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How the program guests in contact works. Current ways to find out who visited the VKontakte page

If you decide to find out who visited your page, you will see that there is no official tool in VK. For some reason, the developers decided that it was not necessary for you and me to know if there were views on our profile (see). But on the other hand, if we actively use the social network, then getting feedback from the audience is simply necessary. So after all, are guests visible in contact, and can they be tracked?

What are the guest tracking options?

As I said, there is no official tool in VK. This is certainly strange, given the fact that there is a very powerful audience assessment tool for public pages. But let's leave this decision to the developers. We also need to figure out how we can get the desired information.

And there are very few options here. To be precise, there is only one. You need to use an application that will allow you to see who has visited your page. There are quite a few such applications, but the principle of their work is the same. Let's break it down with an example.

Application "Your guests and friends"

Go to the "Applications" section, and in the search type "Guests". You will get quite a large list of results.

We have already tried two options:

Everything is described in detail, with pictures and videos.

Now we decided to try in action "Your guests and friends". The application does an excellent job of its main function - it allows you to track your visitors without any problems. What else do we need?

The picture below shows the application icon. You see, dancing people on a blue background. This is exactly what we are interested in - click on it.

This is what the start window looks like.

Let's see if our guests can be tracked. Well, since you're reading this guide, you probably can.

To do this, go to the tab "Guests".

There will be a list of people who have visited you recently. You will see an avatar (see), username, and time, how long ago you had it. Everything is simple.

If you hover over ava, two links will appear: “go to”, "see guests". With the help of the first one, you can get to know your guest better. And if you click on the second one, you will see who visits his page.

The data is updated online. So periodically visit the application page to see who visited you.


Summing up, we can say that we have completed our task of tracking visitors to the VK page. The application discussed above is a simple and convenient tool. Performs the main function perfectly. What else is needed?


In contact with

Guests of your VK page is a mobile application that is designed for one of the most popular domestic social networks VKontakte. It should be noted that the program was released by third-party developers and, accordingly, is not official. However, this does not mean that its use has any problems. Everything works efficiently and stably.

If you want to know exactly who visits your page on a social network, then one of the best applications of its kind will be the VK Guests program, which is available for the Android social network. It should be noted that with its help you can track your friends, as well as guests who have visited your page, with maximum comfort. Thanks to a unique algorithm that was developed by leading programmers, it is possible to track guests and, as a result, receive the most detailed statistics about the actions on your page.

This program has many functionalities. First of all, here we are talking about providing analytical information about visiting guests of your page on a social network. Also, the user is provided with information about activity statistics, as well as events that occurred on the account. On his page, the user can publish a trap link that tracks all the people who followed it and, accordingly, visited your VKontakte profile.

An interesting feature of the program is also the fact that after fifteen minutes, as soon as you log in to the social network, the stealth mode automatically turns on. The user is given the opportunity to access the most popular photos published on the network.

The application management interface of the Guests of your VK page is intuitive for each user. In this matter, most likely there will be no difficulties. It is worth saying that, as in any other program from third-party developers, there are sometimes minor flaws here. At the same time, developers almost instantly eliminate them.

Installing the Guests of your VK page application on a smartphone or tablet computer will be the right solution for those people who spend a lot of time on a social network and want to receive detailed information about all the actions carried out on their page.

Changes in the latest version

Fixed the problem of getting coins for viewing photos in the PR tab.

Many social network users wonder about the popularity of their page among friends. If in "My World" and "Odnoklassniki" you can see the list of people who visited the page without problems, then "Vkontakte" this function is not configured.

Is it possible to see who visited my page in VK

You can get an answer to this question on the website of the social network "Vkontakte", in the "Help" section. It is located on the control panel in the upper corner of the page.

The sub-item of the same name is located in the "Page" section of the dialog box that opens.

Information on request will open in a window. You need to read it or vote.

Repositories and an organized data retrieval system are needed to collect information about all visits to all pages. Collecting and processing this information “just in case” is impractical and expensive. It is not possible to obtain such information bypassing the site.

Although VK does not provide options for viewing Page Guests, users continue to try to get this information using third-party applications and workarounds. We will talk about the most popular ways to see Guests in VK in this article.

How to see guests on Vkontakte

The social network has a "Profile statistics" function. Users with more than 100 followers can view the average page traffic and break it down by city. However, these are all indirect indicators.

Account deleting

As paradoxical as it may sound, but before deleting an account, the system gives a list of people who will be upset if the account is deleted. These are the page guests. How to view this list?

In the right corner of the page on the control panel, select the "Settings" item.

The menu that opens should be scrolled down to the delete page item.

