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How does a cell phone work? Why do you need a cell phone and is it possible to do without it? What is a cell phone for?

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It is unlikely that any of the representatives of the modern generation thinks about what a cell phone is for. A mobile phone is an opportunity not only to always be in touch, but also to have access to the World Wide Web.

Is it possible to do without this device at present or do you still need to purchase it?

Benefits of a Cell Phone

The main advantages of a mobile device include:
  • The ability to contact the person you need at any time, as well as to be available yourself. This is very important for those whose work involves frequent travel, as well as telephone calls.

    Parents often buy a phone for their child so as not to worry about where he is and what he is doing.

  • Many modern mobile phones have great functionality. You can not only make calls from them, but also spend time profitably. Read news on the Internet, check your email, check out the latest news from the cinema and book market.
  • One phone can replace a camera and a player, not to mention a tablet.
  • A mobile phone is an opportunity to meet interesting people thanks to appropriate services from the operator.

How to live without a cell phone

It is worth knowing about the disadvantages of this device:
  • Phone conversations are often distracting. Therefore, if you are driving, it is advisable to use a headset or not answer the call at all.
  • If you rarely go out somewhere and spend most of your time at home, then you don’t have much need for a mobile phone. Those who need you can make calls to a landline phone.
  • Some particularly sensitive people may experience headaches after telephone conversations.
  • When you spend a long time on the Internet on your phone, as well as when reading books, your vision may deteriorate. Therefore, it is still better to use other devices for reading and surfing the Internet.
  • If you rarely communicate with someone on the phone and are not used to keeping up with the times, then you can easily do without this gadget.

    It is worth noting that people who do not use mobile phones consider themselves free because they do not have to constantly answer calls.

Today, when mobile communications have become available to almost everyone, many people give up landline phones, relying on their favorite gadget. And in vain. Although smartphones are indeed very convenient, a desktop device has many advantages. Especially if it's a DECT cordless phone.

The best standard for home and business

What is a DECT phone? This is not a brand or model, but a wireless technology at frequencies of 1880-1900 MHz, which is used in modern cordless phones, such as Panasonic phones. The DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) standard is the most popular cordless telephone standard in the world due to its ease of network deployment and very high quality communications. This standard is often called the “little brother” of the GSM mobile standard, and a brother that is in no way inferior, and sometimes even superior, to its “relative”.

The fact is that the reliability of mobile communications largely depends on the number of GSM mobile communication base stations that provide coverage of the area. If there is no such station nearby, even expensive phones have difficulty picking up the signal. This is why country houses, new buildings and dachas often have problems - a weak or constantly interrupted signal.

Interruptions in mobile networks also occur due to weather disasters - many have noticed that during a severe thunderstorm the reception is “capricious”, and sometimes it is impossible to reach the subscriber. A DECT phone will solve these problems and provide uninterrupted and reliable communication in any conditions, which is important both for ordinary people and for businesses, where any missed call can mean a lost contract or client.

The DECT signal operates stably within a radius of up to 50 m indoors and up to 300 meters outdoors. If there are several base stations, you can provide uninterrupted coverage of an arbitrarily large area.

Cyber ​​Threat Protection

In addition, DECT phones mean not only reliability, but also, which is important in our age of cyber threats, security. Hackers will not hack a DECT phone, unlike a smartphone. The handset and base are assigned a unique PIN code, which they exchange upon first contact. The devices then calculate an authentication key, which they send to each other during the call. Without knowing this key, it is impossible to connect to the system. And although a landline phone can also be tapped, this will require the equipment and capabilities of special services, and not just a self-taught hacker who can get into your gadget.

Finally, do not forget that anything can happen in life. What if you need to call an ambulance, but your mobile phone suddenly runs out of charge or the gadget just “goes glitchy”, which, we admit, happens quite often with modern mobile technology. Don’t run to a repair shop when you urgently need a doctor. A DECT phone will be reliable insurance for any eventuality, so in addition to mobile devices, there must be a stationary device in the house.

Home assistant

DECT phones have a lot of other advantages besides reliability, although this alone is enough to get one. Let's start with the fact that calling landline numbers by home phone is simply cheaper, even though mobile operators today offer fairly competitive rates. But it's not just about the money.

Modern DECT phones, such as those from Panasonic, come with a host of indispensable features, many of which will seem like something out of Back to the Future to older generations. This is no longer just a handset with buttons, although there are such models for lovers of simplicity and brevity. But there are also devices on sale that are literally packed with useful “features.”

For example, Panasonic has a model that integrates with smartphones using the Smartphone Connect function, so that your gadget actually becomes a DECT handset, and the contact list is synchronized between devices. Thus, you can use the phone book from your mobile phone, even when making calls on a landline.

