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How to check Yandex's "New" text filter - a convenient free online service has appeared. Yandex filters: what they are and how to avoid them

Your attention is invited to a full article in which I will tell you about all Yandex filters - directly for the quality of the content and site. I will tell you what to do if the site accidentally fell under the filter.

What are Yandex filters?

A typical situation for novice bloggers, webmasters and optimizers: you work on a website, and everything is useless; most of the traffic from the site suddenly disappears; the site does not want to "take off" in any way, and in general it feels bad in search.

You sit like this and don't know where to run. After all, Yandex will not write you in Russian in the Webmaster's panel that a filter has been applied to the site. You have to contact support, find out what is happening and why, how to solve this situation.

At the same time, sites that deliberately violate Yandex's search license do not necessarily fall under the filter - when webmasters know that they are taking a risk. On the contrary, it often happens simply out of inexperience - when you do something not quite right.

And all why? Because before, there were few filters and they were extremely simple. Violated something - flew to the ban. I fixed it, wrote to Yandex, waited a month or two - the site returned to the search results. Now it is not so, now everything is much more complicated - every now and then you have to avoid various pitfalls. Different filters work in different ways: one is applied to the site, the other - to its individual pages.

And, as much as the optimizers would not like to believe that Yandex is doing this for the commercial benefit of placing Direct advertising in the SERP, this is not entirely the case. After all, the issue is really getting better. Users are more satisfied, they do not care where they click: on ads in the SERP or on search results - the main thing is that the search goal is achieved. And if earlier it was easier to manipulate this, for example, by buying a dozen links, now everything is noticeably complicated. Search engines do everything to ensure that only high-quality and useful sites are present in the search results.

Let's talk about this - how not to do it and why a filter can be applied to the site. Remember - different filters are applied for different violations. And, accordingly, the site is being withdrawn from the sanctions in different ways. Many filters are already outdated, so I will not talk about some of them, but will mention only the most relevant ones.

Yandex filter groups

Before going directly to specific Yandex filters, I will divide all filters into 4 groups:

  1. Ban - currently only used for gross violations: cloaking, doorways, mobile redirects, auto-generation.
  2. Pre-filters - reduce or nullify the actions of factors even before calculating the overall relevance of the site ("link boom", user clicks boost). The result of such filters is the "freezing" of the site on the way to that, well, that's all.
  3. Post-factum filters - reduce or reset the actions of factors after the moment of calculating the overall relevance of the site. As a rule, these are filters for internal re-optimization: footcloths, overspam.
  4. Barrier filters - do not allow the site to appear (or its pages) after calculating relevance. The site drops out of the search results (partially or completely), the positions go down because PS sanctions are imposed: an affiliate filter, a filter for the same snippets or adult content.

You can see the summary table of Yandex filters:

Yandex filters AGS-17, AGS-30, AGS-40, AGS-2015

AGS (abbreviated anti "govnosite") is perhaps the only Yandex filter about which algorithm developers provide official information:

The purpose of the filters of the "AGS" family is to remove from the search results low-quality sites that do not create value for Russian Internet users. But it’s not so straightforward to “remove” it, just to remove their influence on the ranking results. Moreover, since 2014, the accumulated TIC value for sites under the AGS filter has been reset to zero, i.e. we can say that the filter hits first of all on those who like to make money quickly on the mass and automatic sale of links.

How do you know that a site has been classified under the "AGS" filter?

It is very simple, if at the request of indexed pages in Yandex, you see in the search results 1-10 pages that are ranked normally (and you should have a lot more of them), and the rest of the pages are not - this is the AGS. An example of an AGS filter on the site of seven bloggers:

Also, sites under the AGS TIC = 0.

In order to finally make sure of this, you can look at the Yandex Webmaster:

For what reasons does Yandex impose the AGS-2015 filter on the site?

There are several reasons:

  • The site contains automatically generated content (non-copy, synonymize, copy-paste, mass machine translation, cheap rewriting with errors), or copied en masse from other sites;
  • Your site for people does not work correctly (configured), as a result of which there are duplicates of identical pages on it - under different addresses;
  • It is impossible to exclude the influence of such a factor as "stereotyped" in the event that the site works on a free and popular template;
  • If the site contains selling content and a large number of outbound SEO links that are not related to the topic of the site;
  • Incorrect site structure, in which almost all pages are accessible from the main one "in 1 click", and there are almost no pages in "3-4 clicks" - the search engine understands that this is how you are trying to transfer the maximum weight and imposes sanctions;
  • The volume of the content part of the pages of the site on average for the site is less than the volume of the "template" part - there is less useful content than the blocks in the sidebar and design, linking;
  • Lack of traffic for all pages - if the entry points on the site are only 1-2 pages, while there are many more pages on the site - especially if the site is visited by up to 100 people per day and there is no bookmark traffic;
  • Low-quality teaser and popunder shock ads or shock content;
  • There is no link mass to your site or it is of poor quality, while the site has an abuse of internal linking;
  • The presence on the site of a non-moderated or anonymous forum, blog - a place where low-quality or spam content is generated.

This is just a part of the list of 100 indicators developed by the authors of the "antigovnosite" algorithm. One way or another, the main goal is to minimize the impact on the ranking of govnosites, as well as reduce their number in the search results. I must say it works. Thousands of sites built to sell links (and not to benefit Internet visitors) have already sunk into oblivion due to falling under this filter. Fully automatic!

How to get out of the AGS filter?

If your beloved SDL fell under the AGS and you did not plan anything bad, write a letter to Plato from the Webmaster Panel. Ask a question, say that you are a beginner and did not really understand what happened.

If one of your hundred of yours got under the AGS, there are two options. To score and make a hundred more HS (only better), or make this HS a full-fledged SDL, which is not ashamed to show to grandmother. Time will pass and the filter will be automatically removed by Yandex (since it is also applied automatically), if the HS really turned out to be an SDL. In practice, this does not happen so often, so some webmasters prefer to simply change the domain of the site while maintaining their positions in the search.

In any case, if you are making a low-quality satellite, you need to understand the risks and be prepared for the fact that in 1-2 APa more than 1,000 pages will drop out of the index from the index. The bad news is that you won't be able to get out of the AGS quickly - the withdrawal period is up to 4 months.

Instructions for removing from under the AGS filter:

  • Make sure that the site does not have the problems described above (bad content, massive sale of links, stereotyped, etc.), if the links were sold, you will have to remove them.
  • Buy strong, trusted links from good sites. You will need not one or two links, but more than a dozen or two - they should all lead to as many pages as possible. In the next article, read what is better to buy links to the site.
  • Continue to develop the site, regularly update content, add new cool and detailed articles to increase the usefulness of the site for users - you need to do this in large batches so that> 50% of the content is updated.

