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How network cable works. How to crimp a network cable without a tool (screwdriver)

It is difficult to answer unequivocally the question of why you need to know how RJ45 pinouts and cable crimping are done at home. First of all, the pinout is in demand by people who have decided to carry out repairs in the apartment. The banal replacement of a cable sticking out of a window frame and the distribution of a high-speed network across rooms serves as the second reason. Still others need to connect specific equipment, someone wants to play over the network between two computers. Knowledge is not redundant.

About cable and tool

The most important component is the twisted pair cable. On store shelves it is found with four and eight cores. The difference in price is due to the country of origin and additional shielding. Without going into electrophysics, let's explain that the cable got the name "twisted pair" due to the fact that all pairs lived intertwined with each other. This interlacing allows you to transmit a signal over a cable over a long distance (up to 100 meters without an amplifier). RJ45 pinout is done by color. There is a certain sequence for each task, besides, each color of the cable corresponds to its position in the socket or connector.

A special crimping tool is used to crimp the cable, but if it is not at hand, a hammer, flat screwdriver or knife will do. Required for networking and RJ45 plug. It can be replaced with the old one, having previously cleaned the channel for the cores, or exposed the protruding ends of the wires for twisting.

Cable crimping technology

RJ45 cable pinout requires special training. The main thing to remember is that the technology is unchanged for cable crimping. Only the sequence of colors of the cable cores changes.

  1. Carefully cut off the top layer of the winding. The cut length is about 5-6 cm for ease of wiring.
  2. The cores lined up in the required color range are cut with scissors so that the length from the tips to the base of the common cable does not exceed 3 cm.
  3. Holding the plastic RJ45 plug with the clip down, the wires are carefully inserted into the housing. If you look closely, for each core there is a special channel into which it is impossible to insert two cables. The main thing is to maintain the desired sequence.
  4. With a little pressure, make sure that the ends of the strands touch the copper inserts on the edge of the crimp connector.
  5. Without allowing the cable to slip out of the connector, carefully crimp each core by pressing on the copper insert with a screwdriver or knife. You can gently increase the pressure with a hammer blow.

As a result of the work performed, all cores must be securely fixed in the plastic housing of the RJ45 plug. The other end of the clip with a common braid can be spliced ​​for convenience with electrical tape.

Socket cable technology

The pinout of the RJ45 socket does not require any specialized equipment, so the wiring of the local network around the facility is done with great pleasure and speed. You only need one tool - nail scissors or a small knife with a thin blade.

  1. Carefully cut off the top layer of the winding. The cut length is about 10 cm for ease of wiring.
  2. The twists of all pairs are unwound and the wires are aligned so that they do not intersect from the base of the upper layer to the ends of the cores.
  3. Any outlet has two color markings. "A" - cross connection, "B" - standard connection. According to the last marking, the RJ45 pinout is carried out.
  4. Having attached the base of the braid to the board, first the cores are inserted into the far connectors. Be sure to check the tension of the cable so that the distance from the braid to the clamp does not exceed 3 cm.
  5. Having fixed the cable cores in the required connectors, crimping is performed. Holding the nail scissors so that the angle of the cutting guides is 45 degrees, it is necessary to press on the core from above until a characteristic metallic click is heard.

Installation of a socket for a century

The main thing to consider when mounting a power outlet on a wall is the position of the connectors in relation to the floor. Connectors must always point downwards. Firstly, it protects the contacts from clogging with dust and moisture. Secondly, when you quickly connect the cable from below, there is less chance of accidentally knocking down the wall socket mount. Even from an aesthetic point of view, connecting the cable from below is not so conspicuous and does not spoil the beautiful environment in the room.

In addition to its direct purpose, a computer network socket is used to transmit extraneous signals (telephony, stereo sound, video signal). After all, it's no secret to anyone that for connecting the Internet, the RJ45 pinout is critical for four cores, the rest are either spare or for gigabit networks, which are not organized in households in the countries of the post-Soviet space.

Connecting to the Internet in a standard way

The RJ45 pinout by color when creating a cable for connecting a personal computer to network equipment looks like this.

  1. White-orange.
  2. Orange.
  3. White-green.
  4. Blue.
  5. White blue.
  6. Green.
  7. White-brown.
  8. Brown.

If there is a need to connect to two computers using one cable or send another signal through free wires, then the pinout is made in two pairs - green and orange, in compliance with the sequence and numbering in the connector. That is, connections 1, 2, 3, 6 in the RJ45 plug must be occupied according to their color distributions.