By the way, the DECT handset can withstand up to 14 hours of talk time without recharging and up to two weeks in standby mode. Without exaggeration, another vital function of phones is power backup. Even if the power goes out, the phone will still work.

Phones for every taste

Separately, it is worth mentioning how indispensable a DECT phone is for older people. Anyone who has tried to find a convenient smartphone with large buttons and good sound for parents knows how difficult it is. The models on the market almost always have shortcomings - the buttons are hard to press, the sound is weak, the screen is small, or the price is high. It is much easier to buy a DECT phone that is familiar to use, equipped with large, clear buttons that will help an elderly person always stay in touch.

A DECT phone can also be of great use to young parents. Some models have a baby monitor function, which will save you from buying another gadget.

And that's not all. In general, among the line of DECT phones you can find a model for every taste - from a basic “dialer” that will never let you down, to a miracle of technology that is not much inferior to a smartphone.

What is a smartphone for? Progress does not stand still, that is why it is progress. This is especially noticeable in the production of computer equipment and mobile phones. If just recently we rejoiced at pagers and video recorders, which began to appear on the shelves of our, at that time still poor, stores, now you will not surprise anyone with either a cell phone or a cell phone. Any janitor on the street can now talk not only to his broom, but also to swear at a careless garbage truck driver over his cell phone.

Our ancestors would generally go crazy looking at how every second person walks down the street and talks to himself or points his finger at some glowing portrait frame.

What a long way to go. My mother was hospitalized a year ago, and I took the e-book to her there. Lying in the room with her was a Tatar granny, about 90 years old. At night, this same granny woke up and saw a terrible picture. My roommate (my mother) is sitting in bed, and her face is illuminated by a deathly pale light emanating from some door.

I don’t know what the poor, downtrodden grandmother thought, but she screamed so loudly that the whole hospital woke up. She decided that there was a stove on the bed, and my mother was sitting and looking into it. The most interesting thing is that this grandmother was not walking, but then she jumped out of the room and rushed along the entire corridor so that they could barely catch her. On the second day, a joke circulated throughout the hospital that they tried to burn down the hospital at night.

Imagine what would happen to a person who has never even seen a TV and does not know what electricity is.

But even in our advanced times, not everyone knows what a smartphone is and what it is needed for.

A smartphone (from English “smart phone”) is a mini-computer with its own microprocessor and operating system (iOS, Android, Windows Phone OS 7.5, Symbian). In terms of functionality, it can be considered a personal pocket computer (PDA), but in appearance it is more like a mobile phone.

Thanks to a full-fledged multitasking operating system, you can do almost everything you do on a computer: read and edit text, work with email, create and play presentations, work with an organizer and task scheduler, view photos and movies, listen to music, play , communicate on social networks, browse websites, walk and shop in online stores, conduct transactions with electronic wallets, and much more. And to all this, you can use your smartphone like a regular mobile phone.

In general, you can do everything on a smartphone that is available on a computer. From the very beginning, the smartphone was invented for the Internet. That is why any smartphone has WiFi.

A smartphone costs no more than a regular mobile phone. In order to be constantly online, less than $10 per month is enough.

The most popular smartphones with operating system in our country iOS And Android.

All modern smartphones have a touch screen.

For car drivers A smartphone can serve as a GPS navigator, or using the Yandex traffic jams application you can quickly find a traffic-free route.

Business people A smartphone will help you quickly find out all market prices and exchange rates, as well as carry out the necessary operations with them.

For tourists A smartphone will help you navigate well in a foreign country or city and translate unfamiliar words in a foreign language. You can also use your smartphone to film some tricky situation and quickly upload it to.

Some people just need a smartphone for antlers, to keep up with fashion.

I know people, mostly elderly, who have smartphones but don't even know what to do with them other than make calls. It’s just that the children decided to give a gift to their beloved old people, and the old people need these functions like a goat needs an accordion.

For example, I don’t need a smartphone either, because I’m used to doing everything thoroughly and not on the run. And you decide for yourself why you need a smartphone.

What is a mobile phone for? and got the best answer

Answer from Lyubava[guru]
I agree with you completely!! ! There are such cameras that not a single mobile phone can compare with it.... my husband has been interested in photography for decades.... and he has a lot of experience in this... he says that pictures taken from a mobile phone are when there is no more professional camera at hand and for those who know little about technology.... and also for lazy people and show-offs. For me, a mobile phone is primarily a means of fast communication, and I don’t understand what the comparison with a car has to do with it. If a mobile phone for 4 - 5 thousand maintains communication well... then why the bells and whistles. But the car is cheap, malfunctions, and of course you want a more technically advanced and safe model. Good luck.