Do not use young domains and free engines (VP, Joomla, Drupal, DLE) on free templates. Give up free hosting and third-level domains and finally turn a "useless" site into a useful one.

For more information on how to properly exit the AGS -.

Summing up the results about the Yandex AGS filter, I will remind you of 2 myths about the AGS:

  1. The filter is not created exclusively against sites with selling links, it is aimed at reducing the number of low-quality sites in the SERP: with poor content and design, and selling links is often a concomitant factor;
  2. The "thematic and uniqueness" of the content is not a 100% guarantee from the ACS filter, because even such content is not always relevant for users: sites with rewritten / copyright, but absolutely unreadable, are also included in the filter. it’s just useless text that you don’t need in the SERP.

This is how the AGS works - it does not allow meaningless websites to be displayed without entering them into the Yandex search base.

Positive consequences of the AGS filter:

  • For Yandex - thanks to the filter, the volume of the "search base" is reduced, i.e. pages that need to be indexed and entered into the database. Consequently, the load on the database and server decreases.
  • For a conscientious Russian webmaster - when buying links, most of the low-quality sites can be weeded out automatically just by checking the pages for indexing.
  • For those earning on satellites - an opportunity to improve their skills, or move to another area of ​​Internet business.
  • For a Russian Internet user (according to Yandex representatives), the search has become better, it has become easier to search for information.

You are the last filter

This filter is no longer spoken about as openly as about the AGS, and the very name was given to it by optimizers and webmasters, who observed one strange pattern.

If you take any unique phrase from the site, the page title or the domain itself and "Google" it in Yandex, you will see that in the search results for any such query, the site is not in the top ten results or is in the last place. Therefore, "you are the last." The filter is old and its definition is clearly irrelevant, because something has been tweaked in Yandex and the filter has become more like the so-called. "Google snot" or Supplemental filter (Supplemental).

The purpose of the "You are the last" filter is to pessimize pages that, in the opinion of the PS, are not of interest to users due to their non-unique nature or low quality. You can observe a drop in traffic from Yandex PS, but the pages themselves are still in the search results (and do not disappear from it as in the case of the AGS) and the site continues to be indexed.

The reason for the filter is content. Such sanctions from the PS signal that the content is outdated, has lost its uniqueness and relevance, perhaps you rarely update the site or use some common templates that are also used on other HS. Or the content from your site is partially copied and placed instead of the content of other sites on the garbage GS.

The cure for the filter is redesigning, replacing and updating content. To confirm the "You are the last" filter, you need to contact the Yandex TP and, if they confirm the low quality of the content on the site, start actively working on it. You will be helped by: new high-quality materials, unique images and photographs, elements for user interaction with the site (various services such as calculators).

If you decide to write articles yourself, then read.

Yandex affiliate filter

The filter is imposed by Yandex on similar sites for "affiliation", namely: when SEOs and webmasters want to take several places in the search results for key queries at once by several "different" sites.

It is done this way - the same "commercial offer" (prices, addresses, phone numbers) is posted on several sites and acts as a unifying factor that will allow one company to take several places in the top.

The task of the affiliate filter is to prevent one site / company from monopolizing the search results. This is done by excluding the least relevant pages from the search results from those recognized as affiliated.

Direct signs for imposing an affiliate filter (the same on several sites): contacts (addresses, map, phone numbers, data in the Yandex Reference), whois + registration time of domains and hosting IP server, similarity of domains, finding sites on the same account in the Webmaster / Metric (if there are other signs).

Indirect signs for imposing an affiliate filter (the same or very similar on several sites): design of a site template with a navigation structure, high intersection of goods / services / prices.

Yandex has long learned to apply a filter not only by direct signs, but also by indirect ones - by analyzing the principle of presenting information and descriptions.

The filter affects not only "white" commercial sites, but also "gray" sites using the same content or XML feed from partner programs. This is because webmasters are too lazy to uniqueize content and put it in order (and beginners simply do not know about the affiliate filter).

Symptoms of a filter for affiliation - the site simply suddenly disappears from the top for queries (maybe everything, or maybe not), for which there is already another site in the search results, more relevant, but affiliated with it. Please note that there are no sanctions for indexing sites - they are indexed normally.

It's funny, but both sites can be in the search results - for different requests, and from time to time they can change places - disappear and reappear. But together and at the same time they will not be in the search results - the filter is the same.

It is easy to check sites for the Yandex affiliate filter, here is the search query:


See only one site, should there be two? Everything is clear - the second one is under the filter. Are both sites present? There is no filter, the most relevant query is put first (relevance also depends on the order of sites in the query - try it yourself).

What to do to remove a website from the affiliate filter?

Eliminate the reasons why it was imposed.

From the point of view of the need for a guaranteed result (and the preservation of both sites), you can only act strategically - divide key phrases between the two sites and promote sites separately from each other. Tactically, in order to get quick results, you need to remove the so-called. "Unifying" features - i.e. addresses, phone numbers, contact details, information about the company, catalogs of goods and services should be different. You may also have to take "tough measures": change the design and structure of one site, change the owner of the domain name and registrar, completely redo information about services and goods. If you really violated the Yandex license, then only after the above actions can you write to the TP.

You don't have to write, but wait - over time, the filter will automatically be removed, if everything is done correctly, the sites will be shown in one search result for one request. You can protect yourself from this by simply creating sites in advance for different groups of requests.

Remember that in such situations, the sanctions of the Russian search engine Yandex can be imposed not only automatically, but also manually - by “knocking” from competitors or ill-wishers. Throws out of the search most often by a group of queries, i.e. on LF and MF, the site (s) can maintain positions, and on HF they may lose.

It also happens that sites fall under the affiliate filter by mistake. In this case, write in support of Yandex from the Webmaster's panel - you will have to talk to Plato and give weighty arguments.

Yandex filter for boosting PF (behavioral factors)

As you probably know, new ranking factors are constantly being added to algorithms. More recently, indicators of user behavior on the site have been added to the search algorithms for calculating the usefulness of pages.

Optimizers noticed this and many of them decided to tweak and increase these indicators. Hundreds of experiments on cheating these indicators and it became clear exactly how you need to imitate the behavior of site visitors so that it has a positive effect on the site's place in the search results.

Yandex was not satisfied with this situation and the analyst guys created a filter for cheating behavior factors. Its task is the absence of pages with wound PFs in the search results.

Symptoms - the site's positions for commercial queries sag from TOP-10 to TOP-40 and TOP-50, as a result of which the traffic from Yandex decreases.