There are times when one or more active veins are broken. An alternative RJ45 pinout will come to the rescue. 2 pairs are replaced by other colors. The orange pair is replaced by brown and the green pair by blue. The numbering of the connectors in the plug does not change.

Connecting two computers

Recently, RJ45 computer-to-computer pinout is not in demand. After all, most modern network adapters have learned to understand what the user is trying to achieve from them. The information is useful to those owners whose adapters do not know how to “flip” the wires in the power plug.

This cable is also suitable for connecting two network hubs that do not have an Uplink switch. For ease of remembering the color pinout of the crossover cable, it is enough to see that pairs 1-2 are swapped with pairs 3-6. The rest of the color pairs should be paid attention to if the network adapters can work in gigabit networks, otherwise they can be used for other needs.

Connecting Peripheral Equipment

It is unlikely that the RJ45-USB pinout will be useful to most, but it will not hurt to get knowledge about it. Such a strange connection is actively used when connecting expensive server systems, and is also quite popular in the banking industry, when connecting office equipment and cash registers. It is better to make a pinout with a soldering iron, but in its absence, everything will work on twists.

The fully crimped cable in the RJ45 plug is cut with a knife to the required length. The cut end is stripped from the winding by 5 cm. Any plug of the USB cable is disassembled or cut off so that there is access to the connectors. Before cutting the wires in the USB plug, you need to strip the red and black cables to the copper base and twist them together. After all the manipulations, the following RJ45 connection with USB is made.

  1. The white-green wire from the third connection is soldered to the red-black USB twist (GND).
  2. The blue wire from the fourth connector is connected to the green USB (RX) cable.
  3. The white-blue wire from the fifth connection is connected to the white USB (TX) cable.

For structural strength, you can use electrical tape.


The RJ45 pinout shouldn't be too difficult. Do not worry that due to poor-quality crimping, the communication channel will be lost or a short circuit will occur. Nothing like this even in theory will not happen. Working inaccurately with a knife or a screwdriver instead of a professional tool, you can only create small interference in the line, which is reduced to zero on cable segments up to five meters. But still, you need to strive to achieve the maximum result. It is better to do it once, but do the job well and forever.

Life without the Internet is unthinkable for many inhabitants of the earth. It is necessary for work, study, leisure, it is used in offices and at home. There are three types of cable to connect a computer to the network: coaxial, twisted pair or fiber optic. The first one is no longer used today, the last one costs a lot, and the second one is used actively and everywhere.

How to conduct a twisted pair cable in a house or apartment

Twisted pair is a cable that is used to lay a computer network. The provider brings it into the room when connecting to the client's Internet. Cable routing inside is a more difficult task, because the wires should not interfere and spoil the interior.

To bring the Internet to buildings, preference is now more often given to fiber optics, and twisted pair is used to lay a communication network through indoor premises. This is due to the fact that it is cheaper, easier and more convenient to install.

A twisted-pair cable consists of one or more pairs of insulated conductors twisted together and covered with a plastic sheath.

To lay a cable in an apartment or house, additional investments are needed, so some try to do it on their own. But at the same time, you should remember the basic rules:

  1. Do not leave wires unprotected, let them hang freely along the walls or lie on the floor. Ideally, the cable should be laid under the plaster, but if this is not possible, then it is hidden in special plastic boxes.
  2. Do not bend the cables too much, as this may degrade the signal quality.
  3. It is forbidden to place electrical and network wires nearby. The distance between them should not be less than 5 cm for horizontal and 30 cm for vertical laying.

What is twisted pair crimping and why is it needed

The Internet cable is connected to the computer through a special connector. It's called RJ45. But in order to exchange data, the wire must not only be inserted into the appropriate hole, but must be crimped correctly.

An Internet cable is connected to a computer or laptop through a special connector called RJ45

A cable for connecting to the Internet, as a rule, consists of four pairs of copper wires of different colors and twisted together. Crimping a twisted pair means placing the conductors in the correct sequence and pressing them into the connector using a special tool that provides reliable contact for transmitting electrical signals.

How to crimp a twisted pair cable (Internet cable pinout)

For crimping twisted pair are used:

Pinout color schemes

There are two main schemes by which twisted pair can be compressed: straight and cross.

They differ from each other in the way the cable cores are arranged (pinout color scheme). In the first case, at both ends of the wire, the cores are arranged in the same sequence:

This method is used most often, for example, when you need to crimp a cable to connect devices of different purposes (computer, laptop, TV, etc.) with a router or modem.