At this stage, the system will ask you to indicate the reason for deleting the page. You need to select the item "My page is not commented."

The service will issue a list of two persons who most often visit the user's page.

It should be noted that the accuracy of calculations by this method is questionable.

Applications and programs for viewing guests

Today, there are many applications designed to view the number of page visits. They all work on the same principle. They collect information on the activity of other users on the page (by likes, messages, graffiti). However, these programs do not provide information about those users who simply viewed the page. Consider the most popular services.

All applications are located in the "Games" section on the menu bar on the right.

In the search bar, you need to enter the keywords "My guests".

The system will display a list of available applications. They are formed according to the popularity rating. You need to click on any of the applications and go to the installation process.

Special applications to recognize guests on Vkontakte

There are many such programs. We will consider the most popular of them in the article below.

"My guests" in VK

There are several programs with the same name in the list of available applications. The most popular of them is "My guests", which is already used by more than 1 million users.

The application has two main sections. The "Guests" menu displays information about all visitors to the page. The activity of only the user's friends can be viewed on the "All about friends" tab. The system collects information not only about users, but also about the frequency of their activity on the page. This is how the rating of "Fans" is formed.

It is worth noting that app subscribers can follow each other. To anonymously monitor the actions of other users, you will have to pay money. Detailed information about tariffs can be found in the "My Profile" section.

"Guest trap" is another application for viewing the list of page visitors.

To work, the application will need access to the user's personal data: notifications and a list of friends. When you go to the "Settings" menu, the system displays a link to a page on a social network. It must be inserted into the "Personal Site" column in the user's personal settings or published on your wall. According to user reviews, the publication of a link on the site gives a greater effect. If you select the option to place the inscription on the wall, then a “screaming inscription” will appear next to the link, for example, “Ask me a question.” The application will collect information about users who clicked on the link in the Caught Guests tab.

Another way to find out the list of page visitors is to use the Guest Trap. This is the feature of the same name in the My Guests app. It works according to exactly the same algorithm.

How to see guests in contact using the My Guests application

All applications are located in the Applications section on the Vkontakte website. To search for a program, you need to enter the keywords "My guests" in the search box. The system will display a list of applications that match the query. You must select the first option offered.

A new window will display brief information about the program's features. It also contains information about what data the program will have access to. To install the program, you need to click on the "Start the application" button.

The taskbar will open. You need to click on the "Enable" button.

Allow the application to access data (their list was presented in the first paragraph).

Now the program is ready to work.

After installation, the user enters the "My guests" tab. It displays information about all visitors to the page, not just friends. For regular viewing of information, it is inconvenient to open the application every time. A link to this statistics page can be saved in the menu.

To anonymously view information about the activities of friends, you need to activate the "Invisible" feature. According to user reviews, it is not always advisable to connect it, because your friends can use third-party applications to view the same statistics. They simply won't show up in the list of page visitors.

How to view guests in contact from the phone

To view page visit statistics on a smartphone, it is better to download “My fans and my guests”. All information about the activity of visitors will be reflected on the "My fans" page. Data can be filtered by time (day, week, month) and gender. To find out information about third-party users who visited the page, you need to go to the "My guests" section. Every day, the application will display profile icons of page visitors. By clicking on the profile picture, the user will be taken to the page of his guest.

Another application "My guests: TOP 15 + analytics" operates on the same principle as all previous applications.

VIP account buyers get more benefits:
    they can find out which of the subscribers of this application "follows" them; a list of the last page visitors is displayed separately; the rating of 15 users who most often visit the user's page is displayed; the list of users can be filtered by family status and city of residence.
The only annoying thing is the VIP account banner that pops up every 5 minutes.Warning! In the TOP paid applications for iPhone, there are three programs for viewing page guests: "VKontakte Version", "VK Edition" and Guests from VKontakte. The developers of these apps charge between $15 and $50 to provide page view statistics that users can see for free anyway. Read the reviews carefully before downloading the program.

Alternative way

The following method is suitable for those users who have a profile in Odnoklassniki or My World. The essence of the method is to make a beautiful inscription on the wall, and then track the number of clicks on the link. Let's take a quick look at the algorithm:1. You need to choose the most beautiful photo or create it using filters in Photoshop. 2. You need to create an entry on the wall "Vkontakte". Hide the link to your profile in Odnoklassniki under the photo. 3. The profile photo of the social network will be automatically loaded. It needs to be replaced with the created photo in Photoshop. For this purpose, the arrows in the photo are used. 4. The name of the link should contain flashy text, for example, "This is my group with beautiful photos." 5. Publish and pin the post on the page. By clicking on the link, users will be taken to other social networks. Odnoklassniki and My World have built-in tools for viewing page visitors.