Checking the presence of a filter is also simple: you need to compare the positions of the site in simple search results and in search results without taking into account behavioral ones. The second is just as easy to do, add some garbage to the query, for example, "vlmtfydvsyazhs". I'll show you with an example.

It is more convenient to use special scripts to compare a group of requests. Check out what the positions of a site look like when filtered for cheating behavioral factors:

It is easy to cure a site from a filter - remove PF wrapping, study the behavior of real users on the site in order to make a more convenient design and site interface for them.

However, now the sanctions for PF cheating have changed slightly. If earlier sites were greatly reduced in search results, now the influence of unnatural clicks is simply leveled by Yandex itself - it recognizes the cheating of behavioral factors by direct and indirect signs.

Those. Yandex pre-filters information about behavioral factors, and if it is not useful for Yandex, it simply does not take it into account when ranking. In 2016, it is difficult to determine a filter for PF - it works as a clear minus for the site only if the site has signs of other violations: internal spam, etc.

In this case, the filter for cheating user behavior acts as a catalyst for this or that pessimization of the site and works on the same principle as the filter for the "link boom".

And it is easy to define manual wrapping (not to mention the automatic one). See for yourself, if there is a certain group of people who every now and then enter queries into the search, go to the same sites and show an active interest in content there, then obviously they are doing this for a reason. All of this is tracked.

Remember that the average time it takes to get out of the filter for wrapping a PF (in combination with other factors) is 3-7 months. Time under the filter can be expensive and it is better not to take risks, so that later you do not restore positions in the search.

"You are spam" filter for re-optimization of website pages

With the help of this filter, Yandex gets rid of the search results from pages of sites that do not provide a comprehensive and full-fledged answer to a user's request. Yandex lowers the entire site in the search results by 10-20 positions, or its individual pages.

The reason for the imposition of sanctions on the PS "You are spam" is simple. This is over-optimization irrelevant page- there is no answer to the question on the page, but there are more different occurrences of requests than necessary, i.e. posted nonsensical content with efficiency for the user equal to 0. In some cases, this is: auto-linking, explicit overspam of text or its unnatural writing strictly for requests, sequential listing of keywords in a row, or abuse of accent and highlight tags. I think you understand what I mean.

For example, a webmaster adds a key entry + "reviews" or "prices" to the page, but there are no reviews / prices on the page itself. Misleading the user and the search robot.

Such a system protects sites with high-quality content from competitors' artificial “surge” of bad links. Those. you will not be able to "fill up" the competitor's face with links from varezniki and send it under the filter.

Nepot - Yandex filter

One of the oldest filters, called "Nepot", is also used by Yandex PS to reduce the influence of purchased links on any acceptor site. At the same time, unlike the previous three filters, nepot filters not the acceptor site, but the donor site (on which the links are placed).

But such sanctions do not affect the entire site, but are applied to individual links or link blocks, reducing their weight and influence to almost zero.

The nepot filter is applied to the site for:

  • Small print of the block of commercial links, no text environment and punctuation marks between them;
  • The most hidden location of the block of selling links on the page;
  • Links in the block are constantly changing and "blinking", there are several such links;
  • Links are not thematic and clearly do not look like "friend sites" i.e. the topics are very different and do not belong to the topic of the site.

The nepot filter is applied automatically and removed automatically. Change the design, remove the links and wait. Sometimes you have to make a request to the support service: "Excuse me, please, I will no longer."

  • The font in the link block should not be much smaller than the font of the main content on the page, and the color should not make the links invisible to humans;
  • You need text surrounding the links and punctuation marks to separate individual sentences;
  • There should be no more than 4-5 links in one block, preferably fewer: 1-3;
  • The link block should not be hidden close to the footer, place it in the middle or top of the sidebar;
  • The subject of the links should be close to your site.


Obviously, over the 10 years of super-fast development of Runet, we (the webmaster) have boldly stepped into the next decade and are forced to adapt to the ever-increasing requirements of Yandex for sites.

Yandex representatives constantly say “develop your site”, otherwise - a filter. At the same time, they are silent when you show them a "Site for People", but without SEO-optimization, which is poorly represented in the search.

The only thing left is to look for a "golden mean" in attempts to please both the soulless constantly changing algorithm, and users who do not care what you have configured there - they care about content, answers to their questions.

Therefore, do not rush when promoting sites, use common sense if you want to make any changes to the site, do not use keywords in the text so that they interfere with reading articles, do not advertise the site and do not sell links. Conversely, only buy cool links from high-quality donor sites, usually it is not cheap.

Well, now you know the theoretical minimum about Yandex filters. It's time to put it into practice. I wish you successful bypassing the filters! Remember that it is better not to fall under them than then do the double work of removing the site from the sanctions.

Yandex's site requirements are perhaps the strictest. All search engine filters aim to weed out potentially substandard or bad resources, making the way for the reputable and promising ones. Using the wrong optimization methods and other approaches, you can fall under one of the Yandex filters. Let's analyze the main ones and try to give advice on how to get out of each filter.

Domain Karma

Domains with history are easier to promote - this is an axiom. But not every old domain can have positive karma. It can be spoiled by:

  • prohibited content (for example, porn);
  • use of spam content or low quality rewrites;
  • using a site on a domain to sell cheap links.

Domain history is checked using the service - this is the easiest way to track the number of owners. If it changed frequently, it is better not to acquire such a name. But data on content posted on sites under this domain can be obtained from the Internet archive: It is enough to select a date and see how the site looked at a certain period.

Getting under the filter due to the negative karma of the domain is an almost irreversible process. Therefore, it is better to check the name before purchasing.

SPAM filter

It is imposed for exceeding the content of key queries on the page or for over-optimization. How to check if a site is under a SPAM filter? It is enough to enter in the Yandex search bar: "Your Key Request"site:Website address If your resource is not in the first position in the search results, it means that it is under the filter.

It is necessary to double-check the text content. The content level of keywords should be no higher than 4%. To do this, you need to use fewer search queries in the text, replacing them with synonyms. After correcting errors, the site will be removed from the filter in 2-3 weeks.

Commercial links filter

You can get under it for using commercial links with non-thematic anchors, from spam and other low-quality sites. You can determine that a resource has fallen under the filter in Yandex.Webmaster (section Diagnostics / Violations). To avoid risk, you need to select thematic donor sites and create anchors that are suitable in meaning and topic.