If it is necessary to cross-pinout, the cable cores in the first connector have the same sequence as in the previous case, and on the second they are arranged according to the following color scheme:

Cross crimping is used when connecting devices of the same purpose, for example, two computers or routers. But today it is almost never used, since modern network cards and routers can automatically detect the cable crimping scheme and adapt to it.

Crimping instructions

Compressing a twisted pair is quite easy:

  1. Prepare the cable, RJ45 connector and crimping tool.
  2. Release the cable from the outer winding approximately 2-3 centimeters from the edge. To do this, you can use the crimper: it provides special knives.

    Using a crimper requires practice, as it can cut the twisted pair wires when the cable is released from the outer winding. Therefore, some prefer to perform this operation with an ordinary knife.

    You can remove the outer winding from the twisted pair using a crimper or a regular knife

  3. Unwind and align twisted-pair pair wiring. Arrange them in the correct sequence according to the selected crimp pattern. Attach the cable to the connector and cut off the excess. Open wires must be left long enough for the sheathed cable to enter the bottom of the connector.

    To measure the length of free conductors, you need to attach a connector to the cable

  4. Trim excessively long wires with a crimper.

    The crimper has a special knife that can cut long wires.

  5. Insert all the wires of the cable into the connector to the very end.

    The twisted pair wires must go into the connector to the very end, under the contact pads

  6. Crimp the twisted pair cable with a crimper. To do this, insert the connector into its socket until it clicks and squeeze the tool handles several times.

    It is very convenient to crimp a twisted pair cable with a crimper, as it has a special socket for the connector

I have crimped twisted-pair cables at home and at work more than once. It is very easy to do this with a special tool, the main thing is to correctly arrange the wires by color. But you need to carefully cut the outer sheath of the cable with a crimper. My experience shows that if you apply extra effort, then not only the outer insulation is cut, but also the inner cores.

After the twisted pair is crimped, the outer winding should partially enter the connector. If the cable cores peek out of the connector, then the crimping must be done again.

The outer sheath of the cable must partially fit into the connector

Screwdriver crimping instructions

You can compress the cable not only with a special tool, but also with an ordinary screwdriver. This method is more time consuming, and the probability of a poor-quality result is higher. But it will be the only possible one for those who do not have a crimper at hand. To complete the work you will need:

Crimp the cable as follows:

Video: how to compress a twisted pair with a screwdriver - visual instructions

Crimping a four-wire twisted pair

In addition to the eight-wire twisted pair, there is also a four-wire. It is used less often because it provides a data transfer rate of no more than 100 Mbps (on a standard cable, the speed can reach 1000 Mbps). But such a cable is cheaper, so it is actively used in small networks with small and medium volumes of information.

The crimping process for a four-wire twisted pair is the same as for an eight-wire twisted pair: the same connectors and crimping pliers are used. But at the same time, only a part of the contacts is used in the connector, namely 1, 2, 3 and 6, and the rest remain empty.

Color designations of conductors in a four-wire twisted pair can be different, but two options are most common:

  1. White-orange, orange, white-blue, blue.
  2. White-orange, orange, white-green, green.

The first and second contacts are always inserted with white-orange and orange wires, respectively. And in the third and sixth there will be either blue or green wires.

Photo gallery: four core twisted pair crimping color scheme

4-wire twisted pair is easier to crimp than 8-wire When crimping a four-wire twisted pair, orange conductors most often occupy the first and second contacts When crimping a four-wire twisted pair, green wires can be used in the third and sixth contacts The crimping scheme for a four-wire twisted pair with blue and brown conductors is very rare

Video: twisted pair crimping on 4 cores

How to extend the internet cable

Getting the Internet into an apartment or house, the provider leaves a small supply of cable. But if the computer needs to be moved to another room, problems can arise. There are several ways to extend the wire :

  1. Replace cable. To do this, you usually need to contact your provider, who will change it. But first you need to buy a twisted pair cable of the required length, and then pay for the services of a technician.
  2. Install a network switch. Solving the problem in this way is not the cheapest option, but in addition to extending the cable, it makes it possible to connect other devices in the house to the network.
  3. Use a Wi-Fi router. Wireless data transfer will eliminate the need for a cable at all. You can connect to the Internet anywhere in the apartment.
  4. Buy a special extension adapter. It is easy to use, small in size and inexpensive. This is the most popular way to increase the length of the Internet wire.
  5. Twist the wires by hand. This method will allow you to increase the cable to the desired length at no additional cost, but the signal quality is often reduced.

