized equipment.

The charger is a small box that looks like a frog with a plug for an outlet. Two antennae go from the case - for connection and for charging.

The shape of the "canvas" in each class of boat, each boat shape and each boat manufacturer will be different and therefore the most practical location to meet the above recommendations should be determined prior to boarding. This navigation light was made specifically for fishing conditions. The Frog Light has been tested for leaks prior to delivery, however the Frog Light cannot be submerged in water and is not guaranteed against water damage. So please make sure you check your lights regularly for internal moisture and if you find any evidence of water inside your Frog Light you should return it to Crocker Estuaries promptly.

There is nothing complicated about how to charge the battery with a frog. To recharge your phone using this device, you need to perform a few not very complicated steps.

How to charge a frog: instructions

  1. If you have studied this device, read the attached instructions on how to charge your phone with a frog, then you probably know that you first need to remove the battery from the phone, but before that you must turn it off.
  2. Next, click on the clothespin on the frog. This is necessary in order for the device to open.
  3. Now try to insert the battery into the device so that the two terminals match. If your charger has four terminals, then you need to use the two that are located on the side.
  4. Then press the TE button (usually on the left). If the CON LED lights up green, this indicates that you managed to connect everything correctly. If it does not light up, then try to connect the terminals again.
  5. Now, if you have already checked the correct connection, and the CON LED does not light up, it may well be that the battery has been completely discharged, which is called “to zero”. In this case, your battery charger should be plugged into the network for about five minutes. After that, check if the CON indicator we need now lights up. Lighted up - it means everything is in order. If nothing happened again, check if there is voltage in the network, as well as the health of the battery itself.
  6. Now plug it in. Is the CH indicator lit or flashing? If yes, then all is well.
  7. The battery will be charged when the left FUL indicator on the charger lights up.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated in this matter. Now you know how to charge through a frog.

The development of an electronic project or a robotic prototype involves the integration of several elements that will give shape to our final system such that when it is turned on, it will have to perform certain actions for which it was created. An important role is played by the energy source that feeds the system.

It has the ability to store high energy densities due to its chemical constituent, lithium ion polymer or commonly known as lithium polymer. This allows them to increase autonomy during their work at low load. What a miracle! Number of cells and configuration.

We have already talked about universal chargers for Li-Ion batteries of the "frog" type. Since progress does not stand still, such chargers also evolve, acquiring new qualities.

Today we will take a closer look at another representative of the amphibian tribe, the subspecies "fancy frog". And so that the interest is not only purely academic, I inform you that this charger can actually be bought in an online store - universal charger "Frog" .

The cell may also be a battery in itself. Each cell has a voltage of 7V. If more cells are connected in series, more voltage will be obtained. By placing more cells, each cell's individual voltages are added together.

If the case were something like the following. In a practical example: while the battery has more power, it is possible to move large motors to give an example. It is important to note that just because a battery has more power, it does not mean that it will supply power for a longer period of time.

So. The Chinese company Sivva, representing in Russia, presents a "frog" inside which has its own buffer Li-Ion battery with a capacity of about 1000 mAh. This is approximately one charge of a simple cell phone.

This creation comes blister packed and looks like this.

The cell voltage in the battery is 7V, as we have already said. When the battery is used, as a consequence, it will be discharged. Recommended chargers. There are also some accessories that help a lot to ensure that our battery is always well charged and balanced, even when it feeds our systems. These devices plug directly into the battery charging port and display or LED displays the battery charge status.

Upload speed or download speed

If the condition is low, a warning tone will sound. How to measure the battery capacity or find out its capacity? Capacity is proportional to size and weight. Therefore, it is advisable that you evaluate the requirements of your design or prototype to take a good look at this factor. Speed ​​and download speed are also an important fact. This is very easy to understand if we have the above data well identified. Well, this is a very good energy supply, no doubt! Some batteries may indicate the download rate in burst or discharge burst.

Fig.1. View of the packaging from the back and abdomen.

They are inside.

Fig.2. Equipment.

From left to right.

Adapter for connecting adapters to the frog.
- Charger frog with built-in battery.
- AC adapter with USB output.
- Wire for connecting the frog to the USB port for charging.
- Adapters for cell phones (5pcs) and USB-mother.

Discharge peaks are time limited. This means that the battery will offer the maximum maximum current for the minimum period of time. Usually this time goes from 10 to 30 seconds. This may continue, for obvious reasons, until the battery is completely discharged. But we must remember that our battery must not be dead.

This helps a lot, for example, when the motor starts up, perhaps the motor can draw up to 170 amps only at start up, and after start up, the current consumption stabilizes with a draw factor of 20 A, for example. First of all, to charge the battery, and above all safety standards: watch the battery while charging.