Filter for "link explosion"

They get to it by purchasing a large number of links overnight. You can determine the hit by noticing the zeroing of the TIC and the massive loss of pages from the index. To avoid risk, you need to track the dynamics of link growth through Yandex.Webmaster. The emphasis should be on gradual increase. In no case should you buy a lot of links, even if they are thematic and posted on reputable sites. Here is a situation that should not be allowed:


This is a combined filter that is applied over a complex consisting of:

  • small domain age;
  • selling low quality links;
  • a significant excess of the number of outgoing links over incoming ones;
  • posting low quality content with low uniqueness.

The filter was created to combat satellites. You can understand that you have fallen under it by resetting the TIC and the massive loss of pages from the search.

To get them under the filter, you need to remove all outbound links, improve the quality of the content and focus on creating a website for people. The timing of getting out of the filter is not defined - it is very difficult to predict a successful outcome.

Affiliate filter

They fall under it by promoting several resources of the same owner for identical requests. The owner is taken into account only for sites of the same or similar subject. You can identify affiliates by entering the following query: "keyword"~~ site: If there is another domain in the search results, then the filter is valid. If the entered domain is displayed, everything is fine.

Factors taken into account by algorithms when applying a filter:

  • Identical contact information on the site;
  • A single ip address of the user and his browser settings when entering the administrative part of the CMS;
  • General advertising codes for advertising systems;
  • A similar link profile: dynamics, types and relationships of anchors, number, selection parameters of donor sites;
  • A single legal entity that pays for advertising in the Yandex.Direct service;
  • A similar control system: similar settings, code, page templates, login passwords, etc .;
  • Same voice when calling;
  • Unified hosting center, hosting provider or its territorial location;
  • Identical ip addresses of sites;
  • Similarity of domain names, for example: /
  • Content of a large number of goods and services that are identical in description;
  • Generic overlapping non-unique content;
  • Re-linking between resources;
  • Unified domain name registrar;
  • Similar link profile outbound links;
  • Direct user transitions between sites from bookmarks;
  • Matching content management systems, including the version and list of installed plugins;
  • Coincidence of data on the owners of resources according to Whois information about the domain;
  • Coincidence / proximity of the date of registration of domain names;
  • Unified Yandex.Webmaster for multiple sites;
  • A single computer for authorization in several Yandex.Webmasters with suspicious sites;
  • Similar site design (possibly a template) and block layout;
  • Similar names of variables in the site code and its structure;
  • Similar url structure and directory names;
  • Identical offline data (contracts and stamps of the same organization, common employees, the same greeting on the phone, etc.)

The release period is from 7 days to several months.

Doorway filter

Doorways are developed in order to catch up and resell traffic. Websites are characterized by a huge amount of low frequency spam content.

Filter for porn

It's easy to guess what falls under it for relevant content, links or banners that link to porn sites. Be careful: you can get under the filter even for a spam comment not removed in a timely manner with a link to a porn resource. How to determine if a filter is hit? You will notice a drop in all but pornographic searches. Check this with a query: Site: site url: porn request

Protect against SPAM, remove all porn content. The release period takes 1-2 months.

Filter for cheating behavioral factors

They are usually wound automatically or manually. In the first case, bots are used, in the second - trained monkeys users clicking on links for a penny fee.

Stop using services to cheat behavioral factors, change the structure of the resource, and continuously improve its quality. It takes 8-12 texts to get out of the filters.


Filter for young domains - domains that are under a year old fall under it with almost 100% probability. This can be noticed by the extremely low growth rates. The filter was created forcibly - it protects the output from satellites.

One of the solutions is buying a domain with history. Do not forget about the first point of our article.

Filter for intrusive content ads

I have already written about pop-ups, pop-unders, clikunder, etc., there is no point in repeating myself. Follow the link and read what it threatens.

Filter for gluing mirrors

The presence of several sites on different domains with more than 80% content coincidence allows Yandex to draw appropriate conclusions. Which? He throws out the site registered later from the SERP.

If the presence of identical sites is justified, you need to uniqueize the content on each of them, remove reciprocal links, set up the main mirror in the Webmaster and write the host directive in robots.txt. The timing of getting out of the filter is difficult to predict.


The filter that caused panic among many webmasters. It is imposed for link spam. Removes from the search resources that are promoted exclusively by purchasing links in huge quantities. It is possible to recognize a hit by it by strong drawdowns in positions (by 20 points or more) and a decrease in TIC against the background of a stable output pattern in other search engines.

To exit from under the filter, you must remove all links. You can leave a stable minimum from authoritative sites. Report the result via Yandex.Webmaster:

The release period is at least 4 months.


Designed to remove sites without a mobile version from the search results. Ironically, it is in Vladivostok that the highest number of Internet users from mobile devices is registered (China and its cheap gadgets make themselves felt).

Create a mobile version of the site. The filter is new, so more detailed information on its functions is not yet available.

There were times when there were no sanctions from the search engines. Back then, links ruled the world of seo, and any site could climb to the top ten in the search results. It didn't matter how old the domain was, what kind of content it had, and whether netizens liked it. The only salvation was the removal of bad web resources from the index (or by SEO - they got banned). But it was very difficult to distinguish a bad site from a good one - knowledgeable specialists never used "black" seo, content with correct and competent link building (buying external links from various sites). At the same time, satellite sites appeared, which helped to build up the link mass of the promoted web resource. In general, everyone was happy, except for visitors to the Yandex search engine.

Of course, such a policy would not lead to good - the financial losses of the company could be catastrophic. Who wants to visit a search engine, if almost all ten sites on their pages contain completely SEO text of incomprehensible content. Users want unique content, with a minimum of links and good readability. Therefore, a new technology was invented for selecting the most useful and high-quality sites on the Runet.

Yandex sanctions - symptoms, treatment, prevention

- This is an algorithm that does not allow low-quality sites or GS (ShitSites - such resources are called in seo) to get access to the top lines in the top. Of course, the parallel task has not been forgotten - ignoring various resources promoted with the help of "black" seo. Thanks to the filters, Yandex was able to seriously clean up its search results - low-quality pages flew away from the index in batches, freeing up space for useful documents from the network. Today, knowledge of the sanctions of the most popular search engine allows every blogger and SEO to solve a number of problems. We'll look at them at the end of the article, but for now let's get acquainted with Yandex filters.

AGS filter

With the help of this option, Yandex fights against the most low-quality sites, not only throwing their top pages out of search results, but also removing them from its index. This is a kind of fight against HS, so the filter was called AGS (AntiGovnoSite) 🙂 Let's get to know this type of sanctions more closely.

Signs... You can find out about a site hitting this filter by the following criterion - a sharp dropout of pages, only documents with unique content remain in the index (perhaps the main headings of a site or blog and a number of pages).