Photo Gallery: How to Connect and Extend an Internet Cable

Twisting the cable reduces the quality of the transmitted signal. Using an adapter is the easiest and cheapest way to extend your internet cable. You can use a switch to extend the Internet cable, but this will be the most expensive solution.

How to twist the cable

Since twisting wires does not require any additional costs and special tools, many people use this method to lengthen the cable at home. This can be done in different ways.

  1. If you do not want to re-crimp the cable, then the twisted pair cable already brought into the house or apartment must be cut in any convenient place and inserted into a piece of wire of the required length. But it is important to remember about a significant minus: there will be two places of twisting on the way to connect to the Internet, and this cannot but affect the data transfer speed. And the longer the wire, the worse.
  2. If you're ready to re-crimp the cable, cut off the crimped end, lengthen the wire, and attach a new RJ45 connector. This way, your cable will only have one twist point.

It is necessary to connect the cores of the same color to each other, and the junction points must be well insulated.

Video: how to twist an internet cable

How to split an internet cable

Often netizens wonder how to split an Internet cable. Such measures may be required in several situations:

  • when moving a laptop around an apartment / house, i.e. the need to connect it to the Internet in different rooms;
  • if you have several computers / laptops and need to connect them to the Internet.

The problem is solved in different ways.

  1. In both cases, the easiest way out is to buy a Wi-Fi router. But not everyone wants to connect to the network in this way.
  2. If a cable connection is required, then the most reliable option is a switch. Its advantage is that all devices connected through it access the Internet at the same time. Moreover, there can be as many such devices as there are ports in network equipment.
  3. A splitter adapter is another convenient and inexpensive option. But you can connect to the World Wide Web through it only two computers, no more.
  4. Some netizens suggest manually branching the internet cable. To do this, you need to wind two of the same color to each core, insulate everything well and separate the wires in the room. But this method does not guarantee the quality of the connection, so experts do not recommend using it. In addition, you can only connect to the network with such a cable one by one, two computers will not work simultaneously in such a situation.

Photo gallery: ways to connect two or more devices to the network

The RJ45 splitter adapter is the easiest and most convenient way to connect two PCs to the Internet at the same time Twisted pair branching by twisting cores does not guarantee good signal transmission and high-quality Internet Wi-Fi connection allows you to wirelessly connect to the Internet A network switch allows you to connect as many devices to the network as it has ports

Hello, friends! In this article, we will consider twisted pair crimping diagram. The same cable through which many of us access the Internet. A twisted pair cable connects computers in a network in the same building. There are a bunch of other things that can be done with a network cable, but we will focus on its main task. Provide a network between computers. So, if you have frequent disconnections or you want to connect another computer to the router (router), in this case you need to crimp network cable. This is not the only solution. You can go to the nearest store and buy a ready-made cable - a patch cord of the desired length. If you want to learn how to crimp a twisted pair cable yourself. This article is for you. At the end, you can watch a video on how to compress a network cable with a screwdriver)

For network cable crimping we will need:

  • Swage
  • RJ-45 connector (aka jack)
  • Stripping device

In the picture below you can see what it looks like

As you understand, if you need to crimp a twisted pair cable once, then it's easier to buy a ready-made patch cord and not fool yourself. If you want to try it yourself then you will need:

  • wire cutters
  • Screwdriver
  • Jack RJ-45

In this case, connectors can and should be taken more. Especially if you have never dealt with a network cable before. There is a high chance that it won't work the first time.

We figured out the tools, let's move on to the process

Network cable crimping process

1. Remove the insulation from the twisted pair. We use a special tool. We clamp the network cable in it and turn it 360 degrees.

We leave a bare area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 20 millimeters. After this procedure, check that the wire insulation is intact.

If you have F/UTP shielded twisted pair cable, you need to remove the foil

We clamp a single steel wire back, cut it a little later for ease of use

2. We arrange the wires in the sequence we need

You can see this sequence in the figure below.

3. It is necessary to remove the excess. Making measurements using the RJ-45 jack

Twisted Pair Isolation should go into the connector a little for a secure fit inside.

or special tool. It is also convenient to do crimping.