Video: how to see activity and page traffic

If you need statistics on the actions of users who visited your page on the Vkontakte social network, then you can use special programs and applications for this. This way you will be able to see what people who are not your friends were doing on your personal page.

So, how to view guests on Vkontakte?

Application "My guests"

This is one of the most popular applications that allows you to track information about your guests online. It is available at the link:

Click the button to start "Launch the application".

Of greatest interest to us is the tab "Guests". This shows all the users who visited your page. You can also see what day and time it was. Please note that the first line is people who ordered a paid promotion - that's why they are displayed as your guests. There is a small heart next to their avatars.

To see the most active, go to the Fans tab.

This will show those people who most often visit your page, like and comment on your posts (see also). Just below you can view a detailed report on their actions.

The following indicators are calculated here:

How to get more guests per page

The application has a small feature - the ability to set a trap link (see). If users click on it, you will be able to see them in the guest list, and they will be invited to participate in using My Guests.

Let's try to set it up.

  • Copy and paste the unique link in the Personal Site field
  • Put a unique message in the status, with a call to try the application
  • Wait for more visitors!

Now all the people who see this message (for example, in the news feed) will be your potential guests.

Is there a program for viewing guests in contact?

Alas, you will not find such software. Yes, it’s not really needed, because the applications available in VK do quite well with the function of viewing guests.

If you suddenly come across such a program - know it's a scam!


In this way, you can track VKontakte guests and see what actions they performed on your page.

This may be necessary if you are promoting your products via the Internet. Those who visit your page may be your potential customers. How to recognize guests in VK? It is enough to use the application that was disassembled in this manual. After that, you will be able to get in touch with people who visited your profile and continue communication.


Guests. This is quite a useful and interesting feature, especially if you know how to use it. There are quite a few ways that can help you carry out this venture.

Why do you need

Well, we will start by trying to guess why we even need the function that we will learn how to use today. If you've been thinking about how to view it, then most likely you have become interested in identifying visitors to your page.

In fact, this feature helps to identify desirable and unwanted guests, as well as restrict access to some users. So this is a very useful feature. However, sometimes it can be considered useless. Let's try to figure out with you as soon as possible how to view guests in "Contact" and, in general, whether all users have such an opportunity.


Naturally, if we have already asked some question, then we have the function in question. The first way to find out who viewed our page is the "Guests in Contact" program. It is easy enough to download, install and use. Enter your username and password, and then view your visitors.

But you should be careful with this application. The thing is that this method cannot be called completely safe. A variety of programs that enhance the functions of social networks, most of them are viruses and can hack into your account. Thus, if you think about it, and you are not afraid of security threats, you can use this method. In the meantime, we will move on to more gentle ways that can help us.


The first method that we can use (from among the safe ones) is, of course, a special application for a social network. It is called "Guests and Admirers" in "Contact".

In order for you to be able to see who has visited your profile, simply enter the address of the application you installed so that your visitors follow this link. Only in this case you will be able to see the guests of the page.

For example, you can insert a link in a particular text and publish it. Or just write it in "web address". Once you get a user interested and "checked in", you'll have a great opportunity to view all the users who have visited your profile. However, these are not all methods that can be used. Let's try to figure out with you what else can help us in our idea.

Special Services

If you are thinking about how to view guests in "Contact", then, of course, many users may advise you to find so-called specialized sites that offer services for providing a list of users.

Naturally, many people are interested in this case. You are asked to provide your username, sometimes a password, plus pay a fee for the service. After you do this, you will be promised to provide lists of profile visitors. For example, it will be sent to you by e-mail with some frequency.

You should not rejoice and think that this is how you can use such a service as viewing guests in "Contact". Often such actions can be equated with cracking programs. You just give the money to the scammers, and the service will not be rendered to you. In addition, you can simply be hacked and your account stolen. Agree, not the best outcome. However, many users are still stubbornly led to such a scam. Especially if the desire to get to know the visitors is quite high.


Is it really impossible to use some more universal means that are provided by the Vkontakte social network? In fact, the site administration does not allow its users to view the profiles of those who visited the page.

Instead, everyone has a great opportunity to see some statistics that apply to visitors and guests. There you will be asked to see the age of the audience that viewed the profile, gender and even country. In addition, each user can also see the number of views of his account. This is pretty interesting stuff. Now we will learn how to use it with you.

Go to your profile, and then look at the inscription under the audio recordings. The line "Statistics" will be displayed there. Click on it and then see what you get. A window will pop up in front of you that will help you figure out who is watching your page. Here you will see how many men and women visit your page, as well as statistics by day of visit. There is a separate chart for this. As you can see, nothing complicated.

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