Causes... Web resources with prohibited content (porn, arms sales, etc.) are necessarily blocked and removed from the index. Also, if the web resource contains many pages with non-unique content. Young blogs or sites with template design and low traffic (no more than 50 unique visitors per day) can fall under this filter. And, of course, such a fine is deserved by web resources with a large number of selling links.

How to avoid ... In order not to fall under this filter, you must follow two rules:

  • the site should contain only unique content;
  • do not place a large number of links on the pages of the web resource.

Exit filter ... It is very difficult to return a site to its previous positions by paying for all items. But it is possible - it will take at least 4-6 months to complete the following actions:

  • replace non-unique content with new, add new pages (the more, the better);
  • minimize the number of outbound links;
  • check the website design for uniqueness and, if necessary, change it to a unique one;
  • increase the visibility of a web resource in Yandex for the remaining indexed landing pages (if any) - increase traffic for certain key phrases on these pages;
  • contact Platon Shchukin (report your problem to the PS support service).

In the following figure, you can see an example of a site that is located under the ACS filter. To see this, it is enough to set a specific search for a special url operator in the Yandex search line and scan for the presence of web resource pages with www and without www. As you can see in this example, the site has only one page in the index - the main page. All others are excluded.

You are the last filter

We can say that this sanction is a lightweight version of the ACS. In this case, the site moves from the top positions in the SERP to the last places.

Signs... The site owner can observe a sharp decrease in the positions of landing pages - the pessimization of the web resource.

Causes... It's very simple - the presence of non-unique content on the site.

How to avoid ... Only unique content is required on the site.

How to withdraw... The scheme is the same as with AGS - we add completely new content, write new articles, create new pages - contact Yandex technical support.

How to check for a filter

To check if your site is under this filter, you need to do the following: In the search box, enter a unique query from the text of the site page without quotes and with quotes. If you apply a filter for a query without quotes, the site will take low positions, and if you type with quotes, it will take first place.

You are spam filter

The Yandex search engine is struggling with various sites that offer its visitors hard-to-read or over-optimized text. The maximum punishment is a big loss of positions in the search results.

Signs... The site owner sees a noticeable decrease in the site's positions on landing pages that contain either hard-to-read text or are highly optimized. If there are many pages, sanctions may affect the entire site, even pages with normal text.

Causes... Pages can lose their position in two cases:

  1. If their text is over-optimized (high keyword density).
  2. If the page contains spam technologies:
  • abuse of highlight tags (strong, b, i);
  • keywords are in solid text separated by commas;
  • the page title (title) contains spam;
  • the page has several headers in h1;
  • the text looks like a sheet of words without any markup (a document with a large number of characters without tables, lists, pictures, videos, paragraphs, contextual links; no structure - no subheadings or very few of them)

How to avoid ... Do not forget that the site is created primarily for people, and not for search robots. Create only high-quality content, without distortions in internal optimization on the pages of a web resource.

How to withdraw... First of all, you need to check the landing pages for uniqueness. Next, revise the text of each document that has been downgraded. If the text looks like a sheet, be sure to add markup - style each thematic paragraph with subheadings (h2-h6 tags), create lists, attach explanatory pictures or videos. Usually, if you complete the entire volume of the above activities, after a couple of updates, the landing pages will reappear in the same places, and possibly even higher. 🙂

An example of a re-optimized site (, which is located under the "You are spam" filter, can be seen in the following figure.

Using the service, I performed a small analysis of the selected text from the site under study and got the following numbers. They speak for themselves - the text is spammed with the word "iphone".

Filter for affiliate sites

There are times when in the search results for the same keywords there are several sites of the same company. The search engine believes that in this way the owner wants to get the double benefit of being in the top 10. Yandex filters the landing pages of the sites of these companies, leaving only one site for each request. The search engine will select the most relevant entry points according to its parameters. And which he will choose is very difficult to guess - the choice can be influenced by the age of the web resource, and its authority and much more.

Signs... Landing pages of a site that fell under this filter completely disappear from the search results or fly out of the top 100. If some pages do not intersect with other entry points of another site, then they remain in the crescent.

You can check for affiliation as follows. If we are familiar with the address of the site - "twin", in the search box we need to set the following query:

“Search query” site address # 1 | site address # 2.

Causes... Let's list the signs that can induce a search engine to send affiliate sites under this filter:

How to avoid ... It is enough not to admit similar information, not to resort to using the same templates, etc. In order not to get into such a situation, I use the site audit service in the automated promotion system (see figure).

How to withdraw... The first step is to look at the data of the affiliate site and change the contact information of your company on the page, to uniqueize the product catalog (this applies to online stores). If you need to change the look and structure of the site, do it. After all the improvements and changes, you should write to Yandex technical support.

"Nepot filter"

Selling links is one of the problems of the Yandex search engine in the struggle for the purity of the search results. SEOs are trying to increase the authority of the site being promoted, Yandex is trying to keep these web resources out of the top. There is a special nepot filter for this.

Signs... This sanction is imposed on sites that sell links (according to the search engine, of course). As a result, the weight of outbound links from these web resources is specifically reduced.

Causes... Let's list the signs by which the site can fall under this filter:

  • a large number of external links on landing pages;
  • a large number of pages with external links;
  • placing links in special blocks;
  • inconsistency of link texts with the main content of the page.

How to avoid ... First, don't bulk link your landing pages. Secondly, you do not need to post links to sites of other topics. Thirdly, thanks to the correct anchor and near-link text, links should look natural and not far-fetched.

How to withdraw... It is necessary to reduce the number of external links, remove special blocks, optimize anchor text and not use non-thematic sites.

Reference explosion

Signs... Yandex has always kept track of how many sites link to a particular web resource. Its authority directly depends on the quantity and quality of links. And if a search engine notices a sharp jump in the number of links, it assumes the promotion of this site. Accordingly, the position of a web resource in the search results ceases to grow, as a punishment for such a kind of rise in fake popularity.

Causes... There are a number of main reasons for getting this filter:

  • a sharp increase in referring domains to a specific site. Here it is important to understand what exactly are domains and not links. There can be a huge number of links coming from a couple of sites (for example, like end-to-end links in the footer) - they are not punished for this. But if a large number of donor sites start to link to a web resource in a short period of time (even if a couple of links from each), then expect trouble.
  • abrupt removal of links from an acceptor site (a web resource that accepts links). This can also serve as an impetus for Yandex to award the web resource the honorary title of "explosives".
  • steep negative-positive dynamics of links. For example, a week ago, more than 110 links from different domains came to the site, and after another week they disappeared. And again the same thing a month later.

How to avoid ... Don't buy links from many different sites at once. Do not provoke Yandex - add (remove) from gradually, as if naturally. Always keep control of external links using various services or programs. Personally, I use Yandex webmaster tools.