Answer from Lyubov Aristarkhova[guru]
Recently, one shot proved to me that taking photographs with a phone is very convenient. To my question, why not buy a normal camera, he answered: Because you can’t make calls on it))

Answer from Lana[guru]
No, I don’t agree, why carry so many gadgets at once? It's better when everything is in one. The bag won't be that heavy. And it’s most pleasant to hold a good thing in your hands, and not cheap junk...

Answer from Yusya[guru]
from the series why buy a Mercedes, you can drive a shitty Lada

Answer from Catherine[guru]
Nowadays, a mobile phone is no longer a luxury, but a means of communication. It’s no secret that using a mobile phone you can not only communicate at a distance, but also access the Internet using both a computer and a telephone. A large number of programs have been written for mobile phones, with the help of which many opportunities open up, such as communication via Internet pagers, working in browsers, paying bills.
But a mobile phone should be purchased with the user in mind. Why does grandma need a photo and video camera on her phone, Internet access, an infrared port, etc. It will be enough that you can make and receive calls from your phone. Well, for the active and young, I think all the amenities that are in a modern phone will not be superfluous. But on the other hand, the photo and video camera can be removed from the mobile phone (to make a separate line of phones), i.e. I need a communicator, not a camera with a phone. My opinion is that the phone must meet a certain requirement, and not all in one. Why overpay for a photo and video camera that I have and they are self-sufficient. Mobile phone manufacturers need to think about this issue.

Answer from Nik Novak[guru]
A mobile phone, like any other means of communication, is used for communication, be it just talking, texting or the Internet. Its mobility lies in this, all in one. The camera, a thing in the phone of course not necessary, but interesting, makes it the most “all-in-one”. Personally, I exclusively talk on the phone and exchange messages; very rarely, but still, I go online to check my email or read the news. I have never used a camera.

Answer from Єея[guru]
No, don’t forget that technology is constantly developing, now the camera is not so important as new opportunities, for example. receiving email directly to your phone, or two active SIM cards in one phone, in general, I don’t agree with you.

Answer from Yanya[guru]
And I agree with you completely))

Answer from Paul[guru]

Answer from THE MOST HONEST[guru]
Naturally, with such a screen, no matter how much you sulk, you won’t become a PDA, just like a normal camera with such a lens.
The laws of optics have not yet been repealed.
Gadgets like "100 in 1" - electronics for blondes.

Surely you have come across the concept of a virtual number more than once and did not understand what it is. Do you know what makes it virtual and how it differs from the usual? Let's look into these issues and learn about its features.

Virtual numbers are a telecom operator service that a client receives when purchasing a cloud PBX. Its main feature is that it does not require installation at a specific address. To use a cloud number, you only need a device with Internet access and software that allows you to use it on any device: smartphone, laptop, tablet, PC, etc.

Such a number may have a code like Toll free (8-800), the most common landline or even mobile. Calls from it can be received on smartphones and tablets through the PhonerLite, Zoiper, 3CX, X-Lite programs, and on mobile and landline phones using forwarding.

What are virtual numbers for?

The answer to this question depends on what goal the user is pursuing. Some users need this product for a short period of time. They connect/rent it to re-register on social networks to receive a code via SMS. Others enable it to avoid spam during multiple registrations/subscriptions on different platforms or to protect against scammers. But perhaps the most common motive is to use communications for business.

The demand for a virtual number for so many methods is determined by the number of its advantages:

  1. Low cost. It varies depending on the operator, and calls within VATS are completely free. Also, their use is much more profitable when making calls abroad.
  2. Easy to connect. Connection does not require special skills or expensive equipment, just Internet access. It will also take a little time to connect such a number, a maximum of 30 minutes and you are already a full user.
  3. Lack of location. You will not be tied to the office. Even while traveling around the world, you will be able to respond to clients or contact them as if you were at work.
  4. Creating a reputation. Your company can be located in any city, but you can purchase a virtual number with the city code that your company interacts with most. So a farmer from the region selling milk to Moscow stores will look more prestigious with a Moscow number than with a local one. Seeing familiar code will make clients feel more relaxed. If you want to declare yourself as a large company that cares about the comfort of its customers, you can give preference to number 8,800.

Features and benefits of a virtual number?

You might mistakenly think that using cloud numbers you can only make and receive calls. Everything is much more personalized and interesting.

In accordance with the different preferences and requirements of clients, a virtual number can perform a variety of functions needed by a specific user. So you can choose the most suitable one for receiving SMS or free calls, bulk SMS mailings, or even organizing multi-channel communication lines to process a large number of incoming calls.

When you connect to the service, you receive many pleasant bonuses in the form of additional services. You can connect a voice menu so that the client can choose which department to contact. Or set up routing to distribute calls to those departments or employees in the order you see fit.

This product can easily be included in the must-have list for modern business. It will help reduce communication costs and not miss a single client.

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