If you remove too little, then the jack will not be able to fix the cable and the quality of the connection may deteriorate over time. If you do not touch the twisted pair, then even with a weak pressure, it will last a long time. We remove the single steel core laid aside

5. Insert the twisted pair into the jack

As shown in the picture below

So that you can clearly see the ends of the wires

6. We charge the connector to crimp

7. Squeeze the tool all the way

8. Network cable crimped. Side view

End view. When crimped, the knives in the jack cut the wire insulation and create a reliable contact

Do the same on the other end of the cable. We have a direct connection. You can connect a switch or switch or router to a workstation. If you need to connect two computers to each other, not through a switch, then at least one of the computers must have a gigabit adapter. A gigabit adapter is a network card with a connection speed of 1 Gbps. If all your network interfaces are 100 Mbps, then you need to make an inverted cable. How to do it can be easily found on the Internet.


In this article ( Twisted pair crimping scheme) you learned how regular patch cords are made. It's all good when you have a crimping tool. Or at least there is a twist. The insulation can be removed carefully with a knife.

Promised video how to compress a network cable with a screwdriver

The video does not show fixing the entire network cable to the connector. To do this, use a screwdriver in the place indicated in the figure to gently press

As a result, you will crimped network cable as they say "on the knee". But that's not the point. The main thing is that everything works)

Parents connected the Internet from Kyivstar. The guys came and did everything. In the evening they call, they say that there is no Internet. I come and really don't. Patch cord inserted but no connection. It's like the wire is broken. I look at how the patch cord was made from the router to the computer.

Therefore, I advise you, after connecting, see how the network cable is crimped or pull the wires (by bending them in different directions near the computer and router) until the experts leave and watch the video (on YouTube for example). If it goes well, then there is a connection and you can let the guys go.

When using a computer directly to access the Internet, many problems arise, but the biggest one is a technical breakdown that is locally located in the user's home. It seems to many that it is almost impossible to eliminate a cable break on your own because of the need to crimp its end with an RJ-45 connector (plug). Even if you need to create a new connection when organizing a workplace or buying a TV with an Ethernet port, then having the skill of crimping yourself is very useful. The article will discuss how to properly carry out the entire procedure with the simplest tools.

Existing crimping schemes

The most popular are two cable crimping schemes used to provide Internet access. When connecting, a so-called "twisted pair" is used and a distinction is made between crimping: a straight cable and a crossover cable.

  1. The first option is intended for connecting the following types of devices: computer - switch, Smart TV - router, switch - router, router - computer.
  2. The second option is intended to combine basically devices of the same types: computer - computer, switch - switch, router - router, etc.

Most devices that have appeared in the recent past and are even being developed today can easily cope with the definition of a connected cable, and their interface allows you to use both direct and cross type. However, what is new in digital device manufacturing today is the Auto MDI-X connection standard, which is gradually replacing cross crimping. The following are screenshots of the straight and cross (oblique) crimp patterns.

Instructions for crimping a cable with an RJ-45 connector

In fact, the crimping procedure is very simple.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to strip enough of the cable from the outer sheath. To date, the production of twisted pair is carried out in such a way that, in addition to the cable, there is a special thread inside the sheath that can cut the sheath and allow it to be quickly removed to the desired length.
  2. After pulling out the cores, you need to align them and arrange them so that each of them corresponds to the seat for the wire. Using the screenshots with the connection diagrams that are presented above, you can understand which of the wires is inserted where. It is also very important to strip the cable from the sheath to such a distance that, after being inserted into the plug, part of the sheath is under the latch, which will protect the cable from breakage during frequent connection and disconnection from the device.
  3. You can always clean a little more cable, because after that you will have to cut all the wires evenly, as shown in the photo. You need absolutely the same length of each wire and perfect evenness, which will allow you to place them clearly in the seats directly under the pins of the plug.
  4. Next, we insert the cable, as already mentioned, straight into the seats so that the ends of the wires are located under the contacts protruding from the plug, and the crimp is eventually fixed by the upper part. As soon as the twisted pair is inserted into the RJ-45, you can fix the entire structure by pressing the latch with a screwdriver (right circle in the photo).
  5. The left circle in the photo indicates the RJ-45 pins, which should match perfectly with the pins inside your computer's Ethernet jack. After the twisted pair has been inserted into the plug and fixed, all that remains is to lower the contacts directly onto the wires, which is also done with a screwdriver. Press firmly, but carefully place the surface of the working part of the tool so as not to damage the connecting part.
  6. Using a conventional tester, you can check the operability of the cable (ring), if there is no resistance on it or there is no sound signal, then it is only necessary to correctly position the contacts.
  7. The end result is a cable that will serve the owner for a long time if elementary rules are followed: you can not bend, cut, pull, etc.