How to withdraw... There is no way to quickly eliminate the effects of this filter. We'll have to play by Yandex's rules - gradually purchase and remove external links according to the promotion plan. This takes approximately 3 to 6 months.

Filter for cheating behavioral factors

The user has always been in the first place for Yandex. The place of sites in the SERP depends on his preferences, his actions on the site, on his behavior. Therefore, in order to achieve top positions, each site owner or blogger thinks over the usability of their web resources, offers their visitors various ways to increase the user factor.

Signs... But there are different methods of influencing visitors. And those sites that try to manipulate the actions of their users can get such a filter. And in this case, these web resources lose their gained positions in the search results, flying out of the top 100.

Causes... An attempt to influence search engine rankings by misusing behavioral ranking factors.

How to avoid ... There are two ways to get sanctions. The first is due to incorrect search engine optimization of the site (maybe the specialist did something wrong, or used black seo, etc.). In this case, it is urgent to change the entire promotion strategy, and send the negligent specialist to the mother for re-education. 🙂 The second option is intrigues from competitors. Here it is necessary to write a tearful letter to Platon Shchukin and ask him for protection.

How to withdraw... First, we write a letter that the positions of the site have fallen, we say that we will no longer be so naughty. And of course, after receiving an answer, we humbly wait 3-6 months. 🙂

Why knowledge of filters is necessary

Many of my readers will think, why should they know this? I will give a simple answer - in order to better promote your website or blog, you need to know everything. After all, we are invading the territory of Yandex, where its charter and law are in effect. Therefore, knowledge of the sanctions will not only allow you to protect your web resource from errors and misunderstandings, but also help to effectively promote your site to the top.

Let me give you one example from my SEO life. Although it is still small, there is already a story to tell. At the very beginning, when I was still taking courses on search engine promotion, I experimented with the automated RooKee system. I invested a small penny there and started promoting my blog by buying links. Since there was not much money for this experiment (200 Russian rubles), after setting various parameters for the advertising campaign, I calmly forgot about the seo-aggregator. Reminded me of this when I saw the rapid growth of links from different domains. It's good that I came to my senses in time and closed my entire advertising program, deleting all tasks. Of course, I would not get a link explosion (the RooKee system has a protective function for bulk buying of links - the younger the promoted site, the less it buys them). But the authority of his "green" blog spoiled a little - the automatically purchased links were absolutely not from thematic sites. The money went down the pipe ...

Let's get back to the benefits of knowing all the filters. Here are some tips that can be useful for novice SEOs and bloggers when promoting their sites and blogs, knowing the principles of imposing sanctions from Yandex (taking into account the emergence of the new Kaliningrad algorithm).

  1. If you liked someone else's text, do not copy it to your blog - it is better to rewrite the text, thereby making it unique.
  2. Do not look for links on linkpomoys - the time has already passed when a large number of external links gave a great advantage in website promotion. Better to buy or search for quality links from trusted (authoritative) sites. Better fewer, but more powerful in transmitted weight.
  3. If the site or blog is not yet six months old, then you can buy 30-50 links from different donors. If the age has crossed the half-year line - 50-100.
  4. Before you want to buy any foreign domain, check it for filters (first of all for AGS, nepot filter, for cheating behavioral factors). Buying an almost completely or entirely closed site for indexing will not be able to add to your pleasure in purchasing a web resource.
  5. Do not forget - a sea of ​​links from a couple of sites is possible, and a couple of links from a sea of ​​sites is a disaster lasting 6 months 🙂
  6. The nepot filter is applied to pages that contain more than 25 outbound links. Do not overlap this figure - Yandex will not count more than 25 for this filtering feature. He will just tighten the nuts :).
  7. Before buying links on a specific site, look at the donor site and check its friendship with Yandex. If this is a tricky link scraper, then you will receive a meager weight from the deal and a bunch of problems. Do you need it?

This completes my story about Yandex filters. Perhaps you have any questions or want to supplement my material - you are welcome! An unfilled block for comments awaits you, dear readers of my blog. 🙂

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It's great when you know exactly why the traffic on the site has dropped and the positions are hanging far from the top. But there are situations in which the lack of growth in indicators becomes a real mystery. Sometimes SEOs become real detectives. Let's figure out how to check if the site is under Yandex. Let's learn how to recognize the Yandex filter by symptoms. At the end, I will add an algorithm of actions, how to know for sure that the site has come under the Yandex filter.

Check site for Yandex filter: spam

One of the most common filters. The problem is that sometimes a work page that has been sitting in the top for some time can unexpectedly go under the spam filter. When positions drop sharply by 10-15 points, you should immediately check the document for oversaturation with keywords.


  • A sharp drop in positions for one request by 10-20 points;
  • When the search query is modified, the positions increase significantly;
  • For other requests leading to the page, the document is ranked as it should.

We check it like this: we take the request of interest, for example, "legal support". We drive into the Yandex search bar and find our page. For example, we are in 19th place. Then we slightly change the word form of the request or change the order of words, for example, "legal support", and see how the position of our page has changed for this request. If the difference is 10-15 points and the remaining conditions are met, we can diagnose overspam with a high degree of probability.


We simply reduce the number of occurrences of this query or change its word form. We are waiting, if it did not help, we remove another entry and again wait for the update. Ideally, sort out competitors and count the number of occurrences of this key on their pages and do the same for yourself.

It makes sense to check the document's anchor sheet. Possibly overspamming is due to excessive amount of keyword in link anchors

Define Yandex Filter: Over-Optimization

It is also common. Basically, they punish pages with excessive bold / italics, inconsistent sentences, a huge amount of characters.


  • A sharp drop in the page in the search for the entire group of queries leading to the page;
  • The subsidence is 20-30 positions (the site gets into the TOP-30 or TOP-40);
  • Significant traffic loss.

We check:

It is necessary to compare our document with a competitor, which is higher by 5-10 positions. We do this using the constructionrequest (site: | site: ... We look if each time, substituting a competitor in the request, we see that our site isbelowand the rest of the conditions are met, there is a high degree of probability that this is over-optimization. For example, the request"Buy a bouquet of flowers", and the whole group leading to the relevant page sank. We find our document in the search, for example, at the 40th position. We are looking at 5 documents that are above us at 35th ... 30th positions. In turn, we substitute them into the comparison request and see which site is higher.


Completely change the text of the page, remove the bold and italic highlighting. While rewriting the text, we try to make it useful, human. We are trying to get into the thematic cluster, well, this is another story about writing content.