What can this charger do?

1. Charge the Li-Ion battery connected to it with an operating voltage of 3.7V.

2. Charge cell phones or other consumers that can be powered from the computer's USB port, i.e. has a converter with a voltage of about 5V at the output (measured 5.5V without load, which is better than exactly 5V).

3. Charge yourself, either from a 220V network through a network adapter that comes with the kit, or from any USB port capable of delivering current up to 0.5A.

Here are some tips for safely charging your batteries. It is important that you allow time to monitor your battery charge. Check the battery regularly if it does not get hot or starts to swell. In this case, immediately stop the load. This allows you to significantly increase the battery charge. Here we assume it is 1C charge or less as this ensures that the battery chemistry is balanced by slow charging and thus ensures long battery life. Carefully configure the charger with cells and battery type. To really match the battery, you will be charged.

  • Here this link is for you to know and identify.
  • Monitor the battery while charging.
That is why we recommend loading the load via this type of charger.

Moreover, charging an external battery or cell phone can be performed simultaneously with charging the built-in battery.
I note that the frog's power adapter is very small, with retractable contacts, which allows you to always carry it with you. In size, it is slightly larger than the alarm keychain.

Let's see how this miracle, or, as it is now fashionable to say - a miracle, works. A cell phone battery was used as a guinea pig.

Was this information useful? Share it so that more people know, but in general, consider these important security factors for looking after their personal integrity. Click here for more information. Many of us have repeatedly encountered the problem of charging a cell phone battery during any trip. Often, he walks down the road, we just forget to look at the phone screen and make sure the battery is charged. And just like that, it turns out that it's impossible to make an important call because the phone is about to shut down.

Fig.3. Charging an external battery in a clothespin.

We connect.

By the way, the polarity of the connected battery, the charger determines itself, which is convenient. But this feature is now available on almost all similar devices.

I note right away that the elastic contacts of the frog, in the absence of a rechargeable battery, abut against the case and deform, which then leads to a not very reliable fixation of the rechargeable battery. And the clothespin itself clamps the battery not securely enough. But this is already nit-picking.

Accordingly, the possibility of using a conventional charger included with the phone is also missing. But you never know what other situations in life might be. But for mobile phones, and more specifically, for the constant availability of the phone, most of us are so used to not feeling very uncomfortable, although this attitude is not at all necessary for a certain period of time. Well, if in such situations the “victim” is constantly available, for example, the on-board network of the vehicle.

Every time they have come across such a moment in their lives, waiting for a very important call, and at the decisive moment, the phone is switched off. And so I didn't need to charge phone prices for cell phone chargers more often. The charger is designed to charge the battery of any mobile phone battery or car battery. There are several types of mobile phone chargers. All loaders are divided into three main types. The simplest of these are considered non-automatic, usually AC power transformer batteries are used with a portable shower charger.

So. The blue light came on (see Fig. 3), the process started. And he went, I must say, very cheerfully - the charging current is almost 0.5A, despite the fact that the battery is already almost charged. Not bad, it will charge quickly.

I measure the voltage at the battery terminals - 4.2V. Alright, let's wait.

When measuring the voltage, I notice that it already exceeds 4.2V (and the current is still 0.5A), but this is not scary yet, because. after turning off the charging on the battery, about 4.15V is measured, which is below normal.

Which are different, since they have a fairly large size and weight. Such reliable charging, long, but dangerous for the battery due to the large capacity compared to them. While these types of devices are gradually falling into disrepair with a person's mobile phone charger.

The most popular today is the charger for the phone and automatically impulsive, which has an electronic timer built into it. Its operation is as follows: first, the timer mode, the maximum current, which actually stores how much portable charger.

In the future, the voltage rose to 4.4V under current, which still continued to flow regularly into an already "overfed" battery, or up to 4.3V without current, which is already an emergency shutdown limit for Li-Ion batteries.

Then, fearing for the life of the battery, I stopped the experiment. In any case, charging the battery to an emergency value means that the charger has NOT fulfilled its function. Even if he turns off the current supply, charging up to 4.3V and the battery does not explode, then a few such charges will simply ruin it, and you will have to buy a new one.

Consider the main types of chargers available today. Charger for mobile phones. . Sudden pulse of memory fear, which usually occurs when other devices are connected to the network or when the connection is poor. Transformer memory is made with protection and has a power supply. Without going into details of the electrical circuits of these coils, it can be unambiguously determined that the type of pulse charging transformer is preferable.

Car charger - a 12 volt voltage converter for the voltage needed to charge a mobile phone. The problem with the coil is that it doesn't provide the desired output current, which is not enough to power a generic laptop.