How to crimp a LAN network cable with a screwdriver

If you do not have special tools, like a latch, then you can do the whole thing with the help of improvised means. To do this, you will need the cable itself, a connector, a scissor and a screwdriver. The initial procedures are the same as described above, only after inserting the wires into the connector, it is necessary to fix the wire with a retainer using a screwdriver, and then we squeeze each vein with a screwdriver so that each individual wire enters its groove. Watch the video for details on how to do this.

Special Crimping Tools

If you have the means and want to crimp the twisted pair quickly, not only for yourself, but also by helping your acquaintances, relatives and friends, then you can purchase a special tool that greatly facilitates the procedure. It is called - manual crimping pliers. They, like a stapler, fix the plug on the cable, which is pre-stripped to the desired distance. It is worth saying that such a device has become a good help in the work of adjusters and installers from various companies providing access to the Internet. The purchase of such ticks pays off in a few calls, and in the future they only require the purchase of plugs, which naturally does not require a lot of money.


If your Internet cable suddenly breaks off or the plug itself is damaged, then you should not be upset and wait until the company providing you access to the Internet starts its work. The problem is especially familiar to those who received such a surprise at the weekend. You just have to go to the nearest market and find an RJ-45 there. How to fix it is described in detail in this article.

In that article, we covered the entire crimping process, from wire stripping. In this article, we will take a closer look at the most critical stage of twisted-pair crimping, namely the crimping scheme. The order in which you need to place the conductors inside the connector causes the most questions and difficulties for inexperienced users. Therefore, it is worth examining this topic again.

As you know, there are four twisted-pair crimping schemes. Two crimping patterns for straight cable and two for crossover. But, do not rush to be afraid of such a variety of schemes, in practice you will need a maximum of two, and most likely, only one crimping scheme.

Straight cable option #1. The most common crimping pattern for straight cable. TIA/EIA-568B standard.

  1. white-orange
  2. Orange
  3. white-green
  4. Blue
  5. White-blue
  6. Green
  7. white-brown
  8. Brown

Straight cable option #2. A less common straight cable crimping pattern. TIA/EIA-568A standard.

When using this twisted pair crimping scheme, the colors go in the following sequence:

  • white-green
  • Green
  • white-orange
  • Blue
  • White-blue
  • Orange
  • white-brown
  • Brown

There are two very important points to note that may not be obvious to the inexperienced eye.

  1. Since this is a straight cable, the order of the conductors is the same on both sides of the cable. If on one side the first contact of the connector is connected to the green conductor, then on the other side of the cable the first contact is also connected to the green conductor. No changes are required.
  2. When positioning the conductors, the connector is located with the latch down.

Cross cable option #1. For 100 Mbps networks.

If you want to get a crossover cable for 100 Mbps networks, then you need to crimp one side of the cable according to the TIA / EIA-568B standard, and the other according to the TIA / EIA-568A standard. Figuratively speaking, a crossover cable for 100 Mbps networks is something between the first and second straight cable crimping methods.

When using this twisted-pair crimping scheme at one end of the cable, the colors go in the following sequence:

  1. white-orange
  2. Orange
  3. white-green
  4. Blue
  5. White-blue
  6. Green
  7. white-brown
  8. Brown

And on the second end of the cable, the following sequence of colors is used:

  • white-green
  • Green
  • white-orange
  • Blue
  • White-blue
  • Orange
  • white-brown
  • Brown

Cross cable option #2. For 1000 Mbps networks.

For 1000 Mbps networks, a different twisted-pair-to-crossover crimping scheme is used. In this case, on one side of the cable, crimping is used according to the TIA / EIA-568B standard, that is, like this:

  1. white-orange
  2. Orange
  3. white-green
  4. Blue
  5. White-blue
  6. Green
  7. white-brown
  8. Brown

And on the other side of the cable, a new sequence of colors is used, namely:

  • white-green
  • Green
  • white-orange
  • white-brown
  • Brown
  • Orange
  • Blue
  • White-blue

Findings. At first glance, twisted-pair crimping schemes are a dark forest that will never be sorted out. But, as you can see from this article, everything is much simpler.

There are two standards for straight cable crimping, and a crossover cable crimping is the use of both of these crimps at the same time on different ends of the cable. For 1000 Mbps networks, the crossover cable crimp is a bit more complicated, but you'll probably never need it. Since even a crossover cable for 100 Mbps networks is practically not used anymore.

Now all modern network equipment is able to automatically determine the cable crimping scheme and adapt to it. Thus, the crossover cable has lost its relevance and is practically not used at the moment. Therefore, if you do not know which twisted-pair crimping scheme to choose, then use the first one (TIA / EIA-568B) and do not hesitate.

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