Great example of over-optimized text:

Check the site for Yandex filters: "no name"

Also, this filter is called "new filter" or "ranking restriction". It is very similar to over-optimization, but there is one significant difference that makes this filter much nasty. He immediately punishes a group of pages with similar topics, throwing out pages for the TOP-100.


  • One to one resemblance to over-optimization;
  • Subsidence of a whole cluster of pages by 50-100 + points.


By the principle of checking over-optimization, with the same search query we compare our site with a competitor from the TOP-50. That is, 49th ... 40th place. If in most cases our resource turns out to beaboveanalyzed competitor, a high proportion of the likelihood that a "restriction in ranking" is imposed.


We remove unnecessary occurrences of queries from different zones of the document, including the attributes of images and links: alt, title. We rewrite the text of all pages that fell under the sanctions. We remove some of the direct occurrences and excess selections in bold, italics, etc.

Before diagnosing this limitation, it is necessary to exclude all other options for losing positions: server response errors, affiliation, and others.


Checking a site for Yandex filters: link explosion

An awesome filter that can only be reached by doing black and gray SEO. The disadvantage of a link explosion is that some time before and some time after the fact of the explosion, the link factors cease to affect the positions.


  • One-time growth of a large number of links from different domains.
  • No influence on the ranking of reference factors.

We check:

Using services like or, we look at the dynamics of the growth of backlinks. Well, in general, you are probably aware of the purchase. It is impossible to accurately diagnose the very fact of the explosion, only to assume.


Time will heal. Just wait for a couple of updates without purchasing links.

If you buy a bunch of links from a single domain, there will be no link explosion. It's easier not to get under the filter. Just buy links smoothly from different sources and show constant positive dynamics.

Yandex filters: how to check a site for Minusinsk

A sensational filter for buying SEO links. There is a lot of information on it, we will not go deeply.

What is punished for:

  • High percentage of SEO links compared to natural links (roughly when 40% + SEO links of the total);
  • Total number of SEO links (no more than 500 SEO links);
  • Anchor list parameters (there are too many commercial keys in anchors).

Release date:

The best result is 1 month. The average exit from Minusinsk is 3 months.


  • The overwhelming majority of requests (except for microloans) fall by about 15–20 positions;
  • Metrica shows a sharp drop in traffic from Yandex;
  • Felt on all subdomains.


We completely refuse to buy SEO links. We remove links and write in those. support that we understood and admitted our mistakes and promise not to be naughty anymore. If possible, speed up page indexing.

You can analyze your link profile, find explicit SEO links and remove only those links. Then write to Yandex, inform that everything has been fixed. If it doesn't help, we shoot another batch of backlinks and repeat the action. Additionally, you can increase the number of natural links.

How to check a website for Yandex filters: PF promotion

Everything here is extremely simple and very tough. If you cheat on behavioral factors - be prepared, you will definitely be punished.

What is punished for:

  • Artificial improvement of PF inside the site.
  • Scaling up conversions on SEO-links.
  • Artificial increase in search conversions.


  • The site drops sharply for all requests except vital ones;
  • Search traffic disappears;
  • Yandex's technical support gives an unambiguous answer.

Very long term for getting out of sanctions, sometimes exceeding 9 months. Sometimes it's easier to start a new website than to get out of the filter.

Yandex filters: how to check affiliation

They are imposed on the sites of one owner in order to prevent a monopoly in the issue.


  • Regular jumps in positions for queries that intersect between two sites;
  • For one request, out of two affiliate sites, only one is shown.

We check:

Using a search query lang: ru ~~ domain: ua<< ( | url: If you enter this request and only one of the analyzed sites appears, you are affiliated. If both, there is no filter.


  • We are going to different hosting sites.
  • Change contact information (so that it is different on affiliated sites).
  • We make a different directory structure (if the sites were made according to the same template).
  • We make a different structure of the landing pages (again, if the sites were made according to the template).
  • We change the registration data of the domain (so that there is no one owner for two domains).
  • We promote with different strategies (for example, so that there is no identical link profile).

Websites perfectly live in affiliation if they are promoted in a different semantic core.

Check Yandex Sanctions: Aggressive Ads


  • Search traffic is reduced by 30-50%
  • The site does have psychedelic ads


Yandex search filter: adult content

If your site contains profanity or videos containing "adult" content, you will not be shown in Yandex using the family filter. I see no point in describing the symptoms and treatment.

Rarely, but it happens that sites that are linked with "adult" anchor text may fall under this filter.

How to check:

We are looking for our site in a family search, if we do not find it, we uncheck the box and look at the adult issue. If you find your page there - this is it.

Check site for Yandex sanctions: identical snippets

Sites with non-unique or uninformative snippets are hidden.


  • Loss of positions for one / several requests;
  • Most often, product cards suffer.

How to check:

We go into the search, drive in the request and add characters to the URL& rd = 0.Similar to the old "show all" button, we see all, even hidden, results. If there really are the same snippets, this is probably the reason for the drop in positions.


Rewriting the content of the description meta tag. If the snippet on the site is pulled from some area of ​​the page content, you need to rewrite this part of the text. Entering the company name into the snippet helps a lot.

Keep track of the uniqueness of snippets inside your site!

Yandex search filters: deceiving a search engine

Using cloaking, that is, showing different content to the search engine and to the user, is bad. Well, in order to screw it up, you need to really want it. Black Hat SEOs already know what happens. Therefore, we will not dwell on this.

Checking for Yandex filters: AGS

Threatens mainly to non-commercial sites aimed at selling links. If you trade in links, then for you.


  • The site is more than six months old and TCI = 0;
  • Drop in traffic from search.


It is very painful. It is necessary to rewrite all content, remove selling links and other disgrace. In general, if the site is geared towards making money by selling links and terrible advertising, then it is easier to create a new one.

For sweetness: the algorithm for checking for Yandex filters

If there are problems, then we look to see if the site fell under the Yandex filters according to this algorithm:

  1. We check whether the document is indexed, the server response code, whether there is a ban on indexing, look at the robots meta tag and the robots file, whether the link rel = "cannonical" is configured correctly (if any). If everything is in order, go to step 2.
  2. We look at whether the document passed the quorum and look at the binding to the promoted region. We just add url to the document address: and see if the document is found - everything is in order and go to step 3. If it is not, then the problem is not in the sanctions.
  3. If there is a suspicion of an adult filter, set it in Yandex settings "no restrictions". We look to see if your site is being searched. If the filter is not found, go ahead.
  4. Age of the site. We look at the date of the first indexing of the site and understand that if the site is young (less than 3 months), this may be the problem with positions and traffic. You can check it like this: we drive a request into Yandex, find our site and add & how = tm to the URL line and see the indexing date in the snippet. If older than 3 months - go ahead.
  5. We check the page for identical snippets. If we find a filter, we stop and work with snippets.
  6. We are looking for an affiliate site by the method of successive exclusion of suspects.
  7. We are looking for duplicates on the site to eliminate the likelihood of cutting the relevant page. We check using the title search operator:our titlein order to find the same. If we do not find identical pages, go to step 8.
  8. We are looking for spam according to the instructions above, modifying search queries. If we find a spam, we stop. If you haven't found it, let's move on.
  9. We diagnose over-optimization using the instructions described in this article.
  10. If all the points are passed, but the problem of sagging positions and traffic has not been identified, we compose a letter in those. support and we look forward to sad news.