The only, perhaps, acceptable option for using this frog as a charger is a relatively short one, in order to ensure its guaranteed undercharging, recharging a completely dead battery. Maybe the manufacturers were counting on this, positioning the model as an "emergency recharge", like, you can't use it all the time, but you can risk it once or twice.

Universal chargers are quite a few varieties. One of the universal devices is known to everyone in the charger called "frog". The frog charger is a device that is suitable for charging almost all models of mobile phone batteries. The "frog" has two contacts and - they are associated with the same name as the battery. The versatility of this charge lies in the fact that these contacts can be moved to the desired battery brand.

For universal and portable chargers, a dynamo charge is included. Think of a flashlight - a dynamo that, when the handle was pressed, began to shine here, in this principle, and load the load. Charging is done by turning the button or pressing the dynamo charging lever.

But her charging speed is very good, the current is stable at 0.5A, which should be noted as a plus.
By the way, without load, the voltage at the frog contacts is 5.5V. The same as the output for connecting various USB-charged devices. Do manufacturers use one common converter?

How to build a car charger

This charger is also equipped with a variety of cable adapters for popular mobile phone models. Solar chargers are designed to charge mobile phone batteries. The principle of operation of the charger. The charger converts sunlight into electricity, which charges the built-in battery.

A wireless charging box is a charging platform that uses a mobile phone. Simply place your phone on the platform without using any connecting cable. Wireless chargers work according to the principle of induction.

This outlet is located on the back wall of the frog. A wire is stuck into it to connect various adapters to cell phones and other gadgets. By the way, the same output is also the input for charging the frog itself.

Car charger diagram

It is based on the mechanical principle of electric current by means of two electric motors. The schematic diagram of the device consists of.

How to make a car battery charger

Handle for transporting the device. . Electric generator for converting mechanical energy into AC electrical energy. In the armature windings of the generator, it has conductive ends that are connected to the portable rings of the portable charger.

Rotating slip rings together with armature lever on charger with electric motor charger. If the frame rotates in a magnetic field, this ensures the intersection of the lines of magnetic force, in which the electromotive force, under the influence of which the motor motor current begins to flow in the frame. The ends of the frame are connected to a sliding ring that rotates, slides over conductive brushes and transmits the generated electrical energy to the consumer. Motor electric current for converting electric current into a mechanical power source.

Fig.4. Connecting external USB gadgets through an adapter.

You can connect various adapters for charging USB gadgets to the round connector in Fig. 4.

It was not possible to check the output current of the USB output, but I believe it will be the same as when charging the battery - up to 0.5A, which is enough for most devices.

My cell phone was regularly charged from this "frog" output.

The internal "frog" converter is turned on manually, using a small microswitch on the side face. And you must not forget to turn it off, because. there is no indication that it is on. Only when the battery is inserted, the blue LED lights up, indicating that current is flowing out.

Fig.5. Frog converter switch.

Charging the frog itself from an external USB source did not cause any difficulties. When connected to a USB device, the red LED lights up and the process has started. The current consumed from USB is about 0.5A. Charging is always going on regardless of the position of the microswitch.

Fig.6. Charging the frog from USB.

As can be seen from the figure, it will not work to charge the frog and an external USB gadget at the same time, because. the same connector is used. But the battery inserted into the clothespin is charging.

Strange device. On the one hand, it is positioned as a charger for Li-Ion batteries, and on the other hand, it cannot charge the battery normally, it spoils it by overcharging.

It gives a large stable charge current, which is a plus, but it has an overestimated end voltage, which is a big minus. And, after all, it is much easier to provide tension. Therefore, it is necessary to use the charging of an external battery through a clothespin very carefully, only in extreme cases and in such a way as to guarantee its undercharging.

It turns out that the device can be used without reservations and conditions only as a very compact drive to power USB gadgets.

Of the pluses, we can note a set of adapters for mobile phones and a compact network adapter, which has as many as two LEDs, showing not only the presence of the output voltage, but also the output current.

Also, the “lightness” and “smallness” of this storage-charger can be considered a plus - the dimensions are the size of a matchbox and the weight is 30 grams.
This "happiness" costs 320r in the online store "" and it's up to you to decide how much this price corresponds to the capabilities of the device.

PS: A comparison of this "frog" with such drives comes to mind . The capacity of the "frog" is almost half as much, the dimensions too, but the price is almost three times lower. Plus the ability, albeit poor, to charge external batteries. Yes, and the equipment will be richer for the "amphibian". Therefore, those who are planning to buy a drive like the same UC-1 from AcmePower or an equivalent, may be worth considering purchasing the "frog" described here.

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