Analyzing the problem pages of the site according to this checklist, you will be able to find the reason with a high degree of probability. Using the instructions above, you will be able to diagnose and find out the applied sanctions, making sure of your assumption and solving the problem that has arisen.

I sincerely hope that the article will help you on the difficult path of website promotion.

Hello everyone! In 2014, there were many changes in SEO aimed at improving the quality of search results and fighting web spam. Among them are disabling links for some queries in Yandex, combating the cheating of behavioral factors, changes in the operation of the AGS algorithm, updating the Panda filters, etc.

Many sites were pessimized for prohibited promotion methods. The search engine algorithms are imperfect and quite normal web resources periodically fall under the distribution. The task of the webmaster is to determine in time that the site is filtered. This is not so difficult given some of the features that will be described later. It is much more difficult to find out which filter the site fell under in order to find out the reasons and be able to fix everything as quickly as possible. This is what this article will be about.

How to find out if a site is filtered by Yandex or Google?

The most severe punishment is a site ban, that is, a complete exclusion of all pages from the index and a ban on adding to the add-on. Ban is quite rare and you have to try very hard to get it. The only solution to the problem can only be a domain change.

Much more often, filters are applied to sites, which can be of different types:

  • technical
  • reference,
  • text,
  • behavioral.

I will not describe everything in detail here, as there are a lot of them and there is enough information on the Internet about it. Our task is to determine the very existence of any sanctions that may be imposed on the entire resource as a whole, or on individual pages.

Signs that a site is being filtered:

  1. loss of traffic associated with dropping positions, dropping a significant number of pages from the index or changing relevant pages;
  2. resetting the TCI (a sure sign of the AGS);
  3. notification in the panel for Google webmasters about the imposition of manual sanctions.

It should be remembered that the loss of traffic is not always a sign of a filter. There are quite objective reasons:

  • seasonality of requests;
  • prohibition of indexing (for example, incorrect configuration of the robots.txt file or meta robots tag);
  • temporary unavailability of the site or low download speed due to hosting problems;
  • changing the structure of URL pages (it is important to set up 301 redirects in a timely manner);
  • a mark in the SERP that the site threatens the security of your computer (you need to quickly find and remove the virus).

Some reasons for imposing search engine sanctions:

  • Technical problems - duplicate pages, slow loading speed, broken links, etc.
  • Non-unique, generated or useless content (You are the last one, Panda). It is important that the uniqueness is not only technical, but also semantic, otherwise the site will face a filter for lack of added value. You can read what it is on Elena Kamskaya's blog.
  • Low-quality content with an excessive number of keywords and their emphasis in bold, italic, underlining (You are spam, Panda).
  • A large number of sellable external links (nepot filter).
  • A sharp increase in backlinks, especially from poor resources (Link Explosion, Penguin).
  • Spamming anchor list (Penguin).
  • An abundance of ads on the first screen and aggressive ads.
  • The presence of "adult" content (Anti-Adult filter).
  • Cheating behavioral factors in Yandex.
  • Striving to promote several sites of the same owner in the search results (Affiliate filter).

The list can be continued for a long time, since the struggle of search engines with unscrupulous optimizers continues constantly.

How to determine the site under which filter?

So, the site has lost traffic and positions. We know almost all the main filters of Yandex and Google, but how to understand which one is imposed on our resource. For example, the presence of AGS can be easily viewed through the RDS bar or the service. Google will inform us about manual sanctions itself. But what about the rest of the filters, how to define them?

Obviously, it is worth comparing the site traffic graph with the release of major updates to search algorithms. If the dips or ups in attendance exactly coincide with the update dates, then with a high degree of probability they can be connected with each other.

To determine the Panda and the Penguin, there are foreign online services that require mandatory access to the Google Analytics counter. For instance,

Personally, I use Metrica more often, besides Yandex interests me to a greater extent. How to be in this case? And there is a way out - this is a new free tool from fellow countrymen from the SeoLib company called "Traffic Analysis".

How to use the service

To check the site for Yandex and Google filters, it is enough to log into the Ya.Metrika or Google Analytics account, from where the traffic data will be loaded. Then we register on the website and click on the wrench icon in the upper right corner. In the drop-down list of tools, select "Traffic Analysis".

I selected Metrica, and in my case, the application will request permission to the data on Yandex. Click the "Allow" button and on the page that opens, select the project to check.

We get a graph comparing the dynamics of traffic from search engines with the dates of changes in ranking algorithms.

Hovering over the vertical bars displays the date and name of the update.

As you can see, my Yandex traffic began to drop from December 1, 2014. At that time, there was an Anti-Fraud Update - sanctions for PF cheating (clicks in the SERP and clicks on links). I don’t know, maybe it’s a coincidence, since I don’t use wrapping. Let's see what happens next.

Below is a color decoding for Yandex and Google. Unnecessary filters can be hidden by ticking them.

Another cool feature is traffic comparison. You can choose 2 periods, a search engine and compare the TOP-50 of the most traffic-generating pages and queries. The average number of visits per day for each period will be shown, as well as the number and percentage of their changes.

This completes the review of the tool for checking the site for search engine filters, but the acquaintance with the SeoLib service is just beginning. I recommend taking a closer look at it, there are a lot of tools that are useful for an optimizer. Some of them are paid, but the cost is quite adequate. In addition, until December 31, New Year's bonuses are valid with a one-time replenishment for:

  • $ 10-49 automatically credited to the account + 10% of the top-up amount
  • 50-99 USD - twenty%
  • 100-249 USD - thirty%
  • 250-499 USD - 40%
  • From 500 USD - 50%

P.S. New 2015 is coming very soon and, taking this opportunity, I want to congratulate you, my dear readers, on this wonderful holiday! I wish you and your family good health, moral and physical strength to withstand the crisis! I wish you personal happiness and prosperity for your business! Do not lose faith in yourself, even if there are difficulties along the way! See you in the New Year!

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